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We have developed a pre-embedding immunolabeling technique to identify basal lamina and extracellular matrix molecules in embryos at various stages of development. The technique works for both fluorescence optical microscopy (1-2.5-micron sections) and for transmission electron microscopy, and enables straigthforward correlation between the two. An additional advantage is the easy preparation of well-oriented serial sections, facilitating detailed studies of development.  相似文献   

We have developed a simple and unique strategy for identifying cell surface and extracellular matrix molecules produced by chondrocytes. Our strategy comprises two methods, retrovirus-based signal sequence gene trapping and culturing of Swarm rat chondrosarcoma chondrocytes. After infection with a retrovirus vector and isolation of hygromycin-resistant clones, trapped genes could be easily identified by the 5' rapid amplification of cDNA ends (5' RACE) method. Furthermore, the treatment of isolated clones with gadolinium chloride enabled us to determine whether the trapped gene expression was dependent on the state of chondrogenic differentiation.  相似文献   

Schwann cell extracellular matrix molecules and their receptors   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
The major cellular constituents of the mammalian peripheral nervous system are neurons (axons) and Schwann cells. During peripheral nerve development Schwann cells actively deposit extracellular matrix (ECM), comprised of basal lamina sheets that surround individual axon-Schwann cell units and collagen fibrils. These ECM structures are formed from a diverse set of macromolecules, consisting of glyco-proteins, collagens and proteoglycans. To interact with ECM, Schwann cells express a number of integrin and non-integrin cell surface receptors. The expression of many Schwann cell ECM proteins and their receptors is developmentally regulated and, in some cases, dependent on axonal contact. Schwann cell ECM acts as an organizer of peripheral nerve tissue and strongly influences Schwann cell adhesion, growth and differentiation and regulates axonal growth during development and regeneration.  相似文献   

When plated at appropriate densities in serum-free media, the COMMA-D mammary epithelial cell line rapidly reorganizes into multicellular spheres on the basement membrane matrix derived from Engelbreth-Holm-Swarm murine tumor. Using time-lapse video-microscopy, four stages of reorganization were discerned during the first 24 h of culture. In the first few hours, cells attached to the matrix, elongated, migrated, and formed chains. In the next 6 h, chains of cells linked together in anastomosing networks. In the period between 8 and 18 h postplating, the networks contracted, resulting in dense cords radiating from central aggregates. During the final 6 h, the cords were drawn into the aggregates, which condensed further into spheres. The events occurring during mammary epithelial cell reorganization on the matrix were shown to be mediated by cell surface beta-1,4-galactosyltransferase (GalTase), a receptor that binds N-acetylglucosamine residues on glycosylated proteins. GalTase activity was evident at the surface of cells cultured on reconstituted matrix for 3 h but was absent from cells on glass. The protein alpha-lactalbumin (alpha-LA) inhibits the association of GalTase with N-acetylglucosamine. alpha-LA present from the beginning of culture on reconstituted matrix had no effect on cell attachment but caused concentration-dependent inhibition of the first two steps of reorganization, i.e., cell elongation and network formation, which then interfered with subsequent events. These observations were replicated using polyclonal antibodies to GalTase. Reorganization was impaired when alpha-LA was added during the first two stages but no effect was observed when it was added during the last two stages. Cells cultured on plastic, which lack surface GalTase activity, were unperturbed by incubation with alpha-LA. Thus certain events (cell elongation and network elaboration) during mammary epithelial cell reorganization on reconstituted matrix are GalTase dependent, while others (attachment, network contraction, and compaction) are not. The functional and temporal specificity of GalTase involvement indicates that GalTase mediates cell-matrix, but not cell-cell, interactions during epithelial morphogenetic events in culture.  相似文献   

Fas, which functions to initiate a signal causing apoptosis, is expressed in epithelia, thus, suggesting a role in controlling cell number during states of cell and matrix turnover. In view of this, we hypothesized that cell-matrix interactions may be an important determinant of Fas expression in epithelial cells. To investigate this, we examined the effect of insoluble extracellular matrix molecules on Fas expression in murine lung epithelial (MLE) cells, a transformed mouse lung epithelial cell line. We report that (1) insoluble extracellular matrices increased Fas mRNA in a time and concentration-dependent manner; (2) induced increases in Fas mRNA were associated with concomitantly increased Fas protein; and (3) nonspecific adherence to a polylysine substrate did not induce Fas mRNA. Consistent with these findings, Fas-induced apoptosis was significantly enhanced in cultures plated on type IV collagen. Employing rat hepatocytes, we confirmed that the insoluble extracellular matrix also increases Fas expression in primary epithelial cells. By amplifying Fas-mediated apoptosis, these data suggest a mechanism whereby the extracellular matrix regulates the fate of specific epithelial cell populations. J. Cell. Physiol. 174:285–292, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Adhesion of Clostridium difficile to Caco-2 was examined as a function of monolayers polarization and differentiation. The number of adherent C. difficile C253 bacteria per cell strongly decreased when postconfluent 15-day-old monolayers were used (1.7 bacteria per cell versus 17.3 with 3-day-old monolayers). Following disruption of intercellular junctions by ethylene glycol-bis(beta-aminoethyl ether)-N,N,N',N',-tetraacetic acid, a significant rise in the level of bacterial adhesion was observed, above all in postconfluent monolayers. Immunofluorescence studies of bacteria and transferrin receptor, a marker of basolateral pole of polarized monolayers, showed that C. difficile C253 adheres mainly to the basolateral surface of differentiated and undifferentiated polarized Caco-2 cells. Furthermore, binding of C. difficile C253 to several extracellular matrix proteins in vitro was demonstrated by an ELISA-based assay.  相似文献   

