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The peripheral TCR V beta repertoire is strongly influenced by the processes of negative selection (deletion) and positive selection in the thymus. In order to investigate whether such selection events influence the V alpha repertoire, we have produced an anti-V alpha 11 mAb. This antibody was made by immunization with a chimeric TCR:Ig protein containing V alpha 11 in place of the VH of an IgG2a, lambda Ig. This scheme optimizes the specificity of immunization and facilitates the screening procedure. The antibody recognizes a panel of V alpha 11-expressing T cell clones. Analysis of mouse strains indicates that the antibody recognizes V alpha 11 only in mice of the C57 background. The expression of the epitope on peripheral T cells is strongly biased to the CD4+ subset, suggesting positive selection of V alpha 11 on class II MHC molecules. In some strain comparisons, the percentage of V alpha 11-expressing T cells in the CD4+ subset was elevated in I-E+ relative to I-E- strains. These data suggest that V alpha 11 can differentially influence the selection of T cells into the CD4+/CD8+ subsets.  相似文献   

CD45RO+ T cells are referred to as memory or helper-inducer while CD45RA+ T cells are regarded as naive or suppressor-inducer T cells. The former population predominates in the peripheral blood and even more in the synovial fluid of patients with rheumatoid arthritis, to the expense of the latter population. Within the CD45RB+ compartment, there appears to be more of the fully-differentiated than of the early-differentiated CD4+ T cells. In spite of the fact that these lymphocytes are close to undergoing apoptosis, this programmed cell death is inhibited in the rheumatoid synovium.  相似文献   

NK cells have been phenotypically defined by the expression of specific markers such as NK1.1, DX5, and asialo-GM1 (ASGM1). In addition to NK cells, a small population of CD3+ T cells has been shown to express these markers, and a unique subpopulation of NK1. 1+CD3+ T cells that expresses an invariant TCR has been named "NKT cells." Here, we describe NK marker expression on a broad spectrum of MHC class I- and MHC class II-restricted T cells that are induced after acute viral infection. From 5 to >500 days post lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV) infection, more than 90% of virus-specific CD8+ and CD4+ T cells coexpress one or more of these three prototypical NK markers. Furthermore, in vivo depletion of NK cells with anti-ASGM1 Ab resulted in the removal of 90% of virus-specific CD8+ T cells and 50-80% of virus-specific CD4+ T cells. This indicates that studies using in vivo depletion to determine the role of NK cells in immune defense could potentially be misinterpreted because of the unintended depletion of Ag-specific T cells. These results demonstrate that NK Ags are widely expressed on the majority of virus-specific T cells and indicate that the NK and T cell lineages may not be as distinct as previously believed. Moreover, the current nomenclature defining NKT cells will require comprehensive modification to include Ag-specific CD8+ and CD4+ T cells that express prototypical NK Ags.  相似文献   

We have examined processes leading to the spontaneous development of autoimmune inflammatory arthritis in transgenic mice containing CD4+ T cells targeted to a nominal Ag (hemagglutinin (HA)) and coexpressing HA driven by a MHC class II promoter. Despite being subjected to multiple tolerance mechanisms, autoreactive CD4+ T cells accumulate in the periphery of these mice and promote systemic proinflammatory cytokine production. The majority of mice spontaneously develop inflammatory arthritis, which is accompanied by an enhanced regional immune response in lymph nodes draining major joints. Arthritis development is accompanied by systemic B cell activation; however, neither B cells nor Ab is required for arthritis development, since disease develops in a B cell-deficient background. Moreover, arthritis also develops in a recombinase activating gene-deficient background, indicating that the disease process is driven by CD4+ T cells recognizing the neo-self HA Ag. These findings show that autoreactive CD4+ T cells recognizing a single self-Ag, expressed by systemically distributed APCs, can induce arthritis via a mechanism that is independent of their ability to provide help for autoantibody production.  相似文献   

Decay-accelerating factor (CD55) is a complement regulatory protein, which is expressed by most cells to protect them from complement-mediated attack. CD55 also binds CD97, an EGF-TM7 receptor constitutively expressed on granulocytes and monocytes and rapidly up-regulated on T and B cells upon activation. Early results suggested that CD55 could further enhance T cell proliferation induced by phorbol ester treatment. The present study demonstrates that coengagement of CD55, using either cross-linking mAbs or its natural ligand CD97, and CD3 results in enhanced proliferation of human peripheral blood CD4(+) T cells, expression of the activation markers CD69 and CD25, and secretion of IL-10 and GM-CSF. Recently, an increase in T cell responsiveness in CD55(-/-) mice was shown to be mediated by a lack of complement regulation. In this study, we show that direct stimulation of CD55 on CD4(+) T cells with CD97 can modulate T cell activation but does not interfere with CD55-mediated complement regulation. Our results support a multifaceted role for CD55 in human T cell activation, constituting a further link between innate and adaptive immunity.  相似文献   

