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朱燕萍  武侠  谭超  金静 《菌物研究》2012,10(2):97-99,112
短柄链蠕孢(Dendryphion nanum)为暗色丝孢菌,其分生孢子棒状,5~20个隔膜,暗褐色,串生。试验通过玻片培养观察研究了该菌分生孢子的产生方式及发育类型。结果表明:该菌的分生孢子是由产孢细胞的顶端向外突起并生长膨大而形成,因而属于全壁芽生式产孢方式。  相似文献   

本文探究了金黄壳囊孢菌Cytospora chrysosperma分生孢子器的发育过程。发育初期,多根菌丝频繁分隔及分支,菌丝细胞变短呈近球形,菌丝围绕其中心点不断接触缠绕,并逐渐扩展,即通过多丝合生的方式形成分生孢子器原基;随着分生孢子器原基的不断成熟与壮大,其内厚壁细胞紧密围绕成空腔,空腔多次发生后形成多个相对独立、且均与中心腔室联通的腔室结构;在腔室发育的过程中,腔室内壁细胞逐渐发育形成长短不一、具有分支结构的分生孢子梗,并在其顶端通过内壁芽生式、单生的方式产生成熟的腊肠形分生孢子,孢子脱落后聚集于空腔内;随着中心腔室的成熟,分生孢子器逐渐突出于植物表皮,遇到合适的环境时,分生孢子角挤破表皮形成孔口,释放出分生孢子。成熟的分生孢子器一般位于寄主植物的皮层部分。  相似文献   

作者于1978年从福建省福州市西湖公园的芒果花中分离出一株酵母1519。该菌株不产生子囊孢子、掷孢子,亦未见到有锁状连合。未发现有性繁殖。无性繁殖是在母细胞上产生小梗,小梗上产生子细胞,子细胞还可再生小梗再生子细胞。如果子细胞不脱落则成链状或分枝的链状。不发酵任何糖。按照形态和繁殖特征只符合Lodder(1970)酵母分类专著中半知菌部分的梗孢酵母。因此将它放入梗孢酵母属,命名为福州梗孢酵母(Sterigmatomyces fuzhouensis sp.n.)。  相似文献   

本文报道采自贵州的中国新记录属层束梗孢属Hymenostilbe一新种刺孢层束梗孢(Hymenostilbespiculatasp.nov.Huan,FanetLi)。该种寄生于蜘蛛,产孢细胞子实层状复被于孢梗束上,无瘤,多点芽菌产孢。分生孢子单生,光滑或具细刺,56~6.6×1.3~2.7μm。  相似文献   

采自大别山的两种刺束梗孢,其中长孢刺束梗孢(Akanthomyceslongisporus)为新种,有拉丁文描述和图版。本种孢梗束多,密集,棕褐色,棒状。产孢结构和纤细刺束梗孢(A.gracilis相似,瓶梗以密集的子实层状被覆孢梗束。分生孢子多单细胞,少数双细胞,纺锤形至柱形,8.8~14.8×2.0~3.0μm。新几内亚刺束梗孢的标本同时并存刺状和棒状的孢梗束,这支持Samson将虫束梗孢属视为刺束梗孢属异名的观点。标本保存于安徽农业大学虫生真菌室(RCEF)  相似文献   

中国短胖孢菌   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
短胖孢菌属(Cercasporidium)是半知菌类中暗丛梗孢菌类的一个小属,仅有30多个种,都是植物的寄生菌。本文报告我国短胖孢菌属共18个种,其中9个是新组合,一个是新种——千斤拔短胖孢(Cercosporidium flemingiae Liu et Guo sp.nov)。  相似文献   


邹晓  陈万浩  韩燕峰  梁宗琦 《菌物学报》2016,(10):1161-1168
描述了采自湖北省神农架的球束梗孢属一新种,神农架球束梗孢Gibellula shennongjiaensis,该菌分生孢子梗表面粗糙,瓶梗为棒状,5.4–10.8×1.1–2.2μm。分生孢子为圆柱形或纺锤形,透明,表面光滑,3.2–6.5×1.1–1.6μm。具糙梗孢式共无性型的产孢结构,其分生孢子梗由不规则的菌丝组成,产孢细胞不规则形状,分生孢子无色,光滑,线形,12.1–15.2×1.4–2.1μm。模式标本保存在贵州大学菌种保藏中心(GZAC-SNJ2012,主模式)。  相似文献   

