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Bolinopsis vitrea is a warm water lobate ctenophore which doesnot overlap in its distribution with Mnemiopsis mccradyi incontiguous waters. We examined its feeding ecology on a seriesof cruises. B. virrea ingested increasingly more prey at higherfood concentrations (2–100 prey l–1) but feedingeffort (clearance rate) decreased with increasing food availability.On a dry weight basis, smaller tentaculate Bolinopsis ingestedseveral times more than larger lobates, but based on carbonweight, specific ingestion was fairly uniform over the entiresize range investigated (6–60 mm total length). Bolinopsiscollected during the daytime in the Bahamas rarely had morethan three prey items in their guts. These results and laboratorymeasurements of digestion times (av. = 1.9 h) allowed computationof daily rations, which could not account for the metabolicrequirement as measured on the same cruises. Results of feedingexperiments, however, implied that prey densities in excessof 11–1 were sufficient to sustain a growing populationof Bolinopsis. Prey concentrations about an order of magnitudehigher were required for M. mccradyi based on similar experiments.These results were in general agreement with observed densitiesand distributions of ctenophores and their zooplankton preyin the Bahamas and coastal South Florida.  相似文献   

The goal of this research is to enhance our knowledge of thecontributions of doliolids to the planktonic community as consumersand secondary producers. The objectives are to quantify feedingand growth rates of Dolioletta gegenbauri gonozooids at fourfood concentrations and four temperatures in order to determinetheir impact as grazers throughout the water column. Althoughdoliolids are abundant in numerous regions of the coastal ocean,and are considered to be major planktonic grazers, data on ratesof feeding and growth are scarce. Laboratory experiments wereconducted at 16.5, 20, 23.5 and 26.5°C to quantify removalof a 50:50 volumetric concentration of Thalassiosira weissflogiiand Rhodomonas sp. at four different food concentrations of20, 60, 160 and 390 µg C l–1. Results from theseexperiments suggest that clearance rates are similar at concentrationsfrom 20 to 60 µg C l –1, and decrease as the foodconcentrations increase to 160 and 390 µg C l –1.The ingestion rates increase over a range of phytoplankton concentrationsfrom 20 to 160 µg C l –1, then decrease when abnormallyhigh concentrations of 390 µg C l –1 are offered.Clearance and ingestion rates increase as temperature increasesfrom 16.5 to 26.5°C. The exponential growth rates rangefrom k = 0.2–0.7, with the lowest rates occurring at thehighest food concentration. Growth rates increase with increasingtemperature from K = 0.1–0.3 at 16.5°C to 0.45–0.7at 26.5°C. In each case, the small- and medium-sized zooidshad higher growth rates than the larger gonozooids. These resultssuggest that doliolid feeding and growth rates are a functionof environmental food concentrations and temperatures, and implythat they can be important consumers in a changing neritic environment.  相似文献   

Ingestion and clearance rates, feeding behaviors and life historyvariables of the marine cladoceran Penilia avirostris were evaluatedover a range of food concentrations encountered in nature (0.01–3.0mm3 1–1 of Isochrysis galbana). Ingestion rates increasedand clearance rates decreased with increasing food concentration.No maximum feeding thresholds were observed over the range ofalgal concentrations offered. Weight-specific ingestion ratesdecreased with increasing body weight. Feeding behaviors suchas mandibular activity, abdominal claw rejections of cloggedfeeding structures and feeding appendage activity decreasedat a food level of 0.3 mm3 l–1 of l. galbana. Peniliaavirostris had very poor survivorship at extremely low (0.01mm3 l–1 and high (3.00 mm3 l–1) food levels. Mortalitywas hardly affected at food levels of 0.03–1.0 mm3 l–1Reproduction did not occur at food levels of  相似文献   

