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Diurnal raptor habitat use has conservation implications due to environmental and anthropogenic interactions. Three tree-nesting diurnal raptors, black kites (Milvus milvus), steppe buzzards (Buteo vulpinus) and African fish eagles (Haliaeetus vocifer), were studied from December 2016 to October 2017. The objective was to determine factors influencing diurnal raptor habitat selection and use in and around Chembe Bird Sanctuary of Kalulushi district, Zambia. We surveyed for birds in ten randomly selected 200 × 200 m sample plots in each of the five stratified sampling units (miombo woodland, grasslands, human settlements, Lake Chembe and marsh). Seasons and dietary composition variably influenced the distribution, habitat selection and use by raptors. The three raptors devised a suit of behaviours to curtail challenges associated with seasonal food and water availability, and anthropogenic disturbances. There is a need to promote multi-stakeholder engagement and involvement in raptor conservation.  相似文献   

The reaction distance of Gobiusculus flavescens to mobile and immobile copepod prey of different transparency was studied in water conditions with different turbidity levels or spectral composition. Both prey contrast (red or transparent Calanus spp.) and prey mobility caused reaction distance of G. flavescens to increase. The effect of prey mobility or prey transparency on reaction distance was independent of turbidity level. Longest reaction distances were measured for mobile and red prey at intermediate turbidity levels (10–20 JTU). Contrast threshold decreased with increasing turbidity. Although contrast of red and transparent copepod prey increased with increasing wavelength, longest reaction distances were observed at shorter wavelengths (blue–green). Lowest contrast threshold was found at shorter wavelengths. Visual pigments of G. flavescens are adapted to its natural environment. Both turbidity and spectral composition influenced G. flavescens contrast threshold.  相似文献   

The feeding strategy and prey selection of haddock Melanogrammus aeglefinus related to the benthic infauna in the field were investigated in three different study areas (boxes) in the northern North Sea in 2007. The stomach contents of M. aeglefinus were dominated by invertebrates in all three boxes, mainly echinoderms and polychaetes, similar to the benthic communities in the field. Prey densities in the field significantly determined prey selection and, thus the feeding strategy of M. aeglefinus appeared highly opportunistic. Other prey characteristics, such as the position in the sediment or its palatability, had no significant effect on the selection process although trends were apparent that tubicolous polychaetes of the family spionids, especially Spiophanes kröyeri and Spiophanes bombyx as well as the tentaculate Phoronis spp., were not consumed and potentially avoided due to their ability to withdraw below the feeding depths or due to chemical deterrents. High abundances of echinoderm species with hard calcareous shells in the M. aeglefinus stomachs, such as the ophiurid Ophiocten affinis and the echinoid Echinocyamus pusillus, indicated their use as grinding elements. A gradual shift from benthos to fish feeding with increasing M. aeglefinus size was not found.  相似文献   

The modern trend in traditional medicines reflects an increase in the sale of complex herbal mixtures rather than those prepared from single plants. This trend is well documented in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and can be seen in recent developments in African traditional medicine. An increase in the prevalence of locally produced herbal preparations, especially those containing complex mixtures of several medicinal plants, sold in numerous retail outlets, including supermarkets and pharmacies has been observed. The appearance of these preparations is not surprising in rapidly urbanizing societies where traditional products are still desired but the users have neither the time nor resources to produce them. The production of these herbal mixtures has resulted in a growing herbal industry with about 50 to 100 private entrepreneurs in the informal market and has also contributed to creation of numerous jobs. The products are extensively advertised in newspapers, on the internet, television and radio programmes as well as through pamphlets and posters. This review examines and documents the prevalence of commercial herbal mixtures and preparations common in Pietermaritzburg, KwaZulu-Natal. Different types of herbal mixtures, claims, ethical and legal implications are discussed. Methods of preparation and marketing strategies as well as the way forward in ensuring economic impact, safety and efficacy of this new aspect of South African traditional medicine are also highlighted.  相似文献   

