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The study is concerned with the polymerization of myorod, a protein from thick filaments of molluscan smooth muscles, which is an alternative product of the gene of myosin heavy chains. The dependences of the properties and polymer structure of myorod on the conditions of its formation were investigated. It was shown that myorod loses the ability to form viscous polymers after proteolytic removal of the unique sequence. It was supposed that the specificity of polymerization of myorod are determined by its unique N-terminal sequence.  相似文献   

Myorod (MR), a new thick filament protein of molluscan smooth muscles, is an alternatively spliced product of the myosin (Mn) heavy chain gene. We studied digestion of MR and Mn from the posterior adductor of Crenomytilus grayanus and the outer portion of adductor of Mizuchopecten (Patinopecten) yessoensis by papain and constructed the proteolytic substructure of MR, that is an analogue to Mn substructure. There are a head domain (analogue of Mn S1) and a rod domain (analogue of Mn rod); the junction between them is split at low ionic strength. The rod, in turn, consists of a neck domain (analogue of Mn S2) and a tail domain (identical to light meromyosin); the junction between them is split at high ionic strength. The localization and possible function of MR are discussed.  相似文献   

A novel 40 kDa protein was detected in native thin filaments from catch muscles of the mussel Crenomytilus grayanus. The MALDY-TOF analysis of the protein showed a 40% homology with the calponin-like protein from the muscle of Mytilus galloprovincialis (45 kDa), which has a 36% homology with smooth muscle calponin from chicken gizzard (34 kDa). The amount of the calponin-like protein in thin filaments depends on isolation conditions and varies from the complete absence to the presence in amounts comparable with that of tropomyosin. The most significant factor that determines the contact of the protein in thin filaments is the temperature of solution in which thin filaments are sedimented by ultracentrifugation during isolation. At 22 degrees C and optimal values of both pH and ionic strength of the extraction solution, total calponin-like protein coprecipitates with thin filaments. At 2 degrees C it remains in the supernatant. The 40 kDa calponin-like protein from the mussel Crenomytilus grayanus has similar properties with smooth muscle calponin (34 kDa). It is thermostable and inhibits the actin-activated Mg -ATPase activity of actomyosin. In addition, the 40 kDa calponin-like protein isolated without using thermal treatment contains endogenous kinases. It was found that the calponin-like protein can be phosphorylated by endogenous kinases in the Ca -independent manner. These results indicate that the calponin-like protein from the catch muscle of the mussel Crenomytilus grayanus is a new member of the calponin family. The role of proteins from this family both in muscle and ponmuscle cells is still obscure. We suggest that the calponin-like protein is involved in the Ca -independent regulation of smooth muscle contraction.  相似文献   

The active movement of fluorescence-labeled actin filaments along thick filaments isolated from molluscan smooth muscle was observed. Along a single thick filament, actin filaments moved toward the center of the thick filament at the speed of 1.19 +/- 0.38 microns s-1 (mean +/- SD, n = 42) and detached themselves from it upon reaching the central zone. Movement of actin also occurred in the opposite direction, i.e., away from the center, albeit at a much lower velocity (0.09 +/- 0.07 microns s-1, n = 17). Thus, the thick filament shows functional bipolarity in terms of velocity but does not determine the direction of the movement.  相似文献   

Thick filaments from the smooth adductor muscles of the oysters Ostrea edulis and Crassostrea angulata have been examined in the electron microscope after negative staining. The two well-known patterns of stain (whose origin and relation have been uncertain), one a series of transverse narrow lines at intervals of 144 Å along the filament axis and the other a regular two-dimensional arrangement of stained spots (Bear &; Selby, 1956), are found to be mutually interconvertible by rotating the grid around the filament axis. This is interpreted to mean that the spots are the projections of stained regions running through the filament in a common direction. Only when looking along this direction will the net pattern be seen with maximum clarity and sharpness. On rotation of the filament round its axis, the spots broaden transversely to the axis, overlapping and ultimately only the axial periodicity will remain. The structure is therefore not helical, but resembles a crystal lattice, although no period can be discerned normal to the net plane.The addition of 10 mm-EDTA to all solutions used in the filament preparation (except the stain), especially when ammonium molybdate is the stain employed, removes many puzzling appearances (probably caused by positive staining) which render the interpretation difficult. The appearance of the negatively stained filament can be related to the stain patterns in negatively stained paramyosin paracrystals (Cohen et al., 1971).  相似文献   

