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为了研究不同水分条件下组成型根系性状和适应性根系性状的遗传机制,利用由IR64/Azucena发展的双单倍体(DH)群体分析了淹水和干旱条件下水稻幼苗种子根长(SRL)、不定根数(ARN)、总根干重(RW)及其对应的相对参数(干旱和淹水条件下根系性状的比值)的QTLs。淹水与干旱条件下检测到一个共同的种子根长QTL和一个共同的总根干重QTL。同时对前人发表的遗传群体定位的根系性状QTLs进行比较分析,检测到几个共同的根系性状QTLs。对与细胞伸长、分裂相关的候选基因进行了定位,其中4个细胞壁相关的ESTs(OsEXP2,OsEXP4,EXT和Xet)被定位在与不同水分条件下检测出的根系性状QTLs的相同区间。  相似文献   

水稻穗部性状的QTL与环境互作分析   总被引:31,自引:3,他引:28  
分别在两年收集珍汕97/明恢63的重组自交系群体的表现数据,运用混合线性模型的QTL定位方法,联合分析穗部5个性状的QTLs7及QTL与环境互作关系。每穗颖花数、每穗实粒数、结实率、穗长和穗着密度分别检测到10、3、6、8和7个QTLs分别解释各性状变异的29.13%、19.2%、29.46%、26.39%和35.76%。对于同一性状,高值亲本和低值亲本中均存在增效和减效QTL。相关性状QTL的位置表现相同或相似,高值亲本和低值亲本中均存在增效和减效QTL。相关性状QTL的位置表现相同或相似,成族分布。1个穗长QTL,2个每穗颖花数QTL3,3个结实率QTLs表现与环境显著互作,QTL与环境互作效应的贡献率比相应的QTL贡献率略大。遗传力稍高的每穗实粒数和穗着粒密度的DQTL与环境不互作。  相似文献   

苗期水稻根部性状的QTL定位   总被引:29,自引:5,他引:24  
耐旱是水稻抗逆研究中最重要的性状之一。利用水稻籼粳品种窄叶青8号(ZYQ8)和京系17(JX17)及其通过杂交F1代花药培养获得的127个单株组成的双单倍体分离群体(double haploid,DH)为材料,在营养液中培养10天后,对影响抗旱能力的根部几个主要性状进行了分析,发现最大根长(Maximum root Length,MRL)、根干重(Dry Root Weight,DRW)和根茎干重比(Root/Shoot Ratio of Dry Weight,RSR)3个性状在群体中变异较大,利用该群体建立的水稻分子遗传图谱,对上述3个水稻性状进行数量性状座位(Quantitative Trait Locus,QTL)的分析定位,结果表明,2/1/2个QTLs的亲本JX17等位基因分别控制着最大根长、根干重和茎士重比的表达,对表型变异的解释率分别为16.4%、17.0%、16.4%、10.4%和19.9%;2/1个QTLs的亲本ZYQ8等位基因分别控制着最大根长和根茎干重比的增加,表表型变异的解释率分别为19.6%、13.0%和13.2%。检测到的8个QTLs分别位地水稻的染色体2、3、4、5、6、9和10上。与其他已发表的定位结果比较表现,在3个性状的总共8个QTLs中,各有1个性状的1个QTL(控制最大根长的L169-CT106A,控制根干重的G45-G1314A和控制根茎干重比的G62-G144)与早先报道的结果相吻合。  相似文献   

水稻幼苗活力性状的低温反应数量性状基因座检测   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以籼粳交“密阳23/吉冷1号”的F2:3代200个家系作为作图群体,在12℃冷水胁迫下,进行苗高、苗鲜重和苗干重等水稻幼苗活力性状的低温反应鉴定,并利用由SSR标记构建的分子连锁图谱为基础,对冷水胁迫下苗高、苗鲜重和苗干重以及它们的低温反应指数进行了数量性状基因座(QTLs)检测。研究结果表明,低温胁迫下上述幼苗活力性状在F3家系群中均表现为接近正态的连续分布,表现为由多基因控制的数量性状;在第1、2、7、8和12染色体上,检测到与幼苗活力性状的低温反应相关的QTL共12个,对表型变异的贡献率范围为5.2%-17.9%,其中位于第2染色体RM262-RM263区间和第12染色体RM270-RM17区间的与低温下苗高相关的qCSH2和qCSH12,以及位于第12染色体RM19-RM270区间和第1染色体RM129-RM9区间的分别控制低温下苗干重及其低温反应指数的qSDW12和qCSDW1对表型变异的贡献率较大,分别为16.6%、17.9%、15.9%和16.2%。其增效等位基因均来自吉冷1号,前两者均表现为加性效应,后两者分别表现为显性和超显性。  相似文献   

