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Automatic analysis of DNA microarray images using mathematical morphology   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
MOTIVATION: DNA microarrays are an experimental technology which consists in arrays of thousands of discrete DNA sequences that are printed on glass microscope slides. Image analysis is an important aspect of microarray experiments. The aim of this step is to reduce an image of spots into a table with a measure of the intensity for each spot. Efficient, accurate and automatic analysis of DNA spot images is essential in order to use this technology in laboratory routines. RESULTS: We present an automatic non-supervised set of algorithms for a fast and accurate spot data extraction from DNA microarrays using morphological operators which are robust to both intensity variation and artefacts. The approach can be summarised as follows. Initially, a gridding algorithm yields the automatic segmentation of the microarray image into spot quadrants which are later individually analysed. Then the analysis of the spot quadrant images is achieved in five steps. First, a pre-quantification, the spot size distribution law is calculated. Second, the background noise extraction is performed using a morphological filtering by area. Third, an orthogonal grid provides the first approach to the spot locus. Fourth, the spot segmentation or spot boundaries definition is carried out using the watershed transformation. And fifth, the outline of detected spots allows the signal quantification or spot intensities extraction; in this respect, a noise model has been investigated. The performance of the algorithm has been compared with two packages: ScanAlyze and Genepix, showing its robustness and precision.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: To study lowly expressed genes in microarray experiments, it is useful to increase the photometric gain in the scanning. However, a large gain may cause some pixels for highly expressed genes to become saturated. Spatial statistical models that model spot shapes on the pixel level may be used to infer information about the saturated pixel intensities. Other possible applications for spot shape models include data quality control and accurate determination of spot centres and spot diameters. RESULTS: Spatial statistical models for spotted microarrays are studied including pixel level transformations and spot shape models. The models are applied to a dataset from 50mer oligonucleotide microarrays with 452 selected Arabidopsis genes. Logarithmic, Box-Cox and inverse hyperbolic sine transformations are compared in combination with four spot shape models: a cylindric plateau shape, an isotropic Gaussian distribution and a difference of two-scaled Gaussian distribution suggested in the literature, as well as a proposed new polynomial-hyperbolic spot shape model. A substantial improvement is obtained for the dataset studied by the polynomial-hyperbolic spot shape model in combination with the Box-Cox transformation. The spatial statistical models are used to correct spot measurements with saturation by extrapolating the censored data. AVAILABILITY: Source code for R is available at http://www.matfys.kvl.dk/~ekstrom/spotshapes/  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: The numerical values of gene expression measured using microarrays are usually presented to the biological end-user as summary statistics of spot pixel data, such as the spot mean, median and mode. Much of the subsequent data analysis reported in the literature, however, uses only one of these spot statistics. This results in sub-optimal estimates of gene expression levels and a need for improvement in quantitative spot variation surveillance. RESULTS: This paper develops a maximum-likelihood method for estimating gene expression using spot mean, variance and pixel number values available from typical microarray scanners. It employs a hierarchical model of variation between and within microarray spots. The hierarchical maximum-likelihood estimate (MLE) is shown to be a more efficient estimator of the mean than the 'conventional' estimate using solely the spot mean values (i.e. without spot variance data). Furthermore, under the assumptions of our model, the spot mean and spot variance are shown to be sufficient statistics that do not require the use of all pixel data.The hierarchical MLE method is applied to data from both Monte Carlo (MC) simulations and a two-channel dye-swapped spotted microarray experiment. The MC simulations show that the hierarchical MLE method leads to improved detection of differential gene expression particularly when 'outlier' spots are present on the arrays. Compared with the conventional method, the MLE method applied to data from the microarray experiment leads to an increase in the number of differentially expressed genes detected for low cut-off P-values of interest.  相似文献   



Analysis of DNA microarray data takes as input spot intensity measurements from scanner software and returns differential expression of genes between two conditions, together with a statistical significance assessment. This process typically consists of two steps: data normalization and identification of differentially expressed genes through statistical analysis. The Expresso microarray experiment management system implements these steps with a two-stage, log-linear ANOVA mixed model technique, tailored to individual experimental designs. The complement of tools in TM4, on the other hand, is based on a number of preset design choices that limit its flexibility. In the TM4 microarray analysis suite, normalization, filter, and analysis methods form an analysis pipeline. TM4 computes integrated intensity values (IIV) from the average intensities and spot pixel counts returned by the scanner software as input to its normalization steps. By contrast, Expresso can use either IIV data or median intensity values (MIV). Here, we compare Expresso and TM4 analysis of two experiments and assess the results against qRT-PCR data.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: High-throughput microarray technologies enable measurements of the expression levels of thousands of genes in parallel. However, microarray printing, hybridization and washing may create substantial variability in the quality of the data. As erroneous measurements may have a drastic impact on the results by disturbing the normalization schemes and by introducing expression patterns that lead to incorrect conclusions, it is crucial to discard low quality observations in the early phases of a microarray experiment. A typical microarray experiment consists of tens of thousands of spots on a microarray, making manual extraction of poor quality spots impossible. Thus, there is a need for a reliable and general microarray spot quality control strategy. RESULTS: We suggest a novel strategy for spot quality control by using Bayesian networks, which contain many appealing properties in the spot quality control context. We illustrate how a non-linear least squares based Gaussian fitting procedure can be used in order to extract features for a spot on a microarray. The features we used in this study are: spot intensity, size of the spot, roundness of the spot, alignment error, background intensity, background noise, and bleeding. We conclude that Bayesian networks are a reliable and useful model for microarray spot quality assessment. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: http://sigwww.cs.tut.fi/TICSP/SpotQuality/.  相似文献   

