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1. An activator of the (Ca2+ plus Mg2+)-stimulated ATPase present in the human erythrocytes (membrane) has been isolated in soluble form from hemolysates of these cells. Partial purification has been achieved through use of carboxymethyl-Sephadex chromatography. The resulting activator fraction contained no hemoglobin and only 0.3% of the total adenylate kinase activity of the cell. 2. Whereas the activator was released from erythrocytes subjected to hemolysis in 20 miosM buffer at pH 7.6 or at pH 5.8, only the membranes prepared at pH 7.6 were affected by it. 2. Whereas the activator was released from erythrocytes subjected to hemolysis in 20 miosM buffer at pH 7.6 or at pH 5.8, only the membranes prepared at pH 7.6 were affected by it. 3. When (Ca2+ plus Mg2+)-ATPase activity was measured by 32Pi release from (gamma-32P)ATP, freeze-thawed erythrocytes, as well as membranes prepared at pH 5.8 and at pH 7.6, expressed lower values than noted by assay for total Pi release. When ADP instead of ATP was used as substrate, significant amount of Pi were released by these erythrocyte preparations. Further study revealed (a) production of ATP and AMP from ADP with membranes and hemolysate alone, and (b) exchange of the gamma-and B-position phosphate on (gama-32P)ATP in the presence of membranes plus hemolysates. These observations established the presence of adenylate kinase activity in the (membrane-free) hemolysates and in membranes. It further supports the conclusion that Pi release from ADP by human erythrocytes (freeze-thawed) and by their isolated membranes is due to formation of ATP by adenylate kinase and hydrolysis of this generated ATP by (Ca2+ plus Mg2+)-ATPase. 4. The following points were also established: (a) absence of an ADPase in human erythrocytes; (b) the (Ca2+ plus Mg2+)-ATPase activator enhanced cleavage only of the gama-position of ATP and (c) the (Ca2+ plus Mg2+)-ATPase activator is neither adenylate kinase nor hemoglobin.  相似文献   

1. The kinetic and physicochemical properties of the calcium-pumping protein, (Ca2+ + Mg2+)-ATPase (ATP phosphohydrolase, EC were studied in ghost membranes isolated from porcine erythrocytes. 2. The membrane-bound enzyme in situ has a specific activity of 3.12 +/- 0.08 micron/mg protein/hr and a Vmax of 3.47 +/- 0.21 mumol/mg protein/hr in the absence of calmodulin. 3. Its activity was stimulated by calmodulin about 5-fold. The enzyme is also highly sensitive to inhibition by vanadate (Ki = 1.6 +/- 0.2 microM). 4. Calmodulin also affects the pH- and Ca2+-sensitivity of the enzyme. The optimum pH, in the presence of calmodulin, is 7.5 and the optimum temperature is 38 degrees C with an activation energy of 11.9 kcal/mol.  相似文献   

The effect of purified calmodulin on the calcium-dependent phosphorylation of human erythrocyte membranes was studied. Under the conditions employed, only one major peak of phosphorylation was observed when solubilized membrane proteins were analyzed by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The molecular weight of this phosphorylated protein band was estimated to be 130 000 and in the presence of purified red blood cell calmodulin, the rate of phosphorylation of this band was increased. These data suggest that calmodulin activation of (Ca2+ + Mg2+)-ATPase could be a partial reflection of an increased rate of phosphorylation of the (Ca2+ + Mg2+)-ATPase of human erythrocyte membranes.  相似文献   

The addition of cupric-1,10,-phenanthroline, a cross-linking catalyst, to sarcoplasmic reticulum membranes caused protein sulfhydryl groups to form disulfide bridges. Following a short exposure to the catalyst (15 s, 22 degrees C) most of the protein was in a dimeric form (Mr = 248 000). Longer exposure times resulted in the formation of trimers, tetramers and other oligomers too large to enter the gel. At low temperatures (4 degrees C) dimer formation predominates even for exposure times as long as 5 min. Cross-linking in the presence of 7.5 mM Triton X-100 (a concentration that resulted in clearing of the membrane suspension and thus solubilization of the membrane components) showed the appearance of a considerable dimer fraction, however, most of the (Ca2+ + Mg2+)-ATPase protein appeared as a monomer. Following 1 min of cross-linking at 22 degrees C, freeze-etched membranes showed no alteration in the number or appearance of 80 A intramembranous particles. Thus extensive cross-linking of the (Ca2+ + Mg2+)-ATPase protein can occur without disruption of the normal position of the intramembrane portion of the molecule.  相似文献   

