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Visual search tasks have been used to understand how, where and when attention influences visual processing. Current theories suggest the involvement of a high-level "saliency map" that selects a candidate location to focus attentional resources. For a parallel (or "pop-out") task, the first chosen location is systematically the target, but for a serial (or "difficult") task, the system may cycle on a few distractors before finally focusing on the target. This implies that attentional effects upon early visual areas, involving feedback from higher areas, should be visible at longer latencies during serial search. A previous study from Juan & Walsh (2003) had used Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) to support this conclusion; however, only a few post-stimulus delays were compared, and no control TMS location was used. Here we applied TMS double-pulses (sub-threshold) to induce a transient inhibition of area V1 at every post-stimulus delay between 100 ms and 500 ms (50 ms steps). The search array was presented either at the location affected by the TMS pulses (previously identified by applying several pulses at supra-threshold intensity to induce phosphene perception), or in the opposite hemifield, which served as a retinotopically-defined control location. Two search tasks were used: a parallel (+ among Ls) and a serial one (T among Ls). TMS specifically impaired the serial, but not the parallel search. We highlight an involvement of V1 in serial search 300 ms after the onset; conversely, V1 did not contribute to parallel search at delays beyond 100 ms. This study supports the idea that serial search differs from parallel search by the presence of additional cycles of a select-and-focus iterative loop between V1 and higher-level areas.  相似文献   

Visual attention operates by biasing competitive interactions between neural representations, favoring relevant over irrelevant visual inputs. Attention can enhance the processing of relevant information using location-based, feature-based or object-based selection mechanisms. Studies using event-related potential and event-related magnetic field recordings, together with functional magnetic resonance imaging, show that the temporal sequencing of these different selection mechanisms is flexible. Depending on the specific processing demands of the experimental task, location-based, feature-based or object-based selection might be given temporal priority on a time scale of tens of milliseconds.  相似文献   

Marvin M. Chun and Yuhong Jiang (1998) investigated the role of spatial context on visual search. They used two display conditions. In the Old Display condition, the spatial arrangement of items in the search display was kept constant throughout the experiment. In the New Display condition, the spatial arrangement of items was always novel from trial to trial. The results showed better performance with Old Displays than with New Displays. The authors proposed that repeated spatial context help guiding attention to the target location, thus they termed this effect Contextual Cueing. We present three attempts to reproduce this effect. Experiments 1 and 2 were near exact replications of experiments in Chun and Jiang's report, where we failed to obtain Contextual Cueing. Post-experimental interviews revealed that participants used different search strategies when performing the task: an 'active' strategy (an active effort to find the target), or a 'passive' strategy (intuitive search). In Experiment 3, we manipulated task instructions to bias participants into using active or passive strategies. A robust Contextual Cueing Effect was obtained only in the passive instruction condition.  相似文献   

C Casco  G Campana 《Spatial Vision》1999,12(4):467-483
To isolate the mechanisms responsible for spatial interactions in visual search, we investigated the effects of inter-element distance and positional jittering in both simple (in/s) and combined-feature (inverted V in Vs) search tasks in which the observer had to find a target in a background of similar nontargets. Thresholds, defined as the stimulus duration for 75% correct, were measured for 'present' and 'absent' target conditions as a function of background numerosity (ranging from 4 to 64 background elements), independently for four inter-element distances and three positional jittering conditions. Results show: (1) both simple and combined-feature search involve a parallel, capacity limited process, (2) thresholds for parallel search of simple features are directly related to inter-element distance whereas this has little effect on thresholds in combined-feature search, and (3) positional jittering has a direct effect on thresholds in combined-feature search and an inverse effect in simple-feature search. These results indicate that two different mechanisms of spatial interactions are involved in parallel search. The activation of each of the two mechanisms depends on the stimulus used. In parallel search for simple and dissimilar features, the underlying mechanism is a short-range one, based on lateral inhibition, whereas the parallel search for combined and similar features is based on a nontarget grouping mechanism which relies on facilitatory interactions between regular elements.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial proteins alter in their composition and quantity drastically through time and space in correspondence to changing energy demands and cellular signaling events. The integrity and permutations of this dynamism are increasingly recognized to impact the functions of the cardiac proteome in health and disease. This article provides an overview on recent advances in defining the spatial and temporal dynamics of mitochondrial proteins in the heart. Proteomics techniques to characterize dynamics on a proteome scale are reviewed and the physiological consequences of altered mitochondrial protein dynamics are discussed. Lastly, we offer our perspectives on the unmet challenges in translating mitochondrial dynamics markers into the clinic.  相似文献   

