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A spin-trapping EPR technique has been employed to explore the generation of hydroxyl radicals from reactions between a series of first row transition metal ions and aqueous hydrogen peroxide at pH 10, and with a range of chelating agents (EDTA, DTPMP and the readily biodegradable ligands S,S-EDDS and IDS). In the absence of these chelating agents only Cu(II) generates a significant level of hydroxyl radicals; in their presence with Cu(II) EDTA and IDS give similar behaviour whereas EDDS and DTPMP inhibit hydroxyl radical generation. For Fe(II), EDTA, DTPMP and IDS significantly enhance OH production under these conditions whereas EDDS does not. Results from model cellulose damage experiments broadly confirm the findings for copper, though experiments with Fe(II) lead to somewhat contrasting results. Our findings are discussed in terms of binding constants and implications for alkaline peroxygen bleaching systems.  相似文献   

The effects of non-uniform hydrodynamic conditions resulting from flow cell geometry (square and rectangular cross-section) on Pseudomonas aeruginosa 01 (PAO1) biofilm formation, location, and structure were investigated for nominally similar flow conditions using a combination of confocal scanning laser microscope (CSLM) and computational fluid dynamics (CFD). The thickness and surface coverage of PAO1 biofilms were observed to vary depending on the location in the flow cell and thus also the local wall shear stress. The biofilm structure in a 5:1 (width to height) aspect ratio rectangular flow cell was observed to consist mainly of a layer of bacterial cells with thicker biofilm formation observed in the flow cell corners. For square cross-section (1:1 aspect ratio) flow cells, generally thicker and more uniform surface coverage biofilms were observed. Mushroom shaped structures with hollow centers and wall breaks, indicative of ‘seeding’ dispersal structures, were found exclusively in the square cross-section tubes. Exposure of PAO1 biofilms grown in the flow cells to gentamicin revealed a difference in susceptibility. Biofilms grown in the rectangular flow cell overall exhibited a greater susceptibility to gentamicin compared to those grown in square flow cells. However, even within a given flow cell, differences in susceptibility were observed depending on location. This study demonstrates that the spanwise shear stress distribution within the flow cells has an important impact on the location of colonization and structure of the resultant biofilm. These differences in biofilm structure have a significant impact on the susceptibility of the biofilms grown within flow channels. The impact of flow modification due to flow cell geometry should be considered when designing flow cells for laboratory investigation of bacterial biofilms.  相似文献   

2,3-Dimercaptopropanol (BAL- British Anti-Lewesite) is a dithiol chelating agent used for the treatment of heavy metal poisoning, however, BAL can produce neurotoxic effects in a variety of situations. Based on the low therapeutic efficiency of BAL other dithiols were developed and DMSA (meso-2,3-dimercaptosuccinic acid) and DMPS (2,3-dimercaptopropane-1-sulfonic acid) are becoming used for treatments of humans exposed to heavy metals. In the present investigation the effect of dithiols in the glutamatergic system was examined. The results showed that BAL inhibited [3H]MK-801 and [3H]glutamate binding in a concentration-dependent manner. At 100 M BAL and DMSA caused a significantly inhibition of [3H]MK-801 binding to brain membranes (p < 0.05 by Duncan's multiple range test). BAL at 100 M caused an inhibition of 40% on [3H]glutamate binding. DMPS and DMSA had no significant effect on [3H]glutamate binding. Dithiotreitol (DTT), abolished the inhibitory effect of BAL on [3H]MK-801 binding. The protection exerted by DTT suggests that BAL inhibit [3H]MK-801 binding by interacting with cysteinyl residues that are important for redox modulation of receptor responses. ZnCl2 inhibited [3H]glutamate and [3H]MK-801 binding to brain synaptic membrane; nevertheless, the inhibitory effect was slight more accentuated for [3H]MK-801 than [3H]glutamate binding (p < 0.05). The inhibition caused by 10 M ZnCl2 on [3H]MK-801 binding was attenuated by BAL. The findings present in this study may provide the evidence that BAL affect the glutamatergic system and these effects can contributed to explain, at least in part, why BAL, in contrast to DMPS and DMSA is neurotoxic.  相似文献   

