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Expression of transferrin receptors during erythroid maturation   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A monoclonal antibody, F111/2Dl, produced after immunisation of C3H/He mice with the human erythroleukemia cell line, K562, is described. It detects cell surface determinants of similar distribution to those characterised by the OKT-9 monoclonal antibody, which has been shown to identify the transferrin receptor. The F111/2Dl antibody, as well as OKT-9, has been used to investigate the distribution of transferrin receptors during erythroid maturation in normal bone marrow and peripheral blood, and on the K562 cell line during erythroid differentiation, induced in vitro.  相似文献   

The expression of transferrin receptors by blood monocytes, human alveolar macrophages, and in vitro matured macrophages was evaluated by immunofluorescence, radioligand binding, and Northern analysis, using the monoclonal anti-human transferrin receptor antibody OKT9, [125I]-labeled human transferrin and a [32P]-labeled human transferrin receptor cDNA probe, respectively. By immunofluorescence, the majority of alveolar macrophages expressed transferrin receptors (86 +/- 3%). The radioligand binding assay demonstrated the affinity constant (Ka) of the alveolar macrophage transferrin receptor was 4.4 +/- 0.7 X 10(8) M-1, and the number of receptors per cell was 4.4 +/- 1.2 X 10(4). In marked contrast, transferrin receptors were not present on the surface or in the cytoplasm of blood monocytes, the precursors of the alveolar macrophages. However, when monocytes were cultured in vitro and allowed to mature, greater than 80% expressed transferrin receptors by day 6, and the receptors could be detected by day 3. Consistent with these observations, a transferrin receptor mRNA with a molecular size of 4.9 kb was demonstrated in alveolar macrophages and in vitro matured macrophages but not in blood monocytes. Thus, although blood monocytes do not express the transferrin receptor gene, it is expressed by mature macrophages, an event that probably occurs relatively early in the process of monocyte differentiation to macrophages.  相似文献   

Experiments were performed to examine the fate of transferrin receptors in reticulocytes as these cells mature in vivo to erythrocytes. Reticulocytosis, synchronized by administration of actinomycin D, was induced in adult rabbits. Simultaneous measurements were made of haematological parameters and the interaction between transferrin and reticulocytes while the cells matured in vivo to erythrocytes. As the reticulocytes matured there was a parallel decline in their ability to take up transferrin and transferrin iron. At the same time, there was a proportionate decrease in the density of receptors for transferrin on the reticulocyte surface. The affinity of the receptors for transferrin remained unaltered during the maturation process. It was concluded that the inability of erythrocytes to take up transferrin or its iron is due primarily to the loss of transferrin receptors from the maturing reticulocyte surface.  相似文献   

脑内的铁,转铁蛋白及转铁蛋白受体   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Du Y  Feng YM  Qian ZM 《生理科学进展》1999,30(4):337-340
脑铁异常增高可能参与脑神经变性疾病的发生发展。这一发现使得脑铁代谢成为近年广为关注和研究较为广泛的领域。本文综述了这一领域某些方面的目前认识。包括:(1)脑铁分布及功能;(2)铁转铁蛋白及转铁蛋白受体在脑内的合成与分布;(3)脑铁摄取和运输。此外,对铁与某些金属离子,转的蛋白和转铁蛋白受体与脑神经变性疾病的关系,以及转铁蛋白受体内吞在生物大分子跨血脑屏障运输中的作用也作了简要讨论。  相似文献   

Transferrin receptors during rabbit reticulocyte maturation.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Experiments were performed to examine the fate of transferrin receptors in reticulocytes as these cells mature in vivo to erythrocytes. Reticulocytosis, synchronized by administration of actinomycin D, was induced in adult rabbits. Simultaneous measurements were made of haematological parameters and the interaction between transferrin and reticulocytes while the cells matured in vivo to erythrocytes. As the reticulocytes matured there was a parallel decline in their ability to take up transferrin and transferrin iron. At the same time, there was a proportionate decrease in the density of receptors for transferrin on the reticulocyte surface. The affinity of the receptors for transferrin remained unaltered during the maturation process. It was concluded that the inability of erythrocytes to take up transferrin or its iron is due primarily to the loss of transferrin receptors from the maturing reticulocyte surface.  相似文献   

