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大血藤科花粉形态及外壁超微结构的研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
对大血藤科及木通科的八月瓜属HolboelliaWall.和木通属AkebiaDecne花粉进行了光镜及电子显微镜的观察研究。研究结果表明,其花粉形态具有较为明显的相似性,如花粉均为3沟,外壁表面具穴状纹饰,甚至大小也很近似。但从其外壁结构看,大血藤花粉的外壁内层为结均一的致密层组成  相似文献   

三尖杉科的花粉形态及其外壁超微结构研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
本文描述了在光学显微镜,扫描电子显微镜和透射电子显微镜下观察到三尖杉科花粉特征,并对三尖杉属种间的花粉特征进行了对比。据此,笔者支持在三尖杉属内建立篦子三尖杉组Sect.Pectinatae L.K.Fu和三尖杉组Sect.Cephalotaxus的意见。根据花粉形态特征,本文讨论了三尖杉科的范围和分类位置,同时对比了三尖杉科和红豆杉科花粉的异同。花粉形态特征说明两科之间有密切的亲缘关系,三尖杉科  相似文献   

国产芋属花粉形态   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
通过光镜和扫描电子显微镜观察了芋属(Colocasia Schott)6种、1变种、1品种的花粉形态,其中贡山芋C.gaoligongensis,龚氏芋C.gongii,李氏香芋C.lihengiae,花叶芋C.bic-olor4个种为首次报道。本属花粉为圆球形,无萌发孔。外壁纹饰分为两类:大野芋C.giga-ntea外壁光滑无刺,其余各种均具刺。花粉大小为20.07—32.76μm。  相似文献   

中国细辛属花粉形态研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文对中国细辛属Asarum27种及4变种、1变型的花粉形态分别做了光学显微镜和扫描电镜的观察和照相,发现该属花粉的萌发孔变异较大,可作为分亚属及分种的重要依据之一。花粉粒外壁纹饰主要分两类:瘤状纹饰下为网状纹饰,或瘤状纹饰下为脑纹状纹饰。细辛亚属与杜衡亚属间的界限较明显,与植物形态分类的结果基本一致。本文还讨论了国产及日本产双叶细辛A.caulescens Maxim和华细辛A.sieboldii Miq.在花粉形态上的差异,并对植物外部形态上彼此相似的几个种的花粉的形态特征做了比较。  相似文献   

中国石蒜属植物花粉形态的研究   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
利用光学显微镜和扫描电镜对我国石蒜属LycorisHerb.11种植物花粉形态进行系统地研究,并对其中6种具有代表性植物花粉进行了透射电镜观察。该属植物花粉舟形或肾形;萌发孔为远极单槽;在光学显微镜和扫描电镜下观察,外壁具网状纹饰;在透射电镜下观察,外壁包括外壁-1和外壁-2两层,外壁-1是由半覆盖层、柱状层和基层组成,外壁-2很薄。根据花粉形态及其他器官特征,对本属植物分类地位也进行了一些讨论。  相似文献   

本文用光学显微镜和扫描电镜观察了微孔草属(Microula Benth.)6组16种及其相关的3属6 种植物的花粉,并对微孔草属2种和齿缘草属(Eritrichium Schrad.)2种花粉做了花粉壁超微结构的 研究。微孔草属及其相关的3属花粉为哑铃形,花粉体积很小,最大的为12.18×7.13μm,最小的只 有6.36×3.36μm,具相间排列的三孔沟和三假沟。但他们在赤道部位的缢缩程度、萌发孔特征、表 面纹饰及超微结构有明显的不同。从花粉形态看,微孔草属较原始,且与锚刺果属(Actinocarya Benth.)有较密切关系;齿缘草属具双内孔或单内孔且为异极,为进化类型。  相似文献   

囊萼紫草属与滇紫草属花粉形态比较研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
本文借助光学显微镜和扫描电镜研究了囊萼紫草属3种和滇紫草属12种植物的花粉形态。囊萼紫草属的花粉为哑铃形或茧形,中等大小,P/E比为1.6一1.67,三孔沟,内孔横长;具小刺状纹饰。滇紫草属的花粉为近长球形或近卵球形,P/E为l—1.23;三孔沟或三合沟孔,内孔一般纵长,具皱波状纹饰,在皱波上具密集的小瘤或微颗粒。从花粉形态的角度,本文支持把囊萼紫草属从滇紫草属(广义)中分离出来的观点。值得注意的是,在滇紫草属的花粉中首次观察到了一种比较少见且特化的花粉即单极三合沟孔的花粉。  相似文献   

中国苏铁属花粉形态研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对中国苏铁属花粉进行了光镜和扫描电镜观察。花粉中等大,极轴长26.5-35.7μm,赤道轴长20.6-26.4μm;极面观椭圆形至近圆形,赤道面观船形或肾形,具远极单沟,达两端,其开闭和形状随花粉干燥或潮湿而变化,内部具多种不规则突起,两端具皱纹;远极面外壁光滑或稀具微突起,近极面具穿孔,孔穴或蜂窝状纹饰。  相似文献   

