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The photosynthetic induction state under conditions of different lightfleck frequencies or durations, or different shade periods was studied in soybean leaves in order to examine how it might limit utilization of sunflecks in leaf canopies. Induction following an increase in photon flux density (PFD) from strongly limiting to saturating PFDs exhibited two phases; a fast-inducing one, requiring about 1 min and a slow one, requiring up to 60 min for completion. Transfer of fully induced leaves to low light resulted in a rapid decrease in the fast-inducing component, a slower decrease in the slow-inducing component and an even slower decrease in stomatal conductance. Therefore, the decreases in extent of induction appeared to be due to biochemical factors and not to stomatal closure. Under flashing light regimes consisting of 1-s lightflecks given at different frequencies for long periods, a constant induction state was achieved, the measure of induction state increased with the frequency of the lightflecks. This constant induction state also depended on the growth conditions, with shade leaves having a higher value than those grown at high light at any particular lightfleck frequency. The measure of induction state was mostly lower in flashing light as compared to constant light of the same mean PFD, particularly in leaves with a low light saturation point and in short lightflecks. Initial activities of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase (rubisco) were also higher in continuous light and were highly correlated with the measure of induction state. The rapid decrease in extent of induction of soybean leaves during shade periods is an important limitation to the ability of the leaves to respond to light increases similar to those occurring with sunflecks. At least part of the limitation on carbon assimilation during sunflecks due to photosynthetic induction is based on regulation of rubisco activity.  相似文献   

Abstract. The relative growth rates and leaf area were graphed against leaf area, normalized with respect to final leaf area, to assess the applicability of the Lockhart cell wall expansion equation to soybean, Glycine max (L.) Merr., leaf development under field conditions. For leaves that had completed more than 20% of their growth, relative growth rates decreased linearly with an increase in the normalized leaf area, indicating that these leaves were undergoing strictly expansive growth. Drought stress significantly decreased the relative growth rate of these larger leaves. Small leaves which had completed less than 20% of their growth, were found to have highly variable relative growth rates. The large variability in relative growth rates indicated that the Lockhart cell wall expansion equation was inadequate to evaluate the growth of these young leaves. Drought stress had virtually no influence on the relative growth rates observed in the small leaves.  相似文献   

Nitrogen (N) supply can limit the yields of soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] in highly productive environments. To explore the physiological mechanisms underlying this limitation, seasonal changes in N dynamics, aboveground dry matter (ADM) accumulation, leaf area index (LAI) and fraction of absorbed radiation (fAPAR) were compared in crops relying only on biological N2 fixation and available soil N (zero-N treatment) versus crops receiving N fertilizer (full-N treatment). Experiments were conducted in seven high-yield environments without water limitation, where crops received optimal management. In the zero-N treatment, biological N2 fixation was not sufficient to meet the N demand of the growing crop from early in the season up to beginning of seed filling. As a result, crop LAI, growth, N accumulation, radiation-use efficiency and fAPAR were consistently higher in the full-N than in the zero-N treatment, leading to improved seed set and yield. Similarly, plants in the full-N treatment had heavier seeds with higher N concentration because of greater N mobilization from vegetative organs to seeds. Future yield gains in high-yield soybean production systems will require an increase in biological N2 fixation, greater supply of N from soil or fertilizer, or alleviation of the trade-off between these two sources of N in order to meet the plant demand.  相似文献   

  • When plants are exposed to a heterogeneous environment, photosynthesis of leaves is not only determined by their local condition, but also by certain signals from other parts of the same plant, termed systemic regulation. Our present study was conducted to investigate the effects of light‐dependent systemic regulation on the photosynthetic performance of soybean (Glycine max L. Merr.) under heterogeneous light conditions.
  • Soybean plants were treated with heterogeneous light. Then gas exchange characteristics were measured to evaluate the photosynthetic performance of leaves. Parameters related to photosynthetic pigments, chlorophyll fluorescence, Rubisco and photosynthates were examined to study the mechanisms of light‐dependent systemic regulation on photosynthesis.
  • Light‐induced systemic signalling by illuminated leaves reduced the Pn of both upper and lower non‐illuminated leaves on the same soybean plant. The decrease in gs and increase in Ci in these non‐illuminated leaves indicated restriction of carbon assimilation, which was further verified by the decline in content and activity of Rubisco. However, the activation state of Rubisco decreased only in upper non‐illuminated leaves. Quantum efficiency of PSII (ΦPSII) and ETR also decreased only in upper non‐illuminated leaves. Moreover, the effects of light‐induced systemic signalling on carbohydrate content were also detectable only in upper non‐illuminated leaves.
  • Light‐induced systemic signalling by illuminated leaves restricts carbon assimilation and down‐regulates photosynthetic performance of non‐illuminated leaves within a soybean plant. However, effects of such systemic regulation differed when regulated in upward or downward direction.

Abstract. Vegetative plants of soybean [ Glycine max (L.) Merr. cv. Wells II] grown in a greenhouse and agitated periodically on a gyratory shaker had shorter stems, less leaf area, and lower leaf and plant dry weight than did undisturbed greenhouse-grown (GG) plants after 16 d of treatment. Outdoor-grown (OG) plants, which were subjected to additional environmental stresses including ultraviolet radiation, wind loading, and uncontrolled temperature and humidity fluctuations, were smaller and had less dry weight than GG controls, but growth was not inhibited further by gyratory shaking. Periodic shaking of GG soybeans resulted in the same plant and leaf dry weight as for OG soybeans. Response of GG plants to mechanical stress depended on light intensity, with minimum growth reduction occurring under full light (FL) level, and maximum growth reduction occurring under lower light levels (24–45% FL). Reduction in dry weight gain due to mechanical stress corresponded to a decrease in relative growth rate (RGR). Decreases in net assimilation rate and leaf area ratio contributed equally to the lower RGR of shaken plants, indicating that seismic stress inhibits dry weight accumulation by decreasing both the photosynthetic efficiency and the assimilatory surface of soybean.  相似文献   

Abstract. Leaf area expansion, photosynthetic carbon dioxide uptake and leaf dry mass accumulation were compared for expanding leaves of well-watered soybean ( Glycine max [L.] Merr.) plants, mildly dehydrated plants and well-watered plants treated with abscisic acid (ABA). Both ABA treatment and dehydration reduced area expansion in the light and over a 24 h period without decreasing the photosynthetic rates of expanding leaves. Dry mass accumulation during the light was less in ABA-treated and water-stressed leaves than in control leaves, with no differences among treatments in leaf mass per unit of area. ABA treatment and water stress both increased export of carbon from expanding leaves in the light. ABA applied near the end of the light period also increased export of carbon during the following dark period. However, it is unlikely that decreased availability of photosynthate caused slow expansion in the ABA and dehydration treatments, because expansion rates were not slowed in plants kept in dim light, even though photosynthetic rates and dry mass accumulation rates were greatly reduced. The data suggest that ABA may mediate the effects of mild dehydration on leaf area expansion and partitioning of photosynthate.  相似文献   

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