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Trees that maintain some leaves throughout dry seasons become important ruminant browse depending on nutritive and antinutritive values. Leaves from seven tree species that maintained some leaves during the dry season were collected during dry and wet seasons and analysed for nutritive and antinutritive values. Neutral detergent fibre of leaves was either not different or less (≤ 0.05) during the dry season as compared to the wet season depending on species. Acid detergent fibre was either not different or greater (≤ 0.05) during the dry season as compared to the wet season. Crude protein and condensed tannins (CT) were either not different or less (≤ 0.05) during the dry season than during the wet season for the seven species. The biological activity (protein‐binding ability; PB) of the CT was highly species specific and was either not different between seasons, more bioactive during the wet season, or more bioactive during the dry season depending on the species. Based on combinations of low fibre, high protein and potentially beneficial levels of bioactive CT, Senegalia caffra, Vachellia karoo and Searsia lancea may be the most promising dry‐season browse of the species studied.  相似文献   

Secondary forest habitats are increasingly recognized for their potential to conserve biodiversity in the tropics. However, the development of faunal assemblages in secondary forest systems varies according to habitat quality and species‐specific traits. In this study, we predicted that the recovery of bird assemblages is dependent on secondary forest age and level of isolation, the forest stratum examined, and the species’ traits of feeding guild and body mass. This study was undertaken in secondary forests in central Panama; spanning a chronosequence of 60‐, 90‐, and 120‐year‐old forests, and in neighboring old‐growth forest. To give equal attention to all forest strata, we employed a novel method that paired simultaneous surveys in canopy and understory. This survey method provides a more nuanced picture than ground‐based studies, which are biased toward understory assemblages. Bird reassembly varied according to both habitat age and isolation, although it was challenging to separate these effects, as the older sites were also more isolated than the younger sites. In combination, habitat age and isolation impacted understory birds more than canopy‐dwelling birds. Proportions of dietary guilds did not vary with habitat age, but were significantly different between strata. Body mass distributions were similar across forest ages for small‐bodied birds, but older forest supported more large‐bodied birds, probably due to control of poaching at these sites. Canopy assemblages were characterized by higher species richness, and greater variation in both dietary breadth and body mass, relative to understory assemblages. The results highlight that secondary forests may offer critical refugia for many bird species, particularly specialist canopy‐dwellers. However, understory bird species may be less able to adapt to novel and isolated habitats and should be the focus of conservation efforts encouraging bird colonization of secondary forests.  相似文献   

Jani Heino 《Hydrobiologia》2000,418(1):229-242
Littoral zones of small water bodies are spatially heterogeneous habitats, harbouring diverse biotic communities. Despite this apparent heterogeneity, many studies have stressed the importance of water chemistry in determining the structure of littoral macroinvertebrate assemblages. The purpose of this study was to consider the relative importance of several spatial and water chemistry variables in explaining the patterns in the structure of macroinvertebrate assemblages in 21 lentic water bodies in northeastern Finland. Water bodies were selected to represent various habitat conditions ranging from small permanent bog ponds to small forest lakes. According to canonical correspondence analysis (CCA), the most important environmental factors related to assemblage composition were water body area, moss cover, total nitrogen and water hardness. In general, species composition in small bog ponds tended to differ from that in larger lakes with forested shoreline. Total species richness was best explained by a composite variable (PCA) describing physical habitat heterogeneity, species richness being lowest in small bog lakes with simple bottom structure and low amount of aquatic plants. Species numbers in dominant functional feeding groups were related to different environmental factors. Shredder species richness was best explained by a regression model incorporating total nitrogen and the amount of organic matter, both of which were negatively related to the number of shredder species. The number of gatherer species increased with mean substratum particle size. Scraper species richness was negatively affected by the abundance of detritus and positively affected by depth, and a model including both variables explained most of the variation. Variation in the number of predatory species was best explained by a regression model including moss cover and lake area.  相似文献   

