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Most Apicomplexa are obligate intracellular parasites and many are important pathogens of human and domestic animals. For a successful cell invasion, they rely on their own motility and on a firm anchorage to their host cell, depending on the secretion of proteins and the establishment of a structure called the moving junction (MJ). The MJ moves from the apical to the posterior end of the parasite, leading to the internalization of the parasite into a parasitophorous vacuole. Based on recent data obtained in Plasmodium and Toxoplasma, an emerging model emphasizes a cooperative role of secreted parasitic proteins in building the MJ and driving this crucial invasive process. More precisely, the parasite exports the microneme protein AMA1 to its own surface and the rhoptry neck RON2 protein as a receptor inserted into the host cell together with other RON partners. Ongoing and future research will certainly help refining the model by characterizing the molecular organization within the MJ and its interactions with both host and parasite cytoskeleton for anchoring of the complex.  相似文献   

One defining feature of apicomplexan parasites is their special ability to actively invade host cells. Although rapid, invasion is a complicated process that requires coordinated activities of host cell attachment, protein secretion, and motility by the parasite. Central to this process is the establishment of a structure called moving junction (MJ), which forms a tight connection between invading parasite and host cell membranes through which the parasite passes to enter into the host. Although recognized microscopically for decades, molecular characterization of the MJ was only enabled by the recent discovery of components that make up this multi-protein complex. Exciting progress made during the past few years on both the structure and function of the components of the MJ is reviewed here.  相似文献   

Synthesis of chloroplast galactolipids in apicomplexan parasites   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
Monogalactosyldiacylglycerol and digalactosyldiacylglycerol are major chloroplast lipids of algae and land plants and are synthesized within the plastid envelope. Here we report that in Toxoplasma gondii and Plasmodium falciparum lysates, radiolabeled UDP-galactose is incorporated into monogalactosylcerebrosides, monogalactosyldiacylglycerol, and digalactosyldiacylglycerol due to distinct enzymological activities. Furthermore, DGDG is immunologically detected in apicomplexans.  相似文献   

Apicomplexan parasites include many parasites of importance either for livestock or as causative agents of human diseases. The importance of these parasites has been recognised by the European Commission and resulted in support of the COST (Cooperation in Science and Technology) Action 857 ‘Apicomplexan Biology in the Post-Genomic Era’. In this review we discuss the current understanding in ‘Biodiversity and Population Genetics’ of the major apicomplexan parasites, namely the Eimeria spp., Cryptosporidium spp., Toxoplasma gondii, Neosporacaninum, Theileria spp. and Plasmodium spp. During the past decade molecular tools for characterizing and monitoring parasite populations have been firmly established as an integral part of field studies and intervention trials. Analyses have been conducted for most apicomplexan pathogens to describe the extent of genetic diversity, infection dynamics or population structure. The underlying key question for all parasites is to understand how genetic diversity influences epidemiology and pathogenicity and its implication in therapeutic and vaccination strategies as well as disease control. Similarities in the basic biology and disease or transmission patterns among this order of parasites promote multifaceted discussions and comparison of epidemiological approaches and methodological tools. This fosters mutual learning and has the potential for cross-fertilisation of ideas and technical approaches.  相似文献   

Apicomplexan parasites possess a highly specialized secretory apparatus. The timed secretion of proteins from three different organelles--micronemes, rhoptries and dense granules--serves to establish and maintain a parasitophorous vacuole inside the host cell in which the parasites can divide. Recent efforts have identified components that sort apicomplexan proteins to these unusual secretory organelles and have shown that this machinery is evolutionarily conserved across species. Concise amino acid sequences (e.g. tyrosine-based motifs) within the targeted protein determine their destination in Apicomplexa in a way similar to mammalian cells. Additionally, the parasite exploits new or unusual mechanisms of protein targeting (e.g. post-secretory membrane insertion).  相似文献   

The apicoplast is a non-photosynthetic relict plastid of Apicomplexa that evolved from a secondary symbiotic system. During its evolution, most of the genes derived from its alga ancestor were lost. Only genes involved in several valuable metabolic pathways, such as the synthesis of isoprenoid precursors, heme, and fatty acids, have been transferred to the host genome and retained to help these parasites adapt to a complex life cycle and various living environments. The biological function of an apicoplast is essential for most apicomplexan parasites. Considering their potential as drug targets, the metabolic functions of this symbiotic organelle have been intensively investigated through computational and biological means. Moreover, we know that not only organellar metabolic functions are linked with other organelles, but also their biogenesis processes have developed and evolved to tailor their biological functions and proper inheritance. Several distinct features have been found in the biogenesis process of apicoplasts. For example, the apicoplast borrows a dynamin-related protein (DrpA) from its host to implement organelle division. The autophagy system has also been repurposed for linking the apicoplast and centrosome during replication and the division process. However, many vital questions remain to be answered about how these parasites maintain and properly inherit this symbiotic organelle. Here we review our current knowledge about its biogenesis process and discuss several critical questions remaining to be answered in this field.  相似文献   

