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In a 4-year study of Hamerkops in central Mali, territories of breeding pairs overlapped and most clutches were laid in the late rainy or early dry seasons. Clutches averaged 4–8 eggs. Different pairs laid eggs having, on average, different dimensions. Eggs laid in the late rainy and early dry seasons were larger than those laid at other times. Eggs weighed, at 27-8 g, about 6% of adult female weight. Hatching success was 79% with a fledging rate of eggs hatched of 53%. Successful nests fledged 27 young but for all completed clutches the fledging rate was 0'9. Young hatched early in the sequence had a higher survival rate than those hatched later. Mean age at fledging was 47 days. Pairs fledged between 0–5 and 0–9 young per year.  相似文献   

In an attempt to increase the number of breeding pairs of Long-eared Owls at Woodwalton Fen National Nature Reserve, wicker baskets of varying design were placed throughout the reserve. Between 1981 and 1996, owls used the baskets on 77 occasions. Of 71 nests followed from incubation, 59.2% hatched young and 50.7% fledged one or more chicks. In only two nests were the complete clutches hatched and fledged. Early nesters laid larger clutches and raised more broods than those nesting later in the season. It is suggested that the level of the water table and the management regime necessary for the restoration of open fen communities affect the number of breeding owls.  相似文献   

Lily-Arison, R.de R. 2000. Breeding biology of Frances's Sparrowhawk Accipiter francesii in a lowland rainforest of northeastem Madagascar. Ostrich 71 (1 & 2): 332–335.

Frances's Sparrowhawks Accipiter fmncesii were studied during the breeding seasons 1994 and 1995 on Masoala Peninsula of northeastern Madagascar. Breeding coincides with the dry season, nest building in October, egg laying in November, hatching in December and fledging in January (beginning of the wet season). All but one of 10 pairs built new nests in 1995 and the mean distance of nest site from 1994 and 1995 nests was 105± 100 m (n = 6, ranging from 0 to 250m). Nests in primary forest were incubated for 79% of the observation time by females, 3% by males and eggs were unattended for 18% of the observation time. On a numerical basis the diet was composed of lizards (56%) and birds (23%), making up more than 79% of the identified prey items. A total of 33 eggs was laid in 13 nests (average clutch size 2.5). In 13 breeding attempts 29 (88%) hatched and all of those hatchlings fledged. Of the 14 My-documented breeding attempts 2.1 young fledged per breeding attempt and overall nesting success was 93%.

L'Épervier de France Accipiter francesii a été étudié pendant la saison de reproduction en 1994 et 1995 dans la Presqu'Ile Masoala, au partie Nord-Est de Madagascar. La saison de reproduction de cette espkce coincide avec la saison sèche: la construction du nid en Octobre, la ponte en Novembre, I'élosion en Déembre et l'envol du poussin en Janvier (début de la saison pluviale). Tous, sauf une des 10 paires ont construit des nouveaw nids en 1995 et la distance moyenne de I'endroit du nid de I'anné 1994 et 1995 est de 105 + 100 m (n = 6, variant de 0 à 250m). Dans la for[ebar]t primaire, les oeufs ont éeté incubés par la femelle pendant 79% du temps d'observation, 3% par le mile et non incubés pendant 18% du temps. Les proies sont principalement composées de lkzards (56%) et oiseaux (23%), atteignant plus de 79% des proies identifiés. 33 oeufs ont été pondus dans 13 nids (en moyenne 2.5 oeufs par nid). Pour ces 13 nids, 29 oeufs (88%) ont été éclos et tous ces poussins (100%) sont capables de voler. Sur 14 nids observés, 2.1 poussins par nid s'envolent et le tam de succés est de 93%.  相似文献   

