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Summary The syrinx of songbirds includes two separate sound sources, the internal tympaniform membranes (ITM), which form the medial wall of each bronchus. The performance of each ITM is controlled by the muscles of that syringeal half. In the canarySerinus canarius, hypoglossal fibers reaching the syrinx via the tracheosyringealis branch of the hypoglossus are responsible for sound modulation. The muscles controlling the performance of the left syringeal half are innervated solely by the left tracheosyringealis; those controlling the right syringeal half are innervated only by the right tracheosyringealis. In the canary and white-crowned sparrow (Zonotrichia leucophrys) a great majority of song elements disappears after section of the left tracheosyringealis, yet remains intact after section of the right one. This phenomenon, earlier described in the chaffinch (Nottebohm, 1970, 1971, 1972) and confirmed in the white-throated sparrow (Lemon, 1973), has been called left hypoglossal dominance. Left hypoglossal dominance occurs in canaries with small or large song repertoires. It occurs in chronically deafened canaries that never had access to their own auditory feedback; it also occurs in birds that had the right or left cochlea removed at an early age. To this extent, left hypoglossal dominance seems to emerge in the individual as a motor phenomenon.We wish to thank Betsy Manning for all the time and effort she spent recording the song of our birds. We are also indebted to Professor Peter Marler, Rockefeller University, for letting us include in our study several birds which he reared in noise and which formed part of an earlier experiment (Marler et al., 1973). Our research was supported by NIH grant MH 18343.  相似文献   

Summary The song of intact male canaries develops under the almost exclusive control of the left hypoglossus and left syringeal half. Section of the left hypoglossus or of its tracheosyringealis branch induces the right hypoglossus to assume a dominant control over vocal behavior. When this operation is done during the first two weeks after hatching the ensuing song is under sole right hypoglossal control; if done during the third and fourth week after hatching song develops under shared right-left hypoglossal control. In either case the quality of song is close to that of intact birds of comparable age. If the left hypoglossal innervation to the syrinx is cut when song development is already well under way (plastic song) or after stable adult song has been acquired, then the quality of song developed is markedly poorer than that of controls. From these observations we may conclude that: 1) Left or right hypoglossal dominance are not necessary for the production of normal canary song. 2) Soon after hatching either hypoglossus has the potential to assume a dominant role in song development. 3) The ability of the right hypoglossus to develop normal song decreases as birds master song under dominant left hypoglossal control. It is suggested that hypoglossal dominance and dominance reversal may provide convenient material to study neuronal changes related to the learning of new motor tasks.Abbreviations e.l. external labium - i.t.m. internal tympaniform membrane - ts tracheosyringealis Steven Green, Myron C. Baker and Timothy DeVoogd provided invaluable help on statistical analysis. Steven Green also read the text and made useful suggestions.  相似文献   

The physical mechanisms of sound generation in the vocal organ, the syrinx, of songbirds have been investigated mostly with indirect methods. Recent direct endoscopic observation identified vibrations of the labia as the principal sound source. This model suggests sound generation in a pulse-tone mechanism similar to human phonation with the labia forming a pneumatic valve. The classical avian model proposed that vibrations of the thin medial tympaniform membranes are the primary sound generating mechanism. As a direct test of these two hypotheses we ablated the medial tympaniform membranes in two species (cardinal and zebra finch) and found that both were still able to phonate and sing without functional membranes. Small changes in song structure (harmonic emphasis, frequency control) occurred after medial tympaniform membrane ablation and suggest that the medial tympaniform membranes play a role in adjusting tension on the labia. Such a role is consistent with the fact that the medial tympaniform membranes are directly attached to the medial labia. There is no experimental support for a third hypothesis, proposing an aerodynamic model for generation of tonal sounds. Indirect tests (song in heliox atmosphere) as well as direct (labial vibration during tonal sound) measurements of syringeal vibrations support a vibration-based sound-generating mechanism even for tonal sounds.  相似文献   

After sections of left or right tracheosyringeal nerve (NXIIts), greenfinches may repeat everyday calls, with no effect on temporal properties. It is suggested that either side of syrinx may produce sound alone and ipsilateral innerration of NXIIts for the syringeal muscles. After section of left NXIIts, the bird produces the vocal pattern of partial tone increase, and effects on the sound intensity and sentence length average 1.4 and 2.8 times those after section of right NXIIts, suggesting that the innervation of NXIIts has left side dominance. After bilateral section of NXIIts, the call rhythm in company with expiratory motions is 98–146 times/min, on an average, and lose all sentence types and syllable structure of normal call. But the call spectra produced by tympaniform membrane vibrations without innervation still reserve frequency components similar to the tonic frequency and harmonics of normal calls.  相似文献   