Diet studies are fundamental for understanding trophic connections in marine ecosystems. In the southeastern US, the common bottlenose dolphin Tursiops truncatus is the predominant marine mammal in coastal waters, but its role as a top predator has received little attention. Diet studies of piscivorous predators, like bottlenose dolphins, start with assessing prey otoliths recovered from stomachs or feces, but digestive erosion hampers species identification and underestimates fish weight (FW). To compensate, FW is often estimated from the least affected otoliths and scaled to other otoliths, which also introduces bias. The sulcus, an otolith surface feature, has a species‐specific shape of its ostium and caudal extents, which is within the otolith edge for some species. We explored whether the sulcus could improve species identification and estimation of prey size using a case study of four sciaenid species targeted by fisheries and bottlenose dolphins in North Carolina. Methods were assessed first on otoliths from a reference collection (n = 421) and applied to prey otoliths (n = 5,308) recovered from 120 stomachs of dead stranded dolphins. We demonstrated in reference‐collection otoliths that cauda to sulcus length (CL:SL) could discriminate between spotted seatrout (Cynoscion nebulosus) and weakfish (Cynoscion regalis) (classification accuracy = 0.98). This method confirmed for the first time predation of spotted seatrout by bottlenose dolphins in North Carolina. Using predictive models developed from reference‐collection otoliths, we provided evidence that digestion affects otolith length more than sulcus or cauda length, making the latter better predictors. Lastly, we explored scenarios of calculating total consumed biomass across degrees of digestion. A suggested approach was for the least digested otoliths to be scaled to other otoliths iteratively from within the same stomach, month, or season as samples allow. Using the otolith sulcus helped overcome challenges of species identification and fish size estimation, indicating their potential use in other diet studies.  相似文献   

Estuaries are under intense pressure, because of urban developments and water abstraction. Water column characteristics of the Nahoon Estuary were examined in 2014–2015 to identify factors that influenced phytoplankton dynamics. The estuary was found to be saline (~33) and remained well-oxygenated (~6 mg l?1) throughout the current study. During this period, freshwater inflow into the estuary was minimal and chlorophyll a biomass was low (3.6 ± 0.3 µg l?1). Nutrient concentration at Nahoon Estuary showed a linear relationship with salinity, indicative of a conservative behaviour. Phytoplankton dynamics were altered by fluctuations in nutrient levels, not necessarily in response to freshwater inflow. The impact of Nahoon Dam and destructive land-use alongside the Nahoon River decreases freshwater inflow and increases nutrient loading into the estuary. In terms of nutrient loading, the current study showed the importance of microalgae as indicators of the nutrient status of an estuary. The presence of cyanobacteria and high phytoplankton biomass in the upper reaches of the estuary confirms the input of excessive nutrients. The results of the current study clearly show that better management of both the Nahoon River and its catchment is vital to ensure the health of the system.  相似文献   

A trait database based on habitat, behavioural and morphological characteristics of invertebrates enabled invertebrates known to have differential vulnerability to salmonid predation to be discriminated. Among all of these traits the most important were associated with invertebrate spatial proximity to salmonids (macrohabitat preference), potential conspicuousness and accessibility (e.g. flow exposure, mobility, tendency to drift, trajectory and agility) and handling efficiency (body flexibility and size). Data on benthos assemblages and brown trout salmo trutta diets collected over two consecutive summers in different macrohabitat types (e.g. pools, runs and riffles) of two Pyrenean streams demonstrated that: (i) decrease in torrential flow characteristics of habitats was associated with changes in invertebrate body shape and movement, and a decrease in body flexibility and tendency to drift; (ii) brown trout tended to feed on the most vulnerable invertebrates (e.g. those living in exposed microhabitats and with a high tendency to drift, agility and aggregation), except in faster flowing habitats. The results suggest that the potential vulnerability of benthic invertebrates increased with increases in flow (torrential) characteristics. Also, the database compiled on traits explained differences among brown trout diets, especially in slow flowing areas.  相似文献   

