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This article illustrates the two main methods for routine measurement of cytoplasmic estrogen receptor status in neoplastic biopsy. The first is the Dextran Coated Charcoal Technique (D.C.C. Assay) which is still the method of choice in the majority of clinical laboratories for its simplicity, reproducibility and low cost. The second is a more advanced technique based on the specific binding, enzymatically displayed, of commercially available antiestrogen monoclonal antibodies (Enzyme Immuno Assay - ABBOTT). The sui generis characteristics of endocrine sensitivity assessment on tumor tissues and the importance of decision-making connected with the assay justify rigorous quality assurance schemes. The quality control design proposed by the Italian Committee concerned the evaluation of several lyophilized preparations with scalar receptor content; this permits the identification through linear regression analysis of systematic and non-systematic errors. The Italian Committee has currently connected 50 labs from most regions of the country.  相似文献   

Loïc Wacquant 《Ethnos》2013,78(3-4):325-352
Based on three years of participant observation and apprenticeship in a black boxing gym on Chicago's South Side, this article reconstructs the prizefighter's lived sense and experience of corporeal instrumentality, aesthetics, and ethics ‐ the ‘three bodies’ that together define the distinctive, ‘aisthesis’ of pugilistic practice as corporeal craft and ghetto trade. This serves to argue that professional boxing offers not so much an opportunity for economic betterment as the promise of social difference and even transcendence: the professional ethic of sacrifice enables boxers to tear themselvesfrom the everyday world and to create a moral and sensual universe ‘sui generis’ wherein a transcendent masculine self may be constructed.  相似文献   

记述了新疆准噶尔盆地早中新世地层中发现的众古仓鼠类化石。材料采集于索索泉组的两个地点,古地磁年龄介于21.9~21.16Ma之间。这是迄今为止中亚和东亚地区众古仓鼠的最早记录。材料可以归入两个种:苏氏众古仓鼠(新种)Democricetodon sui sp.nov.和众古仓鼠未定种Democricetodon?sp.,该未定种材料很少,不足以准确分类。与早中新世其他仓鼠的比较及对稀古仓鼠Spanocricetodon模式种的重新观察表明,苏氏众古仓鼠是中亚地区谢家期的指示性化石,李传夔(1977)所定义的稀古仓鼠为一个有效属,与Democricetodon和Primus属有明显区别;以前归入稀古仓鼠的某些种类应归入其他属。苏氏众古仓鼠与同一地区晚渐新世的Eucricetodon aff.E.caducus形态明显不同,表明它可能不是起源于该地区的古近纪仓鼠,而是迁移至中亚的外来种。  相似文献   

Group selection is increasingly being viewed as an important force in human evolution. This paper examines the views of R.D. Alexander, one of the most influential thinkers about human behavior from an evolutionary perspective, on the subject of group selection. Alexander's general conception of evolution is based on the gene-centered approach of G.C. Williams, but he has also emphasized a potential role for group selection in the evolution of individual genomes and in human evolution. Alexander's views are internally inconsistent and underestimate the importance of group selection. Specific themes that Alexander has developed in his account of human evolution are important but are best understood within the framework of multilevel selection theory. From this perspective, Alexander's views on moral systems are not the radical departure from conventional views that he claims, but remain radical in another way more compatible with conventional views.  相似文献   

This article responds to Loïc Wacquant's elaboration of his overarching theoretical framework in his stimulating article ‘Marginality, Ethnicity and Penality in the Neo-liberal City: An Analytic Cartography’. I raise some issues that he might reflect on in his rejoinder to the comments on his essay. These include: (1) the need for greater specification and clarification of explanatory and conceptual variables in the elaboration of his theoretical framework, especially theoretical mechanisms and two key concepts, ‘precariat’ and ‘neo-liberal policy’; and (2) addressing a major study offering empirically based arguments that indirectly challenge assertions in his theoretical framework.  相似文献   