This is the first study to assess the diversity and community structure of the Agaricomycotina in an ectotrophic forest using above-ground fruiting body surveys as well as soil rDNA sampling. We recovered 132 molecular operational taxonomic units, or 'species', from fruiting bodies and 66 from soil, with little overlap. Fruiting body sampling primarily recovered fungi from the Agaricales, Russulales, Boletales and Cantharellales. Many of these species are ectomycorrhizal and form large fruiting bodies. Soil rDNA sampling recovered fungi from these groups in addition to taxa overlooked during the fruiting body survey from the Atheliales, Trechisporales and Sebacinales. Species from these groups form inconspicuous, resupinate and corticioid fruiting bodies. Soil sampling also detected fungi from the Hysterangiales that form fruiting bodies underground. Generally, fruiting body and soil rDNA samples recover a largely different assemblage of fungi at the species level; however, both methods identify the same dominant fungi at the genus-order level and ectomycorrhizal fungi as the prevailing type. Richness, abundance, and phylogenetic diversity (PD) identify the Agaricales as the dominant fungal group above- and below-ground; however, we find that molecularly highly divergent lineages may account for a greater proportion of total diversity using the PD measure compared with richness and abundance. Unless an exhaustive inventory is required, the rapidity and versatility of DNA-based sampling may be sufficient for a first assessment of the dominant taxonomic and ecological groups of fungi in forest soil.  相似文献   

Patterns of hard coral and sea urchin assemblage structure (species richness, diversity, and abundance) were studied in Kenyan coral reef lagoons which experienced different types of human resource use. Two protected reefs (Malindi and Watamu Marine National Parks) were protected from fishing and coral collection, but exposed to heavy tourist use. One reef (Mombasa MNP) received protection from fishermen for one year and was exploited for fish and corals prior to protection and was defined as a transitional reef. Three reefs (Vipingo, Kanamai, and Diani) were unprotected and experienced heavy fishing and some coral collection. Protected and unprotected reefs were distinct in terms of their assemblage structure with the transitional reef grouping with unprotected reefs based on relative and absolute abundance of coral genera. Protected reefs had slightly higher (p<0.01) coral cover (23.6 ± 8.3 % ± S.D.) than unprotected reefs (16.7 ± 8.5), but the transitional reef had the highest coral cover (30.8 ± 6.4) which increased by 250% since measured in 1987: largely attributable to a large increase inPorites nigrescens cover. Protected reefs had higher coral species richness and diversity and a greater relative abundance ofAcropora, Montipora andGalaxea than unprotected reefs. The transitional reef had high species richness, but lower diversity due to the high dominance ofPorites. Sea urchins showed the opposite pattern with highest diversity in most unprotected reefs. Coral cover, species richness, and diversity were negatively associated with sea urchin abundance, but the relative abundance ofPorites increased with sea urchin abundance to the point wherePorites composed >90% of the coral cover at sites with the highest sea urchin abundance. Effects of coral overcollection was only likely for the genusAcropora (staghorn corals). A combination of direct and indirect effects of human resource use may reduce diversity, species richness, and abundance of corals while increasing the absolute abundance of sea urchins and the relative cover ofPorites.  相似文献   

The relative effects of host species identity, locality and season on ectoparasite assemblages (relative abundances and species richness) harboured by four cricetid rodent hosts (Akodon azarae, Oligoryzomys flavescens, Oxymycterus rufus and Scapteromys aquaticus) were assessed across six closely located sites in Buenos Aires province, Argentina. Relative abundances of ectoparasites (14 species including gamasid mites, an ixodid tick, a trombiculid mite, lice and fleas), as well as total ectoparasite abundance and species richness, were determined mainly by host species and to a lesser extent by locality (despite the small spatial scale of the study), whereas seasonal effect was weak, albeit significant. The abundances of some ectoparasites were determined solely by host, whereas those of other ectoparasites (sometimes belonging to the same higher taxon) were also affected by locality and/or season. In gamasids, there was a significant effect of locality for some species, but not for others. In fleas and lice, the effect of locality was similar in different species, suggesting that this effect is related to the characteristic life history strategy.  相似文献   

We compared variation in butterfly communities across 3 years at six different habitats in a temperate ecosystem near Boulder, Colorado, USA. These habitats were classified by the local Open Space consortium as Grasslands, Tallgrass, Foothills Grasslands, Foothills Riparian, Plains Riparian, and Montane Woodland. Rainfall and temperature varied considerably during these years. We surveyed butterflies using the Pollard‐Yates method of invertebrate sampling and compared abundance, species richness, and diversity across habitats and years. Communities were most influenced by habitat, with all three quantitative measures varying significantly across habitats but only two measures showing variation across years. Among habitats, butterfly abundance was higher in Plains Riparian sites than in Montane Woodland or Grassland sites, though diversity was lowest in Plains Riparian areas. Butterfly species richness was higher in Foothills Riparian sites than it was in all but one other habitat (Tallgrass). Among years, butterfly abundance and species richness were lower during the year of least rainfall and highest temperatures, suggesting a substantial impact of the hot, dry conditions. Across habitats and years, butterfly abundance was consistently high at Plains Riparian and Foothills Riparian sites, and richness and diversity were consistently high in Foothills Riparian areas. These two habitats may be highly suitable for butterflies in this ecosystem, regardless of weather conditions. Generally low abundance and species richness in Montane Woodlands sites, particularly in 2002, suggested low suitability of the habitat to butterflies in this ecosystem, and this may be especially important during drought‐like conditions. Finally, to examine the effect that the presence of the very abundant non‐native species Pieris rapae L. (Lepidoptera: Pieridae) has on these communities, we re‐analyzed the data in the absence of this species. Excluding P. rapae dramatically reduced variation of both butterfly abundance and diversity across habitats, highlighting the importance of considering community membership in analyses like ours.  相似文献   