The basic biology and ecology of the South African east coast round herring Etrumeus wongratanai was investigated from samples of fish collected between 2013 and 2016. This species is short-lived and reaches a maximum of 3 years of age, with rapid growth in its first year of life. It reproduces from June to December (austral summer) and condition factor was lowest in May through to August and increased from September, probably reflecting the physiological strain before and during spawning. Fish larvae were the most important food items consumed during summer, whereas eucalanid copepods were the most important prey at other times of the year. Stable-isotope data suggest that there are gradual changes in the trophic level with increasing fish size, δ15N and δ13C values also differed between seasons. The results obtained here are compared with those of other Etrumeus species, regionally and globally.  相似文献   

The nocturnal activities of predators and prey are influenced by several factors, including physiological adaptations, habitat quality and, we suspect, corresponds to changes in brightness of moonlight according to moon phase. In this study, we used a dataset from 102 camera traps to explore which factors are related to the activity pattern of North China leopards (Panthera pardus japonensis) in Shanxi Tieqiaoshan Provincial Nature Reserve (TPNR), China. We found that nocturnal activities of leopards were irregular during four different lunar phases, and while not strictly lunar philic or lunar phobic, their temporal activity was highest during the brighter moon phases (especially the last quarter) and lower during the new moon phase. On the contrary, roe deer (Capreolus pygargus) exhibited lunar philic activity, while wild boar (Sus scrofa) and tolai hare (Lepus tolai) were evidently lunar phobic, with high and low temporal activity during the full moon, respectively. In terms of temporal overlap, there was positive overlap between leopards and their prey species, including roe deer and tolai hare, while leopard activity did not dip to the same low level of wild boar during the full moon phase. Human activities also more influenced the temporal activity of leopards and wild boar than other species investigated. Generally, our results suggested that besides moonlight risk index (MRI), cloud cover and season have diverse effects on leopard and prey nocturnal activity. Finally, distinct daytime and nighttime habitats were identified, with leopards, wild boar, and tolai hare all using lower elevations at night and higher elevations during the day, while leopards and roe deer were closer to secondary roads during the day than at night.  相似文献   

Experimental manipulation of the number of altricial offspring is supposed to modify parental expenditure in birds. In addition to the observed increase in parental feeding rate, it is also possible that the choice of prey or the size of load may change with the changing demand for food. Sexual differences in the provisioning response are also expected, on the basis of earlier studies. We examined the effect of brood size manipulation on choice of prey brought to nestlings and load size in the pied flycatcher. The composition and size of loads differed between years, possibly depending on varying availability of different prey types. Males responded to brood size enlargement by gathering heavier loads, whereas females showed no response. The alteration of load size in males was not explained by a larger number of prey items or mean prey size, but was a combination of these components. It is likely that males also increased their work rate in response to increased food demand at the nest. The absence of response in females might be because they are unable to increase work rate any further, or because food delivery rate in females can not be optimized by changing load properties. Received: 18 December 1997 / Accepted: 1 March 1998  相似文献   


To explore ecosystem dynamics and functions it is vital to obtain knowledge on predator–prey relations. Harbour seals are piscivorous predators that can come into conflict with fisheries. Recently, as the Skagerrak and Kattegat population of harbour seals has increased, claims have emerged that seals are depleting coastal cod populations. The diet of harbour seals in Norwegian Skagerrak was investigated based on otolith identification from scats. The overall seal diet included 20 different fish species/groups. The most important prey (combined index Q i ) were haddock/pollack/saithe (32.7%), genus Trisopterus (Norway pout/poor cod/bib, 12.5%), plaice (12.4%) and herring (10.0%). Plaice also had the largest biomass (24.1%). Gadoids and pleuronectids comprised 88.6% of the diet (combined index Q i ) and 87.1% in terms of biomass. Cod constituted 0.7% (combined index Q i ) of the overall diet and 2.3% in terms of biomass. Fish length estimates showed that seals generally prefer small fish below minimum allowed landing size. Estimated total amount of fish consumed was 315 tons per year and was dominated by non-commercial species. Annual cod consumption was an estimated 7.1 tons, representing 5% of annual cod landings, suggesting that competition between local fisheries and harbour seals is limited.  相似文献   

