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Adult carabids that ingest particles of food have a muscular proventriculus lined internally with an intima that bears sclerotized projections. In experiments where six species of carabid were allowed to feed upon Drosophila, the average size of cuticular remains found in post-proventricular regions of the gut was generally significantly smaller than those in the crop. This reduction in size of cuticular particles is likely to be due to proventricular trituration rather than prolonged exposure to digestive secretions. There is no evidence that material is triturated by the proventriculus and returned to the crop, the main seat of digestion in carabids, so proventricular trituration is unlikely to enhance digestion. By crushing large, potentially abrasive, cuticular particles, the proventriculus may serve to protect midgut epithelial tissue.  相似文献   

Four of the eight hypotheses proposed in the literature for explaining the relationship between abundance and range size (the sampling artifact, phylogenetic non-independence, range position and resource breadth hypotheses) were tested by using atlas data for carabid beetles (Coleoptera, Carabidae) from Belgium, Denmark and the Netherlands. A positive relationship between abundance and partial range size was found in all three countries, and the variation in abundance was lower for widespread species. Analysis of the data did not support three of the proposed hypotheses, but did support the resource breadth hypothesis (species having broader environmental tolerances and being able to use a wider range or resources will have higher local densities and be more widely distributed than more specialised species). Examination of species' characteristics revealed that widespread species are generally large bodied, generalists (species with wide niche breadths occurring in a variety of habitat types) and are little influenced by human-altered landscapes, while species with restricted distributions are smaller bodied, specialists (species with small niche breadths occurring in only one or two habitat types), and favour natural habitat. Landscape alteration may be an important factor influencing carabid abundance and range size in these three countries with a long history of human-induced environmental changes.  相似文献   

Schwerk A  Szyszko J 《ZooKeys》2011,(100):319-332
Degraded areas constitute challenging tasks with respect to sustainable management of natural resources. Maintaining or even establishing certain successional stages seems to be particularly important. This paper presents a model of the succession in five different types of degraded areas in Poland based on changes in the carabid fauna. Mean Individual Biomass of Carabidae (MIB) was used as a numerical measure for the stage of succession. The run of succession differed clearly among the different types of degraded areas. Initial conditions (origin of soil and origin of vegetation) and landscape related aspects seem to be important with respect to these differences. As characteristic phases, a 'delay phase', an 'increase phase' and a 'stagnation phase' were identified. In general, the runs of succession could be described by four different parameters: (1) 'Initial degradation level', (2) 'delay', (3) 'increase rate' and (4) 'recovery level'. Applying the analytic solution of the logistic equation, characteristic values for the parameters were identified for each of the five area types. The model is of practical use, because it provides a possibility to compare the values of the parameters elaborated in different areas, to give hints for intervention and to provide prognoses about future succession in the areas. Furthermore, it is possible to transfer the model to other indicators of succession.  相似文献   

大步甲主要分布于北半球,全世界大约有1000余种。因大步甲后翅退化,不能飞行,其移动能力和扩散范围都受到很大程度的限制,因此,容易产生地理隔离和遗传分化,从而成为研究物种分化和生物多样化的好材料。近年来,通过对大步甲分子系统的详细研究,不仅很大程度上解明了大步甲各分类群间的系统发育关系,而且对大步甲的系统演化过程和形态进化模式也有了较深的理解,获得了很多重要的见解。在此做一个简单的综述。  相似文献   

Abstract  Based on an examination of the type specimens of all the known species of the genus Pamborus Latrielle (Coleoptera, Carabidae) four new Australian species are recognised and are described as: P. euopacus sp. n., P. moorei sp. n., P. monteithi sp. n and P. cooloolensis sp. n. In addition, Pamborus viridis Gory, P. opacus Géhin and P. subtropicus Darlington are also redescribed based on the type material and lectotypes are designated for the first two species.  相似文献   

Natural hybridization among wingless carabid beetles of the subgenusOhomopterus (Carabidae, genusCarabus) is reviewed, and its significance in the evolution of this subgenus discussed. Natural hybridization occurs between parapatric species of similar size. Two case studies of natural hybridization suggest that natural hybridization could have affected the evolution of this subgenus in different ways. When there is a large difference in genital morphology between hybridizing species, interspecific copulation often results in genital injuries that causes mortality of copulating individuals, and hence reduces the fitness of hybridizing individuals greatly. In such a case, hybridization may be effective in maintaining the parapatric distribution of the two species, and in the long term, may promote reinforcement selection for traits which are effective in prezygotic reproductive isolation. When the morphological difference in genitalia is not so large as to cause genital injury, a hybrid population may be established at the intermediate zone between two parental species, provided that the immigration rates of the two species into the intermediate zone are small. Thus, natural hybridization may have contributed to both divergence and reticulate evolution in this subgenus.  相似文献   

