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Currents generated by depolarizing voltage pulses were recorded in neurons from the pyramidal cell layer of the CA1 region of rat or guinea pig hippocampus with single electrode voltage-clamp or tight-seal whole-cell voltage-clamp techniques. In neurons in situ in slices, and in dissociated neurons, subtraction of currents generated by identical depolarizing voltage pulses before and after exposure to tetrodotoxin revealed a small, persistent current after the transient current. These currents could also be recorded directly in dissociated neurons in which other ionic currents were effectively suppressed. It was concluded that the persistent current was carried by sodium ions because it was blocked by TTX, decreased in amplitude when extracellular sodium concentration was reduced, and was not blocked by cadmium. The amplitude of the persistent sodium current varied with clamp potential, being detectable at potentials as negative as -70 mV and reaching a maximum at approximately -40 mV. The maximum amplitude at -40 mV in 21 cells in slices was -0.34 +/- 0.05 nA (mean +/- 1 SEM) and -0.21 +/- 0.05 nA in 10 dissociated neurons. Persistent sodium conductance increased sigmoidally with a potential between -70 and -30 mV and could be fitted with the Boltzmann equation, g = gmax/(1 + exp[(V' - V)/k)]). The average gmax was 7.8 +/- 1.1 nS in the 21 neurons in slices and 4.4 +/- 1.6 nS in the 10 dissociated cells that had lost their processes indicating that the channels responsible are probably most densely aggregated on or close to the soma. The half-maximum conductance occurred close to -50 mV, both in neurons in slices and in dissociated neurons, and the slope factor (k) was 5-9 mV. The persistent sodium current was much more resistant to inactivation by depolarization than the transient current and could be recorded at greater than 50% of its normal amplitude when the transient current was completely inactivated. Because the persistent sodium current activates at potentials close to the resting membrane potential and is very resistant to inactivation, it probably plays an important role in the repetitive firing of action potentials caused by prolonged depolarizations such as those that occur during barrages of synaptic inputs into these cells.  相似文献   

Most voltage-gated Na(+) channels inactivate almost completely at depolarized membrane potentials, but in some cells a residual Na(+) current is seen that is resistant to inactivation. This persistent Na(+) current can have a profound impact on the electrical behavior of excitable cells, and the regulation of this property could have important biological consequences. However, the biological signaling mechanisms that regulate the persistence of Na(+) channels are not well understood. This study showed that in nerve terminals and ventricular myocytes nitric oxide (NO) reduced the inactivation of Na(+) current. This effect was independent of cGMP, was blocked by N-ethylmaleimide, and could be elicited in cell-free outside-out patches. Thus, a reactive nitrogen species acts directly on the channel or closely associated protein. Persistent Na(+) current could also be induced by endogenous NO generated enzymatically by NO synthase (NOS). Application of ionomycin to raise the intracellular Ca(2+) concentration in myocytes activated NOS. The NO produced in response to ionomycin was detected with an NO-sensitive fluorescent dye. Persistent Na(+) current was enhanced by the same treatment, and NOS inhibitors abolished both the elevation of NO and the induction of persistent Na(+) current. These experiments show that NO is a potential endogenous regulator of persistent Na(+) current under physiological and pathophysiological conditions.  相似文献   

Ma JH  Luo AT  Wang WP  Zhang PH 《生理学报》2007,59(2):233-239
应用全细胞和单通道(贴附式)膜片钳技术观察胞外pH值降低对心室肌细胞持续性钠电流(persistent sodium current,ⅠNa.P)的影响,探讨其作用机制。结果显示:全细胞记录模式下,细胞外pH值降低可明显增大ⅠNa.P,且呈H+浓度依赖性增强。当细胞外pH值从对照值的7.4降低为6.5时,ⅠNa.P的电流密度从(0.347±0.067)pAJpF增加到(0.817±0.137)pA/pF(P< 0.01,n=6),而加入还原剂1,4-二硫甙苏糖醇(dithiothreitiol,DTT,1 mmol/L)后可使,ⅠNa.P的电流密度回落到(0.233±0.078)pA/pF (P<0.01 vs pH 6.5,n=6)。单通道记录模式中,当细胞外pH值从对照值的7.4降低为6.5时,持续性钠通道的开放概率和开放时间分别从0.021±0.007和(0.899±0.074)ms增加到0.205±0.023和(1.593±0.158)ms(P<0.叭,n=6),再加入还原剂DTT(1 mmol/L)使开放概率和开放时间分别回落到0.019±0.005和(0.868±0.190)ms(P<0.01 vs pH 6.5,n=6);加入蛋白激酶C(protein kinase C,PKC)抑制剂bisindolylmaleimide(BIM,5μmol/L)可使pH 6.5时增大的,ⅠNa.P明显减小,开放概率和开放时间分别从0.214±0.024和(1.634±0.137)ms回落到0.025±0.006和(0.914±0.070)ms(P<0.01 vs pH 6.5,n=6)。结果表明,细胞外pH值降低可诱发心室肌细胞ⅠNa.P增大,其机制可能与PKC的激活有关。  相似文献   