Lymphotactin is a potent chemotactic cytokine (chemokine) that is produced by and also attracts T and natural killer (NK) cells. We are studying whether chemokines that affect mainly T cells might also regulate immune responses by preferentially recruiting individual subsets or by affecting cytokine or other chemokine responses. In order to pursue these questions, we need to learn more about the mechanisms regulating lymphotactin production and the cell types capable of releasing this factor. We used new monoclonal antibodies against human lymphotactin to develop a sensitive antigen-capture enzyme linked immunoabsorbent assay (ELISA) that measures chemokine levels in culture fluids. Using this capture ELISA, we showed that lymphotactin could be produced by CD4+ and CD8+ T cells, but only after T cell-receptor-dependent stimulation using bacterial superantigens and not after treatment by inflammatory cytokines or lipopolysaccharide (LPS). Our data show that lymphotactin production responds mainly to T cell-receptor signals in CD4+ and CD8+ T cells, and suggests a mechanism whereby this chemokine could help to regulate T cell immune responses.  相似文献   

Though it has been shown that immunological functions of CD4+ T cells are time of day-dependent, the underlying molecular mechanisms remain largely obscure. To address the question whether T cells themselves harbor a functional clock driving circadian rhythms of immune function, we analyzed clock gene expression by qPCR in unstimulated CD4+ T cells and immune responses of PMA/ionomycin stimulated CD4+ T cells by FACS analysis purified from blood of healthy subjects at different time points throughout the day. Molecular clock as well as immune function was further analyzed in unstimulated T cells which were cultured in serum-free medium with circadian clock reporter systems. We found robust rhythms of clock gene expression as well as, after stimulation, IL-2, IL-4, IFN-γ production and CD40L expression in freshly isolated CD4+ T cells. Further analysis of IFN-γ and CD40L in cultivated T cells revealed that these parameters remain rhythmic in vitro. Moreover, circadian luciferase reporter activity in CD4+ T cells and in thymic sections from PER2::LUCIFERASE reporter mice suggest that endogenous T cell clock rhythms are self-sustained under constant culture conditions. Microarray analysis of stimulated CD4+ T cell cultures revealed regulation of the NF-κB pathway as a candidate mechanism mediating circadian immune responses. Collectively, these data demonstrate for the first time that CD4+ T cell responses are regulated by an intrinsic cellular circadian oscillator capable of driving rhythmic CD4+ T cell immune responses.  相似文献   

Background aimsAdoptive transfer of cytomegalovirus (CMV)-specific memory T cells can be used for treatment of CMV reactivation after allogeneic stem cell transplantation. As co-ordinated CD8+ and CD4+ T cells specific for a broad repertoire of CMV epitopes may be most effective for adoptive immunotherapy, the aim of this study was to isolate these cells from peripheral blood of CMV seropositive donors, irrespective of their HLA type.MethodsActivation of CMV-specific CD8+ and CD4+ T cells was compared after stimulation of donor peripheral blood with minimal epitope peptides, pools of overlapping 15-mer peptides or full-length protein. Furthermore, the kinetics of interferon (IFN)-γ production after stimulation was analyzed to determine the optimal time-point for IFN-γ-based isolation of CMV-specific T cells. The specificity, phenotype and functionality of generated T-cell lines were analyzed.ResultsCMV protein-spanning 15-mer peptide pools induced simultaneous activation of both CD8+ and CD4+ CMV-specific T cells, while full-length CMV protein only efficiently activated CD4+ CMV-specific T cells. Isolation of IFN-γ-secreting cells at the peak of the IFN-γ response after 4-h stimulation with CMV pp65 and IE1 peptide pools resulted in efficient enrichment of CMV-specific T cells. The T-cell lines contained high frequencies of CD8+ and CD4+ T cells recognizing multiple CMV pp65 and IE1 epitopes, and produced IFN-γ and tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α upon specific restimulation.ConclusionsThis study provides a feasible strategy for the rapid generation of clinical-grade CD8+ and CD4+ T-cell lines with high specificity for multiple CMV pp65 and IE1 epitopes, which may be used for effective adoptive immunotherapy.  相似文献   

