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蓝喉蜂虎的捕食行为与食性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在我国有分布的7种蜂虎科鸟类中,蓝喉蜂虎(Merops viridis)分布范围最广,但相关野外研究还比较少。2011~2016年,我们以江西省吉安市郊区的一个蓝喉蜂虎种群为研究对象,在观察野外捕食行为的基础上,记录了其食物种类,研究了该鸟的食性。蓝喉蜂虎的食物主要是蜂类、蝶类和蜻蜓类昆虫,其被捕食频次的百分比分别为26.0%、26.3%和38.3%。其中,繁殖前期以蜂类居多,繁殖后期以蜻蜓类居多,数量比例存在显著的季节性差异。这种差异可能是昆虫生活史差异造成的。网络图片资料佐证了其食物种类主要为以上3类昆虫。在吞食食物前,蓝喉蜂虎会对不同类群的昆虫进行不同时长和不同方式的处理。此外,野外研究发现,产卵期蓝喉蜂虎巢室中散布着可能被吞食过带有食物残渣的小型贝类碎片。通过实验筛选营巢河滩地的沙土,发现这些贝壳碎片是外来。这表明,蓝喉蜂虎可能通过取食小型贝类贝壳,在产卵期获取短期额外的钙质补偿。蓝喉蜂虎在其分布区内属不常见鸟类,但其捕食的主要昆虫类群在我国南方比较常见,这说明食物不是限制该鸟分布的原因。蓝喉蜂虎是一个极具观赏价值的美丽小鸟,当前亟需深入研究,为该鸟的保护提供决策依据。  相似文献   

Insects use dormancy to survive adverse conditions. Brown locust Locustana pardalina (Walk.) eggs offer a convenient model to study dormancy (diapause and quiescence), which contributes to their survival under arid conditions. The metabolic rates of developing nondiapause, diapause and quiescent eggs are compared in the present study using closed‐system respirometry. The embryo becomes committed to continue development and hatch or to enter diapause 6 days after the eggs are placed on moist soil. The metabolic rate of nondiapause eggs increases exponentially until hatching, whereas that of diapause eggs is low and stable. The metabolic rate of diapause laboratory eggs (1.9 ± 0.6 µL CO2 mg?1 h?1) is significantly higher than that of field eggs (0.5 ± 0.3 µL CO2 mg?1 h?1), although the ranges of metabolic rate overlap and the embryos are all in late anatrepsis. The metabolic rate of quiescent eggs is similar to that of diapause eggs but decreases with time. Low metabolic rates during arrested development allow eggs to persist over long periods before hatching.  相似文献   

White-fronted bee-eaters are colonially breeding birds that exhibit highly developed helping-at-the-nest. Through long-term studies of an individually-marked population, we have documented two costs of social living: 1) harassment of mated females by extra-pair males, and 2) intra-specific parasitism by females who lay eggs in the nests of others. Breeding females are sexually chased and, occasionally, forceably mated by males other than their mates. Focal-sampling of females throughout their period of receptivity revealed that the average female is involved in 5 to 8 sexual chases and is forceably copulated 0.15 to 0.23 times per breeding season. This risk to females would be much greater were it not for the behavior of male mates who remain close to, and actively defend, their partners. Such mate-guarding is highly effective — females entering and leaving the colony in consort with their mates are sexually harassed only 1/10 as often as females travelling alone. Although sexual harassment of females is common at bee-eater colonies, the risk of paternity uncertainty arising from forced copulations is thought to be low. The reason is that females copulate repeatedly with their male mates on all days immediately prior to as well as during egg laying. This point has been overlooked in previous reports and has led to an exaggeration of the paternity risks associated with forced sexual chases. We conclude that sexual chasing of extra-pair females is a low yield reproductive tactic employed primarily by monogamously mated males whose presence at the colony is required to allofeed and mateguard their own egg-laying females. Female white-fronted bee-eaters lay eggs in nests other than their own. This intraspecific parasitism constitutes a greater threat to certainty of parentage than does forced copulation. Over four years of study, 16% of nests were parasitized and 7 % of all eggs were laid by a female other than the breeder (Table 2). Parasitizing females come primarily from two sources: (1) members of mated pairs whose own breeding attempt is disrupted at the time of egg laying, and (2) single females who opportunistically add an egg at the nest of their parents (or parent plus step-parent). In each case of kin-parasitism, the “parasitic” female remained socially integrated with the host group and helped in the rearing of the young. In contrast, 9 of 10 females that parasitized the nests of non-relatives had no other interactions with the hosts (Table 3). Parasitizing females exhibited two specialized behaviors that enhanced their reproductive effectiveness: (1) they spent many hours observing, investigating, and testing the defenses of potential host nests, and (2) they preferentially laid in hosts' nests at the appropriate chronological stage of development. Breeding females also exhibited counterbehaviors against being parasitized. These included: (1) remaining sequestered in their nest chambers for 64%-65% of the daylight hours and 94 % of the pre-roost hours during their days of egg laying, (2) aggressively defending their nest entrances against all investigating (potentially parasitic) females, and (3) actively removing any eggs laid in their nests prior to the initiation of their own clutch. These tactics and countertactics suggest a long evolutionary history of parasitic opportunities and risks among white-fronted bee-eaters.  相似文献   

