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Parvalbumin-like material was localized using an immunoeytochcmieal method, in neurons of the central nervous system and in cells intermingled in the skin of the earthworm. Lumbricus terreslris L. Parvalbumin-immunoreactive material was found in the cytoplasm of perikarya and neutrites, not in the nucleoplasm. In contrast to vertebrates, Lumbricus musculature did not contain parvalbumin-immunoreactive material.  相似文献   

Summary Photoreceptor cells in the epidermis and nerve branches of the prostomium and in the cerebral ganglion of Lumbricus terrestris were investigated with the electron microscope. The photoreceptor cell is similar to the visual cell of Hirudo by having a central intracellular cavity (phaosome) filled with microvilli. Besides microvilli, several sensory cilia can also be found in the phaosome but they are structurally independent of the microvilli. A gradual branching of the phaosome cavity into smaller cavities makes its sectional profile extremely labyrinthic. Flattened smooth-surfaced cisternae in stacks of 2 to 5 are frequently observed around the phaosome. Characteristic constituents of the cytoplasm are vesicles and vacuoles filled with a substance of varying density. The photoreceptor cell is covered by glial cells or by their processes which at many places deeply invaginate the cell surface (trophospongium).
Zusammenfassung Die Feinstruktur der Photorezeptorzellen in der Epidermis, in kleineren Nervenästen und im Zerebralganglion von Lumbricus terrestris wurde untersucht. Das Vorhandensein eines zentralen, intrazellulären Lumens (Phaosom), das mit Mikrozotten gefüllt ist, erinnert in der Struktur der Photorezeptorzelle des Regenwurms an Lichtsinneszellen von Hirudo. Außer Mikrozotten findet man im Phaosom einige Zilien vom Typ 9×2+0; solche Zilien sind von den Mikrozotten strukturell unabhängig. Durch eine Aufzweigung des Phaosoms in kleinere Buchten, die tief in das umgebende Zytoplasma eindringen, erhält es ein labyrinthartiges Aussehen.Glatte Zisternen in Gruppen von 2 bis 5 wurden oft um das Phaosom im Zytoplasma beobachtet. Charakteristische Bestandteile der Zelle sind noch Vesikel und Vakuolen, die mit einer Substanz von wechselnder Elektronendichte gefüllt sind. Die Photorezeptorzellen werden von Gliazellen und Gliafortsätzen umgeben, die an vielen Stellen die Zelloberfläche tief einstülpen (Trophospongium).

Synopsis Coelomocytes of the earthworm,Lumbricus terrestris, were stained by cytochemical techniques to determine the biochemical composition of the seven different cell types and subtypes. The enzymes acid phosphatase and -glucuronidase are present in all types of coelomocytes, but are especially abundant in basophils and neutrophils; the differences in enzyme amounts correlate well with the differences in phagocytic activity of the various cell types. No peroxidase is present. The cytoplasmic basophilia of basophils is due primarily to ribonucleic acid. Basophils also contain large deposits of glycogen, with neutrophils and chloragogen cells containing somewhat lesser amounts. The predominant granules of the two types of acidophils and of granulocytes are composed of a basic protein and a neutral mucopolysaccharide or glycoprotein. A second granule population, present in low numbers in acidophils and granulocytes, but in larger numbers in basophils and neutrophils, is small in size and lipid-positive and may, in part, represent lysosomes.Lipid is especially abundant in the vesicles and granules of the two types of chloragogen cells. Some granules of chloragogen cells also contain ferrous and ferric iron and a substance with pseudoperoxidase activity. The cytoplasm contains protein, glycogen, and a neutral mucopolysaccharide. In addition, acid mucopolysaccharides are variably present in the cytoplasm of chloragogen cells, the only coelomocytes to contain this class of substances.  相似文献   

  • 1.1. Coelomic fluid of the earthworm, Lumbricus terrestris, contains lipid agglutinins that are primarily glycolipids. They are present in fluid from both immunized (induced) and unimmunized (naturally occurring) worms.
  • 2.2. Lumbricus agglutinins partially purified by Folch extraction followed by silicic acid chromatography, were present in all fractions but in highest concentration in acetone and methanol fractions.
  • 3.3. Immunodetection revealed agglutinin activity in acetone and methanol fractions, but not in the chloroform fraction.

