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RFLP and RAPD mapping in flax (Linum usitatissimum)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A map of flax (Linum usitatissimum) using restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs) and random amplified polymorphic DNAs (RAPDs), and comprising 15 linkage groups containing 94 markers, has been developed covering about 1000 cM. The mapping populations were the F2 populations from two crosses between diverse cultivars. From one cross, CI1303 and Stormont Cirrus, 20 RFLP and 520 RAPD markers were analyzed. Thirteen RFLP and 80 RAPD markers were on the 15 linkage groups, in addition to one sequence-tagged site (STS). Seven polymorphic RAPD markers were found to have unusual segregation patterns. RAPDs were expressed as dominant markers, but for these markers a prevalence of the progeny lacked a band rather than the expected one-fourth ratio. However, these exceptions may be related to the instability of the genome of Stormont Cirrus in which stable and heritable genomic changes can be induced by environmental factors. The current map could be used for the identification of markers linked to loci controlling the ability to generate heritable changes in response to environmental growth conditions, and to develop anchor loci with STSs for a more general application. Received: 20 March 1999 / Accepted: 16 December 1999  相似文献   

Summary Fourteen transgenic flax (Linum usitatissimum) lines, carrying a mutant Arabidopsis acetolactate synthase (ALS) gene selected for resistance to chlorsulfuron, were characterized for resistance to two sulfonylurea herbicides. Progeny of 10 of the 14 lines segregated in a ratio of 3 resistant to 1 susceptible, indicating a single insertion. Progeny of 1 line segregated in a 151 ratio, indicating two insertions of the ALS gene at independent loci. Progeny from 3 lines did not segregate in a Mendelian fashion and were likely the products of chimeric shoots. Resistance to chlorsulfuron was stably inherited in all lines. At the enzyme level, the transgenic lines were 2.5 to more than 60 times more resistant to chlorsulfuron than the parental lines. The transgenic lines were 25–260 times more resistant to chlorsulfuron than the parental lines in root growth experiments and demonstrated resistance when grown in soil treated with 20 g ha-1 chlorsulfuron. The lines demonstrated less resistance to metsulfuron methyl; in root growth experiments, the transgenic lines were only 1.6–4.8 times more resistant to metsulfuron methyl than the parental lines. Resistance was demonstrated in the field at half (2.25 g ha-1) and full (4.5 g ha-1) rates of metsulfuron methyl.  相似文献   

Summary Mean seed weight data were obtained from the F1 and F2 of a six-by-six diallel cross with flax (Linum usita-tissimum L.). Pronounced reciprocal differences appeared in the F1, but had largely disappeared by the F2. The genetic control of mean seed weight was examined using two types of analysis of variance. The models underlying both analyses were fitted to the data by matrix methods supplying weighted least-squares estimates of the parameters in the models. Weights, the use of which dealt with the problem of variation in the reliability of means, were the reciprocals of the variances of individual cell (cross/self) means in the diallel data table. Elimination of redundant parameters supplied the minimum adequate models for each analysis type. Dominance was apparently masked by the large transient maternal effects in the F1, but surfaced in the F2, where dominance was towards larger mean seed weight. This may be coupled with findings elsewhere of possible advantages for larger seed weights to speculate on a role in preserving infrequent hybrid progeny among inbreeding (flax) species. Maternal effects producing larger seed size, plus dominance with the same result might be valuable, in conjunction with growth and competitive advantages conferred by larger seed, in preventing early elimination of rare hybrids.  相似文献   

Involvement of prolyl oligopeptidases (POPs) in the control of several mammalian peptide hormone signalling pathways has been studied extensively in recent years. POPs are ubiquitous enzymes, but little attention has been paid to understanding their function in plants. Using a cDNA-AFLP approach, two flax (Linum usitatissimum) POP ESTs were identified as being specifically expressed in the early stages of flax seed development. This specific expression was confirmed using real time RT-PCR and in situ hybridisation approaches. Seed expression of Arabidopsis POP genes was measured and showed no specificity. Comparison between results obtained with flax and Arabidopsis is discussed in order to address a hypothetic function for POPs during seed formation. These results provide the first insights into POP gene expression and hypothetical function in plants.  相似文献   

Peroxidase, esterase, and acid phosphatase isozymes of environmentally induced L and S genotrophs, nuclear DNA reversion types, and the orginal plastic (Pl) type of the flax variety Stormont Cirrus have been compared by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Differences were observed in particular line was not correlated with the nuclear DNA amount. The relationship between the isozyme pattern and the phenotypes of the lines in which they are expressed is discussed.  相似文献   