AIMS: This work analysed factors that influence the induction of viable but nonculturable (VBNC) state in the common enteric pathogen, Vibrio parahaemolyticus. The susceptibility of the VBNC cells to environmental stresses was investigated. METHODS AND RESULTS: Bacterium was cultured in tryptic soy broth-3% NaCl medium, shifted to a nutrient-free Morita mineral salt-0.5% NaCl medium (pH 7.8) and further incubated at 4 degrees C in a static state to induce the VBNC state in 28-35 days. The culturability and viability of the cells were monitored by the plate count method and the Bac Light viable count method, respectively. Cells grown at the optimum growth temperature and in the exponential phase better induced the VBNC state than those grown at low temperature and in the stationary phase. Low salinity of the medium crucially and markedly shortened the induction period. The VBNC cells were highly resistant to thermal (42, 47 degrees C), low salinity (0% NaCl), or acid (pH 4.0) inactivation. CONCLUSIONS: Optimal conditions for inducing VBNC V. parahaemolyticus were reported. The increase in resistance of VBNC V. parahaemolyticus to thermal, low salinity and acidic inactivation verified that this state is entered as part of a survival strategy in an adverse environment. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: The methods for inducing VBNC V. parahaemolyticus in a markedly short time will facilitate further physiological and pathological study. The enhanced stress resistance of the VBNC cells should attract attention to the increased risk presented by this pathogen in food.  相似文献   

Aim: The purpose of this work was to evaluate the size‐dependent antifungal activity of different silver nanoparticles (SN) colloidal suspensions against Candida albicans and Candida glabrata mature biofilms. Methods and Results: The research presented herein used SN of three different average sizes (5, 10 and 60 nm), which were synthesized by the reduction of silver nitrate through sodium citrate and which were stabilized with ammonia or polyvinylpyrrolidone. Minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) assays were performed using the microdilution methodology. The antibiofilm activity of SN was determined by total biomass quantification (by crystal violet staining) and colony forming units enumeration. MIC results showed that all SN colloidal suspensions were fungicidal against the tested strains at very low concentrations (0·4–3·3 μg ml?1). With regard to biomass quantification, SN colloidal suspensions were very effective only against C. glabrata biofilms, achieving biomass reductions around 90% at a silver concentration of 108 μg ml?1. In general, all SN suspensions promoted significant log10 reduction of the mean number of cultivable biofilm cells after exposure to silver concentrations at or higher than 108 μg ml?1. Moreover, the results showed that the particle size and the type of stabilizing agent used did not interfere in the antifungal activity of SN against Candida biofilms. Conclusions: This study suggests that SN have antifungal therapeutic potential, but further studies are still required namely regarding formulation and delivery means. Significance and Impact of the Study: SN may contribute to the development of new strategies for the improvement of oral health and quality of life particularly of the complete denture wearers.  相似文献   

有机卤代物在工农业生产中的广泛应用及不合理处置与排放导致其成为地下环境中普遍存在的一类污染物,严重威胁地下生态系统功能、饮用水安全和人类健康。有机卤呼吸细菌在有机卤污染场地的原位生物修复中起到了至关重要的作用。本文简要概述了影响和制约有机卤呼吸微生物生长代谢及脱卤活性的一些关键环境因子,如pH、温度、盐度、电子供受体和氧气等,并且对有机卤呼吸细菌未来的研究方向提出展望,以期为污染场地原位生物修复工程的有效实施提供理论与技术参考。  相似文献   