In humans, ~50% of conceptuses are chromosomally aneuploid as a consequence of errors in meiosis, and most of these aneuploid conceptuses result in spontaneous miscarriage. Of these aneuploidy events, 70% originate during maternal meiosis, with the majority proposed to arise as a direct result of defective crossing over during meiotic recombination in prophase I. By contrast, <1%-2% of mouse germ cells exhibit prophase I-related nondisjunction events. This disparity among mammalian species is surprising, given the conservation of genes and events that regulate meiotic progression. To understand the mechanisms that might be responsible for the high error rates seen in human females, we sought to further elucidate the regulation of meiotic prophase I at the molecular cytogenetic level. Given that these events occur during embryonic development in females, samples were obtained during a defined period of gestation (17-24 weeks). Here, we demonstrate that human oocytes enter meiotic prophase I and progress through early recombination events in a similar temporal framework to mice. However, at pachynema, when chromosomes are fully paired, we find significant heterogeneity in the localization of the MutL homologs, MLH1 and MLH3, among human oocyte populations. MLH1 and MLH3 have been shown to mark late-meiotic nodules that correlate well with--and are thought to give rise to--the sites of reciprocal recombination between homologous chromosomes, which suggests a possible 10-fold variation in the processing of nascent recombination events. If such variability persists through development and into adulthood, these data would suggest that as many as 30% of human oocytes are predisposed to aneuploidy as a result of prophase I defects in MutL homolog-related events.  相似文献   

Nod factors of Rhizobium are a key to the legume door   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:4  
Symbiotic interactions between rhizobia and legumes are largely controlled by reciprocal signal exchange. Legume roots excrete flavonoids which induce rhizobial nodulation genes to synthesize and excrete lopo-oligosaccharide Nod factors. In turn, Nod factors provoke deformation of the root hairs and nodule primordium formation. Normally, rhizobia enter roots through infection threads in markedly curled root hairs. If Nod factors are responsible for symbiosis-specific root hair deformation, they could also be the signal for entry of rhizobia into legume roots. We tested this hypothesis by adding, at inoculation, NodNGR-factors to signal-production-deficient mutants of the broad-host-range Rhizobium sp. NGR234 and Bradyrhizobium japorticum strain USDA110. Between 10 −7 M and 10−6 M NodNGR factors permitted these NodABC mutants to penetrate, nodulate and fix nitrogen on Vigna unguiculata and Glycine max, respectively. NodNGR factors also allowed Rhizobium fredii strain USDA257 to enter and fix nitrogen on Calopogonium caeruleum, a non-host. Detailed cytological investigations of V. unguiculata showed that the NodABC mutant UGR AnodABC, in the presence of NodNGR factors, entered roots in the same way as the wild-type bacterium. Since infection threads were also present in the resulting nodules, we conclude that Nod factors are the signals that permit rhizobia to penetrate legume roots via infection threads.  相似文献   

Most photosynthetic eukaryotes synthesize both heme and chlorophyll via a common tetrapyrrole biosynthetic pathway starting from glutamate. This pathway was derived mainly from cyanobacterial predecessor of the plastid and differs from the heme synthesis of the plastid-lacking eukaryotes. Here, we show that the coral-associated alveolate Chromera velia, the closest known photosynthetic relative to Apicomplexa, possesses a tetrapyrrole pathway that is homologous to the unusual pathway of apicomplexan parasites. We also demonstrate that, unlike other eukaryotic phototrophs, Chromera synthesizes chlorophyll from glycine and succinyl-CoA rather than glutamate. Our data shed light on the evolution of the heme biosynthesis in parasitic Apicomplexa and photosynthesis-related biochemical processes in their ancestors.  相似文献   