小麦幼苗耐热性的QTL定位分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
以小麦DH群体(‘旱选10号’ב鲁麦14’)为材料,在高温(热胁迫)及常温(对照)两种条件下考察小麦幼苗的根干重、苗干重、幼苗生物量、叶片叶绿素含量、叶绿素荧光参数及其耐热指数,并应用基于混合线性模型的复合区间作图法分析幼苗性状及其耐热指数QTL的数量、染色体分布及表达情况,以及QTL与环境的互作效应。结果显示:(1)亲本‘旱选10号’的耐热性明显优于‘鲁麦14’,且杂交后代的耐热性出现超亲分离。(2)控制幼苗耐热相关性状的QTL位点在染色体2D、6B、3A、4A、5A和7A上分布较多,而控制幼苗性状耐热指数的QTL在染色体6A、6B、3A、2D、5A和7A上分布较多,QTL位点在染色体上的分布有区域化的趋势。(3)控制幼苗性状的单个加性QTL和上位性QTL解释的表型变异分别平均为2.48%和2.65%;而控制耐热指数的单个加性QTL和上位性QTL解释的表型变异分别平均为8.84%和1.98%。(4)在热胁迫和对照条件下共检测到与幼苗性状及其耐热指数有关的加性效应QTL 13个和上位性效应QTL 28对,分布在除4D和6D以外的19条染色体上。研究表明,控制幼苗性状的QTL以上位性效应为主,而其耐热指数的QTL以加性效应为主。  相似文献   

水稻种子活力QTL定位及上位性分析   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
利用1个粳/籼交来源(Lemont/Teqing)、包含264个重组自交系的作图群体,采用纸卷法在18℃培养箱中进行2次重复的发芽实验,考察了种子发芽7d、9d和1ld的发芽率,种子发芽15d后的芽长及干重等种子活力的相关性状。结合一张含有198个DNA标记的连锁图谱,用作图软件QTLMapper1.0定位与种子活力相关的QTL。共检测到13个主效应QTL,这些QTL对性状的贡献率为2.9%~12.7%,平均贡献率为6.2%。同时检测到18对贡献率≥5%的互作位点,其贡献率为5.1%~11.8%,平均贡献率为6.9%,比检测到的主效应QTL的平均贡献率稍大。种子活力相关性状的大多数主效应和互作QTL成串分布于少数几个染色体区段(Chromosome Regions,CRs),并且成串分布在同一染色体区段的QTL效应的方向总是一致,该结果与这些性状在表型上的正相关相一致。若将成串分布有3个及3个以上种子活力相关性状QTL的CRs视为与种子活力高度相关的CRs,则共检测到7个上述与种子活力高度相关的CRs,分别分布在水稻12条染色体中的7条染色体上。根据所含QTL的种类(主效应QTL或/和上位性QTL)可将这些CRs分成以下3种:1)M-CRs:只含有主效应QTL,如CR^sv-7;2)E-CRs:所含位点没有主效应,但与其他位点发生互作,如CR^sv-1、CR^sv-6和CR^sv-12;3)ME-CRs:既含有主效应QTL、也含有与其他位点产生互作的互作位点,如CR^sv-2、CR^sv-5和CR^sv-8。另外还发现,有的CR上的位点同时与多个不同CR上的位点互作,影响种子活力的相关性状。与前入的研究结果相比较,发现有些与种子活力高度相关的CR可在不同研究者所用的不同定位群体中被检测到,而有的CR只在特定的定位群体中被检测到。由此表明,水稻种子活力具有丰富的遗传多样性和复杂的遗传基础,其主效QTL和互作位点可能基于遗传背景的不同而相互转化。  相似文献   