A metalimnetic peak of Cryptomonas phaseolus was studied duringseveral stratification periods in Lake Cis (Spain). We describedthe seasonal, spatial and diel dynamics of the peak, and testedthe likelihood of several hypotheses to explain the mechanismof formation of the peak and the factors controlling the actualdepth of the peak. The metalimnetic peak generally accountedfor >60% of the lake phytoplanktonic biomass. Cryplomonasphaseolus was shown to be active at depth, growing at the metalimnionduring the spring and remaining there, in a dynamic equilibriumwhere losses balanced production, through the stratificationperiod. The upper limit of sulfide distribution delimited theexact depth of the peak at noon hours. The peak did not movefollowing optimal light intensities; rather, it followed thedepth oscillations of the oxygen-sulfide interface. Low sulfideconcentrations were apparently tolerated and the protist movedinside the sulfide-rich part of the lake at night and duringthe winter. Metalimnetic algal populations behave differentlyfrom epilimnetic ones. A single species accounts for most ofthe biomass and production, and persists during all the stratificationperiod. This indicates that the mechanisms currently believedto account for succession (competition and predation) do notoperate efficiently in metalimnetic peaks.  相似文献   

Spatial and temporal dynamics in a sexual selection mosaic   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Selective regimes and phenotypic optima could either change smoothly and in a clinal fashion or be spatially organized in a more unpredictable mosaic pattern over the geographic landscape. When natural or sexual selection is driven by intra- or interspecific biotic interactions, fine-grained spatial variation in selective regimes could result in selection mosaics rather than clinal variation in selection. We investigated temporal variation and spatial organization in sexual selection on male body size along an ecological coastal-inland gradient of a polymorphic damselfly Ischnura elegans. Body size increased in a clinal fashion along this gradient: animals were smaller in size at the coast, but became larger in the inland areas. In contrast, the sexual selection regimes on male body size showed evidence of more fine-grained spatial organization with no evidence for a clinal pattern and low spatial autocorrelations between populations. These spatially fine-grained sexual selection regimes varied in sign and magnitude and were driven by a combination of the densities of heritable female color morphs and local female body sizes. We suggest that the spatial organization of the selective regimes can be interpreted as a sexual selection mosaic that is influenced by highly localized density- and frequency-dependent social interactions.  相似文献   

Despite the acknowledged relationship between consciousness and attention, theories of the two have mostly been developed separately. Moreover, these theories have independently attempted to explain phenomena in which both are likely to interact, such as the attentional blink (AB) and working memory (WM) consolidation. Here, we make an effort to bridge the gap between, on the one hand, a theory of consciousness based on the notion of global workspace (GW) and, on the other, a synthesis of theories of visual attention. We offer a theory of attention and consciousness (TAC) that provides a unified neurocognitive account of several phenomena associated with visual search, AB and WM consolidation. TAC assumes multiple processing stages between early visual representation and conscious access, and extends the dynamics of the global neuronal workspace model to a visual attentional workspace (VAW). The VAW is controlled by executive routers, higher-order representations of executive operations in the GW, without the need for explicit saliency or priority maps. TAC leads to newly proposed mechanisms for illusory conjunctions, AB, inattentional blindness and WM capacity, and suggests neural correlates of phenomenal consciousness. Finally, the theory reconciles the all-or-none and graded perspectives on conscious representation.  相似文献   

Spatial and temporal extinction dynamics in a freshwater cetacean   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Geographical range contraction is a fundamental ecological characteristic of species population decline, but relatively little investigation has been conducted into general trends in the dynamic properties of range collapse. The Yangtze River dolphin or baiji (Lipotes vexillifer), probably the first large mammal species to have become extinct in over 50 years, was believed to have experienced major range collapse during its decline through progressive large-scale range contraction and fragmentation. This range-collapse model is challenged by a new dataset of 406 baiji last-sighting records collected from across the baiji''s historical range during an interview survey of Yangtze fishing communities. Although baiji regional abundance may have varied across its range, analyses of the extensive new sighting series provide comprehensive evidence that baiji population decline was not associated with any major contraction in geographical range across the middle–lower Yangtze drainage, even in the decade immediately before probable global extinction of the species. Extinction risk in baiji was therefore seemingly not related to evidence of range collapse. Baiji apparently underwent large-scale periodic and seasonal movements across their range, and we propose that range contraction and fragmentation may not be general biogeographic characteristics for declining populations of mobile species in connected landscapes.  相似文献   