Substitution of nitrilotriacetic acid (NTA) for polyphosphates in detergents has brought questions concerning its potential toxicity and impact on trace metal distribution in the environment. A calculation based upon metal ligand equilibria, known environmental concentrations of NTA following extensive detergent usage, and the presence of competitive metal-binding ligands and trace elements demonstrates that NTA will be present almost completely as the calcium and magnesium chelates. An analogous estimate of the speciation of NTA in various toxicity studies demonstrates that the onset of chronic toxicity in feeding studies is coincident with the presence of significant concentrations of “free” NTA in the gastrointestinal tract. Massive doses of NTA over long periods of time cause reproducible renal tumors in rats, but dosages of 7500 ppm administered indefinitely are without measurable effect.  相似文献   

With the purpose to develop macromolecular magnetic resonance imaging contrast agents, we herein report three different synthetic approaches to the covalent attachment of bifunctional chelating agents to human serum albumin followed by coordination to contrast enhancing gadolinium(III). Applied methods cover active ester-mediated conjugation, linkage through glutaryl spacer, as well as the connection by the employment of glutaraldehyde. The content of gadolinium(III) was evaluated by inductively-coupled-plasma mass-spectrometry (ICP-MS) measurements and indicated reproducible amounts of conjugated contrast enhancing material. Small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) experiments provided the size and altered shape of the gadolinium loaded proteins in comparison to unmodified albumin. Finally, the magnetic resonance properties of the protein conjugates were evaluated. The results indicated suitability of the gadolinium(III) loaded protein conjugates for use as macromolecular contrast agents in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).  相似文献   

Biofilms can increase pathogenic contamination of drinking water, cause biofilm-related diseases, alter the sediment erosion rate, and degrade contaminants in wastewater. Compared with mature biofilms, biofilms in the early-stage have been shown to be more susceptible to antimicrobials and easier to remove. Mechanistic understanding of physical factors controlling early-stage biofilm growth is critical to predict and control biofilm development, yet such understanding is currently incomplete. Here, we reveal the impacts of hydrodynamic conditions and microscale surface roughness on the development of early-stage Pseudomonas putida biofilm through a combination of microfluidic experiments, numerical simulations, and fluid mechanics theories. We demonstrate that early-stage biofilm growth is suppressed under high flow conditions and that the local velocity for early-stage P. putida biofilms (growth time < 14 h) to develop is about 50 μm/s, which is similar to P. putida's swimming speed. We further illustrate that microscale surface roughness promotes the growth of early-stage biofilms by increasing the area of the low-flow region. Furthermore, we show that the critical average shear stress, above which early-stage biofilms cease to form, is 0.9 Pa for rough surfaces, three times as large as the value for flat or smooth surfaces (0.3 Pa). The important control of flow conditions and microscale surface roughness on early-stage biofilm development, characterized in this study, will facilitate future predictions and managements of early-stage P. putida biofilm development on the surfaces of drinking water pipelines, bioreactors, and sediments in aquatic environments.  相似文献   

Preserving brain function and cognitive faculties during aging and psychiatric diseases (e.g. psychotic, anxiety and affective disorders, dementia) is essential for the self-reliance and quality of life of patients. Cognitive loss involves not only memory, but also motor function. The decrease of catecholaminergic and excitatory neurotransmissions, as well as of protein phosphorylation, have currently been identified as prominent biological markers of the above-mentioned diseases. Such deleterious biological events are well known to occur downstream of a progressive decline of intracellular Ca2+ signalling. This latter constitutes a key target for the neuronal plasticity that has also been reported during aging and psychiatric disorders. Most of the medicines used in psychiatry are active on the sigma-1 receptor. This membrane bound receptor is widely distributed in memory-associated cortical and motor-related brainstem areas, prompting the hypothesis that it might contribute to the pathophysiology of these behavioural brain diseases. The sigma-1 receptor is characterized by a unique mode of action by regulating both Ca2+ entry at the plasma membrane level (i.e. via potassium channels, voltage-sensitive Ca2+ channels) and Ca2+ mobilization from endoplasmic stores [i.e. via Ins(1,4,5)P3 receptors]. This review presents recent data supporting the notion that drugs acting via the endoplasmic reticulum-coupled sigma-1 receptor might reverse these deleterious events by restoring both extra- and intra-cellular Ca(2+)-dependent neuronal responses.  相似文献   