Using immunofluorescence histochemistry and immunoelectron microscopy on sections through myocardiac tissues of diverse mammalian (human, cow, rat, mouse) and fish species we show that both desmosomal and fascia adhaerens proteins identified by gel electrophoresis and immunoblot occur in the area composita, the by far major type of plaque-bearing junctions of the intercalated disks (IDs) connecting cardiomyocytes. Specifically, we demonstrate that desmoplakin and the other desmosomal proteins occur in these junctions, together with N-cadherin, cadherin-11, alpha- and beta-catenin as well as vinculin, afadin and proteins p120(ctn), ARVCF, p0071, and ZO-1, suggestive of colocalization. We conclude that the predominant type of adhering junction present in IDs is a junction sui generis, termed area composita, that is characterized by an unusually high molecular complexity and an intimate association of molecules of both ensembles, the desmosomal one and the fascia adhaerens category. We discuss possible myocardium-specific, complex-forming interactions between members of the two ensembles and the relevance of our findings for the formation and functioning of the heart and for the understanding of hereditary and other cardiomyopathies. We further propose to use this highly characteristic area composita ensemble of molecules as cardiomyocyte markers for the monitoring of cardiomyogenesis, cardiomyocyte regeneration and possible cardiomyocyte differentiation from mesenchymal stem cells.  相似文献   

German biologist Ernst Haeckel (1834–1919) is often considered the most renowned Darwinian in his country since, as early as 1862, he declared that he accepted the conclusions Darwin had reached three years before in On the Origin of Species, and afterwards, he continuously proclaimed himself a supporter of the English naturalist and championed the evolutionary theory. Nevertheless, if we examine carefully his books, in particular his General Morphology (1866), we can see that he carries on a tradition very far from Darwin's thoughts. In spite of his acceptance of the idea of natural selection, that he establishes as an argument for materialism, he adopts, indeed, a conception of evolution that is, in some respects, rather close to Lamarck's views. He is, thus, a good example of the ambiguities of the reception of Darwinism in Germany in the second part of the 19th century. To cite this article: S. Schmitt, C. R. Biologies 332 (2009).  相似文献   

Conclusions It may be concluded that Mitchell's peace evolutionism incorporated most of the features of the cooperationist and Novicovian traditions. He questioned the conflict paradigm that underpinned biological militarism, and reinforced a holistic and more peaceful model of nature by reference to the emerging discipline of ecology. His restrictionist objections to the deterministic tendencies of much prevailing biosocial thought combined philosophical with biological arguments to assert that human history was sui generis, based upon the unique development of human consciousness and the cultural transmission of knowledge. Mitchell's opposition to biological militarism reflected Victorian anxieties about the legitimacy of evolutionary ethics. However, he introduced an innovatory note, linked to the modernist intellectual milieu of the time, when he put objections to the use of analogy on the grounds (1) that the Darwinist paradigm had not been properly established, and (2) that scientific laws themselves were uncertain and subjective.The first objection related to the bitter controversies that racked the biological world in the 1900s when mutation theory thrust the Darwinian concept of natural selection into temporary disrepute. In this respect Mitchell encoutered continuing Darwinist orthodoxy, not least from peace biology itself, while confusion was added by his personal devotion to Darwinism and his sociopolitical suspicion of Mendelian hereditarianism. The later triumph of a new Darwinian synthesis under men like R. A. Fisher made Mitchell's criticisms seem outmoded. In the second respect, Mitchell's attack on the primacy of naturalistic science echoed the epistemology of the new physics and movements such as German neo-Kantianism. However, positivism was still deeply embedded in Britain, indeed enjoying a resurgence from the last decade of the nineteenth century.79 Mitchell's critique of the Darwinist version of it seems to have been too novel and puzzling to influence a generation still convinced of the soundness of the science.Mitchell made more impact when he put his objections to the use of analogy on the grounds of professional methodology. As a naturalist, he could argue:It is impossible to make correct comparisons even between an insect and spider, two creatures so closely allied that only zoologists would separate them, unless we could trace the qualities of the insect and of the spider respectively down to their common ancestor, and in so doing we should almost certainly lose all that made the comparison interesting and significant, and be left with little more than the qualities common to all protoplasm..., It is quite true that the whole web of life is in physical and physiological community, but considerations drawn from any part of it require so much modification before they can be applied to any other part, that they become merely verbal.80 This type of criticism was to have a more lasting heritage. Chalmers Mitchell is worth remembering as an articulate early spokesman of a persistent, if often embattled, modern tradition that has resisted interpretations of human nature and history based upon genetic determinants or immutable biological laws, or upon the use of animal analogies to generalize too freely about human aggression and war.  相似文献   