Spatial and temporal dynamics of barrier island shrub thickets were investigated on Hog Island, a barrier island along the Eastern Shore peninsula of Virginia. The island thickets are dominated by the actinorhizal shrub, Myrica cerifera. On the accreting, northern half of the island, thickets expanded as swale area increased. Analysis of aerial photographs revealed that total thicket area increased by nearly 400% from 1949 to 1989, paralleling a substantial increase in area for the northern portion of the island. Thicket characteristics varied with the age and position of the three field sites on Hog Island. At the youngest site examined (20 yr), recruitment and shrub growth were high. Shrub growth remained high and recruitment continued in the stable central portions of the island (50 yr). However, at the oldest site near a bay side salt marsh (≈130 yr), recruitment was not evident, shrub growth was reduced, and mortality was most apparent. Several “life stages” for shrub thickets were identified relative to island accretion. After the stabilization of new land, seedlings establish and grow rapidly to form a thicket. Once established, a thicket rapidly expands in the relatively protected, mesic swale environment. Thicket decline follows, characterized by an increase in vine growth on and around the shrubs and the formation of gaps as the thicket breaks up. Spatial variation in M. cerifera thickets on Hog Island is related to length of time soils have been stabilized and, especially, to time since thicket establishment.  相似文献   

Using a novel visual search paradigm McCarley et al. (2003) concluded that the oculomotor system keeps a history of 3-4 previously attended objects. However, their displays were visually sparse, denying participants structural information which might be used during normal search. This might have underestimated memory capacity. To examine this possibility, we included landmarks in the same search paradigm. Previously examined items were re-examined less frequently when landmarks were present compared to when they were absent. Results indicate that objects in the environment that share no features with search items are used as external support to aid memory in guiding visual search.  相似文献   

We have constructed a three-dimensional reaction-diffusion model of the mammalian cardiac calcium release unit. We analyzed effects of diffusion coefficients, single channel current amplitude, density of RyR channels, and reaction kinetics of ATP2− with Ca2+ and Mg2+ ions on spatiotemporal concentration profiles of Ca2+, Mg2+, and ATP2− in the dyadic cleft during Ca2+ release. The model revealed that Ca2+ concentration gradients persist near RyRs in the steady state. Even with low number of open RyRs, peak [Ca2+] in the dyadic space reached values similar to estimates of luminal [Ca2+] in ∼1 ms, suggesting that during calcium release the Ca2+ gradient moves from the cisternal membrane towards the boundary of the dyadic space with the cytosol. The released Ca2+ bound to ATP2−, and thus substantially decreased ATP2− concentration in the dyadic space. The released Ca2+ could also replace Mg2+ in its complex with ATP2− during first milliseconds of release if dissociation of MgATP was fast. The results suggest that concentration changes of Ca2+, Mg2+, and ATP2− might be large and fast enough to reduce dyadic RyR activity. Thus, under physiological conditions, termination of calcium release may be facilitated by the synergic effect of the construction and chemistry of mammalian cardiac dyads.  相似文献   

