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We identified and sequenced the regulatory syrM and nodD3 genes of Rhizobium meliloti 41. Both genes were shown to contribute to optimal nodulation of alfalfa. In R. meliloti strains carrying syrM and nodD3 on plasmid, the nod genes are expressed constitutively, resulting in host-range extension to siratro. This is due to the presence of multiple syrM copies, suggesting that SyrM participates directly in nod gene activation. NodD3 activates nod genes in conjunction with flavonoids and enhances syrM expression, which is controlled also by its own product, NodD2, and two putative trans-acting factors. nodD3 is regulated by SyrM, NodD1, nodD3, the repressor NoIR, and two putative factors.  相似文献   

To differentiate among the roles of the three nodD genes of Rhizobium meliloti 1021, we studied the activation of a nodC-lacZ fusion by each of the three nodD genes in response to root exudates from several R. meliloti host plants and in response to the flavone luteolin. We found (i) that the nodD1 and nodD2 products (NodD1 and NodD2) responded differently to root exudates from a variety of hosts, (ii) that NodD1 but not NodD2 responded to luteolin, (iii) that NodD2 functioned synergistically with NodD1 or NodD3, (iv) that NodD2 interfered with NodD1-mediated activation of nodC-lacZ in response to luteolin, and (v) that a region adjacent to and upstream of nodD2 was required for NodD2-mediated activation of nodC-lacZ. We also studied the ability of each of the three R. meliloti nodD genes to complement nodD mutations in R. trifolii and Rhizobium sp. strain NGR234. We found (i) that nodD1 complemented an R. trifolii nodD mutation but not a Rhizobium sp. strain NGR234 nodD1 mutation and (ii) that R. meliloti nodD2 or nodD3 plus R. meliloti syrM complemented the nodD mutations in both R. trifolii and Rhizobium sp. strain NGR234. Finally, we determined the nucleotide sequence of the R. meliloti nodD2 gene and found that R. meliloti NodD1 and NodD2 are highly homologous except in the C-terminal region. Our results support the hypothesis that R. meliloti utilizes the three copies of nodD to optimize the interaction with each of its legume hosts.  相似文献   

Rhizobium meliloti nod genes are required for the infection of alfalfa. Induction of the nodC gene depends on a chemical signal from alfalfa and on nodD gene expression. By using a nodC-lacZ fusion, we have shown that the induction of the R. meliloti nodC gene and the expression of nodD occur at almost normal levels in other Rhizobium backgrounds and in Agrobacterium tumefaciens, but not in Escherichia coli. Xanthomonas campestris, or Pseudomonas savastanoi. Our results suggest that bacterial genes in addition to nodDABC are required for nod gene response to plant cells. We have found that inducing activity is present in other plant species besides alfalfa. Acetosyringone, the A. tumefaciens vir gene inducer, does not induce nodC.  相似文献   

Interaction of nod and exo Rhizobium meliloti in alfalfa nodulation   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Among the genes of Rhizobium meliloti SU47 that affect nitrogen-fixing symbiosis with alfalfa are nod genes, in which mutations block nodule induction, and exo genes, in which mutations allow nodule formation but block rhizobial exopolysaccharide production as well as nodule invasion and nitrogen fixation. To investigate whether an exo+ bacterium can "help" (that is, reverse the symbiotic defect of) an exo mutant in trans, we have coinoculated alfalfa with pairs of rhizobia of different genotypes. Coinoculant genotypes were chosen so that the exo+ helper strain was nif while the exo "indicator" strain was nif+, and thus any fixation observed was carried out by the exo coinoculant. We find that a nod exo+ coinoculant can help an exo mutant both to invade nodules and to fix nitrogen. However, a nod+ exo+ coinoculant cannot help an exo mutant: Few exo bacteria are recovered from nodules, some bacteroids differentiate into bizarre aberrant forms, and the nodules fail to fix nitrogen. In a triple coinoculation, the effect of nod+ helper supersedes that of nod helper. Implications of these results for interaction of nod and exo gene products are discussed.  相似文献   