Legionella pneumophila is a waterborne pathogen that is mainly transmitted by the inhalation of contaminated aerosols. In this article, the influence of several physico-chemical parameters relating to the supply of potable water was studied using a L. pneumophila peptide nucleic acid (PNA) specific probe to quantify total L. pneumophila in addition to standard culture methods. A two-stage chemostat was used to form the heterotrophic biofilms, with biofilm generating vessels fed with naturally occurring L. pneumophila. The substratum was the commonly used potable water pipe material, uPVC. It proved impossible to recover cultivable L. pneumophila due to overgrowth by other microorganisms and/or the loss of cultivability of this pathogen. Nevertheless, results obtained for total L. pneumophila cells in biofilms using a specific PNA probe showed that for the two temperatures studied (15 and 20°C), there were no significant differences when shear stress was increased. However, when a source of carbon was added there was a significant increase in numbers at 20°C. A comparison of the two temperatures showed that at 15°C, the total cell numbers for L. pneumophila were generally higher compared with the total microbial flora, suggesting that lower temperatures support the inclusion of L. pneumophila in drinking water biofilms. The work reported in this article suggests that standard culture methods are not accurate for the evaluation of water quality in terms of L. pneumophila. This raises public health concerns since culture methods are still considered to be the gold standard for assessing the presence of this opportunistic pathogen in water.  相似文献   

Our aim was to investigate the non-target effects on soil micro-organisms in agricultural environments caused by chemical control agents (CCAs) and microbial biocontrol agents (mBCAs), including the recovery from these effects. This was a desk study in which quantifiable endpoints, such as numbers of colony forming units (CFU), were derived from a series of studies and the combined data then analysed with a meta-regression analysis. Three analyses of the same dataset were performed. The first analysis, which was performed at the level of the CCAs and mBCAs in general, revealed that the effects of CCAs differed significantly from those of mBCAs. The second analysis, which included the type of non-target group (bacteria, fungi, actinomycetes, and protozoa) as additional input, revealed that mBCAs have greater effects than CCAs on fungi at study initiation, that CCAs had greater effects than mBCAs on bacteria and protozoa and that when effects were measured, recovery occurred within 100 days post-treatment initiation. The final analysis, which included the type of CCA (fungicide, insecticide, herbicide) or mBCA (antagonist) as additional input, revealed that (1) antagonists had a greater effect on fungi than insecticides and fungicides, (2) insecticides and to a lesser extent fungicides had a larger effect on bacteria than fungicides and antagonists, and (3) recovery of the CFU occurred within 100 days for all types of pesticides, mBCAs as well as CCAs, and for all non-target groups. The findings are discussed in view of the regulatory context of admittance of mBCAs to the market.  相似文献   

Glutathione (L-γ-Glutamyl-L-Cysteinylglycine) appears as the major nonprotein thiol compound in yeasts. Recent advances have shown that glutathione (GSH) seems to be involved in the response of yeasts to different nutritional and oxidative stresses. When the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae is starved for sulfur or nitrogen nutrients, GSH may be mobilized to ensure cellular maintenance. Glutathione S-transferases may be involved in the detoxification of electrophilic xenobiotics. Vacuolar transport of metal derivatives of GSH ensure resistance to metal stress. Growth of methylotrophic yeasts on methanol results in the formation of an excess formaldehyde that is detoxified by a GSH-dependent formaldehyde dehydrogenase. Growth of yeasts on glycerol results in the accumulation of methylglyoxal detoxified by the glyoxalase pathway. Glutathione per se can react with oxidative agents or is involved in the oxidative stress response through glutathione peroxidase.  相似文献   