Summary The syrinx of song birds contains two sound sources, the internal tympaniform membranes located one in each bronchus, that are controlled by the syringeal musculature. These muscles are innervated by the cervicalis descendens superior (CDS) branch of the hypoglossal nerve. Unilateral sections of the left CDS nerve in Java sparrows markedly disrupted tonal quality of the songs, although temporal parameters were unaltered. Bilateral CDS nerve sections caused greater disruption in frequency characteristics and temporal parameters were altered. Most birds died due to asphyxia soon after the operation. Right CDS nerve sections had much less effect, except on long whistles where extra low frequency sounds appeared, probably from the denervated right bronchus. Intact song pattern was restored within four months without re-innervation of the right syringeal musculature. This unilateral dominance in the control of the syrinx agrees with previous work and adds to the support for the two voice theory of sound production in birds (Greenewalt, 1968; Stein, 1968).Abbreviation CDS Nervus cervicalis descendens superior  相似文献   

In brown thrashers (Toxostoma rufum) and grey catbirds (Dumetella carolinensis) neither side of the syrinx has a consistently dominant role in song production. During song, the two sides operate independently, but in close cooperation with each other and with the respiratory muscles which are capable of adjusting expiratory effort to maintain a constant rate of syringeal airflow despite sudden changes in syringeal resistance. Phonation is frequently switched from one side of the syrinx to the other, both between syllables and within a syllable. When both sides of the syrinx produce sound simultaneously, their respective contributions are seldom harmonically related. The resulting “two-voice” syllables sometimes contain difference tones with prominent sinusoidal amplitude modulation (AM). Rarely, both sides simultaneously produce the same sound. In general, however, the frequency range of sound contributed by the right syrinx is higher than that of the left syrinx. The right syrinx is also primarily responsible for producing a rapid cyclical amplitude modulation which is a characteristic feature of some syllables. This kind of AM is generated by either repetitive brief bursts of sound from the right side that modulate the amplitude of a continuous sound arising on the left side or cyclically opening the right syrinx, allowing unmodulated expiratory air to bypass the phonating left side. 1994 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

After sections of left or right tracheosyringeal nerve (NXⅡts), greenfinches may repeat everyday calls, with no effect on temporal properties. It is suggested that either side of syrinx may produce sound alone and ipsilateral innervation of NXⅡts for the syringeal muscles. After section of left NXIIts, the bird produces the vocal pattern of partial tone increase, and effects on the sound intensity and sentence length average 1.4 and 2.8 times those after section of right NXIIts, suggesting that the innervation of NXIIts has left side dominance. After bilateral section of NXIIts, the call rhythm in company with expiratory motions is 98-146 times/min,on an average, and lose all sentence types and syllable structure of normal call. But the call spectra produced by tympaniform membrane vibrations without innervation still reserve frequency components similar to the tonic frequency and harmonics of normal calls.  相似文献   



Singing in songbirds is a complex, learned behavior which shares many parallels with human speech. The avian vocal organ (syrinx) has two potential sound sources, and each sound generator is under unilateral, ipsilateral neural control. Different songbird species vary in their use of bilateral or unilateral phonation (lateralized sound production) and rapid switching between left and right sound generation (interhemispheric switching of motor control). Bengalese finches (Lonchura striata domestica) have received considerable attention, because they rapidly modify their song in response to manipulations of auditory feedback. However, how the left and right sides of the syrinx contribute to acoustic control of song has not been studied.


Three manipulations of lateralized syringeal control of sound production were conducted. First, unilateral syringeal muscular control was eliminated by resection of the left or right tracheosyringeal portion of the hypoglossal nerve, which provides neuromuscular innervation of the syrinx. Spectral and temporal features of song were compared before and after lateralized nerve injury. In a second experiment, either the left or right sound source was devoiced to confirm the role of each sound generator in the control of acoustic phonology. Third, air pressure was recorded before and after unilateral denervation to enable quantification of acoustic change within individual syllables following lateralized nerve resection.


