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miRNAS in normal and diseased skeletal muscle   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The last 20 years have witnessed major advances in the understanding of muscle diseases and significant inroads are being made to treat muscular dystrophy. However, no curative therapy is currently available for any of the muscular dystrophies, despite the immense progress made using several approaches and only palliative and symptomatic treatment is available for patients. The discovery of miRNAs as new and important regulators of gene expression is expected to broaden our biological understanding of the regulatory mechanism in muscle by adding another dimension of regulation to the diversity and complexity of gene-regulatory networks. As important regulators of muscle development, unravelling the regulatory circuits involved may be challenging, given that a single miRNA can regulate the expression of many mRNA targets. Although the identification of the regulatory targets of miRNAs in muscle is a challenge, it will be critical for placing them in genetic pathways and biological contexts. Therefore, combining informatics, biochemical and genetic approaches will not only expected to reveal the elucidation of the miRNA regulatory network in skeletal muscle and to bring a better knowledge on muscle tissue regulation but will also raise new opportunities for therapeutic intervention in muscular dystrophies by identifying candidate miRNAs as potential targets for clinical application.  相似文献   

Summary Binding sites for three fucose specific lectins, Aleuria aurantia agglutinin (AAA), Lotus tetragonolobus agglutinin (LTA) and Ulex europeus I agglutinin (UEA I), were investigated in sections from normal human and rat muscles, in muscle from patients with Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) and in denervated and devascularized rat muscle. In normal human and rat muscle AAA detected fucosylated glycocompounds in the sarcoplasm, sarcolemma, interfibre connective tissue and vascular structures. In normal human muscle addition of fucose to the AAA incubation medium or treatment of the sections with formaldehyde followed by periodic oxidation before lectin incubation strongly inhibited the staining at all sites other than endothelial cells. In normal rat muscle the same staining procedures strongly inhibited the AAA binding at all sites other than the sarcolemma. Incubation with LTA resulted in a diffuse reaction around the vascular structures in rat muscle, while in human muscle a moderate, homogeneous staining was present in all muscle fibres. Treatment of the sections with formaldehyde and periodic acid before incubation with LTA resulted in strongly labelled muscle capillaries in both human and rat muscle. The only elements in the muscle tissues that were stained with UEA I were human endothelial cells. In denervated and devascularized rat muscle incubation with AAA revealed a novel fucose expression that appeared intracellularly in some necrotic fibres. The AAA-positive fucose residues in the sarcolemma of normal muscle fibres that were resistant to periodic acid oxidation could not be shown by AAA in denervated muscle. In DMD muscle a cryptic sarcolemmal fucose expression could be shown with AAA. It is suggested that both the sarcoplasm and sarcolemma of diseased muscle fibres show altered fucose expression.  相似文献   

The organisation of structural proteins in muscle into highly ordered sarcomeres occurs during development, regeneration and focal repair of skeletal muscle fibers. The involvement of cytoskeletal proteins in this process has been documented, with nonmuscle gamma-actin found to play a role in sarcomere assembly during muscle differentiation and also shown to be up-regulated in dystrophic muscles which undergo regeneration and repair [Lloyd et al.,2004; Hanft et al.,2006]. Here, we show that a cytoskeletal tropomyosin (Tm), Tm4, defines actin filaments in two novel compartments in muscle fibers: a Z-line associated cytoskeleton (Z-LAC), similar to a structure we have reported previously [Kee et al.,2004], and longitudinal filaments that are orientated parallel to the sarcomeric apparatus, present during myofiber growth and repair/regeneration. Tm4 is upregulated in paradigms of muscle repair including induced regeneration and focal repair and in muscle diseases with repair/regeneration features, muscular dystrophy and nemaline myopathy. Longitudinal Tm4-defined filaments also are present in diseased muscle. Transition of the Tm4-defined filaments from a longitudinal to a Z-LAC orientation is observed during the course of muscle regeneration. This Tm4-defined cytoskeleton is a marker of growth and repair/regeneration in response to injury, disease state and stress in skeletal muscle.  相似文献   

Cardiac muscle development is characterised by the activation of contractile protein genes and subsequent modulation of expression resulting, ultimately, in the formation of a mature four-chambered organ. Myocardial gene expression is also altered in the adult in response to pathological stimuli and this is thought to contribute to the altered contractile characteristics of the diseased heart. We have examined the expression of the slow skeletal troponin T (TnT) gene in the human heart during development and in disease using whole mount in situ hybridisation and real-time quantitative (TaqMan) polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Slow skeletal TnT mRNA shows transitory and regional expression in the early foetal heart, which occurs at different times in atria and ventricles. In ventricular myocardium, expression is seen in the outer epicardial layer at a time when the coronary circulation is being established. Expression was detected at low levels in the adult human heart and was significantly increased in end-stage heart failure. Similarly, expression was readily detectable during early rat heart development and was up-regulated in pressure overload hypertrophy in adult. Together these data show for the first time that slow skeletal TnT mRNA is readily detectable during early human heart development. They further suggest that slow skeletal TnT may be responsive to myocardial stress and that elevated levels may contribute to myocardial dysfunction in adult disease. (Mol Cell Biochem 263: 91–97, 2004)  相似文献   

