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(1) Spatially explicit simulation of clonal plant growth is used to determine how ramet-level traits affect ramet density, spatial pattern of ramets and competitive ability of a clonal plant. The simulation model used combines elements of (i) an individual-based model of plant interactions, (ii) an architectural model of clonal plant growth, and (iii) a model of resource translocation within a set of physiologically integrated plant individuals. (2) The effects of two groups of parameters were studied: growth and resource acquisition parameters (resource accumulation, density-dependence of resource accumulation, resource translocation between ramets) and architectural rules (branching angle and probability of branching, internode length). The model was parameterised by values approximating those of clonally growing grasses as closely as possible. The basic parameter values were chosen from a short-turf grassland. Sensitivity analysis was carried out on relevant parameters around three basic points in the parameter space. Both single-species and two-species systems were studied. (3) It is shown that increasing resource acquisition and growth parameters increase ramet density, genet number and competitive ability. Translocation parameters and architectural parameters modify the effects of resource acquisition and growth, but their effect in single-species stands was smaller. (4) The simulations of species with fixed ramet sizes showed that ramet density in single-species stands cannot be used for predicting competitive ability. Increase in resource acquisition and growth parameters was correlated with an increase in equilibrium ramet density and competitive ability. Increasing branching angle, branching probability or internode length lead to an increased competitive ability, but did not affect equilibrium ramet density. Change of architectural parameters could therefore affect competitive ability independently of their effect on the final ramet density. (5) Spatial pattern both in single-species and two-species stands was also highly parameter-dependent. Changes in architectural parameters and in translocation usually lead to pronounced change in the spatial pattern; change in growth and resource acquisition parameters generally had little effect on spatial pattern.  相似文献   

Eye size is an indicator of visual capability, and macroevolutionary patterns reveal that taxa inhabiting dim environments have larger eyes than taxa from bright environments. This suggests that the light environment is a key driver of variation in eye size. Yet other factors not directly linked with visual tasks (i.e., non-sensory factors) may influence eye size. We sought to jointly investigate the roles of sensory (light) and non-sensory factors (food) in determining eye size and ask whether non-sensory factors could constrain visual capabilities. We tested environmental influences on eye size in four species of the freshwater crustacean Daphnia, crossing bright and dim light levels with high and low resource levels. We measured absolute eye size and eye size relative to body size in early and late adulthood. In general, Daphnia reared on low resources had smaller eyes, both absolutely and relatively. In contrast to the dominant macroevolutionary pattern, phenotypic plasticity in response to light was rarely significant. These patterns of phenotypic plasticity were true for overall diameter of the eye and the diameter of individual facets. We conclude that non-sensory environmental factors can influence sensory systems, and in particular, that resource availability may be an important constraint on visual capability.  相似文献   

Invasive plants have the potential to reduce native plant abundance through both direct and indirect interactions. Direct interactions, such as competition for soil resources, and indirect interactions, such as competition for shared pollinators, have been shown to influence native plant performance; however, we know much less about how these interactions influence native plant abundance in the field. While direct competitive interactions are often assumed to drive declines in native abundance, an evaluation of their influence relative to indirect mechanisms is needed to more fully understand invasive plant impacts. We quantified the direct effects of resource competition by the invasive perennial forb, Euphorbia esula (Euphorbiaceae), on the recruitment, subsequent performance, and ultimate adult abundance of the native annual, Clarkia pulchella (Onagraceae). We contrast these direct effects with those that indirectly resulted from competition for shared pollinators. Although E. esula dramatically reduced pollinator visitation to C. pulchella, plants were only weakly pollen-limited. Pollen supplementation increased the number of seeds per fruit from 41.28 to 46.38. Seed addition experiments revealed that the impacts of ameliorating pollen limitation only increased potential recruitment by 12.3 %. In contrast, seed addition experiments that ameliorated direct competition with E. esula resulted in an increase in potential future recruitment of 574 %. Our results show that, while the indirect effects of competition for pollinators can influence plant abundance, its effects are dwarfed by the magnitude of direct effects of competition for resources.  相似文献   

Variation in floral allocation within inflorescences has been attributed to resource competition and/or architectural effect.The two hypotheses were extensively studied and both hypotheses were partly ...  相似文献   

