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Caulobacter crescentus is an oligotrophic alpha-proteobacterium with a complex cell cycle involving sessile-stalked and piliated, flagellated swarmer cells. Because the natural lifestyle of C. crescentus intrinsically involves a surface-associated, sessile state, we investigated the dynamics and control of C. crescentus biofilms developing on glass surfaces in a hydrodynamic system. In contrast to biofilms of the well-studied Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Escherichia coli, and Vibrio cholerae, C. crescentus CB15 cells form biphasic biofilms, consisting predominantly of a cell monolayer biofilm and a biofilm containing densely packed, mushroom-shaped structures. Based on comparisons between the C. crescentus strain CB15 wild type and its holdfast (hfsA; DeltaCC0095), pili (DeltapilA-cpaF::Omegaaac3), motility (motA), flagellum (flgH) mutants, and a double mutant lacking holdfast and flagellum (hfsA; flgH), a model for biofilm formation in C. crescentus is proposed. For both biofilm forms, the holdfast structure at the tip of a stalked cell is crucial for mediating the initial attachment. Swimming motility by means of the single polar flagellum enhances initial attachment and enables progeny swarmer cells to escape from the monolayer biofilm. The flagellum structure also contributes to maintaining the mushroom structure. Type IV pili enhance but are not absolutely required for the initial adhesion phase. However, pili are essential for forming and maintaining the well-defined three-dimensional mushroom-shaped biofilm. The involvement of pili in mushroom architecture is a novel function for type IV pili in C. crescentus. These unique biofilm features demonstrate a spatial diversification of the C. crescentus population into a sessile, "stem cell"-like subpopulation (monolayer biofilm), which generates progeny cells capable of exploring the aqueous, oligotrophic environment by swimming motility and a subpopulation accumulating in large mushroom structures.  相似文献   

In most bacteria, the ferric uptake regulator (Fur) is a global regulator that controls iron homeostasis and other cellular processes, such as oxidative stress defense. In this work, we apply a combination of bioinformatics, in vitro and in vivo assays to identify the Caulobacter crescentus Fur regulon. A C. crescentus fur deletion mutant showed a slow growth phenotype, and was hypersensitive to H2O2 and organic peroxide. Using a position weight matrix approach, several predicted Fur-binding sites were detected in the genome of C. crescentus, located in regulatory regions of genes not only involved in iron uptake and usage but also in other functions. Selected Fur-binding sites were validated using electrophoretic mobility shift assay and DNAse I footprinting analysis. Gene expression assays revealed that genes involved in iron uptake were repressed by iron-Fur and induced under conditions of iron limitation, whereas genes encoding iron-using proteins were activated by Fur under conditions of iron sufficiency. Furthermore, several genes that are regulated via small RNAs in other bacteria were found to be directly regulated by Fur in C. crescentus. In conclusion, Fur functions as an activator and as a repressor, integrating iron metabolism and oxidative stress response in C. crescentus.  相似文献   

Flagellar hook and basal complex of Caulobacter crescentus.   总被引:7,自引:9,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
Intact bacterial flagella possessing a membrane-free hook and basal complex were purified from Caulobacter crescentus CB15, as well as from mutants which synthesize incomplete flagella. The basal body consisted of five rings mounted on a rod. Two rings were in the hook-proximal upper set, and three rings (two narrow and one wide) were in the lower set. The diameters of the two upper rings differed, being 32 and 21 nm, respectively. The lower rings were all approximately 21 nm in diameter, although they varied significantly in width. During the normal course of the C. crescentus cell cycle, the polar flagellum with hook and rod was shed into the culture medium without the basal rings. Similarly, hooks with attached rods were shed from nonflagellate mutants, and these structures also lacked the basal rings. The hook structure was purified from nonflagellated mutants and found to be composed of a 70,000-molecular-weight protein component.  相似文献   

The internal membranes of Caulobacter crescentus   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  

The mode of chromosome segregation in an asymmetrically dividing bacterium, Caulobacter crescentus, was studied by examining the fate of labeled DNA strands. Swarmer cells (one type of Caulobacter daughter cell), in which single strands of DNA had been labeled with [3H]thymidine during the previous round of chromosome replication, were grown synchronously in a non-radioactive medium for two generations. The distribution of radioactivity among the cells was visualized by autoradiography under a phase-contrast microscope. The labeled DNA strands in each cell were found to consist of two conserved units. From this, we propose a model in which the swarmer cell has two identical chromosomes, which are segregated into the progeny swarmer cell and the progeny stalked cell after chromosome replication.  相似文献   