Accommodation and breakdown of accommodation are important elements of information processing in nerve fibers, as they determine how nerve fibers react to natural slowly changing stimuli or electrical stimulation. The aim of the present study was to elucidate the biophysical mechanism of breakdown of accommodation, which at present is unknown.  相似文献   

一氧化氮增加常氧和缺氧豚鼠心室肌细胞持续性钠电流   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
Ma JH  Wang XP  Zhang PH 《生理学报》2004,56(5):603-608
运用全细胞膜片钳记录缺氧条件下豚鼠心室肌持续性钠电流(INa.P)的变化及施加药物对其的影响,以探讨 INa.P 的本质及缺氧增大 INa.P 的机制。结果显示:(1)在常氧条件下,一氧化氮(NO)前体 L- 精氨酸(L-Arg)和供体硝普钠(SNP)浓度依赖性地增大INa.P; (2)INa.P 随缺氧时间延长而增大, 缺氧15 min 后施加 NO 合酶(NOS)抑制剂L- 硝基精氨酸甲酯(L-NAME), 不能使增大的INa.P 明显回复[(1.344 ±0.320) vs (1.301 ±0.317) pA/pF, P>0.05, n=5]; (3)缺氧时含L-NAME 的灌流液可使INa.P 明显减小,与单纯缺氧相比有显著差异[(0.914 ± 0.263), n=5 vs (1.344 ± 0.320) pA/pF, n=6, P<0.05], 但仍比常氧条件下增大[(0.914 ±0.263) vs (0.497 ±0.149) pA/pF, P<0.05, n=5]; (4)还原剂1,4-二硫代苏糖醇(DTT)不但可使L-Arg 及缺氧后施加SNP 增大的 INa.P 回复[(1.449 ± 0.522) vs (0.414 ± 0.067) pA/pF, P<0.01, n = 6 和(0.436 ± 0.141) vs (1.786 ± 0.636) pA/pF,P<0.01, n=5],而且使正常的 INa.P 减小[(0.396 ± 0.057) pA/pF vs (0.442 ± 0.056) pA/pF, P<0.01, n=6]。本实验结果表明缺氧可增大心室肌细胞的INa.P, 其作用机制可能是缺氧时心肌产生的NO 通过氧化细胞膜上钠通道蛋白所致,正常INa.P 的产生  相似文献   

The gating properties of channels responsible for the generation of persistent Na(+) current (I(NaP)) in entorhinal cortex layer II principal neurons were investigated by performing cell-attached, patch-clamp experiments in acutely isolated cells. Voltage-gated Na(+)-channel activity was routinely elicited by applying 500-ms depolarizing test pulses positive to -60 mV from a holding potential of -100 mV. The channel activity underlying I(NaP) consisted of prolonged and frequently delayed bursts during which repetitive openings were separated by short closings. The mean duration of openings within bursts was strongly voltage dependent, and increased by e times per every approximately 12 mV of depolarization. On the other hand, intraburst closed times showed no major voltage dependence. The mean duration of burst events was also relatively voltage insensitive. The analysis of burst-duration frequency distribution returned two major, relatively voltage-independent time constants of approximately 28 and approximately 190 ms. The probability of burst openings to occur also appeared largely voltage independent. Because of the above "persistent" Na(+)-channel properties, the voltage dependence of the conductance underlying whole-cell I(NaP) turned out to be largely the consequence of the pronounced voltage dependence of intraburst open times. On the other hand, some kinetic properties of the macroscopic I(NaP), and in particular the fast and intermediate I(NaP)-decay components observed during step depolarizations, were found to largely reflect mean burst duration of the underlying channel openings. A further I(NaP) decay process, namely slow inactivation, was paralleled instead by a progressive increase of interburst closed times during the application of long-lasting (i.e., 20 s) depolarizing pulses. In addition, long-lasting depolarizations also promoted a channel gating modality characterized by shorter burst durations than normally seen using 500-ms test pulses, with a predominant burst-duration time constant of approximately 5-6 ms. The above data, therefore, provide a detailed picture of the single-channel bases of I(NaP) voltage-dependent and kinetic properties in entorhinal cortex layer II neurons.  相似文献   

