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High serum/plasma cholesterol levels have been suggested as a risk factor for Alzheimer's disease (AD). Some reports, mostly retrospective epidemiological studies, have observed a decreased prevalence of AD in patients taking the cholesterol lowering drugs, statins. The strongest evidence causally linking cholesterol to AD is provided by experimental studies showing that adding/reducing cholesterol alters amyloid precursor protein (APP) and amyloid beta‐protein (Aβ) levels. However, there are problems with the cholesterol‐AD hypothesis. Cholesterol levels in serum/plasma and brain of AD patients do not support cholesterol as a causative factor in AD. Prospective studies on statins and AD have largely failed to show efficacy. Even the experimental data are open to interpretation given that it is well‐established that modification of cholesterol levels has effects on multiple proteins, not only amyloid precursor protein and Aβ. The purpose of this review, therefore, was to examine the above‐mentioned issues, discuss the pros and cons of the cholesterol‐AD hypothesis, involvement of other lipids in the mevalonate pathway, and consider that AD may impact cholesterol homeostasis.


We investigated the association between two single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the adiponectin gene (rs822395 and rs266729) and coronary artery disease (CAD) in a case-control study of 198 unrelated Chinese CAD patients (with ≥ 70% coronary stenosis or previous myocardial infarction) and 237 non-CAD controls. The ligase reaction was used to detect SNPs rs822395 and rs266729, and the allelic association of these SNPs with the occurrence and severity of CAD was assessed. There were no significant differences in the genotypic or allelic frequencies of the two SNPs between control and CAD individuals. In addition, there was no association between the two SNPs and the severity of CAD based on the number of diseased vessels. The frequencies of alleles C and G at rs266729 differed significantly between females in the CAD and control groups, but not between males. Female carriers of allele G at rs266729 had a higher risk of CAD compared with allele C carriers (OR = 1.30, 95% CI: 1.09-2.64, p = 0.02). These results indicate a gender-specific effect of the adiponectin gene rs266729 variant in modulating the risk of CAD in women.  相似文献   

Native proteins are marginally stable. Low thermodynamic stability may actually be advantageous, although the accumulation of neutral, destabilizing mutations may have also contributed to it. In any case, once marginal stability has been reached, it appears plausible that mutations at non-constrained positions become fixed in the course of evolution (due to random drift) with frequencies that roughly reflect the mutation effects on stability ("pseudo-equilibrium hypothesis"). We have found that all glutamate-->aspartate mutations in wild-type Escherichia coli thioredoxin are destabilizing, as well as most of the aspartate-->glutamate mutations. Furthermore, the effect of these mutations on thioredoxin thermodynamic stability shows a robust correlation with the frequencies of occurrence of the involved residues in several-hundred sequence alignments derived from a BLAST search. These results provide direct and quantitative experimental evidence for the pseudo-equilibrium hypothesis and should have general consequences for the interpretation of mutation effects on protein stability, as they suggest that residue environments in proteins may be optimized for stabilizing interactions to a remarkable degree of specificity. We also provide evidence that such stabilizing interactions may be detected in sequence alignments, and briefly discuss the implications of this possibility for the derivation of structural information (on native and denatured states) from comparative sequence analyses.  相似文献   

SHP, the capsid-stabilizing protein of lambdoid phage 21, is highly resistant against denaturant-induced unfolding. We demonstrate that this high functional stability of SHP is due to a high kinetic stability with a half-life for unfolding of 25 days at zero denaturant, while the thermodynamic stability is not unusually high. Unfolding experiments demonstrated that the trimeric state (also observed in crystals and present on the phage capsid) of SHP is kinetically stable in solution, while the monomer intermediate unfolds very rapidly. We also determined the crystal structure of trimeric SHP at 1.5A resolution, which was compared to that of its functional homolog gpD. This explains how a tight network of H-bonds rigidifies crucial interpenetrating residues, leading to the observed extremely slow trimer dissociation or denaturation. Taken as a whole, our results provide molecular-level insights into natural strategies to achieve kinetic stability by taking advantage of protein oligomerization. Kinetic stability may be especially needed in phage capsids to allow survival in harsh environments.  相似文献   

