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The development of the male reproductive structures of American chestnut (Castanea dentata) is described to advance our understanding of its reproductive behavior. This information has been vital in the development of a strategy to collect pollen grains from male catkins suitable for in vitro germination and transformation experiments. Cutting male catkins into small segments and rolling them over a culture plate resulted in evenly dispersed and large amounts of pollen with minimal unwanted accessory floral parts. To optimize pollen viability, the effect of various storage conditions on in vitro germination was examined. Our results showed that initial storage at 4°C for 2 weeks significantly increased percent germination as compared to freshly collected pollen and those stored directly at −20°C or −80°C. This also means that for long-term storage of American chestnut pollen, the catkins should first be kept at 4°C for a couple of weeks and then at −80°C. The use of pollen grains with high viability is necessary for the transformation of American chestnut pollen. To optimize pollen transformation via particle bombardment, the effects of target distance, target pressure, and pollen developmental stage were examined. Statistical analysis showed that bombardment of ungerminated pollen at 1,100 psi resulted in the highest percent transient GFP expression (4.1%).  相似文献   

Expressed sequence tags (ESTs) from the marine red alga Gracilaria gracilis   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Expressed sequence tags (ESTs) are partial sequences of cDNAs, and can be used to characterize gene expression in organisms or tissues. We have constructed a 200-sequence EST database from vegetative thalli of Gracilaria gracilis, the first ESTs reported from any alga. This database contains recognizable ESTs corresponding to genes of carbohydrate metabolism (seven), amino acid metabolism (three), photosynthesis (five), nucleic acid synthesis, repair and processing (three), protein synthesis (14), protein degradation (six), cellular maintenance and stress response (three), other identifiable protein-coding genes (13) and 146 sequences for which significant matches were not found in existing sequence databases. We have already used this EST database to recover genes of carbohydrate biosynthesis from G. gracilis. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Determined sequences of 285 randomly selected clones in a 3-directed cDNA library of Aspergillus niger could identify expressed seqeunce tags (ESTs) of genes highly expressed. One EST appeared seven times, one six times, one five times, four three times and 12 twice. Out of these 19 ESTs, ten were identified in GenBank, but none was of A. niger, suggesting that there are a lot of unidentified genes highly expressed in A. niger.  相似文献   

表达序列标签及其应用   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
表达序列标签(EST)在基因组作图,克隆基因,新基因的识别,蛋白质组研究等许多方面具有重要的用途。本介绍了EST的制备方法,以及构建均一化cDNA库的方法,并介绍了EST在以上各方面的应用。  相似文献   

We constructed a full‐length cDNA library from diapausing queens of the bumblebee Bombus ignitus. A total of 480 randomly selected clones was sequenced by single‐run 5′‐end sequencing. Of these, there were 437 high quality clones, 23 poor quality clones and 20 read‐fail clones. Each high quality clone sequence was searched against a public protein database. The most frequently found matching genes were ribosomal proteins (12.5%), p10 (3.58%), cytochrome P450 monooxygenase (3.13%) and sensory appendage protein (2.9%). Sequence similarity analysis between bumblebees and other insect species showed that 72 out of 437 (16.5%) bumblebee expressed sequence tags (EST) matched sequences of Apis mellifera, with matches to Drosophila melanogaster (6.6%), Caenorhabditis briggsae (6.2%), Lysiphlebus testaceipes (4.8%), Periplaneta americana (3.7%) and Anopheles gambiae (3.4%) following, suggesting that sequence similarity of bumblebee EST is closest to that of A. mellifera. Functional classification of EST based on Gene Ontology showed that most genes found by sequencing are associated with physiological processes in the bumblebee. The results of sequencing and analysis of our 437 cDNA demonstrated that high‐throughput EST sequencing and data analysis are powerful means for identifying novel genes and for expression profiling. Our bumblebee EST collection could be a useful platform for further studies of gene expression in diapausing bumblebees.  相似文献   

Intraepithelial lymphocytes (IELs) play a critical role in protective immune response to intestinal pathogens such as Eimeria, the etiologic agent of avian coccidiosis. A list of genes expressed by intestinal IELs of Eimeria-infected chickens was compiled using the expressed sequence tag (EST) strategy. The 14,409 ESTs consisted of 1851 clusters and 7595 singletons, which revealed 9446 unique genes in the data set. Comparison of the sequence data with chicken DNA sequences in GenBank identified 125 novel clones. This EST library will provide a valuable resource for profiling global gene expression in normal and pathogen-infected chickens and identifying additional unique immune-related genes.  相似文献   