Across their ranges, different populations of migratory species often use separate routes to migrate between breeding and non-breeding grounds. Recent changes in climate and land-use have led to breeding range expansions in many species but it is unclear whether these populations also establish new migratory routes, non-breeding sites and migration phenology. Thus, we compared the migration patterns of European Bee-eaters Merops apiaster from two established western (n = 5) and eastern (n = 6) breeding populations in Europe, with those from a newly founded northern population (n = 19). We aimed to relate the breeding populations to the two known non-breeding clusters in Africa, and to test for similarities of migration routes and timing between the old and new populations. Western Bee-eaters used the western flyway to destinations in West Africa; the eastern birds uniformly headed south to southern African non-breeding sites, confirming a complete separation in time and space between these long-established populations. The recently founded northern population, however, also used a western corridor, but crossed the Mediterranean further east than the western population and overwintered mainly in a new non-breeding area in southern Congo/northern Angola. The migration routes and the new non-breeding range overlapped only slightly with the western, but not with the eastern, population. In contrast, migration phenology appeared to differ between the western and both the northern and the eastern populations, with tracked birds from the western population migrating 2–4 weeks earlier. The northern population thus shares some spatial traits with western Bee-eaters, but similar phenology only with eastern population. This divergence highlights the adjustments in the timing of migration to local environmental conditions in newly founded populations, and a parallel establishment of new breeding and non-breeding sites.  相似文献   

The diets of 33 fish species from the southern Portuguese slope, at depths between 498 and 740 m were studied through the examination of stomach contents. Species of scyliorhinids, squalids, rajids, chimaerids, anguilliforms, notacanthids, macrourids, gadids and merluccids, with pelagic, benthope-lagic and benthic modes of life were examined. Nezumia sclerorhynchus feeding habits were studied in detail. Its diet its dominated by amphipods. No differences of prey preferences were recorded corresponding to predator size classes. The studied predators can exploit a wide range of prey, but they feed mainly on benthopelagic and epibenthic material. Consequently it is difficult to establish distinct feeding guilds, so confirming a generalist type of feeding for most of the upper slope dwelling fishes.  相似文献   

The Magellanic Penguin (Spheniscus magellanicus) is the most abundant and widely distributed seabird breeding on the Patagonian Coast of Argentina. We combined conventional stomach content and stable isotope analysis to assess Magellanic Penguin diet during the chick rearing stage at the two northernmost colonies in an area subject to fisheries. In 2011 and 2013, Thornfish (Bovichtus argentinus) was the main prey by mass at Complejo Islote Lobos (63.0% and 32.3%, respectively) and Argentine Anchovy (Engraulis anchoita) at Estancia San Lorenzo (85.2 and 63.3%, respectively). Magellanic Penguins from both colonies showed low isotopic niche overlap in 2011 (36%) and no overlap in 2013, suggesting a different use of prey species and/or foraging areas. Stable isotope mixing models showed that Argentine Anchovy (52.8%) and Thornfish (65.9%) were the main prey at Complejo Islote Lobos in 2011 and 2013, respectively, while Patagonian Redfish (Sebastes oculatus) (46.4%) and Squat Lobster (Munida gregaria) (50%) were the main prey at Estancia San Lorenzo in 2011 and 2013, respectively. Results show that in addition to Argentine Anchovy, previously recognized as main prey for breeding Magellanic Penguins in northern Patagonia, other juvenile or small sized fish are important diet items. Diet results suggest different scenarios of food conditions for each colony, despite the relative short distance between breeding locations. The low contribution of Argentine Hake (Merluccius hubbsi) and Argentine Shortfin Squid (Illex argentinus) suggests a low trophic overlap with commercial fisheries. The information provided is key to understand changes in the marine ecosystem and potential penguin-fishery interactions.  相似文献   