We have developed two methods of identifying which non-synonomous single base changes have a deleterious effect on protein function in vivo. One method, described elsewhere, analyzes the effect of the resulting amino acid change on protein stability, utilizing structural information. The other method, introduced here, makes use of the conservation and type of residues observed at a base change position within a protein family. A machine learning technique, the support vector machine, is trained on single amino acid changes that cause monogenic disease, with a control set of amino acid changes fixed between species. Both methods are used to identify deleterious single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the human population. After carefully controlling for errors, we find that approximately one quarter of known non-synonymous SNPs are deleterious by these criteria, providing a set of possible contributors to human complex disease traits.  相似文献   

In the present work, we use structural information to characterize a set of disease-associated single amino acid polymorphisms exhaustively. The analysis of different properties, such as substitution matrix elements, secondary structure, accessibility, free energies of transfer from water to octanol, amino acid volume, etc., suggests that many disease-causing mutations are associated with extreme changes in the value of parameters relating to protein stability. Overall, our results indicate that, while knowledge of protein structure clearly helps in understanding these mutations, a finer understanding can come only from a quantitative knowledge of protein stability and of the protein environment in the cell. Interestingly, use of evolutionary information from multiple sequence alignments can be used to increase our knowledge of disease-associated mutations.  相似文献   

A circular form of bovine pancreatic trypsin inhibitor (BPTI) has been prepared by introducing a peptide bond between the N- and C-termini, which are in close proximity in the native conformation. The pathway and energetics of the disulphide-coupled folding transition of the circular protein have been studied using methods applied previously to the unmodified protein. The cross-link between the termini was found not to significantly stabilize the native state in spite of the expected reduction in entropy of the unfolded protein. This unexpected result has led to a reexamination of the stabilization expected from a cross-link, considering effects on the native, as well as unfolded, states of the protein. The greatest stabilization is expected when the cross-linked groups are held rigidly in the native protein in the optimum orientation for forming the cross-link. Similar analyses, utilizing thermodynamic cycles, can be applied to other interactions that stabilize native proteins, including disulphide bonds, salt bridges, and hydrogen bonds and to modifications to the protein that remove them. In general, the contribution of an individual interaction to the stability of the native state depends on the extent to which the interaction is favored in the native conformation, which can vary greatly depending on the local environment of the interacting groups.  相似文献   

Various studies suggest that the hydrophobic effect plays a major role in driving the folding of proteins. In the past, however, it has been challenging to translate this understanding into a predictive, quantitative theory of how the full pattern of sequence hydrophobicity in a protein shapes functionally important features of its tertiary structure. Here, we extend and apply such a phenomenological theory of the sequence‐structure relationship in globular protein domains, which had previously been applied to the study of allosteric motion. In an effort to optimize parameters for the model, we first analyze the patterns of backbone burial found in single‐domain crystal structures, and discover that classic hydrophobicity scales derived from bulk physicochemical properties of amino acids are already nearly optimal for prediction of burial using the model. Subsequently, we apply the model to studying structural fluctuations in proteins and establish a means of identifying ligand‐binding and protein–protein interaction sites using this approach.  相似文献   

Unnatural amino acids as probes of protein structure and function   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Nonsense suppression methodology, for incorporating unnatural amino acids into proteins, has enabled a wide range of studies into protein structure and function using both in vitro and in vivo translation systems. Although methodological challenges remain, scores of unnatural amino acids have been employed that include both subtle and dramatic variants of the natural set. A number of insights that would not have been possible using conventional site-directed mutagenesis have been gained.  相似文献   