Somatic embryogenesis holds promise for mass propagation of American chestnut trees bred or genetically engineered for resistance to chestnut blight. However, low germination frequency of chestnut somatic embryos has limited somatic seedling production for this forest tree. We tested the effects of culture regime (semi-solid versus liquid), cold treatment, AC and somatic embryo morphology (i.e., cotyledon number) on germination and conversion of the somatic embryos. Cold treatment for 12 weeks was critical for conversion of chestnut somatic embryos to somatic seedlings, raising conversion frequencies for one line to 47%, compared to 7% with no cold treatment. AC improved germination and conversion frequency for one line to 77% and 59%, respectively, and kept roots from darkening. For two lines that produced embryos with one, two or three-plus cotyledons, cotyledon number did not affect germination or conversion frequency. We also established embryogenic American chestnut suspension cultures and adapted a fractionation/plating system that allowed us to produce populations of relatively synchronous somatic embryos for multiple lines. Embryos derived from suspension cultures of two lines tested had higher conversion frequencies (46% and 48%) than those from cultures maintained on semi-solid medium (7% and 30%). The improvements in manipulation of American chestnut embryogenic cultures described in this study have allowed over a 100-fold increase in somatic seedling production efficiency over what we reported previously and thus constitute a substantial advance toward the application of somatic embryogenesis for mass clonal propagation of the tree.  相似文献   

Allozyme genetic variability in three chestnut (Castanea) species was investigated using 19 loci from ten enzyme systems. G-tests of heterogeneity of isozymic allele distribution showed significant differences between the three species at 15 of the 19 loci, and between the 13 C. mollissima populations at 13 of the 19 loci examined. C. mollissima was found to possess a significantly-higher value of mean gene heterozygosity (H=0.3050±0.0419), the percentage of polymorphic loci (P=84.21%) and the average number of alleles per locus (A=2.05), than any other species in the Castanea section Eucastanon. When the genetic variability of populations of C. mollissima from four regions in China was investigated, the population from the Changjiang river region showed a markedly higher mean gene heterozygosity (H=0.3480±0.0436) than populations from the other regions. Genetic relationships among the four regions were assessed by Nei's genetic identity I and standard genetic distance D. An approximately-identical distance between the population from the Changjiang river region and populations from the three other regions was observed, while populations from the latter regions showed almost the same genetic distance from each other. These data, when considered with information existing prior to this study, contribute to an understanding of the possible origin and progenitor of the chestnut species.  相似文献   

An expressed sequence tag (EST) library of the key grassland species perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) has been exploited as a resource for microsatellite marker development. Out of 955 simple sequence repeat (SSR) containing ESTs, 744 were used for primer design. Primer amplification was tested in eight genotypes of L. perenne and L. multiflorum representing (grand-) parents of four mapping populations and resulted in 464 successfully amplified EST-SSRs. Three hundred and six primer pairs successfully amplified products in the mapping population VrnA derived from two of the eight genotypes included in the original screening and revealed SSR polymorphisms for 143 ESTs. Here, we report on 464 EST-derived SSR primer sequences of perennial ryegrass established in laboratory assays, providing a dedicated tool for marker assisted breeding and comparative mapping within and among forage and turf grasses. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

An expression library was created and 2304 clones sequenced from a monogyne colony of Solenopsis invicta. The primary intention of the project was to utilize homologous gene identification to facilitate discovery of viruses infecting this ant pest that could potentially be used in pest management. Additional genes were identified from the ant host and associated pathogens that serve as an important resource for studying these organisms. After assembly and removal of mitochondrial and poor quality sequences, 1054 unique sequences were yielded and deposited into the GenBank database under Accession Nos. EH412746 through EH413799. At least nine expressed sequence tags (ESTs) were identified as possessing microsatellite motifs and 15 ESTs exhibited significant homology with microsporidian genes. These sequences most likely originated from Thelohania solenopsae, a well-characterized microsporidian that infects S. invicta. Six ESTs exhibited significant homology with single-stranded RNA viruses (3B4, 3F6, 11F1, 12G12, 14D5, and 24C10). Subsequent analysis of these putative viral ESTs revealed that 3B4 was most likely a ribosomal gene of S. invicta, 11F1 was a single-stranded RNA (ssRNA) virus contaminant introduced into the colony from the cricket food source, 12G12 appeared to be a plant-infecting tenuivirus also introduced into the colony as a field contaminant, and 3F6, 14D5, and 24C10 were all from a unique ssRNA virus found to infect S. invicta. The sequencing project illustrates the utility of this method for discovery of viruses and pathogens that may otherwise go undiscovered.  相似文献   

These studies were designed to test if a binary vector containing the gfp, bar and oxalate oxidase genes could transform American chestnut somatic embryos; to see if a desiccation treatment during co-cultivation would affect the transformation frequency of different American chestnut somatic embryo clones; to explore the effects of more rapid desiccation; and to see if the antibiotics used to kill the Agrobacterium were interfering with the regeneration of the somatic embryos. Two days of gradual desiccation was found to significantly enhance transient GFP expression frequency. When this treatment was tested on six American chestnut clones, five were transformed and four of these remained embryogenic. Transformation was confirmed by Southern hybridization. Phenotypically normal transgenic shoots were regenerated and rooted. Vascular tissue specific expression of the oxalate oxidase gene was detected in one transgenic line. Carbenicillin, cefotaxime, and tricarcillin were found to not interfere with the regeneration of transformed embryos.  相似文献   