A. D. FOX  H. BOYD  R. G. BROMLEY 《Ibis》1995,137(2):151-156
The relationships between yearlings and adult pairs of White-fronted Geese Anser albifrons were studied during pre-nesting, laying and early incubation in the central Canadian Arctic. Prior to nesting, females of lone pairs spent 75–81% of their time feeding, while males spent only 42–47% of time feeding and 46–50% alert. In pairs with one or more associated yearlings, both females and males fed significantly more and spent less time vigilant. Yearlings spent significantly less time (59%) feeding when alone compared with 71–76% when with pairs. Associations between yearlings and paired adults were most frequent before adult females began prospecting for nest sites. No prospecting pairs were associated with yearlings. After the egg-laying period, groups of geese, predominantly yearlings, made distraction flights over humans and terrestrial predators approaching nests, in contrast to the more cryptic behaviour of nesting pairs. The presence of groups of geese associated with some nest sites suggests that continuing parent-offspring relationships may involve assistance with nest defence.  相似文献   

Grzegorz Kopij 《Biologia》2006,61(2):241-244
The diet of the black-headed heron was studied using analysis of pellets and prey remnants (225 prey items identified) collected from four sites in South African Highveld Grassland, transformed into cultivated fields. Small vertebrates comprised the staple food of chicks. Rodents were the most important vertebrate prey. Otomys irroratus comprised ca. 50% of the total biomass of vertebrate prey consumed. The diet was supplemented by small lizards, snakes, frogs and fishes. Grasshoppers, beetles, crabs and other arthropods were occasionally preyed upon.  相似文献   

Introgressive hybridization occurs when closely related taxa overlap in distribution and is often associated with historically isolated populations coming into contact as a result of anthropogenic disturbance. There is evolutionary and conservation interest in detecting hybridization to determine its implications on future species composition, especially for threatened and recovering taxa such as subantarctic (Arctocephalus tropicalis) and Antarctic (A. gazella) fur seals, which were driven to the brink of extinction by human exploitation. Hybridization between these species has been reported at two locations and they breed sympatrically at a third site, Iles Crozet. While hybrid individuals have previously been identified based on phenotype, individuals can be difficult to classify based on these characteristics alone. Genotypic hybrid identification has been successful in several species, including fur seals. In this study we conducted an assignment test using microsatellite data to identify hybrids and to measure the frequency of hybridization at Iles Crozet. Samples were collected from 372 individuals and screened with 6 polymorphic microsatellite markers. MtDNA genotypes were also determined for individuals identified as hybrids or backcrosses based on microsatellite genotype. Phenotype, microsatellite and mtDNA genotype were then compared in order to identify hybrids. The results indicate that 1% of the population have hybrid genotypes and at a minimum, 2.4% of the population are backcrossed to parental species. We found that the two species are genetically distinct from one another and given the low rate of hybridization it is unlikely that they will fuse. These results suggest that there is a mechanism for species recognition that acts as a barrier to hybridization. It therefore seems unlikely that fur seals are threatened by significant introgression. Further investigation of fur seal mating systems would provide valuable insight into the mechanisms governing hybridization and species recognition in mate choice.  相似文献   