Arg96 is a highly conservative residue known to catalyze spontaneous green fluorescent protein (GFP) chromophore biosynthesis. To understand a role of Arg96 in conformational stability and structural behavior of EGFP, the properties of a series of the EGFP mutants bearing substitutions at this position were studied using circular dichroism, steady state fluorescence spectroscopy, fluorescence lifetime, kinetics and equilibrium unfolding analysis, and acrylamide-induced fluorescence quenching. During the protein production and purification, high yield was achieved for EGFP/Arg96Cys variant, whereas EGFP/Arg96Ser and EGFP/Arg96Ala were characterized by essentially lower yields and no protein was produced when Arg96 was substituted by Gly. We have also shown that only EGFP/Arg96Cys possessed relatively fast chromophore maturation, whereas it took EGFP/Arg96Ser and EGFP/Arg96Ala about a year to develop a noticeable green fluorescence. The intensity of the characteristic green fluorescence measured for the EGFP/Arg96Cys and EGFP/Arg96Ser (or EGFP/Arg96Ala) was 5- and 50-times lower than that of the nonmodified EGFP. Intriguingly, EGFP/Arg96Cys was shown to be more stable than EGFP toward the GdmCl-induced unfolding both in kinetics and in the quasi-equilibrium experiments. In comparison with EGFP, tryptophan residues of EGFP/Arg96Cys were more accessible to the solvent. These data taken together suggest that besides established earlier crucial catalytic role, Arg96 is important for the overall folding and conformational stability of GFP.  相似文献   

Consensus-designed ankyrin repeat (AR) proteins are thermodynamically very stable. The structural analysis of the designed AR protein E3_5 revealed that this stability is due to a regular fold with highly conserved structural motifs and H-bonding networks. However, the designed AR protein E3_19 exhibits a significantly lower stability than E3_5 (9.6 vs. 14.8 kcal/mol), despite 88% sequence identity. To investigate the structural correlations of this stability difference between E3_5 and E3_19, we determined the crystal structure of E3_19 at 1.9 A resolution. E3_19 as well has a regular AR domain fold with the characteristic H-bonding patterns. All structural features of the E3_5 and E3_19 molecules appear to be virtually identical (RMSD(Calpha) approximately 0.7 A). However, clear differences are observed in the surface charge distribution of the two AR proteins. E3_19 features clusters of charged residues and more exposed hydrophobic residues than E3_5. The atomic coordinates of E3_19 have been deposited in the Protein Data Bank. PDB ID: 2BKG.  相似文献   

Solution structure of a two-repeat fragment of major vault protein   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Major vault protein (MVP) is the main constituent of vaults, large ribonucleoprotein particles implicated in resistance to cancer therapy and correlated with poor survival prognosis. Here, we report the structure of the main repeat element in human MVP. The approximately 55 amino acid residue MVP domain has a unique, novel fold that consists of a three-stranded antiparallel beta-sheet. The solution NMR structure of a two-domain fragment reveals the interdomain contacts and relative orientations of the two MVP domains. We use these results to model the assembly of 672 MVP domains from 96 MVP molecules into the ribs of the 13MDa vault structure. The unique features include a thin, skin-like structure with polar residues on both the cytoplasmic and internal surface, and a pole-to-pole arrangement of MVP molecules. These studies provide a starting point for understanding the self-assembly of MVP into vaults and their interactions with other proteins. Chemical shift perturbation studies identified the binding site of vault poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase, another component of vault particles, indicating that MVP domains form a new class of interaction-mediating modules.  相似文献   

Klotho protein has been associated with beneficial effects that contribute to the maintenance of cardiovascular health. Diverse studies suggest that alterations in the levels of this molecule may be associated with pathophysiological abnormalities that result in increased cardiovascular risk. The primary aim of this proof‐of‐concept study was to analyse the existence of a potential link between Klotho gene polymorphisms and the expression level of this gene in the vascular wall, and additionally with the incidence of cardiovascular disease and cardiovascular risk factors. Our results indicate that the variant G‐395A, located in the promoter region, influences Klotho gene vascular expression and is associated with the incidence of diabetes. Similarly, the exonic variant KL‐VS was associated with the incidence of atherosclerotic vascular disease and coronary artery disease. Moreover, vascular expression levels of Klotho were related with the incidence of diabetes mellitus and coronary artery disease. These findings, which need to be confirmed in larger studies, suggest a potential role of Klotho in the pathogenesis of vascular damage.  相似文献   