Data are presented on breeding success of Red Bishops (Euplectes orix) collected over four breeding seasons at a colony in the Addo Elephant National Park, Eastern Cape, South Africa. Overall hatching and fledging success were 53.8% and 26.0% of all eggs laid, respectively, and the overall mean number of fledglings per breeding attempt was 0.77. Hatching and fledging success varied significantly among seasons, with both clutch and brood losses due to predation being the main reason for the observed differences. Hatching success also differed significantly among clutch sizes, being highest for four-egg clutches (63.2%), intermediate for three-egg clutches (55.5%) and lowest for two-egg clutches and five-egg clutches (33.2% and 34.3%, respectively). However, fledging success was not significantly different among clutch sizes. The mean number of fledglings per breeding attempt was 0.44 for two-egg clutches, 0.80 for three-egg clutches, 1.10 for four-egg clutches, and 0.57 for five-egg clutches. The height of accepted nests (i.e.nests in which at least one egg was laid) was significantly lower than the height of nests not accepted. In addition, accepted nests in which eggs hatched and young fledged were significantly lower than accepted nests in which no eggs hatched and no young fledged. These overall effects of nest height on nest acceptance and hatching and fledging success were, however, due only to nests built above water, since no such effects were found when nests built above ground (i.e.on dry land) were analysed separately. I detected no effect of nest coverage on the probability of a nest being accepted, nor was there any effect of nest coverage on hatching or fledging success. Nests above water were significantly more likely to be accepted than nests above ground; however, hatching and fledging success of nests that were accepted did not differ significantly between nests built above water and those built above ground.  相似文献   

为了扩大朱鹮(Nipponia nippon)种群的数量和分布区,于2018年7月从洋县引进20只朱鹮在北戴河建立了朱鹮野化种群。2020年繁殖期,北戴河共有22只朱鹮,其中成年朱鹮17只,雌雄性比为1.1;实际繁殖密度为37.8只/hm2;人工巢的密度为40.0巢/hm2,人工巢筐内径为50 cm。2020年繁殖期,北戴河朱鹮共配对8对,其中6对繁殖成功,营巢成功率为75%;共产卵33枚,平均窝卵数为(4.1±1.8)枚;出壳18只,孵化率54.5%;出飞13只,出飞率72.2%,繁殖成功率为39.4%,繁殖生产力为2.2±1.2。与洋县饲养种群相比,北戴河种群首枚卵的产卵时间晚17 d,与两地温差相吻合。北戴河朱鹮的窝卵数显著高于洋县种群,这可能是由种内巢寄生所致。监控录像表明,北戴河1巢朱鹮的窝卵数高达6枚,超过野生种群平均窝卵数(2或3枚)的2倍,推测发生了种内巢寄生行为。此外,还观察到8号巢朱鹮同时发生了婚外配和种内巢寄生行为,婚外配雌鸟将卵产在该雄鸟的巢中,使得窝卵数高达7枚。此后在该巢中发现3只朱鹮轮流孵卵,以及2只雌性朱鹮并排孵于同一巢中的异常情况。北戴河朱鹮的种内巢寄生行为可能是因网笼内人工巢址密度较高但隐蔽性较低所致,而婚外配行为可能与种群密度和繁殖密度过高有关。本文有关朱鹮异常繁殖行为的研究结果可为野化网笼内人工巢筐的设置和野化种源的选择提供参考,并提示我们进一步关注朱鹮在环境压力下的表型可塑性和生态适应能力。  相似文献   

Isolation by time occurs when different populations of a single species reproduce at different times and thereby reduce the probability of interbreeding, potentially causing divergent adaptation to timing of reproduction, eventually resulting in ecological species separated by timing of reproduction. We analysed extensive data on timing of reproduction by different host races of the common cuckoo Cuculus canorus that is an obligate brood parasite laying eggs in the nests of many different species of passerine birds. Because different hosts breed at different times, specific host races of cuckoos have adapted to specific hosts by laying eggs when nests of these hosts are available, and such divergence may be further exaggerated by differences in timing of breeding among host races with similar habitat requirements. Host species accounted for a quarter of the variance in timing of breeding by the cuckoo. Common cuckoos reproduced at a similar, but narrower subset of dates as did possible hosts, showing that only a fraction of hosts with specific breeding dates were parasitized. Common cuckoo eggs laid in the 'right' kind of nests, phenotypically matching the eggs of the host, were laid later during the season than cuckoo eggs laid in the 'wrong' kind of nests where the eggs did not mimic those of the host. Pairs of sympatric cuckoo host races differed more in timing of breeding than pairs of allopatric host races, and pairs of cuckoo host races with similar breeding habitat differed more in breeding date than pairs of cuckoo host races with dissimilar habitat, as expected from reproductive character displacement. These findings are consistent with cuckoo host races being isolated by timing of breeding and habitat.  相似文献   

