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The possible existence of a selective and independent mechanism subserving the formation of prostaglandin E1 (PGE1) and of prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) has been reported in previous studies from our group. In the present experiments we have demonstrated that neutral lipid lipases play an important role yielding dihomo-gamma-linolenic acid for the formation of PGE1. Indeed, exogenous triglyceride lipase added to the incubation bathing solution at a concentration of 150 U/ml increased several fold the production of PGE1 by isolated uterine strips obtained from spayed rats. Nevertheless the presence of the enzyme did not modify significantly the synthesis and release of bisenoic PGs (PGE2 and PGF). When triarachidonin was added, as an artificial substrate into the incubating medium in order to detect the presence of endogenous triacylglycerol lipase, we observed a significant increment in the generation of PGE2 (p < 0.005) and of PGF (p < 0.001) without evident changes in the basal release of PGE1. On the other hand, the addition of phospholipase A2 (PLA2) at 0.2 U/ml, increased significantly the production of PGE2 (p < 0.001) but failed to alter the concentration of PGE1 in the incubating solution. Surprisingly, PLA2 did not enhance the synthesis of PGF in the present experiments, a situation for which we do not have a clear explanation. Exogenous bradykinin (10−6 M), a well known stimulant of PLA2 activity in several tissues, also increased significantly (p < 0.001) the production of PGE2 without altering that of PGE1. Results presented herein provide strong support to the notion that different enzyme mechanisms and different lipid stores are linked to the formation of PGE1 and PGE2 in isolated rat uteri.  相似文献   

The uptake of arachidonic acid (AA) and of di-homo-gamma-linolenic acid (DGLA) and their incorporations into phospholipids (PLs) and into neutral lipids (NLs) of uteri isolated from spayed rats and the effect of inhibiting triglyceride (TG) metabolism with 4-pentenoic acid (4-PEA) on tissue TG levels and the output of prostaglandins (PGs), were explored. Attempts were also made to determine whether the acylation of labelled AA and of labelled DGLA into PLs and TGs is different and to confirm possible correlations between the synthesis of PGE1 and the degradation of TGs. Uterine PLs incorporated significantly less DGLA than AA (P less than 0.05). AA was acylated mainly into the phosphatidylinositol (PI) and into phosphatidylcholine (PC) subfractions of rat uteri, whereas the incorporation of DGLA into these two subfractions was significantly smaller than that of AA. The acylation of labelled DGLA into NL fractions, mainly into triacylglycerol, almost doubled that of labelled AA. The levels of TGs in isolated rat uteri suspended in glucose-free medium during a period of 60 minutes were significantly less than immediately after isolation (P less than 0.001). PGE1 released from uteri into the incubating solution, was significantly higher than that of PGE2. Moreover, the presence of 4-PEA (1.0 mM), added after tissue isolation, prevented the decrement of TGs observed following 60 minutes of incubation and simultaneously diminished significantly (P less than 0.001) the enhanced output of PGE1, without altering that of PGE2. Results presented herein suggest that PLs are not normal precursors for the synthesis of PGE1.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

A neutral triacylglycerol lipase activity that is separate and distinct from lipoprotein lipase (LPL) could be measured in homogenates of myocardial cells if protamine sulphate and high concentrations of albumin were included in the assay. This neutral lipase was predominantly particulate, with the highest relative specific activity in microsomal subcellular fractions. The induction of diabetes by the administration of streptozotocin to rats resulted in a decrease in LPL activity in myocyte homogenates and in particulate subcellular fractions, but the percentage of cellular LPL activity that was released during incubation of myocytes with heparin was normal. In contrast, neutral lipase activity was increased in diabetic myocyte homogenates and microsomal fractions. Acid triacylglycerol lipase activity was not changed in diabetic myocytes. The decrease in LPL in myocytes owing to diabetes may result in the decreased functional LPL activity at the capillary endothelium of the diabetic heart.  相似文献   

