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A screening strategy was developed to assess the potential of plant-associated bacteria to control diseases caused by Rhizoctonia solani Kühn. About 434 already characterized antagonistic bacterial strains isolated from diverse plant species and microenvironments were evaluated for biocontrol and plant growth promotion by a hierarchical combination of assays. Analyzing in vitro antagonism towards different Rhizoctonia isolates resulted in a selection of 20 potential biocontrol agents. The strains were characterized by their antagonistic mechanisms in vitro as well as their production of the plant growth hormone indole-3-acetic acid. The plant growth promoting effect by antagonistic bacteria was determined using a microtiter plate assay on the basis of lettuce seedlings. Lettuce and sugar beet as host plant were included in the biocontrol experiments in which the antagonistic effect of 17 bacterial isolates could be confirmed in vivo. Sequencing of the 16S rDNA gene and (or) fatty acid methyl ester gas chromatography was used to identify the antagonistic isolates. Molecular fingerprints of isolates obtained by BOX-polymerase chain reaction were compared to avoid further investigation with genetically very similar strains and to obtain unique molecular fingerprints for quality control and patent licensing. According to our strategy, an assessment scheme was developed and four interesting biological control agents, Pseudomonas reactans B3, Pseudomonas fluorescens B1, Serratia plymuthica B4, and Serratia odorifera B6, were found. While S. plymuthica B4 was the best candidate to biologically control Rhizoctonia in lettuce, P. reactans B3 was the best candidate to suppress the pathogen in sugar beet.  相似文献   

Rhizoctonia solani causes yield losses in numerous economically important European crops. To develop a biocontrol strategy, 3 potato-associated ecto- and endophytically living bacterial strains Pseudomonas fluorescens B1, Pseudomonas fluorescens B2, and Serratia plymuthica B4 were evaluated against R. solani in potato and in lettuce. The disease-suppression effect of the 3 biocontrol agents (BCAs) was tested in a growth chamber and in the field. In growth chamber experiments, all 3 BCAs completely or significantly limited the dry mass (DM) losses on lettuce and the disease severity (DS) caused by R. solani on potato sprouts. Strain B1 showed the highest suppression effect (52% on average) on potato. Under field conditions, the DS on both crops, which were bacterized, decreased significantly, and the biomass losses on lettuce decreased significantly as well. The greatest disease-suppression effect on potato was achieved by strain B1 (37%), followed by B2 (33%) and then B4 (31%), whereas the marketable tuber yield increased up to 12% (B1), 6% (B2), and 17% (B4) compared with the pathogen control at higher disease pressure. Furthermore, in all experiments, B1 proved to be the most effective BCA against R. solani. Therefore, this BCA could be a candidate for developing a commercial product against Rhizoctonia diseases. To our knowledge, this is the first report on the high potential of endophytes to be used as a biological control agent against R. solani under field conditions.  相似文献   

Summary Experiments on nutrient and staled agar were carried out to investigate the mycoparasitic activity of some fusaria againstRhizoctonia solani Kühn. Penetration and coiling byFusarium oxysporum Sch.,F. semitectum Berk & Rav. andF. udum Butler in and around theR. solani hyphae was observed. Lysis ofF. udum hyphae was observed inside theR. solani hyphae showing the reverse of the normal direction of necrotrophic mycoparasitic relationships. The mycoparasitic activity ofFusarium spp. was much affected in staled agar plates.  相似文献   

U tňí saprofyt? byl sledován projev antagonismu proti pathogenuRhizoctonia solani v r?znýeh podm?nkách kultivace.Trichoderma viride aChaetomium cochlioides inhibovaly r?st R. solani ú?inněji p?i inkuba?ni teplotě25 a 30° C.T. viride bylo antagonisticky aktivněj?í v prost?edí kyselém,C. cochlioides v prost?edí alkalickém. Je vysloven p?edpoklad, ?e p?dni doplňky zvy?uj?c? aktivituC. cochlioides by být platným opat?en?m proti sledovanému pathogenu v alkalických p?dách. Na rozdíl od p?ede?lých zpráv byla kulturaR. solani celulolyticky zaktivněj?í ne?T. viride aC. cochlioides, a to i p?i pouzití chloridu amonného jako droje dusíku.  相似文献   

The growth OfRhizoctonia solani in different carbohydrates was studied. The rate of growth of the fungus was traced by taking the dry weights of mycelia obtained from the carbohydrate medium at regular intervals and shifts in the pH were recorded. Different carbohydrate sources had different effects on the growth of the organism. The exoenzymes from the organism were capable of cleaving carbohydrates irrespective of whether the fungus grew in them or not.  相似文献   