Summary The inheritance of two mutants of flax (Linum usitatissimum), having altered proportions of the C18 polyunsaturated fatty acids, linoleic and linolenic, was examined. Both lines, M1589 and M1722, are homozygous for a single gene mutation which reduces linolenic acid content from 34% to 22% and raises linoleic acid from 15% to 27%. Genetic analysis of crosses involving M1589, M1722 and their parental cultivar Glenelg revealed that these mutations are in different unlinked genes and exhibit additive (codominant) gene action. The symbolsLn1 andLn2 are proposed for the mutated genes in M1589 and M1722, respectively. Recombinant genotypes homozygous for the mutant alleles at both loci are very low in linolenic acid (2%) and high in linoleic acid (48%), with unaltered proportions of other fatty acids. The complete inverse correlation between linoleic and linolenic acids (r=-0.98) indicates that the mutations block the synthesis of linolenic acid at the linoleic desaturation step.  相似文献   

Summary From an F1 hybrid between the two barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) cultivars Golden Promise and Mazurka a series of doubled haploid (DH) lines were generated both from microspores by anther culture and from immature zygotic embryos after hybridization withH. bulbosum. The DH lines from both sources were used to monitor the segregation of the five major genes, rachilla hair length, DDT susceptibility, height, C hordein polymorphism and mildew resistance. Whereas the microspore-derived samples showed significant departures from the expected 11 ratio for three of the five genes, theH. bulbosum lines showed deviation for only one gene. Analysis of linkage data also showed differences between the two series of DH lines. Cytogenetic analysis revealed a mean chiasma frequency in theH. bulbosum lines which was very similar to the F1 hybrid. In contrast, four of the ten microspore derived lines examined showed a reduced chiasma frequency. One showed evidence of translocation heterozygosity.  相似文献   

Summary A diallel cross analysis of gum content in barley (Hordeum vulgare) was made using six cultivars of two-rowed spring barley as parents. A Jinks-Hayman analysis of F2 progeny means showed that gum content was controlled by a simple additive-dominance genetic system and that low gum content was strongly dominant. The analysis suggested that gum content was principally controlled by two or three genes showing a high degree of dominance. Some genotype-environment interaction was detected in a comparison between the F2 and F3 generations which were grown in different years and locations. However, the character was found to be highly heritable both within and between generations, suggesting that the selection and breeding of barleys of reduced gum content should not be difficult.  相似文献   

Cultivation of flax hypocotyl segments on MS medium supplemented with auxin (2,4-d, NAA) and combination of auxin (NAA) and cytokinin (BAP, zeatin) resulted in production of callus on the cut ends of segments and prolonged cultivation in globular structures resembling early stages of somatic embryos. Embryo-like structures protruded on the surface directly from the subepidermal layers of hypocotyl segments. Despite these globular structures closely resembling somatic embryos, histological observations did not reveal their embryogenic character–organogenesis was the predominant developmental morphogenic pathway. Based on our experiments, as well as on critical revision of existing reports on flax somatic embryogenesis, we conclude, that there has not yet been convincing histological proof of somatic embyogenesis from flax hypocotyl segments.  相似文献   

The microspore origin of anther-culture-derived plants of flax was determined using inter-simple sequence repeat (ISSR) and randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers. Polymorphic fragments between the two parents of the F1 donor plants were identified and their segregation patterns in anther-culture-derived plants were used to elucidate the origin of those plants and to determine the degree of independence of plants regenerated from the same callus. Using one ISSR primer (UBC 889) and two RAPD primers (UBC 556 and 561), 12 out of 16 plants were unequivocally identified as being derived from microspores. Plants derived from the same callus had identical PCR patterns at five polymorphic loci and thus were likely derived from the same microspore. Therefore, it is proposed that the number of calli forming shoots be used to describe the anther culture efficiency in flax. Received: 3 February 1998 / Revision received: 8 June 1998 / Accepted: 8 July 1998  相似文献   