Rooster infertility is a major concern in the poultry industry and chicken male reproductive organs are the infectious tissues of various pathogenic microorganisms. Protection of the chicken male reproductive organs from pathogens is therefore an essential aspect of reproductive physiology. Recently Toll-like receptors (TLRs) have been identified as one of the key components of innate immunity in vertebrate species and have been reported to be expressed in the reproductive organs in various female species, including the chicken. However, mechanisms of antimicrobial protection of male reproductive organs mediated by TLRs are poorly understood. The objectives of this study were to determine the expression profile of the entire family of the ten chicken TLR genes in the chicken testis, to investigate whether sexual maturation affects their testicular mRNA abundance and to determine the changes in their expression levels in response to Salmonella enteritidis (SE) infection. RNA was extracted from the testis of healthy pre-pubertal, sexually mature and aged birds, and from sexually mature SE infected birds. RT-PCR analysis revealed that all TLRs, apart from TLR1-1 (TLR6), were expressed in the chicken testis. Quantitative real-time PCR analysis revealed that the testicular mRNA abundance of certain TLRs was developmentally regulated with respect to sexual maturation, while SE infection resulted in a significant induction of TLR2-1, 4, 5, 15 and 21 in the testis of sexually mature birds compared, to healthy birds of the same age. These findings provide strong evidence to suggest a key role of TLRs in the innate immune responses of chicken testis against Salmonella colonization.  相似文献   

Transferrin receptor in hepatocytes was studied by iron-saturated[125I]transferrin binding. In regenerating rat liver, the receptor was increased 18 hr after partial hepatectomy and decreased at 8 days. The increase of transferrin receptor in hepatocytes may be a marker of proliferation of the cells.  相似文献   

Localization of transferrin and transferrin receptors in rat testes   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
One of the major proteins secreted by rat Sertoli cells in culture is a transferrin-like protein (Skinner and Griswold, 1980). The purpose of this study was to quantitate the amount of testicular transferrin in fluids isolated from the testis by the use of a radioimmunoassay and to determine the location of transferrin and transferrin receptors in the testis by indirect immunofluorescence. Seminiferous tubule fluid, rete testis fluid, and testicular lymph were collected from rat testes and were found to contain 141 micrograms, 47 micrograms and 3.7 mg transferrin per ml of fluid, respectively. Serum was found to contain 3.7 mg/ml transferrin. Paraffin sections of rat testis were incubated with rabbit anti-rat transferrin, biotinylated goat anti-rabbit and fluorescein-conjugated avidin. Immunoreactive transferrin was thus localized on the proacrosome and nuclear cap of developing spermatids. Late spermatids showed transferrin over the entire region of the head but mature testicular spermatozoa exhibited little fluorescence. The interstitial tissue between seminiferous tubules fluoresced brightly, indicating a large amount of transferrin in this area. By pretreating sections with rat transferrin, the receptor for the protein was localized on and in spermatocytes and early round spermatids. Dividing germ cells were brightly fluorescent.  相似文献   

Transferrin is one of the sources of iron that is most readily available to colonizing and invading pathogens. In this review, we look at iron uptake by the bacterial transferrin receptor that is found in the families Neisseriaceae, Pasteurellaceae and Moraxellaceae. This bipartite receptor consists of the TonB-dependent transporter, TbpA, and the surface lipoprotein, TbpB. In the past three decades, major advancements have been made in our understanding of the mechanism through which the Tbps take up iron. We summarize these findings and discuss how they relate to the diversity and specificity of the transferrin receptor. We also outline several of the remaining unanswered questions about iron uptake via the bacterial transferrin receptor and suggest directions for future research.  相似文献   

Transferrin receptors are lost from reticulocytes in vesicles that are released during the final stage of erythrocyte maturation (Pan, B. T., and Johnstone, R. M. (1983) Cell 33, 967-977). Transferrin receptor-containing vesicles have a major protein component present in a 1:1 ratio with the receptor that migrates on sodium dodecyl sulfate gels as two polypeptides of Mr = 71,000 and 72,000. The Mr = 71,000/72,000 doublet is indistinguishable from the clathrin-uncoating ATPase/heat shock protein based on cross-reaction with affinity-purified antibody against the uncoating protein, by comparison of peptide maps of the Mr = 72,000 and 71,000 polypeptides and the uncoating protein, and by selective binding of these polypeptides to ATP-agarose. This finding suggests a possible activity of proteins related to the uncoating/heat shock protein family in the disposal of aged membrane proteins by a pathway independent of lysosomes.  相似文献   

