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The flagellar axoneme of the atypical spermatozoa (paraspermatozoa) of Mantispa perla (Neuroptera, Planipennia) contains accessory microtubules or rather macrotubules that are 55 nm in diameter and that has a wall consisting of about 40 protofilaments. The sperm tail further contains two giant mitochondrial derivatives, which during spermiogenesis store an electron dense material. The mature spermatozoon has a flattened acrosome and a elliptical nucleus. These giant spermatozoa may furnish nutrients to the functional spermatozoa (euspermatozoa) when they reach the female genital tracts or/and they function in sperm competition filling the spermatheca.  相似文献   

Morphological divergence among species may be constrained by the pattern of genetic variances and covariances among traits within species. Assessing the existence of such a relationship in nature requires information on the stability of intraspecific correlation and covariance structure and the correspondence of this structure to the pattern of evolutionary divergence within a lineage. Here, we investigate these issues for nine morphological traits and 15 species of stalk-eyed flies in the genus Diasemopsis. Within-species matrices for these traits were generated from phenotypic data for all the Diasemopsis species and from genetic data for a single Diasemopsis species, D. dubia. The among-species pattern of divergence was assessed by calculating the evolutionary correlations for all pairwise combinations of the morphological traits along the phylogeny of these species. Comparisons of intraspecific matrices reveal significant similarity among all species in the phenotypic correlations matrices but not the covariance matrices. In addition, the differences in correlation structure that do exist among species are not related to their phylogenetic placement or change in the means of the traits. Comparisons of the phenotypic and phylogenetic matrices suggest a strong relationship between the pattern of evolutionary change among species and both the intraspecific correlation structure and the stability of this structure among species. The phenotypic and the phylogenetic matrices are significantly similar, and pairs of traits whose intraspecific correlations are more stable across taxa exhibit stronger coevolution on the phylogeny. These results suggest either the existence of strong constraints on the pattern of evolutionary change or a consistent pattern of correlated selection shaping both the phenotypic and phylogenetic matrices. The genetic correlation structure for D. dubia, however, does not correspond with patterns found in the phenotypic and phylogenetic data. Possible reasons for this disagreement are discussed.  相似文献   

We studied spermatogenesis and spermiogenesis in Adalia decempunctata (L), a beetle of the Coccinellidae family. The spermatocyte exhibits two centrioles which elongate to form a pair of primary cilia. A novel structure, appearing in cross sections as a dense droplet, is observed near the long centriole during spermiogenesis, and is soon accompanied by a procentriole (PCL). PCL structure consists of singlet microtubules, a central tubule and an incomplete cartwheel. The PCL persists until the end of spermiogenesis, when it vanishes together with the dense droplet. The sperm has an exceptionally long basal body and the nucleus is disposed parallel to the flagellar components, a peculiar trait shared by other species of the coccinellid group. The presence of a procentriole suggested by the use of antibodies is discussed.  相似文献   

The spermatogenesis, the spermiogenetic process and the structure of the mature spermatozoon of Acanthodasys aculeatus (Gastrotricha, Macrodasyida) are described from an ultrastructural point of view. Several spermatogonia in mitotic divisions were seen, proving that euthely of gastrotrichs does not concern gonads. Spermiogenesis is characterized by the early formation of both the acrosome and the axoneme, by the subsequent appearances of a perinuclear helix and of a complex axial tubular structure in the acrosome and by the late development of the peraxonemal striated cylinder. The mature spermatozoon is filiform, and composed of a spiralized acrosome, a helical nuclear–mitochondrial complex and a long flagellum. The acrosome contains an axial tubular structure and the spring-shaped nucleus delimits a single, long mitochondrion. A perinuclear helix formed by the pro-acrosome surrounds the nuclear–mitochondrial complex extending for its whole length. A monolayered, obliquely striated cylinder encloses the 9 × 2 + 2 axoneme; its terminal part is empty because of the shortness of the axoneme.  相似文献   


