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整株干旱降低盐棉46号叶片中的IAA总量,叶龄愈小下降愈多。幼叶中IAA总量的下降主要是结合态IAA减少的结果。气干和-1.7MPa PEG溶液渗透胁迫处理也降低离体成熟叶片的IAA总量,其变化与叶片含水量呈直线相关(r=0.905)。整株干旱处理提高各叶片的过氧化物酶活性,叶龄愈小提高愈多,但IAA氧化酶活性无显著变化。离体和整株干旱时IAA总量的下降,可能是过氧化物酶活性增加所致。  相似文献   

水分胁迫下荔枝叶片过氧化物酶和IAA氧化酶活性的变化   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
以适应山地栽培的抗旱性较强的东刘1号和适应河边栽培的抗旱性较弱的陈紫2年生荔枝(Litchi chinensis Sonn.)实生苗为试验材料,研究了水分胁迫下叶片细胞胞质,与(细胞)壁以离子键结合和壁以共价键结合的过氧化的酶(POD)和IAA氧化酶活性的变化。结果表明:在叶片中POD主要是以与壁以离子键结合的POD存在,占总活性的51.15%-52.15%,其次是细胞胞质POD,占44.20%-44.74%,与壁以共价键结合的POD活性最低,仅占3.44%-3.65%。与POD不同,IAA氧化酶绝大多数存在于细胞胞质中,占总活性的88.93%-89.29%,其次是少量的与壁以离子键结合的IAA氧化酶,占7.32%-7.63%,与壁以共价键结合的IAA氧化酶活性最低,仅占3.39%-3.44%;2个品种间差异不明显。水分胁迫下,叶片细胞胞质以及与壁以离子键和壁以共价键结合的POD和IAA氧化酶(比)活性均上升,抗旱笥较强的品种上升的幅度均大于抗旱性较弱的品种。  相似文献   

藏红花凝集素分子化学修饰与其活性的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对甘露糖专一性结合藏红花凝集素 (Crocussativuslectin ,CSL)分子进行化学修饰 ,测定酿酒酵母 (S .cerevisiae)凝集活性和寡糖专一性结合活性的变化 .实验结果表明 ,Cys的修饰与活性无关 ,Arg、Tyr和His的修饰降低了CSL分子的酵母凝集活性和寡糖结合活性 ,但对CSL的CD光谱无显著影响 ,表明其为凝集素的活性氨基酸残基 .Glu和Asp的化学修饰可使CSL的凝集活性大幅度降低 ,与特异性寡糖的亲和力增大 ,CD光谱变化明显 ,提示CSL分子中的Glu和Asp对其空间结构影响较大 ,氨基酸羧基的修饰导致CSL构象改变 ,蛋白与寡糖的结合位点暴露 ,可有效结合的位点数增加  相似文献   

黄瓜幼苗用0.1~1 ppm表油菜素内酯(epiBR)处理1~3d后,下胚轴中过氧化物酶活性明显低于对照;随着处理浓度的增加和处理时间的延长,与对照之间的差别愈趋增大。当浓度高于1ppm时,过氧化物酶的活性不再继续降低。表油菜素内醋对过氧化物酶活性的这种抑制作用需经约1O h的滞后期。IAA氧化酶的活性变化与过氧化物酶相似,epiBR处理时间愈长酶活性增加愈趋缓慢。 经IAA处理的下胚轴,过氧化物酶和IAA氧化酶的活性变化与对照无明显差异。这提示油菜素内酯与IAA促进生长可能是通过不同的作用方式。  相似文献   

Esculetin has been described as an inhibitor of tyrosinase and polyphenol oxidase and, therefore, of melanogenesis. In this work, we demonstrate that esculetin is not an inhibitor but a substrate of mushroom polyphenol oxidase (PPO) and horseradish peroxidase (POD), enzymes which oxidize esculetin, generating its o-quinone. Since o-quinones are very unstable, the usual way of determining the enzymatic activity (slope of recordings) is difficult. For this reason, we developed a chronometric method to characterize the kinetics of this substrate, based on measurements of the lag period in the presence of micromolar concentrations of ascorbic acid. The catalytic constant determined was of the same order for both enzymes. However, polyphenol oxidase showed greater affinity (a lower Michaelis constant) than peroxidase for esculetin. The affinity of PPO and POD towards oxygen and hydrogen peroxide was very high, suggesting the possible catalysis of both enzymes in the presence of low physiological concentrations of these oxidizing substrates. Taking into consideration optimum pHs of 4.5 and 7 for POD and PPO respectively, and the acidic pHs of melanosomes, the studies were carried out at pH 4.5 and 7. The in vivo pH might be responsible for the stronger effect of these enzymes on L-tyrosine and L-3,4-dihydroxyphenylanaline (L-DOPA) (towards melanogenesis) and on cumarins such as esculetin towards an alternative oxidative pathway.  相似文献   