An arrangement of paramyosin molecules in the polar part of molluscan thick filaments is proposed which accounts for the X-ray diffraction pattern of the smooth adductor muscle (other than the part ascribed to actin) and for the appearance of separated filaments in the electron microscope. The proposed structure is based on the PI arrangement of Cohen et al. (1971), and contains sets of parallel, equidistant molecules with successive molecules displaced along the molecular axis by 72 nm, which we call PI sheets. Every molecule belongs to two PI sheets which are nearly perpendicular. This array is not propagated throughout the filament, but is sheared periodically in the direction of the molecular (filament) axis by 2/5 X 72 nm. The shear occurs along parallel equidistant planes which are inclined to the PI sheets. The analysis of the X-ray data has been made possible by concentrating on those patterns from filaments in which the two sets of PI sheets appear to be mutually perpendicular, a condition brought about by bathing the muscle in aqueous acetone. In one set, there are four intermolecular spaces between shear planes (this appears to be true at least for the smooth adductors of Ostrea edulis, Crassostrea angulata and Mercenaria mercenaria). In the other set, the number varies with species and probably lies between eight and ten in the first two and appears to be six in the last named species. The known paracrystalline nature of paramyosin filaments suggests that this number, though dominant in one species, is not exactly constant.  相似文献   

Myorod, also known as catchin, a newly discovered component of molluscan smooth muscle thick filaments, is an alternative product of the myosin heavy chain gene. It contains a C-terminal rod part that is identical to that part of myosin and a unique N-terminal domain that is very small relative to the myosin head domain. The role of myorod in contraction or relaxation of this muscle type is unknown. In the present study we demonstrated that myorod was phosphorylated not only by a kinase endogenous to molluscan myosin and twitchin but also to vertebrate smooth muscle myosin light chain kinase (MLCK). The rates and maximal levels of phosphorylation were up to threefold higher than those observed by protein kinase A with clear optima at the physiological salt concentrations. Using a mild digestion with chymotrypsin we isolated an 11 kDa phosphopeptide and showed that the phosphorylation site was located at the N-terminal domain of myorod at Thr 141 position. The sequence around this site exhibited a high degree of similarity to that expected for the substrate recognition site of MLCK. The phosphorylation rates strongly depended on the ionic conditions indicating that this site could be readily sterically blocked during myorod polymerization. Another component of the thick filaments involved in regulation of the catch state, twitchin, was phosphorylated by MLCK and exhibited endogenous myorod kinase and MLCK activities. A possible role of these phosphorylation reactions in the regulation of molluscan smooth muscles is discussed.  相似文献   

Contemporary data on three enzymes of vertebrate cross-striated muscle thick filaments, such as creatine kinase, AMP-deaminase and phosphofructokinase, are reviewed. The physico-chemical, enzymatic and regulatory properties and localization of these enzymes in different zones of the thick filament are considered. The functional relevance of localization of creatine kinase, AMP-deaminase and phosphofructokinase on thick filaments is discussed in terms of the possible role of the enzyme adsorption on subcellular structures in regulation of metabolic processes.  相似文献   