A surgeon must have a clear conception of the indications for operation for either gastric or duodenal ulcer. He must realize that his indications must be modified by his operative mortality. The operation he carries out must be determined by several factors. It is the author's opinion that the various types of distal partial gastrectomy are those most likely to succeed and to produce the fewest undesirable postoperative sequelae.  相似文献   

A surgeon must have a clear conception of the indications for operation for either gastric or duodenal ulcer. He must realize that his indications must be modified by his operative mortality. The operation he carries out must be determined by several factors. It is the author''s opinion that the various types of distal partial gastrectomy are those most likely to succeed and to produce the fewest undesirable postoperative sequelae.  相似文献   

Zhu L  Hu J  Zhu K  Fang Y  Gao Z  He Y  Zhang G  Guo L  Zeng D  Dong G  Yan M  Liu J  Qian Q 《Plant molecular biology》2011,77(4-5):475-487
In rice, the elongated internodes are derived from the vegetative shoot apical meristem (SAM), and the transition of the SAM from the vegetative to the reproductive stage induces internode elongation. In this study, we characterize two shortened uppermost internode mutants (sui1-1 and sui1-2). During the seedling and tillering stages, sui1 plants are morphologically similar to wild-type plants. However, at the heading stage, the sui1-1 mutant exhibits a shortened uppermost internode and a partly sheathed panicle, and the sui1-2 mutant shows an extremely shortened uppermost internode and a fully sheathed panicle. Gibberellin treatment results in elongation of every internode, but the shortened uppermost internode phenotype remains unaltered. Microscopic analysis indicates that cell length of sui1-1 uppermost internode exhibits decreased. Map-based cloning revealed that SUI1 is located on Chromosome 1, and encodes a putative phosphatidyl serine synthase (PSS) family protein. Searches for matches in protein databases showed that OsSUI1 contains the InterPro domain IPR004277, which is conserved in both animal and plant kingdoms. Introduction of a wild-type SUI1 gene fully rescued the mutant phenotype of sui1-1 and sui1-2, confirming the identity of the cloned gene. Consistent with these results, the SUI1-RNAi transgenic plants displayed decreased elongation of the uppermost internode. Our results suggest that SUI1 plays an important role in regulating uppermost internode length by decreasing longitudinal cell length in rice.  相似文献   