The sheath blight of rice pathogen Rhizoctonia solani Kühn AG1-1A has long been known as a major crisis in global rice production. The present study aimed to compare the efficacy of four triazole fungicides at different doses on the growth and development of R. solani Kühn AG1-1A. Obtained results demonstrated inhibitory effects of all four fungicides on mycelial growth, sclerotia formation and biomass production of R. solani Kühn AG1-1A with significant variation among the treatment doses as well as fungicide molecules (p ≤ 0.05). At the respective EC50 doses all four fungicides inhibited cell wall degrading enzymes viz. invertase, cellulase, polygalacturonase and pectin lyase, of the sheath blight pathogen. The extent of inhibition of the enzymes significantly varied among the fungicides. It is important to note that in spite of having common mode of action, all four triazole fungicides demonstrated significant variation in their fungicidal efficacy on R. solani Kühn AG1-1A.  相似文献   

Is coordination of leaf and root growth mediated by abscisic acid? Opinion   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:12  
Leaf growth is more inhibited than root growth when the soil is nitrogen-deficient, dry, saline, compacted, or of restricted volume. Similar differential responses in leaf and root growth occur when ABA is applied to plants in well-watered and well-fertilised conditions, and opposite responses are often found in ABA-deficient mutants. ABA levels increase in plants in dry or saline soils, suggesting a regulating role in leaf and root growth in soils of low water potential. In nitrogen-deficient or compacted soils, or soils of restricted volume, ABA only sometimes increases, and in these situations its accumulation may be of secondary importance. Use of ABA-deficient mutants has so far indicated that ABA influences leaf and root growth in unstressed plants, and plants in dry soils, but not in soils that are compacted, of restricted volume, or are nitrogen-deficient.For ABA to determine the relationship between the rate of leaf growth and the rate of root growth, there must be long-distance transport of either ABA itself or a compound that controls ABA synthesis in the growing cells of leaves and roots. ABA invariably increases in xylem sap as the soil becomes dry or saline, and sometimes when it becomes nitrogen-deficient or compacted, however the ABA is of too low a concentration to affect leaf growth. There may be a compound in xylem sap that controls the synthesis of ABA in the leaf, but no such compound has been identified. ABA accumulates in phloem sap of plants in dry or saline soil, but its function in controlling root or leaf growth is unknown.We conclude that ABA affects the ratio of root growth to leaf growth via its independent effects on root and leaf growth, and may regulate the ratio of root to leaf growth via feedforward signals in xylem or phloem, but there is no satisfactory explanation of its mechanism of control.  相似文献   

Alfred Kühn (1885-1968) was known as one of the most comprehensive zoologists of his time. His research program in developmental physiological genetics was one of the first successful attempts to integrate the experimental study of development and heredity. It led him to discover the first known reaction chain from gene to phenotype. Kühn also foresaw many elements of modern evolutionary developmental biology and as a student of Weismann and mentor to many developmental geneticists of the late 20th century directly connects Weismann with molecular developmental genetics.  相似文献   

Summary From the results of the experiments described, as well as from the literature, it becomes clear that the definition ofLactobacillus bulgaricus given in Bergey's Manual should be altered. This bacterium produces laevorotatory (D) lactic acid almost exclusively and ferments a limited number of sugars only,e.g. not maltose, saccharose or trehalose. All strains grew in a medium with 2% sodium chloride but no appreciable growth occurred with 4%, nor with 2% sodium taurocholate.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to determine the compatibility of Contans® (Coniothyrium minitans) with fungicides against Sclerotinia sclerotiorum. Results showed that both Contans® and Topsin® significantly reduced the disease incidence caused by S. sclerotiorum by 90% and 95% survival plants, respectively when they were individually applied and compared to control. While, soil application of Contans® and Sumisclex mixture was the most effective in suppressing the white rot disease incidence that produced 100% survival plants, application of C. minitans combined with the reduced doses of fungicides would be advantageous in saving labor cost, thus increasing production efficiency of bean.  相似文献   