A review of data on the background of wing dimorphism in carabid beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae) and especially of the closely relatedCalathus cinctus andC. melanocephalus is given. In bothCalathus species wing dimorphism is inherited in a simple Mendelian fashion with the brachypterous condition dominant, but inC. melanocephalus the expression of the long winged genotype is under environmental control as well. The development of long winged phenotypes in the latter species is favoured by relatively favourable environmental conditions, such as high temperatures and a high food-supply. The higher fecundity of the larger and heavier long winged females of both species may compensate for losses of long winged phenotypes by flight activities. The evolutionary significance of both types of inheritance is discussed in relation to dispersal. The ‘fixed type’ as found inC. cinctus is considered an opportunistic short term ‘between sites strategy’, whereas the ‘dynamic type’ ofC. melanocephalus represents a flexible long term ‘within sites strategy’.  相似文献   

As compared to natural forests, managed boreal forests are younger, more homogeneous in terms of tree age and species composition, and consist of smaller fragments. Here we examine the effects of such characteristics caused by forestry on carabid beetles (Coleoptera, Carabidae) in the boreal region. The main results are the following. (1) Fragmentation of forests and the size of a fragment appear not to be crucial for the survival of the majority of forest carabids, as they tend to be distributed over various successional stages, but species requiring old-growth habitats suffer. (2) For carabids there appear to be no or very few edge specialist species, and forest-open land edges appear to be effective barriers for species associated with forest or open habitat. However, generalist species easily cross the edge, and edges of forest fragments may be invaded by species from the surrounding open habitat. (3) Habitat change following clear-cutting dramatically changes the composition of carabid assemblages: species restricted to mature forests disappear and open-habitat species invade, while habitat generalists survive at least in the short term. Carabid diversity can probably best be maintained if forest management mimics natural processes, maintains natural structures and includes the natural composition of vegetation and other structural elements (such as dead wood) within the stands, provided that these forest features can be maintained and recreated through forest management practices. At a larger scale, the whole spectrum of forest types and ages (especially old-growth forests), and different successional processes (especially fire) should be maintained. These require the development and use of innovative logging methods, and the planning, implementation, and assessment of landscape-scale ecological management strategies.  相似文献   

Management practices favoring conifers at the expense of deciduous tree species, and the eradication of deciduous trees, especially aspen Populus tremula , from managed forests have resulted in population declines in several species in Fennoscandia. In addition to species depending on decaying wood of deciduous trees, earlier evidence suggests that leaf litter, especially that of aspen, is favored by many carabid species. We ran a four-year experiment in order to compare carabid assemblages of unchanged forest floor with artificially created leaf-litter plots in central Finland. A total of 18 plots (5 m in diameter) were established in three forest stands without aspen a few kilometers apart. Each stand had 3 litter plots (litter added) and 3 control plots, Pre-treatment samples were compared with those collected alter litter addition.
The litter addition affected the carabid-assemblage structure by increasing the catches of some species and decreasing the catch of one species. The number of carabid species was similar in control and litter plots. The litter effect was smaller than variation among forest stands and year-lo-year fluctuations. There was a strong temporal constancy among the plots: 'rich' plots remained 'rich' from year to year and similarly, 'poor' plots remained 'poor'.
The significant influence of leaf litter on carabid abundance can be attributable to both abiotic factors (microenvironmental conditions, especially humidity and temperature), and biotic ones (changes in niche structure, improved food supply). Leal litter seems to have an effect on carabid distribution patterns, and deciduous trees scattered among conifers are likely to be of importance on carabid fauna in boreal forests.  相似文献   

Data on the geographic distribution of 18 species of the tribe Nebriini (8 species of Leistus and 10 species of Nebria) in Ukraine are presented. The species composition in 13 geographic regions of Ukraine is discussed. Short bionomical and ecological data of and a key to Nebriini species of Ukraine are given.  相似文献   