This study was performed to reexamine the effect of cholera toxin on total and intracellular alkaline lipoprotein lipase (LPL) activity in rat heart. In addition, the relationship between intracellular triacylglycerol (TG)lipase activity and TG content of cardiac tissue was determined in cholera toxin treated rats. One intravenous injection of cholera toxin increased total LPL activity significantly above control activity 4 h following treatment. After 16 h, total enzyme activity in hearts of cholera toxin treated rats was 2.4-fold above control levels and remained significantly above the control activity up to the 24-h time point. Intracellular alkaline TG lipase activity was increased 24%, 59%, 2.1-fold, and 2.1-fold above control levels measured 0.5, 8, 16, and 24 h following cholera toxin treatment, respectively. Heart TG content fell significantly following cholera toxin treatment, with a maximal reduction seen 8 h following agent injection. At that time, TG was 0.61 mumol/g, a reduction of 63% below the control concentration of 1.8 mumol/g. A negative relationship between myocardial intracellular TG lipase activity and TG concentration of r = -0.83 was highly significant (P less than 0.001). These findings indicate that cholera toxin injection can increase total cardiac LPL activity and show that 70% of this increased activity is in the intracellular fraction. The highly significant relationship between enzyme activity and TG content support our working hypothesis that the intracellular TG lipase (LPL) is playing a role in regulating cardiac TG content.  相似文献   

Phospholipase A2 was extensively purified (1300- to 1400-fold) from rat serum using Sephadex G-100 chromatography. It eluted at a position corresponding to a molecular mass of about 15 kDa. This one purification step gave two bands on sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The faster component had a molecular mass of 16 kDa and the slower band likely contained an aggregate of the faster component. Activity was associated with protein bands on nondenaturing gels. Enzyme activity was assessed using phosphatidylcholine or phosphatidylethanolamine labelled at sn position 2 with radioactive arachidonate. Phosphatidylethanolamine gave higher specific activities than phosphatidylcholine. The enzyme has an absolute requirement for Ca2+ and a pH optimum at 7.4. This pH optimum was more prominent for phosphatidylethanolamine. Activity was inhibited by oleate or arachidonate when phosphatidylcholine was used as substrate, but added free fatty acid did not significantly affect the hydrolysis of phosphatidylethanolamine. Addition of bovine serum albumin (fatty acid free) to assays increased the rate of release of arachidonate from phosphatidylcholine, but not from phosphatidylethanolamine. Phospholipase A2 is present in serum likely as a consequence of blood coagulation and may release fatty acids from cellular membranes following hemorrhage.  相似文献   

The effects of the bisenoic prostaglandins on the uterine vasculature and uterine contractile activity have been evaluated in an unanesthetized chronically catheterized nonpregnant sheep preparation. Changes in uterine blood flow were monitored with electromagnetic flow probes while uterine contractile activity and tone were determined via an intra-uterine balloon connected to a pressure transducer. Prostaglandins A2, D2, E2, and prostacyclin (PGI2) were all found to be vasodilators. PGD2 and PGI2 were much more potent than PGA2 and PGE2 in dilating the uterine vasculature. The prostacyclin breakdown product 6-keto PGF, PGF, thromboxane B2, and the endoperoxide analogues U44069 and U46619 produced vasoconstriction of the uterine vasculature. Prostaglandins A2, D2 and F increased while PGI2 decreased uterine contractile activity. PGF also increased uterine tone suggesting that a portion of its vasoconstrictor activity may be due to mechanical compression of the uterine vasculature.  相似文献   

The metabolic utilization of 14C-labelled acetate, pyruvate, lactate and glucose by isolated epididymal fat-cells was compared in two groups of rats fed ad libitum, one group young and lean (150-200 g body wt.), the other older and spontaneously obese (500-650 g body wt.). The influence of unlabelled glucose (6 mM) and insulin on substrate utilization by adipocytes was also studied. (1) Pyruvate and lactate were found to be good precursors for fatty-acid synthesis in small fat-cells, but not in larger fat-cells. On the other hand, lactate conversion into CO2 and the glycerol moiety of acylglycerols proceeded activity in both types of cells, and in some cases, it even exceeded the rates of glucose utilization. (2) The addition of glucose or glucose plus insulin, but not insulin alone, enhanced the metabolism of acetate, pyruvate and lactate in both types of fat-cells. (3) Fatty-acid synthesis de novo in large fat-cells was markedly decreased regardless of the substrate utilized. These findings point to lactate as a significant precursor for triacylglycerol synthesis in adipocytes. Furthermore, decreased fatty-acid synthesis de novo appears to be an acquired metabolic deficiency of enlarging adipocytes, independent of precursor substrate availability.  相似文献   

The influence of sex steroids on the production of prostacyclin (PGI2) like material by the isolated rat uterus incubated in a buffer medium was explored by monitoring its ability to inhibit ADP-induced platelet aggregation. Chopped uterine strips from rats in natural estrus can generate an unstable substance that inhibits platelet aggregation and suggest to be prostacyclin. This capacity was significantly enhanced in preparations from spayed animals. The injection of 17-beta estradiol; progesterone or both diminished the production of the prostacyclin-like material by the uterus from ovariectomized rats. The already existing notion that ovarian steroids are able to regulate the synthesis of stable prostaglandins is discussed together with the present results suggesting in addition a depressive effect of sex hormones on the uterine PGI2 synthetase system.  相似文献   