The phenology of the predatory wasp, Ancistrocerus gazella (Panzer), colonising artificial nests was studied over 3 years in seven Study Areas in or adjacent to mixed pome and stonefruit orchards in Otago, New Zealand. Each Study Area had three to four nest sites comprising groups of wooden blocks drilled with 6 mm diameter nest tubes 75–150 mm in length. The timing of nest tube colonisation was recorded by observing the presence of nest closures (mud plugs) and their subsequent opening during adult emergence. The nest tubes from some entire nest sites were dissected to determine the stages of development of the wasps and their subsequent emergence, and samples of nest tubes were dissected weekly from a range of nest sites to determine changes in prey composition over the season. A. gazella was found to be primarily bivoltine, but part of each generation entered diapause and a small number of second generation wasps also emerged before winter in warm sites. The adult foraging of each generation was well synchronised with late larval instars of the two generations of three pest leafroller species. However, very low numbers of leafroller larvae were collected because A. gazella was highly polyphagous, predominantly exploiting a sequence of other lepidopterous species. It was concluded that management of A. gazella for leafroller control would be uneconomic but it provides a useful component of the natural enemy complex of pest leafroller species.  相似文献   

Many birds exhibit considerable phenotypic flexibility in metabolism to maintain thermoregulation or to conserve energy. This flexibility usually includes seasonal variation in metabolic rate. Seasonal changes in physiology and behavior of birds are considered to be a part of their adaptive strategy for survival and reproductive success. House Sparrows (Passer domesticus) are small passerines from Europe that have been successfully introduced to many parts of the world, and thus may be expected to exhibit high phenotypic flexibility in metabolic rate. Mass specific Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR) and Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) were significantly higher in winter compared with summer, although there was no significant difference between body mass in summer and winter. A similar, narrow thermal neutral zone (25–28 °C) was observed in both seasons. Winter elevation of metabolic rate in House Sparrows was presumably related to metabolic or morphological adjustments to meet the extra energy demands of cold winters. Overall, House Sparrows showed seasonal metabolic acclimatization similar to other temperate wintering passerines. The improved cold tolerance was associated with a significant increase in VO2 in winter relative to summer. In addition, some summer birds died at 5 °C, whereas winter birds did not, further showing seasonal variation in cold tolerance. The increase in BMR of 120% in winter, compared to summer, is by far the highest recorded seasonal change so far in birds.  相似文献   

A diet analysis was conducted on 444 wahoo Acanthocybium solandri caught in the central North Pacific Ocean longline fishery and a nearshore troll fishery surrounding the Hawaiian Islands from June to December 2014. In addition to traditional observational methods of stomach contents, a DNA bar‐coding approach was integrated into the analysis by sequencing the cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 (COI) region of the mtDNA genome to taxonomically identify individual prey items that could not be classified visually to species. For nearshore‐caught A. solandri, juvenile pre‐settlement reef fish species from various families dominated the prey composition during the summer months, followed primarily by Carangidae in autumn months. Gempylidae, Echeneidae and Scombridae were dominant prey taxa from the offshore fishery. Molidae was a common prey family found in stomachs collected north‐east of the Hawaiian Archipelago while tetraodontiform reef fishes, known to have extended pelagic stages, were prominent prey items south‐west of the Hawaiian Islands. The diet composition of A. solandri was indicative of an adaptive feeder and thus revealed dominant geographic and seasonal abundances of certain taxa from various ecosystems in the marine environment. The addition of molecular bar‐coding to the traditional visual method of prey identifications allowed for a more comprehensive range of the prey field of A. solandri to be identified and should be used as a standard component in future diet studies.  相似文献   

In its natural environment, the South African abalone, Haliotis midae, occurs at average monthly water temperatures between 12 and 21 °C. In the present study we aimed to describe selected physiological and molecular responses of winter acclimated, cultured H. midae after acute and chronic exposure to 16, 19 and 22 °C.  相似文献   