Why was sexual selection so important to Darwin? And why was it de-emphasized by almost all of Darwin's followers until the second half of the 20th century? These two questions shed light on the complexity of the scientific tradition named “Darwinism”. Darwin's interest in sexual selection was almost as old as his discovery of the principle of natural selection. From the beginning, sexual selection was just another “natural means of selection”, although different from standard “natural selection” in its mechanism. But it took Darwin 30 years to fully develop his theory, from the early notebooks to the 1871 book The Descent of Man, and Selection in Relation to Sex. Although there is a remarkable continuity in his basic ideas about sexual selection, he emphasized increasingly the idea that sexual selection could oppose the action of natural selection and be non adaptive. In time, he also gave more weight to mate choice (especially female choice), giving explicit arguments in favor of psychological notions such as “choice” and “aesthetic sense”. But he also argued that there was no strict demarcation line between natural and sexual selection, a major difficulty of the theory from the beginning. Female choice was the main reason why Alfred Russel Wallace, the co-discoverer of the principle of natural selection, engaged in a major controversy with Darwin about sexual selection. Wallace was suspicious about sexual selection in general, trying to minimize it by all sorts of arguments. And he denied entirely the existence of female choice, because he thought that it was both unnecessary and an anthropomorphic notion. This had something to do with his spiritualist convictions, but also with his conception of natural selection as a sufficient principle for the evolutionary explanation of all biological phenomena (except for the origin of mind). This is why Wallace proposed to redefine Darwinism in a way that excluded Darwin's principle of sexual selection. The main result of the Darwin–Wallace controversy was that most Darwinian biologists avoided the subject of sexual selection until at least the 1950 s, Ronald Fisher being a major exception. This controversy still deserves attention from modern evolutionary biologists, because the modern approach inherits from both Darwin and Wallace. The modern approach tends to present sexual selection as a special aspect of the theory of natural selection, although it also recognizes the big difficulties resulting from the inevitable interaction between these two natural processes of selection. And contra Wallace, it considers mate choice as a major process that deserves a proper evolutionary treatment. The paper's conclusion explains why sexual selection can be taken as a test case for a proper assessment of “Darwinism” as a scientific tradition. Darwin's and Wallace's attitudes towards sexual selection reveal two different interpretations of the principle of natural selection: Wallace's had an environmentalist conception of natural selection, whereas Darwin was primarily sensitive to the element of competition involved in the intimate mechanism of any natural process of selection. Sexual selection, which can lack adaptive significance, reveals this exemplarily.  相似文献   

Historically labor has been central to humaninteractions with the environment, yetenvironmentalists pay it scant attention. Indeed, they have been critical of those whoforeground labor in their politics, socialistsin particular. However, environmentalists havefound the nineteenth-century socialist WilliamMorris appealing despite the fact that he wroteextensively on labor. This paper considers theplace of labor in the relationship betweenhumanity and the natural world in the work ofMorris and two of his contemporaries, theeminent scientist Thomas Henry Huxley, and theFabian socialist Herbert George Wells. Isuggest that Morris's conception of labor hasmuch to recommend it to environmentalists whoare also interested in issues of socialjustice.  相似文献   

Historians of science have neglected the French Academician Réaumur, whose work is emblematic of a modern conception of science that joins together technology, science, and society. Réaumur practised rigorous experimentation on organisms, and uncovered industrial and utilitarian secrets which he communicated to the public. His patronage was essential in boosting the generation of young naturalists of the 1740s who advanced further the experimental approach to the study of nature. For Réaumur, his work was not separate from his mission to disclose and communicate previously restricted knowledge for the benefits of science and society.  相似文献   


One of the major consequences of the negotiations at the Third United Nations Law of the Sea Conferences (UNCLOS III) was a substantial reduction of the international commons in which the freedom to fish existed and the creation of what was supposed to be a sui generis zone, the 200‐mile exclusive economic zone (EEZ), but within which the coastal state would have a virtual monopoly on the right to allocate resources. How this was done at UNCLOS III is analyzed using a model that shows the progress over time on major issues of the parliamentary‐diplomatic‐style negotiation in which consensus was required for an acceptable outcome. The shifting positions of major states and bargaining groups as they maneuvered toward consensus is examined on the questions of the creation of the 200‐mile EEZ, the rights of foreign fishermen in the EEZ, the fishing rights of geographically disadvantaged states in the EEZ, and the management of highly migratory species. The analysis shows that the new ocean regime, created through complex tradeoffs and strenuous issue‐by‐issue bargaining, was critically influenced by fisheries issues.  相似文献   