1.  Normal activity in bilateral pairs of heart interneurons, from ganglia 3 or 4, in the medicinal leech (Hirudo medicinalis) is antiphasic due to their reciprocally inhibitory connections. However, Ca+-free Co+-containing salines lead to synchronous oscillations in these neurons.
2.  Internal TEA+ allows expression of full plateaus during Co++ induced oscillations in heart interneurons; these plateaus are not blocked by Cs+. Similar plateaus are also observed with internal TEA+ alone, but under these conditions activity in heart interneurons from ganglia 3 or 4 is antiphasic.
3.  Plateaus in heart interneurons induced by Co++ and internal TEA+ involve a conductance increase.
4.  A voltage-dependent inward current, IP, showing little inactivation, was isolated using single-electrode voltageclamp in heart interneurons. This current is carried at least in part by Na+; the current is reduced when external Na+ is reduced and is carried by Li+ when substituted for Na+.
5.  Calcium channel blockers such as La3+ and Co++ block neither the TEA+ induced plateaus nor IP, suggesting that Na+ is not using Ca++ channels. Moreover, IP is enhanced by Ca++-free Co++-containing salines. Thus, IP is correlated with the TEA+- and Co++-induced plateau behavior.

目的:研究心室肌细胞持续性钠电流(INa.P)在缺氧/复氧早期的变化,探讨其在此病理条件下的作用及意义。方法:运用全细胞膜片钳技术记录持续性钠电流,并观察其在缺氧-复氧模型下的变化。结果:①在0.5Hz,1Hz和2Hz的刺激频率下第1个和第8个刺激脉冲引起的INa.P电流密度差值分别为(0.021±0.014)pA/pF,(0.097±0.014)pA/pF和(0.133±0.024)pA/pF(P<0.01);②分别在-150~-80mV,阶跃10mV的钳制膜电位下去极化至-30mV,INa.P逐渐减小;③在缺氧条件下,INa.P电流密度增大,并随缺氧时间延长增大更显著;④在正常、缺氧15min和复氧5min时INa.P密度分别为(0.500±0.125)pA/pF,(1.294±0.321)pA/pF和(0.988±0.189)pA/pF(与对照比较P<0.01)。结论:以上特性提示INa.P在缺氧/复氧过程心律失常的产生及钙超载引起心肌损伤的机制中起重要作用。  相似文献   

Weiss SM  Saint DA 《PloS one》2010,5(11):e14103


The potential of the cardiac persistent sodium current as a target for protection of the myocardium from ischaemia and reperfusion injury is gaining increasing interest. We have investigated the anti-ischaemic and antiarrhythmic effects of riluzole, a selective INaP blocker, in an open chest pig model of infarction.