Comparative data on the ultrastructure of spermiogenesis and spermatozoa of the Polyplacophora Acanthochitona crinita, Chaetopleura angulata and Callochiton septemvalvis are presented in this study. In contrast to what has been described for this and other classes of Mollusca, no acrosome is present in the spermatozoa of these Polyplacophora. The nucleus is extended by a long, thin apical point. In A. crinita and C. angulata the mitochondria are situated at the basal and lateral regions of the nucleus. They do not present a typical middle piece. These species present a pericentriolar process. In C. septemvalvis the mitochondria are situated at the base of the nucleus, surrounding the centrioles, which are orthogonally positioned in all species. The ultrastructural development during spermiogenesis is similar. In middle spermatids of A. crinita, the chromatin is arranged in fine filaments. In C. septemvalvis and C. angulata the chromatin filaments are thicker, forming coarse bands. In late spermatids elongation of the nucleus continues, it becomes rather electron-dense and the chromatin filaments are more condensed. Finally, the nucleus has a uniformly electron-dense appearance, with no signs of filamentous organization. Considering the ultrastructural modifications observed, the Polyplacophora spermatozoa could be included in a modified type.  相似文献   

Kumar S  Millar JD  Watson PF 《Cryobiology》2003,46(3):246-253
Spermatozoa from three species, bovine, ovine, and porcine, were frozen using standard techniques in two controlled-rate cooling machines, a commercial instrument and a custom-built device. Ice crystallisation was induced mechanically by touching the straws with a pre-cooled rod. The sperm samples were stored 24h, and then thawed rapidly and evaluated for motility, viability, and acrosomal integrity in the membrane-intact population. The custom-built controlled-rate cooling machine proved significantly better at all cooling rates for all species. This was particularly evident for the ram and the boar spermatozoa. In general, -30 or -50 degrees C/min were better than -1 degrees C/min, with a slight advantage being evident for -30 degrees C/min. However, this became very apparent for boar spermatozoa. It is clear that the higher cooling rates are necessary for successful freezing of spermatozoa from these species, and that careful control of the cooling rate is essential for maximal recovery of viable and functional cells. This is best achieved when the cooling profile is controlled from within a dummy sample.  相似文献   

Fiorillo, B. S., Zama, U., Lino‐Neto, J. and Báo, S. N. 2010. Structural and ultrastructural studies of male reproductive tract and spermatozoa in Xylocopa frontalis (Hymenoptera, Apidae). —Acta Zoologica (Stockholm) 91 : 176–183. In Xylocopa frontalis the reproductive tract is composed of testes, deferent ducts, seminal vesicles, accessory glands and an ejaculatory duct. Each testis comprises four testicular tubules in which multiple cysts are present containing approximately 64 spermatozoa per cyst. The seminal vesicle consists of an epithelium, a thick basement lamina and a muscular external sheet. In the luminal region some vesicles can be observed; however, the epithelial cells of the seminal vesicle do not display morphological features associated with secretory functions. The spermatozoa, measuring approximately 260 µm long, are similar to the hymenopteran pattern. The head region consists of an acrosome with an inner perforatorium that penetrates an asymmetrical nuclear tip. The nucleus is linear, electron‐dense and its posterior tip projects into the beginning of the axoneme. The centriolar adjunct is asymmetric with many electron‐lucent lacunae interspersed throughout. The axoneme has the 9 + 9 + 2 pattern of microtubules and in the posterior region the central microtubules finish first, followed by the doublets and finally the accessory microtubules. The mitochondrial derivatives are asymmetric in both length and diameter with paracrystalline material present only in the larger one. These features may be useful characters for taxonomy and phylogenetic studies.  相似文献   