转植酸酶基因玉米对步甲群落动态的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本研究以陷阱法研究转植酸酶基因玉米及其亲本玉米在整个生长季节对地表步甲类群的影响。每个玉米品系设置6块样地, 两个玉米品系交替排列, 每个样地设置2个采样点, 共设置24个样点, 整个玉米生育期取样8次。本研究共采集步甲标本8 012头, 隶属于11属23种, 其中黄斑青步甲Chlaenius micans个体数量分别占个体总数的87.54%, 为玉米田内的主要常见物种, 蠋步甲Dolichus halensis、 后斑青步甲Chlaenius posticalis和单齿蝼步甲Scarites terricola个体数量分别占除黄斑青步甲之外所有步甲个体总数的34.77%, 31.16%和6.21%, 这些物种组成当地玉米田内的常见物种。步甲物种多样性与常见物种个体数量随季节变化明显, 且转植酸酶基因玉米与其亲本玉米田内步甲物种多样性和常见物种个体数量的季节变化趋势相似度较高。重复测量方差分析(Repeated ANOVA)结果表明, 转植酸酶基因玉米对步甲物种丰富度、 物种多度、 香农威纳多样性指数和均匀度指数均没有显著影响; 转植酸酶基因玉米田内的后斑青步甲个体数量明显增加, 但其他常见物种没有显著变化。基于非度量多维度(NMDS)的群落结构分析表明转植酸酶基因玉米与亲本玉米田内的步甲群落结构非常相似。本文结果表明转植酸酶基因玉米的种植对步甲物种多样性及常见物种没有明显影响。  相似文献   

This paper studied the occurrence of carabid beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae) in the forest edge, the adjacent forest interior, and the surrounding grassland in southwestern China. Beetles were collected with pitfall traps along five replicated transects. Forest species rarely penetrated into the grassland from the forest interior, and the grassland specialists were not found in the forest interior. The forest edge hosted additional species from the adjacent grassland that increased its overall species richness. Nearly all forest species (23 of 24 species) and grassland species (13 of 15 species) can be found in the forest edge. Carabids of the forest edge were more similar to those of the forest interior than to those of the grassland by ordination and cluster analysis. Based on the specificity and fidelity, carabids can be distinguished into five species groups: habitat generalists, grassland-associated species, forest generalists, forest specialists, and edge-associated species. Multiple linear regression analysis showed that canopy cover and/or shrub cover were the most important factors in determining the richness, abundance, and diversity of carabids. The forest edge may serve as a transition zone for dispersal and re-colonization of carabid beetles from adjacent habitats and therefore is important for natural conservation.  相似文献   

Putchkov A 《ZooKeys》2011,(100):503-515
A review of the ground beetles of the Ukrainian fauna is given. Almost 750 species from 117 genera of Carabidae are known to occur in the Ukraine. Approximately 450 species of ground beetles are registered in the Carpathian region. No less than 300 species of ground beetles are found in the forest zone. Approximately 400 species of Carabidae present in the forest-steppe zone are relatively similar in species composition to those in the forest territories. Some 450 species of Carabidae are inhabitants of the steppe zone. Representatives of many other regions of heterogeneous biotopes such as forest, semi desert, intrazonal, etc. can be found in the steppe areas. The fauna of Carabidae (ca. 100 species) of the lowlands of southern Ukraine (sandy biotopes), situated mostly in the Kherson region, is very peculiar. The fauna of the Crimean mountains contains about 300 species. Conservation measures for the Carabidae are discussed.  相似文献   

The role of carabid beetles in reducing populations of phytophagous insects has been an elusive subject. A field experiment was established on a commercial wheat crop (cv. Otto) with an area of 4.5 ha in Valdivia, Chile, during the spring and summer of 1996-1997. The field had been under a prairie system for two years, before wheat sowing (fertilization and a pesticide had been applied during crop development). Samples were taken at approximately monthly intervals. Carabid beetles were sampled with a grid of pitfall traps and other insects were sampled with a vacuum insect net and soil cores. The genera of the carabids found are of neotropical origin. Exclusion by polythene barriers, together with removal of carabid beetles using traps, was an effective technique for controlling carabid populations in a commercial wheat crop. A reduction in the number of carabid beetles was associated with an increase in the number of springtails and arachnids, and a decrease of agromyzid adults. Phytophagous insects, such as homopterans and lepidopterous larvae, were not affected by carabid exclusion and removal. The action of carabid beetles on the arthropod fauna can be extremely complex, due to its predatory activity at multitrophic levels.  相似文献   

