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  1. Under continuous irradiation, the growth of intact rice coleoptilewas strongly inhibited by red light, and somewhat preventedby blue and far-red light. The inhibitory effect of red lighton coleoptile elongation was caused by a low-energy brief irradiation,and a single exposure of 1.5 kiloergs cm–2 incidentenergy of red light brought about the 50% inhibition. This photoinhibitionof growth was observed only after the coleoptile had elongatedto about 10 mm or longer. The red light-induced effect was reversedby an immediately following brief exposure to far-red light,and the photoresponses to red and far-red light were repeatedlyreversible. The escape reaction of red lightinduced effect tookplace at a rate so that 50% of the initial reversibility waslost within 9 hr in darkness at 27. The inhibition by bluelight and reversal by far-red irradiation was also achievedrepeatedly with successive treatments of the coleoptiles. Theevidence for a low intensity red far-red reversible controlof coleoptile growth, indicative of control by phytochrome,seems clearly established in etiolated intact seedlings.
  2. Incontrast, the elongation of apically excised rice coleoptilesegments was promoted by a brief exposure to red light in 0.02M phosphate buffer, pH 7, and the effect was almost completelynullified by an immediately subsequent exposure to far-red light.It becomes evident that the growth of intact coleoptiles wasinhibited by a exposure to red light, while that of excisedsegments in a buffer was rather promoted by red irradiation.The direction of red light induced responses, either promotiveor inhibitory, depends upon the method of bioassay using intactcoleoptiles or their excised segments.
(Received July 24, 1967; )  相似文献   

1975年Dixon等首次报道了刀豆豚酶是一种含锌的金属酶.镍位T-W酶的活性中心’“。由于晚酶广泛分布于高等植物中,在氮代谢中具有重要作用.冈此.研究镍在高等植物中的矿质营养作用日益受到人们重视”-‘’。已有的研究绝大多数以豆科植物为材料,何关非豆科植物,尤其是水稻中镍的立体分布规律的研究目前尚属少见。而深入了解镍在水稻中的分布及其与氮代谢之间的关系,对于水稻生产具有重要的理论指导意义。1材料与方法1.回供试材料税稻(OrJ。。asatival。subsP)“华03”.{F中师范大学生命科学学院植物生理研究室提供。资助项…  相似文献   

水稻胚囊超微结构的研究   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:8  
水稻(Oryza sativa L.)胚囊成熟时,卵细胞的合点端无细胞壁,核居细胞中部,细胞器集中在核周围,液泡分散于细胞周边区域。助细胞珠孔端有丝状器,合点端无壁,核位于细胞中部贴壁处,细胞器主要分布在珠孔端,液泡主要分布在合点端。开花前不久,一个助细胞退化。中央细胞为大液泡所占,两个极核靠近卵器而部分融合,细胞器集中在极核周围和靠近卵器处,与珠心相接的胚囊壁上有发达的内突。反足细胞多个形成群体,其增殖主要依靠无丝分裂与壁的自由生长,反足细胞含丰富活跃的细胞器,与珠心相接的壁上有发达的内突。开花后6小时双受精已完成,合子和两个助细胞合点端均形成完整壁。合子中开始形成多聚核糖体、液泡减小。退化助细胞含花粉管释放的物质,其合点端迴抱合子。极核已分裂成数个胚乳游离核,中央细胞中细胞器呈活化状态。反足细胞仍在继续增殖。讨论了卵细胞的极性、助细胞的退化、卵器与中央细胞间界壁的变化、反足细胞的分裂特点等问题。  相似文献   

Briggs , Winslow R. (Stanford U., Stanford, Calif.) Red light, auxin relationships, and the phototropic responses of corn and oat coleoptiles. Amer. Jour. Bot. 50(2): 196–207. Illus. 1963.— Red light decreases the phototropic sensitivity of corn (Zea mays Burpee ‘Golden Cross Bantam’) and oat (Avena saliva ‘Victory’) coleoptiles. The decrease is reflected by a shift of the curve ploting log dosage vs. response to higher dosages, as described in the literature. In the absence of red light treatment, 1,000 meter-candle-seconds (mcs) white light induces first negative curvature in oats and almost no curvature in corn, which appears to lack the mechanism for first negative curvature. Immediately following a 2-hr red light treatment, the same white light dosage induces almost maximum first positive curvature both in corn and in oat coleoptiles. The increase in curvature obtained reflects the decreased phototropic sensitivity of both plants shown by the dosage-response curve shift. After red treatment, the effect of red light remains maximal for an hour, decaying to the level of non-red-treated plants within another 2 hr. Red light suppresses auxin production by corn coleoptiles. The effect decays after the end of red treatment. Both changes follow time courses parallel to those for the phototropic sensitivity changes. The 1,000 mcs light dosage induces lateral transport of auxin both in red-treated and untreated corn coleoptiles, despite the lack of curvature of the latter. Red light does not induce a circadian rhythm for the phototropic sensitivity changes in oats, is not effective if administered after phototropic induction, and its effect is probably mediated by phytochrome. The hypothesis, not original with this paper, that red light induces an increase in the amount of pigment mediating second positive curvature most closely accounts for the results obtained. Pertinent literature is discussed.  相似文献   