These experiments demonstrate that the left sound source produces louder, higher frequency, lower entropy sounds, and the right sound generator produces lower amplitude, lower frequency, higher entropy sounds. The bilateral division of labor is complex and the frequency specialization is the opposite pattern observed in most songbirds. Further, there is evidence for rapid interhemispheric switching during song production. Lateralized control of song production in Bengalese finches may enhance acoustic complexity of song and facilitate the rapid modification of sound production following manipulations of auditory feedback.  相似文献   

Lateralization of syringeal function during song production in the canary   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The canary (Serinus canaria) vocal organ, the syrinx, has two separate sound sources, one in the cranial end of each bronchus. Previous investigations of whether song syllables are produced unilaterally or bilaterally have provided two contradictory results, as one researcher suggested that almost all syllables are produced by the left side of the syrinx alone, whereas another researcher suggested that both sides contribute similarly to all syllables. Our experiments, which involved unilateral bronchus plugging followed later by denervation of the ipsilateral syringeal muscles, attempted to resolve this disagreement. The males with right bronchus plugs, singing on the left side of the syrinx alone, produced nearly normal songs, whereas the birds with left bronchus plugs, singing on the right side, sang quite poorly. Interpretation of these data is difficult because it is not clear how syringeal function would be affected if the airflow rate through the intact side is increased above normal, nor is it known if the bird can compensate for bronchus occlusion. Nonetheless, we suggest that in male canaries most syllables are normally sung by the left side alone, with some syllables being produced by the right side alone and some being sung by both sides together. Right nerve section had little effect on the right-bronchus-plugged males' ability to sing, but the repertoires of the left-plugged males were altered after left nerve section, indicating the possibility that signals carried by the left nerve exert an influence on the contralateral side.  相似文献   

Sexually dimorphic vocal behavior in zebra finches (Taeniopygia guttata) is associated with a 100% larger syrinx in males and other morphological adaptations of the sound source. The songbird syrinx consists of two independent sound sources, whose specialization for different spectral ranges may be reflected in morphological properties, but the morphology of labia and syringeal skeleton have not been investigated for lateralized specializations. Similarly, little is known whether the morphology of the songbird vocal tract reflects differences in vocal behavior. Here, we tested the hypothesis that different vocal behavior and specialization is reflected in the morphology. We investigated syringeal and upper vocal tract morphology of male and female European starlings (Sturnus vulgaris). Female starlings exhibit smaller vocal repertoires and sing at lower rates than males. In males, the left syrinx produces mostly low frequencies, while the right one is used for higher notes. Macroscopic and histological techniques were used to record nineteen measurements from the syrinx and the vocal tract which were tested for sexual differences in syrinx and vocal tract and for lateral asymmetry within the syrinx. Sexually dimorphic vocal behavior is reflected in the morphology of the starling syrinx. Males have a larger syrinx with the size difference attributable to increased muscle mass and three enlarged elements of the syringeal skeleton. The upper vocal tract, however, does not differ between males and females. Distinct lateralization was found in two elements of the syringeal skeleton of females, and the labia in the left syrinx are larger than those on the right in both sexes. The sexual dimorphism of the syringeal size is smaller in starlings (35%) than in zebra finches (100%), which is consistent with the different vocal behavior of females in both species. The morphological differences between the two sound sources are discussed in relation to their vocal performance. J. Morphol., 2011. © 2011 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The sound-generating mechanism in the bird syrinx has been the subject of debate. Recent endoscopic imaging of the syrinx during phonation provided evidence for vibrations of membranes and labia, but could not provide quantitative analysis of the vibrations. We have now recorded vibrations in the intact syrinx directly with an optic vibration detector together with the emitted sound during brain stimulation-induced phonation in anaesthetized pigeons, cockatiels, and a hill myna. The phonating syrinx was also filmed through an endoscope inserted into the trachea. In these species vibrations were always present during phonation, and their frequency and amplitude characteristics were highly similar to those of the emitted sound, including nonlinear acoustic phenomena. This was also true for tonal vocalizations, suggesting that a vibratory mechanism can account for all vocalizations presented in the study. In some vocalizations we found differences in the shape of the waveform between vibrations and the emitted sound, probably reflecting variations in oscillatory behaviour of syringeal structures. This study therefore provides the first direct evidence for a vibratory sound-generating mechanism (i.e. lateral tympaniform membranes or labia acting as pneumatic valves) and does not support pure aerodynamic models. Furthermore, the data emphasize a potentially high degree of acoustic complexity.  相似文献   

Recent studies on several species of oscine songbirds show that they achieve their varied vocal performances through coordinated activity of respiratory, syringeal, and other vocal tract muscles in ways that take maximum advantage of the acoustic flexibility made possible by the presence of two independently controlled sound sources in their bipartite syrinx (vocal organ). During song, special motor programs to respiratory muscles alter the pattern of ventilation to maintain the supply of respiratory air and oxygen to permit songs of long duration, high syllable repetition rates, or maximum spectral complexity. Each side of the syrinx receives its own motor program that, together with that sent to respiratory muscles, determines the acoustic properties of the ipsilaterally produced sound. The acoustic expression of these bilaterally distinct, phonetic motor patterns depends on the action of dorsal syringeal adductor muscles that, by opening or closing the ipsilateral side of the syrinx to airflow, determine the amount each side contributes to song. The syringeally generated sound is further modified by muscles that control the shape of the vocal tract. Different species have adopted different motor strategies that use the left and right sides of the syrinx in patterns of unilateral, bilateral, alternating, or sequential phonation to achieve the differing temporal and spectral characteristics of their songs. As a result, the degree of song lateralization probably varies between species to form a continuum from unilateral dominance to bilateral equality. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Neurobiol 33: 632–652, 1997  相似文献   

