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HAMP domains mediate input-output communication in many bacterial signalling proteins. To explore the dynamic bundle model of HAMP signalling (Zhou et al., Mol. Microbiol. 73: 801, 2009), we characterized the signal outputs of 118 HAMP missense mutants of the serine chemoreceptor, Tsr, by flagellar rotation patterns. Receptors with proline or charged amino acid replacements at critical hydrophobic packing residues in the AS1 and AS2 HAMP helices had locked kinase-off outputs, indicating that drastic destabilization of the Tsr-HAMP bundle prevents kinase activation, both in the absence and presence of the sensory adaptation enzymes, CheB and CheR. Attractant-mimic lesions that enhance the structural stability of the HAMP bundle also suppressed kinase activity, demonstrating that Tsr-HAMP has two kinase-off output states at opposite extremes of its stability range. HAMP mutants with locked-on kinase outputs appeared to have intermediate bundle stabilities, implying a biphasic relationship between HAMP stability and kinase activity. Some Tsr-HAMP mutant receptors exhibited reversed output responses to CheB and CheR action that are readily explained by a biphasic control logic. The findings of this study provide strong support for a three-state dynamic bundle model of HAMP signalling in Tsr, and possibly in other bacterial transducers as well.  相似文献   

HAMP domains are approximately 50-residue motifs, found in many bacterial signaling proteins, that consist of two amphiphilic helices joined by a nonhelical connector segment. The HAMP domain of Tsr, the serine chemoreceptor of Escherichia coli, receives transmembrane input signals from the periplasmic serine binding domain and in turn modulates output signals from the Tsr kinase control domain to elicit chemotactic responses. We created random amino acid replacements at each of the 14 connector residues of Tsr-HAMP to identify those that are critical for Tsr function. In all, we surveyed 179 connector missense mutants and identified three critical residues (G235, L237, and I241) at which most replacements destroyed Tsr function and another important residue (G245) at which most replacements impaired Tsr function. The region surrounding G245 tolerated 1-residue deletions and insertions of up to 10 glycines, suggesting a role as a relatively nonspecific, flexible linker. The critical connector residues are consistent with a structural model of the Tsr-HAMP domain based on the solution structure of an isolated thermophile HAMP domain (M. Hulko, F. Berndt, M. Gruber, J. U. Linder, V. Truffault, A. Schultz, J. Martin, J. E. Schultz, A. N. Lupas, and M. Coles, Cell 126:929-940, 2006) in which G235 defines a critical turn at the C terminus of the first helix and L237 and I241 pack against the helices, perhaps to stabilize alternative HAMP signaling conformations. Most I241 lesions locked Tsr signal output in the kinase-on mode, implying that this residue is responsible mainly for stabilizing the kinase-off signaling state. In contrast, lesions at L237 resulted in a variety of aberrant output patterns, suggesting a role in toggling output between signaling states.  相似文献   

HAMP domains mediate input–output transactions in many bacterial signalling proteins. To clarify the mechanistic logic of HAMP signalling, we constructed Tsr‐HAMP deletion derivatives and characterized their steady‐state signal outputs and sensory adaptation properties with flagellar rotation and receptor methylation assays. Tsr molecules lacking the entire HAMP domain or just the HAMP‐AS2 helix generated clockwise output signals, confirming that kinase activation is the default output state of the chemoreceptor signalling domain and that attractant stimuli shift HAMP to an overriding kinase‐off signalling state to elicit counter‐clockwise flagellar responses. Receptors with deletions of the AS1 helices, which free the AS2 helices from bundle‐packing constraints, exhibited kinase‐off signalling behaviour that depended on three C‐terminal hydrophobic residues of AS2. We conclude that AS2/AS2′ packing interactions alone can play an important role in controlling output kinase activity. Neither kinase‐on nor kinase‐off HAMP deletion outputs responded to sensory adaptation control, implying that out‐of‐range conformations or bundle‐packing stabilities of their methylation helices prevent substrate recognition by the adaptation enzymes. These observations support the previously proposed biphasic, dynamic‐bundle mechanism of HAMP signalling and additionally show that the structural interplay of helix‐packing interactions between HAMP and the adjoining methylation helices is critical for sensory adaptation control of receptor output.  相似文献   