Demyelination is the cause of disability in various neurological disorders. It is therefore crucial to understand the molecular regulation of oligodendrocytes, the myelin forming cells in the CNS. Growth factors are known to be essential for the development and maintenance of oligodendrocytes and are involved in the regulation of glial responses in various pathological conditions. We employed the well established murine cuprizone model of toxic demyelination to analyze the expression of 13 growth factors in the CNS during de- and remyelination. The temporal mRNA expression profile during demyelination and the subsequent remyelination were analyzed separately in the corpus callosum and cerebral cortex using laser microdissection and real-time PCR techniques. During demyelination a similar pattern of growth factor mRNA expression was observed in both areas with a strong up-regulation of NRG1 and GDNF and a slight increase of CNTF in the first week of cuprizone treatment. HGF, FGF-2, LIF, IGF-I, and TGF-ß1 were up-regulated mainly during peak demyelination. In contrast, during remyelination there were regional differences in growth factor mRNA expression levels. GDNF, CNTF, HGF, FGF-2, and BDNF were elevated in the corpus callosum but not in the cortex, suggesting tissue differences in the molecular regulation of remyelination in the white and grey matter. To clarify the cellular source we isolated microglia from the cuprizone lesions. GDNF, IGF-1, and FGF mRNA were detected in the microglial fraction with a temporal pattern corresponding to that from whole tissue PCR. In addition, immunohistochemical analysis revealed IGF-1 protein expression also in the reactive astrocytes. CNTF was located in astrocytes. This study identified seven different temporal expression patterns for growth factors in white and grey matter and demonstrated the importance of early tissue priming and exact orchestration of different steps during callosal and cortical de- and remyelination.  相似文献   

黄土高原土壤水分变化的时空特征分析   总被引:66,自引:8,他引:66  
对晋西北砖窑沟流域荒地7年土壤水分定位观测表明,生长期土壤水分动态主要受降水量及其分配的影响.一般年份生长期土壤水分动态可分为3个时段:1)春末夏初土壤水分消耗期;2)夏末秋初土壤水分蓄积期和3)秋末冬初土壤水分消耗期.0-300cm土层水分含量的季节变化与测定序号的关系方程为:1)直线型(1988,1990),2)指数型(1992,1995)和3)抛物线型(1993).以150cm为界,下部土壤水分与上部的比大于1.不同降水年土壤湿度与土层深度的关系方程均为三次抛物线型.土壤水分的变异系数随深度的增加而减小.0-300cm内的土壤水分剖面可分为活跃层(200cm以上)、过渡层(200-250cm)和稳定层(250cm以下).各层深度随降水量及其分配的不同而变化.不同降水年荒地土壤水分的方差分析总体差异显著,但各组间的均值配对比较结果不同.特涝年的荒地土壤水分与其它年份差异均显著.荒地与柠条林地的土壤水分差异显著,但与河北杨林地和小叶杨林地的土壤水分差异不显著.本文采用的定量研究方法有助于黄土高原不同地区和不同植被条件下土壤水分的定量比较.  相似文献   

We determined the effect of distance from ecological edges, both wooded and water edges, on nest predation for 862 painted turtle, Chrysemys picta , nests from 1995 to 1999 at an ∼1.5 ha study site. In three of five years and overall, nests closer to the water edge had a higher probability of predation; and in one year nests closer to the wooded edge had a higher probability of predation. Although more turtles nested closer to the water edge as the nesting season progressed in some years and overall, this behavior does not explain the observed patterns of nest predation. We present a novel application of the cubic spline analysis to address the dynamics of predation across continuous distances from an edge and identify threshold values where the predation rate levels off. Threshold values of ∼25–40 m were detected in 1995, 1998, and with all five years combined. However, even though a significant edge effect was detected in 1997, a threshold was not clear. While an edge effect on predation was not detected in each year, this study provides evidence for a strong effect of distance from the water edge on nest predation over significant ecological time. Focusing on turtle nest predation and smaller spatial scales addresses previous taxonomic and spatial bias in edge effects research, and provides further support for the ecological importance of edge effects.  相似文献   

Methylated and total Hg, and TOC concentrations were measured in precipitation and runoff in a first order Precambrian Shield watershed, and in precipitation, throughfall, shallow groundwater and runoff in a zero Precambrian Shield watershed. Plots dominated by open lichen-covered bedrock and another containing small patches of conifer forest and thin discontinuous surficial deposits were monitored within the zero order catchment. Methyl (3–10 fold) and non-methyl (1.4–2.8 fold) Hg concentrations changed irregularly during rainfall and snowmelt runoff events in all catchments. Temporal patterns of Hg concentration in runoff included flushing and subsequent dilution as well as peak concentrations coinciding with peak or recession flow. Mercury export was highest from lichen-covered bedrock surfaces as a result of high runoff yields and minimal opportunity for physical retention and in the case of MeHg demethylation. Forest canopy and lichen/bedrock surfaces were often net sources for Hg while forest soils were mostly sinks. However, upland soils undergoing periodic reducing conditions appear to be sites for the in situ production of MeHg.  相似文献   

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