Benthic macroinvertebrates were sampled and environmental variables measured at Langeni Forest and Kambi Valley, two sites of varying degrees of human impact in the upper Mthatha River, South Africa, in 2010–2011. Four species, Simulium adersi Pomeroy, Baetis harrisoni Barnard, Pseudocloeon sp. and Tricorythus sp., occurred at all site sampling units. Specimen counts increased from the rainy months of January to April/May, and higher numbers of individuals occurred at Langeni. Species occurrences per site were directly or indirectly affected by season, substrate and habitat heterogeneity. Canonical correspondence analysis results showed that conductivity, pH, flow, substrate and marginal vegetation were important in determining species distribution patterns. Both rare/habitat-restricted and common/widespread benthic macroinvertebrates identified in this study can be used as indicators for assessing the ecological integrity of the Mthatha River. Habitat management along the river should aim at preserving indigenous vegetation, especially during the summer season when habitat requirements are optimal for growth stages of most benthic macroinvertebrate fauna. The practicality of using species-level surveys on a routine basis can be challenging, given the lack of taxonomic expertise and time constraints. It might be advisable to select a few indicator species and to monitor them as surrogates for the whole community.  相似文献   

The conservation of biodiversity within tropical forest regions does not lie only in the maintenance of natural forest areas, but on conservation strategies directed toward agricultural land types within which they are embedded. This study investigated variations in bird assemblages of different functional groups of forest‐dependent birds in three agricultural land types, relative to distance from the interior of 34 tropical forest patches of varying sizes. Point counts were used to sample birds at each study site visited. Data from counts were used to estimate species richness, species evenness, and Simpson's diversity of birds. Mean species richness, evenness, and diversity were modeled as responses and as a function of agricultural land type, distance from the forest interior and three site‐scale vegetation covariates (density of large trees, fruiting trees, and patch size) using generalized linear mixed‐effect models. Mean observed species richness of birds varied significantly within habitat types. Mean observed species richness was highest in forest interior sites while sites located in farm centers recorded the lowest mean species richness. Species richness of forest specialists was strongly influenced by the type of agricultural land use. Fallow lands, density of large trees, and patch size strongly positively influenced forest specialists. Insectivorous and frugivorous birds were more species‐rich in fallow lands while monoculture plantations favored nectarivorous birds. Our results suggest that poor agricultural practices can lead to population declines of forest‐dependent birds particularly specialist species. Conservation actions should include proper land use management that ensures heterogeneity through retention of native tree species on farms in tropical forest‐agriculture landscapes.  相似文献   

Forest fragmentation and degradation leads to formation of modified habitats whose ability to support existing avifaunal diversity is still largely unknown. Bird diversity in indigenous forest, disturbed forest, plantation forest and farmlands adjacent to North Nandi Forest reserve was studied between January 2015 and June 2015. The distribution of bird feeding guilds in these habitat patches was also evaluated. Birds were surveyed using point counts, timed species counts and line transects and classified into six feeding guilds. A total of 3,232 individual birds of 151 species were recorded in the four habitats. Significant difference on bird abundance across the four habitats (F = 15.141, P ≤ 0.05, df = 3, 1121) was noted. Shannon–Weiner diversity index H′ for bird community ranged from 3.06 for plantation forest to 4.05 for disturbed forest showing a relatively diverse bird community. Insectivores (F = 3.090, P ≤ 0.05, df = 3, 297) dominated the foraging species assemblage in all the habitats significantly. Linear regression analysis revealed a strong linear relationship on bird species richness and abundance with vegetation variables (P < 0.01 in all cases). The results indicate that disturbed forest and indigenous forest support high bird species richness than plantation forest and farmlands. However, high bird abundance was observed in farmlands and plantation forest as opposed to indigenous forest and disturbed forest as they provide dispersal routes over a short distance and are important for creating corridors between primary forests.  相似文献   