The critically endangered Madagascar fish-eagle ( Haliaeetus vociferoides ) is considered to be one of the rarest birds of prey globally and at significant risk of extinction. In the most recent census, only 222 adult individuals were recorded with an estimated total breeding population of no more than 100–120 pairs. Here, levels of Madagascar fish-eagle population genetic diversity based on 47 microsatellite loci were compared with its sister species, the African fish-eagle ( Haliaeetus vocifer ), and 16 of these loci were also characterized in the white-tailed eagle ( Haliaeetus albicilla ) and the bald eagle ( Haliaeetus leucocephalus ). Overall, extremely low genetic diversity was observed in the Madagascar fish-eagle compared to other surveyed Haliaeetus species. Determining whether this low diversity is the result of a recent bottleneck or a more historic event has important implications for their conservation. Using a Bayesian coalescent-based method, we show that Madagascar fish-eagles have maintained a small effective population size for hundreds to thousands of years and that its low level of neutral genetic diversity is not the result of a recent bottleneck. Therefore, efforts made to prevent Madagascar fish-eagle extinction should place high priority on maintenance of habitat requirements and reducing direct and indirect human persecution. Given the current rate of deforestation in Madagascar, we further recommend that the population be expanded to occupy a larger geographical distribution. This will help the population persist when exposed to stochastic factors (e.g. climate and disease) that may threaten a species consisting of only 200 adult individuals while inhabiting a rapidly changing landscape.  相似文献   

In tree swallows Tachycineta bicolor, last‐laid eggs typically hatch one to two days after the other eggs in the clutch hatch, putting last‐hatched offspring at a disadvantage when competing for food delivered by parents. We studied the biology of last‐laid, last‐hatched tree swallow offspring over two years in a Wyoming, USA, population. Our first objective was to compare the growth of last‐hatched offspring to that of their earlier‐hatched nestmates. One previous study had suggested that last‐hatched, competitively disadvantaged offspring grow feathers faster than senior nestmates, even at the expense of other aspects of growth. This may allow last‐hatched offspring to fledge with senior nestmates and avoid abandonment by parents. A second objective was to determine the sex of nestlings from last‐laid eggs. If last‐laid eggs typically produce undersized, weak adults that are poor competitors for resources, and if the fitness costs of being undersized/weak are more severe for males than for females, then selection may favour having offspring from last‐laid eggs to be female. In this study, last‐laid eggs hatched in 63 of 66 (94%) nests and hatched last in 93% of cases. At hatching, offspring from last‐laid eggs weighed, on average, 63% as much as their three heaviest nestmates (range: 26–107%). Offspring from last‐laid eggs fledged from 71% of the nests that produced at least one fledgling and apparently starved to death in remaining nests. Last‐hatched offspring who were presumably at a substantial competitive disadvantage (those whose mass at hatching was no more than about 75% of the mean mass of their three heaviest nestmates), gained mass more slowly than their senior nestmates but they eventually attained the same peak mass before fledging. Last‐hatched offspring grew primary feathers more slowly than their senior nestmates although the difference in growth rate was slight (0.2 mm/d) and only marginally significant. As a group, offspring from last‐laid eggs did not differ from offspring from all other eggs in either maximum mass attained before fledging or tarsus length at fledging. This is atypical for species with asynchronous hatching and is possibly the result of another unusual trait: the tendency of parent tree swallows to distribute food equally among young within broods. The sex ratio of offspring from last‐laid eggs did not deviate from 1:1 (22 males, 21 females). Given that last‐hatched eggs do not routinely produce undersized/weak individuals in our study population, there should be little selection on parent females to bias the sex ratio of last‐laid offspring towards females.  相似文献   

R. M. Betham 《Ostrich》2013,84(1):13-15
Earlé, R. A. 1989. Breeding biology of the Redbreasted Swallow Hirundo semirufa. Ostrich 60: 13–21.