In fungi, the group III hybrid histidine kinases (HHK) act as important sensors to regulate osmoadaptation, hyphal growth, morphogenesis, conidia formation and virulence. They are molecular targets for antifungal agent fludioxonil. They typically have HAMP domain repeats at the NH2-terminus that are important for their activity. Interestingly, the numbers of HAMP domain vary among the orthologs from different genera. The orthologs from basidiomycetes harbor seven HAMP domains whereas those from yeast contain five HAMP domains. In order to understand the functioning of a seven-HAMP module, we have constructed a yeast-like chimera DhNik1–Tco1 containing seven HAMP domains. The functional characterization of this chimera in yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae showed that the sixth HAMP domain played important regulatory role. Our results indicated that the negative regulation of histidine kinase activity by the penultimate HAMP domain could possibly be an evolutionarily conserved theme in the group III HHK containing different lengths of poly HAMP module.  相似文献   

HAMP domains are sensory transduction modules that connect input and output domains in diverse signaling proteins from archaea, bacteria, and lower eukaryotes. Here, we employed in vivo disulfide cross-linking to explore the structure of the HAMP domain in the Escherichia coli aerotaxis receptor Aer. Using an Aer HAMP model based on the structure of Archaeoglobus fulgidus Af1503-HAMP, the closest residue pairs at the interface of the HAMP AS-1 and AS-2' helices were determined and then replaced with cysteines and cross-linked in vivo. Except for a unique discontinuity in AS-2, the data suggest that the Aer HAMP domain forms a parallel four-helix bundle that is similar to the structure of Af1503. The HAMP discontinuity was associated with a segment of AS-2 that was recently shown to interact with the Aer-PAS sensing domain. The four-helix HAMP bundle and its discontinuity were maintained in both the kinase-on and kinase-off states of Aer, although differences in the rates of disulfide formation also indicated the existence of different HAMP conformations in the kinase-on and kinase-off states. In particular, the kinase-on state was accompanied by significantly increased disulfide formation rates at the distal end of the HAMP four-helix bundle. This indicates that HAMP signaling may be associated with a tilting of the AS-1 and AS-2' helices, which may be the signal that is transmitted to the kinase control region of Aer.  相似文献   

Archaea are able to sense light via the complexes of sensory rhodopsins I and II and their corresponding chemoreceptor-like transducers HtrI and HtrII. Though generation of the signal has been studied in detail, the mechanism of its propagation to the cytoplasm remains obscured. The cytoplasmic part of the transducer consists of adaptation and kinase activity modulating regions, connected to transmembrane helices via two HAMP (histidine kinases, adenylyl cyclases, methyl-accepting chemotaxis proteins, phosphatases) domains. The inter-HAMP region of Natronomonas pharaonis HtrII (NpHtrII) was found to be α-helical [Hayashi, K., et al. (2007) Biochemistry 46, 14380-14390]. We studied the inter-HAMP regions of NpHtrII and other phototactic signal transducers by means of molecular dynamics. Their structure is found to be a bistable asymmetric coiled coil, in which the protomers are longitudinally shifted by ~1.3 ?. The free energy penalty for the symmetric structure is estimated to be 1.2-1.5 kcal/mol depending on the molarity of the solvent. Both flanking HAMP domains are mechanistically coupled to the inter-HAMP region and are asymmetric. The longitudinal shift in the inter-HAMP region is coupled with the in-plane displacement of the cytoplasmic part by 8.6 ? relative to the transmembrane part. The established properties suggest that (1) the signal may be transduced through the inter-HAMP domain switching and (2) the inter-HAMP region may allow cytoplasmic parts of the transducers to come sufficiently close to each other to form oligomers.  相似文献   