中国鸢尾属花粉形态研究   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:11  
本文借助光学显微镜和扫描电镜,对我国产鸢尾属Iris L.32种植物的花粉形态进行 了观察。该属植物的花粉为舟形或近球形。萌发孔可分为远极单沟、远极单沟-拟沟、二合 沟及无萌发孔等类型。外壁主要为网状纹饰,少数具瘤状或鼓槌状纹饰。本文依据花粉形态 和其它器官特征,对本属花粉外壁及萌发孔的演化趋势及某些种的分类地位进行了探讨。  相似文献   

延龄草科四属花粉形态的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
韦仲新  王红 《云南植物研究》2001,23(4):T001-T003
对延龄草科重楼属Paris L.延龄草属Trillium L.Medeola L.属和Scoliopus Torr.属以及百合科百合属Lilium L.和萱草属Hemerocallis L.花粉进行了光镜和电镜的观察和比较。结果表明,在延龄草科中,重楼属,Medeola属和Scoliopus属花粉具有较多的相似性:具单一远极沟,极面观椭圆形,外壁为网状纹饰或皱波-网状纹饰。而延龄草属花粉与它们的差异则较大,为圆形,无萌发孔,外壁非网状纹饰,而是颗粒状,疣状,芽孢状,星状和微刺状等纹饰。百合属中的Lilium michauxii和萱草属中的金针菜Hemerocallis citrina花粉均为单一远极沟,外壁表面为网状纹饰。但其网脊特别粗,具不规则突起并形成棱角(H.citina)或由许多排列成念珠状的、形状不一的分子组成(Lilium michauxii),结构特别复杂。就其萌发孔类型和纹饰特征看,它们与延龄草科中的重楼属,Medeola属和Scoliopus属花粉具有较多的性。花粉外壁的层次结构在延龄草科各属之间(延龄草属除外),甚至在延龄草科与百合科之间均没有多大的差异。  相似文献   

The pollen morphology of 9 species of Paeonia L. has been investigated with both light microscope and scanning electron microscope. In addition, the exine structure of pollen grains of Paeonia suffruticosa and P. lactiflora was examined by transmission electron microscope. Tricolporoidate aperture is an important character of the pollen grains of the Paeonia. The surface of the exine is characterized by reticulate, foveolate and irregularly tuberculate-foveolate sculpture under the SEM. Thin sections of the pollen of this genus shows that the layers of exine are complete i.e. a perforate rectum to semitectum, columellae and foot layers. The endexine is continuous, considerably thickened in the aperture areas and relatively thin or indistinct in the mesocolpia. Paeonia has been placed in Ranunculaceae. But since the beginning of this century many authors have suggested to separating Paeonia from Ranunculaceae. Pollen marphology supports such separation. In Ranunculaceae most pollen grains are tricolpate or have other types of aperture, and exine with spinules and perforations between them. In electron microscopy, the ektexine contains a foot layer, columellae, and perforate rectum, the columellar layer with two types of columellae; the endexine is generally thin. However, the columellar layer of Paeonia has only monomorphic columellae. Some authors considered that there is a close relationship between Paeonia and the Dilleniaceae, but these also differ in the characters of the pollen grains. In Paeonia the constriction of the colpus in equator is in some degree similar to that of Theaceae (Camellia sasanqua Thunb.), Guttiferae (Hypericum L.), Actinidiaceae and Rosaceae. But in the other respects they are quite different. In sum, the pollen morphology of Paeonia is unique. So the palynological information supports Takhtajan's view that Paeonia should be elevated to a family (Paeoniaceae) or order (Paeoniales).  相似文献   

Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) observation of pollen grains of 18 species belongingto 18 respective genera of the tribe Peucedaneae Drude revealed distinct ultrastructural difference in thepollen exine, including the thickness and features of rectum, columnar layer, foot layer and endexine. Thesystematic position of those 18 species are re-evaluated based on their ultrastructural characteristics ofpollen exine observed in this study. Seven genera related to Angelica L. in Angelicinae Drude have beendeduced to genus Angelica L. For example, Osterfcum grosseserratum (Maxim.) Kitagawa was changed toAngelica L. by some authors, but it differs from Angelica sinensis (Oliv.) Diels in having well developedtectum which is thicker than the columnar layer and foot layer. Its columnar layer is quite well-developedwith long and branched columellae. Besides its surface is tuberculated. Evidently, its development exceedsthat of Angelica sinensis. However, it is only a moderate evolutional species in its genus, and the Angelicasinensis accounts as the most advanced species in Angelica Diels, thus, placing genus Ostencum Hoffm.in Angelica L is not suitable, it may be more appropriate to keep its original position. In addition, Ferulaakitschkensis B. Fedtsch. ex K.-Pol. differs greatly from those of Talassia transiliensis (Herd.) Korov. andSchumannia turcomnnia Kuntze, because of its very well-developed columnar layer, being about four tofive times thicker than the total of tectum and foot layer, tuberculated tectum surface and complicatedstructure of columnellae. As another species Heracleum forrestJ‘iWolff also differs from Semenovia rubtzovii(Schischk.) Monden. in having an even thickness of exine and well-developed columnar layer, it seemssuitable that they should also be treated as two independent genera.  相似文献   