Summary Coelomocytes of the earthworm, Lumbricus terrestris, were studied by transmission electron microscopy. Four morphological cell types are distinguishable: lymphocytic coelomocytes, granulocytic coelomocytes, eleocytes (chloragogen cells), and inclusion-containing coelomocytes. Within these major categories, several distinct cell types differ and may represent developmental stages. The two types of lymphocytic coelomocytes are small with central nuclei and scanty cytoplasms. Two types of granulocytic coelomocytes differ greatly in shape and content; both have small dark-staining granules that resemble lysosomes. Electrocytes, derived from chloragogen tissue, contain a variety of granules, inclusions and vacuoles. Inclusion-containing coelomocytes appear as two types which may be immature and mature forms. Although these cells resemble those that have been referred to as erythroid cells in other invertebrates, the large inclusion bodies are apparently unrelated to hemoglobin; they can undergo morphologic transformation and be extruded by exocytosis. This information on lymphocytic, granulocytic and inclusion-containing coelomocytes is crucial to understanding more about cellular immunity in the earthworm.D.S.L. is supported by USPHS Training Grant AI-00453-05. E.A.S., D.H.M. and E.L.C. are supported by USPHS Grant HD-09333-03  相似文献   

Summary A method for preparation of biological specimens for electron probe X-ray microanalysis is described, that aims at retaining the original elemental distribution within the tissue at the cellular level. The tissue is without any chemical fixation, quench-frozen, and 16-m sections are prepared with a conventional cryomicrotome, transferred to a carbon specimen holder and freeze-dried.Adjacent serial sections, collected on glass slides and stained with various histological procedures, are used to correlate the data obtained by X-ray microanalysis with other histochemical information on the same cell or tissue.To demonstrate the possibilities of the method, sections of the earthworm Lumbricus terrestris were analyzed. In the chloragogenous cells, high concentrations of Ca, Zn and P were found. The inner and outer muscle layer show slightly different properties, both with regard to elemental composition and to myofibrillar ATPase activity.  相似文献   

Summary InLumbricus terrestris the wall of the pharynx is built up from obliquely striated longitudinal and circular muscle layers. The occurrence of perikarya and nerve bundles showing green fluorescence suggests the presence of aminergic innervation in the pharynx. A significant number of chemical synapses were detected in the neuropil among axon terminals. The junctional gap is generally 100–300 nm wide in type I junctions which resemble the cholinergic motor endplates of vertebrate skeletal muscle. A narrow junctional gap of about 25 nm is characteristic of the close contacts in the type II neuromuscular junction. Agranular spherical vesicles, together with small and large dense-cored granules, fill in these axon terminals.  相似文献   

There are numerous aldehyde fuchsin (AF)-positive, neurosecretory cells of medium size (A cells) and a small number of large, AF-negative neurons (B cells) in the cortical layer of the cerebral ganglion. In the subesophageal ganglion, symmetrical groups of AF-positive cells lie ventrally. The peroxidase--antiperoxidase (PAP) method was used for the immunocytochemical study of substance P and ACTH in these ganglia. In addition, the presence of L-enkephalin and alpha endorphin could be confirmed. Using rabbit antibodies to substance P we found small immunoreactive neurons among negative A and B cells in the cerebral ganglion. The processes of these immunoreactive cells could be traced to the subcortical synaptic neuropil. With antibodies to ACTH, activity was visible in perikarya similar in size to A neurons. A part of the nerve terminals of the synaptic zone, some of the B neurons and further several nerve cells of the subesophageal ganglion reacted positively. Successive demonstration of substance P and ACTH on the same section showed that the two materials occurred in different cell types. Using antiopsin antibody in an indirect immunocytochemical test we observed strong reaction in numerous medium-sized perikarya and in nerve fibres of the synaptic zone of the cerebral ganglion, further in some neurons of the subesophageal and abdominal ganglia. In contrast to this result, the photoreceptor cells of the prostomium and cerebral ganglion were negative. Presumably, substance P is present in a perikaryon type hitherto unrecognized while ACTH and antiopsin reactions seem to be located first of all in A cells.  相似文献   

Effects of transgenic Bt corn litter on the earthworm Lumbricus terrestris   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
A 200-day study was carried out to investigate the impact of transgenic Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) corn on immature and adult Lumbricus terrestris in the field and in the laboratory. Another objective of this study was to develop test methods that could be used for standard testing of the impact of transgenic plants on different earthworm species in the field and in the laboratory. For this purpose two different experiments were involved, a laboratory experiment with adult L. terrestris and a field experiment with immature L. terrestris. No lethal effects of transgenic Bt corn on immature and adult earthworms were observed. Immature L. terrestris in the field had a very similar growth pattern when fed either (Bt+) or (Bt-) corn litter. No significant differences in relative weights of (Bt+) and (Bt-) corn-fed adult L. terrestris were observed during the first 160 days of the laboratory trial, but after 200 days adult L. terrestris had a significant weight loss of 18% of their initial weight when fed (Bt+) corn litter compared to a weight gain of 4% of the initial weight of (Bt-) corn-fed earthworms. Further studies are necessary to see whether or not this difference in relative weight was due to the Bt toxin or other factors discussed in the study. Degradation of Cry1Ab toxin in corn residues was significantly slower in the field than at 10 degrees C in the laboratory. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay results indicated that earthworms in both experiments were exposed to the Bt toxin throughout the whole experimental time.  相似文献   