Methods and Principal Findings

The left anterior descending coronary artery (LAD) was ligated in 27 anesthetised pigs (landrace or large white, either sex, 20–35 kg) which had received riluzole (8 mg/kg IP; n = 6), lidocaine (2.5–12 mg/kg bolus plus 0.05–0.24 mg/kg/min; n = 11) or vehicle (n = 10) 50 min prior. Arrhythmias could be delineated into phase 1a (0 to 20 min), phase 1b (20 to 50 min) and phase 2 (from 50 min to termination at 180 min) and were classified as premature ventricular contractions (PVCs), non-sustained ventricular tachycardia (VT) or ventricular fibrillation (VF) (spontaneously reverting within 15 s) or sustained VT or VF (ie. requiring cardioversion at 15 s). Riluzole reduced the average number of all arrhythmias in Phase 2 (PVCs from 484+/−119 to 32+/−13; non sustained arrhythmias from 8.9+/−4.4 to 0.7+/−0.5; sustained arrhythmias from 3.9+/−2.2 to 0.5+/−0.4); lidocaine reduced the average number of non-sustained and sustained arrhythmias (to 0.4+/−0.3 and 0.4+/−0.3 respectively) but not PVCs (to 390+/−234). Riluzole and lidocaine reduced the average number of sustained arrhythmias in phase 1b (from 1.8+/−0.4 to 0.17+/−0.13 (p<0.02) and to 0.55+/−0.26 (p = ns) respectively). Neither lidocaine or riluzole changed the ECG intervals: there was no statistical significance between groups at time zero (just before ligation) for any ECG measure. During the course of the 3 hour period of the ischaemia R-R, and P-R intervals shortened slightly in control and riluzole groups (not significantly different from each other) but not in the lidocaine group (significantly different from control). QRS and QTc did not change appreciably in any group Riluzole reduced the degree of histopathological tissue damage across the infarct zone considerably more than did lidocaine.


At the doses used, riluzole was at least as effective as lidocaine at reducing the number of episodes of ischaemic VT or VF in pigs, and much more effective at reducing the number of PVCs. We propose that this is related to the ability of riluzole to block cardiac persistent sodium current.  相似文献   

Squid olfactory receptor neurons are primary bipolar sensory neurons capable of transducing water-born odorant signals into electrical impulses that are transmitted to the brain. In this study, we have identified and characterized the macroscopic properties of voltage-gated Na+ channels in olfactory receptor neurons from the squid Lolliguncula brevis. Using whole-cell voltage-clamp techniques, we found that the voltage-gated Na+ channels were tetrodotoxin sensitive and had current densities ranging from 5 to 169 pA pF−1. Analyses of the voltage dependence and kinetics revealed interesting differences from voltage-gated Na+ channels in olfactory receptor neurons from other species; the voltage of half-inactivation was shifted to the right and the voltage of half-activation was shifted to the left such that a “window-current” occurred, where 10–18% of the Na+ channels activated and did not inactivate at potentials near action potential threshold. Our findings suggest that in squid olfactory neurons, a subset of voltage-gated Na+ channels may play a role in generating a pacemaker-type current for setting the tonic levels of electrical activity required for transmission of hyperpolarizing odor responses to the brain. Accepted: 1 October 1998  相似文献   

Although the role of Na+ in several aspects of Ca2+ regulation has already been shown, the exact mechanism of intracellular Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]i) increase resulting from an enhancement in the persistent, non‐inactivating Na+ current (INa,P), a decisive factor in certain forms of epilepsy, has yet to be resolved. Persistent Na+ current, evoked by veratridine, induced bursts of action potentials and sustained membrane depolarization with monophasic intracellular Na+ concentration ([Na+]i) and biphasic [Ca2+]i increase in CA1 pyramidal cells in acute hippocampal slices. The Ca2+ response was tetrodotoxin‐ and extracellular Ca2+‐dependent and ionotropic glutamate receptor‐independent. The first phase of [Ca2+]i rise was the net result of Ca2+ influx through voltage‐gated Ca2+ channels and mitochondrial Ca2+ sequestration. The robust second phase in addition involved reverse operation of the Na+–Ca2+ exchanger and mitochondrial Ca2+ release. We excluded contribution of the endoplasmic reticulum. These results demonstrate a complex interaction between persistent, non‐inactivating Na+ current and [Ca2+]i regulation in CA1 pyramidal cells. The described cellular mechanisms are most likely part of the pathomechanism of certain forms of epilepsy that are associated with INa,P. Describing the magnitude, temporal pattern and sources of Ca2+ increase induced by INa,P may provide novel targets for antiepileptic drug therapy.  相似文献   