The method of sperm recovery may influence the initial quality of sperm samples and their response to freezing–thawing. The aim of the present work was to compare two methods for collecting epididymal spermatozoa in order to improve the quality of recovered sperm and reduce possible contamination. Testes were obtained from 23 legally hunted, adult ibex males. The sperm mass of the right epididymis was collected by small longitudinal and transverse cuts made in the cauda epididymidis. The sperm mass of the left epididymis was collected by retrograde flushing from the vas deferens to the cauda epididymidis (using a cannula), employing a Tris, citric acid, glucose, egg yolk-based medium. The flushing method recovered more spermatozoa (P < 0.001) than the cutting method. After freezing–thawing, greater acrosomes damage (P < 0.001) and more morphological abnormalities (P < 0.05) were seen among the sperm cells recovered by the cutting method than among those obtained by retrograde flushing. The method of sperm recovery did not, however, influence the microbial contamination rate. In frozen–thawed samples that were microbially contaminated, motility was significantly reduced (P < 0.05) and membrane integrity tended to be poorer (P = 0.06). In conclusion, retrograde flushing is recommended for ibex sperm collection since it would appear that microbial contamination is no more of a problem than that encountered with the cutting method, while a larger number of sperm cells more resistant to freezing–thawing can be obtained.  相似文献   

Summary The mass response (ERG) of the compound eye of the Malaysian stalked-eye flyCyrtodiopsis dalmanni was recorded by means of conventional electrophysiological techniques. The ERG consists of a positive on-effect, a sustained negative potential during illumination and a negative off-effect, it resembles that ofCalliphora as described by Autrum (1950). As compared with data derived fromCalliphora under identical conditions the eye ofCyrtodiopsis is more sensitive to weak stimuli and shows considerable adaptation. The spectral response curve reveals peaks at 360 nm, around 450 nm and around 490 nm. Above 550 nm the response curve rises steeply, even with stimuli above 700 nm reactions may be elicited. Most probably this effect is caused by weak absorption of long wavelength radiation in the screening pigments.With simple techniques it is fairly easy to record impulse activity from single units of the optic tract within the eye-stalk. This makesCyrtodiopsis a favorable object for experimental studies on data processing in insect optic centers.The characteristics of the diopsid eye are discussed in context with the environmental conditions in the biotop.I would like to thank the colleagues at the University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, for help and hospitality.The investigations were supported by a grant from the Sonderforschungsbereich Vergleichende Sinnes- und Nervenphysiologie at the University of Frankfurt (Main).  相似文献   

Scanning and transmission electron microscopy and fluorochrome staining with DAPI were used to study the spermatozoa of Colostethus marchesianus from the type locality and Colostethus sp. (aff. marchesianus) from a different locality. The sperm cell of these species resembles those of most neobatrachian species, except for the presence of two complete flagella, a character previously described only for four unrelated anuran species belonging to the families Leptodactylidae, Rhacophoridae and Dendrobatidae. Although very similar, the spermatozoa described here showed slight differences in the length of their nucleus, in the extent of the subacrosomal cone over the nucleus, and in the curvature of the axial fiber seen in cross section. The absence of a juxtaxonemal fiber and the presence of a comma shaped axial fiber seem to be common characteristics of dendrobatid spermatozoa. The minor differences found in our study may indicate that the taxa studied here are distinct species. The evolutionary significance of spermatozoa biflagellarity is still unclear, although the presence of this trait in unrelated groups suggests independent origins.  相似文献   

Summary. Euglossine spermatozoa are the longest described to date for the Hymenoptera. This cell includes a head and a flagellar region. In transverse sections, the acrosome is circular at the tip but has an oval contour along most of its length. The perforatorium penetrates into a deep cavity in the nuclear tip. The flagellum consists in an axoneme, a pair of mitochondrial derivatives, a centriolar adjunct and a pair of accessory bodies. The axoneme has a 9+9+2 microtubule pattern which becomes gradually disorganized in the final portion, with the central microtubules and the nine doublets terminating simultaneously, followed by the accessory microtubules. The mitochondrial derivatives are asymmetric both in length and diameter. Sectioned transversally, the derivatives are ellipsoidal or have a pear shape. The larger one has a more obvious paracrystalline region. The centriolar adjunct begins at the nuclear base and extends parallel to the axoneme until it encounters the smaller mitochondrial derivative, on which it fits, making a concave groove. In addition to these consistent euglossine features, species-specific differences that might be useful in phylogenetic work on the group are also noted.Received 18 October 2003; revised 4 September 2004; accepted 4 October 2004.  相似文献   