水稻籼粳交DH群体苗期耐冷性基因的分子标记定位   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:14  
水稻苗期低温冷害导致的烂秧现象是水稻生产中重要的限制因素之一。以一个水稻籼粳交(圭630/02428)DH群体为材料,在幼苗3叶1心时用10℃低温处理3d,随后恢复培养,以恢复培养5d后的秧苗成活率(%)为指标,鉴定该DH群体的苗期耐冷性。利用已构建的RFLP连锁图谱和基于混合线性模型的定位软件QTLMapper1.0对水稻苗期耐冷性进行QTL分析,检测到控制水稻苗期耐冷性的3个QTLs,分别位于第3、11、12染色体上,贡献率分别为7.9%、18.3%和24.4%,其增效等位基因均来自于亲本“02428”。同时检测到控制水稻苗期耐冷性的上位性互作位点8个,分散分布于第2、7、8、9、11染色体上,其中有2对互作的贡献率在15%左右,这2对互作的增效基因型均为来自2个亲本的重组基因型。苗期耐冷性在2个亲本间差异很大,在DH群体中呈现出连续变异,有明显的超亲分离。这些结果表明,水稻苗期耐冷性是受多基因控制的数量性状,基因的上位性互作是其重要的遗传基础之一。  相似文献   

利用水稻重组自交系群体定位谷粒外观性状的数量性状基因   总被引:38,自引:0,他引:38  
用区间作图和混合线性模型的复合区间作图两种方法,对水稻(Oryza sativa L)珍汕97和明恢63组合的重组自交系群体的谷粒外观性状-粒长,粒宽和粒形进行了数量性状基因(QTL)定位,用区间作图法在LOD≥2.4水平上(近拟于a=0.005),1998年对粒长,粒宽和粒形分别检测到6,2放2个QTLs,1999年对以上3个性状分别检测到3,2和2个QTLs,其中7个QTLs在两年均检测到,位于第3染色体RG393-C1087区间的QTL效应大,同时影响粒长和粒形,两年贡献分别为57.5%,61.4%和26.7%,29.9%,位于第5染色体RG360-C734B区间的QTL效应大,同时影响粒宽和粒形,两年贡献率分别为44.2%,53.2%和32.1%和36.0%,用混合线性模型的复合区间作图法在P=0.005水平上,对粒长,粒宽和粒形分别检测到8,5和5个QTLs,共解释各自性状变异的58.81%,44.75%和57.47%,只检测到1个QTL与环境之间存在的显互作。  相似文献   

土壤有效磷缺乏已成为影响大豆产量和品质的重要因素,深入挖掘大豆需磷关键时期磷高效利用遗传位点成为实现其分子遗传改良的重要前提。鉴于此,本研究利用SoySNP6K(5403个SNP标记)通过全基因组关联分析挖掘大豆需磷关键时期磷高效利用10个相关性状遗传位点,结果发现,T1关键时期(四叶期)适磷条件检测到78个关联SNP,以根系干重与植株总干重SNP较多;低磷条件检测到134个关联SNP,以植株总干重检测SNP最多,并在8号、13号、20号染色体分别检测到同时控制地上部干重和总干重、地上部鲜重和干重与总干重SNP簇;T2关键时期(六叶期)适磷条件检测到83个SNP,以株高和地上部干重检测SNP较多,低磷条件检测到53个SNP,以株高和根冠比SNP较多,并在18号染色体检测到同时控制根干重和总干重SNP簇,在11号、16号、18号染色体分别检测到3个一因多效SNP;上述关联SNP中有9个SNP同时在T1与T2时期被检测到,分别与地上部鲜重、干重、根冠比、株高等关联,为大豆磷素高效利用分子标记辅助育种以及候选基因克隆等提供了依据。  相似文献   

水稻株高上位性效应和QE互作效应的QTL遗传研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用基因混合模型的QTL定位方法研究了由籼稻品种IR64和粳稻品种Azucena杂交衍生的DH群体在4个环境中的QTL上位性效应和环境互作效应,结果表明,上位性是数量性状的重要遗传基础,并揭示了上位性的几个重要特点,所有的QTL都参与了上位性效应的形成,64%的QTL还具有本身的加性效应,因此传统方法对QTL加性效应的估算会由于上位性的影响而有偏,其他36%的QTL没有本身的加性效应,却参与了48%的上位性互作用,这些位点可能通过诱发和修饰其他位点而起作用,上位性的特点还包括,经常发现了一个QTL与多个QTL发生互作;大效应的QTL也参与上位性互作;上位性互作受环境影响,QTL与环境的互效应比QTL的主效应更多地被检测到,表明数量性状基因的表达易受环境影响。  相似文献   