土壤溶液中的砷及其与水稻生长效应的关系   总被引:22,自引:1,他引:22  
陈同斌 《生态学报》1996,16(2):147-153
通过盆栽试验和土壤中砷的吸附试验,探讨了砷在土壤溶液中的氧化-还原行为和溶解行为,并初步揭示了不同价态砷对水稻毒性差异的机理,以及土壤pH对砷的吸附作用和毒害作用的影响。  相似文献   

采用旋转布气法开顶式气室 (Open top chambers, OTCs) 装置, 研究4种臭氧 (O3) 浓度水平 (过滤大气, O3浓度20nl·L-1;环境大气, O3浓度40nl·L-1;中等O3浓度处理, O3浓度为75nl·L-1;高浓度处理, O3浓度为150nl·L-1) 下水稻 (Oryzasativa) 根系中根系活力、可溶性蛋白含量、膜脂过氧化程度与抗氧化系统的变化差异。主要结果表明与过滤大气处理相比, O3浓度升高 (75和150nl·L-1) 使植株根系活力显著降低, 根系大幅度、过早地衰退;根系可溶性蛋白质含量显著下降;根系MDA含量显著升高, 膜脂过氧化程度加剧;SOD活性呈先升高后下降的变化趋势根系中H2O2含量大幅度显著上升, 并随着O3处理浓度升高和暴露时间延长变化幅度增大;CAT与POD活性则表现出升高趋势, 但处理后期升高幅度略微降低;整个处理期间根系ASA含量无显著变化。环境大气处理与过滤大气处理植株各个指标变化趋势基本一致并略微下降, 随着处理时间延长根系活力与蛋白质含量出现显著下降, 其他指标无显著差异。试验结果表明O3浓度升高会对植物地下部分根系产生影响;随着O3胁迫时间的延长, 植物将面临着缺乏强有力的根系生理代谢活力支持。  相似文献   

水稻双胚苗无融合生殖胚胎学研究初报   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
将子房整体染色透明观察后,通过筛选材料石蜡切片的方法,研究发现水稻双胚苗品系APⅣ中,存在低频率的无融合生殖。开花前珠心细胞特化并分裂发育形成不定胚。随着珠心组织的退化,不定胚长八胚囊腔中,以球形胚形式存在。开花后4天,球形胚开始分化。球形胚在胚囊中可以和合子胚并存,也可以单独存在。但双胚主要来自受精的助细胞或合子胚纵裂。开花后3—4天,在胚乳腔中着色深的球状结构是胚乳部份脱落形成的,不是不定胚。珠孔端反足细胞团不能形成胚。  相似文献   

用~3H-亮氨酸和~3H-尿苷标记不同发育时期的稻胚,发现蛋白质合成活力呈四阶段变化;各种RNA的合成与胚胎各发育阶段密切有关。α-鹅膏蕈碱(1.0μg/ml)对稻胚RNA合成的抑制作用在开花后7、15和18天较强,13天时很弱。在水稻胚胎形成期间,胚细胞蛋白质合成活力高峰先后出现于胚分化后期(开花后11天)和成熟中期(18天);mRNA的合成在分化初期(7天)和成熟中期(15~18天)较强;而rRNA和/或tRNA的合成高峰则出现在胚胎器官原基分化已经完成时(13天)。  相似文献   

The most widely quoted evidence that auxin controls coleoptileelongation is that auxin applied to the cut surface of a coleoptilecan obviate the effects of decapitation. A quantitative studyof this old observation shows that exogenously applied auxinonly overcomes the effects of decapitation if supplied at unphysiologicallyhigh concentrations. Furthermore, when a ring of an auxin transportinhibitor is applied just beneath the apex of an intact coleoptile,so that auxin supplied from the apex is abolished, the growthrate of the coleoptile is not reduced significantly. These experimentssuggest that coleoptile elongation is not dependent on auxintransported from the apex. Key words: Coleoptile, auxin, transport inhibitors  相似文献   

水稻三系及其杂种F_1的酯酶同工酶比较及杂种优势预测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳法分析了114套杂交稻 F_1及其相应的不育系,保持系和恢复系干种子胚的酯酶同工酶,6条主要酶带分别命名为1 A、3A、4A、5A、6A 和7A。三系亲本的酯酶同工酶酶谱各有其特点。杂种 F_1的酶谱出现7种类型。当不育系具有6A 时,常与恢复系的3A 或5A 形成酶带互补的杂种,3A和6A 互补只有营养优势。5A 和6A 互补才有经济优势。本实验证明杂种 F_1酶谱的形成受亲本核质双方的影响。酯酶同工酶酶谱类型可作为预测杂种优势的生化指标之一。  相似文献   