The lipolytic activities of heart tissue towards full and partial acylglycerols were characterized. Tissue lysosomal, acid lipase activity (pH 4.8) was inhibited by high salt, protamine sulfate, NaF, MgATP, Triton X-100, serum and the esterase-inhibitor diethylparanitrophenyl phosphate. The tissue neutral triacylglycerol lipase activity (pH 7.4) was recovered predominantly in the microsomal and soluble fractions and exhibited essentially identical properties towards activators (serum, apolipoprotein C-II) and reagents (NaCl, Triton X-100, NaF, MgATP and diethylparanitrophenyl phosphate) relative to vascular lipoprotein lipase, except for protamine sulfate which increased the serum-stimulated neutral triacylglycerol lipase activity. Triacylglycerol hydrolysis at acid pH was incomplete, whereas at neutral pH full hydrolysis occurred. Myocardial mono- and diacylglycerol lipase activities, with pH optima of 8.0 and 7.4, respectively, were recovered in the microsomal fraction. They differed immunologically from neutral lipase and lipoprotein lipase and did not bind to heparin-Sepharose 4B. They were kinetically different, partially inhibited by NaCl and differentially affected by protamine sulfate. NaF, Triton X-100 and diethylparanitrophenyl phosphate. Our data suggest that endogenous hydrolytic activity against full and partial acylglycerols is mediated by separate enzymes.  相似文献   

Rat platelets released phospholipase A2 and lysophospholipase upon activation with thrombin or ADP. The release of phospholipases was energy-dependent and was not in parallel with that of a known lysosomal marker enzyme, N-acetyl-beta-D-glucosaminidase. The phospholipases are derived from other granules (dense granules or alpha-granules) rather than lysosomal granules of the cells. All of the activities of both phospholipases in the cell free fraction obtained from the activated platelet reaction mixture was recovered in the supernatant after centrifugation at 105,000 X g. The degree of hydrolysis of phospholipids by the phospholipase A2 followed the order: phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) greater than phosphatidylserine (PS) greater than phosphatidylcholine (PC). Phospholipase A2 shows a broad pH optimum (greater than pH 7.0) and absolutely requires Ca2+. Lysophospholipase was specific to lysophosphatidylserine (lysoPS), and neither lysophosphatidylethanolamine (lysoPE) nor lysophosphatidylcholine (lysoPC) was hydrolyzed appreciably. Both 1-acyl- and 2-acyl-lysophosphatidylserine were equally hydrolyzed. Lysophospholipase activity shows similar pH optimum to phospholipase A2. The lysophospholipase activity was lost easily at 60 degrees C. The activity was reduced by the presence of EDTA, though low but distinct activity was observed even in the presence of EDTA. Addition of Ca2+ to the mixtures restores the full activity.  相似文献   

1. The effects of hypothyroidism on the sensitivity of glycolysis and glycogen synthesis to insulin were investigated in the isolated, incubated soleus muscle of the rat. 2. Hypothyroidism, which was induced by administration of propylthiouracil to the rats, decreased fasting plasma levels of free fatty acids and increased plasma levels of glucose but did not significantly change plasma levels of insulin. 3. The sensitivity of the rates of glycogen synthesis to insulin was increased at physiological, but decreased at supraphysiological, concentrations of insulin. 4. The rates of glycolysis in the hypothyroid muscles were decreased at all insulin concentrations studied and the EC50 for insulin was increased more than 8-fold; the latter indicates decreased sensitivity of this process to insulin. However, at physiological concentrations of insulin, the rates of glucose phosphorylation in the soleus muscles of hypothyroid rats were not different from controls. This suggests that hypothyroidism affects glucose metabolism in muscle not by affecting glucose transport but by decreasing the rate of glucose 6-phosphate conversion to lactate and increasing the rate of conversion of glucose 6-phosphate to glycogen. 5. The rates of glucose oxidation were decreased in the hypothyroid muscles at all insulin concentrations.  相似文献   