Human blood monocytes (mo) when cultured in suspension on hydrophobic teflon membranes undergo terminal maturation to macrophages (MO). Together with the appearance of new lineage-restricted differentiation antigens, mature MO but not blood mo, express transferrin (TF) receptor molecules as detected by immunostaining methods. Here we report that radio- and fluorescein-labelled TF binds to a single class of high-affinity binding sites on MO but not on mo. As mo mature in vitro in the presence of human serum, their receptor numbers increase to about 10(6) per cell, showing an apparent Kd for Fe2TF of approximately 5 nM. These receptor numbers were comparable with our estimates for cultured K 562 human tumor cells, and about 20x greater than reported for human MO cultured in the presence of fetal calf serum. Our MO showed 58Fe uptake comparable with uptake by tumor cells and also exhibited TF-promoted uptakes of 61Ga. The possibility that MO might recycle stored iron through receptor-bound apoTF was not supported by experiments which showed that their Fe2TF receptors had much lower affinity for apoTF (Kd greater than 1 microM) and which could not detect separate high-affinity receptors specific for apoTF. Expression of TF receptors was not substantially altered by treatment with human recombinant interferon-gamma.  相似文献   

The transferrin receptor (TfR) of reticulocytes is released in vesicular form (exosomes) during their maturation to erythrocytes. The heat shock cognate 70-kDa protein (Hsc70) has been demonstrated to interact with the cytosolic domain of the TfR and could thus trigger the receptor toward this secretion pathway. We investigated the characteristics of the interaction between Hsc70 and the TfR in exosomes with an in vitro binding assay using TfR immobilized on Sepharose beads and purified Hsc70. The results show that Hsc70 binds to exosomal TfR with characteristics expected of a chaperone/peptide interaction. We demonstrated that heat-denatured luciferase competed for in vitro binding, dependent on the nucleotide bound to Hsc70, and that this interaction activates the ATPase activity of Hsc70. Moreover, we used immunosuppressive agents that interact with Hsc70, thus decreasing Hsc70 binding to TfR in our in vitro binding assay and enabling us to assess the role of this interaction in vivo during reticulocyte maturation.  相似文献   

Transferrin and specific transferrin receptors are demonstrated on the microvillous surface of syncytiotrophoblast in human immature and term placentae by immuno histological techniques with the use of light and electron microscopy. That the distribution of transferrin is limited to the materno-foetal interface supports the hypothesis that binding of maternal transferrin to trophoblast receptors is involved in the process of iron transport to the foetus. Parallel studies with baboon placentae demonstrate the presence of trophoblast receptors which bind both baboon and human transferrin, thereby putting forward an experimental model which might be used to test the biological significance of placental transferrin receptors in primates. In addition, investigation of a large number of human cell lines shows that many transformed cells, but no normal cells (such as blood lymphocytes) or cells from primary culture (such as neonatal foreskin fibroblasts), possess the ability to bind transferrin to their membranes. These findings suggest that transferrin receptors may play important biological roles in addition to that of iron transport from mother to foetus. One such role could be the limitation of iron in intervillous spaces, thus depriving iron-requiring microorganisms of iron, hence serving as a non-specific factor of resistance for placentae. Another role for foetal transferrin receptors on trophoblasts could be to bind maternal transferrin at the materno-foetal interface, thus frustrating maternal immunosurveillance. This is similar to a mechahism used by schistosomes in the host-parasite relation where host proteins are bound by the parasite to escape immunological recognition. The presence of transferrin receptors on transformed cells suggests that this mechanism might also be employed by tumour cells. Finally, in view of previous studies which show that transferrin is required by stimulated lymphocytes to pass from the G1 to the S phase of cellular replication, it is proposed that trophoblast transferrin receptors could limit the amount of transferrin in intervillous spaces and thus impede the proliferation and possible cytotoxicity of maternal activated lymphocytes at the materno-foetal interface.  相似文献   