When resource competition occurs between close relatives, the negative effects of competition are potentially amplified. However, kin selection theory predicts that natural selection should promote the evolution of mechanisms that minimize the intensity of competition between kin. Experimental tests of these hypotheses are mixed, however. Moreover, there is little consensus regarding the generality of either outcome, suggesting that the conditions important in determining the effects of competition between kin are likely complex and not fully understood. We performed two experiments using spadefoot toad tadpoles (Spea multiplicata) to evaluate the hypothesis that individuals can minimize the negative effects of exploitative competition by using alternative resources when competing with close relatives. Supporting our hypothesis, we found that only when individuals had access to alternative resources were the negative effects of competition between siblings less than between unrelated competitors. We suggest that mechanisms to lessen kin competition may be more likely to evolve in environments where alternative resources are available, and that selection to minimize exploitative competition between kin may promote the evolution of resource polyphenism. © 2013 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2013, 110 , 689–695.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: The dynamical system of plant growth GREENLAB was originally developed for individual plants, without explicitly taking into account interplant competition for light. Inspired by the competition models developed in the context of forest science for mono-specific stands, we propose to adapt the method of crown projection onto the x-y plane to GREENLAB, in order to study the effects of density on resource acquisition and on architectural development. METHODS: The empirical production equation of GREENLAB is extrapolated to stands by computing the exposed photosynthetic foliage area of each plant. The computation is based on the combination of Poisson models of leaf distribution for all the neighbouring plants whose crown projection surfaces overlap. To study the effects of density on architectural development, we link the proposed competition model to the model of interaction between functional growth and structural development introduced by Mathieu (2006, PhD Thesis, Ecole Centrale de Paris, France). KEY RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS: The model is applied to mono-specific field crops and forest stands. For high-density crops at full cover, the model is shown to be equivalent to the classical equation of field crop production (Howell and Musick, 1985, in Les besoins en eau des cultures; Paris: INRA Editions). However, our method is more accurate at the early stages of growth (before cover) or in the case of intermediate densities. It may potentially account for local effects, such as uneven spacing, variation in the time of plant emergence or variation in seed biomass. The application of the model to trees illustrates the expression of plant plasticity in response to competition for light. Density strongly impacts on tree architectural development through interactions with the source-sink balances during growth. The effects of density on tree height and radial growth that are commonly observed in real stands appear as emerging properties of the model.  相似文献   

We investigate how the intensity of competition for resources affects the strength of disruptive selection on a resource acquisition trait. This is done by analyzing several consumer–resource models in which consumers use a linear array of resources. We show that disruptive selection can be diminished under both strong and weak competition, making disruptive selection a unimodal function of the strength of competition. Weak selection under strong competition arises when competition causes the extinction (for self-reproducing resources) or depletion (for abiotic resources) of the most rapidly caught resources. Weak selection under weak competition is a consequence of minimal effects of consumers on resources. The precise relationship between intensity of competition and strength of disruptive selection is sensitive to the shape of the consumer's resource utilization curve and the nature of resource growth. The most strongly unimodal competition–selection relationships result from utilization curves with long tails. Our results show that a simple comparison of the width of the resource abundance distribution and the consumer's utilization function is not sufficient to determine whether selection is disruptive. The results may explain some contradictory experimental findings regarding the effect of consumer mortality on the strength of disruptive selection.  相似文献   

Fruit to flower ratios and trade-offs in size and number   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Summary Hermaphroditic flowering plants commonly produce many more flowers than fruits. To interpret this observation, I suggest an explanation based on trade-offs occurring between the size and the number of flowers and fruits that mature when resources are limiting. I make this suggestion concrete with the aid of a phenotypic model analysed using the ESS approach. The model includes resource allocations to male and female reproductive structures at the time of flowering and to fruit maturation. The formulation allows for non-linear relations between opportunities for fertility gain on the one hand and flower and fruit size and number on the other. Results of the model indicate that fewer fruits will be matured than flowers produced, even in the absence of previously suggested factors such as pollinator limitation and bet-hedging in the face of environmental variability. Model results emphasize the distinction between flower versus inflorescence contributions to male and female reproductive success. Analysis also shows that the fruit to flower ratio in hermaphroditic plants will be lower than that in female plants, in accord with broad taxonomic surveys. Finally, results obtained lead to empirically testable predictions about the relationship between flower size, fruit size and the fruit to flower ratio. Methods to test these predictions are discussed.  相似文献   