Complete documentation on the status of mammals is indispensable for appropriate conservation measures in protected areas. However, there is inadequate information on mammalian resources in the ecosystem of Gibe Sheleko National Park (GSNP). Thus, the study aimed to assess species diversity, abundance, and habitat association of medium‐ and large‐sized mammals in GSNP. We stratified the study area into five dominant habitat types, namely dense forest, wooded grassland, grassland, riverine forest, and farmland habitat types based on land cover and vegetation structures and further employed stratified random sampling technique across each habitat type. The sample transects covered 20% of the study area. Transect width ranged from 50 m to 400 m based on vegetation cover and visibility of mammals. The main data were collected via direct observation. Data were analyzed via chi‐square test and species diversity indexes. We recorded the total of 20 mammals species'' those belong to 10 families of which 8 species were large‐sized and 12 species medium‐sized mammals. There were two IUCN vulnerable species, namely Hippopotamus amphibious and Panthera pardus, and two globally near‐threatened species, particularly Litocranius walleri and Caracal caracal in the study area. Dense forest held the highest species diversity of medium‐ and large‐sized mammals (H′ = 2.28) with the highest evenness index (J = 0.84). Riverine forest had the least diversity with uneven population distribution. Papio anubis was the most abundance species, whereas Caracal caracal was the least abundant in the study area. GSNP is home for threatened and spectacular mammals species''; hence, an appropriate conservation measure is mandatory to keep existing mammals species''.  相似文献   

Resources and global avian assemblage structure in forests   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Explaining spatial variation in a number of bird species, particularly from temperate to tropical regions, has been a longstanding challenge. We test at a global scale whether species‐rich forest assemblages are associated with division of a larger resource pool, a finer division of that pool, or some combination of the two. Species richness increases with increasing assemblage abundance, biomass and energy use. As assemblage abundance, biomass and energy use increase with increasing energy availability, and as per species numbers of individuals, biomass and energy use do not decrease with increasing energy availability, we provide direct evidence that the avian species–energy relationship in forests is associated foremost with an increase in the size of the resource pool and not with a finer level of its subdivision.  相似文献   

A study was carried out in Sariska Tiger Reserve in India to investigate the effects of anthropogenic disturbance caused by biomass extraction on the bird communities of tropical dry forests. The study was based on comparisons of the avifaunal community as well as vegetation structure between strictly protected ('undisturbed') and intensively used ('disturbed') sites that were demarcated a priori on the basis of disturbance indicators. There was no significant difference in the number of recorded species and bird abundance between disturbed and undisturbed sites. However, bird species diversity was significantly lower in disturbed sites. Bird species composition was found to differ significantly between disturbed and undisturbed sites and was associated with the measured disturbance indicators. Changes in bird species composition occurred because of seven of 26 locally abundant bird species (26.9%) responding significantly to the disturbance regime. All the affected bird species are primarily insectivorous. Bird species composition was significantly related to six vegetation structural variables, including two that were significantly altered by disturbance. Changes in vegetation structure accounted for all the changes in bird species composition caused by disturbance. However, vegetation structure had additional effects on bird species composition besides those caused simply by disturbance. Thus, our study indicates that forest use in the form of chronic biomass extraction can have significant effects upon bird diversity and species composition of tropical dry forest. There is a need to retain a proportion of natural ecosystems as inviolate if the full complement of biodiversity is to be conserved.  相似文献   

Agricultural habitats are assumed to be biodiversity refuges. However, some studies treat agricultural land management as a cause of the biodiversity decline, to which habitat loss and heterogeneity may contribute. Between the crops, the successional habitats appear – ruderal plant communities and bush areas. Their influence on farmland biodiversity is unknown. This research assessed the impact of spatial relationships between agricultural areas, semi-natural meadows and successional habitats on the bird species richness, Shannon diversity index, and Faith’s phylogenetic diversity index. An additional habitat variable was the presence of weeds, i.e., invasive Caucasian hogweeds Heracleum sp., treated as crops in the past. The birds and habitats research was on 74 sites set in pairs (invaded vs control) in south-eastern Poland. Results showed that birds assembling in agricultural and semi-natural areas were more diverse and contained protected farmland species, while birds appearing in overgrown habitats (i.e., successional and invaded) were clumped with their habitat requirements. In the presence of plant invaders, ruderal habitats negatively affected the bird phylogenetic diversity index. In invaded sites, bush areas had no positive effects on the Shannon diversity index and species richness of birds, in contrast with control sites. The presented research suggests the need to re-evaluate the importance of successional non-crop habitats considered positive in agricultural landscapes if those habitats develop in areas with plant invasion.  相似文献   