The phylogeny of carabid tribes is examined with sequences of 18S ribosomal DNA from eighty-four carabids representing forty-seven tribes, and fifteen outgroup taxa. Parsimony, distance and maximum likelihood methods are used to infer the phylogeny. Although many clades established with morphological evidence are present in all analyses, many of the basal relationships in carabids vary from analysis to analysis. These deeper relationships are also sensitive to variation in the sequence alignment under different alignment conditions. There is moderate evidence against the monophyly of Migadopini + Amarotypini, Scaritini + Clivinini, Bembidiini and Brachinini. Psydrini are not monophyletic, and consist of three distinct lineages (Psydrus, Laccocenus and a group of austral psydrines, from the Southern Hemisphere consisting of all the subtribes excluding Psydrina). The austral psydrines are related to Harpalinae plus Brachinini. The placements of many lineages, including Gehringia, Apotomus, Omophron, Psydrus and Cymbionotum, are unclear from these data. One unexpected placement, suggested with moderate support, is Loricera as the sister group to Amarotypus. Trechitae plus Patrobini form a monophyletic group. Brachinini probably form the sister group to Harpalinae, with the latter containing Pseudomorpha, Morion and Cnemalobus. The most surprising, well supported result is the placement of four lineages (Cicindelinae, Rhysodinae, Paussinae and Scaritini) as near relatives of Harpalinae + Brachinini. Because these four lineages all have divergent 18S rDNA, and thus have long basal branches, parametric bootstrapping was conducted to determine if their association and placement could be the result of long branch attraction. Simulations on model trees indicate that, although their observed association might be due to long branch attraction, there was no evidence that their placement near Harpalinae could be so explained. These simulations also suggest that 18S rDNA might not be sufficient to infer basal carabid relationships.  相似文献   

We analyzed the impacts of succession and grass encroachment on carabid beetle and spider assemblages in a coastal heathland. Further, indicator species for different successional stages (grey dunes, dwarf-shrub heath, grassy heath, heath with shrubs, birch forest) were identified, and their relations to habitat parameters were analyzed. The study was conducted on the Baltic island of Hiddensee, Germany. Ground-dwelling arthropods were sampled using pitfall traps along a successional gradient containing five stages. Ordination by nonmetric multidimensional scaling (NMDS) and analysis of similarities (ANOSIM) revealed a clear separation of species composition among the successional stages. Both in carabid beetles and spiders, most indicator species were obtained in the youngest stage (grey dunes) and fewest in the intermediate stages (grassy heath, heath with shrubs). Also the proportion of endangered species was highest in grey dunes. Based on our results, conservation management of coastal heathlands should preserve a mosaic of different successional stages with a clear preference on younger stages (grey dunes and dwarf-shrub heath).  相似文献   

Lessel T  Marx MT  Eisenbeis G 《ZooKeys》2011,(100):421-446
Within the scope of the Integrated Rhine Program an ecological flood gate and channel was inserted into the polder "Ingelheim" to enhance animal and plant diversity. In 2008, carabid beetles and springtails were collected, using pitfall traps, to measure the effects of ecological flooding and a strong precipitation event at a flood-disturbed and a dry location in this area. At both localities, xerophilic and mesophilic carabid beetle species were dominant throughout the study period. The total number of individuals of hygrophilic species was comparatively constant, while species number increased, partly due to the changed moisture conditions caused by ecological flooding and strong precipitation. Carabid beetle diversity and evenness decreased marginally when ecological flooding was absent. Springtails represent a less mobile arthropod order, and as such the impact of ecological flooding was stronger. An increase in both numbers of species and individuals of hygrophilic and hygrotolerant species occurred in the flood-disturbed location after ecological flooding. After the sites at both locations had dried, the number of individuals belonging to these species declined rapidly. In contrast to carabid species, the strong precipitation event showed no influence on hygrophilic springtail species. Thus, collembolan diversity and evenness decreased markedly in the absence of flooding. We showed that ecological flooding has an influence on the spatial and temporal dynamics of different arthropod groups that inhabit the polder "Ingelheim". These findings demonstrate the importance of using different arthropod groups as bioindicators in determining the ecological value of a particular polder design.  相似文献   

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