Normalization removes or minimizes the biases of systematic variation that exists in experimental data sets. This study presents a systematic variation normalization (SVN) procedure for removing systematic variation in two channel microarray gene expression data. Based on an analysis of how systematic variation contributes to variability in microarray data sets, our normalization procedure includes background subtraction determined from the distribution of pixel intensity values from each data acquisition channel and log conversion, linear or non-linear regression, restoration or transformation, and multiarray normalization. In the case when a non-linear regression is required, an empirical polynomial approximation approach is used. Either the high terminated points or their averaged values in the distributions of the pixel intensity values observed in control channels may be used for rescaling multiarray datasets. These pre-processing steps remove systematic variation in the data attributable to variability in microarray slides, assay-batches, the array process, or experimenters. Biologically meaningful comparisons of gene expression patterns between control and test channels or among multiple arrays are therefore unbiased using normalized but not unnormalized datasets.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: Numerical output of spotted microarrays displays censoring of pixel intensities at some software dependent threshold. This reduces the quality of gene expression data, because it seriously violates the linearity of expression with respect to signal intensity. Statistical methods based on typically available spot summaries together with some parametric assumptions can suggest ways to correct for this defect. RESULTS: A maximum likelihood approach is suggested together with a sensible approximation to the joint density of the mean, median and variance-which are typically available to the biological end-user. The method 'corrects' the gene expression values for pixel censoring. A by-product of our approach is a comparison between several two-parameter models for pixel intensity values. It suggests that pixels separated by one or two other pixels can be considered independent draws from a Lognormal or a Gamma distribution. AVAILABILITY: The R/S-Plus code is available at http://www.stats.gla.ac.uk/~microarray/software.  相似文献   

Fabrication of high quality microarrays   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Fabrication of DNA microarray demands that between ten (diagnostic microarrays) and many hundred thousands of probes (research or screening microarrays) are efficiently immobilised to a glass or plastic surface using a suitable chemistry. DNA microarray performance is measured by parameters like array geometry, spot density, spot characteristics (morphology, probe density and hybridised density), background, specificity and sensitivity. At least 13 factors affect these parameters and factors affecting fabrication of microarrays are used in this review to compare different fabrication methods (spotted microarrays and in situ synthesis of microarrays) and immobilisation chemistries.  相似文献   

The aims were to evaluate the common reference design approach in microarray experiments and to evaluate the technical performance and the normalisation of cDNA microarrays with a limited number of spots. Total RNA from 3 normal and 3 tumour sample biopsies were used for synthesis of amino-allyl labelled cRNA. Equal amounts of cRNA from all samples were mixed as reference. After conjugation of cRNA with fluorophores (Cy3/Cy5), each individual tumour cRNA was hybridised to a cDNA microarray together with reference cRNA, scanned and analysed. We show that our procedures for producing cDNA microarrays are reproducible. The concordance between duplicated spots and replicate hybridisation was found to be high. We have demonstrated that our cDNA microarrays are of a high technical quality. The majority of the cDNA microarrays had low local spot background levels. Despite the high background levels for some local spots, variation could be minimized by locally weighted scatter plot smooth normalisation (LOWESS), which we showed was also suitable for normalisation of cDNA microarrays with a limited number of probes.  相似文献   

A new integrated image analysis package with quantitative quality control schemes is described for cDNA microarray technology. The package employs an iterative algorithm that utilizes both intensity characteristics and spatial information of the spots on a microarray image for signal–background segmentation and defines five quality scores for each spot to record irregularities in spot intensity, size and background noise levels. A composite score qcom is defined based on these individual scores to give an overall assessment of spot quality. Using qcom we demonstrate that the inherent variability in intensity ratio measurements is closely correlated with spot quality, namely spots with higher quality give less variable measurements and vice versa. In addition, gauging data by qcom can improve data reliability dramatically and efficiently. We further show that the variability in ratio measurements drops exponentially with increasing qcom and, for the majority of spots at the high quality end, this improvement is mainly due to an improvement in correlation between the two dyes. Based on these studies, we discuss the potential of quantitative quality control for microarray data and the possibility of filtering and normalizing microarray data using a quality metrics-dependent scheme.  相似文献   