CXCR1+CD4+ T cells in human allergic disease   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Chemokine receptors play an important role in the migration of leukocytes to sites of allergic inflammation in humans. In this study, we have identified increased expression of the chemokine receptor CXCR1 on CD4+ T lymphocytes derived from patients with atopic disease compared with normal donors. Enhanced expression of CXCR1 by atopic donors was identified on freshly isolated peripheral blood cells and on expanded cell populations derived from nasal mucosal biopsies and from the periphery. Identification of CXCR1 expression on CD4 cells in the nasal mucosa was confirmed by double immunofluorescence. In addition, expression of CXCR1 was dramatically decreased in patients undergoing successful treatment of allergic rhinitis by specific immunotherapy. CXCR1 provided a functional receptor capable of regulating T cells in the context of allergic disease, since expression of CXC chemokine ligand 8 was up-regulated at the site of allergic inflammation and freshly isolated CXCR1+CD4+ cells from atopic donors showed an enhanced functional response to this ligand. CXCR1 expression on CD4+ T cells was increased in vitro in response to the pro-Th2 cytokine IL-4. Phenotypic analysis reveals that IFN-gamma expression was lower in the CXCR1+CD4+ cells. The identification of CXCR1 as a marker of allergic rhinitis reveals a possible target for therapeutic intervention in atopic disease.  相似文献   

Lymphokine secretion by in vivo-activated T cells was analyzed at the population and single-cell levels in lymphocytes from mice undergoing an acute allogeneic graft-vs-host reaction (GVHR). Three observations were made. First, constitutive lymphokine production by these cells was very low but could be dramatically up-regulated by TCR ligation. Thus, even when harvested at the peak of the GVHR, fewer than 0.1% of lymphocytes secreted detectable granulocyte-macrophage (GM)-CSF, IFN-gamma, or IL-3 in the first 24 h in vitro, and average production of these lymphokines in bulk cultures was less than 10(-5) U/cell. However, when cultured for 24 h with anti-CD3 antibody under conditions which activated less than 0.1% of normal cells, about 30% of GVHR T cells secreted GM-CSF, IFN-gamma, and/or IL-3, and average production levels were increased by 10(3)- to 10(4)-fold. Together with evidence that host alloantigen-induced lymphokine secretion was 10 to 100 times lower than the anti-CD3 response, these data suggest that physiologic lymphokine synthesis by most T cells is low (less than 10(-18) mol of IL-3 per cell) but can be raised above the threshold of detection by TCR cross-linking. Second, individual GVHR lymphocytes varied markedly in their total and relative production of different lymphokines in response to anti-CD3 stimulation, with some cells secreting IL-3 alone, some secreting IL-3 accompanied by other lymphokines (GM-CSF and/or IFN-gamma), and some secreting other lymphokines without detectable IL-3. Finally, both CD4+ and CD8+ T cells from GVHR mice responded to anti-CD3 antibody by secreting IL-3 and other lymphokines: purified CD4+ cells contained an average of 16% and CD8+ cells an average of 10% anti-CD3-inducible lymphokine-secreting cells. By contrast, only 2 to 3% of cells of either subset formed clones in cultures with host allogeneic cells and IL-2, suggesting that clonogenic alloreactive cells were a minority of the T cells activated in the GVHR.  相似文献   

Suppression of CD4+ T lymphocyte effector functions by CD4+CD25+ cells in vivo   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
CD4+CD25+ regulatory T cells have been extensively studied during the last decade, but how these cells exert their regulatory function on pathogenic effector T cells remains to be elucidated. Naive CD4+ T cells transferred into T cell-deficient mice strongly expand and rapidly induce inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Onset of this inflammatory disorder depends on IFN-gamma production by expanding CD4+ T cells. Coinjection of CD4+CD25+ regulatory T cells protects recipient mice from IBD. In this study, we show that CD4+CD25+ regulatory T cells do not affect the initial activation/proliferation of injected naive T cells as well as their differentiation into Th1 effectors. Moreover, naive T cells injected together with CD4+CD25+ regulatory T cells into lymphopenic hosts are still able to respond to stimuli in vitro when regulatory T cells are removed. In these conditions, they produce as much IFN-gamma as before injection or when injected alone. Finally, when purified, they are able to induce IBD upon reinjection into lymphopenic hosts. Thus, prevention of IBD by CD4+CD25+ regulatory T cells is not due to deletion of pathogenic T cells, induction of a non reactive state (anergy) among pathogenic effector T cells, or preferential induction of Th2 effectors rather than Th1 effectors; rather, it results from suppression of T lymphocyte effector functions, leading to regulated responses to self.  相似文献   