Effects of the reagents suppressing or supporting axoplasmic microtubule assembly were studied on the Na ionic current of squid giant axons by perfusing the axon internally with the solution containing the reagent. Among the reagents suppressing the assembly, colchicine, vinblastine, podophyllotoxin, sulfhydryl reagents such as DTNB and NEM, and chaotropic anions such as iodide and bromide, were examined. These reagents reduced maximum Na conductance and shifted the voltage dependence of steady-state Na activation in a depolarizing direction along the voltage axis. They also made the voltage dependence less steep, but did not affect sodium inactivation appreciably. Effects on Na ionic current of reagents which support microtubule assembly (Taxol, DMSO, D2O and temperature) were opposite the effects of those agents suppressing assembly. At the same time, we demonstrated that after Na currents were partially reduced, they could be restored by internally perfusing the axon with a solution containing microtubule proteins, 260K proteins and cAMP under conditions favorable for microtubule assembly. For full restoration, it was found that the following conditions were necessary: (1) The microenvironment within the axon is suitable for microtubule assembly. (2) Tubulins incorporated into microtubules are fully tyrosinated at their C-termini. (3) A peripheral protein having a molecular weight of 260,000 daltons (260K protein) is indispensable. These results suggest that axoplasmic microtubules and 260K proteins in the structure underlying the axolemma play a role in generating Na currents in squid giant axons.  相似文献   

Summary Effects of the reagents suppressing or supporting axoplasmic microtubule assembly were studied on the Na ionic current of squid giant axons by perfusing the axon internally with the solution containing the reagent. Among the reagents suppressing the assembly, colchicine, vinblastine, podophyllotoxin, sulfhydryl reagents such as DTNB and NEM, and chaotropic anions such as iodide and bromide, were examined. These reagents reduced maximum Na conductance and shifted the voltage dependence of steady-state Na activation in a depolarizing direction along the voltage axis. They also made the voltage dependence less steep, but did not affect sodium inactivation appreciably. Effects on Na ionic current of reagents which support microtubule assembly (Taxol, DMSO, D2O and temperature) were opposite the effects of those agents suppressing assembly. At the same time, we demonstrated that after Na currents were partially reduced, they could be restored by internally perfusing the axon with a solution containing microtubule proteins, 260K proteins and cAMP under conditions favorable for microtubule assembly. For full restoration, it was found that the following conditions were necessary: (1) The microenvironment within the axon is suitable for microtubule assembly. (2) Tubulins incorporated into microtubules are fully tyrosinated at their C-termini. (3) A peripheral protein having a molecular weight of 260,000 daltons (260K protein) is indispensable. These results suggest that axoplasmic microtubules and 260K proteins in the structure underlying the axolemma play a role in generating Na currents in squid giant axons.  相似文献   

The effects of the bile salts, sodium taurocholate (NaTc) and sodium cholate (NaCh), and toad bile gallbladder (bile) on short-circuit current (SCC) across isolated skin, and sodium taurocholate (NaTc) on isolated bladder of Bufo arenarum toads were tested. Sodium taurocholate (NaTc), sodium cholate (NaCh) and toad bile gallbladder (bile) promoted an increase in SCC, when added to the external side. The stimulatory effect was reversible after rinsing the preparation for 60 min. Implications on in vivo renal function of these results are discussed.  相似文献   

Depolarization of oocytes of Xenopus laevis usually elicits mainly passive currents, and a calcium-dependent chloride current. However, oocytes obtained from some donors show, in addition, a transient inward current on depolarization to potentials beyond ca. -40 mV. This current is abolished by tetrodotoxin at submicromolar concentrations, and is prolonged by veratrine; thus, it probably arises through sodium channels of a type similar to those found in nerve and muscle cells. However, the kinetics of the sodium currents varied between oocytes from different donors; this result suggests that genes encoding different sodium channels may be expressed in oocytes from different donors. The presence of these native channels may complicate experiments to study the expression of exogenous sodium channels encoded by foreign messenger RNAs injected into the oocyte.  相似文献   

Summary Ca and Na inward currents were recorded upon depolarizations inEuplotes after the blockage of K outward currents with intracellular Cs ions. The Na current was analyzed under voltage clamp and had the following properties: it activated to a maximum within 150 msec and partly inactivated during sustained voltage steps. It had a positive equilibrium potential between 25 and 30 mV and could be carried by Na or Li ions but not by K, choline or Tris ions. The current revealed a prominent associated inward tail current which deactivated with a single-exponential time constant of 118 msec. Both the current and its tail were strongly reduced after reduction of the extracellular Na concentration. Externally applied K channel blocker tetraethylammonium chloride did not block the current. Either EGTA injection into the cell or nonlethal deciliation with ethanol eliminated the current and its tail. These results indicate the existence of a Na conductance within the membrane ofEuplotes which is activated by the intracellular level of free Ca2+.  相似文献   

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