The organization of the Caulobacter crescentus flagellar filament   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
The structural organization of the flagellar filament of Caulobacter crescentus, as revealed by immunoelectron microscopy, shows five antigenically distinct regions within the hook-filament complex. The first region is the hook. The second region is adjacent to the hook and is approximately 10 nm in length. On the basis of its location in the hook-filament complex, this region may contain hook-associated proteins. Next to this is the third region, which is approximately 60 nm in length. Antibody decoration experiments using mutant strains with deletions of the structural gene for the 29 x 10(3) Mr flagellin (flgJ) showed that the presence of this region is correlated with the expression of the 29 x 10(3) Mr flagellin gene. The next region (region IV), of length approximately 1 to 2 microns, appears to contain the 27.5 x 10(3) Mr flagellin, but at its distal end includes, in gradually increasing amounts, the 25 x 10(3) Mr flagellin. The rest of the filament (region V) is made up predominantly, if not completely, of the 25 x 10(3) Mr flagellin. Except for the hook, there are no morphological features that would otherwise distinguish these regions. A functional flagellum, having the wild-type length and morphology, is assembled by mutant strains deficient in the 29 x 10(3) Mr flagellin and 27.5 x 10(3) Mr flagellin.  相似文献   

The dimorphic bacterium Caulobacter crescentus has evolved marked phenotypic changes during its 50-year history of culture in the laboratory environment, providing an excellent system for the study of natural selection and phenotypic microevolution in prokaryotes. Combining whole-genome sequencing with classical molecular genetic tools, we have comprehensively mapped a set of polymorphisms underlying multiple derived phenotypes, several of which arose independently in separate strain lineages. The genetic basis of phenotypic differences in growth rate, mucoidy, adhesion, sedimentation, phage susceptibility, and stationary-phase survival between C. crescentus strain CB15 and its derivative NA1000 is determined by coding, regulatory, and insertion/deletion polymorphisms at five chromosomal loci. This study evidences multiple genetic mechanisms of bacterial evolution as driven by selection for growth and survival in a new selective environment and identifies a common polymorphic locus, zwf, between lab-adapted C. crescentus and clinical isolates of Pseudomonas aeruginosa that have adapted to a human host during chronic infection.Colonization of new environments or changes in resource availability, predatory regime, or climate can drive adaptive evolution. Determining the genetic basis of these changes informs our understanding of the evolution of diversity and the nature of selection. Domestication of crop plants, adaptive radiations, and in-host evolution during chronic microbial infection are characterized by the evolution of a suite of phenotypes that are advantageous in the new environment. Recent work has successfully identified several of the polymorphisms responsible for this type of adaptive evolution in a variety of species (3, 7, 11, 12, 15, 22, 25, 35-37). With comparative genome sequencing emerging as a powerful tool for identifying genetic polymorphism (5, 14, 23), these studies are becoming faster and easier. Still, large genome sizes and countless sequence differences between individuals, isolates, strains, and species have made comprehensive analyses intractable.Upon isolation and introduction into the laboratory, model research organisms experience extreme environmental changes, with associated selection pressures. Indeed, adaptation to life in captivity has been observed in a wide range of domesticated and model research organisms (2) and in zoo populations of endangered species (31). Many phenotypes that evolve in these nonnative environments do so repeatedly and become common features of human-cultured, -raised, or -cultivated organisms (2), providing evidence of positive selection. Likewise, the aquatic bacterium Caulobacter crescentus has evolved marked phenotypic changes during the 50 years it has been cultured in the laboratory environment. At least six phenotypic differences (Fig. (Fig.1)1) between two closely related strains (NA1000 and CB15) derived from the same common ancestor have evolved over decades of laboratory cultivation. It is presumed that these phenotypes evolved in response to the dynamic culture conditions and associated selection pressures experienced by bacteria in the laboratory environment. However, the extent of genetic divergence between these strains was uncharacterized, and it was not known whether the phenotypes could be explained by a few single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), insertions/deletions, or genome rearrangements or by the accumulation of many mutations, each with a small contribution to particular phenotypes. In an effort to comprehensively characterize their divergence, we identified the genetic basis of all known phenotypic differences between two laboratory strains (NA1000 and CB15) of C. crescentus.Open in a separate windowFIG. 1.Evolved phenotypic differences between CB15 (Crosson2) and NA1000 (Crosson1). (A) Caulobacter cells divide asymmetrically to yield a swarmer and a stalked cell, which are mixed in culture. NA1000 stalked and predivisional cells (light gray) pellet less efficiently than swarmer cells (dark gray), allowing them to be physically separated. Synchrony capacity is quantified by calculating the proportion of cultured cells remaining in suspension. Error bars are ±standard errors of the mean (SEM). (B) When patched and grown on high-sugar media, NA1000 colonies develop a mucoid morphology, while CB15 colonies do not. (C) The transducing phage φCR30 efficiently infects and lyses CB15 cells, resulting in clear plaques, while infection of NA1000 with the same phage lysate results in fewer plaques that are visually turbid. (D) Holdfast-mediated attachment to a surface can be measured using a crystal violet assay. CB15 cells attach, resulting in robust staining, while NA1000 exhibits negligible adherence. (E) Upon continued aeration and incubation of stationary-phase Caulobacter cultures, NA1000 (▪) loses viability more rapidly than CB15 (○). Error bars are ±SEM. (F) In glucose minimal medium, NA1000 generation time is 20% shorter than that of CB15. Error bars are ±SEM.Our study revealed 11 coding, noncoding, and insertion/deletion polymorphisms between these two strains, five of which completely account for the evolved differences between the strains. The results presented herein provide insight into prokaryotic evolution driven by selection for growth and survival in a research laboratory and demonstrate the utility of combining whole-genome sequencing and alignment with molecular genetic tools to reveal the genetic basis of multiple derived phenotypes. Our work demonstrates that rapid adaptation of C. crescentus to the laboratory environment occurred in both strain lineages and is characterized by relatively few genetic changes, including nonsynonymous mutation, noncoding regulatory changes, acquisition of new genes, and inactivation of existing genes, each with a large phenotypic effect.  相似文献   

