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Emissions of CO2 from soils make up one of the largest fluxes in the global C cycle, thus small changes in soil respiration may have large impacts on global C cycling. Anthropogenic additions of CO2 to the atmosphere are expected to alter soil carbon cycling, an important component of the global carbon budget. As part of the Duke Forest Free-Air CO2 Enrichment (FACE) experiment, we examined how forest growth at elevated (+200 ppmv) atmospheric CO2 concentration affects soil CO2 dynamics over 7 years of continuous enrichment. Soil respiration, soil CO2 concentrations, and the isotopic signature of soil CO2 were measured monthly throughout the 7 years of treatment. Estimated annual rates of soil CO2 efflux have been significantly higher in the elevated plots in every year of the study, but over the last 5 years the magnitude of the CO2 enrichment effect on soil CO2 efflux has declined. Gas well samples indicate that over 7 years fumigation has led to sustained increases in soil CO2 concentrations and depletion in the δ13C of soil CO2 at all but the shallowest soil depths.  相似文献   

利用便携式光合气体分析系统 (LI 6 4 0 0 ) ,比较测定了高CO2 浓度 (FACE ,free airCO2 enrich ment)和普通空气CO2 浓度下生长的水稻叶片的净光合速率、水分利用率、表观量子效率和RuBP羧化效率等光合参数 .在各自生长CO2 浓度 (380vs 5 80 μmol·mol-1)下测定时 ,高CO2 浓度 (5 80 μmol·mol-1)下生长的水稻叶片的净光合速率、碳同化的表观量子效率和水分利用率明显高于普通空气 (380 μmol·mol-1)下生长的水稻叶片 .但是 ,随着FACE处理时间的延长 ,高CO2 浓度对净光合速率的促进作用逐渐减小 .在相同CO2 浓度下测定时 ,FACE条件下生长的水稻叶片净光合速率和羧化效率明显比普通空气下生长的对照低 .尽管高CO2 浓度下生长的水稻叶片的气孔导度明显低于普通空气中生长的水稻叶片 ,但两者胞间CO2 浓度差异不显著 ,因此高CO2 浓度下生长的水稻叶片光合下调似乎不是由气孔导度降低造成的 .  相似文献   

The goal of this study was to investigate whether increased nitrogen use efficiency found in Populus nigra L. (Jean Pourtet) under elevated CO2 would correlate with changes in the production of carbon-based secondary compounds (CBSCs). Using Free-Air CO2 Enrichment (FACE) technology, a poplar plantation was exposed to either ambient (about 370 μmol mol−1 CO2) or elevated (about 550 μmol mol−1 CO2) [CO2] for 5 years. After three growing seasons, the plantation was coppiced and half of the experimental plots were fertilized with nitrogen. CBSCs, total nitrogen and lignin-bound nitrogen were quantified in secondary sprouts in seasons of active growth and dormancy during 2 years after coppicing. Neither elevated CO2 nor nitrogen fertilisation alone or in combination influenced lignin concentrations in wood. Soluble phenolics and soluble proteins in wood decreased slightly in response to elevated CO2. Higher nitrogen supply stimulated formation of CBSCs and increased protein concentrations. Lignin-bound nitrogen in wood ranged from 0.37–1.01 mg N g−1 dry mass accounting for 17–26% of total nitrogen in wood, thus, forming a sizeable nitrogen fraction resistant to chemical degradation. The concentration of this nitrogen fraction was significantly decreased by elevated CO2, increased in response to nitrogen fertilisation and showed a significant CO2 × fertilisation interaction. Seasonal changes markedly affected the internal nitrogen pools. Soluble proteins in wood were 52–143% higher in the dormant than in the growth season. Positive correlations existed between the biosynthesis of proteins and CBSCs. The limited responses to elevated CO2 and nitrogen fertilisation indicate that growth and defence are well orchestrated in P. nigra and that changes in the balance of both resources—nitrogen and C—have only marginal effects on wood chemistry. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

在同样CO2浓度下测定时,开放式空气CO2浓度增高(FACE,580 μmol CO2 /mol)条件下生长的冬小麦叶片的净光合速率、气孔导度和羧化效率都显著低于普通空气(380 μmol CO2 /mol)中生长的对照叶片.与此相一致,FACE叶片的可溶性蛋白、二磷酸核酮糖羧化酶/加氧酶(Rubisco)和Rubisco活化酶含量也都显著低于对照叶片.这些结果表明,在根系生长不受限制的田间条件下,冬小麦叶片的光合作用对高浓度CO2产生了适应现象,其主要原因可能是碳同化的关键酶Rubisco等含量的降低.  相似文献   

