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Systematic Parasitology - The studies of bat flies of the family Streblidae Kolenati, 1863 in Mexico have intensified in the last five years, usually providing new geographical records of species...  相似文献   

We evaluated how the abundance and richness of frugivorous and nectarivorous bat species differs among three types of common agroecosystems (diversified coffee plantations, simple coffee plantations and pastures) in Veracruz, Mexico, that represent a gradient of structural and floristic complexity. Using mixed effects models we demonstrated that both the richness and the total abundance of bats was higher in the diversified coffee plantations. We detected similar patterns on comparing the abundance of the four most abundant bat species. Neither season nor the season-agroecosystem interaction had any effect on the comparisons made. Using multiple regressions we found that the richness of plants that are useful to both people and bats had the most explanatory power for the richness and total abundance of frugivorous and nectarivorous bats, as well as for the abundance of Carollia sowelli, Glossophaga soricina and Sturnira spp. Our results indicate that agroecosystems value for conservation of fruit and nectar-eating bats increases as the fruit-bearing trees increases. For the effective conservation of these guilds of bats in tropical agroecosystems, a strategy of diversification with fruit-bearing species is highly recommended; such a strategy would benefit both agricultural producers and wildlife.  相似文献   

Selective logging is one of the most common forms of forest use in the tropics. Although the effects of selective logging on biodiversity have been widely studied, there is little agreement on the relationship between life-history traits and tolerance to logging. In this study, we assessed how species traits and logging practices combine to determine species responses to selective logging, based on over 4000 observations of the responses of nearly 1000 bird species to selective logging across the tropics. Our analysis shows that species traits, such as feeding group and body mass, and logging practices, such as time since logging and logging intensity, interact to influence a species'' response to logging. Frugivores and insectivores were most adversely affected by logging and declined further with increasing logging intensity. Nectarivores and granivores responded positively to selective logging for the first two decades, after which their abundances decrease below pre-logging levels. Larger species of omnivores and granivores responded more positively to selective logging than smaller species from either feeding group, whereas this effect of body size was reversed for carnivores, herbivores, frugivores and insectivores. Most importantly, species most negatively impacted by selective logging had not recovered approximately 40 years after logging cessation. We conclude that selective timber harvest has the potential to cause large and long-lasting changes in avian biodiversity. However, our results suggest that the impacts can be mitigated to a certain extent through specific forest management strategies such as lengthening the rotation cycle and implementing reduced impact logging.  相似文献   

The chytrid fungus Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis (Bd) is a threat to the survival of amphibians worldwide, a situation that is compounded by several other factors. In this study, we determined the prevalence of Bd and its relationship to biotic and abiotic variables for six amphibian communities in two cloud forest fragments and four coffee agroecosystems in central Veracruz, Mexico. A sampling effort of 768 person-hours and 109 skin swabs resulted in the detection of B. dendrobatidis in four amphibian species belonging to three families. The co-inertia model showed the following as the most important variables: tree density, fern species, temperature and elevation, fragment or site size, and structural index. Conversely, we did not find a clear relationship between Bd prevalence and the habitat management gradient. The highest prevalence was found in the second cloud forest, but a very similar result was found in one of the traditional agroecosystems; the lowest levels of prevalence were found in another second traditional agroecosystem and the first cloud forest. The degree of infection was highest in the cloud forests where the diversity of trees, orchids, and elevation was higher. Ecnomiohyla miotympanum was the most abundant species and was found to be infected in four of the five sites, presenting the highest degree of infection.  相似文献   

The hydrographic structure of Abra Harbour, a tidal embayment located at the seaward end of the highly polluted estuary of Bilbao, is influenced by the inflow of a polluted estuarine plume, the asymmetry of the harbour basin, and the tidal circulation pattern. Multivariate analysis of the spatial variability of the zooplankton between May 1981 and May 1982 showed that significant differences in zooplankton abundance and species composition occurred from the inner-eastern to the outer-western side, related to the horizontal structure of the system. The annual temperature cycle, however, was the major source of temporal variability, and the seasonal stratification in the water column was responsible for the predominance of vertical differences in zooplankton composition during the spring-summer period. Wind-induced turbulence and tides were other sources of variation. With increasing turbulence (rough sea), the spatial gradients in zooplankton composition were not as clear, and with decreasing tidal height the compositional differences in the horizontal dimension tended to be more evident. Spionid larvae accounted for strong local differences within the Harbour. They were usually segregated from other taxa, and mainly associated to the deeper waters characterized by a greater hydrological instability.  相似文献   