Upon exposure of the middle phalanx of the finger to air at -10° to-15°C moving at 10 m/sec, the surface temperature cooled not toward air temperature but toward a higher temperature, T = (Ta + ). This was due to heat input, about 118 joule over 4.3 min, by conduction from the proximal and distal phalanges not exposed to the cold air. Calculated thermal constants for the finger are somewhat different from those for water and account for the rapidity of the cooling. The incidence of either freezing or cold-induced vasodilatation could not be correlated with the relative cooling rate because of the occurrence of indeterminate supercooling. Within the same range of supercooled temperatures, freezing occurred in 16 cases, cold induced vasodilatation in 7 cases, and nothing in 3 cases. The factors which induce crystallization on the one hand or vasodilatation on the other hand, remain to be discovered.
Zusammenfassung Wenn das Mittelglied eines Fingers einer Temperatur von -10° bis -15°C bei einem Wind von 10 m/sec ausgesetzt wurde, kühlte die Hauttemperatur nicht bis zur Lufttemperatur, sondern bis zu einer höheren Temperatur T = (Ta + ) ab. Dies war Folge des Wärmezuflusses, etwa 118 joule über 4.3 min, durch Konduktion von den nicht exponierten proximalen und distalen Fingergliedern. Die berechneten Wärmekonstanten für den Finger waren verschieden von denen für Wasser und erklären die Schnelligkeit der Abkühlung. Die Häufigkeit von Erfrieren oder kältebedingter Gefässerweiterung liess sich wegen des Auftretens unbestimmter Ueberkühlung nicht mit der relativen Abkühlungsrate korrelieren. Innerhalb des gleichen Bereiches überkühlter Temperaturen traten in 16 Fällen Erfrierungen, in 7 Fällen kältebedingte Gefässerweiterung und in 3 Fällen nichts auf. Die Faktoren die entweder Kristallisation oder Gefässerweiterung bedingten, sind unbekannt.

Resume Lorsque l'on expose la deuxième phalange à une température de -10° à -15°C par un vent de 10 m/sec, sa température de surface ne s'abaisse pas jusqu'à celle de l'air ambiant, mais seulement jusqu'à une valeur T = (Ta + ). Ceci est dû à l'échange de chaleur — environ 118 joules pour 4,3 min — provenant de la troisième et de la première phalange non exposées à l'air froid. Les constantes thermiques calculées sont différentes de celles de l'eau, ce qui explique le refroidissement rapide du corps humain. Les causes de gelure ou de vasodilatation due au froid ne peuvent pas être mises en corrélation avec le taux de refroidissement relatif en raison de l'apparition inexpliquée de phénomènes de surrefroidissement. Dans le même intervalle de températures basses, on a constaté 16 cas de gelures, 7 de vasodilatation due au froid et, dans 3 cas, aucune modification n'est apparue. Les faits qui provoquent soit la cristallisation, soit la vasodilatation ne sont pas connus jusqu'ici.

Invasion is a complex process controlled by secretion and activation of proteases, alteration of integrin levels and GSL (glycosphingolipid) patterns. Differential organization of GSLs with specific membrane proteins and signal transducers in GEMs (GSL-enriched microdomains), initiates signalling events to modify cellular phenotype. Although the GSL monosialyl-Gb5 has been linked with invasion, its functional role in invasion is poorly described and understood. To investigate this problem, we induced the invasion of human breast cancer cells and subsequently explored the underlying mechanism. In the present study, the invasion of human MCF-7 breast cancer cells is highly dependent on clustering of monosialyl-Gb5, and the subsequent activation of monosialyl-Gb5-associated focal adhesion kinase and cSrc in GEM leading to the downstream activation of extracellular-signal-regulated kinase (ERK). As a result, we observed increased expression levels and activity of matrix metalloproteinases-2 and -9, which correlated with decreased expression of integrins alpha1 and beta1. Together these results suggest that the organization of crucial molecules in GEMs of MCF-7 cells is critical for their invasive properties.  相似文献   

Roles of jasmonate and ethylene signalling and their interaction in yeast elicitor-induced biosynthesis of a phytoalexin, beta-thujaplicin, were investigated in Cupressus lusitanica cell cultures. Yeast elicitor, methyl jasmonate, and ethylene all induce the production of beta-thujaplicin. Elicitor also stimulates the biosynthesis of jasmonate and ethylene before the induction of beta-thujaplicin accumulation. The elicitor-induced beta-thujaplicin accumulation can be partly blocked by inhibitors of jasmonate and ethylene biosynthesis or signal transduction. These results indicate that the jasmonate and ethylene signalling pathways are integral parts of the elicitor signal transduction leading to beta-thujaplicin accumulation. Methyl jasmonate treatment can induce ethylene production, whereas ethylene does not induce jasmonate biosynthesis; methyl jasmonate-induced beta-thujaplicin accumulation can be partly blocked by inhibitors of ethylene biosynthesis and signalling, while blocking jasmonate biosynthesis inhibits almost all ethylene-induced beta-thujaplicin accumulation. These results indicate that the ethylene and jasmonate pathways interact in mediating beta-thujaplicin production, with the jasmonate pathway working as a main control and the ethylene pathway as a fine modulator for beta-thujaplicin accumulation. Both the ethylene and jasmonate signalling pathways can be regulated upstream by Ca(2+). Ca(2+) influx negatively regulates ethylene production, and differentially regulates elicitor- or methyl jasmonate-stimulated ethylene production.  相似文献   

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