Swain KE  Falke JJ 《Biochemistry》2007,46(48):13684-13695
The HAMP domain is a conserved motif widely distributed in prokaryotic and lower eukaryotic organisms, where it is often found in transmembrane receptors that regulate two-component signaling pathways. The motif links receptor input and output modules and is essential to receptor structure and signal transduction. Recently, a structure was determined for a HAMP domain isolated from an unusual archeal membrane protein of unknown function [Hulko, M., et al. (2006) Cell 126, 929-940]. This study uses cysteine and disulfide chemistry to test this archeal HAMP model in the full-length, membrane-bound aspartate receptor of bacterial chemotaxis. The chemical reactivities of engineered Cys residues scanned throughout the aspartate receptor HAMP region are highly correlated with the degrees of solvent exposure of corresponding positions in the archeal HAMP structure. Both domains are homodimeric, and the individual subunits of both domains share the same helix-connector-helix organization with the same helical packing faces. Moreover, disulfide mapping reveals that the four helices of the aspartate receptor HAMP domain are arranged in the same parallel, four-helix bundle architecture observed in the archeal HAMP structure. One detectable difference is the packing of the extended connector between helices, which is not conserved. Finally, activity studies of the aspartate receptor indicate that contacts between HAMP helices 1 and 2' at the subunit interface play a critical role in modulating receptor on-off switching. Disulfide bonds linking this interface trap the receptor in its kinase-activating on-state, or its kinase inactivating off-state, depending on their location. Overall, the evidence suggests that the archeal HAMP structure accurately depicts the architecture of the conserved HAMP motif in transmembrane chemoreceptors. Both the on- and off-states of the aspartate receptor HAMP domain closely resemble the archeal HAMP structure, and only a small structural rearrangement occurs upon on-off switching. A model incorporating HAMP into the full receptor structure is proposed.  相似文献   

Tsr, the serine chemoreceptor of Escherichia coli, has two signaling modes. One augments clockwise (CW) flagellar rotation, and the other augments counterclockwise (CCW) rotation. To identify the portion of the Tsr molecule responsible for these activities, we isolated soluble fragments of the Tsr cytoplasmic domain that could alter the flagellar rotation patterns of unstimulated wild-type cells. Residues 290 to 470 from wild-type Tsr generated a CW signal, whereas the same fragment with a single amino acid replacement (alanine 413 to valine) produced a CCW signal. The soluble components of the chemotaxis phosphorelay system needed for expression of these Tsr fragment signals were identified by epistasis analysis. Like full-length receptors, the fragments appeared to generate signals through interactions with the CheA autokinase and the CheW coupling factor. CheA was required for both signaling activities, whereas CheW was needed only for CW signaling. Purified Tsr fragments were also examined for effects on CheA autophosphorylation activity in vitro. Consistent with the in vivo findings, the CW fragment stimulated CheA, whereas the CCW fragment inhibited CheA. CheW was required for stimulation but not for inhibition. These findings demonstrate that a 180-residue segment of the Tsr cytoplasmic domain can produce two active signals. The CCW signal involves a direct contact between the receptor and the CheA kinase, whereas the CW signal requires participation of CheW as well. The correlation between the in vitro effects of Tsr signaling fragments on CheA activity and their in vivo behavioral effects lends convincing support to the phosphorelay model of chemotactic signaling.  相似文献   

A conformational change of the transducer HtrII upon photoexcitation of the associated photoreceptor sensory rhodopsin II (SRII) was investigated by monitoring the kinetics of volume changes and the diffusion coefficient (D) of the complex during the photochemical reaction cycle. To localize the region of the transducer responsible, we truncated it at various positions in the cytoplasmic HAMP (histidine kinases, adenylyl cyclases, methyl-accepting chemotaxis proteins, and phosphatases) domain. The truncations do not alter receptor binding, which is dependent primarily on membrane-embedded domain interactions. We found that the light-induced reduction in D occurs in transducers of lengths 120 and 157 residues (Tr120 and Tr157), which are both predicted to contain a HAMP domain consisting of two amphipathic α-helices (AS-1 and AS-2). In contrast, the change in D was abolished in a transducer of 114 amino acid residues (Tr114), which lacks a distal portion of the second α-helix AS-2. The volume changes in SRII-Tr114 are comparable in amplitude and kinetics with those in SRII-Tr120 and SRII-Tr157, confirming the integrity of the complex, which was previously concluded from the similar SRII binding affinity and similar blocking of SRII proton transport by full-length HtrII and Tr114. Our results indicate that a substantial conformational change occurs in the HAMP domain during SRII-HtrII signaling. The data presented here are the first demonstration of stimulus-induced conformational changes of a HAMP domain and provide evidence that the presence of AS-2 is crucial for the conformational alterations. The reduction in diffusion coefficient is likely to due to structural changes in the AS-1 and AS-2 helices such that hydrogen bonding with the surrounding water molecules is increased, thereby increasing friction with the solvent. Similar structural changes may be a general feature in HAMP domain switching, which occurs in diverse signaling proteins, including sensor kinases, taxis receptors/transducers, adenylyl cyclases, and phosphatases.  相似文献   