The response of rat quadriceps muscle fibers to chronic streptozotocin (STZ) diabetes was studied. Transverse sections of rectus femoris muscle from diabetic and weight-matched control rats were assayed for myofibrilar adenosine triphosphatase (ATPase) and nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide-tetrazolium reductase (NADH-TR). A quantitative analysis was carried out by an automatic interactive analysis system focused on the fiber type size and distribution. STZ-induced diabetes caused important effects in this muscle, with changes in the distribution of oxidative enzyme reactions, type I fiber hypertrophy, and type II fiber atrophy, which was greater in type IIB than in type IIA. It is concluded that hypoinsulinism produces morphological alterations in proximal skeletal muscle fibers that are similar to those of neurogenic myopathy. Thus the pathological changes in these mammalian muscle fibers could explain the clinical syndrome seen in diabetic patients called "diabetic symmetrical proximal motor neuropathy," perhaps the least understood of the major neuropathic complications of diabetes.  相似文献   

Many studies have been performed on the sarcoglycan sub-complex and a7B and b1D integrins, but their distribution and localization patterns along the non-junctional sarcolemma are still not clear. We have carried out an indirect immunofluorescence study on surgical biopsies of normal human skeletal muscle, performing double localization reactions with antibodies to sarcoglycans, integrins and sarcomeric actin. Our results indicate that the tested proteins colocalize with each other. In a few cases, a-sarcoglycan does not colocalize with the other sarcoglycans and integrins. We also demonstrated, by employing antibodies to all the tested proteins, that these proteins can be localized to regions of the sarcolemma corresponding either to the I-band or A-band. Our results seem to confirm the hypothesis of a correlation between the region of the sarcolemma occupied by costameric proteins and the metabolic type (fast or slow) of muscle fibers. On this basis, we suggest that slow fibers are characterized by localization of costameric proteins to I-bands, while fast fibers are characterized by localization of costameric proteins to A-bands. The results open a new line of research in understanding interactions between the components of the DGC and vinculin-talin-integrin complexes in the context of different fiber types. Moreover, the same results may be extended to skeletal muscle fibers affected by neuromuscular diseases to detect possible structural alterations.  相似文献   

Summary Calpastatin, the endogenous inhibitor of calcium-activated neutral proteases (calpains; EC, was studied in the rabbit vastus lateralis muscle by means of immunochemical and immunohistochemical techniques. Immunoaffinity chromatography using an antibody raised against the 34-kDa monomer of the 68-kDa dimeric inhibitor allowed us to isolate three main proteins (130-, 100- and 80-kDa). These proteins strongly inhibited calpain activity in muscle homogenate (I50 at about 50 g/ml). Immunohistochemical experiments showed that calpastatin-related immunoreactivity was present in all fibre types (oxidative, glycolytic, oxidative-glycolytic) at both surface and cytoplasmic level. However, a few (20%) of the slow-twitch, oxidative fibres (5% of the total fibres), did not contain the cytoplasmic inhibitor. Specific immunoreactivity for calpastatin was also associated with the interstitial connective tissue. These results suggest that (i) calpastatin in skeletal muscle, as in other tissues, is present as a mixture of proteins of various molecular weights and (ii) the inhibitor may act not only in the cytoplasm but also at the surface or extracellular level.  相似文献   

Human muscle cells obtained from biopsy specimens were grown in a primary culture system and electrophysiologically studied. Whole cell patch-clamp recordings revealed the presence of two types of calcium currents: (i) a low-threshold (-60 mV) one (ICa, T) with fast activation and inactivation kinetics (time-to-peak: 39 ms at -30 mV); and (ii) a high-threshold (-10 mV) one (ICa,L) with slower kinetics (time-to-peak: 550 ms at 20 mV). These two types of calcium currents could be also distinguished by their pharmacological characteristics since ICa,L was sensitive to the antagonist and agonist dihydropyridine derivatives contrary to ICa,T which was completely resistant to these compounds. These functional calcium channels existed both in normal and Duchenne dystrophic (DMD) human skeletal muscle cells in culture. We discuss a possible role of these two types of calcium channels in the myoplasmic calcium accumulation observed in the Duchenne muscular dystrophy.  相似文献   