This paper documents the existence of carabid assemblages associated with bromeliads on the Cofre de Perote, Veracruz, Mexico. Based on bromeliads sampled over three altitudinal ranges, the assemblages included at least 26 species with an arboreal lifestyle and another 11 species that are not strictly arboreal. Seven species are new to science, urging us to pay attention to the arboreal fauna in forest conservation studies. Composition of carabid assemblages associated with bromeliads changes with altitude. In lowlands, it is comprised almost entirely of species of Lebiini, with the Platynini dominating assemblages found in bromeliads >1,000 m above sea level. Our data suggest that carabids use bromeliads to reduce stresses associated with drought periods, the exact timing of which depends on altitude. The unexpected low diversity of the carabid fauna associated with bromeliads at middle altitude is explained in terms of anthropogenic conversion of the original forest to pastureland. Given the importance of arboreal elements, further fragmentation of subtropical and tropical mountain forest significantly threatens overall carabid diversity.  相似文献   

In this paper we report endoparasites from a sample of 50 stenodermatine bats collected mainly over lick sites at the Parque Nacional da Serra do Divisor, westernmost extremity of Amazonian Brazil. Four helminth species were recovered (Hasstilesia tricolor, Vampirolepis elongatus, Cheiropteronema globocephala. and Capillaria sp.), most of them from small intestines. Overall helminth prevalence achieved 26% (13/50) and the more prevalent species was H. tricolor (20%). Previously unknown in bats and reported for the first time in Brazil, this digenetic trematode was found in seven of the 18 bat species studied here. We argue that the drinking behaviour of stenodermatines at lick sites may be implicated in the dissemination of helminth infection among these bats.  相似文献   

Beetles were collected from April 2002 to July 2003 from the following sites in the centre of the state of Veracruz located every 200 m along an altitudinal gradient (1000 - 1400 m asl): three fragments of cloud forest, three shaded coffee plantations, an open canopy coffee plantation, secondary forest, and a pasture. A total of 9,982 specimens were captured, belonging to the families Scarabaeidae and Trogidae, and representing 21 genera and 50 species. The genera Ataenius Harold, Onthophagus Latreille and Aphodius Illiger represented 48% of the species of Scarabaeidae. Species richness was found to decrease with increasing altitude; there were 36 species at 1000 m asl, 27 species between 1200 and 1300 m asl, and 26 species at 1400 m asl. Abundance along the altitudinal gradient follows a pattern of few abundant species and many species with few specimens. Beetle activity is related to precipitation. In the nine communities studied, species richness was observed to increase when precipitation was greater than 100 mm at the beginning of the rainy season. On the landscape scale, there were 44 species during the rainy season, 22 during the windy nortes season, and 24 during the dry season. In terms of trophic guild, 40% of the beetles captured were saprophagous that feed on decomposing organic material from plants and 60% were saprophagous that feed on decomposing organic material from animals (30% necrophagous, 26% coprophagous, 4% telio-necrophagous).  相似文献   

Ponthieva rinconii, a new orchid species from the foothills of the Sierra Madre Oriental in Veracruz, Mexico, is described and illustrated. It is similar in overall appearance to the wide-ranging upland speciesP. schaffneri, but differs from it in habitat preferences (tropical semi-evergreen forest at 650 m elevation), presence of a loose raceme, and three-lobed labellum with a basal cavity.  相似文献   

The compensatory changes of carbohydrate metabolism induced by fasting were investigated in frugivorous bats, Artibeus lituratus and Artibeus jamaicensis. For this purpose, plasma levels of glucose and lactate, liver and muscle glycogen content, rates of liver gluconeogenesis and the activity of related enzymes were determined in male bats. After a decrease during the first 48 h of fasting, plasma glucose levels remained constant until the end of the experimental period. Plasma lactate levels, extremely high in fed bats, decreased after 48 h of fasting. Similarly, liver glycogen content, markedly high in fed animals, was reduced to low levels after 24 h without food. Muscle glycogen was also reduced in fasted bats. The expected increase in liver gluconeogenesis during fasting was observed after 48 h of fasting. The activities of liver glucose-6-phosphatase and fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase were not affected by food withdrawn. On the other hand, fasting for 24 h induced an increase in the activity of liver cytosolic phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase. The data indicate that liver gluconeogenesis has an important role in the glucose homeostasis in frugivorous bats during prolonged periods of food deprivation. During short periods of fasting liver glycogenolysis seems to be the main responsible for the maintenance of glycemia.  相似文献   