The two races of the Redbreasted Swallow Hirundo semirufa seem to have separate breeding seasons with the northern race H. s. gordoni breeding April-July, while most records for the nominate race fall in October-February. All nests studied were in concrete culverts less than 1 m high. Eggs laid in second clutches by individual females weighed significantly less than eggs laid in first clutches. Eggs hatched on average 16,2 days after incubation started or 18–21 days after the eggs were laid. Only females incubated. Chicks fledged 23–25 days after hatching and reached a maximum body mass of about 31,5 g on day 18 before a steady decline in mass until fledging. Most nesting failures resulted from infertile eggs or starvation of young in the nest (16,2% of all young starved). Overall breeding success was 60,6%. In all, 81,8% of first clutches produced fledglings but only 44,4% of second clutches. Over a three year period 4,9 young were produced per pair breeding in the area (1,6 young/pair/breeding season).  相似文献   

We studied intraspecific nest parasitism in the grey starling (Sturnus cineraceus) in 1992 and 1993. We used three criteria to detect nest parasitism: (i) the appearance of more than one egg per day while the host was laying; (ii) the appearance of extra eggs after the host completed its clutch; and (iii) the appearance of eggs which were of a different shape, size and color to other eggs in the clutch. There were 290 nests (157 nests in 1992; 133 nests in 1993) in which the clutch was completed early (clutches initiated before May 10). Twenty-nine (1992) and 32 (1993) nests contained at least one parasitic egg. Parasitic eggs hatched if they were laid during the laying period and early in the incubation period of their host, and a few of them fledged. Fledging success of parasitic eggs was not different from that of eggs in non-parasitized nests if parasitic eggs were laid during the host's laying period. However, fledging success of all parasitic eggs was fewer than that of eggs in non-parasitized nests. By comparison, fledging success of parasitized nests was not a great as that of non-parasitized nests.  相似文献   

Productivity data on the New Zealand falcon (Falco novaeseelandiae) were collected from 87 nest sites in Kaingaroa pine plantation during three breeding seasons, 2003 to 2006. On average, 1.81 chicks were successfully fledged per nest, with young reared successfully at 71% of nests. Breeding occurred between August and March, with most eggs laid before December and most chicks fledged by February. Fifteen percent of nests were depredated, 9% contained eggs that failed to develop and 4% failed owing to forestry operations disturbing or destroying nests. No negative impact of 1080 bait or of desiccant or release spray application was recorded on falcon productivity. The population of falcons in Kaingaroa Forest increased during a period of pest control using 1080 bait so we see no reason to discontinue its use. Although impacts from forestry operations were low and restricted to land preparation and harvesting operations, there is potential for adverse impacts to increase. Mechanical forestry operations can continue without negative impacts by avoiding a buffer zone of 100?200 m around an active falcon nest.  相似文献   

洋县野生朱Huan的繁殖   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
朱鹮(Nipponia nippon)的繁殖状况 ,尤其是种群数量的变化 ,一直受到国内外的关注。本文收集分析了 1 981~ 1 997年 1 7年朱繁殖资料 ,进一步研究了朱的繁殖及其数量 ,以期为朱保护 ,采取行之有效的措施 ,提供科学依据。1 研究方法自 1 981年朱被重新发现后 ,至 1 997年 ,每年3~ 6月繁殖期 ,固定人员 ,2~ 3人为 1组 ,在每个巢区设立观察点 ,进行跟踪观察 ,并详细统计每窝产卵数、孵化数、雏鸟成活数和死亡数。并结合平常的跟踪监护 ,调查分析种群数量动态 ,统计成鸟死亡数 ,然后进行整理分析。2 结果与讨论2 .1 种群数量1 98…  相似文献   

A.W. Brown  L.M. Brown 《Bird Study》2013,60(2):97-104
Capsule Survival rates 1981–98 were quantified between four growth stages, and related to habitat type and altitude

Aims To investigate variability in Mute Swan productivity in relation to habitat type and altitude.

Methods Cygnets were studied and categorized as they developed from small size through medium and large to fledged. Natal territory was classed as river, canal or still water, and altitude of each site established.