Zhou Z  Yu X 《Trends in cell biology》2008,18(10):474-485
In metazoan organisms, cells undergoing apoptosis are rapidly engulfed and degraded by phagocytes. Defects in apoptotic-cell clearance result in inflammatory and autoimmune responses. However, little is known about how apoptotic-cell degradation is initiated and regulated and how different phagocytic targets induce different immune responses from their phagocytes. Recent studies in mammalian systems and invertebrate model organisms have led to major progress in identifying new factors involved in the maturation of phagosomes containing apoptotic cells. These studies have delineated signaling pathways that promote the sequential incorporation of intracellular organelles to phagosomes and have also discovered that phagocytic receptors produce the signals that initiate phagosome maturation. Here, we discuss these exciting new findings, focusing on the mechanisms that regulate the interactions between intracellular organelles and phagosomes.  相似文献   

The fate of the transferrin receptor during in vitro maturation of sheep reticulocytes has been followed using FITC- and 125l-labeled anti-transferrin-receptor antibodies. Vesicles containing peptides that comigrate with the transferrin receptor on polyacrylamide gels are released during incubation of sheep reticulocytes, tagged with anti-transferrin-receptor anti-bodies. Vesicle formation does not require the presence of the anti-transferrin-receptor antibodies. Using 125l-surface-labeled reticulocytes, it can be shown that the 125l-labeled material which is released is retained by an immunoaffinity column of the anti-transferrin-receptor antibody. Using reticulocytes tagged with 125l-labeled anti-transferrin-receptor antibodies to follow the formation of vesicles, it can be shown that at 0°C or in phosphate-buffered saline the rate of vesicle release is less than that at 37°C in culture medium. There is selective externalization of the antibody-receptor complex since few other membrane proteins are found in the externalized vesicles. The anti-transferrin-receptor antibodies cause redistribution of the receptor into patches that do not appear to be required for vesicle formation.  相似文献   

Interleukin-6 expression during normal maturation of the mouse testis   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In this study, we examined the cellular origin and the expression levels of interleukin-6 (IL-6) during normal maturation of mouse testis. The levels of IL-6 (protein and mRNA) were higher in testicular homogenates of sexually immature than mature mice. Immunohistochemical staining of testicular tissues of sexually immature and adult mice show that testicular germ cells, at different stages of differentiation, Leydig cells/interstitial cells and peritubular cells express IL-6. Our results demonstrate, for the first time, overexpression of IL-6 in testicular tissues of immature mice, as compared to mature mice, as well as the expression of IL-6 in germ cells of testicular tissues of adult and sexually immature mice. Thus, our results may indicate the involvement of the endocrine system (gonadotropins and testosterone) in the regulation of IL-6, which is involved in the regulation of testicular development, functions and spermatogenesis.  相似文献   

Regulation of HeLa cell transferrin receptors   总被引:27,自引:0,他引:27  
HeLa cells were found to have a single class of non-interacting receptors specific for transferrin. Both apotransferrin and diferric transferrin competed equally with 125I-diferric transferrin for receptor binding. Transferrin binding was temperature-dependent and reversible. Binding of transferrin to cells exhibited a KD of 27 nM with a maximum binding capacity of 1.8-3.7 x 10(6) molecules/cell. Cells grown in the presence of diferric transferrin or in the presence of ferric ammonium citrate exhibited a concentration- and time-dependent decrease in 125I-diferric transferrin binding. The decrease in binding activity reflected a reduction in receptor number rather than an alteration in ligand receptor affinity. Growth of cells in saturating concentrations of apotransferrin did not cause a decrease in receptor number. When iron-treated cells were removed to media free of ferric ammonium citrate, the receptor number returned to control values by 40 h. When receptors were removed with trypsin, cells grown and maintained in ferric ammonium citrate-supplemented media demonstrated a rate of receptor reappearance 47% that of control cells grown in ferric ammonium citrate-free media. Cells grown in media supplemented with diferric transferrin or ferric ammonium citrate exhibited an increase in cytosolic iron content. The transferrin receptor number returned to normal after cells were removed to unsupplemented media, despite persistent elevation of cytosolic iron content. Increased iron content did not appear to be the sole factor determining receptor number.  相似文献   

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