报道了前胡族(Peucedaneae Drude)当归亚族(Angelicinae Drude)、阿魏亚族(Ferulinae Drude)和环翅芹亚族(TordyliinaeDrude)等3亚族18属18种植物的花粉外壁表面和内部的超微结构.根据花粉外壁超微结构资料,论述了18种及其所在属的系统位置.对现时尚存疑的问题,诸如当归亚族中的山芹属(Ostericum Hoffm.)等7属(种),经分析认为统归于当归属(Angelica L.)不恰当;阿魏亚族中的球根阿魏(Schumannia turcomanica Kuntze)、伊犁芹(Talassiatransiliensis(Herd.)Korov.)、胀果芹(Phlojodicarpus villosus(Turcz.ex Fisch.et Mey.)Turcz.ex Ledeb.)等属的代表种显示其外壁演化程度相差甚大,应以与阿魏属(Ferula L.)分别独立为宜;环翅芹亚族(Tordyliinae Drude)中大瓣芹属(Semenovia Regel et Herd.)与独活属(Heracleum L.)的代表种其外壁演化程度相距甚远,也以分立为宜.  相似文献   

张敏  骆凯歌  李红  张雷  王莉 《植物研究》2014,34(2):194-199
利用傅里叶变换红外光谱仪对银杏、日本冷杉等5种裸子植物的花粉外壁成分进行测定分析,结果表明,这5种裸子植物花粉外壁的红外光谱主要由蛋白质、脂类及多糖类物质的特征吸收峰组成。但不同科属间的花粉外壁主要成分含量存在较大差异,其中银杏科的银杏花粉外壁以蛋白质含量最为丰富;松科的雪松花粉外壁以脂类物质较为丰富;杉科的日本冷杉、杉木和日本柳杉花粉外壁成分以多糖类物质为主,但种间花粉外壁成分仍存在差异。采用扫描电镜观察5种裸子植物花粉,显示银杏、柳杉和杉木花粉粒体积较小,不具气囊,银杏花粉粒外壁表面具较均一条纹状纹饰,日本柳杉和杉木花粉粒外壁具颗粒状突起。雪松和日本冷杉花粉粒具气囊,体积较大,花粉外壁分别是粗糙具小穴状纹理以及表面光滑具微穿孔。  相似文献   

We developed 16 microsatellite markers in Cordia bifurcata, a Central and South American shrub. The markers show low polymorphism in C. bifurcata, a species suspected of self-fertilization or apomixis. Of four polymorphic loci, three had only two alleles. However, current research indicates that these markers hold value for interpopulational comparisons of C. bifurcata and for analyses of congeners. In Cordia inermis, a dioecious or subdioecious shrub, seven of the markers produced interpretable amplification products of which five showed polymorphism. In Cordia pringlei, a distylous shrub, nine of the markers produced interpretable amplification products of which six showed polymorphism.  相似文献   

The pollen morphology of Cephalotaxaceae was examined with LM, SEM and TEM. Pollen grains in this family are spheroidal or subspheroidal, rounded in polar view, but usually wrinkled with irregular shape. Pollen size is 22.6- 34.8 μm in diameter. There is a distinct or indistinct tenuity on distal face. The tenuity occasionally slightly rises above the outline of pollen grains, but often sukened. Exine rather thin, 1—1.5μm thick, layers obscure, surface of pollen grains is nearly psilate or weakly granulate. Under SEM exine is covered with fine and dense granules, and sparse Ubisch bodies are found on the granular layer. The Ubisch bodies are provided with minute gemmate processes on the surface. Acorrding to our observation under TEM, exine consists of ectexine and lamellate endexine, with the former divided into outer ectexine of granules densely arranged and inner ectexine of loosely arranged microgranules. Granules of the outer ectexine are relatively thick, and connected with each other, forming a structure just like tectum or separate from each other. Microgranules of the inner ectexine are distinct or indistinct. Endexine is provided with 5- 7 lamellae. As far as information of pollen morphology is concerned, Cephalotaxus oliveri is rather special in the Cephalotaxaceae. First, the tenuity in pollen grains occupies one half of the distal part, much larger than that of the other species in the family. Second, the ectexine in Cephalotaxus oliveri may be divided into two distinct layers, outer ectexine and inner ectexine. The former is made of a layer of sporopollenin masses, which are connected with each other to form tectumlike structure, while the latter consists of a layer of loosely arranged granules or small segments of sporopollenin. The inner ectexine is different from that of other species by having a thicker layer of sporopollenin granules. Based on these two features, we support the division of Cephalotaxus into two Sections, Sect. Pectinatae and Sect. Cephalotaxus. Pollen grains of Cephalotaxaceae are similar to those of the Taxaceae in having spheroidal shape and the tenuity on its distal face. These characteristics strengthen the evidence for a close relationship between the Cephalotaxaceae and Taxaceae. Although pollen grains of the Cephalotaxaceae and Taxaceae are similar in some characteristics, they have obvious differences in , for example, size of tenuity, the fine structure of Ulbisch bodies and of the outer and inner ectexine. On the basis of pollen morphology, the present author considers theCephalotaxaceae slightly more primitive than the Taxaceae.  相似文献   