A method for preparation of biological specimens for electron probe X-ray microanalysis is described, that aims at retaining the original elemental distribution within the tissue at the cellular level. The tissue is without any chemical fixation, quench-frozen, and 16-micron sections are prepared with a conventional cryomicrotome, transferred to a carbon specimen holder and freeze-dried. Adjacent serial sections, collected on glass slides and stained with various histological procedures, are used to correlate the data obtained by X-ray microanalysis with other histochemical information on the same cell or tissue. To demonstrate the possibilities of the method, sections of the earthworm Lumbricus terrestris were analyzed. In the chloragogenous cells, high concentrations of Ca, Zn and P were found. The inner and outer muscle layer show slightly different properties, both with regard to elemental composition and to myofibrillar ATPase activity.  相似文献   

The presence of met- and leu-enkephalin-like immunoreactive materials in nerve, gut, seminal vesicle and body wall tissues of the earthworm Lumbricus terrestris has been demonstrated by means of radioimmunoassay technique. The greatest activity of met- and leu-enkephalin-like immunoreactivity in earthworm gut appears in regions of high digestive enzyme activity and gastrin-like immunoreactivity where it presumably plays a role in regulation of gut function. In all tissues studied the levels of met-enkephalin-like immunoreactivity were higher than that of leu-enkephalin-like immunoreactivity. Dual localization of met- and leu-enkephalin-like immunoreactivity in earthworm gut and nerve tissues follows the pattern observed of peptide hormones in vertebrates which are common to both endocrine and non-endocrine tissues.  相似文献   

Summary The origin of trypsin in the digestive tract of Lumbricus terrestris was localized by using the chromogenic tryptic substrate carbobenzyloxy-L-arginine--napthylamide HCl (CANA) coupled with the azo dye Fast Garnet GBC. The specificity of earthworm trypsin toward the naphthylamide substrate was confirmed by disc gel electrophoresis of homogenates of the digestive tract and of intestinal fluid. Eluted fractions were assayed for tryptic activity using the synthetic substrates benzoyl-DL-arginine-p-nitroanilide (BAPA) and p-toluenesulfonyl-L-arginine methyl ester (TAME). The peak of activity toward these substrates corresponded in electrophoretic mobility to the band of CANA activity and all activities were abolished in the presence of the tryptic inhibitor N-tosyl-L-lysyl chloromethane HCl (TLCK).In frozen sections of the pharynx, esophagus, crop, gizzard and intestine, tryptic (CANA) activity was localized consistently only in the ventral and lateral fold epithelium of the pharynx. The chromogenic reaction was completely inhibited by pre-incubation of frozen sections with TLCK.Tissues from three regions of the pharynx were fixed and studied in an attempt to correlate electron microscopic observations with the histochemical results. Whereas mucousproducing cells are generally distributed in pharyngeal epithelium, heterogeneous spherical granules were found only in the ventral and lateral fold epithelium. Observations concerning the spherical secretory granules closely paralleled those of the histochemical reaction product suggesting that the spherical secretory granules may contain the tryptic enzyme.The authors wish to thank Ruth D. Merz and Sandra K. Elson for their technical assistance. The investigation was supported in part by funds to the Instrumentation Laboratories and from the Faculty Research Committee of Miami University.  相似文献   

Effect of some preparatory methods to make ready earthworm tissues for electron microscopical investigation has been studied in order to reveal structural components of the vascular wall. The method for an immediate fixation of the earthworm tissues in liquid nitrogen with a subsequent additional fixation in cooled 2.5% glutar aldehyde, applied in combination with OsO4-thiocarbohydroside-OsO4 method is optimal. This method of samples preparation gives a reliable information concerning existence of an internal--endothelial--lining in the earthworm vessels. A conclusion is made on a qualitatively new level of cell differentiation of the internal vascular lining in the earthworm, which is called phase of blast transformation of endotheliocytes.  相似文献   

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