We have determined the ability of Streptococcus mutans cells to bind to extracellular matrix (ECM) molecules and fibrinogen. S. mutans cells were found to bind fibronectin, laminin, collagen type I, and fibrinogen. An isogenic S. mutans strain with a defect in the expression of the major surface protein of S. mutans, antigen I/II, possessed a reduced ability to bind fibronectin, collagen, and fibrinogen but not laminin, suggesting that antigen I/II contributes during pathological processes to the interaction of S. mutans cells with fibronectin, collagen type I, and fibrinogen.  相似文献   

Extracellular matrix (ECM) is a major tissue component that, besides its cell support function, is implicated in cell-cell signaling, wound repair, cell adhesion, and other cell and tissue functions. For small molecules acting in tissues, including chemicals, signaling peptides, effectors, inhibitors, and other man-made and physiological compounds, non-specific binding to ECM is a critical phenomenon affecting their disposition. We describe here a method for a quantitative characterization of the ECM binding, using a solidified ECM layer incubated with medium containing studied small molecules. Working conditions of Matrigel, a commercial basement membrane preparation, were optimized in terms of the protein concentration, surface area, gel layer thickness, solidification time, and mixing speed. The release of proteins from the solidified layer into the buffer was monitored and taken into account. Two major proteins, laminin and collagen IV, dissolve at different rates. The Matrigel stability data, obtained under varying incubation conditions and gentle mixing, can also be useful in other ECM-related research. The experimental binding data, averaged over all binding sites, were analyzed assuming a fast linear binding. The binding constants were determined for 10 small organic molecules for both dissolved proteins and the solidified layer. The binding constants tend to increase with lipophilicity of the compounds, as characterized by the 1-octanol/water partition coefficients.  相似文献   

Biochemical and mechanical cues of the extracellular matrix have been shown to play important roles in cell-matrix and cell-cell interactions. We have experimentally tested the combined influence of these cues to better understand cell motility, force generation, cell-cell interaction, and assembly in an in vitro breast cancer model. MCF-10A non-tumorigenic mammary epithelial cells were observed on surfaces with varying fibronectin ligand concentration and polyacrylamide gel rigidity. Our data show that cell velocity is biphasic in both matrix rigidity and adhesiveness. The maximum cell migration velocity occurs only at specific combination of substrate stiffness and ligand density. We found cell-cell interactions reduce migration velocity. However, the traction forces cells exert onto the substrate increase linearly with both cues, with cells in pairs exerting higher maximum tractions observed over single cells. A relationship between force and motility shows a maximum in single cell velocity not observed in cell pairs. Cell-cell adhesion becomes strongly favored on softer gels with elasticity ≤ 1250 Pascals (Pa), implying the existence of a compliance threshold that promotes cell-cell over cell-matrix adhesion. Finally on gels with stiffness similar to pre-malignant breast tissue, 400 Pa, cells undergo multicellular assembly and division into 3D spherical aggregates on a 2D surface.  相似文献   

The prototype extracellular matrix glycoproteins had been identified on the basis of their activity in promoting cell adhesion and spreading. Recently, more and more evidence is accumulating that the reverse effect of extracellular matrix proteins, namely the inhibition of cell adhesion and spreading, may be equally important for proper cell function during morphogenesis and development. Several anti-adhesive proteins have been described and their mechanisms of action are being investigated.  相似文献   

We examined the synthesis of extracellular matrix macromolecules by the differentiated rat thyroid epithelial cell line FRTL-5. As shown by electron microscopy, the extracellular material produced by these cells is deposited at the basolateral surface and focally organized in the form of a basement membrane. Biochemical and biosynthetic studies demonstrated that laminin, type IV collagen, and fibronectin are synthesized and deposited in the culture monolayer. Secretion of fibronectin into the culture medium also occurred. By immunofluorescence we observed some peculiarities in the distribution patterns of the basement membrane glycoproteins; while fibronectin and laminin had an almost superimposable distribution, type IV collagen displayed a rather different pattern. Type IV collagen and laminin localization at sites where extracellular material was detected was confirmed by immuno electronmicroscopy using the protein A-colloidal gold technique. The results indicate that under appropriate culture conditions the differentiated thyroid epithelial cell line FRTL-5 synthesizes, secretes and organizes an extracellular matrix where some basement membrane glycoproteins are present.  相似文献   