Evaluation of surface chemistries for antibody microarrays   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Antibody microarrays are an emerging technology that promises to be a powerful tool for the detection of disease biomarkers. The current technology for protein microarrays has been derived primarily from DNA microarrays and is not fully characterized for use with proteins. For example, there are a myriad of surface chemistries that are commercially available for antibody microarrays, but there are no rigorous studies that compare these different surfaces. Therefore, we have used a sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) microarray platform to analyze 17 different commercially available slide types. Full standard curves were generated for 23 different assays. We found that this approach provides a rigorous and quantitative system for comparing the different slide types based on spot size and morphology, slide noise, spot background, lower limit of detection, and reproducibility. These studies demonstrate that the properties of the slide surface affect the activity of immobilized antibodies and the quality of data produced. Although many slide types produce useful data, glass slides coated with aldehyde silane, poly-l-lysine, or aminosilane (with or without activation with a crosslinker) consistently produce superior results in the sandwich ELISA microarray analyses we performed.  相似文献   

Zhu X  Gerstein M  Snyder M 《Genome biology》2006,7(11):R110-11
Protein microarrays provide a versatile method for the analysis of many protein biochemical activities. Existing DNA microarray analytical methods do not translate to protein microarrays due to differences between the technologies. Here we report a new approach, ProCAT, which corrects for background bias and spatial artifacts, identifies significant signals, filters nonspecific spots, and normalizes the resulting signal to protein abundance. ProCAT provides a powerful and flexible new approach for analyzing many types of protein microarrays.  相似文献   

As the topological properties of each spot in DNA microarray images may vary from one another, we employed granulometries to understand the shape-size content contributed due to a significant intensity value within a spot. Analysis was performed on the microarray image that consisted of 240 spots by using concepts from mathematical morphology. In order to find out indices for each spot and to further classify them, we adopted morphological multiscale openings, which provided microarrays at multiple scales. Successive opened microarrays were subtracted to identify the protrusions that were smaller than the size of structuring element. Spot-wise details, in terms of probability of these observed protrusions,were computed by placing a regularly spaced grid on microarray such that each spot was centered in each grid. Based on the probability of size distribution functions of these protrusions isolated at each level, we estimated the mean size and texture index for each spot. With these characteristics, we classified the spots in a microarray image into bright and dull categories through pattern spectrum and shape-size complexity measures. These segregated spots can be compared with those of hybridization levels.  相似文献   

We propose a statistical model for estimating gene expression using data from multiple laser scans at different settings of hybridized microarrays. A functional regression model is used, based on a non-linear relationship with both additive and multiplicative error terms. The function is derived as the expected value of a pixel, given that values are censored at 65 535, the maximum detectable intensity for double precision scanning software. Maximum likelihood estimation based on a Cauchy distribution is used to fit the model, which is able to estimate gene expressions taking account of outliers and the systematic bias caused by signal censoring of highly expressed genes. We have applied the method to experimental data. Simulation studies suggest that the model can estimate the true gene expression with negligible bias. AVAILABILITY: FORTRAN 90 code for implementing the method can be obtained from the authors.  相似文献   

The reference design is a practical and popular choice for microarray studies using two-color platforms. In the reference design, the reference RNA uses half of all array resources, leading investigators to ask: What is the best reference RNA? We propose a novel method for evaluating reference RNAs and present the results of an experiment that was specially designed to evaluate three common choices of reference RNA. We found no compelling evidence in favor of any particular reference. In particular, a commercial reference showed no advantage in our data. Our experimental design also enabled a new way to test the effectiveness of pre-processing methods for two-color arrays. Our results favor using intensity normalization and foregoing background subtraction. Finally, we evaluate the sensitivity and specificity of data quality filters, and we propose a new filter that can be applied to any experimental design and does not rely on replicate hybridizations.  相似文献   

In protein microarray performance, the choice of an appropriate surface is a crucial factor. Three‐dimensional substrates like nitrocellulose are known to have higher binding capacities than planar surfaces. Furthermore, they can enable the immobilization of proteins in a functional manner. One disadvantage of today's nitrocellulose‐based microarrays is the high background fluorescence, which can interfere with the detection of low‐abundance proteins. We have developed an innovative black nitrocellulose membrane‐based protein microarray that exhibits low autofluorescence in combination with increased sensitivity and improved LOD (limit of detection). The applicability of the novel material was demonstrated with main focus on reversed‐phase microarray experiments. In comparison to various commercially available microarrays, a higher sensitivity in regard to the spotted protein was achieved. In contrast to other porous nitrocellulose‐based microarrays, the black nitrocellulose provides a significant lower autofluorescence and background intensity.  相似文献   

We consider the problem of inferring fold changes in gene expression from cDNA microarray data. Standard procedures focus on the ratio of measured fluorescent intensities at each spot on the microarray, but to do so is to ignore the fact that the variation of such ratios is not constant. Estimates of gene expression changes are derived within a simple hierarchical model that accounts for measurement error and fluctuations in absolute gene expression levels. Significant gene expression changes are identified by deriving the posterior odds of change within a similar model. The methods are tested via simulation and are applied to a panel of Escherichia coli microarrays.  相似文献   

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