The photosynthetic responses of six species of mature forest trees to long-term exposure to elevated CO2 (ca. 530 ppm) were determined at the Swiss Canopy Crane (SCC) site near Basel, Switzerland. In the third year of growth in elevated CO2, using web-FACE technology, net photosynthesis (As) in fully sunlit, upper canopy foliage was stimulated by ca. 40% compared to ambient controls. This enhancement did not differ from the instantaneous increase in As found in ambient-grown leaves that were temporarily measured at elevated CO2. A complete lack of down-regulation of photosynthesis was found in all species and in both the early and the late growing season. Neither was leaf nitrogen content significantly affected by long-term exposure to elevated CO2. Our results document a persistent enhancement in leaf level photosynthesis in response to elevated CO2 in mature forest trees over a period of three years. Circumstantial evidence suggests that the additional assimilates feed into large sinks other than stem and shoot growth.  相似文献   

于分蘖、拔节和抽穗 3个时期在空气CO2 浓度 (380 μmol·mol-1)下测定稻田中稗草叶片的净光合速率 (Pn) ,发现在开放式CO2 浓度增高 (FACE)条件下生长的稗草叶片后 2个时期的Pn显著低于普通空气中生长的对照 ,比对照下降约 2 0 % ,说明FACE条件下稗草叶片光合作用对高CO2 浓度发生了明显的适应 .同时 ,叶片的气孔导度 (Gs)和胞间CO2 浓度 (Ci)的下降更为明显 .与对照相比 ,叶片可溶性蛋白含量明显降低 ,拔节期只有对照的 6 2 .4 % ;高CO2 浓度下生长的稗草叶片Rubisco含量也降低 ,分蘖期和拔节期分别为对照的 87%和 84 % ,但其差异未达到显著水平 .可以认为 ,长期生长在高CO2 浓度下的C4植物稗草叶片光合作用的适应是叶片气孔部分关闭和可溶性蛋白含量下降的结果 .  相似文献   

This study investigates effects of climate warming (+ 2.5°C ubove ambient) and elevated CO2 concentration (600 μmol mol?1) on the stomatal functioning and the water relations of Lolium perenne, using Free Air Temperature Increase (FATI) and Free Air CO2 Enrichment (FACE). Compared to growth at ambient temperature, whole-season temperature increase reduced leaf stomatal conductance, but only at the top of the canopy (-14.6 and -8.8% at ambient and elevated CO2, respectively). However, because higher canopy temperature raised the leaf-to-air vapour pressure difference, leaf transpiration rate increased (+28% at ambient and +48% at elevated CO2) and instantaneous leaf water use efficiency, derived from short-term measurements of assimilation and transpiration rate, declined (-11% at ambient and -13% at elevated CO2). Nevertheless, at the stand level, growth at + 2.5°C reduced transpiration due to fewer tillers per plant and a smaller leaf area per tiller. This sparser vegetation was also more closely coupled to the atmosphere and maintained a drier internal microclimate. To assess whether the stomatal behaviour observed in this experiment could be explained by prevailing concepts of stomatal functioning, three models were applied (Cowan 1977; Ball, Woodrow & Berry 1987; Leuning 1995). The latter model accounted for the highest proportion of variability in the data (58%) and was insensitive to CO2 and temperature regime, which suggests that the principles of stomatal regulation are not affected by changes in CO2 or climate.  相似文献   

植物对开放式CO2 浓度增高(FACE)的响应与适应研究进展   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
开放式CO2浓度增高(FACE)系统是近年研究植物对高CO2浓度响应和适应的新手段,它比以往密闭和半密闭系统对实验植物生长环境的干扰少.利用FACE系统进行研究更有助于正确地预测未来大气CO2浓度增高对植物的影响.该文结合作者的研究工作简要评介了FACE系统与以往密闭和半密闭式CO2浓度增高实验系统的不同之处以及近年来利用FACE系统所作的最新研究进展.  相似文献   