The inshore lizardfish, Synodus foetens, is one of the most common coastal demersal predators on the continental shelf of the Gulf of Mexico (GOM), but the biology and feeding ecology of this species is virtually unknown. Between November 2001 and January 2003 (10 collections), 603 individuals of S. foetens ranging from 112 to 420 mm standard length (SL) and 13 to 630 g (wet weight) were collected from the continental shelf of Alvarado, Veracruz, Mexico. About 60% of the individuals had empty stomachs with the stomach fullness of the remaining individuals being distributed as follows: 5% full (24.8%), 50–75% full (13.5%), and completely full (1.7%). The mean (± SD) wet weight of stomach contents was 12.1 ± 10.8 g during the rainy season, and 19.0 ± 13.0 g during the nortes season. Seventeen prey items were identified, with the majority thereof being fish. The most important prey items were Upeneus parvus, Loligo pealei, Engyophrys senta, Trachurus lathami, and Anchoa hepsetus. Seasonal changes in the diet were observed, with U. parvus and L. pealei being the most important prey during the nortes season, whereas E. senta and L. pealei were the main items during the rainy season. Prey size selection was evident among size classes of S. foetens, although no trophic overlap was observed among size classes (Cik ≤ 0.004). High trophic level values were determined for all size classes by season (rainy season = 4.67, nortes season = 4.84), and indicated this species belongs to the piscivorous trophic guild that preys upon both demersal and pelagic species.  相似文献   

Dinoflagellates are a major taxonomic group in marine phytoplankton communities in terms of diversity and biomass. Some species are also important because they form blooms and/or produce toxins that may cause diverse problems. The composition of planktonic dinoflagellates of the orders Prorocentrales and Dinophysiales, in the Veracruz Reef System, were obtained during the period of October 2006 to January 2007. For this, samples were taken from the surface at 10 stations with net of 30 microm mesh, and were analyzed by light and scanning electron microscopy. Each species was described and illustrated, measured and their distribution and ecological data is also given. A total of nine species were found and identified, belonging to four genera: Dinophysis was represented by three species; Prorocentrum by three, Phalacroma by two, and only one species of Ornithocercus was detected. From the samples, four potentially toxin-producer species were found: Dinophysis caudata, D. rapa, Phalacroma rotundata and Prorocentrum micans. The number of species found in this study is low, especially considering the higher numbers observed in other areas of the Gulf of Mexico, where some reports have recorded up to 53 species of the order Dinophysiales and 14 for Prorocentrales. Identification keys for orders, genera and species for the study area are provided with this study.  相似文献   

The durations of logging operations may be regarded as critical periods in which primates will be required to make rapid adjustments in behavioral patterns. Primates are extremely difficult to observe during logging operations, but their behavioral response may be interpreted from analysis of calling patterns. In Hylobates lar,increased calling frequencies of groups may be indicative of intruder pressure, as may reduced calling frequencies of animals which are avoiding confrontation with conspecifics or avoiding detection by loggers. In Presbytis melalophosthe function of calling is to mediate intergroup avoidance, such that differential calling frequencies would not be expected. Where reduction in calling occurs it is probably directed toward concealment from loggers. Groups do not emigrate from active logging areas and movement outside of established territories occurs only to a very limited extent.  相似文献   

A total of 76 adult individuals of Rana vaillanti were collected in Laguna Escondida, Los Tuxtlas, Veracruz, Mexico, and their helminth infracommunity structure was determined. Among the 21 helminth taxa collected (10 digeneans, 8 nematodes, and 3 acanthocephalans), the digenean Langeronia macrocirra reached the highest prevalence (64.4%), mean abundance (6.6), and mean intensity (10.4), as well as the highest total number of individuals (499). Only 2 frogs were uninfected, the remainder harbored between 1 and 7 helminth species and 1-102 individuals; mean species richness and abundance were 3.49 +/- 0.22 and 16.1 +/- 16.3, respectively. Langeronia macrocirra dominated in 50.6% of the infracommunities, with relatively low Berger-Parker index values (0.56); for this reason, the evenness was high (0.70 +/- 0.31), and consequently, diversity values are the highest recorded to date in species of Rana. However, patterns of helminth infracommunity richness and diversity were similar to those previously observed in amphibians. This structure is attributed to the feeding habits (between 66.7 and 81% of helminth species parasitizing R. vaillanti enter using the food web dynamics) and low vagility (the remainder species infect by host penetration).  相似文献   