Viral quasispecies can be regarded as a swarm of genetically related mutants. A common approach employed to describe viral quasispecies is by means of the quasispecies equation (QE). However, a main criticism of QE is its lack of frequency-dependent selection. This can be overcome by an alternative formulation for the evolutionary dynamics: the replicator-mutator equation (RME). In turn, a problem with the RME is how to quantify the interaction coefficients between viral variants. Here, this is addressed by adopting an ecological perspective and resorting to the niche theory of competing communities, which assumes that the utilization of resources primarily determines ecological segregation between competing individuals (the different viral variants that constitute the quasispecies). This provides a theoretical framework to estimate quantitatively the fitness landscape.  相似文献   

Sexual size dimorphism (SSD) is often assumed to be driven by three major selective processes: (1) sexual selection influencing male size and thus mating success, (2) fecundity selection acting on females and (3) inter‐sexual resource division favouring different size in males and females to reduce competition for resources. Sexual selection should be particularly strong in species that exhibit lek polygyny, since male mating success is highly skewed in such species. We investigated whether these three selective processes are related to SSD evolution in grouse and allies (Phasianidae). Male‐biased SSD increased with body size (Rensch’s rule) and lekking species exhibited more male‐biased SSD than nonlekking ones. Directional phylogenetic analyses indicated that lekking evolved before SSD, but conclusions were highly dependent on the body size traits and chosen model values. There was no relationship between SSD and male display agility, nor did resource division influence SSD. Although clutch mass increased with female body size it was not related to the degree of SSD. Taken together, the results are most consistent with the hypothesis that lekking behaviour led to the evolution of male‐biased SSD in Phasianidae.  相似文献   

Comparative analyses suggest that a variety of ecological and behavioural factors contribute to the tremendous variability in extrapair mating among birds. In an analysis of 1010 species of birds, we examined several ecological and behavioural factors in relation to testes size; an index of sperm competition and the extent of extrapair mating. In univariate and multivariate analyses, testes size was significantly larger in species that breed colonially than in species that breed solitarily, suggesting that higher breeding density is associated with greater sperm competition. After controlling for phylogenetic effects and other ecological variables, testes size was also larger in taxa that did not participate in feeding their offspring. In analyses of both the raw species data and phylogenetically independent contrasts, monogamous taxa had smaller testes than taxa with multiple social mates, and testes size tended to increase with clutch size, which suggests that sperm depletion may play a role in the evolution of testes size. Our results suggest that traditional ecological and behavioural variables, such as social mating system, breeding density and male parental care can account for a significant portion of the variation in sperm competition in birds.  相似文献   

We hypothesize that the structure of the heme binding site of paralogous albuminoids alpha-fetoprotein and serum albumin has evolved from the ancestor vitamin D binding protein through the 'phylogenetic intermediate' afamin, the most recently discovered albuminoid. Heme binding to plasma proteins should serve not only as a buffer for heme homeostasis, avoiding heme binding to lipoproteins with the consequent oxidative stress, but also for heme transfer to the liver, complementing the function of hemopexin.  相似文献   

GAVIN M. SIRIWARDENA 《Ibis》2006,148(2):255-265
Data from long-term schemes monitoring abundance and breeding performance were used to investigate the patterns and causes of decline of the Marsh Tit Parus palustris in Britain. Data from the British Trust for Ornithology's Common Birds Census (CBC) showed that declines have occurred to a similar extent in both woodland and farmland. Novel analyses of CBC data with respect to the corresponding data on the abundance of potential avian nest predators and competitors provided no evidence that increases in the numbers of either group have had a deleterious effect on the species. There were no significant relationships with predator numbers and all significant relationships with potential competitors were positive, suggesting common responses to environmental conditions rather than any negative effects of increases in competitor populations. Further evidence for a lack of any effect of nest predation comes from the absence of any decline in breeding success and, specifically, in nest failure rates, over time: failure rates actually fell during the period of decline. The most likely cause of the decline is the degradation of woodland habitats, and the specific ways in which this may have affected Marsh Tits (as opposed to congeneric species whose populations are healthier) are discussed.  相似文献   

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