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Koch's postulates for cholesterol.   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
M S Brown  J L Goldstein 《Cell》1992,71(2):187-188

The author has had the unique opportunity to participate, over the last 35 years, in the retrovirus research field that proceeded and followed the discovery of human, simian and feline AIDS. The onset of human AIDS was certainly unanticipated, but in retrospect, the warning signs had been present for at least a decade in captive macaques. I will briefly summarize the key scientific knowledge and 'mindset' leading up to these events and will outline the major contributions and unanswered questions arising from the simian model of AIDS.  相似文献   

The aetiology of SARS: Koch's postulates fulfilled   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Proof that a newly identified coronavirus, severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV) is the primary cause of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) came from a series of studies on experimentally infected cynomolgus macaques (Macaca fascicularis). SARS-CoV-infected macaques developed a disease comparable to SARS in humans; the virus was re-isolated from these animals and they developed SARS-CoV-specific antibodies. This completed the fulfilment of Koch's postulates, as modified by Rivers for viral diseases, for SARS-CoV as the aetiological agent of SARS. Besides the macaque model, a ferret and a cat model for SARS-CoV were also developed. These animal models allow comparative pathogenesis studies for SARS-CoV infections and testing of different intervention strategies. The first of these studies has shown that pegylated interferon-alpha, a drug approved for human use, limits SARS-CoV replication and lung damage in experimentally infected macaques. Finally, we argue that, given the worldwide nature of the socio-economic changes that have predisposed for the emergence of SARS and avian influenza in Southeast Asia, such changes herald the beginning of a global trend for which we are ill prepared.  相似文献   

In this issue of Cell Host & Microbe, Bloom and colleagues elegantly show that commensal Bacteroides species fulfill Koch's postulates for inflammatory bowel disease in a host-genotype-specific way. This study showcases the use of a non-germ-free mouse model to identify specific members of the microbiota involved in disease development.  相似文献   

This article explores one of a citation classics in medical literature—Koch's postulates. It analyses their creation in the nineteenth century and their popularity in the twentieth century. As a genre of historiography, references to the postulates are anecdotes. In referring to a historical event that never happened, such references serve to remind their audiences of a tradition of experimental medicine that supposedly originated with Robert Koch.  相似文献   

Koch's postulates have shaped our understanding of infectious diseases; however, one of the tangential consequences of them has been the emergence of a predominantly monomicrobial perspective concerning disease aetiology. This orthodoxy has been undermined by the growing recognition that some important infectious diseases have a polymicrobial aetiology. A significant new development in our understanding of polymicrobial infections is the recognition that they represent functional ecosystems and that to understand such systems and the outcome and impact of therapeutic interventions requires an understanding of how these communities arise and develop. Therefore, it is timely to explore what we can learn from other fields. In particular, ecological theory may inform our understanding of how polymicrobial communities assemble their structure and their dynamics over time. Such work may also offer insights into how such communities move from stable to unstable states, as well as the role of invasive pathogens in the progression of the disease. Ecological theory offers a theoretical framework around which testable hypotheses can be developed to clarify the polymicrobial nature and dynamics of such infections in the face of environmental change and therapeutic interventions.  相似文献   

The lymphatic system: an historical perspective   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

The publication of Systematics Agenda 2000 in February, 1994 represented an historic event in the collaboration of the systematic biology community designed to set a research agenda for a twenty five year period across the areas of basic and applied systematics. How the community came to take the initiative to produce such a consensus is outlined. Of special interest is the emergence of the Systematics Agenda 2000 initiative from a North American perspective to a truly global enterprise.  相似文献   

Discovery of superoxide reductase: an historical perspective   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
For more than 30 years, the only enzymatic system known to catalyze the elimination of superoxide was superoxide dismutase, SOD. SOD has been found in almost all organisms living in the presence of oxygen, including some anaerobic bacteria, supporting the notion that superoxide is a key and general component of oxidative stress. Recently, a new concept in the field of the mechanisms of cellular defense against superoxide has emerged. It was discovered that elimination of superoxide in some anaerobic and microaerophilic bacteria could occur by reduction, a reaction catalyzed by a small metalloenzyme thus named superoxide reductase, SOR. Having played a major role in this discovery, we describe here how the concept of superoxide reduction emerged and how it was experimentally substantiated independently in our laboratory.Abbreviations Dfx desulfoferrodoxin - SOD superoxide dismutase - SOR superoxide reductase  相似文献   