To understand the genetic background of root growth of rice (Oryza sativa L.) seedlings under different water supply conditions, quantitative trait loci (QTLs) and epistatic effect on seminal root length, maximum adventitious root length, adventitious root number, total root dry weight and ratio of root to shoot were detected using molecular map including 103 restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) markers and 104 amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) markers mapped on a recombinant inbred line (RIL) population with 150 lines derived from a cross between an lowland rice IR1552 and an upland rice Azucena in both solution culture (lowland condition) and paper culture (upland condition). Six QTLs and twenty-two pairs of epistatic loci for the four parameters were detected. Three QTLs detected for maximum adventitious root length in solution culture (MARLS), total root dry weight in both solution culture and paper culture (TRDWS and TRDWP) accounted for about 20%, 23% and 13% of the total variations, respectively. Only epistatic loci were found for maximum adventitious root length and adventitious root number in paper culture (MARLP and ARNP), and for ratio of root to shoot in both paper and solution culture (R/SP and R/SS), which accounted for about 12%-61% of the total variations in the parameters, respectively. No identical QTL or epistatic loci were found for the parameters in both solution and paper culture. The results indicate that there is a different genetic system responsible to root growth of rice seedlings under lowland and upland conditions and epistasis might be the major genetic basis for MARLP, ARNP, R/SP and R/SS.  相似文献   

To identify the genetic background of seminal root length under different water-supply conditions, a recombinant inbred (RI) population consisting of 150 lines, derived from a cross between an indica lowland rice, IR1552, and a tropical japonica upland rice, Azucena, was used in both solution culture (lowland condition) and paper culture (upland condition). Quantitative trait loci (QTLs) and epistatic loci for seminal root length were analyzed using 103 restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) markers and 104 amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) markers mapped on 12 chromosomes based on the RI population. One QTL for seminal root length in solution culture (SRLS) and one for seminal root length in paper culture (SRLP) were detected on chromosomes 8 and 1, and about 11% and 10% of total phenotypic variation were explained, respectively. The QTL for SRLP on chromosome 1 was very similar with the QTL for the longest nodal root referred to in a previous report; this QTL may be phenotypically selectable in a breeding program using paper culture. Five pairs of epistatic loci for SRLS were detected, but only one for SRLP, which accounted for about 60% and 20% of the total variation in SRLS and SRLP, respectively. The results indicate that epistasis is a major genetic basis for seminal root length, and there is a different genetic system responsible for seminal root growth under different water supply conditions. Received: 26 May 2000 / Accepted: 19 October 2000  相似文献   

To genetically dissect drought resistance associated with japonica upland rice, we evaluated a doubled haploid (DH) population from a cross between two japonica cultivars for seven root traits under three different growing conditions (upland, lowland and upland in PVC pipe). The traits included basal root thickness (BRT), total root number (RN), maximum root length (MRL), root fresh weight (RFW), root dry weight (RDW), ratio of root fresh weight to shoot fresh weight (RFW/SFW) and ratio of root dry weight to shoot dry weight (RDW/SDW). The BRT was significantly correlated with the index of drought resistance, which was defined as the ratio of yield under the stress of the upland condition to that under the normal lowland condition. A complete genetic linkage map with 165 molecular markers covering 1,535 cM was constructed. Seven additive quantitative trait loci (QTLs) and 15 pairs of epistatic loci for BRT and RN were identified under upland and lowland conditions, and 12 additive QTLs and 17 pairs of epistatic QTLs for BRT, RN, MRL, RFW, RFW/SFW and RDW/SDW were identified under the PVC pipe condition. Four additive QTLs and one pair of epistatic QTLs controlling IDR were also found. These QTLs individually explained up to 25.6% of the phenotypic variance. QTL × environment (Q × E) interactions were detected for all root traits, and the contributions of these interactions ranged from 1.1% to 19.9%. Five co-localized QTLs controlling RFW and RDW, RFW/SFW, RDW/SDW and IDR, BRT and RN, RN, MRL and IDR were found. Four types of QTLs governing BRT and RN were classified by their detection in the upland and lowland conditions. Some common QTLs for root traits across different backgrounds were also revealed. These co-localized QTLs and common QTLs will facilitate marker-assisted selection for root traits in rice breeding programs.  相似文献   