Conidiogenesis of the type species and two additional species of the genus Raffaelea Arx & Hennebert are described. In contrast to previous conclusions based on light microscopy that indicate sympodial production of the conidia, we found that conidium development was by annellidic percurrent proliferation in the type species Raffaelea ambrosiae, as well as in Raffaelea arxii and Raffaelea albimanens. Consequently, this mode of conidium development is similar to the conidiogenesis of anamorphs within the Ophiostomatales, but distinguished by sporodochia formed within the genus Raffaelea. These findings reduce the differences between Raffaelea and other anamorphs with annellidic percurrent proliferation of the conidiogenous cells within the Ophiostomatales to different conidiomata and conidiophores, and they support previous reports of the close phylogenetic relationship between Raffaelea and Ophiostoma.  相似文献   

A Mutational Analysis of Conidial Development in ASPERGILLUS NIDULANS   总被引:31,自引:2,他引:29       下载免费PDF全文
A. J. Clutterbuck 《Genetics》1969,63(2):317-327

Two mutants with different conidiogenesis were isolated from wild phatotypes of Hirsutella thompsonii var. thompsonii collected from the citrus rust mite in Florida. One mutant (WSI) produces more typical single-neck phialides and conidia than the wild type. The other mutant (SS) was developmentally altered in producing condiogenous cells earlier than the wild type as well as phialides with multiple neck capable of conidiogenesis. The mutant (SS) appeared more virulent than mutant (WSI) and the wild type when bioassayed using the citrus rust mite as a host.  相似文献   

Two new species ofChaetosphaeria, Chaet. dilabens andChaet. hebetiseta, withChloridium andChloridium-Dictyochaeta anamorphs, are described and illustrated on material from Japan and Ukraine, respectively. The lifehistories of both species were confirmed by cultural studies.  相似文献   

古尼虫草组织学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用光学显微镜,扫描电子显微镜对不同成熟度的古尼虫草进行了组织学观察,结果表明,古尼虫草子囊顶部有增厚的幅状结构,包囊子囊壳的菌丝致密而纤细,子座菌髓管状菌丝粗壮而疏松,形成很多的中空结构,古尼拟青霉分生孢子梗顶端膨大,形成分生孢子,分生孢子属外生芽殖型。  相似文献   

水生植物满江红是蕨类与固氮蓝藻的共生体。本研究旨在分离和鉴定它的另一种共生伙伴——内生真菌。经ITS测序和电镜观察,该分离物被鉴定为聚多曲霉,具有产生多种有经济价值的活性物质的潜力。用透射电镜观察其分生孢子发育和衰亡进程的结构特征,显示12 d培养物比6 d培养物有更多分生孢子以自噬的形式死亡,表明在后续开发研究中有必要通过优化发酵条件来调控分生孢子的发育状态以取得较高的产物得率。文中还对分生孢子的自噬进程作了较详细的描述及探讨。  相似文献   

(Hyphomycetes). Padixonia bispora produces two kinds of conidium arranged as acropetal tandem pairs. The pair consists of a distal enteroblastic conidium connected via a narrow neck to a proximal broad-based holoblastic conidium. The proximal blastospore is derived from a branched conidiphore axis and initially forms as a distal conidiogenous cell from which arises the distal blastospore. The wall between the two conidia is formed from the narrow neck occluded by a layered plug. Conidial maturation is concurrent with conidiogenesis. Secession of the proximal spore is by a rounding-off mechanism with circumscissile rupture of the outer layer of the continuous wall between the conidiogenous cell and the conidium and concurrent schizolysis of the duplex septum. The distal blastospore is released by mechanical transverse tearing of the plug through an undulate abscission zone. The abscission zone has two major concentric rings of thickening. The outer ring is derived from the outer layer of proximal spore cell wall.  相似文献   

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