The global net terrestrial carbon sink was estimated to range between 0.5 and 0.7 Pg C y−1 for the early 1990s. FACE (free atmospheric CO2 enrichment) studies conducted at the whole-tree and community scale indicate that there is a marked increase of primary production, mainly allocated into below-ground biomass. The enhanced carbon transfer to the root system may result in enhanced rhizodeposition and subsequent transfer to soil C pools. During the first rotation of the POP/EuroFACE experiment in a short-rotation Poplar plantation, total soil C content increased more under ambient CO2 treatment than under FACE, while under FACE more new C was incorporated than under ambient CO2. These unexpected and opposite effects may have been caused by a priming effect, where priming effect is defined as the stimulation of SOM decomposition caused by the addition of labile substrates. In order to gain insight into these processes affecting SOM decomposition, we obtained the labile, refractory and stable pools of soil C and N by chemical fractionation (acid hydrolysis) and measured rates of N-mineralization. Results of the first 2 years of the second rotation show a larger increase of total soil C% under FACE than under ambient CO2. In contrast to the first rotation, total C% is now increasing faster under FACE than under ambient CO2. Based on these observations we infer that the priming effect ceased during the second rotation. FACE treatment increased the labile C fraction at 0–10 cm depth, which is in agreement with the larger input of plant litter and root exudates under FACE. N-mineralization rates were not affected by FACE. We infer that the system switched from a state where extra labile C and sufficient N-availability (due to the former agricultural use of the soil) caused a priming effect (first rotation), to a state where extra C input is accumulating due to limited N-availability (second rotation). Our results on N-mineralization (second rotation) are in agreement with observations made at three forest FACE sites (Duke Forest, Oak Ridge, and Rhinelander), but our finding of increasing mineral soil C content contrasted with results at the Duke Forest where no significant increase in C content of the mineral soil occurred. However, the FACE induced increase in total C content occurred within the fraction with the shortest turnover time, i.e. the labile fraction. The refractory and stable fractions were not affected. The question remains whether the currently observed larger increase of total soil C and the increase of labile C under FACE will eventually result in long-term C storage in refractory and stable organic matter fractions.  相似文献   

Field experiments in managed grassland have shown that the response of vegetative growth to elevated CO2 is nitrogen‐dependent in grasses, but independent in N2‐fixing legumes. In the present study, we tested whether this is also true for reproduction. We evaluated reproductive growth, flowering phenology, seed development, reproductive success and seed germination in the grass Lolium perenne L. and the legume Trifolium repens L., growing in monocultures in a free air carbon dioxide enrichment (FACE) system at ambient (35 Pa) and elevated (60 Pa) partial pressure of CO2 and two levels of nitrogen fertilization (14 and 56 g N m?2 a?1). In both species, elevated CO2 had no significant effect on sexual reproduction. In L. perenne, reproduction was mainly nitrogen‐dependent. The weak interactions between CO2 and mineral N supply (13% more flowers and 8% more grains per spike at high N, 7% less flowers and 8% less grains at low N) were not significant. Under elevated CO2, grain maturation was slightly enhanced and grain weight tended to decrease. No influence could be ascertained in the date of anthesis, the temporal pattern of grain growth, the rate of grain abortion and germination. Trifolium repens, grown under CO2 enrichment at both levels of N fertilization, flowered 10 d earlier, tended to form more inflorescences per ground area and more flowers (8–12%) and seeds (>18%) per inflorescence than at ambient CO2. The temporal pattern of seed growth was about the same in all treatments; embryo development, however, was accelerated in fumigated plants. The number of aborted seeds per pod, seed size, thousand‐seed weight and germinability did not show any influence of CO2. Fumigated plants at high N were attacked slightly more frequently by seed‐eating weevils, which lowered the seed output per pod. In summary, the reproductive response of L. perenne and T. repens to CO2 enrichment on the flower and inflorescence level was far weaker than expected from the results on vegetative growth.  相似文献   

The developmental pattern of C4 expression has been well characterized in maize and other C4 plants. However, few reports have explored the possibility that the development of this pathway may be sensitive to changes in atmospheric CO2 concentrations. Therefore, both the structural and biochemical development of leaf tissue in the fifth leaf of Sorghum bicolor plants grown at elevated CO2 have been characterized. Ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco) and phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase (PEPC) activities accumulate rapidly as the leaf tissue differentiates and emerges from the surrounding whorl. Rubisco was not expressed in a cell-specific manner in the youngest tissue at the base of the leaf, but did accumulate before PEPC was detected. This suggests that the youngest leaf tissue utilizes a C3-like pathway for carbon fixation. However, this tissue was in a region of the leaf receiving very low light and so significant rates of photosynthesis were not likely. Older leaf tissue that had emerged from the surrounding whorl into full sunlight showed the normal C4 syndrome. Elevated CO2 had no effect on the cell-specific localization of Rubisco or PEPC at any stage of leaf development, and the relative ratios of Rubisco to PEPC remained constant during leaf development. However, in the oldest tissue at the tip of the leaf, the total activities of Rubisco and PEPC were decreased under elevated CO2 implying that C4 photosynthetic tissue may acclimate to growth under elevated CO2.  相似文献   