To investigate the genetic factors underlying constitutive and adaptive root growth under different water-supply conditions, a double haploid (DH) population, derived from a cross between lowland rice variety IR64 and upland rice variety Azucena, with 284 molecular markers was used in cylindrical pot experiments. Several QTLs for seminal root length (SRL), adventitious root number (ARN) and total root dry weight (RW) respectively, under both flooding and upland conditions were detected. Two identical QTLs for SRL and RW were found under flooding and upland conditions. The relative parameters defined as the ratio of parameters under the two water-supply conditions were also used for QTL analysis. A comparative analysis among different genetic populations was performed for the QTLs for root traits and several consistent QTLs for root traits across genetic backgrounds were detected. Candidate genes for cell expansion and elongation were used for comparative mapping with the detected QTLs. Four cell wall-related expressed sequence tags (ESTs) for OsEXP2, OsEXP4, EXT and Xet were mapped on the intervals carrying the QTLs for root traits.  相似文献   

To investigate the genetic background for aluminum (Al) tolerance in rice, a recombinant inbred (RI) population, derived from a cross between an Al-sensitive lowland indica rice variety IR1552 and an Al-tolerant upland japonica rice variety Azucena, was used in culture solution. A molecular linkage map, together with 104 amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) markers and 103 restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) markers, was constructed to map quantitative trait loci (QTLs) and epistatic loci for Al tolerance based on the segregation for relative root length (RRL) in the population. RRL was measured after stress for 2 and 4 weeks at a concentration of 1mM of Al3+ and a control with a pH 4.0, respectively. Two QTLs were detected at both the 2nd and the 4th weeks on chromosomes 1 and 12 from unconditional mapping, while the QTL on chromosome 1 was only detected at the 2nd stress week from conditional mapping. The effect of the QTL on chromosome 12 was increased with an increase of the stress period from 2 to 4 weeks. The QTL on chromosome 1 was expressed only at the earlier stress, but its contribution to tolerance was prolonged during growth. At least one different QTL was detected at the different stress periods. Mean comparisons between marker genotypic classes indicated that the positive alleles at the QTLs were from the Al-tolerant upland rice Azucena. An important heterozygous non-allelic interaction on Al tolerance was found. The results indicated that tolerance in the younger seedlings was predominantly controlled by an additive effect, while an epistatic effect was more important to the tolerance in older seedlings; additionally the detected QTLs may be multiple allelic loci for Al tolerance and phosphorus-uptake efficiency, or for Al and Fe2+ tolerance. Received: 29 July 1999 / Accepted: 13 October 1999  相似文献   

The variation of seedling characteristics under different water supply conditions is strongly associated with drought resistance in rice (Oryza sativa L.) and a better elucidation of its genetics is helpful for improving rice drought resistance. Ninety-six doubled-haploid (DH)rice lines of an indica and japonica cross were grown in both flooding and upland conditions and QTLs for morphological traits at seedling stage were examined using 208 restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) and 76 microsatellite (SSR) markers. A total of 32 putative QTLs were associated with the four seedling traits: average of three adventitious root lengths (ARL), shoot height (SH), shoot biomass (SW), and root to shoot dry weight ratio (RSR). Five QTLs detected were the same under control and upland conditions. The ratio between the mean value of the seedling trait under upland and flooding conditions was used for assessing drought tolerance. A total of six QTLs for drought tolerance were detected. Comparative analysis was performed for the QTLs detected in this case and those reported from two other populations with the same upland rice variety Azucena as parent. Several identical QTLs for seedling elongation across the three populations with the positive alleles from the upland rice Azucena were detected, which suggests that the alleles of Azucena might be involved in water stress-accelerated elongation of rice under different genetic backgrounds. Five cell wall-related candidate genes for OsEXP1, OsEXP2, OsEXP4, EXT, and EGase were mapped on the intervals carrying the QTLs for seedling traits.  相似文献   