水稻愈伤组织内部胚性细胞的形成及发育   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
发育成胚状体的水稻愈伤组织表面胚性细胞, 在继代过程中被非胚性细胞旺盛的分裂所包围, 渐渐形成内部胚性细胞。其形态结构与表面胚性细胞相同, 但周围缺乏表面细胞下面的一层至几层含丰富的淀粉粒的细胞。内部胚性细胞形成团后先在以处形成突起, 产生根冠原, 逐渐形成根而突出愈伤组织。内部胚性细胞可向四周同时但不同步形成根冠原。未见芽或胚状体从内部胚性细胞产生。推测胚性愈伤组织失支胚胎发生能力及分化能力可能部分地与胚性细胞部分裂或分裂不旺盛、而非胚性细胞分裂旺盛从而使胚性细胞被包围、稀释有关。  相似文献   

By means of electron probe analysis, the effects of significant amounts of accumulation of silicon on the accumulation of calcium, potassium, magnesium, manganese, phosphorous, iron, and sodium in the silica cells of rice leaves are described. The silica cells of both the surfaces of the leaf blade and leaf sheath were studied. Silicon accumulation in the silica cells appears to decrease the amount of accumulation of potassium on both the surfaces of the leaf blade and sheath. The effect of significant amounts of silicon accumulation on the accumulation of other elements in a particular cell varies in different organs or on different surfaces of the organ of the same plant. Magnesium, manganese, iron, and phosphorus could not be detected in the adaxial epidermis of the leaf sheath and magnesium and iron in the adaxial epidermis of the leaf blade. Manganese, magnesium, and phosphorus were not detected in the abaxial epidermis of the leaf blade nor iron in the abaxial epidermis of the leaf sheath. Sodium was not revealed in either surface of the leaf blade and leaf sheath. Possible mechanisms for the effects of silicon accumulation on the accumulation of these elements in rice leaf epidermal cells are discussed.  相似文献   

目前,对胚状体发生过程中的生理生化研究表明,这一过程伴随有核酸、蛋白质等大分子物质合成速度的增加及与胚胎发生有关的特异性蛋白的合成;一些同工酶,如过氧化物酶、脂酶、细胞色素氧化酶和谷氨酸脱氢酶  相似文献   

1. The relationship of sucrose and water concentration to invertase activity in vivo and in vitro has been studied under the same environmental conditions. 2. The sucroclastic activity of S. cerevisiae cells and of invertase solutions prepared from them reacts to changes in sucrose and water concentration in an identical manner. 3. The invertase contained in living yeast cells is just as freely exposed to the conditions of sucrose and water concentrations of the suspending medium as it would be if it were contained in a cell-free solution. Weight is added to the previous suggestion (2) that yeast invertase exerts its physiological activity in a region quite close to the surface of the cell.  相似文献   

动脉壁脑啡肽的含量,存在部位及作用途径   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
林树新  范谨之 《生理学报》1989,41(3):241-248
用放射免疫法测得兔动脉的亮氨酸脑啡肽(L-ENK)和甲硫氨酸脑啡肽(M-ENK)样免疫活性物的含量(pg/mg组织湿重)分别为耳动脉38.99±17.29,134.67±8.11;肾动脉31.10±7.76,93.60±18.22,肠系膜动脉25.70 13.60,88.43±18.16。动物经注射交感神经末梢化学切割剂6-OHDA后,这三种动脉中L-ENK样免疫活性物的含量均明显下降(P<0.001);切除颈上神经节使支配耳动脉的交感神经溃变后,或离体耳动脉条受电场刺激后,脑啡肽(ENK)样免疫活性物的含量也都显著下降(P<0.001);但注射利血平则无明显影响,用荧光法测定培育动脉条的浴槽液中NE的含量,观察到ENK可抑制电场刺激所引起的NE的释放。结果提示,动脉壁的L-ENK和M-ENK存在于交感神经末梢中,它可因受电场刺激而释放,可能通过激活突触前膜阿片受体,减少交感神经末梢释放NE,从而抑制动脉的收缩活动。  相似文献   

用籼稻IR52、IR8和IR45的幼花序和幼胚愈伤组织在LS培养基建立了稳定的悬浮培养物。悬浮系的建立经历三个阶段:褐变期,长根期,成熟期。建立了适合籼稻原生质体生长的Y8培养基,其植板率显著高于KPR和PCM培养基。悬浮细胞系间差异明显,只有部份系可以提供有分裂能力的原生质体或具看护活性。以上三个品种的原生质体均分裂良好,但只有IR52和IR8分化出苗,其中IR52分化率1.25%,得再生植株50余株,移至田间生长结实正常。  相似文献   

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