Results Of 2576 cygnets studied, 69% fledged. Fledging rate varied from 57% on low altitude still waters to 78% on mid-altitude still waters, and from 72% on rivers to 82% on canals. Survival was lower between the early growth stages. Of the pairs that bred, 72% produced at least one small cygnet and 61% fledged at least one cygnet. Pairs that nested on rivers suffered the greatest loss of complete clutches or broods of newly hatched cygnets and 41% failed to raise at least one small cygnet. The breeding population increased annually by 7% from 15 pairs to 69 pairs between 1978 and 1998 and consequently the number of cygnets fledged increased annually by 7%. Productivity was higher than in other populations at 2.6 cygnets fledged per breeding pair; ranging from 2.1 on rivers to 3.6 on mid-altitude still waters.

Conclusions Cygnet survival was lower during the early growth stages across all habitats. Survival was consistently poorer on low altitude still waters, probably due to inadequate diet. Although survival in the Lothians varied with habitat type and altitude, productivity was higher than in other areas of Britain.  相似文献   

The ability of parents to respond to changes in food supply within a season will have a large effect on fitness through the number and quality of chicks fledged. Great tits, Parus major, attempt to synchronise their production of chicks with a seasonal food peak, but when food supply fails, hatching asynchrony of chicks provides a mechanism by which some young can be fledged because more developed chicks outcompete their less developed siblings for the reduced parental food supply. We tested whether female great tits can potentially control the degree of hatching asynchrony by using incubation before clutch completion, so that early laid eggs develop faster and hatch sooner. The temperature of an artificial egg placed in 29 nests during the laying period was measured with data loggers, and nocturnal incubation of eggs similar to incubation post clutch completion was recorded in all nests. We then demonstrated that eggs removed from the nest for 72 hour periods prior to clutch completion hatched later than eggs remaining in the nest for the entirety of the laying period. Our results show that variable pre clutch completion incubation (which was mostly nocturnal) can lead to faster embryo development and earlier hatching, so potentially providing a mechanism for adaptive female control of degree of hatching asynchrony.  相似文献   

Grzegorz Kopij 《Ostrich》2013,84(2-4):77-79
Kopij, G. 1997. Breeding ecology of the African Spoonbill Platalea alba in the Free State, South Africa. Ostrich 68 (2–4): 77–79.

The breeding ecology of the African Spoonbill is surprisingly little known. In the Free State, the number of nesting African Spoonbills appears to have declined; 120 nests in 11 colonies were located in 1972–1973, compared to 32 nests in four colonies in 1993–1996 (though this later survey may have missed a few small colonies). In 1976–1977, a colony with 15 active spoonbill nests was monitored for an entire breeding season. Mean clutch size was 2.6 (n = 15); 56% of eggs hatched; 91% of hatched eggs resulted in fledglings; and chicks fledged from 53% of nests. The main food of spoonbill chicks was frogs, mainly Rana angolensis and Xenopus laevis, and aquatic invertebrates.  相似文献   

CHERI L. GRATTO-TREVOR 《Ibis》1991,133(4):394-399
Although Semipalmated Sandpipers Calidris pusilla are monogamous, with biparental incubation, most females (86–97%) deserted their broods to the care of their mates, 0–11 days (average 6) after their eggs hatched. Males left the brood an average of 8 days later, shortly before or after the chicks fledged. In several instances, females that deserted in one year remained with the chicks the next year, and vice versa. Females deserted chicks at nests that hatched later in the season at an earlier age than those had hatched earlier ( r 2> o.6). Since females appeared to have an energy deficit in at least some years, and suffered higher mortality rates than males during breeding, it is possible that females deserted broods in order to take advantage of better feeding conditions at migratory stopovers in northeastern North America early in the season. There was little evidence of higher nesting success or earlier hatching date in reuniting pairs, although if both members of a pair returned to the breeding area, 80% reunited. Increased survival of their mate may be most advantageous to males in ensuring that they obtain a female the following year.  相似文献   