Drought is a major abiotic stress of upland rice, and good root growth has been associated with drought avoidance. We report on the genetic mapping of root growth traits in an F2 population derived from two drought-resistant rice varieties, ‘Bala’ and ‘Azucena’. Restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) between the parents was 32%, and a molecular map with 71 marker loci and 17 linkage groups covering 1280 cM was produced. Quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for eight root growth characteristics were mapped using phenotype data obtained in a hydroponic screen previously described in a companion paper. Using a significance threshold of LOD 2.4, we observed one QTL for maximum root length after 28 days growth on chromosome 11. It had a LOD score of 6.9, explained nearly 30% of the variation and appeared to be largely additive in effect. QTLs for maximum root length after 3, 7, 14 and 21 days of growth were also revealed. Some root-length QTLs, including that on chromosome 11, varied greatly with developmental stage. One QTL for root volume and two QTLs for adventitious root thickness were detected. No QTLs were detected for the length of cells in the mature (fully expanded) zone of adventitious root tips. The results obtained are discussed in the context of previous reports on mapping root growth parameters in rice.  相似文献   

水、旱条件下水稻茎秆主要抗倒伏性状的QTL分析   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
以粳型旱稻IRAT109和粳型水稻越富杂交的116个DH株系的群体为材料,利用已构建的分子标记连锁图(包括94个RFLP标记和71个SSR标记),定位了水稻茎秆主要抗倒伏性状的QTL。在水田、旱田栽培条件下,考查了乳熟期DH系及其亲本的茎基粗、茎秆长及茎秆强度等性状。相关分析表明,茎基粗与茎秆长、茎基粗与茎秆强度及茎秆长与茎秆强度间均呈极显著正相关。利用QTLMAPPER进行水、旱田单环境定位分析及水、旱田联合定位分析定位了控制这些性状的QTL。水、旱田单环境定位分析结果表明:3个性状共检测到9个加性QTL和5对上位性QTL;联合定位分析表明:茎基粗、茎秆长共检测到6个加性QTL和6对上位性QTL,其中6个加性QTL和1对上位性QTL在两种方法下都检测到。旱田条件下检测到2个加性及2对上位性QTL(bctla、ct9、c16a-c16c和cs5-cs12)对表型变异的贡献率(简称贡献率)大于30%。这些高贡献率QTL可能对旱田条件下旱稻抗倒伏分子育种有重要意义。  相似文献   

Li J  Wang D  Xie Y  Zhang H  Hu G  Li J  Dai A  Liu L  Li Z 《遗传学报》2011,38(11):547-556
Introgression lines (ILs) are valuable materials for identifying quantitative trait loci (QTLs),evaluating genetic interactions,and marker assisted breeding.A set of 430 ILs (BC5F3) containing segments from upland tropical japonica cultivar IRAT109 in a lowland temperate japonica cultivar Yuefu background were developed.One hundred and seventy-six polymorphic markers were used to identify introgressed segments.No segment from IRAT 109 was found in 160 lines.Introgressed segments of the other 270 lines covered 99.1% of the donor genome.The mean number of introgressed donor segments per individual was 3.3 with an average length of 14.4 cM.QTL analysis was conducted on basal root thickness (BRT) of the 270 ILs grown under irrigated lowland,upland and hydroponic conditions.A total of 22 QTLs affecting BRT were identified,six QTLs (qBRT3.1,qBRT3.2,qBRT6.1,qBRT8.2,qBRT9.1,and qBRT9.2) were consistently expressed under at least two environments (location and water regime),and qBRT7.2 was a new BRT QTL identified under lowland conditions.IL255 containing qBRT9.1 showed an increase of 10.09% and 7.07% BRT over cultivar Yuefu when grown under upland and lowland conditions,respectively.Using a population of 304 F2:3 lines derived from the cross IL255 × Yuefu,qBRT9.1 was validated and mapped to a 1.2 cM interval between RM24271 and RM566.The presence of qBRT9.1 explained 12% of BRT variation.The results provide upland rice ILs and BRT QTLs for analyzing the genetic basis of drought resistance,detecting favorable genes from upland rice,and rice drought resistance breeding.  相似文献   

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