Persistent viral infections and inflammatory syndromes induce the accumulation of T cells with characteristics of terminal differentiation or senescence. However, the mechanism that regulates the end-stage differentiation of these cells is unclear. Human CD4(+) effector memory (EM) T cells (CD27(-)CD45RA(-)) and also EM T cells that re-express CD45RA (CD27(-)CD45RA(+); EMRA) have many characteristics of end-stage differentiation. These include the expression of surface KLRG1 and CD57, reduced replicative capacity, decreased survival, and high expression of nuclear γH2AX after TCR activation. A paradoxical observation was that although CD4(+) EMRA T cells exhibit defective telomerase activity after activation, they have significantly longer telomeres than central memory (CM)-like (CD27(+)CD45RA(-)) and EM (CD27(-)CD45RA(-)) CD4(+) T cells. This suggested that telomerase activity was actively inhibited in this population. Because proinflammatory cytokines such as TNF-α inhibited telomerase activity in T cells via a p38 MAPK pathway, we investigated the involvement of p38 signaling in CD4(+) EMRA T cells. We found that the expression of both total and phosphorylated p38 was highest in the EM and EMRA compared with that of other CD4(+) T cell subsets. Furthermore, the inhibition of p38 signaling, especially in CD4(+) EMRA T cells, significantly enhanced their telomerase activity and survival after TCR activation. Thus, activation of the p38 MAPK pathway is directly involved in certain senescence characteristics of highly differentiated CD4(+) T cells. In particular, CD4(+) EMRA T cells have features of telomere-independent senescence that are regulated by active cell signaling pathways that are reversible.  相似文献   

Regulatory T cells (Tregs) participate in the control of the immune response. In the human system, an IL-10-secreting, T regulatory type 1 cell (Tr1)-like subset of Tregs can be induced by concurrent cross-linking of the TCR and CD46 on naive CD4(+) T cells. Because many viral and bacterial pathogens, including the major human pathogen Streptococcus pyogenes, bind to CD46, we asked whether this bacterium can directly induce Tr1-like cells through the streptococcal ligand for CD46, the M protein. The M5 and M22 proteins were found to induce T cells to develop into the IL-10-producing Tr1-like phenotype. Moreover, whole M5-expressing bacteria, but not isogenic M-negative bacteria, led to proliferation and IL-10 secretion by T cells. The interaction between the M5 protein and T cells was dependent on CD46 and the conserved C repeat region of M5. Supernatants derived from T cells stimulated with M proteins or M protein-expressing bacteria suppressed bystander T cell proliferation through IL-10 secretion. In addition, activation of CD46 through streptococcal M protein induced the expression of granzyme B, providing a second means for these cells to regulate an immune response. These findings suggest that binding to CD46 and exploiting its signaling pathway may represent a strategy employed by a number of important human pathogens to induce directly an immunosuppressive/regulatory phenotype in T cells.  相似文献   

CD4(+) regulatory T (Treg) cells play an important role in the maintenance of immunological self-tolerance by suppressing immune responses against autoimmune diseases and cancer. Yet very little is known about the natural antigenic ligands that preferentially activate CD4(+) Treg cells. Here we report the establishment of tumor-specific CD4(+) Treg cell clones from tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes (TILs) of cancer patients, and the identification of an Ag recognized by Treg cells (ARTC1) gene encoding a peptide ligand recognized by tumor-specific TIL164 CD4(+) Treg cells. The mutations in a gene encoding an ARTC1 in 164mel tumor cells resulted in the translation of a gene product containing the peptide ligand recognized by CD4(+) Treg cells. ARTC1 peptide-activated CD4(+) Treg cells suppress the physiological function (proliferation and IL-2 secretion) of melanoma-reactive T cells. Furthermore, 164mel tumor cells, but not tumor lysates pulsed on B cells, were capable of activating TIL164 CD4(+) Treg cells. These results suggest that tumor cells may uniquely present an array of peptide ligands that preferentially recruit and activate CD4(+) Treg cells in sites where tumor-specific self-peptide is expressed, leading to the induction of local and tumor-specific immune suppression.  相似文献   

The membrane receptor 2B4 is a CD2 family member that is involved in lymphocyte activation. A fraction of human CD8+ alphabeta T cells up-regulate 2B4 in vivo, and here we demonstrate that this correlates with the acquisition of effector cell properties such as granzyme B and perforin expression, rapid IFN-gamma production, and down-regulation of the lymph node homing chemokine receptor CCR7. In PBLs from healthy donors, cytomegalovirus-specific effector T cells were 2B4 positive, whereas naive melanoma Ag (Melan-A/melanoma Ag recognized by T cells-1)-specific T cells were 2B4 negative. In melanoma patients, Melan-A-specific T cells up-regulated 2B4 in parallel with in vivo differentiation. This occurred in PBLs after vaccination with Melan-A peptides and in tumor-infiltrated lymph nodes, likely through disease-associated activation of Melan-A-specific T cells. Thus, 2B4 expression correlates with CD8+ T cell differentiation in vivo.  相似文献   