A total of 130 flax accessions of diverse morphotypes and worldwide origin were assessed for genetic diversity and population structure using 11 morphological traits and microsatellite markers (15 gSSRs and 7 EST–SSRs). Analysis performed after classifying these accessions on the basis of plant height, branching pattern, seed size, Indian/foreign origin into six categories called sub-populations viz. fibre type exotic, fibre type indigenous, intermediate type exotic, intermediate type indigenous, linseed type exotic and linseed type indigenous. The study assessed different diversity indices, AMOVA, population structure and included a principal coordinate analysis based on different marker systems. The highest diversity was exhibited by gSSR markers (SI = 0.46; He = 0.31; P = 85.11). AMOVA based on all markers explained significant difference among fibre type, intermediate type and linseed type populations of flax. In terms of variation explained by different markers, EST-SSR markers (12%) better differentiated flax populations compared to morphological (9%) and gSSR (6%) markers at P = 0.01. The maximum Nei's unbiased genetic distance (D = 0.11) was observed between fibre type and linseed type exotic sub-populations based on EST-SSR markers. The combined structure analysis by using all markers grouped Indian fibre type accessions (63.4%) in a separate cluster along with the Indian intermediate type (48.7%), whereas Indian accessions (82.16%) of linseed type constituted an independent cluster. These findings were supported by the results of the principal coordinate analysis. Morphological markers employed in the study found complementary with microsatellite based markers in deciphering genetic diversity and population structure of the flax germplasm.  相似文献   

 An AFLP genetic linkage map of flax (Linum usitatissimum) was used to identify two quantitative trait loci (QTLs) on independent linkage groups with a major effect on resistance to Fusarium wilt, a serious disease caused by the soil pathogen Fusarium oxysporum (lini). The linkage map was constructed using a mapping population from doubled-haploid (DH) lines. The DH lines were derived from the haploid component of F2 haploid-diploid twin seed originating from a cross between a polyembryonic, low-linolenic-acid genotype (CRZY8/RA91) and the Australian cultivar ‘Glenelg’. The AFLP technique was employed to generate 213 marker loci covering approximately 1400 cM of the flax genome (n=15) with an average spacing of 10 cM and comprising 18 linkage groups. Sixty AFLP markers (28%) deviated significantly (P<0.05) from the expected segregation ratio. The map incorporated RFLP markers tightly linked to flax rust (Melamspora lini) resistance genes and markers detected by disease resistance gene-like sequences. The study illustrates the potential of the AFLP technique as a robust and rapid method to generate moderately saturated linkage maps, thereby allowing the molecular analysis of traits, such as resistance to Fusarium wilt, that show oligogenic patterns of inheritance. Received: 8 December 1997 / Accepted: 7 April 1998  相似文献   

Growth of dinoflagellates representing three orders, the Gymnodiniales,Peridiniales, and the Prorocentrales was examined following treatment withbarley straw extract. Selected dinoflagellate taxa showed growth responsessimilar to those reported for freshwater algae including: inhibition(Gyrodinium galatheanum, Gymnodiniumsanguineum, Heterocapsa triquetra andH. pygmaea); stimulation (Gyrodinium instriatum,Prorocentrum minimum and P. micans); and no effect(Gyrodinium estuariale, G. uncatenum,Ceratium furca, Peridinium sp.).Although barley straw extracts do not appear to have value as a universalmanagement tool for dinoflagellates, they may have potential in management ofspecific taxa and possibly taxonomic groups.  相似文献   

A map of the barley genome consisting of 295 loci was constructed. These loci include 152 cDNA restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP), 114 genomic DNA RFLP, 14 random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD), five isozyme, two morphological, one disease resistance and seven specific amplicon polymorphism (SAP) markers. The RFLP-identified loci include 63 that were detected using cloned known function genes as probes. The map covers 1,250 centiMorgans (cM) with a 4.2 cM average distance between markers. The genetic lengths of the chromosomes range from 124 to 223 cM and are in approximate agreement with their physical lengths. The centromeres were localized to within a few markers on all of the barley chromosomes except chromosome 5. Telomeric regions were mapped for the short (plus) arms of chromosomes 1, 2 and 3 and the long (minus) arm of chromosomes 7.This research was also supported by other members of the NABGMP: K. Kasha, Department of Crop Science, University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario, Canada NIG 2W1; W. Kim, Agriculture Canada Research Station, 195 Dafoe Road, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada R3T 2M9; A. Laroche, Agriculture Canada Research Station, P.O. Box 3000 Main, Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada,TU 4B1; S. Molnar, Plant Research Centre Agriculture Canada, Central Experimental farm, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K1A 0C6; G. Scoles, Department of Crop Science, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada S7N OWOThis research is part of the North American Barley Genome Mapping Project, R. A. Nilan and K. Kasha, Coordinator and Associate Coordinator, respectively Permanent address: Department of Plant Genetics, NI Vavilov Institute of General Genetics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow  相似文献   