考察壳聚糖(chitosan)、壳寡糖(chitosanoligosaccharides,COS)、茉莉酸甲酯(methyljasmonate,MJ)、水杨酸(salicylicacid,SA)和Cu2+等诱导子对藏红花悬浮培养细胞生长和藏红花色素合成的影响。结果表明:在实验考察浓度范围内,壳寡糖(1~500mg/L)和较低浓度壳聚糖(≤10mrdL)、MJ(≤10μmol/L)、SA(≤10μμmol/L)和Cu2+(≤1μmoL/L)对细胞生长无显著影响;较高浓度壳聚糖(≥100mg/L)、MJ(≥100μmol/L)、SA(≥100μmoL/L)和cu“(≥10μmoL/L)显著抑制细胞生长。5种诱导子对藏红花色素合成的诱导效果不同,并且与诱导子作用浓度和添加时间有关。MJ诱导效果最好,在细胞培养第0天添加终浓度100仙moL/LMJ,藏红花色素含量(以1克干细胞计)达到28.57mg,比对照提高177.9%。其次是cu“,在细胞培养第4天添加终浓度500μmoL/LCu2+,色素含量达到19.82mg,比对照提高108.2%。再次是壳聚糖和壳寡糖,在细胞培养第14天分别添加终质量浓度100mg/L壳聚糖和壳寡糖,色素含量分别达到18.33和17.39mg,比对照提高69.1%和69.0%。最后是SA,在细胞培养第14天添加终浓度10μmoL/LSA,色素含量达到14.65mg,比对照提高45.4%。  相似文献   

水杨酸、乙酰水杨酸对番茄幼苗叶片中PPO和POD的诱导作用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
以番茄品种改良美国908和合作906为试验材料,研究了水杨酸(SA)和乙酰水杨酸(ASA)喷雾处理6-7叶期幼苗后,叶片内多酚氧化酶(PPO)和过氧化物酶(POD)活性在120 h内的变化.结果显示:SA和ASA对2个番茄品种的适宜诱导浓度分别为1 mmol/L和1.39 mmol/L;SA和ASA对PPO活性的诱导效果无显著差异,但对POD活性的诱导效果SA极显著强于ASA;合作906的PPO活性增幅显著大于改良美国908,而POD活性增幅却显著小于改良美国908,且合作906对诱导处理反应更敏感.研究表明,SA和ASA能显著提高番茄幼苗叶片的PPO、POD活性,而酶活性变化在品种和诱导剂间有显著差异.  相似文献   

Saffron (Crocus sativus L.), and its main constituents, crocin, and crocetin have shown promising effects as an antileukemic agent in animal models and cell culture systems. Saffron retards the growth of cancer cells via inhibiting nucleic acid synthesis and enhancing antioxidative system. It can induce apoptosis and chemosensitivity via inhibiting multidrug resistance proteins. Saffron also induces differentiation pathways via inhibiting promyelocytic leukemia/retinoic acid receptor-α, histone deacetylase1, and tyrosyl DNA phosphodiesterase-1 as well. The present review highlights the most recent findings on the antileukemic effects of saffron and its underlying molecular targets. The emerging evidence suggests that saffron has a selective toxicity effect against leukemic cells while is safe for the normal cells.  相似文献   


Crocus sativus L. is known in herbal medicine for the various pharmacological effects of its components, but no data are found in literature about its biological properties toward Helicobacter pylori, Plasmodium spp. and Leishmania spp. In this work, the potential anti-bacterial and anti-parasitic effects of crocin and safranal, two important bioactive components in C. sativus, were explored, and also some semi-synthetic derivatives of safranal were tested in order to establish which modifications in the chemical structure could improve the biological activity. According to our promising results, we virtually screened our compounds by means of molecular modeling studies against the main H. pylori enzymes in order to unravel their putative mechanism of action.  相似文献   

Effects of age and variety of explant as well as of exogenous hormones on regeneration of style-stigma-like structure in vitro were observed in saffron. (1) Explants excised from stalk, perianth, anther, ovary, style and stigma showed different reactions in vitro, only young perianth and style could regenerate the style-stigma-like structures; (2) Age of the perianth explant had obvious effect on induction frequency, and the explants excised from an inflorescence of 24mm in length showed the highest frequency (37.5%) and (3) Experiments on exogenous hormones made clear that supplement with K 5mg/L and NAA 4mg/L was advantageous to regeneration of style-stigma-like structure. Induction frequency reached 35.3%. Supplement with 6-BAP 7mg/L and NAA 9mg/L could promote the formation of stigma like structures.  相似文献   