韩荣兰  张奠湘  郝刚 《广西植物》2003,23(4):318-320,306
首次系统地报道中国槲寄生属10种植物花粉形态。通过光学显微镜和扫描电镜观察,国产槲寄生属种类可按花粉的外壁纹饰分为两大类群,与形态上划分相一致。类群Ⅰ(8种)具不显著或近光滑的外壁纹饰,这一类型又可分为2个亚型:纹饰在花粉各个部位基本上是一致的和纹饰在赤道和极、沟两侧不一致的;类群Ⅱ(2种)外壁具显著的杆状纹饰。但花粉性状对形态上相近的种类鉴定意义不大。还讨论了槲寄生属花粉的可能的演化趋势。  相似文献   

用光学显微镜和扫描电镜研究了分布于中国西南地区的当归属(Angelica L.)16种植物的花粉形态,其中有7种植物的花粉形态为首次报道。研究结果表明当归属植物花粉粒较大,分化明显,包含了伞形科花粉的原始、中等进化和进化的类型,其形态以菱形、椭圆形、近长方形、赤道收缩形为主,萌发孔为角孔或边孔,从花粉的这种多类型证明该地区的当归属植物既起源古老同时又在不断分化着。从孢粉学角度初步分析了当归属的属下系统,为该属植物种的划分及系统演化关系的探讨提供依据。  相似文献   

In the present work, pollen grains of 3 species of Liriope, 24 species of Ophiopogon and 2 species of Peliosanthes were examined under scanning electron microscope, Among them 4 species were also observed under transmission electron microscope. The observation (Table 3)shows that Liriope and Ophiopogon distinctly differ from Peliosanthes in the exine ornamentation and structure, They may be divided into two types: 1. Rugulate-perforate, ektexine with perforate tectum in Liriope and Ophiopogon. 2. Verrucate, Verracae unequal in size, ektexine intectate in Peliosanthes. Pollen morphology shows the close affinity between Liriope and Ophiopogon, but they are very far from Peliosanthes. The correlation between pollen and gross morphology in Liriope, Ophiopogon and Peliosanthes are stated and their evolutionaly trends are discussed in this paper. The pollen characters support the placement of Liriope and Ophiopogon in one tribe—Ophiopogoneae, and Peliosanthes in another tribe—Peliosantheae. Peliosanthes is more advancedthan Liriope and Ophiopogon.  相似文献   

系统报道了中国桑寄生科Loranthaceae33种5变种植物的花粉形态,并与澳大利亚 2属6种植物的花粉形态做了比较。通过光学显微镜和扫描电镜观察,国产桑寄生科花粉外壁 纹饰可明显分为两个类型:一种类型为刺状或条状纹饰,另一种为颗粒状纹饰,这与该科的鞘 花族和桑寄生族两个族相吻合。在鞘花族类型中,3合沟、钝刺状或条状纹饰的花粉是基本类 型,合半沟或孔沟形,刺状纹饰的花粉是较进化的类型;在桑寄生族类型中,等极、3合沟、 颗粒状纹饰的花粉是基本类型,异极、副合半沟-合半沟、3沟形和沟形-短沟形或沟孔形、粗 糙或模糊颗粒状纹饰的花粉是较进化类型。根据萌发孔和纹饰可将桑寄生族类型花粉分为3个 类群:类群I包括五蕊寄生属Dendrophtho、梨果寄生属Scurrula、钝果寄生属Taxillus和大苞 寄生属Tolypanthus;类群II仅包括离瓣寄生属Helixanthera;类群III也仅1属,桑寄生属Lor anthus。在这3个类群中,类群I属于基本的类型,属间花粉差别较小,其中梨果寄生属和钝 果寄生属花粉差别最小,显示出较近的亲缘关系;类群II和类群III皆是较进化类型。  相似文献   

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