Miocene primates from southern Africa are extremely rare. For this reason we wish to place on record several interesting new fossil primate specimens recently recovered from the Miocene sites of Berg Aukas and Harasib in the Otavi Mountain region of northern Namibia. The new finds consist of a virtually complete atlas vertebra from Berg Aukas attributable to the hominoid Otavipithecus namibiensis and two teeth and four postcranial fragments from Harasib referrable to Cercopithecoidea. The atlas vertebra exhibits anatomical characteristics intermediate between those of modern cercopithecoids and hominoids which may be indicative of a transition from pronograde to orthograde postures. The cercopithecoid remains show that the earliest Old World monkeys known from southern Africa were small, approximately the size of vervet monkeys. These new specimens are important because they provide the first evidence relating to possible positional behaviors of Otavipithecus and the earliest fossil record of cercopithecoids from southern Africa. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Pelagic North Sea whiting Merlangius merlangus preyed upon (pelagic) sprat and sandeel, while demersal whiting preyed upon (demersal) Norway pout and herring. Values of diet breadth were low for both feeding groups using Levin's index. Diet overlaps within layers were low ( D <0·25), while the between layer food overlap was moderate ( D =0·25–0·74) to high ( D >0·74) using Schoener's index. Selection of prey was density dependent. However, prey size also played an important role. The diet of whiting shifted from amphipods and mysids to fish with increasing predator length, and the length of prey consumed increased significantly with length of whiting. The fact that the stomach contents differed between the feeding groups demonstrates the need for a sampling design that includes both pelagic and demersal habitats when trying to quantify the diet of whiting.  相似文献   

A study investigating the influence of a low-level weir on the diets of three migratory percithyid species was undertaken on the Murrumbidgee River, Australia. A combination of fish community sampling and stomach flushing determined that Yanco Weir substantially impacted upon the abundance and feeding habits of golden perch Macquaria ambigua , Murray cod Maccullochella peelii peelii and trout cod Maccullochella macquariensis . The relative abundance of all three species was significantly greater downstream of the weir, where individuals attempting upstream migrations were obstructed. In areas of fish aggregations, some species displayed altered feeding strategies and exploited different prey taxa upstream and downstream of the weir. Diet overlap, and the proportion of individuals with empty stomachs, was also substantially greater from downstream zones. These results suggest that competition among species may be greater in areas of increased predator abundance and some species could be partitioning resources to minimize competitive interactions. Reducing accumulations of predatory species, by providing suitable fish passage facilities, would be an effective means to prevent such trophic interactions occurring at other low-level weirs.  相似文献   

Maternal attendance behaviour was studied in Antarctic (Arctocephalus gazella) and subantarctic fur seals (Arctocephalus tropicalis) which breed sympatrically at subantarctic Macquarie Island. Data on attendance were obtained using telemetric methods. Both species undertook two types of foraging trips: overnight foraging trips which were of less than 1 day duration and occurred exclusively overnight, and extended foraging trips which lasted longer than 1 day. The mean duration of overnight foraging trips was 0.43 and 0.39 days, while the duration of extended foraging trips was 3.6 and 3.8 days in A. gazella and A. tropicalis, respectively. The duration of overnight and extended foraging trips did not differ significantly between species. Two types of shore attendance bouts that differed in duration were also observed in these species. Short attendance bouts lasted less than 0.9 days, while long attendance bouts lasted longer than 0.9 days. Short attendance bouts lasted 0.4 and 0.5 days, while long attendance bouts lasted 1.6 and 1.7 days in A. gazella and A. tropicalis, respectively, and did not differ significantly between species. The most significant differences between the attendance behaviour of both species was in the percentage of foraging time allocated to overnight foraging trips (15% and 25% in A. gazella and A. tropicalis, respectively), and the percentage of time spent ashore (30% and 38% in A. gazella and A. tropicalis, respectively). The nearness of pelagic waters to Macquarie Island is considered to be the main reason that lactating females are able to undertake overnight foraging trips. These trips may be used by females as a means of optimising the costs of fasting and nursing ashore. Females may be able to save energy by only nursing pups when milk transfer efficiencies are high, and reduce the time and energy costs of fasting ashore when milk transfer efficiency is low. Of the female A. gazella that still carried transmitters at the end of lactation, 83% continued regular attendance for between 21 and 150 days post-lactation (when data collection ceased). Overwintering of A. gazella females at breeding sites has not been previously reported in other populations. Accepted: 10 November 1998  相似文献   

The lesser white-fronted goose (Anser erythropus) isthe most threatened of the Palearctic goose species with a decliningpopulation trend throughout its distributional range. The currentestimate of the Fennoscandian subpopulation size is 30–50 breedingpairs, whereas it still numbered more than 10000 individuals at thebeginning of the last century. Reintroduction and restocking have beencarried out in Sweden and Finland using captive lesser white-frontedgoose stock with unknown origins. We have carried out a study of thegenetic composition of captive-bred stock by sequencing a 221 bphypervariable fragment of the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) control regionfrom 15 individuals from the Hailuoto farm, Finland. Two out of thethree maternal lineages detected in the captive stock are also presentin wild populations. The third maternal lineage among the captive lesserwhite-fronted geese originates from the closely related greaterwhite-fronted goose (Anser albifrons). None of the investigatedwild lesser white-fronted goose individuals carried the mtDNA of thegreater white-fronted goose. The presence of greater white-fronted goosemtDNA in the lesser white-fronted goose captive stock suggests thathybridization has occurred during captive propagation.  相似文献   

