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Receptive field families   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
It is generally agreed upon that size invariance and the absence of spurious resolution are two requirements that characterize well behaved spatial samping in visual systems. We show that these properties taken together constrain the structure of receptive fields to a very large degree. Only those field structures that arise as solutions of a certain linear partial differential equation of the second order prove to satisfy these general constraints. The equation admits of complete, orthonormal families of solutions. These families have to be regarded as the possible receptive field families subject to certain symmetry conditions. They can be transformed into each other via unitary transformations. Thus a single representation suffices to construct all the others. This theory permits us to classify the possible linear receptive field structures exhaustively, and to define their internal and external interrelations. This induces a principled taxonomy of linear receptive fields.  相似文献   

On the basis of anatomical and physiological results of the vertebrate retina, a method is proposed for analysing the respective fields of ganglion cells in the cat retina. In the model, we assume the following: (a) Ganglion cells receive their input from bipolar and/or amacrine cells. (b) The nonlinearity of ganglion cell responses is due to the activities of transient type amacrine cells. The method has been proved to be effective. According to the results of this investigation, the receptive field properties of X type and Y type ganglion cells are heterogeneous. Thus, it may be considered that their receptive fields consist of center and surround mechanisms. The receptive field properties of X-cells are almost linear and the X-cells seem to receive most of their input from bipolar cells. On the other hand, the ones of Y-cells are highly nonlinear. Consequently, it is conceivable that the Y-cells receive their input mainly from transient type amacrine cells.  相似文献   

The linear receptive field describes a mapping from sensory stimuli to a one-dimensional variable governing a neuron's spike response. However, traditional receptive field estimators such as the spike-triggered average converge slowly and often require large amounts of data. Bayesian methods seek to overcome this problem by biasing estimates towards solutions that are more likely a priori, typically those with small, smooth, or sparse coefficients. Here we introduce a novel Bayesian receptive field estimator designed to incorporate locality, a powerful form of prior information about receptive field structure. The key to our approach is a hierarchical receptive field model that flexibly adapts to localized structure in both spacetime and spatiotemporal frequency, using an inference method known as empirical Bayes. We refer to our method as automatic locality determination (ALD), and show that it can accurately recover various types of smooth, sparse, and localized receptive fields. We apply ALD to neural data from retinal ganglion cells and V1 simple cells, and find it achieves error rates several times lower than standard estimators. Thus, estimates of comparable accuracy can be achieved with substantially less data. Finally, we introduce a computationally efficient Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) algorithm for fully Bayesian inference under the ALD prior, yielding accurate Bayesian confidence intervals for small or noisy datasets.  相似文献   

The swallowtail butterfly Papilio polytes is known for its striking resemblance in wing pattern to the toxic butterfly Pachliopta aristolochiae and is a focal system for the study of mimicry evolution. Papilio polytes females are polymorphic in wing pattern, with mimetic and nonmimetic forms, while males are monomorphic and nonmimetic. Past work invokes selection for mimicry as the driving force behind wing pattern evolution in P. polytes. However, the mimetic relationship between P. polytes and P. aristolochiae is not well understood. In order to test the mimicry hypothesis, we constructed paper replicas of mimetic and nonmimetic P. polytes and P. aristolochiae, placed them in their natural habitat, and measured bird predation on replicas. In initial trials with stationary replicas and plasticine bodies, overall predation was low and we found no differences in predation between replica types. In later trials with replicas mounted on springs and with live mealworms standing in for the butterfly's body, we found less predation on mimetic P. polytes replicas compared to nonmimetic P. polytes replicas, consistent with the predator avoidance benefits of mimicry. While our results are mixed, they generally lend support to the mimicry hypothesis as well as the idea that behavioral differences between the sexes contributed to the evolution of sexually dimorphic mimicry.  相似文献   

The large receptive fields of retinal horizontal cells result primarily from extensive intercellular coupling via gap (electrical) junctions; thus, the extent of the receptive field provides an index of the degree to which the cells are electrically coupled. For rod-driven horizontal cells in the dark-adapted skate retina, a space constant of 1.18 +/- 0.15 mm (SD) was obtained from measurements with a moving slit stimulus, and a comparable value (1.43 +/- 0.55 mm) was obtained with variation in spot diameter. These values, and the extensive spread of a fluorescent dye (Lucifer Yellow) from the site of injection to neighboring cells, indicate that the horizontal cells of the all-rod retina of skate are well coupled electrically. Neither the receptive field properties nor the gap-junctional features of skate horizontal cells were influenced by the adaptive state of the retina: (a) the receptive field organization was unaffected by light adaptation, (b) similar dye coupling was seen in both dark- and light-adapted retinae, and (c) no significant differences were found in the gap-junctional particle densities measured in dark- and light-adapted retinas, i.e., 3,184 +/- 286/microns 2 (n = 8) and 3,073 +/- 494/microns 2 (n = 11), respectively. Moreover, the receptive fields of skate horizontal cells were not altered by either dopamine, glycine, GABA, or the GABAA receptor antagonists bicuculline and picrotoxin. We conclude that the rod-driven horizontal cells of the skate retina are tightly coupled to one another, and that the coupling is not affected by photic and pharmacological conditions that are known to modulate intercellular coupling between cone-driven horizontal cells in other species.  相似文献   

Summary A technique that allows the specific inactivation of short-wavelength-sensitive photoreceptive cells has been needed for a long time. Such a technique could be useful in studies on the role(s) of UV-receptors in circadian rhythmicity, recognition of floral patterns, homing behaviour, and mate selection in arthropods. We provide ultrastructural evidence that short-wavelength receptor cells can be selectively damaged without affecting other spectral-cell types. Since the method does not require the killing of the experimental animal, the latter can be used in behavioural or other follow-up tests.  相似文献   