Dopamine (DA) content, tyrosine decarboxylase (TDC) activity and survival were studied under normal and environmental stress conditions in the ste and e strains carrying ebony mutation increasing DA level and the octopamineless strain Tbetah(nM18) of Drosophila melanogaster. Wild-type strains Canton S and Oregon R, and strain p845 from which Tbetah(nM18) strain was derived were used as controls. Sexual dimorphism of TDC activity, DA content, and survival in flies of all D. melanogaster strains under study was found. Tbetah(nM18) mutation sharply reduced TDC activity in females, while ebony had no such effect. DA content and survival under heat stress in Tbetah(nM18) flies did not differ from those in the wild type. ste and e flies had drastically increased DA content under normal conditions, dramatically decreased survival under heat stress, but increased survival under starvation. DA content and survival under heat stress were also studied in the reciprocal hybrids (males) F(1) of the cross D. virilis strains 101 (wild type) and 147 with X-linked mutation, which significantly increases DA content. 147x101 males had a considerably higher DA content and lower survival than 101x147 ones. Individuals of all D. melanogaster strains under study developed the stress reaction, as judged by changes in TDC activity and DA levels. The role of biogenic amines in the stress reaction development and adaptation to environmental stresses in Drosophila is discussed. Arch. Insect Biochem. Physiol. 55:55-67, 2004.  相似文献   

Pigs living in commercial husbandry systems may experience both acute stress due to standard management procedures and chronic stress through limitations in their barren housing environment. This might influence their immune status, including antibody responses to neural and danger autoantigens. Levels of natural autoantibody (NAAb)-binding phosphorylcholine-conjugated bovine serum albumin (PC-BSA) and myelin basic protein (MBP) were measured over time in pigs that were kept in environmental enriched v. barren housing, and that underwent a regrouping test. In total, 480 pigs were housed in 80 pens in either barren or straw-enriched pens from 4 through 23 weeks of age. Blood samples were taken from pigs before (week 8), and 3 days after a 24 h regrouping test (week 9), and at 22 weeks of age. Phosphorylcholine-conjugated bovine serum albumin (PC-BSA) and MBP antibody titres in serum were measured using ELISA. Enriched-housed pigs had higher levels of IgM-binding MBP, and tended to have higher levels of IgG-binding MBP and IgA-binding PC-BSA than barren-housed pigs. Each NAAb measured in this study was affected by gender and litter. These results suggest that enriched housing conditions, as well as acute regrouping stress, have an influence on levels of serum NAAb-binding danger and neural antigens in pigs.  相似文献   

【背景】环境因子是影响微生物生长代谢的重要因素,解析半开放条件下酿造过程中环境因子对微生物群落演替的作用对于清香型白酒生产调控具有重要意义。配糟在白酒发酵过程中起着调节发酵速度的作用,其对微生物群落组成变化的影响尚不明确。【目的】揭示使用不同发酵周期配糟对清香型白酒发酵过程中环境因子及微生物群落演替的影响。【方法】采用PacBio测序平台和多元统计分析比较使用2种配糟酒醅中微生物群落结构组成,结合蒙特卡洛置换检验明确环境因子对微生物群落的影响。【结果】与使用正常发酵周期配糟酒醅相比,使用延长发酵周期配糟酒醅水分较低,而酸度、氨基酸态氮、总游离氨基酸、还原糖和残余淀粉较高;微生物多样性和丰富度分析发现,使用延长发酵周期配糟酒醅中细菌α多样性极显著高于使用正常发酵周期配糟酒醅(P<0.001),而真菌α多样性显著/极显著低于使用正常发酵周期配糟酒醅(P<0.05, P<0.001);通过组间差异性分析发现,细菌群落共产生28个差异指示种,而真菌群落共产生15个差异指示种;水分、酸度、氨基酸态氮、还原糖、残余淀粉和总游离氨基酸对微生物群落结构的影响显著(P<0.05)...  相似文献   