The nod C gene of Rhizobium meliloti encodes a protein of mol. wt. 44 000 which is highly conserved in at least three Rhizobium species. In order to overproduce this protein, a gene fusion of lambda cI repressor sequences to a large fragment of nod C was constructed. The fusion was placed under control of the tac promoter on plasmid pEA305 to yield pJS1035. IPTG-induced Escherichia coli cells harbouring pJS1035 accumulated the cI-nod C hybrid protein up to 19% of total cellular protein. The synthesis of the hybrid protein drastically inhibits the growth rate of the bacterium. The fusion protein was purified by gel and hydroxyapatite chromatography in the presence of SDS. Antibodies raised against the purified fusion protein precipitated the mol. wt. 44 000 nod C proteins of R. meliloti and of the broad-host range Rhizobium strain NGR234, which were both expressed in E. coli mini-cells. The hybrid protein is associated with the outer membrane of E. coli cells, and the cI-nod C fusion protein appears to be an integral membrane protein. Nodulation of alfalfa by R. meliloti and of clover by R. trifolii was markedly inhibited (approximately 50%) by the addition of antibodies against the hybrid protein to plant growth medium and inoculum.  相似文献   

Nodulation of alfalfa by exoB mutants of Rhizobium meliloti occurred without root hair curling or infection thread formation. nod exoB double mutants had the same nodulation deficiency as single nod mutants. Therefore, all the known nod genes are involved in nodule induction by exoB mutants, which apparently occurs via intercellular invasion.  相似文献   

A Rhizobium meliloti DNA region (nodD1) involved in the regulation of other early nodulation genes has been delimited by directed Tn5 mutagenesis and its nucleotide sequence has been determined. The sequence data indicate a large open reading frame with opposite polarity to nodA, -B and -C, coding for a protein of 308 (or 311) amino acid residues. Tn5 insertion within the gene caused a delay in nodulation of Medicago sativa from four to seven days. Hybridization of nodD1 to total DNA of Rhizobium meliloti revealed two additional nodD sequences (nodD2 and nodD3) and both were localized on the megaplasmid pRme41b in the vicinity of the other nod genes. Genetic and DNA hybridization data, combined with nucleotide sequencing showed that nodD2 is a functional gene, while requirement of nodD3 for efficient nodulation of M. sativa could not be detected under our experimental conditions. The nodD2 gene product consists of 310 amino acid residues and shares 86.4% homology with the nodD1 protein. Single nodD2 mutants had the same nodulation phenotype as the nodD1 mutants, while a double nodD1-nodD2 mutant exhibited a more severe delay in nodulation. These results indicate that at least two functional copies of the regulatory gene nodD are necessary for the optimal expression of nodulation genes in R. meliloti.  相似文献   

The pSym megaplasmid of Rhizobium meliloti 2011 mobilized by plasmid RP4, or plasmid pGMI42, an RP4-prime derivative which carries a 290-kilobase pSym fragment including nitrogenase and nod genes, was introduced into Agrobacterium tumefaciens. The resulting transconjugants induced root deformations specifically on the homologous hosts Medicago sativa and Melilotus alba and not on the heterologous hosts Trifolium pratense and Trifolium repens. The root deformations were shown to be genuine nodules by physiological and cytological studies. Thus, host specificity nodulation genes are located on the pSym megaplasmid. Host nodulation specificity did not seem to require recognition at the root hair level since no infection threads could be detected in the root hairs. Cytological observations indicated that bacteria penetrated only the superficial layers of the host root tissue by an atypical infection process. The submeristematic zone and the central tissue of the nodules were bacteria free. Thus, nodule organogenesis was probably triggered from a distance by the bacteria. Agrobacterium transconjugants carrying pSym induced the formation of more numerous and larger nodules than those carrying the RP4-prime plasmid pGMI42, suggesting that some genes influencing nodule organogenesis are located in a pSym region(s) outside that which has been cloned into pGMI42.  相似文献   

TheinteractionbetweenRhizobiaandtheirspecifichostlegumesinvolvingthecomplicatedsequentialeventsresultsintheformationofsymbioticnitrogenfixationnodules[1].TheearlyeventforinitiatingthenoduleformationisgovernedbythenodgenesinRhizobium.Thenodgenesareregul…  相似文献   

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