The basis of tonic vs. phasic contractile phenotypes of visceralsmooth muscles is poorly understood. We used gel electrophoresis andquantitative scanning densitometry to measure the content and isoformcomposition of contractile proteins in opossum lower esophagealsphincter (LES), to represent tonic muscle, and circular muscle of theesophageal body (EB), to represent phasic smooth muscle. The amount ofprotein in these two types of muscles is similar: ~27 mg/g of frozentissue. There is no difference in the relative proportion of myosin,actin, calponin, and tropomyosin in the two muscle types. However, theEB contains ~2.4-times more caldesmon than the LES. The relativeratios of - to -contractile isoforms of actin are 0.9 in the LESand 0.3 in EB. The ratio between acidic (LC17a) and basic (LC17b)isoforms of the 17-kDa essential light chain of myosin is 0.7:1 in theLES, compared with 2.7:1 in the EB. There is no significant differencein the ratios of smooth muscle myosin SM1 and SM2 isoforms in the two muscle types. The level of the myosin heavy chain isoform, which contains the seven-amino acid insert in the myosin head, is about threefold higher in the EB compared with LES. In conclusion, the esophageal phasic muscle in contrast to the tonic LES contains proportionally more caldesmon, LC17a, and seven-amino acid-inserted myosin and proportionally less -actin. These differences may providea basis for functional differences between tonic and phasic smoothmuscles.


Cellular myosin, actin, and tropomyosin contents and ratios were determined for arterial (carotid, aorta, and coronary), intestinal (circular and longitudinal), esophageal, uterine, and tracheal smooth muscles inthe pig. Tissue protein contents were estimated by densitometry of polyacrylamide gels after electrophoresis of sodium dodecyl sulfate-treated tissue homogenates. Cellular contractile protein contents were estimated by correction for extracellular spaces. Cellular myosin contents were similar in each tissue (average +/- 1 SEM = 19.6 +/- 0.8 mg/g cell wet wt). However, the cellular contents of the thin filament proteins, actin and tropomyosin, were significantly higher in the arteries than in the nonarterial tissues. The calculated weight ratios of actin: myosin averaged 2.6 +/- 0.2 in the three arterial tissues and 1.5 +/- 0.1 in the nonarterial tissues, which may be compared with 0.36 in vertebrate striated muscles. The actin:tropomyosin weight ratios for all tissues were 3.7 +/- 0.1, a value comparable to the skeletal muscle ratio. The physiological implications of variations in the cellular thin filament protein contents are unknown, but these variations probably contribute to the observed differences in contractile function among various smooth muscles.  相似文献   

A method for the almost complete extraction of myosin from smooth muscle fibers of the anterior byssal retractor muscle (ABRM) of Mytilus edulis was developed, and functional reformation of thick filaments in the fibers was achieved. Complete removal of myosin from the glycerol-extracted ABRM fibers with a solution containing 600 mM KCl, 5 mM MgCl2, and 5 mM ATP was difficult. However, successive treatments of the ABRM fibers with glycerol and saponin made the plasma membrane permeable to Mg-ATP and myosin. The extraction of myosin completely eliminated the tension induced by the addition of Mg-ATP. Partial recovery of tension development was observed by irrigation of myosin into fibers from which myosin had been extracted. Similar results were obtained using rabbit myosin instead of ABRM myosin. Addition of heavy meromyosin, on the other hand, had a suppressive effect on the tension development, as is the case in glycerinated rabbit psoas muscle fibers.  相似文献   

H Ueno  W F Harrington 《Biochemistry》1987,26(12):3589-3596
We have examined the effect of cross-linking on cross-bridge movement and isometric force in glycerinated psoas fibers. Two different methods, high-porosity gel electrophoresis and a fractionation technique, were used to follow the cross-linking of myosin heads (subfragment 1) and rod segments to the thick filament backbone. Contrary to earlier reports [Sutoh, K., & Harrington, W. F. (1977) Biochemistry 16, 2441-2449; Sutoh, K., Chiao, Y. C., & Harrington, W. F. (1978) Biochemistry 17, 1234-1239; Chiao, Y. C., & Harrington, W. F. (1979) Biochemistry 18, 959-963], we find that the heads of the myosin molecules are not cross-linked to the thick filament surface by dimethyl suberimidate. The time dependence of cross-linking rod segments within the core was monitored by a disulfide oxidation procedure to distinguish between intermolecular and intramolecular cross-linking. Comparison of the extent of the cross-linking reaction within myofibrils and the isometric force developed within fibers at various stages of cross-linking shows that isometric force is abolished in parallel with the formation of high molecular weight (cross-linked) rod species (greater than or equal to Mr 1000K). The myofibrillar ATPase remains virtually unaffected by the cross-linking reaction.  相似文献   