Incubation of human erythrocyte ghosts with an equal volume of 0.2 mM EDTA in isotonic KCl decreased both the activity and Ca2+ sensitivity of the (Ca2+ + Mg2+)-ATPase remaining associated with the membrane. Readdition of the EDTA-extract activated the (Ca2+ + Mg2+)-ATPase activity. The activator activity was trypsin sensitive, heat stable and retained by a phenothiazine affinity column, consistent with properties expected of calmodulin. However, unlike calmodulin, the activity was not retained by DEAE Sephadex A-50 and it eluted from Sephacryl S-200 as heterogeneous peaks of activator activity of apparent molecular weight between 107,000 and 178,000. Nevertheless, the activator in the EDTA extract both before and after gel filtration contained calmodulin, as determined by radioimmunoassay and by its activation of calmodulin - deficient phosphodiesterase. SDS-gel electrophoresis of the activator isolated by gel filtration showed a protein of Mr 56,000 in addition to a low molecular weight protein corresponding to calmodulin. It is suggested that the red cell membrane contains a calmodulin binding protein which tightly binds calmodulin as a polymeric complex in a Ca2+-independent manner.  相似文献   

The properties of the membrane-bound calcium-pumping protein, the (Ca2+ + Mg2+)-ATPase (ATP phosphohydrolase, EC were compared in erythrocyte ghosts isolated from five mammalian species--human (Homo sapiens), bovine (Bos taurus), porcine (Sus scrofa melitensis), ovine (Ovis aries crassicandus) and caprine (Capra hircus syriaca). The specific activity of the enzyme in porcine erythrocytes is one order of magnitude higher than in the other species. It was also stimulated to various extents by the regulator protein, calmodulin, and by phosphatidylinositol in all the species. Analysis of membrane proteins revealed a number of differences which seem to suggest that the molecular architecture of the red cell membrane influences the activity of the enzyme.  相似文献   

Calmodulin stimulation of renal (Ca2+ + Mg2+)-ATPase   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

The erythrocyte calmodulin-stimulated (Ca2+ + Mg2+)-ATPase (CaM-ATPase), an integral membrane protein, is inhibited in different types of congenital hemolytic anemias for which oxidative processes appear as a common feature. The oxidation of hemoglobin and its degradation lead to the accumulation of ferric heme (hemin) and nonheme iron in the red cell. We have shown previously that hemin inhibits the activity of the enzyme of normal erythrocyte (Leclerc et al. (1988) Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 946, 49-56) involving an oxidation of thiol groups. The present study demonstrates that nonheme iron also inhibits the CaM-ATPase activity. In contrast with hemin, the inhibition of the enzyme induced by the nonheme treatment is prevented by butylated hydroxytoluene, a protecting agent of unsaturated phospholipid peroxidations, while dithiothreitol, a reducing agent of protein disulfide bridges, does not restore the activity of the enzyme. We conclude that nonheme iron inhibits the enzyme at least in part, through the peroxidation of phospholipids of the membrane bilayer.  相似文献   

Regulation of cardiac sarcoplasmic reticulum (Ca2+ + Mg2+)-ATPase   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Summary The two high affinity calcium binding sites of the cardiac (Ca2+ + Mg2+)-ATPase have been identified with the use of Eu3+. Eu3+ competes for the two high affinity calcium sites on the enzyme. With the use of laser-pulsed fluorescent spectroscopy, the environment of the two sites appear to be heterogeneous and contain different numbers of H2O molecules coordinated to the ion. The ion appears to be occluded even further in the presence of ATP. Using non-radiative energy transfer studies, we were able to estimate the distance between the two Ca2+ sites to be between 9.4 to 10.2 A in the presence of ATP. Finally, from the assumption that the calcium site must contain four carboxylic side chains to provide the 6–8 ligands needed to coordinate calcium, and based on our recently published data, we predict the peptidic backbone of the two sites.  相似文献   