Edouard Chatton (1883–1947) began his scientific career in the Pasteur Institute, where he made several important discoveries regarding pathogenic protists (trypanosomids, Plasmodium, toxoplasms, Leishmania). In 1908 he married a "Banyulencque", Marie Herre; from 1920, he focused his research on marine protists. He finished his career as Professor at the Sorbonne (Paris) and director of the Laboratoire Arago in Banyuls-sur-mer, where he died in 1947. André Lwoff (1902–1994) lived several scientific lives in addition to his artistic and family life. But it is the study of protists that filled his first life after he encountered the exceptional Master who was Chatton. Lwoff's father was a psychiatrist and his mother an artist sculptor. He became a Doctor of Medicine in 1927 and then a Doctor of Sciences in 1932, his thesis dealing with biochemical aspects of protozoa nutrition. He met Chatton in 1921 and – until Chatton's death – their meetings, first in Roscoff and then in Banyuls-sur-mer, were numerous and their collaboration very close. Their monograph on apostome ciliates was one of the peaks of this collaboration. In 1938, Lwoff was made director of the Microbial Physiology Department at the Pasteur Institute in Paris, where he began a new life devoted to bacteria, and then to viruses, before pursuing his career as director of the Cancer Research Institute in Villejuif (France). Lwoff was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1965. He died in Banyuls in 1994. "Master" and "pupil" had in common perseverance in their scientific work, conception and observation, a critical sense and rigor but also a great artistic sensibility that painting and drawing in the exceptional surroundings of Banyuls-sur-mer had fulfilled. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

This paper explores ethologist Niko Tinbergen’s path from animal to human studies in the 1960s and 1970s and his views about human nature. It argues, first, that the confluence of several factors explains why Tinbergen decided to cross the animal/human divide in the mid 1960s: his concern about what he called “the human predicament,” his relations with British child psychiatrist John Bowlby, the success of ethological explanations of human behavior, and his professional and personal situation. It also argues that Tinbergen transferred his general adaptationist view of animal behavior to the realm of human biology; here, his concern about disadaptation led him to a view of human behavior that was strongly determined by the species’ evolutionary past, a position that I call evolutionary determinism. These ideas can be seen in the work he carried out with his wife, Elisabeth Tinbergen, on autism. The paper concludes that Tinbergen’s vision of human nature constitutes another version of what anthropologist Clifford Geertz called in 1966 the “stratigraphic” conception of the human: a view of human nature as a composite of levels in which a universal ancestral biological core is superimposed by psychological and cultural layers that represent accidental variation at best and pathological deviation at worst.  相似文献   

During the 1840s and the 1850s botanist Joseph Hooker developeddistinct notions about the proper characteristics of aprofessional man of science. While he never articulated theseideas publicly as a coherent agenda, he did share his opinionsopenly in letters to family and colleagues; this privatecommunication gives essential insight into his and his X-Clubcolleagues' public activities. The core aspiration of Hooker'sprofessionalization was to consolidate men of science into adutiful and centralized community dedicated to nationalwell-being. The nation in turn owed the scientific community forits ministration. When the government bestowed funds and statuson men of science it was rewarding science – not purchasing it. His proposed reforms were piecemeal, immediate, and above allpractical. He harbored no taste for vast millenariantransformation, and rested his conception of scientificprofessionalism upon a respectable High Victorian foundation ofpatronage and pillars of duty, reciprocity, intimacy, andinequality. The process of professionalization he envisioned wasas much shrewd compromise between existing interests as avindication of principle. His power and prestige from themid-1850s onward gave him considerable ability to carry out hisreform program, although his general success did occasion someundesired consequences for the status of natural-historypursuits. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

During the British socialist revival of the 1880s competing theories of evolution were central to disagreements about strategy for social change. In News from Nowhere (1891), William Morris had portrayed socialism as the result of Lamarckian processes, and imagined a non-Malthusian future. H.G. Wells, an enthusiastic admirer of Morris in the early days of the movement, became disillusioned as a result of the Malthusianism he learnt from Huxley and his subsequent rejection of Lamarckism in light of Weismann’s experiments on mice. This brought him into conflict with his fellow Fabian, George Bernard Shaw, who rejected neo-Darwinism in favour of a Lamarckian conception of change he called “creative evolution.”  相似文献   

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