Chylomicron remnants labelled biologically with [3H]cholesterol were efficiently taken up by freshly isolated hepatocytes during a 3 h incubation in Krebs bicarbonate medium. Their [3H]cholesteryl ester was hydrolysed (74% net hydrolysis), and 0.1 mM-chloroquine could partially inhibit this hydrolysis, provided that hepatocytes were first preincubated for 2 h 30 min at 37 degrees C. This hydrolysis was also measured in preincubated cells with remnants double-labelled (3H and 14C) on their free cholesterol moiety; [3H]cholesterol arising from [3H]cholesteryl ester hydrolysis was recovered in the free [3H]cholesterol pool. A dose-response study showed saturation of remnant uptake at 180 micrograms of remnant protein/10(7) cells. Heparin (10 units/ml) increased remnant uptake by 63% (P less than 0.01), [3H]cholesteryl ester accumulation in the cell pellet by 110% (P less than 0.025) and hepatic lipase activity secreted in the medium by 2.4-fold (P less than 0.01) and by 3.3-fold (P less than 0.01) at the end of the preincubation and incubation periods respectively. Addition of 100 munits of semi-purified hepatic lipase preparation/flask stimulated remnant uptake by 44-69%, and [3H]cholesteryl ester accumulation in the presence of chloroquine by 2.1-fold (P less than 0.025). When hepatic lipase was incubated solely with the remnants, it decreased their triacylglycerol and phospholipid contents by 24% and 26% respectively. Thus freshly isolated hepatocytes may be used to study chylomicron-remnant uptake. Hepatic lipase, which seems to underly the stimulating effect of heparin, facilitates remnant uptake in vitro, and this could be mediated by at least one (or both) of its hydrolytic properties.  相似文献   

Triglyceride (TGs) concentrations in uterine strips isolated from 14 or from 21 days-pregnant rats, either normal-fed or following a restricted-diet rats (50% food intake for 14 days), were measured. Determinations were made immediately after killing (0 min time or post-isolation) as well as after a period of incubation in glucose-free medium (60 min time or post-incubation). The post-isolation levels of TGs (0 min) in the uterus from normal-fed animals at 14 or at 21 days of pregnancy, were significantly higher in implantation sites than in the interembryonic segments. These values of TGs (0 time) did not change, in comparison to post-incubation concentrations (60 min), either without additions or in the presence of indomethacin (5 X 10(-6) M) or of prostaglandins (PGs) E1, E2 or F2 alpha (10(-7) M). At 0 time, uterine TGs of rats subjected to dietary restriction, increased as pregnancy progressed, more than in normal-fed controls. The post-incubation (60 min) pattern was different depending on the days of pregnancy; i.e. at 14 days, incubation in Krebs-Ringer Bicarbonate-medium (KRB) led to a significant fall unaffected by the addition of propranolol (10(-6) M). However, in the presence of indomethacin, TGs values had a level similar to the initial one (0 time). Furthermore, exogenous PGE1 or PGE2 failed to alter the effect of indomethacin, as PGF2 alpha did.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Using the isolated perfused rat pancreas PGE2 (1 MUM and 10 muM) had no effect on basal or glucose (10 and 20 mM)-induced insulin release (IR). PGF2 alpha stimulated basal IR at 1 muM and inhibited IR at 10 muM. The glucose-induced IR was unaffected by this PG. Furosemide (5 and 10 mM) led to a monophastic IR at low glucose (glu) and to a potentiation of IR at high glu. Only high indomethacin (Indo) (50 microgram/ml) inhibited glu-induced IR. The stimulatory effect of furosemide on IR could not be inhibited by indomethacin. However mepacrine (0.1 mM) abolished the furosemide effect. Also glu-induced IR was inhibited by mepacrine. Acetylsalicylic acid (30 mg/100 ml) had no significant influence on glu-induced IR. These findings provide evidence that phospholipase activation rather than increased PG synthesis might primarily be involved in the secretory process of insulin.  相似文献   

Specific radioimmunoassays were used to demonstrate the synthesis by the guinea pig trachea of 6-keto PGF, TxB2, and PGF in addition to PGE2. The rank order of both spontaneous and stimulated release was PGE2 > PGF2α > 6-keto PGF = TxB2. Ovalbumin-induced prostanoid release from sensitized tissue was antigen-specific. The release was unlikely to be a secondary consequence of tracheal contraction since incubations with calcium ionophore A23187, at a concentration which produces an equivalent magnitude of contraction of sensitized trachea, did not induce a significant PG or Tx production. In contrast, significantly higher prostanoid synthesis was induced by A23187 in unsensitized than sensitized trachea. Thus sensitization altered the profile of arachidonic acid metabolism evoked by the ionophore.  相似文献   

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