西双版纳地区犬蝠和棕果蝠食性的初步研究   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:8  
犬蝠和棕果蝠是西双版纳地区较为常见的两个果蝠物种,大多数时间内它们同域分布,共同利用当地许多野生果实。从2004年6月至12月,我们采用拾遗法、粪便分析法以及种子萌发鉴定法并结合雾网采样对西双版纳地区这两种果蝠的食性进行了初步研究。结果发现犬蝠利用11科18种植物的果实,2科2种植物的叶片;而棕果蝠利用9科12种植物的果实,1科1种植物的叶片。研究发现雨季(6-10月)两种果蝠食物类型在本地区重叠程度较高,它们共同利用的植物类型占记录植物类型总数的65%。在干旱季节(11-12月),棕果蝠避开与犬蝠在食物方面的竞争而去别的地力开拓食物资源。  相似文献   

How environmental changes are affecting bird population dynamics is one of the most challenging conservation issues. Dietary studies of top avian predators could offer scope to monitor anthropogenic drivers of ecosystem changes. We investigated the diet of breeding Eleonora''s falcon in an area of Northeastern Algeria in the years 2010–2012. Feathers and insect remains originating from prey plucking behavior were analyzed, providing insights into the seasonally changing diet of this raptor, as well as the trans‐Mediterranean avian migration. A total of 77 species of birds (16 Sylviidae, 11 Turdidae, and 4 Emberizidae), 3 species of insects, and 1 lizard were identified among prey remains, reflecting a diverse diet. Diet composition and prey abundance varied seasonally, faithfully correlating with the passage of migrant birds as recorded from bird ring recoveries. Our findings suggest that dietary studies of predators might be deployed to investigate changes in bird migration. We discuss our results in the context of trans‐Mediterranean migration, with early‐season prey mainly comprising trans‐Saharan migrants (Apus apus and Merops apiaster) and late‐season prey being dominated by Mediterranean winter migrants (Erithacus rubecula, Turdus philomelos, Sylvia atricapilla, and Sturnus vulgaris). Notably, we observed a significant reduction in species richness of passerine remains in 2012, potentially highlighting a decline in the diversity of avian migrants.  相似文献   

Atherosclerosis is a multifactorial, long-lasting process in humans. Accordingly, animal models in which more rapid changes occur can be useful for the study of this process. Among such models are apolipoprotein E-deficient (apoE?/?) mice, which give insight into the human process. ApoE?/? mice show impaired clearing of plasma lipoproteins and develop atherosclerosis in a short time, and hence they are an excellent model in which to assess the impact of dietary factors. This review considers lipid metabolism and inflammation as well as nutritional constituents affecting atherosclerosis, with reference to apoE?/? mice, and discusses the mechanisms through which they act.  相似文献   

A study of striped hyaena ( Hyaena hyaena (Linnaeus, 1758)) in Lothagam, northern Kenya was conducted to understand the interactions of H. hyaena with the local Turkana people and their livestock. Data were collected from skeletal parts, fresh scats, ecological survey, and from interviews at different homesteads. Analysis of skeletal remains was broadly divided into three categories: species, skeletal part and bone damage. Insects, birds, fish, crocodile, seeds, leaves and fifteen species of mammalian prey were identified. The high proportion of livestock, dog and human remains in the bone accumulations indicate a significant dependence on the lifestyles of the local Turkana people. The study provides evidence to suggest that striped hyaenas predate on small livestock and demonstrate an opportunistic behaviour, which enables them to survive as the largest carnivore in this marginal environment. A greater abundance of bones are associated with striped hyaena dens than with those of the spotted hyaena ( Crocuta crocuta (Erxleben, 1777)). Bone modification by the striped hyaena differs from spotted hyaena bone modification. Bone breakage patterns can be attributed to the relative specific gravity, degree of epiphyseal closure and nutritive fat content of bones.  相似文献   

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