Brown SP  He S  Masland RH 《Neuron》2000,27(2):371-383
We studied the fine spatial structure of the receptive fields of retinal ganglion cells and its relationship to the dendritic geometry of these cells. Cells from which recordings had been made were microinjected with Lucifer yellow, so that responses generated at precise locations within the receptive field center could be directly compared with that cell's dendritic structure. While many cells with small receptive fields had domeshaped sensitivity profiles, the majority of large receptive fields were composed of multiple regions of high sensitivity. The density of dendritic branches at any one location did not predict the regions of high sensitivity. Instead, the interactions between a ganglion cell's dendritic tree and the local mosaic of bipolar cell axons seem to define the fine structure of the receptive field center.  相似文献   

Time amplitude -- frequency characteristics of the I and II types of receptive fields (RF) of lateral geniculate and their dependence on the contrast and spatial parameters of the light stimulus were studied. It is shown that the frequency characteristics of the RF I type depends on the contrast and area of the light stimulus, the higher being the contrast at a small area the smaller are the low frequencies. However at a large area of the stimulus the inhibition of low frequencies is greater at a small contrast. The transmitting band of frequency characteristics of RF II type does not depend on the contrast at a small area of the stimulus, at a large area a fall of low frequencies takes place at high contrasts of the stimulus. Such different behaviour of the receptive fields is explained by the models, which take into account RF spatial characteristics.  相似文献   

Spike responses of single neurons in the primary visual cortex and lateral geniculate body to random presentation of local photic stimuli in different parts of the receptive field of the cell were studied in acute experiments on curarized cats. Series of maps of receptive fields with time interval of 20 msec obtained by computer enabled the dynamics of the excitatory and inhibitory zones of the field to be assessed during development of on- and off-responses to flashes. Receptive fields of all cortical and lateral geniculate body neurons tested were found to undergo regular dynamic reorganization both after the beginning and after the end of action of the photic stimulus. During the latent period of the response no receptive field was found in the part of the visual field tested, but later a small zone of weak responses appeared only in the center of the field. Gradually (most commonly toward 60–100 msec after application of the stimulus) the zone of the responses widened to its limit, after which the recorded field began to shrink, ending with complete disappearance or disintegration into separate fragments. If two bursts of spikes were generated in response to stimulation, during the second burst the receptive field of the neuron changed in the same way. The effects described were clearly exhibited if the level of background illumination, the intensity of the test bars, their contrast with the background, duration, angles subtended, and orientation were varied, although the rate and degree of reorganization of the receptive field in this case changed significantly. The functional importance of the effect for coding of information about the features of a signal by visual cortical neurons is discussed.Institute of Higher Nervous Activity and Neurophysiology, Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Moscow. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 14, No. 6, pp. 622–630, November–December, 1982.  相似文献   

We investigated receptive field properties of cat retinal ganglion cells with visual stimuli which were sinusoidal spatial gratings amplitude modulated in time by a sum of sinusoids. Neural responses were analyzed into the Fourier components at the input frequencies and the components at sum and difference frequencies. The first-order frequency response of X cells had a marked spatial phase and spatial frequency dependence which could be explained in terms of linear interactions between center and surround mechanisms in the receptive field. The second-order frequency response of X cells was much smaller than the first-order frequency response at all spatial frequencies. The spatial phase and spatial frequency dependence of the first-order frequency response in Y cells in some ways resembled that of X cells. However, the Y first-order response declined to zero at a much lower spatial frequency than in X cells. Furthermore, the second-order frequency response was larger in Y cells; the second-order frequency components became the dominant part of the response for patterns of high spatial frequency. This implies that the receptive field center and surround mechanisms are physiologically quite different in Y cells from those in X cells, and that the Y cells also receive excitatory drive from an additional nonlinear receptive field mechanism.  相似文献   

The status of the swallowtail butterfly in Britain   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
  • 1 Since the early 1950s, when the British swallowtail butterfly (Papilio machaon britannicus) became extinct at Wicken Fen, this subspecies has been confined to marshes around the Norfolk Broads. Here too, however, its abundance appears to be declining.
  • 2 The ecology of the butterfly has been studied in Norfolk and at Wicken (by small-scale introductions) and the main factors determining its abundance are described.
  • 3 A morphometric study of museum specimens has shown that populations of the butterfly in Norfolk and at Wicken differed in a number of size and shape characters. These differences were most marked between 1890 and 1920, but subsequently were almost lost.
  • 4 Studies of the status and performance of the butterfly's food plant, Peucedanum palustre have shown that it is smaller, produces less seed, and is shorter-lived at Wicken than in Norfolk.
  • 5 In the light of these findings, the possibility of successfully re-establishing the butterfly at Wicken, and the possible causes of the decline of the species in Norfolk are discussed.

Flavonoid pigments have been identified in the swallowtail butterfly Eurytides marcellus and its larval foodplant Asimina triloba (Annonaceae). Although quercetin 3-glycoside, quercetin 3-rutinoside and quercetin 3-rutinoside-7-glucoside are present in the plant, only quercetin 3-glucoside is sequestered by the insect. Flavonoids have also been found in 10 out of 27 other papilionid species examined. These were mainly 3- and 7-glycosides of the flavonols quercetin and kaempferol. The sequestration of flavonoids by papilionid butterflies appears to be related both to the phylogeny of the Papilionidae and to the choice of larval foodplants by the various phylogenetic groups.  相似文献   

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