The effect of Phytophthora leaf blight disease, caused by Phytophthora colocasiae Raciborski, on the accumulation of phenolics and polyphenol oxidase (PPO) activity in ex vitro plants was studied in three resistant (DP‐25, Duradim and Jhankri) and one susceptible (N‐118) genotypes of taro [Colocasia esculenta (L). Schott]. The inoculation of taro leaves with P. colocasiae spores resulted in a quantitative change in both biochemical parameters and induction of PPO isoforms in resistant genotypes. The amount of phenolics was increased owing to blight by 68.02%, 58.87%, 52.67% and 11.50% in DP‐25, Duradim, Jhankri and N‐118, respectively. The per cent increase in PPO under stress over non‐stress condition was also highest in DP‐25 (49.14%) followed by Duradim (41.56%), Jhankri (40.55%) and N‐118 (17.08%). The resistant genotypes showed higher activity of PPO as compared with susceptible ones, which was reflected through its banding pattern in isoenzyme analysis, detecting four different isoforms. The intensity of the bands was higher in the resistant genotypes than in susceptible N‐118. The appearance of high intensity bands and/or reduction in the intensity of particular isoform(s) in the zymograms of all the three resistant taro genotypes studied, led to the apparent conclusion of linking PPO isoenzyme expression with blight resistance in taro. The blight incidence (per cent leaf infection and leaf area infection) was lower in the resistant genotypes than in susceptible, N‐118. The yield reduction owing to blight was below 20% in DP‐25, Jhankri and Duradim, while the same was more than 40% in N‐118. The phenolics and PPO activity was negatively correlated with disease incidence and yield reduction owing to blight. Based on the results of disease incidence, biochemical contents and yield, the pattern of stress tolerance was DP‐25 > Duradim > Jhankri > N‐118. The studied parameters, i.e. phenolics and PPO could be used as biochemical markers for leaf blight stress tolerance studies in taro.  相似文献   

藏红花 (CrocussativusL .)又名番红花、西红花 ;藏药中称为苟日苟木。它是鸢尾科草本植物 ,原产于欧洲、地中海地区。我国长期以来把它作为珍贵的中藏药。其药用部位是柱头 ,有效成分主要是藏红花素、藏红花酸、藏红花醛和藏红花苦素。丁葆祖等于 1979年首次从藏红花的球茎获得完整的植株[1 ] 。Sano等人 1987年在离体条件下 ,诱导花柱 柱头状物再生获得成功[2 ] ,此后国内外不断有相关报道[3~ 7] 。但试验大多集中在由外植体直接或由愈伤组织间接诱导柱头状物 ,且花柱 柱头状物的频率低和数量少。我们试图先由藏红花…  相似文献   

表油菜素内酯对绿豆上胚轴内源IAA及其氧化酶的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
用0.5ppm表油菜素内酯处理绿豆幼苗,显著促进上胚轴伸长生长,若切除真叶则可抑制表油菜素内酯诱导的效应。三碘苯甲酸(TIBA)也可抑制表油菜素内酯促进的伸长生长。外源IAA能部分恢复TIBA的抑制效应。经处理的上胚轴内源IAA含量明显高于对照。暗示表油菜素内酯可能通过对内源IAA的调节来促进绿豆上胚轴的伸长生长。 表油菜素内酯处理的绿豆上胚轴组织中,与生长素降解密切相关的IAA氧化酶以及过氧化物酶活性均明显低于对照。  相似文献   

FTFLOWERING LOCUS T)及其同源基因作为三大开花途径整合子之一,被认为是调控植物开花的重要基因。为了深入研究FT同源基因的功能以及西红花(Crocus sativus L.)开花的分子机理,对已报道的3个西红花FT同源基因(CsatFT1CsatFT2CsatFT3)进行分离及分析。gDNA包含长度分别为835、1 642和1 132 bp的完整开放阅读框(ORF),均具有4个外显子和3个内含子;cDNA包含长度分别为528、525和540 bp的ORF,分别编码175、174和179个氨基酸;系统进化分析表明,CsatFT1、CsatFT2、CsatFT3分别和同为单子叶植物的水仙(Narcissus chinensis)NtFT、麝香百合(Lilium longiflorum)LlFT和洋葱(Allium cepa)AcFT1表现出较近的遗传距离。qRT-PCR分析结果显示,小球茎膨大阶段前期,CsatFT1CsatFT2CsatFT3在叶片中表达水平最高,侧根中次之,子球茎、主根中极低几乎检测不到;小球茎膨大阶段后期,CsatFT1CsatFT2CsatFT3都在子球茎中表达水平较高,在顶芽中几乎检测不到;室内储藏开花阶段,CsatFT1CsatFT2CsatFT3在柱头中表达水平最高,叶中次之,花瓣和花药中较低几乎检测不到。通过观测转基因烟草(Nicotiana tabacum)和转基因拟南芥(Arabidopsis thaliana)植株表型发现,CsatFT1,CsatFT2CsatFT3均具有促进植物提早开花的功能。  相似文献   