Expressed sequence tags (ESTs) were obtained from complementary DNA libraries derived from the brain of the cichlid fish, Oreochromis niloticus. Single-pass sequencing of 183 cDNA clones generated 294 ESTs; 57 of these clones (31%) were identified based on their similarity to sequences in GenBank.  相似文献   

The availability of a system for direct transfer of anti-fungal candidate genes into American chestnut (Castanea dentata), devastated by a fungal blight in the last century, would offer an alternative or supplemental approach to conventional breeding for production of chestnut trees resistant to the blight fungus and other pathogens. By taking advantage of the strong ability of embryogenic American chestnut cultures to proliferate in suspension, a high-throughput Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transformation protocol for stable integration of foreign genes into the tree was established. Proembryogenic masses (PEMs) were co-cultivated with A. tumefaciens strain AGL1 harboring the plasmid pCAMBIA 2301, followed by stringent selection with 50 or 100 mg/l Geneticin. A protocol employing size-fractionation to enrich for small PEMs to use as target material and selection in suspension culture was applied to rapidly produce transgenic events with an average efficiency of four independent transformation events per 50 mg of target tissue and minimal escapes. Mature somatic embryos, representing 18 transgenic events and derived from multiple American chestnut target genotypes, were germinated and over 100 transgenic somatic seedlings were produced and acclimatized to greenhouse conditions. Multiple vigorous transgenic somatic seedlings produced functional staminate flowers within 3 years following regeneration.  相似文献   

Analysis of expressed sequence tags from oil palm (Elaeis guineensis)   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This is the first report of a systematic study of genes expressed by means of expressed sequence tag (EST) analysis in oil palm, a species of the Arecales order, a phylogenetically key clade of monocotyledons that is not widely represented in the sequence databases. Five different cDNA libraries were generated from male and female inflorescences, shoot apices and zygotic embryos and unidirectional systematic sequencing was performed. A total of 2411 valid EST sequences were thus obtained. Cluster analysis enabled the identification of 209 groups of related sequences and 1874 singletons. Putative functions were assigned to 1252 of the set of 2083 non-redundant ESTs obtained. The EST database described here is a first step towards gene discovery and cDNA array-based expression analysis in oil palm.  相似文献   

Summary A three-step medium sequence was developed for rooting microcuttings of American chestnut [Castanea dentata (Marsh.) Borkh.]. First, individual shoots or clumps of shoots were cultivated on shoot-elongation medium for 4–8 wk until shoots were 2–3 cm long. The medium consisted of modified Woody Plant Medium, 500 mg/l polyvinylpyrrolidone (MW 40,000), and 0.89 μM benzyladenine. Microcuttings were then excised, vertically split at the base to approximately 2 mm through the pith, dipped in 5 or 10 mM indolebutyric acid for 1 min, and cultivated on half-strength Murashige and Skoog basal medium plus 0.2 g/l charcoal for 2 wk. During that time, roots were induced and became visible. Finally, the microcuttings were transferred back to shoot-elongation medium and cultivated for 3 wk, allowing growth of both roots and shoots. Using this protocol with 3 genotypes derived from one mature tree and two 1-yr-old seedlings, 57 to 73% rooting was obtained with less than 23% shoot-tip necrosis.  相似文献   

The goal of this study was to identify and map genes expressed during the elongation phase of embryogenesis in swine. Expressed sequence tags were analysed from a previously described porcine cDNA library prepared from elongating swine embryos. Average insert length of randomly selected clones was approximately 600 bp, with a range from < 100 to > 2500 bp. Single-pass, coding strand sequences from 1132 independent clones were compared with the GenBank non-redundant (nr) database via BLASTN analysis to identify potential porcine homologous of known genes. Among these sequences, 781 (69%) showed significant (score > 300) homology to non- mitochondrial sequences previously deposited in GenBank. Sequences matching interleucin 1 beta and thymosin beta 10 were most frequently observed (24 and 18 clones, respectively), in addition to matches with 310 other distinct genes. No significant match in the GenBank nr database was obtained for 303 sequences. Analysis demonstrated that 151 (50%) had open reading frames (ORF) extending at least 50 codons from the first base of the clone insert. Genetic markers were developed and used to map a subset of 17 genes, selected on the basis of function or of the ability to design primers that successfully amplified porcine genomic DNA, to 10 different porcine chromosomes, providing a set of mapped markers corresponding to genes expressed during conceptus elongation.  相似文献   

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