Biochemical genetics and fishery management: an historical perspective   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
This paper traces the development of applications of biochemical genetic methods to problems of fishery management over a period of four decades. In the 1950s, details of presumed genetic structuring offish species appeared destined for revelation through Mendelian characters identified by immunogenetic procedures. In the 1960s, immunogenetic methods were displaced by protein electrophoresis, with a proliferation of reports of genotypic and allelic data for protein-coding loci. In the 1970s, disagreement about the biological significance of protein polymorphisms delayed acceptance of management applications of this variation. In the 1980s, management applications included identification of relationships among populations, analyses of mixed stock fisheries, and uses in fish culture, conservation biology and forensics. The complementary relationship between protein electrophoresis and nucleic acid technologies is stressed, with a plea to recognize the unique attributes of properly applied protein electrophoresis in fishery management.  相似文献   

The development of tannic acid as a reagent in histological methods is traced against a background of widespread use in science and technology from times of antiquity. Numerous light microscopic methods involving tannic acid, particularly in conjunction with iron and silver, have been described for a variety of tissue components. In most applications, tannic acid functions as a mordant. Current use is generally restricted to methods based on its affinity for collagen. The most significant histological use of tannic acid in contemporary times is as an adjunct to conventional glutaraldehyde-osmium-heavy metal fixation and staining for ultrastructural studies of tissue structures not normally clearly demonstrated. Tannic acid reacts with various components by mechanisms which are often not fully understood.  相似文献   

Beet curly top Iran virus (BCTIRV) is a geminivirus with unusual genomic organisation, recently reported in Iran, infecting sugarbeet and a few other plant species. Although three BCTIRV sequences have been reported, demonstration that BCTIRV DNA is the causal agent of the disease was missing. A full‐length genomic DNA was obtained from symptomatic leaves of sugarbeet collected in the Sivand area of Iran, and its nucleotide sequence was determined (BCTIRV‐Siv, 2845 nt). To satisfy Koch's postulates, an infectivity assay was developed by inserting a 1.4‐mer of BCTIRV‐Siv DNA in Agrobacterium tumefaciens and using it in agroinoculation experiments. The cloned viral DNA was capable of infecting sugarbeets, reproducing the leaf curling and vein enations observed in the field. These results demonstrate that the single DNA component of BCTIRV is sufficient for infectivity. Host range studies indicated that some economically important crops can be affected, such as spinach, tomato and sweet pepper, as well as important laboratory plants including Nicotiana benthamiana, Arabidopsis thaliana and Jimson weed. Circulifer haematoceps, the dominant leafhopper species present in sugarbeet fields in Iran, was successfully used to transmit the disease. The availability of an infectious clone will facilitate extended host range studies, to determine the potential risks to other crops, as well as genetic studies on this unusual member of the family Geminiviridae.  相似文献   

Herein, we compare the different experimental regimes used to induce testicular heat stress and summarise their impact on sperm production and male fertility. Irrespective of the protocol used, scrotal heat stress causes loss of sperm production. This is first seen 1–2 weeks post heat stress, peaking 4–5 weeks thereafter. The higher the temperature, or the longer the duration of heat, the more pronounced germ cell loss becomes, within extreme cases this leads to azoospermia. The second, and often underappreciated impact of testicular hyperthermia is the production of poor-quality spermatozoa. Typically, those cells that survive hyperthermia develop into morphologically abnormal and poorly motile spermatozoa. While both apoptotic and non-apoptotic pathways are known to contribute to hyperthermic germ cell loss, the mechanisms leading to formation of poor-quality sperm remain unclear. Mechanistically, it is unlikely that testicular hyperthermia affects messenger RNA (mRNA) abundance, as a comparison of four different mammalian studies shows no consistent single gene changes. Using available evidence, we propose two novel models to explain how testicular hyperthermia impairs sperm formation. Our first model suggests aberrant alternative splicing, while the second model proposes a loss of RNA repression. Importantly, neither model requires consistent changes in RNA species.  相似文献   

Sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas) and related Ipomoea species are frequently infected by monopartite begomoviruses (genus Begomovirus, family Geminiviridae), known as sweepoviruses. Unlike other geminiviruses, the genomes of sweepoviruses have been recalcitrant to rendering infectious clones to date. Thus, Koch's postulates have not been fullfilled for any of the viruses in this group. Three novel species of sweepoviruses have recently been described in Spain: Sweet potato leaf curl Lanzarote virus (SPLCLaV), Sweet potato leaf curl Spain virus (SPLCSV) and Sweet potato leaf curl Canary virus (SPLCCaV). Here we describe the generation of the first infectious clone of an isolate (ES:MAL:BG30:06) of SPLCLaV. The clone consisted of a complete tandem dimeric viral genome in a binary vector. Successful infection by agroinoculation of several species of Ipomoea (including sweet potato) and Nicotiana benthamiana was confirmed by PCR, dot blot and Southern blot hybridization. Symptoms observed in infected plants consisted of leaf curl, yellowing, growth reduction and vein yellowing. Two varieties of sweet potato, 'Beauregard' and 'Promesa', were infected by agroinoculation, and symptoms of leaf curl and interveinal loss of purple colouration were observed, respectively. The virus present in agroinfected plants was readily transmitted by the whitefly Bemisia tabaci to I. setosa plants. The progeny virus population present in agroinfected I. setosa and sweet potato plants was isolated and identity to the original isolate was confirmed by sequencing. Therefore, Koch's postulates were fulfilled for the first time for a sweepovirus.  相似文献   

Historical aspects of respiratory reflexes from the lungs and airways are reviewed, up until about 10 yr ago. For most of the 19th century, the possible reflex inputs into the "respiratory center," the position of which had been identified, were very speculative. There was little concept of reflex control of the pattern of breathing. Then, in 1868, Breuer published his paper on "The self-steering of respiration via the Nervus Vagus." For the first time this established the role of vagal inflation and deflation reflexes in determining the pattern of breathing. Head later extended Breuer's work, and Kratschmer laid a similar basis for reflexes from the nose and larynx. Then, 50-60 yr later, the development of the thermionic valve and the oscilloscope allowed recording action potentials from single nerve fibers in the vagus. In 1933, Adrian showed that slowly adapting pulmonary stretch receptors were responsible for the inflation reflex. Later, Knowlton and Larrabee described rapidly adapting receptors and showed that they mediated deep augmented breaths and the deflation reflex. Still later, it was established that rapidly adapting receptors were, at least in part, responsible for cough. In 1954, Paintal began his study of C-fiber receptors (J receptors), work greatly extended by the Coleridges. Since approximately 10 yr ago, when the field of this review stops, there has been an explosion of research on lung and airway receptors, many aspects of which are dealt with in other papers in this series.  相似文献   

Retroviruses have been the common foe in two recent “wars,” first against cancer, then against AIDS. Although neither war is close to over, some battles have been won, thanks in part to research using nonhuman primates. As useful as these animals were in studying retroviruses and cancer, their contribution to AIDS research is already far greater. This paper will briefly review the major contribution of nonhuman primates and their retroviruses to research on cancer and AIDS.  相似文献   

Amoebic gill disease (AGD) in marine farmed Atlantic salmon is of growing concern worldwide and remains a significant health issue for salmon growers in Australia. Until now the aetiological agent, Neoparamoeba perurans, has not been amenable to in vitro culture and therefore Koch's postulates could not be fulfilled. The inability to culture the amoeba has been a limiting factor in the progression of research into AGD and required the maintenance of an on-going laboratory-based infection to supply infective material. Culture methods using malt yeast agar with sea water overlaid and subculturing every 3-4 days have resulted in the establishment of a clonal culture of N. perurans, designated clone 4. Identity of the amoeba was confirmed by PCR. After 70 days in culture clone 4 infected Atlantic salmon, causing AGD, and was re-isolated from the infected fish. Diagnosis was confirmed by histology and the infectious agent identified by PCR and in situ hybridisation using oligonucleotide primers and probes previously developed and specific to N. perurans. This study has fulfilled Koch's postulates for N. perurans as a causative agent of AGD and illustrates its free-living and parasitic nature.  相似文献   

The original suggestion that phytoplankton can be viewed and modelled as a compound photosynthetic system combined light gradients with depth and biological plus chemical homogeneity. Subsequent experience often involved biological and chemical differentiation in depth and time. Such differentiation is surveyed; it can add to the compound structure, and modify the kinetics of depth-integrated photosynthetic production. Further compounding possibilities are introduced by alternatives in carbon input, output and storage; also, conceptually, by the level of approach adopted. These features are discussed in historical perspective.  相似文献   

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