The expression of lymphokine mRNA by human CD4+CD45R+ and CD4+CD45R- Th cells was assessed after mitogen stimulation. These Ag have previously been shown to relate closely to virgin and primed T cells, respectively. CD4+CD45R+ (virgin) and CD4+CD45R- (primed) cell fractions were isolated by sorting double-labeled cells with a fluorescence-activated cell sorter. CD4+CD45R+ cells produced high levels of IL-2 mRNA when stimulated with either PMA together with calcium ionophore, or with PHA, but they expressed only trace quantities of mRNA for IL-4 or IFN-gamma. In contrast, CD4+CD45R- cells produced high levels of mRNA for IL-2, IL-4, and IFN-gamma. After 14 days of continuous culture, CD4+CD45R+ Th cells lost expression of the CD45R Ag, but gained high level expression of CDw29, such that they were indistinguishable from the cell population which originally expressed this Ag. At the same time, they acquired the ability to synthesize IL-4 mRNA. It seemed likely that the broad lymphokine profile of primed Th cells might mask clonal heterogeneity. Analysis of 122 CD4+ T cell clones showed that all of them synthesized IL-2 mRNA. One clone failed to express IL-4 mRNA, but did produce those for IL-2 and IFN-gamma. A total of 34 of the clones was investigated to determine expression of IFN-gamma mRNA; two of these clones were negative for IFN-gamma mRNA, and both expressed IL-2 and IL-4 message. These data suggest that while fresh virgin and primed peripheral blood T cells show a clear resolution of lymphokine production, a simple subdivision of human CD4+ T cell clones on the basis of their lymphokine production (such as that reported for mouse Th cell clones) is not possible.  相似文献   

Impaired suppressive capacity of CD4+CD25+FOXP3+ regulatory T cells (Treg) from peripheral blood of patients with multiple sclerosis (MS) has been reported by multiple laboratories. It is, however, currently unresolved whether Treg dysfunction in MS patients is limited to reduced control of peripheral T cell activation since most studies analyzed peripheral blood samples only. Here, we assessed early active MS lesions in brain biopsies obtained from 16 patients with MS by FOXP3 immunohistochemistry. In addition, we used six-color flow cytometry to determine numbers of Treg by analysis of FOXP3/CD127 expression in peripheral blood and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) of 17 treatment-naïve MS patients as well as quantities of apoptosis sensitive CD45ROhiCD95hi cells in circulating and CSF Treg subsets. Absolute numbers of FOXP3+ and CD4+ cells were rather low in MS brain lesions and Treg were not detectable in 30% of MS biopsies despite the presence of CD4+ cell infiltrates. In contrast, Treg were detectable in all CSF samples and Treg with a CD45ROhiCD95hi phenotype previously shown to be highly apoptosis sensitive were found to be enriched in the CSF compared to peripheral blood of MS patients. We suggest a hypothetical model of intracerebral elimination of Treg by CD95L-mediated apoptosis within the MS lesion.  相似文献   

The repeated injection of low doses of bacterial superantigens (SAg) is known to induce specific T cell unresponsiveness. We show in this study that the spleen of BALB/c mice receiving chronically, staphylococcal enterotoxin B (SEB) contains SEB-specific CD4(+) TCRBV8(+) T cells exerting an immune regulatory function on SEB-specific primary T cell responses. Suppression affects IL-2 and IFN-gamma secretion as well as proliferation of T cells. However, the suppressor cells differ from the natural CD4(+) T regulatory cells, described recently in human and mouse, because they do not express cell surface CD25. They are CD152 (CTLA-4)-negative and their regulatory activity is not associated with expression of the NF Foxp3. By contrast, after repeated SEB injection, CD4(+)CD25(+) splenocytes were heterogenous and contained both effector as well as regulatory cells. In vivo, CD4(+)CD25(-) T regulatory cells prevented SEB-induced death independently of CD4(+)CD25(+) T cells. Nevertheless, SEB-induced tolerance could not be achieved in thymectomized CD25(+) cell-depleted mice because repeated injection of SEB did not avert lethal toxic shock in these animals. Collectively, these data demonstrate that, whereas CD4(+)CD25(+) T regulatory cells are required for the induction of SAg-induced tolerance, CD4(+)CD25(-) T cells exert their regulatory activity at the maintenance stage of SAg-specific unresponsiveness.  相似文献   

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