A model is presented of aeroacoustical processes occurring in the avian syrinx during vocalization based on current anatomical and physiological knowledge. The physical circumstances governing the triggering of oscillations in the external tympaniform membranes are analysed. A theory of membrane excitation based on non-linear elasticity is described. Anatomical and physical factors controlling the level of sound power radiated are examined and the possibility is considered that elevated airflow rates during vocalization may increase power output by a process of convective amplification similar to that which has been described in certain engineering contexts.  相似文献   

We have measured the vibrational modes of the sound producing membrane in the syrinx of zebra finches and canaries. Excised syringes were driven with a frequency-swept acoustic pressure wave through the trachea, and the resulting vibrations measured using a laser interferometer. The frequency-dependent membrane compliance was measured at 10-20 different positions, giving a detailed picture of the linear vibrational modes of the two membrane components, the medial labium and the medial tympaniform membrane. Nonlinear properties of the membrane were determined by measuring the linear response at several superimposed static pressures. The membrane compliance is dominated by the lowest vibrational mode, a narrow mechanical resonance, at roughly 700 Hz in the zebra finch, that extends over the entire membrane. Several higher-frequency modes were also observed. The frequency of the lowest vibrational mode is determined largely by the mass of the heavier medial labium, rather than the thinner medial tympaniform membrane, suggesting that the medial labium is critical in determining the oscillatory frequency of the syrinx. The difference in mass of the medial labium and medial tympaniform membrane may serve to produce a wave-like motion of the membranes during flow-driven oscillations, thus increasing the efficiency of sound production. Implications for mechanisms of frequency tuning are discussed.  相似文献   

Sex differences in the vertebrate brain (brain sex) are thought to develop owing to the tissue specific action of gonadal hormones similar to the development of secundary sex characteristics of the body. Small sex differences in body anatomy could, however, retrogradely control the sexual differentiation of the central nervous system. This possibility has so far been verified only for motorneuron pools, since the connectivity of sex‐specific higher brain areas to the sexual dimorphic periphery is frequently not well known. Here, we tested whether somatic sex differences feed back on higher brain areas by bilateral denervation of the syringeal musculature of zebra finches before, during, and after onset of estrogen‐sensitive sexual differentiation of forebrain vocal nuclei such as RA (nucleus robustus archistriatalis). In the zebra finch, the sound‐producing musculature (the syrinx), the syrinx motornucleus hypolossus pars tracheosyringealis (nXIIts), and the RA are much larger in males compared to females. Tract tracing studies revealed that the volume and neuron size distribution of the nXIIts was sexually dimorphic in intact but not in animals denervated as juveniles. In contrast, the volume of RA and size of RA neurons of denervated animals were highly sexually dimorphic. Furthermore, estrogen masculinized the RA of denervated females. Thus, sexual differentiation of the RA but not of the nXIIts appears independent of somatic sex differences. The syrinx muscles are, however, important for the soma size of those RA neurons that project to the nXIIts. © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Neurobiol 42: 220–231, 2000  相似文献   

Australian magpies (Gymnorhina tibicen) are notable for their vocal prowess. We investigated the syringeal and respiratory dynamics of vocalization by two 6-month-old males, whose songs had a number of adult features. There was no strong lateral syringeal dominance and unilateral phonation was most often achieved by closing the syringeal valve on the contralateral side of the syrinx. Unlike other songbirds studied, magpies sometimes used an alternative syringeal motor pattern during unilateral phonation in which both sides of the syrinx are partially adducted and open to airflow. Also, in contrast to most other songbirds, the higher fundamental frequency during two-voice syllables was usually generated on the left side of the syrinx. Amplitude modulation, a prominent feature of magpie song, was produced by linear or nonlinear interactions between different frequencies which may originate either on opposite sides of the syrinx or on the same side. Pulse tones, similar to vocal fry in human speech, were present in some calls. Unlike small songbirds, the fundamental of the modal frequency can be as low as that of the pulse tone, suggesting that large birds may have evolved pulse tones to increase acoustic diversity, rather than decrease the fundamental frequency.  相似文献   