张忠华  胡刚  祝介东  倪健 《生态学报》2012,32(18):5663-5672
物种多样性的空间分布格局及其尺度效应是生态学研究的重点,对于理解物种多样性的形成和维持机制以及生物多样性的管理和保护均具有重要意义。以贵州茂兰国家级自然保护区分布的亚热带原生性喀斯特常绿落叶阔叶混交林为研究对象,分析了2个1hm2(100m×100m)样地中物种多度和丰富度的空间分布特征及其与取样尺度的关系,采用方差和变异系数描述多度和丰富度在5个尺度(5m×5m,10m×10m,20m×20m,25m×25m,50m×50m)上的空间变异性。结果表明:(1)两个样地的物种多度和丰富度具有尺度依赖性特征;(2)由于多度具有叠加性,物种多度的方差随着尺度的增加呈线性增加,而变异系数呈线性下降;(3)丰富度的方差随尺度的增加表现出单峰分布的特征,在25 m×25 m尺度上达到最大值,变异系数则随取样尺度的增加而呈线性下降。研究表明,物种多度具有尺度推演规律,而丰富度却没有,因此,应慎重进行物种丰富度的尺度推演。在分析喀斯特森林物种多样性时,应注重尺度效应带来的影响。  相似文献   

The gobiid assemblage of the Venice Lagoon shallow waters was investigated by means of a semi‐quantitative standardized sampling (using a small beach seine), stratified into five main types of shallow subtidal habitats and conducted on a seasonal basis during 1 year. The degree of overlap in resource utilization among six coexisting goby species was assessed, along both the time axis, by analysing the seasonal variation in abundance and reproductive status (as revealed by the gonado‐somatic index) and the habitat axis, by comparing species abundance across different habitat types and controlling for the effects of some abiotic factors. Smaller species, and especially the marbled goby Pomatoschistus marmoratus , dominated the local assemblage. Although the cycle of shallow water colonization and seasonal variation in total abundance were basically similar, species showed differences in timing of reproduction and recruitment, as well as in habitat preference. The larger species belonging to the genera Gobius and Zosterisessor tended to overlap their habitat use, being more abundant in seagrass habitats than in the unvegetated habitats, whereas the smaller species belonging to the genera Knipowitschia and Pomatoschistus avoided seagrasses, preferring in most cases mud flats and salt marsh creeks. Within these two groups of species some further slight differences in species habitat preference, relationship with abiotic factors and reproductive ecology could be detected. Results are discussed in the light of both ecological mechanisms underlying coexistence of closely related species and the current knowledge of the phylogeny of Mediterranean gobies.  相似文献   

The effect of variations in the density of a submerged macrophyte, Lagarosiphon ilicifolius, on epiphytic macroinvertebrate community structure in the shallow waters of a sheltered bay of Lake Kariba were investigated. The body size class distributions of a mayfly, Cloeon (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae), and the damselfly family, Coenagrionidae, were also assessed with respect to variation in vegetation density. Macroinvertebrates were sampled from low-, moderate- and high-density beds of L. ilicifolius. There were no significant differences in individual taxon and total macroinvertebrate abundances, macroinvertebrate richness and diversity with respect to vegetation density. In all three density categories the functional feeding group (FFG) composition was dominated by collector-gatherers and collector-filterers. The abundance of the two FFGs did not change significantly within each, as well as among, the three vegetation-density categories (ANOVA, p > 0.05). The largest size class of Cloeon occurred only in high-density beds, whereas the largest coenagrionid individuals were obtained from low- and moderate-density beds and were absent from high-density beds. The results suggest that variation in the density of Lagarosiphon does not affect epiphytic macroinvertebrate community structure, but does affect body-size distributions of macroinvertebrate taxa, probably by affecting predator-prey interactions.  相似文献   

The species composition, abundance and plant infestation of stem borers attacking maize and millet were investigated in farmers' fields during the cropping season of 2010 and 2011 in Maiduguri, Nigeria. Stem borers were collected via destructive sampling. In total, three stem borer species (Busseola fusca, Sesamia calamistis and Coniesta ignefusalis) were found, of which S. calamistis (64%) and C. ignefusalis (72%), respectively, were predominant on maize and millet. Across both years, whereas mean plant infestation ranged from 4.8% on millet to 20.8% on maize, mean stem borer abundance ranged from 1.6 individuals on millet to 13.8 individuals on maize. Mean total plant infestation and stem borer abundance varied with different years and both were significantly higher during the 2010 than 2011 cropping season. In spite of the generally low stem borer abundance per farmers' field, plant infestation particularly on maize plants seems to be moderate during different years.  相似文献   

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