Caulobacter crescentus has a dimorphic life cycle composed of a motile stage and a sessile stage. In the sessile stage, C. crescentus is often found tightly attached to a surface through its adhesive holdfast. In this study, we examined the contribution of growth and external structures to the attachment of C. crescentus to abiotic surfaces. We show that the holdfast is essential but not sufficient for optimal attachment. Rather, adhesion in C. crescentus is a complex developmental process. We found that the attachment of C. crescentus to surfaces is cell cycle regulated and that growth or energy or both are essential for this process. The initial stage of attachment occurs in swarmer cells and is facilitated by flagellar motility and pili. Our results suggest that strong attachment is mediated by the synthesis of a holdfast as the swarmer cell differentiates into a stalked cell.  相似文献   

The S-layer of the gram-negative bacterium Caulobacter crescentus is composed of a single protein, RsaA, that is secreted and assembled into a hexagonal crystalline array that covers the organism. Despite the widespread occurrence of comparable bacterial S-layers, little is known about S-layer attachment to cell surfaces, especially for gram-negative organisms. Having preliminary indications that the N terminus of RsaA anchors the monomer to the cell surface, we developed an assay to distinguish direct surface attachment from subunit-subunit interactions where small RsaA fragments are incubated with S-layer-negative cells to assess the ability of the fragments to reattach. In doing so, we found that the RsaA anchoring region lies in the first approximately 225 amino acids and that this RsaA anchoring region requires a smooth lipopolysaccharide species found in the outer membrane. By making mutations at six semirandom sites, we learned that relatively minor perturbations within the first approximately 225 amino acids of RsaA caused loss of anchoring. In other studies, we confirmed that only this N-terminal region has a direct role in S-layer anchoring. As a by-product of the anchoring studies, we discovered that Sap, the C. crescentus S-layer-associated protease, recognized a cleavage site in the truncated RsaA fragments that is not detected by Sap in full-length RsaA. This, in turn, led to the discovery that Sap was an extracellular membrane-bound protease, rather than intracellular, as previously proposed. Moreover, Sap was secreted to the cell surface primarily by the S-layer type I secretion apparatus.  相似文献   

Microarray analysis was used to examine gene expression in the freshwater oligotrophic bacterium Caulobacter crescentus during growth on three standard laboratory media, including peptone-yeast extract medium (PYE) and minimal salts medium with glucose or xylose as the carbon source. Nearly 400 genes (approximately 10% of the genome) varied significantly in expression between at least two of these media. The differentially expressed genes included many encoding transport systems, most notably diverse TonB-dependent outer membrane channels of unknown substrate specificity. Amino acid degradation pathways constituted the largest class of genes induced in PYE. In contrast, many of the genes upregulated in minimal media encoded enzymes for synthesis of amino acids, including incorporation of ammonia and sulfate into glutamate and cysteine. Glucose availability induced expression of genes encoding enzymes of the Entner-Doudoroff pathway, which was demonstrated here through mutational analysis to be essential in C. crescentus for growth on glucose. Xylose induced expression of genes encoding several hydrolytic exoenzymes as well as an operon that may encode a novel pathway for xylose catabolism. A conserved DNA motif upstream of many xylose-induced genes was identified and shown to confer xylose-specific expression. Xylose is an abundant component of xylan in plant cell walls, and the microarray data suggest that in addition to serving as a carbon source for growth of C. crescentus, this pentose may be interpreted as a signal to produce enzymes associated with plant polymer degradation.  相似文献   

DivK is an essential response regulator in the Gram-negative bacterium Caulobacter crescentus and functions in a complex phosphorelay system that precisely controls the sequence of developmental events during the cell division cycle. Structure determinations of this single domain response regulator at different pH values demonstrated that the five-stranded alpha/beta fold of the DivK protein is fully defined only at acidic pH. The crystal structures of the apoprotein and of metal-bound DivK complexes at higher pH values revealed a synergistic pH- and cation binding-induced flexibility of the beta4-alpha4 loop and of the alpha4 helix. This motion increases the solvent accessibility of the single cysteine residue in the protein. Solution state studies demonstrated a 200-fold pH-dependent increase in the affinity of manganese for the protein between pH 6.0 and 8.5 that seems to involve deprotonation of an acido-basic couple. Taken together, these results suggest that flexibility of critical regions of the protein, ionization of the cysteine 99 residue and improved K(D) values for the catalytic metal ion are coupled events. We propose that the molecular events observed in the isolated protein may be required for DivK activation and that they may be achieved in vivo through the specific protein-protein interactions between the response regulator and its cognate kinases.  相似文献   

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