A common observation in plants grown in elevated CO2 concentration is that the rate of photosynthesis is lower than expected from the dependence of photosynthesis upon CO2 concentration in single leaves of plants grown at present CO2 concentration. Furthermore, it has been suggested that this apparent down regulation of photosynthesis may be larger in leaves of plants at low nitrogen supply than at higher nitrogen supply. However, the available data are rather limited and contradictory. In this paper, particular attention is drawn to the way in which whole plant growth response to N supply constitutes a variable sink strength for carbohydrate usage and how this may affect photosynthesis. The need for further studies of the acclimation of photosynthesis at elevated CO2 in leaves of plants whose N supply has resulted in well-defined growth rate and sink activity is emphasised, and brief consideration is made of how this might be achieved.Abbreviations A rate of CO2 assimilation - Ci internal CO2 concentration - PCR photosynthetic carbon reduction - Rubisco Ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase - RuBP ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate  相似文献   

Single-rooted soybean leaves were used to investigate the suppression of photosynthesis through end-product inhibition during acclimation to CO(2 )enrichment. The photosynthetic activity was greater in leaves cultured at a CO(2) partial pressure of 70 Pa (high-CO(2)) than that in the leaves cultured at 35 Pa CO(2) (control) during the initial exposure to CO(2) enrichment but then decreased rapidly with a large accumulation of starch, to well below the level of the control leaves. The response curve of photosynthesis (A) to the intercellular CO(2) concentration (Ci) in the high-CO(2) leaves cultured long-term exhibited a significantly low initial gradient. However, on exposure to darkness for 48 h, the initial gradient of the A to Ci curve and rate of photosynthesis were completely restored, and almost all of the accumulated starch was expended. The ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase (RuBPcase) content and activation ratio in the high-CO(2) leaves remained high and roughly constant during the experiment, and were unchanged by the exposure, while this enzyme was slightly inactivated or inhibited after long-term exposure to CO(2) enrichment. The lower rate of photosynthesis in the high-CO(2) leaves could be linearly increased to a rate approaching the control level by increasing the external atmospheric [CO(2)], which thereby compensated for a reduced CO(2) transfer diffusion from the intercellular space to the stroma in chloroplasts. It is consequently concluded that, during the acclimation to CO(2 )enrichment, the suppression of photosynthesis through end-product inhibition was mainly caused by a lowering of the carboxylation efficiency of RuBPcase due to hindrance of CO(2) diffusion from the intercellular space to the stroma in chloroplasts brought about by the large accumulation of starch.  相似文献   

Altered environmental conditions may change populations of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and thereby affect mycorrhizal functioning. We investigated whether 8 yr of free-air CO2 enrichment has selected fungi that differently influence the nutrition and growth of host plants. In a controlled pot experiment, two sets of seven randomly picked single spore isolates, originating from field plots of elevated (60 Pa) or ambient CO2 partial pressure (pCO2), were inoculated on nodulated Trifolium repens (white clover) plants. Fungal isolates belonged to the Glomus claroideum or Glomus intraradices species complex, and host plants were clonal micropropagates derived from nine genets. Total nitrogen (N) concentration was increased in leaves of plants inoculated with fungal isolates from elevated-pCO2 plots. These isolates took up nearly twice as much N from the soil as isolates from ambient-pCO2 plots and showed much greater stimulation of biological N2 fixation. The morpho-species identity of isolates had a more pronounced effect on N2 fixation and on root length colonized than isolate identity. We conclude that rising atmospheric pCO2 may select for fungal strains that will help their host plants to meet increased N demands.  相似文献   

The response of wheat crops to elevated CO2 (eCO2) was measured and modelled with the Australian Grains Free‐Air CO2 Enrichment experiment, located at Horsham, Australia. Treatments included CO2 by water, N and temperature. The location represents a semi‐arid environment with a seasonal VPD of around 0.5 kPa. Over 3 years, the observed mean biomass at anthesis and grain yield ranged from 4200 to 10 200 kg ha?1 and 1600 to 3900 kg ha?1, respectively, over various sowing times and irrigation regimes. The mean observed response to daytime eCO2 (from 365 to 550 μmol mol?1 CO2) was relatively consistent for biomass at stem elongation and at anthesis and LAI at anthesis and grain yield with 21%, 23%, 21% and 26%, respectively. Seasonal water use was decreased from 320 to 301 mm (P = 0.10) by eCO2, increasing water use efficiency for biomass and yield, 36% and 31%, respectively. The performance of six models (APSIM‐Wheat, APSIM‐Nwheat, CAT‐Wheat, CROPSYST, OLEARY‐CONNOR and SALUS) in simulating crop responses to eCO2 was similar and within or close to the experimental error for accumulated biomass, yield and water use response, despite some variations in early growth and LAI. The primary mechanism of biomass accumulation via radiation use efficiency (RUE) or transpiration efficiency (TE) was not critical to define the overall response to eCO2. However, under irrigation, the effect of late sowing on response to eCO2 to biomass accumulation at DC65 was substantial in the observed data (~40%), but the simulated response was smaller, ranging from 17% to 28%. Simulated response from all six models under no water or nitrogen stress showed similar response to eCO2 under irrigation, but the differences compared to the dryland treatment were small. Further experimental work on the interactive effects of eCO2, water and temperature is required to resolve these model discrepancies.  相似文献   