The meridional spacing of the X-ray diffraction peak from the repeat of myosin along the thick filament of four muscles has been remeasured on the same apparatus. The frog sartorius gave a shorter repeat distance (143.7 A) than the three invertebrate muscles, which ranged from 144.9 to 145.4 A. These results confirm earlier measurements. Provided that the myosin molecules are staggered relative to one another by a constant 98 residues, it may be inferred that in vertebrate thick filaments part or all of the tail lies at a considerable angle to the filament axis, whereas in the invertebrates the angle is smaller.  相似文献   

Actin polymerization has been shown to occur in tracheal smooth muscle tissues and cells in response to contractile stimulation, and there is evidence that the polymerization of actin is required for contraction. In tracheal smooth muscle, agonist-induced actin polymerization is mediated by activation of neuronal Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome protein (N-WASp) and the Arp (actin-related protein) 2/3 complex, and activation of the small GTPase Cdc42 regulates the activation of N-WASp. In the present study, the role of the adapter protein CrkII in the regulation of N-WASp and Cdc42 activation, actin polymerization, and tension development in smooth muscle tissues was evaluated. Stimulation of tracheal smooth muscle tissues with acetylcholine increased the association of CrkII with N-WASp. Plasmids encoding wild type CrkII or a CrkII mutant lacking the SH3 effector-binding ability, CrkII SH3N, were introduced into tracheal smooth muscle tissues, and the tissues were incubated for 2 days to allow for protein expression. Expression of the CrkII SH3N mutant in smooth muscle tissues inhibited the association of CrkII with N-WASp and the activation of Cdc42. The CrkII SH3N mutant also inhibited the increase in the association of N-WASp with Arp2, a major component of the Arp2/3 complex, in response to contractile stimulation, indicating inhibition of N-WASp activation. Expression of the CrkII SH3N mutant also inhibited tension generation and actin polymerization in response to contractile stimulation; however, it did not inhibit myosin light chain phosphorylation. These results suggest that CrkII plays a critical role in the regulation of N-WASp activation, perhaps by regulating the activation of Cdc42, and that it thereby regulates actin polymerization and active tension generation in tracheal smooth muscle. These studies suggest a novel signaling pathway for the regulation of N-WASp activation and active contraction in smooth muscle tissues.  相似文献   

Y Tajima  K Kamiya    T Seto 《Biophysical journal》1983,43(3):335-343
In the small-angle x-ray diffraction pattern of the living relaxed anterior byssus retractor muscle of Mytilus edulis, the thin filaments showed the following features. The 59.8-A reflection was much stronger and a little farther from the meridian than the 51.9-A reflection, although they are both contributions of the first-order Bessel function and are comparable with each other in the height from the equator. The 381-A reflection, given by the second-order Bessel function, was weaker than the 59.8-A reflection by more than the difference between the peak values of the first- and second-order Bessel functions, and was not so distant radially from the latter as estimated from the amount of peak shift brought about by the alteration of the Bessel order. A model of the thin filament was made on the basis of inverse Fourier transformation of the scattering amplitude, and the above features were explained by the characteristic shape of actin shown in this model. The actin subunits are elongated along the genetic left-hand helix with a pitch of 59.8 A, and are bonded together along the genetic helix in the inner part of the filament.  相似文献   

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