Robert W.  Warner 《Journal of Zoology》1972,166(3):385-390
The pigeon syrinx is markedly different to that organ in most other birds, and although basically a simple structure, shows a number of unique modifications, the significance of which cannot readily be fully assessed. The tracheal rings are dorsally cartilaginous, but are thickened and ossified over their ventral surfaces; the sternotrachealis muscles are asymmetrically inserted on to the trachea. There is an extensive unsupported area in the external walls of the syrinx, resembling an external tympaniform membrane, but which does not appear to be a sound source. The tracheolateralis muscles insert directly on to this area, not on to the adjacent rings. There is no rigid pessulus.
The sound-producing mechanism of the Columbidae is different to that found in other non-passerine birds. The anatomy of the syrinx is described in detail, and the mechanism of sound-production is discussed.  相似文献   

Acute and chronic electromyographic (EMG) recordings from individual syringeal muscles were used to study syringeal participation in respiration and vocalization. In anesthetized birds, all syringeal muscles recorded were active to some degree during the expiratory phase of respiration, following activity in the abdominal musculature and preceding the emergence of breath from the nostril. In awake birds, the ventralis (V) muscle fired a strong, consistent burst, but the dorsalis (D) was variable both in strength and timing. Denervation of V is sufficient to produce the wheezing respiration originally seen in birds with complete bilateral section of the tracheosyringeal nerve. Complete syringeal denervation also removed almost all the acoustic features that distinguish individual song syllables, but had a minor effect on the temporal structure of song. When activity in V and D was recorded in awake, vocalizing birds, D was active before and during sound production, and V showed a small burst before sound onset and a vigorous burst timed to the termination of sound. During song, V was consistently active at sound offset, but also participated during sound for narrow bandwidth syllables. For some syllables (simple harmonic stacks), neither muscle was active. These data suggest that V contributes to syllable termination during vocalization and may silence the syrinx during normal respiration. D contributes to the acoustic structure of most syllables, and V may contribute to a special subset of syllables. In summary, the syringeal muscles show different activity patterns during respiration and vocalization and can be independently activated during vocalization, depending on the syllable produced.  相似文献   

Sex differences in the vertebrate brain (brain sex) are thought to develop owing to the tissue specific action of gonadal hormones similar to the development of secondary sex characteristics of the body. Small sex differences in body anatomy could, however, retrogradely control the sexual differentiation of the central nervous system. This possibility has so far been verified only for motorneuron pools, since the connectivity of sex-specific higher brain areas to the sexual dimorphic periphery is frequently not well known. Here, we tested whether somatic sex differences feed back on higher brain areas by bilateral denervation of the syringeal musculature of zebra finches before, during, and after onset of estrogen-sensitive sexual differentiation of forebrain vocal nuclei such as RA (nucleus robustus archistriatalis). In the zebra finch, the sound-producing musculature (the syrinx), the syrinx motornucleus hypoglossus pars tracheosyringealis (nXIIts), and the RA are much larger in males compared to females. Tract tracing studies revealed that the volume and neuron size distribution of the nXIIts was sexually dimorphic in intact but not in animals denervated as juveniles. In contrast, the volume of RA and size of RA neurons of denervated animals were highly sexually dimorphic. Furthermore, estrogen masculinized the RA of denervated females. Thus, sexual differentiation of the RA but not of the nXIIts appears independent of somatic sex differences. The syrinx muscles are, however, important for the soma size of those RA neurons that project to the nXIIts.  相似文献   

Bird song is a model for studying neural control and lateralization of a learned behavior. Adult male canary develops large and varied song repertoires. Particular features of the male are well known to stimulate the reproductive activities of the female. We report here on the effect of lesions of either the left or right HVC, a key nucleus of the descending vocal control network of songbirds, on different song parameters of common domesticated male canaries of an European outbred strain. These canaries are useful to evaluate the question of central versus peripheral lateralization because they do not show syringeal dominance for syllable production compared to the previously studied canary strains. Right-sided lesions reduced the highest frequency and the widest frequency band. Left-sided lesion increased the lowest frequency. The size of the left-sided lesions correlated with the reduction of the repertoire of simple syllables, of the total repertoire and of the highest repetition rate, and with the increase of the lowest frequency. These results suggest a lateralized specialization of both left and right vocal pathways for particular features of the song, especially those that are known to elicit a great number of copulation solicitation displays (CSD). Lesions of both left and right pathways affected, however, sound amplitude of all syllables. Because this effect was more sever following left-sided lesions, and because the syrinx morphology of canaries has a left-right asymmetry, we suggest a peripheral mechanism for the observed lateralized specializations.  相似文献   

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