The HAMP domain plays an essential role in signal transduction not only in histidine kinase but also in a number of other signal-transducing receptor proteins. Here we expressed the EnvZ HAMP domain (Arg(180)-Thr(235)) with the R218K mutation (termed L(RK)) or with L(RK) connected with domain A (Arg(180)-Arg(289)) (termed LA(RK)) of EnvZ, an osmosensing transmembrane histidine kinase in Escherichia coli, by fusing it with protein S. The L(RK) and LA(RK) proteins were purified after removing protein S. The CD analysis of the isolated L protein revealed that it consists of a random structure or is unstructured. This suggests that the EnvZ HAMP domain by itself is unable to form a stable structure and that this structural fragility may be important for its role in signal transduction. Interestingly the substitution of Ala(193) in the EnvZ HAMP domain with valine or leucine in Tez1A1, a chimeric protein of Tar and EnvZ, caused a constitutive OmpC phenotype. The CD analysis of LA(RK)(A193L) revealed that this mutated HAMP domain possesses considerable secondary structures and that the thermostability of this entire LA(RK)(A193L) became substantially lower than that of LA(RK) or just domain A, indicating that the structure of the HAMP domain with the A193L mutation affects the stability of downstream domain A. This results in cooperative thermodenaturation of domain A with the mutated HAMP domain. These results are discussed in light of the recently solved NMR structure of the HAMP domain from a thermophilic bacterium (Hulko, M., Berndt, F., Gruber, M., Linder, J. U., Truffault, V., Schultz, A., Martin, J., Schultz, J. E., Lupas, A. N., and Coles, M. (2006) Cell 126, 929-940).  相似文献   

HAMP domains, found in many bacterial signal transduction proteins, generally transmit an intramolecular signal between an extracellular sensory domain and an intracellular signaling domain. Studies of HAMP domains in proteins where both the input and output signals occur intracellularly are limited to those of the Aer energy taxis receptor of Escherichia coli, which has both a HAMP domain and a sensory PAS domain. Campylobacter jejuni has an energy taxis system consisting of the domains of Aer divided between two proteins, CetA (HAMP domain containing) and CetB (PAS domain containing). In this study, we found that the CetA HAMP domain differs significantly from that of Aer in the predicted secondary structure. Using similarity searches, we identified 55 pairs of HAMP/PAS proteins encoded by adjacent genes in a diverse group of microorganisms. We propose that these HAMP/PAS pairs form a new family of bipartite energy taxis receptors. Within these proteins, we identified nine residues in the HAMP domain and proximal signaling domain that are highly conserved, at least three of which are required for CetA function. Additionally, we demonstrated that CetA contributes to the invasion of human epithelial cells by C. jejuni, while CetB does not. This finding supports the hypothesis that members of HAMP/PAS pairs possess the capacity to act independently of each other in cellular traits other than energy taxis.  相似文献   