Trichoderma species are readily isolated from Brazilian cerrado soil by conventional methods and some of them were characterized as Trichoderma koningii. The effect of carbon source on the production of β-1,3-glucanases in the culture filtrates of a specific Trichoderma koningii strain (ALL 13) was investigated. Enzyme activity was detected in all carbon sources tested and only one band of β-1,3-glucanase was detected in non-denaturing PAGE. This enzyme was purified by Sephacryl S-200 gel filtration and Phenyl Sepharose CL 4B chromatography. A typical procedure provided 105-fold purification with 13.4% yield. The molecular weight of the purified enzyme was 75 kDa as estimated by SDS-PAGE. The enzyme hydrolyzed laminarin in an endo-like fashion to form small oligosaccharides and glucose. The Km and Vmax values for β-1,3-glucanase, using laminarin as substrate, were 0.148 mg.mL−1 and 0.159 U.min−1, respectively. The pH optimum for the enzyme was pH 4.6 and maximum activity was obtained at 50°C. Hg2+ inhibited the purified enzyme.  相似文献   

The flow pattern of the upper air at the 500 mb level was found to be the key to the surface weather pattern influencing the development of CERCOSPORA BETICOLA on sugar beet. Stable long-wave conditions of the upper air provided more persistent surface conditions unfavorable for leaf spot development. A train of short wave produced favorable weather conditions for leaf spot development.
Zusammenfassung Es wurde nachgewiesen, dass die Strömungsformen der oberen Luftschichten auf dem 500 mb Niveau die Wetterformen an der Oberfläche beeinflussen, die die Entwicklung von CERCOSPORA BETICOLA auf Zuckerrüben erklären. Stabile Langwellen-Bedingungen in den oberen Luftschichten bedingen gleichmässigere Oberflächenbedingungen, die für die Blattflecken ungünstig sind, während eine Folge kurzer Wellen zu Wetterbedingungen führt, die für die Blattfleckenbildung günstig sind.

Resume On a pu démontrer que la forme de l'écoulement de l'air au niveau de 500 mb se répercute sur les conditions atmosphériques au sol, conditions particulières qui agissent sur le développement de CERCOSPORA BETICOLA de la betterave à sucre. Des conditions stables d'écoulement ne présentant que de larges ondulations dans les couches supérieures de l'atmosphère provoquent des conditions de surface défavorables au développement de la maladie. Au contraire, une succession de courtes ondulations conduit à des conditions de surface favorables au champignon.

Journal Paper No. J-6610 of the Iowa Agriculture and Home Economics Experiment Station, Project 1163. Cooperative investigation of the Iowa Station and Crops Research Division, Agricultural Research Division, United States Department of Agriculture.  相似文献   

Peroxidase isozymes were studied in the case of two diseases:Tilletia controversa in wheat andPuccinia recondita in rye. The method employed was that of disc-electrophoresis on acrylamid gel. In the case of systemic disease (Tilletia controversa) no change was found in the isozyme pattern until a concentration of pathogen took place in the ears that began to form. Proofs are given that the new isozyme in unmatured ears comes from the pathogen. In the case of rye infected withPuccinia recondita a new isozyme was found; the latter does not originate in the pathogen, its origin is being discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Seven bacterial isolates and many species of fungi have been isolated from the rhizospheres of Ashmouni and Karnak cotton variety seedlings. Two strains ofBacillus subtilis and two fungi, namelyAspergillus terreus andAspergillus flavus proved to be antagonistic toRhizoctonia solani on glucose — peptone agar. Other antagonistic bacterial isolates were slow growers on the agar medium, and hence were not chosen for further studies. Similarly, most of the other rhizospheric fungi of cotton were of the compatible type and were, therefore, rejected.  相似文献   

Dry root rot caused by Rhizoctonia bataticola (Macrophomina phaseolina) of chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) is gaining importance in the changed scenario of climate when growing crop is predisposed to high temperature and moisture stress. Being mainly a soil-inhabiting pathogen, many environmental and soil factors are responsible for the development of disease. No systematic research related to the biology, ecology and epidemiology of dry root rot in chickpea has been conducted so far. Research is needed to improve the identification and characterisation of variability within its epidemiological and pathological niches. Limited literature available on host plant resistance for dry root rot indicated lack of resistant sources for this disease. The present article discusses current status of the disease in the context of climate change and possible management options to alleviate the problem.  相似文献   

Galls formed by the interaction of insects on plant tissues are an example of the unusual transformation and use of plants by insects. The aim of this study was to characterize the structure of galls formed by Cynips quercusfolii L. on sessile oak leaves. In the structure of galls, we distinguished the following: (1) the protective ‘first contact zone’ created by epidermal and sub-epidermal sclerenchyma rings, (2) the wide parenchymatous ring, (3) the internal protective zone created by the sclerenchyma ring, and (4) the nutritional zone consisting of cells filled with amyloplasts containing starch. A characteristic for galls in the development stage is the centripetal starch gradient in which starch accumulates in a ‘ring of amyloplasts’ in the larval chamber.  相似文献   

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