Vilisics F  Bogyó D  Sattler T  Moretti M 《ZooKeys》2012,(176):199-214
Terrestrial isopods and millipedes, members of the invertebrate macro-decomposer guild, were collected through pitfall traps in three Swiss cities (Zurich, Lucerne, Lugano). A total of 7,198 individuals of 17 isopod species (7093 ind.), and 10 millipede species (105 ind.) were captured. Besides the Alpine endemic isopod (Trichoniscus alemannicus) and millipede (Cylindroiulus verhoeffi), urban assemblages were mainly composed of widespread, native European and even cosmopolitan species, which are frequent in anthropogenic areas. Overall species richness (isopods and millipedes combined) was similar in Zurich (17 species) and Lucerne (16), while only 13 species were sampled in Lugano. According to the Sørensen index of similarity, species composition of Zurich and Lucerne were more alike, while the one of Lugano was more distinct from the other two cities. This result can be explained by the spatial proximity of Zurich and Lucerne in the north of the Alps compared to Lugano, which is located more distantly and in the south of the Alps. Dominant isopods and millipedes in Zurich and Lucerne were found to be widespread synanthropic species in temperate Europe(Porcellio scaber, Trachelipus rathkii and Ophyiulus pilosus) while the dominant isopod in Lugano (Trachelipus razzautii) is a species with a north-eastern Mediterranean distribution. Our study reveals that the urban millipede and isopod fauna in Swiss cities mainly consists of widespread species, but species of narrower distribution (e.g. Trichoniscus alemannicus, Cylindroiulus verhoeffi) may also find suitable habitats in cities. Despite some signs of biotic homogenization, our study also found compositional differences of millipede and isopod assemblages between northern and southern cities that suggest geographical effects of the regional species pool.  相似文献   

Pellets were collected under an active Long-eared Owl (Asio otus) nest in the city centre of Denizli, Turkey. The nest was located in a conifer tree in a 5.7 ha urban park, centrally-located in the city of Denizli, with a human population of 577,000 people. During April-June 2014, a total of 64 pellets containing remains of 86 individual prey items was found. All prey were Passeriformes and consisted of two species belonging to Passeridae and Hirundinidae. 78 of the 86 prey items (90.7%) were House Sparrow (Passer domesticus) and the other eight (9.3%) were House Martin (Delichon urbicum). This is one of the first studies to indicate that the Long-eared Owl's nesting season diet consists entirely of birds. The main factor affecting this result is probably the fact that the owls live in an urbanised setting.  相似文献   

The relationship between local and regional diversity was tested by regressing local community richness against regional species diversity for three taxa, birds, butterflies and mammals, in subtropical forest. The quadratic model best fits the relationship between local and regional diversity for birds. Local bird species richness is theoretically independent of the size of the regional pool of species and may represent saturated communities. A linear model best describes the relationship for mammals and butterflies. For mammals, the slope is shallow (0.264) and regional richness overestimates local species richness, suggesting communities are undersaturated. Extinction filtering may explain this pattern. Past climatic changes have filtered out many mammalian species, these changes have been too recent for autochthanous speciation, and the relatively low vagility of mammals has prevented extensive recolonisation. Differences in the nature of the diversity relationship between taxa are as much due to independent evolutionary histories as to differences in vagility and colonising potential. A pervasive role is suggested for regional biogeographic processes in the development of faunal assemblage structure. Large-scale processes are not considered in current conservation plans. We encourage the shift of conservation emphasis from local ecological processes and species interactions, to whole communities and consideration of regional processes.  相似文献   

Forest structure and biomass were determined in a mangrove stand dominated by Bruguiera gymnorrhiza (L.) Lam. Trees in 5 m2 sample plots were harvested at ground level and then further cut into 1 m strata for separation into living wood, dead wood, leaves, reproductive material and pneumatophores. Mean above-ground living biomass was calculated at 94.49±7.83 t dry matter ha–1, while dead wood contributed a mean mass of 7.63±0.89 t dry matter ha–1. Excavations of roots yielded a below-ground biomass of 9.67 t dry matter ha–1 which represented only 9.8% of the above-ground value. There was a mean density of 4700 living stems ha–1 with plant heights ranging from 0.57 m to 5.80 m. Mean LAI was 4.95±0.80. As a basis for estimating standing biomass, regression lines were fitted to biomass values from individual trees of B. gymnorrhiza and Avicennia marina (Forssk.) Vierh. of various sizes. A comparison of these relationships with methods used by previous workers for estimating biomass suggests that most other methods cannot be applied without modification for local stands of mangroves.  相似文献   

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