The review deals with lactic acid bacteria in characterizing the stress adaptation with cross-protection effects, mainly associated with Lactobacillus, Bifidobacterium and Lactococcus. It focuses on adaptation and cross-protection in Lactobacillus, Bifidobacterium and Lactococcus, including heat shocking, cold stress, acid stress, osmotic stress, starvation effect, etc. Web of Science, Google Scholar, Science Direct, and PubMed databases were used for the systematic search of literature up to the year 2020. The literature suggests that a lower survival rate during freeze-drying is linked to environmental stress. Protective pretreatment under various mild stresses can be applied to lactic acid bacteria which may enhance resistance in a strain-dependent manner. We investigate the mechanism of damage and adaptation under various stresses including heat, cold, acidic, osmotic, starvation, oxidative and bile stress. Adaptive mechanisms include synthesis of stress-induced proteins, adjusting the composition of cell membrane fatty acids, accumulating compatible substances, etc. Next, we reveal the cross-protective effect of specific stress on the other environmental stresses. Freeze-drying is discussed from three perspectives including the regulation of membrane, accumulation of compatible solutes and the production of chaperones and stress-responsive proteases. The resistance of lactic acid bacteria against technological stress can be enhanced via cross-protection, which improves industrial efficiency concerning the survival of probiotics. However, the adaptive responses and cross-protection are strain-dependent and should be optimized case by case.  相似文献   

Vargas WA  Pontis HG  Salerno GL 《Planta》2007,226(6):1535-1545
It is well accepted that sucrose (Suc) metabolism is involved in responses to environmental stresses in many plant species. In the present study we showed that alkaline invertase (A-Inv) expression is up-regulated in wheat leaves after an osmotic stress or a low-temperature treatment. We demonstrated that the increase of total alkaline/neutral Inv activity in wheat leaves after a stress could be due to the induction of an A-Inv isoform. Also, we identified and functionally characterized the first wheat cDNA sequence that codes for an A-Inv. The wheat leaf full-length sequence encoded a protein 70% similar to a neutral Inv of Lolium temulentum; however, after functional characterization, it resulted to encode a protein that hydrolyzed Suc to hexoses with an optimum pH of 8, and, consequently, the encoding sequence was named Ta-A-Inv. By RT-PCR assays we demonstrated that Ta-A-Inv expression is induced in response to osmotic and cold stress in mature primary wheat leaves. We propose that Ta-A-Inv activity could play an important role associated with a more efficient cytosolic Suc hydrolysis during environmental stresses. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

通过野外调查,分析了岷江干旱河谷海拔梯度上相同年龄段的白刺花、岷谷木蓝和小雀花幼苗根系结瘤、生物量积累、生物量百分比的变化及其相互关系;人为控制土壤水分(田间持水量(WHC)的80%、60%、40%和20% 4个水平)研究了干旱对2月龄的白刺花与小雀花幼苗结瘤能力的影响.结果表明:1)干旱河谷低海拔地段(1600~1950 m)幼苗的结瘤能力都很低,白刺花、岷谷木蓝和小雀花的平均结瘤数分别为每株(0.1±0.1)、(0.9±0.5)和(5.7±1.9)个,未结瘤的个体分别占651%、123%和176%;总体上随着海拔的升高,3种幼苗的根瘤数均呈增加趋势,且与细根百分比及根长正相关.2)土壤水分低于60% WHC时,白刺花与小雀花的根瘤数及生物量均明显减小;在20% WHC条件下,白刺花根瘤数为0,小雀花根瘤数为每株(9.8±3.6)个.综合分析发现,干旱河谷地区豆科灌木的结瘤固氮能力很低,土壤水分在40% WHC以上时其生物固氮才能有效发挥,与白刺花相比,小雀花结瘤能力较高,干旱忍受性较强.  相似文献   

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