C57B1/6 mice were infected with Brasil strain Trypanosoma cruzi trypomastigotes. The leg muscles of the mice were serial-sectioned with a cryostat, and individual fibers were classified histochemically as type I or type II on the basis of succinic dehydrogenase or adenosine triphosphatase activity. Although markedly more type II fibers were present in the leg muscles, the percentage of infected type I fibers was nearly five-fold higher than type II. This is the first demonstration of a preferential in vivo distribution of T. cruzi in muscle fibers based upon muscle type.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Staron, RS, Herman, JR, and Schuenke, MD. Misclassification of hybrid fast fibers in resistance-trained human skeletal muscle using histochemical and immunohistochemical methods. J Strength Cond Res 26(10): 2616-2622, 2012-Sixteen healthy untrained women participated in a 6-week progressive resistance training program to compare 2 common methods of classifying fiber types. The women were a subset from a previous study and were randomly divided into 2 groups: traditional strength training (TS, n = 9) and non-exercising control (C, n = 7). The TS group performed 3 lower limb exercises (leg press, squat, and knee extension) using 6-10 repetitions maximum 2 days per week for the first week and 3 days per week for the remaining 5 weeks (17 total workouts). Pre- and posttraining vastus lateralis muscle biopsies were analyzed for fiber type composition using 2 popular methods: myosin adenosine triphosphatase (mATPase) histochemistry and myosin heavy chain (MHC) immunohistochemistry. Six fiber types (I, IC, IIC, IIA, IIAX, and IIX) were delineated using each method separately and in combination. Because of the subjective nature of each method (visual assessment of staining intensities), IIAX fibers expressing a small amount of MHCIIa were misclassified as type IIX using mATPase histochemistry, whereas those expressing a small amount of MHCIIx were misclassified as type IIA using MHC immunohistochemistry. As such, either method used separately resulted in an underestimation of the type IIAX fiber population. In addition, the use of mATPase histochemistry alone resulted in an overestimation of type IIX, whereas there was an overestimation of type IIA using MHC immunohistochemistry. These fiber typing errors were most evident after 6 weeks of resistance training when fibers were in transition from type IIX to IIA. These data suggest that the best approach to more accurately determine muscle fiber type composition (especially after training) is the combination of mATPase histochemical and MHC immunohistochemical methods.  相似文献   

Fluorescent antibody staining experiments with both isolated myofibrils and muscle fibers grown in culture show that AMP deaminase is bound to the myofibril in the A band. The strongest staining occurs at each end of the A band. The approximate width of the fluorescent stripes and their relation to the A band remains constant as a function of sarcomere length. Removal of enzyme from the myofibrils leads to loss of staining, and readdition of purified enzyme restores the original staining pattern. A histoenzymatic method for the detection of AMP deaminase activity in cultured fibers gives comparable localization. The results are consistent with the previous observation (Ashby, B. and C. Frieden. 1977.J. Biol. Chem. 252:1869--1872) that AMP deaminase forms a tight complex in solution with subfragment-2 (S-2) of myosin or with heavy meromyosin (HMM).  相似文献   

Summary Fibre-type classification of human skeletal muscle into type I and type II fibres is mostly based on their slight or strong staining with the myosin adenosine triphosphatase reaction. In order to evaluate the reliability of this screening technique a combined histochemical and biochemical study was performed on normal and diseased skeletal muscle of human subjects. In the present investigation activities of enzymes which play a role in the aerobic and anaerobic pathways and which can characterize fibre type, were examined in muscle specimens, with no apparent disease of the neuromuscular system. Special attention is given to the maximal activities of phosphofructokinase and fructose-1,6-diphosphatase, the rate limiting enzymes for the regulation of the glycolysis and glyconeogenesis, respectively. A most important feature of the biochemical findings is the constancy of the activity ratios of the examined enzymes. From these results and from the histochemical results it can be concluded that in apparently normal adult human skeletal muscle the ATP-ase technique for type I and type II typing is reliable. For fibres with an intermediate intensity of staining with the myosin ATPase technique of typing it is also necessary to apply other enzyme histochemical techniques.  相似文献   

Summary The histochemical activities of succinic dehydrogenase (SDH), creatine kinase (CK), sarcoplasmic reticular ATPase (SR-ATPase) and myosin ATPase were studied in serial sections of rabbit adductor muscle. Three fibre types were distinguished depending upon the distribution of the enzyme activities. The type II white fibres posessing minimal SDH showed high myosin ATPase, SR-ATPase and ATPase dependent CK activities. Red oxidative fibres showing high SDH fell into two distinct groups: One category had mainly a peripheral localization of SDH and showed an enzymatic profile identical to that of type II white fibres. The second category of red fibres displayed both a homogeneous distribution of small diformazan granules throughout the fibre as well as a sub-sarcolemmal collection when tested for SDH activity but possessed very low amounts of reaction product of the various enzymes of the energetic metabolism studied. Since it is well established that the myosin ATPase of a fibre correlates with its contraction time, the present histochemical investigation provides further support for this concept by demonstrating the presence of high SR-ATPase and ATPase dependent CK activities in all white and red fibres rich in myosin ATPase.  相似文献   

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