This article reviews the factors that are involved in cell-cell and cell-matrix interactions during chicken gastrulation. The chemical nature of the extracellular matrix, the structure, composition, cellular origin and remodeling of the basement membrane, and the nature of the cell surfaces are successively analyzed in relation to a variety of cell biological processes, such as cell-to-cell and cell-to-substrate adhesion, specific binding to biological macromolecules and to receptors of the cell surface, promotion of cell migration and positioning, transmembrane triggering of intracellular events, and modulation of cell shape. These processes are the cellular basis of morphogenesis in the chicken blastoderm.  相似文献   

An important criterion for the selection of a probiotic bacterial strain is its ability to adhere to the mucosal surface. Adhesion is usually mediated by proteins or other components located on the outer cell surface of the bacterium. In the present study we characterized the adhesive properties of two classical intracellular enzymes glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) and enolase (ENO) isolated from the outer cell surface of the probiotic bacterium Lactobacillus plantarum 299v. None of the genes encoded signal peptides or cell surface anchoring motifs that could explain their extracellular location on the bacterial surface. The presence of the glycolytic enzymes on the outer surface was verified by western blotting using polyclonal antibodies raised against the specific enzymes. GAPDH and ENO showed a highly specific binding to plasminogen and fibronectin whereas GAPDH but not ENO showed weak binding to mucin. Furthermore, a pH dependent and specific binding of GAPDH and ENO to intestinal epithelial Caco-2 cells at pH 5 but not at pH 7 was demonstrated. The results showed that these glycolytic enzymes could play a role in the adhesion of the probiotic bacterium L. plantarum 299v to the gastrointestinal tract of the host. Finally, a number of probiotic as well non-probiotic Lactobacillus strains were analyzed for the presence of GAPDH and ENO on the outer surface, but no correlation between the extracellular location of these enzymes and the probiotic status of the applied strains was demonstrated.  相似文献   

Epidermal human cells (keratinocytes) differently interact with extracellular matrix proteins of the skin basal membrane depending on the stages of their differentiation. The pool of basal keratinocytes commonly includes stem cells and transient amplifying cells. They directly attach to the skin basal membrane. Keratinocytes change their adhesive properties during differentiation, lose direct interaction with the basal membrane and move to suprabasal epidermal strata. From this, it is suggested that basal and primarily stem cells can be isolated from a heterogenous keratinocyte population due to their selective adhesion to the extracellular matrix proteins. In the current study, we analysed the specificity of interaction between primary keratinocytes and extracellular matrix proteins (collagens of I and IV types, laminin-2/4, fibronectin and matrigel). We have demonstrated that the basal keratinocytes extracted from the skin have different adhesive abilities. The rapidly spreading cells usually interacted with collagen and fibronectin rather that with laminin-2/4 or matrigel. The majority of these cells being represented by basal keratinocytes. Our data demonstrate that the applied method of keratinocyte selection may be directed for precise isolation of skin stem from a common cell population.  相似文献   

Formation of extracellular matrix structures in cultures of rat liver epithelial nontransformed cell line IAR2 was studied with antisera to fibronectin, laminin and type IV collagen by immunofluorescence and immunoelectron microscopy of platinum replicas. Fibronectin formed peripheral spots of variable size some of which outlined free cell edges, as well as fibrils located towards the center of single cells or of cellular islands. Similarly distributed structures were seen in isolated matrices. Codistribution of fibronectin and actin was observed only for the peripheral line of fibronectin spots and marginal circular actin bundle. Basement membrane components. laminin and type IV collagen, formed mainly spots of variable size predominantly beneath the cell or each cell in an island. Occasional fibrils were seen also. Essentially the same results were obtained by immunofluorescence and immunogold electron microscopy. Cytochalasin D treated cells displayed spots of both fibronectin and laminin. The relevance of previously postulated receptor-mediated assembly of extracellular matrix structures to the epithelial cells is discussed.  相似文献   

AIMS: The aim of this study was to investigate extracellular matrix (ECM) and mucin binding of selected bacterial isolates with probiotic features in comparison with commercially used probiotic bacteria. METHODS AND RESULTS: ECM molecules were immobilized in microtitre plates (mucin and fetuin) or on the surface of latex beads. Porcine mucin was bound by all 13 probiotic strains tested with important inter-strain differences; however, fetuin binding was similar (weak) for all 14 strains tested. Strongly positive (three) binding of bovine fibrinogen was expressed by strains from fermented food (Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG, L. casei Shirota and L. johnsonii La1) as well as by L. casei L.c., Lactobacillus sp. 2I3 and by L. plantarum LP. The other strains expressed moderate (2) or weakly positive (1) binding of bovine fibrinogen. Strongly positive (3) binding of porcine fibronectin was observed only with two strains; however, all other strains also bound this molecule. Bovine lactoferrin was bound to a higher extent than transferrins. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: Some animal strains (at least L. casei L.c. and Lactobacillus sp. 2I3) are comparable with the commercially used strains with respect to their ECM binding ability. As this feature is important for probiotic bacteria to be able to colonize intestine, these strains should be considered for their wider use in fermented feed (or probiotic preparations) for animals.  相似文献   

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