Four nests of the rare and endemic Bernier's Vanga, Oriolia bernieri, were discovered; one in 1997, one in 1998, and two in 1999 on the Masoala Peninsula, northeastern Madagascar. At the 1998 nest, the female made 189 visits with 186 deliveries of nesting material during 34.6 h of observation. The female spent 9.2% (194.2 min) of the observation time building the nest while an immature male delivered nest material six times and spent 3.2 min at the nest placing the material. Nesting material included: 67.2% (125) decomposed root material, 24.7% (46) palm fibres, 6.5% (12) dry leaves, 1.1% (2) moss, and 0.5% (1) white plant dawn. In 41.0 h of observation during the incubation period the female incubated for 53% (21.7 h) of the time, the adult male for 32.3% (13.2 h), the immature male for 4.3% (1.8 h), and the nest was unattended for 10.4% (4.3 h). This breeding attempt foiled on day 13 of incubation when a Madagascar Harrier-Hawk, Polyboroides radiatus, ate the egg(s). At one of the 1999 nests, the incubation and nestling periods were 17 days each. Three young fledged during the middle of November. Of the 82 identified prey items recorded during the nestling period, 91% were invertebrates and 9% vertebrates. Spiders, crickets, cockroaches, and geckos represented the most numerous prey taken, totaling 77% of the identified prey.  相似文献   

We studied the size and productivity of white stork (Ciconia ciconia) populations in eight study sites in Poland. The number of nesting pairs and the average number of chicks fledged per pair fluctuated over time, and the studied populations differed in the variance of both breeding success and number of breeding pairs. The variance of breeding success (both for the mean number of chicks and the proportion of successful nests) and the variance of the number of breeding pairs was not correlated with the extent of stable habitats (pastures, meadows, wetlands), other habitats (farmland), or with local population trends over time. We found a non-linear symmetrical relationship between annual mean reproductive success and its variance but only when considered as the proportion of successful nests (i.e., when individual nests are coded as a binary value: 0, no success; 1, success). No such relationship existed when success was expressed as the number of fledged chicks. Although a positive significant correlation occurred between fledgling numbers (discrete data) and the proportion of successful nests (binary data), we believe that the use of only binary data will be inadequate in more detailed analyses, such as population viability analysis.  相似文献   

Females of some cooperative‐breeding species can decrease their egg investment without costs for their offspring because helpers‐at‐the‐nest compensate for this reduction either by feeding more or by better protecting offspring from predation. We used the southern lapwing (Vanellus chilensis) to evaluate the effects of the presence of helpers on maternal investment. Southern lapwings are cooperative (some breeding pairs are aided by helpers), chick development is precocial, thus adults do not feed the chicks, and adults offer protection from predators through mobbing behaviors. We tested whether southern lapwing females reduced their reproductive investment (i.e. load‐lightening [LL] hypothesis) or increased their investment (i.e. differential allocation hypothesis) when breeding in groups when compared with females that bred in pairs. We found that increased group size was associated with lower egg volume. A significant negative association between the combined egg nutritional investment (yolk, protein, and lipid mass) and group size was observed. Chicks that hatched from eggs laid in nests of groups were also smaller than chicks hatched in nests of pairs. However, there was no relationship between the body mass index of chicks, or clutch size and group size, which suggests that such eggs are, simply, proportionally smaller. Our results support the LL hypothesis even in a situation where adults do not feed the chicks, allowing females to reduce investment in eggs without incurring a cost to their offspring.  相似文献   

Buzzard density and breeding success in relation to habitat and Rabbit Oryctolagus cuniculus abundance was studied in the West Midlands from 1994 to 1996. We found densities of 81 and 22 territorial pairs per 100 km2 in two areas 40 km apart; the former is the highest density yet recorded in Europe. High Buzzard breeding densities were associated with high proportions of unimproved pasture and mature woodland within estimated territories. Buzzards laid earlier clutches at lower altitudes and with high proportions of unimproved pasture close to nests. Large clutches and high numbers of fledged young were associated with high Rabbit abundance close to nests. Most nest failures occurred during incubation and were probably mainly due to corvid predation. Brood reduction was associated with low proportions of deciduous woodland close to nests and small clutch sizes, although the causes of chick mortality were uncertain. Rabbits were the main prey item found at nests with passerines, especially young corvids, also appearing frequently.  相似文献   

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