Microhylid spermatozoa show the autapomorphic condition of possessing a thin post-mitochondrial cytoplasmic collar. Their spermatozoa are apomorphic in several respects. They have lost the distinct nuclear shoulder, endonuclear canal and axial perforatorium observed in urodeles, caecilians and primitive frogs, possess a conical perforatorium and apomorphically lack any fibres associated with the axoneme. The spermatozoa of Cophixalus , however, differ in several respects from those of the other microhylids examined. Cophixalus spermatozoa are longer in almost all measurements, the acrosome vesicle is cylindrical and does not completely cover the putative perforatorium, the perforatorium is asymmetrical and composed of fine fibres, the nucleus is strongly attenuated and narrower, and the mitochondria are elongate. The absence of fibres associated with the axoneme is an apomorphic condition shared with the Ranidae, Rhacophoridae and Pipidae.  相似文献   

Sperm ultrastructure of five teiid lizards (Callopistes flavipunctatus, Crocodilurus amazonicus, Dicrodon guttulatum, Dracaena guianensis, and Teius oculatus), and the gymnophthalmid Cercosaura ocellata is described for the first time. Comparisons of sperm ultrastructure among these species and with those of previously examined teiids and gymnophthalmids revealed that the two groups of Teiioidea (Gymnophthalmidae and Teiidae), and the two subfamilies of Teiidae (Teiinae and Tupinambinae) could be distinguished on the basis of sperm ultrastructure data. Significant differences in sperm dimensions between Cnemidophorus and Aspidoscelis support the recent splitting of these two lineages into different genera. Our results revealed high levels of inter-generic variability in sperm ultrastructure within Teiidae, which produces a data set useful in analyzing relationships between genera and families. In phylogenetic analyses, however, sampling multiple species within teiid genera is essential and recording sperm measurements may profitably complement qualitative ultrastructural characters, maximizing the information content of these structures.  相似文献   


Sperm of Nucella lapillus was studied by electron microscopy, including the application of a cytochemical silver method. Using silver impregnation a dense precipitation of Ag granules in spermatocyte II nucleoli was seen over the fibrillar component and a slight one in the granular component. On longitudinal sections of the spermatozoon the results demonstrate that argyrophilic proteins are located in the external limiting zone of the acrosome in the anterior portion of the nucleus between the cytoplasmic and the nuclear membranes, in the posterior end of the nucleus and in the terminal portion of the middle region. These data indicate an affinity for silver in areas of the cytoplasm containing microtubules and in zones of transition.  相似文献   

The present study reports on the ultrastructure of spermatozoa and spermatogenesis of 12 tetragnathid spiders (10 Tetragnatha species [T. boydi, T. dearmata, T. extensa, T. montana, T. nigrita, T. obtusa, T. pinicola, T. reimoseri, T. shoshone, T. striata]; Pachygnatha listeri and Metellina segmentata). All species develop typical cleistospermia with a coiled nucleus in the center and a coiled axoneme in the periphery of the cell. Remarkable differences in the sperm ultrastructure of the investigated species comprise the shape of the main sperm cell components (nucleus, acrosomal complex, implantation fossa, and centriolar complex). Within the observed Tetragnatha species, three types of sperms were characterized: T. montana-type, T. boydi-type, and T. striata-type. The highly derivative T. montana-type is characterized by the following remarkable features: an extremely elongated nucleus, shaped like a corkscrew and twisted around the axoneme (before coiling); a deep implantation fossa; a corkscrew-shaped acrosomal vacuole; after the coiling process, the nucleus is coiled five to six times in the center of the spermatozoon and the axoneme is coiled five to six times peripheral to the nucleus. The T. boydi-type hardly differs from the T. montana-type, but is remarkable due to the triangular-shaped nucleus (in cross section). The T. striata-type differs especially by a peculiar acrosomal vacuole with a long, slightly curved process and a short appendix, as well as a nucleus that describes only three loose coils around the axoneme (before coiling). The spermatozoa of Pachygnatha listeri and especially Metellina segmentata differ strikingly from the described Tetragnatha-types and are similar to more primitive araneomorph spermatozoa, such as Hypochilus pococki. The described Tetragnatha-types completely correspond with Okuma's (1988a,b, J Fac Agr Kyushu U 32:165-181, 32:183-213) classification of Tetragnatha species. Furthermore, our results suggest an early derivative systematic position of Pachygnatha within Tetragnathinae and the position of Metellina within the Tetragnathidae.  相似文献   