Understanding how the lipid environment influences transmembrane helix association requires thermodynamic measurements that can be interpreted in terms of specific chemical interactions. We have used F?rster resonance energy transfer to measure dimerization of the glycophorin A transmembrane helix in detergent micelles. The observed Kd is at least two orders of magnitude weaker in sodium dodecyl sulfate than it is in zwitterionic detergents. In contrast, neither dimerization nor the detergent affects the secondary structure of the glycophorin A helix as measured by far-UV circular dichroism. These measurements support a long standing assumption about the glycophorin A transmembrane domain, that detergents uncouple helix formation from helix dimerization. The approach is applicable to a variety of systems in diverse environments, extending our ability to measure how interactions with complex solvents affect the thermodynamics of oligomerization.  相似文献   

The serine chemoreceptor Tsr and other methyl-accepting chemotaxis proteins (MCPs) control the swimming behaviour of Escherichia coli by generating signals that influence the direction of flagellar rotation. MCPs produce clockwise (CW) signals by stimulating the autophosphorylation activity of CheA, a cytoplasmic histidine kinase, and counter-clockwise signals by inhibiting CheA. CheW couples CheA to chemoreceptor control by promoting formation of MCP/CheW/CheA ternary complexes. To identify MCP structural determinants essential for CheA stimulation, we inserted fragments of the tsr coding region into an inducible expression vector and used a swimming contest called 'pseudotaxis' to select for transformant cells carrying CW-signalling plasmids. The shortest active fragment we found, Tsr (350–470), stimulated CheA in a CheW-dependent manner, as full-length Tsr molecules do. It spans a highly conserved 'core' (370–420) that probably specifies the CheA and CheW contact sites and other determinants needed for stimulatory control of CheA. Tsr (350–470) also carries portions of the left and right arms flanking the core, which probably play roles in regulating MCP signalling state. However, this Tsr fragment lacks all of the methylation sites characteristic of MCP molecules, indicating that methylation segments are not essential for generating receptor output signals.  相似文献   

T Iwama  I Kawagishi  S Gomi  M Homma    Y Imae 《Journal of bacteriology》1995,177(8):2218-2221
The Escherichia coli chemoreceptor Tsr mediates an attractant response to serine. We substituted Cys for Thr-156, one of the residues involved in serine sensing. The mutant receptor Tsr-T156C retained serine- and repellent-sensing abilities. However, it lost serine-sensing ability when it was treated in vivo with sulfhydryl-modifying reagents such as N-ethylmaleimide (NEM). Serine protected Tsr-T156C from these reagents. We showed that [3H]NEM bound to Tsr-T156C and that binding decreased in the presence of serine. By pretreating cells with serine and cold NEM, Tsr-T156C was selectively labeled with radioactive NEM. These results are consistent with the location of Thr-156 in the serine-binding site. Chemical modification of the Tsr ligand-binding site provides a basis for simple purification and should assist further in vivo and in vitro investigations of this chemoreceptor protein.  相似文献   

Sensory rhodopsin II, the photophobic receptor from Natronomonas pharaonis (NpSRII)5, forms a 2:2 complex with its cognate transducer (N. pharaonis halobacterial transducer of rhodopsins II (NpHtrII)) in lipid membranes. Light activation of NpSRII leads to a displacement of helix F, which in turn triggers a rotation/screw-like motion of TM2 in NpHtrII. This conformational change is thought to be transmitted through the membrane adjacent conserved signal transduction domain in histidine kinases, adenylyl cyclases, methyl-accepting chemotaxis proteins, and phosphatases (HAMP domain) to the cytoplasmic signaling domain of the transducer. The architecture and function of the HAMP domain are still unknown. In order to obtain information on the structure and dynamics of this region, EPR experiments on a truncated transducer (NpHtrII(157)) and NpSRII, site-directed spin-labeled and reconstituted into purple membrane lipids, have been carried out. A nitroxide scanning involving residues in the transducer helix TM2, in the predicted AS-1 region, and at selected positions in the following connector and AS-2 regions of the HAMP domain has been performed. Accessibility and dynamics data allowed us to identify a helical region up to residue Ala(94) in the AS-1 amphipathic sequence, followed by a highly dynamic domain protruding into the water phase. Additionally, transducer-transducer and transducer-receptor proximity relations revealed the overall architecture of the AS-1 sequences in the 2:2 complex, which are suggested to form a molten globular type of a coiled-coil bundle.  相似文献   

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