结球白菜、结球甘蓝和菠菜在衰老期间的呼吸强度逐渐上升,后期下降,呈有峰型变化,而结球生菜的呼吸强度随衰老而下降,呈无峰型变化。外源乙烯使前三者的呼吸峰提前,但不改变其变化趋势,使后者出现呼吸峰。衰老期间内源乙烯均上升;过氧化物酶活力增加,IAA含量下降,两者存在极显著负相关。幼叶乙烯生成与IAA含量相关,老叶乙烯生成不受IAA水平影响。  相似文献   

离体马尾松(Pinus massoniana Lamb.)胚萌发过程中,过氧化物酶活性逐步增强,10h和40h出现两个剧增期,IAA氧化酶活性逐渐降低、10h和40h出现两个剧降期,IAA含量则一直维持上升趋势,同位素前体标记检测表明,蛋白质合成速率在5h明显提高,15h速率加快,30-40h出现一个平缓阶段,40h后剧增;RNA合成速率,在15h以前处于低水平,15h开始加快,25-30h出现一个平缓阶段,30h后速度提高;DNA合成速率在40h才明显加快。  相似文献   

在分蘖前期喷施适宜浓度(100mg/L)乙烯利提高了蔗茎的过氧化物酶活性和IAA氧化酶的活性。用100mg/L乙烯利处理后,两个品种根部的过氧化物酶和IAA氧化酶活性明显高于上部的活性,并且比对照和400mg/L乙烯利处理的效果明显。乙烯利处理后新台糖16号上部节间的酸性转化酶活性始终高于下部节间的酶活性,其中100mg/L乙烯利处理下部节间的明显低于对照的;乙烯利处理后新台糖22号茎内的酸性转化酶活性也低于对照的,但与对照的差异相对比新台糖16号的小。  相似文献   

Cucumis sativus L.) seedlings were irradiated or not irradiated with UV-B for several days in environment-controlled growth chambers. The first leaves irradiated with UV-B were retarded in growth but simultaneously acquired a remarkably high tolerance to oxidative stress, as induced by paraquat treatment, compared with the non-irradiated leaves. This enhanced tolerance was observed within 1d after the start of UV-B irradiation and was maintained during the 12 d period of UV-B treatment. The effects of UV-B on several antioxidative enzymes were examined, and activities of superoxide dismutase, ascorbate peroxidase and guaiacol peroxidase, but not of glutathione reductase, were found to be enhanced. However, activation of these enzymes occurred only from 6 d after the start of irradiation. In contrast, accumulation of phenolic compounds was observed within 1d after the start of UV-B irradiation. HPLC analysis of phenolic compounds showed the distinct enhancement of a substance, which may have antioxidative properties in cucumber seedlings irradiated with UV-B. On the basis of these results, we conclude that not only antioxidative enzymes but also other factors in cucumber seedlings irradiated with UV-B, such as phenolic compounds, may participate in the enhanced tolerance to oxidative stress. Received 10 June 2000/ Accepted in revised form 1 July 2000  相似文献   

Cytoplasmic and salt-extracted peroxidase and IAA oxidase activities were studied in Phaseolus vulgaris hypocotyls treated with gibberellic acid (GA, 200 μM), naphthyl acetic acid (NAA, 100 μM) and distilled water control (DW). Peroxidase activity was assayed with four hydrogen donors during the initial phase of hypocotyl elongation. Though peroxidase activity showed a decreasing trend with time in all the hydrogen donors studied; considerable variation with different hydrogen donors was observed. NAA had maximum peroxidase activity as compared to DW or GA treatment. The activity showed a clear inverse correlation with hypocotyl growth. IAA oxidase activity showed a similar trend with growth as peroxidase activity. A highly significant correlation was observed between peroxidase and IAA oxidase activities and high molecular weight xyloglucan content (P<0.001). Finally, the possible role of peroxidase and IAA oxidase activities in hypocotyl elongation growth is discussed.  相似文献   

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