Intestinal fatty acid-binding protein (I-FABP) has a clam-shaped structure that may serve as a scaffold for the design of artificial enzymes and drug carriers. In an attempt to optimize the scaffold for increased access to the interior-binding cavity, several helix-less variants of I-FABP have been engineered. The solution-state NMR structure of the first generation helix-less variant, known as Delta17-SG, revealed a larger-than-expected and structurally ill-defined loop flanking the deletion site. We hypothesized that the presence of this loop, on balance, was energetically unfavorable for the stability of the protein. The structure exhibited no favorable pairwise or nonpolar interactions in the loop that could offset the loss of configurational entropy associated with the folding of this region of the protein. As an attempt to generate a more stable protein, we engineered a second-generation helix-less variant of I-FABP (Delta27-GG) by deleting 27 contiguous residues of the wild-type protein and replacing them with a G-G linker. The deletion site of this variant (D9 through N35) includes the 10 residues spanning the unstructured loop of Delta17-SG. Chemical denaturation experiments using steady-state fluorescence spectroscopy showed that the second-generation helix-less variant is energetically more stable than Delta17-SG. The three-dimensional structure of apo-Delta27-GG was solved using triple-resonance NMR spectroscopy along with the structure calculation and refinement protocols contained in the program package ARIA/CNS. In spite of the deletion of 27 residues, the structure assumes a compact all-beta-sheet fold with no unstructured loops and open access to the interior cavity.  相似文献   

Insertional fusion between host and guest protein domains has been employed to create multi-domain protein complexes displaying integrated and coupled functionalities. The effects of insertional fusion on the stability of a guest protein are however rather controversial. In the study described here, we examined whether the stability of inserted TEM1 beta-lactamase (BLA), as a guest protein, might be affected by the stability of a maltodextrin-binding protein (MBP), as a host protein. Our results indicate that expression levels and in vitro stability of the BLA domain were significantly higher when inserted into thermophilic MBP from Pyrococcus furiosus (PfMBP) compared to mesophilic MBP from Escherichia coli (EcMBP). Moreover, insertion into PfMBP at selected sites was found to improve thermal stability of the BLA domain without compromise in expression levels and BLA activity. Kinetic stabilization during prolonged thermal denaturation of the BLA domain was not guaranteed by insertion into PfMBP, but rather relied on the insertion sites. Taken together, we provide evidence that (i) the stability of the guest protein depended on the stability of the host protein in insertional fusion and (ii) insertion into PfMBP, at least at selected locations, can serve as a novel method of improving protein thermal stability.  相似文献   

Yunhui Peng  Emil Alexov 《Proteins》2016,84(2):232-239
Single amino acid variations (SAV) occurring in human population result in natural differences between individuals or cause diseases. It is well understood that the molecular effect of SAV can be manifested as changes of the wild type characteristics of the corresponding protein, among which are the protein stability and protein interactions. Typically the effect of SAV on protein stability and interactions was assessed via the changes of the wild type folding and binding free energies. However, in terms of SAV affecting protein functionally and disease susceptibility, one wants to know to what extend the wild type function is perturbed by the SAV. Here it is demonstrated that relative, rather than the absolute, change of the folding and binding free energy serves as a good indicator for SAV association with disease. Using HumVar as a source for disease‐causing SAV and experimentally determined free energy changes from ProTherm and SKEMPI databases, correlation coefficients (CC) between the disease index and relative folding and binding probability indexes, respectively, was achieved. The obtained CCs demonstrated the applicability of the proposed approach and it served as good indicator for SAV association with disease. Proteins 2016; 84:232–239. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

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