The male and female genital apparatus of the recently discovered ground louse Zorotypus impolitus were examined using light and electron microscopy. The rounded testes and a large seminal vesicle are connected with a complex of four accessory glands by a long tapering ejaculatory duct. Two accessory glands have the same whitish coloration, whereas the third one is pale blue, and the elongated and cylindrical fourth one translucent. The sperm are the largest known in Hexapoda, 3 mm long and 3 μm wide, with a volume of ca. 21,000 μm3; the ratio between the diameter of the axoneme and the width of the main body of the sperm ranges between 1:10 and 1:13. The exceptional width of the spermatozoa is due to an extreme enlargement of the mitochondrial derivatives and accessory bodies. A single sperm is contained in a small globular spermatophore (100 μm). The highly unusual external transfer correlates with an atypical mating behavior. The male produces several to many spermatophores during the mating process. As in other zorapterans the ovaries are panoistic and the eggs bear two micropyles. An exceptionally large apical spermathecal receptacle is present; it is connected with the vagina by a long spermathecal duct, which varies structurally along its course. A correlation between the sperm size and the size of the spermatheca is likely. Ultrastructural features of different species support two strikingly different models of male and female reproductive apparatus in the small order Zoraptera. This is in stark contrast to the extreme uniformity of their external morphology. It is likely that sexual selection played a decisive role in the evolution of the reproductive system.  相似文献   

The spermatozoon of Coletinia sp. has a bilayered acrosome, a short nucleus (4 microm) and a relatively short sperm tail with two mitochondrial derivatives. The chromatin is uniformly dense except for several electron-lucid channels or strands which permeate the nucleus and which originate in the spermatid as invaginations of the nuclear envelope. The invaginations occur mostly or exclusively along two meridians of the spermatid that are also characterized by the presence of a longitudinal rod of medium electron density. The two rods (designated as 'mid-spermatid rods') evidently are instrumental in the formation of the electron-lucid channels. The significance of this elaborate system of intranuclear channels is not understood. The sperm tail has a 9 + 9 + 2 axoneme with each of the nine microtubular doublets accompanied by an accessory microtubule; scant intertubular material can also be distinguished. Hence, the tail axoneme resembles that of many pterygote insects. Each of the two mitochondrial derivatives contains a crystalline inclusion that has periodically spaced layers going in different directions on either side of the midline. Two synapomorphic traits appear to be shared by Ateluridae and Nicoletiidae, namely the invaginations of the nuclear membrane along two meridians of the nucleus and the shape of the crystalline inclusions of the mitochondrial derivatives. Four species from the family Lepismatidae were also examined as to their sperm ultrastructure. Three of them, Allacrotelsa kraepelini, Ctenolepisma longicaudata and Ctenolepisma sp., were found to be very similar to the two previously examined lepismatids, Thermobia domestica and Lepisma saccharina. On the other hand, spermatozoa of Tricholepisma aurea were aggregated in small groups rather than pairwise joined as seen in the other lepismatids. Sperm characters are also used to reconstruct a phylogenetic hypothesis which suggests a close relationship between Ateluridae and Nicoletiidae.  相似文献   

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