Approximately 29 species in seven genera (Chiroderma, Mesophylla, Platyrrhinus, Uroderma, Vampyressa, Vampyriscus, and Vampyrodes) compose the Subtribe Vampyressina, a group of New World leaf-nosed bats (Phyllostomidae) specialized in fruit-eating. A recent study of restriction-site variability within the mitochondrial ND3-ND4 gene region contrasts with other molecular data, including sequence data from other mitochondrial genes, by suggesting that the monotypic genus Ectophylla (E. alba) also is member of the group and is related closely to Mesophylla. In this study, we address possible explanations for why the restriction-site data appear to contradict other molecular data by performing phylogenetic analysis of DNA sequence variation (direct survey) in the ND3-ND4 region and cytochrome b gene and by re-assessing ND3-ND4 restriction-site variability in the known sequences (indirect survey). Results from analysis of sequence data reject the Ectophylla-Mesophylla hypothesis (P<0.001) and suggest four primary lineages within Vampyressina: (1) Mesophylla-Vampyressa; (2) Chiroderma-Vampyriscus; (3) Platyrrhinus-Vampyrodes; and (4) Uroderma. We also find no support for the Ectophylla-Mesophylla hypothesis in our re-analysis of ND3-ND4 restriction-site variability, and suggest the differences between molecular studies have a methodological basis.  相似文献   

The consequences of the seed deposition of the parasitic mistletoe Psittacanthus schiedeanus were evaluated in a 32-mo study. We conducted a field seed inoculation experiment to determine variation in seed adhesion, seed germination, seedling establishment, and plant survival to reproduction among five host species and to evaluate whether these post-dispersal processes explain mistletoe prevalence and specificity at the regional scale. Seeds without an exocarp were inoculated onto branches of individuals of the five most common host species identified in nature in central Veracruz, México. Seed fate was monitored for 2 yr, at weekly intervals for the first 2 mo and at 2-mo intervals thereafter. The height and diameter of experimental host branches and canopy cover above them were measured to see if these factors affected mistletoe establishment. Significant differences in seed attachment and seed germination were found among host species. Fewer seeds remained attached on experimental branches of Quercus germana than those of Liquidambar styraciflua, Acacia pennatula, and Platanus mexicana. Although significant differences in seed germination were observed among species (significantly greater on A. pennatula), >70% of mistletoe seeds germinated within the first 5 wk on all host species. Towards the end of the inoculation experiment, more mistletoe seedlings survived, grew, and then flowered on Liquidambar styraciflua than on A. pennatula, P. mexicana, Q. germana, or Q. leiophylla. Host branch initial height and diameter did not affect seedling survival, but seedlings survived better on trees where the canopy was more open. Our results suggest that Liquidambar styraciflua is the most compatible host species with P. schiedeanus in central Veracruz. Not surprisingly, Liquidambar is by far the most common host tree for P. schiedeanus in this area as well. We suggest that the observed local specialization is a result of seed dispersal as consequence of bird foraging and territorial behavior, host abundance, and host species compatibility.  相似文献   

We examined vegetation structure and woody species diversity in relation to 14 environmental and anthropogenic factors in ten tropical dry forest (TDF) fragments in central Veracruz, Mexico. The basal area of the canopy (30.2 ± 2.11 m2/ha) and understory (1.96 ± 0.12 m2/ha) trees was similar, but density (1,014 ± 104 and 2,532 ± 227 individuals/ha, respectively) differed among sites. We recorded 98 canopy, 77 understory, and 60 seedling species. Richness was 24–45 species per site, Fisher’s alpha and Shannon’s indices increased with site altitude. Chao Jaccard indices revealed high species turnover, and a consistently higher similarity within the sites at the lowest and within the highest elevation sites. Ordination identified altitude, aspect, slope, water proximity, cattle and trails as significant explanatory variables of species patterns, and showed that sites at lower elevations were clearly separated from the other sites. Environmental heterogeneity alone did not control species diversity distribution, but species were affected by environmental filters at different stages in their life cycle, e.g., water proximity was significant for saplings and seedlings but not for adults. Anthropogenic disturbances act synergistically, e.g., trails played a key role in determining structure and tree diversity patterns. An important finding is that human disturbance diminishes species diversity in this TDF, but sites at lower elevations were more disturbed and less diverse, therefore we need to study how environmental factors would act if there were no anthropogenic disturbance.  相似文献   

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