The (Ca2+ + Mg2+)-ATPase was purified from skeletal muscle sarcoplasmic reticulum and reconstituted into sealed phospholipid vesicles by solution in cholate and deoxycholate followed by detergent removal on a column of Sephadex G-50. The level of Ca2+ accumulated by these vesicles, either in the presence or absence of phosphate within the vesicles, increased with increasing content of phosphatidylethanolamine in the phospholipid mixture used for the reconstitution. The levels of Ca2+ accumulated in the absence of phosphate were very low for vesicles reconstituted with egg yolk phosphatidylcholine alone at pH 7.4, but increased markedly with decreasing pH to 6.0. Uptake was also relatively low for vesicles reconstituted with dimyristoleoyl- or dinervonylphosphatidylcholine, and addition of cholesterol had little effect. The level of Ca2+ accumulated increased with increasing external K+ concentration, and was also increased by the ionophores FCCP and valinomycin. Vesicle sizes changed little with changing phosphatidylethanolamine content, and the sidedness of insertion of the ATPase was close to random at all phosphatidylethanolamine contents. It is suggested that the effect of phosphatidylethanolamine on the level of Ca2+ accumulation follows from an effect on the rate of Ca2+ efflux mediated by the ATPase.  相似文献   

(Ca2+ + Mg2+)-ATPase in enriched sarcolemma from dog heart   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
An enriched fraction of plasma membranes was prepared from canine ventricle by a process which involved thorough disruption of membranes by vigorous homogenization in dilute suspension, sedimentation of contractile proteins and mitochondria at 3000 X g followed by sedimentation of a microsomal fraction at 200 000 X g. The microsomal suspension was then fractionated on a discontinuous sucrose gradient. Particles migrating in the density range 1.0591--1.1083 were characterized by (Na+ + K+)-ATPase activity and [3H]ouabain binding as being enriched in sarcolemma and were comprised of nonaggregated vesicles of diameter approx. 0.1 micron. These fractions contained (Ca2+ + Mg2+)-ATPase which appreared endogenous to the sarcolemma. The enzyme was solubilized using Triton X-100 and 1 M KCl and partially purified. Optimal Ca2+ concentration for enzyme activity was 5--10 microM. Both Na+ and K+ stimulated enzyme activity. It is suggested that the enzyme may be involved in the outward pumping of Ca2+ from the cardiac cell.  相似文献   

We find that both human red blood cells and rabbit skeletal muscle contain a soluble activator which can stimulate (Ca2+ + Mg2+)-ATPase activity. The activator protein from either source can enhance the (Ca2+ + Mg2+)-ATPase of both the red blood cell membrane and the microsomal fraction from skeletal muscle. The data suggest that they are members of the class of Ca2+-binding modulator proteins. A possible physiological role for the skeletal muscle activator protein in the contractile process is discussed.  相似文献   

Nine hydrophobic carbodiimides were synthesized and their chemical reactivities (towards acetic acid) and inhibitory capacities (towards the (Ca2+ + Mg2+)-ATPase were measured. No correlation between chemical reactivity and inhibitory efficacy emerges, but a significant effect of molecular bulk on reactivity towards the calcium-protectable carboxyl groups of the ATPase is noted: methyl-substituted compounds inhibit the enzyme in the presence of Ca2+, while aryl- or cyclohexyl-substituted compounds do not inactivate in the presence of Ca2+.  相似文献   

In sarcoplasmic reticulum vesicles or in the (Ca2+ + Mg2+)-ATPase purified from sarcoplasmic reticulum, quercetin inhibited ATP hydrolysis, Ca2+ uptake, ATP-Pi exchange, ATP synthesis coupled to Ca2+ efflux, ATP-ADP exchange, and steady state phosphorylation of the ATPase by inorganic phosphate. Steady state phosphorylation of the ATPase by ATP was not inhibited. Quercetin also inhibited ATP and ADP binding but not the binding of Ca2+. The inhibition of ATP-dependent Ca2+ transport by quercetin was reversible, and ATP, Ca2+, and dithiothreitol did not affect the inhibitory action of quercetin.  相似文献   

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