Plasticity of petioles of white clover (Trifolium repens) to blue light   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Petiole response of white clover to variations in blue light (BL) was studied on the main axis and on primary and secondary branches. The objectives of the present work were to determine (1) the time course of petiole response to BL and (2) whether these responses were dependent on petiole location. Under BL, clover had shorter petioles, and the switch to conditions without BL increased the length of forthcoming petioles. The fitting of a logistic function was used to compare the effect of BL on final petiole length, maximum elongation rate and the duration of petiole elongation between axes and phytomers. Petiole response to BL was not dependent on its location within the plant (axis type or phytomer position along the axis). A reduction in BL induced a rapid increase in leaf elongation rate, despite a small decrease in the duration of petiole elongation. Moreover, petiole response was dependent on petiole stage of development: the increase in the maximum rate of petiole elongation was inversely proportional to the petiole stage of development at the time of the switch. We conclude that the effects of BL on petiole elongation were not dependent on its position within the plant, whereas internode elongation resulted from the integration of light environment at the plant level. The difference between the responses of orthotropic and plagiotropic organs of clover to BL is discussed in relation to their structural function and localisation in the canopy.  相似文献   

? Premise of the study: Plant communities in temperate zones are dominated by clonal plants that can plastically modify their growth characteristics in response to competition. Given that plants compete with one another, and the implications this has for species coexistence, we conducted a study to assess how clonal species morphologically respond to competition for light depending on its intensity and heterogeneity, which are determined by the competitor species. ? Methods: We assessed the morphological response to competition for light of the clonal species Trifolium repens L. by measuring its growth performance, and vertical and horizontal growth traits. We used five competitive environments, i.e., one without competitor and four differing by their competitor species creating different conditions of competition intensity and heterogeneity. ? Key results: The morphological response of Trifolium repens to competition for light depended on the competitor identity. Competition intensity and heterogeneity, determined by competitor identity, had an interactive effect on most traits. The increase in petiole elongation and specific leaf area due to increased competition intensity was observed only at low to intermediate competition heterogeneity. Competition heterogeneity promoted the elongation of clone connections allowing space exploration. ? Conclusions: Our results demonstrated that the intensity and heterogeneity of competition, which depended on competitor identity, are of primary importance in determining the plastic response of Trifolium repens. This emphasizes that it is important to consider the fine-scale spatial distribution of individuals when studying their interactions within plant communities.  相似文献   

A diallel cross was carried out among seven varieties of white clover to investigate the inheritance of some of those characters which affect potential seed yield. Peduncle length and number of seeds/floret have low narrow-sense heritabilities, while peduncle length displays the added complications of heterozygosity and non-allelic interactions. Consequently, improvements in these characters will be difficult. Seed number m-2 is a composite character which apparently exhibits heterozygosity. Higher seed yields will therefore be obtained by selection for its component characters, particularly floret number and floral density, both of which are apparently inherited in a comparatively straightforward manner. These results are discussed in the context of improving the potential seed yield of white clover.  相似文献   

Summary Spontaneous nodules developed on the roots of white clover (Trifolium repens cv. Ladino) in the absence ofRhizobium. A small subpopulation of uninoculated clover plants (0.2%) exhibited white, single-to-multilobed elongated structures on their root systems when grown without fixed nitrogen. Clonal propagation using aseptic stolons confirmed the genetic stability of the observation. Few if any viable bacteria of unknown origin were recovered from surfacesterilized structures. Nodule contents were incapable of eliciting nodulation. Histological observations showed that these structures possessed all the characteristic features of indeterminate nodules, such as active meristem, cortex, endodermal layer, vascular strands, and a central zone with parenchyma cells. Infection threads, intercellular or intracellular bacteria were absent. Instead, numerous starch grains were observed in the central zone, a feature absent in normal nitrogen-fixing nodules. Our observation broadens the concept of spontaneous nodulation, believed to be restricted to alfalfa (Medicago sativa), to other legumes, and suggests a degree of generality among indeterminately nodulated legumes displaying natural heterozygosity.  相似文献   

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