Barley is compatible with the rice blast pathogen (Pyricularia oryzae Cav.). Fiftyfour barley cultivars of diverse geographic origin and pedigree were inoculated with three isolates of the rice blast pathogen. All barley genotypes showed blast disease symptoms when inoculated at the seedling stage with each of the three isolates. However, one genotype showed quantitative resistance to all three isolates and three genotypes showed quantitative resistance to one or two of the isolates. By inoculating a set of doubled-haploid lines derived from the cross ’Harrington’ (susceptible) and ’TR306’ (resistant) with isolate Ken 54–20, we mapped quantitative trait loci (QTLs) determining seedling stage blast resistance. At all QTLs, TR306 contributed the resistance alleles. The four QTLs, when considered jointly, explained 43.6% of the phenotypic variation in blast symptom expression. A comparison of the blast resistance QTLs with other disease resistance QTLs reported in this population revealed a region on chromosome 4 (4H) with multiple disease resistance loci. It will be useful to capitalize on the syntenic relationship of rice and barley and to integrate information on species-specific resistance genes with information on the reaction of the two species to the same pathogen. Received: 7 January 2000 / Accepted: 22 September 2000  相似文献   

Summary Barley yellow dwarf (BYDV) is a group a closely related viruses which cause economic losses in a wide range of graminaceous species throughout the world. Barley plants can be protected from the effects of BYDV by the Yd2 resistance gene. Plants which contain the Yd2 gene also contain a constitutively expressed polypeptide which was not found in any plants without Yd2. Conversely, BYDV susceptible plants contain another constitutively expressed polypeptide which was not found in any of the BYDV-resistant lines examined. These two polypeptides appear to have the same molecular weight (as assessed by SDS-PAGE) and only slightly different iso-electric points. They also appear to contain an extensive range of similar antigenic determinants. Both polypeptides were found in F1 hybrids made from resistant and susceptible plants. We suggest that these two polypeptides are the products of two allelic genes. Analysis of near-isogenic lines showed that the locus which controls the Yd2 resistance gene and the locus controlling the synthesis of the two polypeptides may be within ± 9 cM of each other. We have developed a Western blot technique which allows assessment of barley lines, 4-days after seed imbibition, for the presence of the Yd2 gene.  相似文献   

Xylem or tracheary changes at the base of the cotyledonary buds of flax seedlings (Linum usitatissimum L.), released from inhibition by decapitation of the main apex were studied. The differentiation of xylem strands and/or tracheary elements was correlated with the growth in length of the lateral buds, especially 48–72 hr after the removal of the main apex. The xylem strands, connected to the hypocotylary stele or not, and the tracheary elements increased with age within and outside the strands of both non-decapitated and decapitated seedlings. In the latter, the differentiation of these structures, however, occurred much earlier and in greater abundance in the same regions. The early growth in length of lateral buds, 1 or 2 hr after decapitation, was correlated with the early development of tracheary perforations in the xylem strands. The xylary strands with perforated elements are known to be more efficient than those without them. Therefore, it is suggested that the inhibition of lateral-bud growth was due, in fact, to a lack of appropriate tracheary perforations in the bud xylem strands that were connected with the hypocotylary stele of flax seedlings.  相似文献   

Summary Three acrotrisomic lines, Triplo IL1S, 3L3S, and 4L4S, each carrying an extra acrocentric chromosome, were used for cytogenetic linkage mapping of barley chromosomes. The cytological structures of the acrocentric chromosome of the three acrotrisomic lines were studied with an improved Giemsa N-banding technique. The long (1L) and short arm (1S) of chromosome 1 had deficiencies of approximately 38% and 65%, respectively. The percentages of deficiencies were 0 and 77.8% for 3L and 3S, and 31.7 and 59.3% for 4L and 4S, respectively. All three genes tested (br, f c , gs3) in 1S and all three genes tested, f8, n and 1k2 in 1L showed a disomic ratio indicating that they are located in the deficient segments. Two genes (a c , yst2) located in the middle segment of 3S in linkage map showed a trisomic ratio, and two others a n , x s showed a disomic ratio. The only gene(f9) tested in 4L showed a trisomic ratio. Two genes (1g4, g1) located in the proximal segment of 4S in the linkage map showed a trisomic ratio, whereas two genes (br2, g13) located distally in 4S showed a disomic ratio, indicating that the breakage occurred between g1 and br2. This experiment demonstrates a new method for physical localization of genes on chromosome segments in material such as barley in which pachytene analysis can not be effectively used for accurate determination of break points in structural changes. Problems associated with this new technique are discussed.Contribution from the Department of Agronomy and published with the approval of the Director of Colorado State University Experiment Station as Scientific Series Paper No. 2823. Supported by USDA/SEA Competitive Research Grant Nos. 5901-0410-9-0334-0 and 82-CRCR-1-1020 and USDA-CSU Cooperative Research Grant 58-9AHZ-2-265  相似文献   

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