On assessment of prey ingestion by copepods   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
The consumption of photosynthetic and heterotrophic cells byan abundant calanoid copepod species feeding on natural planktoncommunities was quantified with a state-of-the-art image-analysissystem. Late copepodid stages of Eucalanus pileatus did notingest bactena, small photosynthetic and heterotrophic nanoplankton,or the abundant Ceratium spp. in quantifiable amounts Althoughdiatoms were by far the most abundant cells (in terms of POC1–1), the copepods ingested a higher percentage of ciliatesin relation to their abundance than of diatoms and small heterotrophicdinoflagellates in the first experiment, and ingested a higherpercentage of dinoflagel lates and ciliates compared to diatomsin the second experiment Heterotrophic cells sufficiently largeto be captured were repeatedly preferred by E.pileatus overautotrophs of similar or larger size. More over, among the cellswhich could be individually perceived by this calanoid, largerones were not pre ferred over smaller cells, implying that someaspect of food quality can be as significant as prey size. Theseresults support the notion (e.g. Kleppel, Mar. Ecol Prog. Ser.,99, s183–195, 1993) that feeding by copepods will be underestimatedif ingestion of heterotrophic food organisms is not quantified.While the proposed microscope-based method is comparativelyslow (  相似文献   

Feeding in predacious estuarine ciliates was investigated ina series of laboratory experiments using a new method of preylabeling which facilitates microscopic indentification of ingestedprey items. Ingestion rates of Mesodinium pulex, Euplotes vannusand E.woodruffi were estimated using the appearance, insidethe predator, of bacteriovorous ciliates (Metanophrys sp., Cyclidiumsp.and Pleuronema sp ) labeled with fluorescent microspheres. Preyremain motile and have presumably unaltered surface characteristics.Ingestion rates of log-growth phase predators increased withprey density. Mesodinium pulex ingested 0 15–0.32 cellsh–1 over a prey concentration of 60–2300 ml–1.Maximum ingestion rates of E. woodruffi and E. vannus were 4.5and 3.4 cells h–1 respectively, estimated at prey abundancesof 75 and 172 cells ml–1 respectively. Comparisons offeeding rates on prey of different sizes, and the effects ofstarvation, indicated that ingestion is likely limited by differentfactors in ‘raptorial’ (M pulex) and ‘filterfeeding’ (Euplotes spp.) predators.  相似文献   

Ephyra larvae and small medusae (1.7–95 mm diameter, 0.01–350mg ash-free dry wt, AFDW) of the scyphozoan jellyfish Aureliaaurita were used in predation experiments with phytoplankton(the flagellate Isochrysis galbana, 4 µm diameter, {smalltilde}6 x 10–6 µg AFDW cell–1), ciliates (theoligotrich Strombidium sulcatum, 28 µm diameter, {smalltilde}2 x 10–3 µg AFDW), rotifers (Synchaeta sp.,0.5 µg AFDW individual–1) and mixed zooplankton(mainly copepods and cladocerans, 2.1–3.1 µg AFDWindividual–1). Phytoplankton in natural concentrations(50–200 µg C I–1) were not utilized by largemedusae (44–95 mm diameter). Ciliates in concentrationsfrom 0.5 to 50 individuals ml"1 were consumed by ephyra larvaeand small medusae (3–14 mm diameter) at a maximum predationrate of 171 prey day–1, corresponding to a daily rationof 0.42%. The rotifer Synchaeta sp., offered in concentrationsof 100–600 prey I–1, resulted in daily rations ofephyra larvae (2–5 mm diameter) between 1 and 13%. Mixedzooplankton allowed the highest daily rations, usually in therange 5–40%. Large medusae (>45 mm diameter) consumedbetween 2000 and 3500 prey organisms day"1 in prey concentrationsexceeding 100 I–1. Predation rate and daily ration werepositively correlated with prey abundance. Seen over a broadsize spectrum, the daily ration decreased with increased medusasize. The daily rations observed in high abundance of mixedzooplankton suggest a potential ‘scope for growth’that exceeds the growth rate observed in field populations,and this, in turn, suggests that the natural populations areusually food limited. The predicted predation rate at averageprey concentrations that are characteristic of neritic environmentscannot explain the maximum growth rates observed in field populations.It is therefore suggested that exploitation of patches of preyin high abundance is an important component in the trophodynamicsof this species. 1Present address: University of Bergen, Department of MarineBiology, N-5065 Blomsterdalen, Norway  相似文献   

The heterotrophic dinoflagellate Noctiluca scintillans has anegligible swimming ability and feeds predominantly on immobileprey. How, then, does it encounter prey? Noctiluca scintillansis positively buoyant and, therefore, we hypothesized that itintercepts prey particles during ascent and/or that microscaleshear brings it into contact with prey. Noctiluca scintillanshas a specific carbon content 1–2 orders of magnitudeless than that typical for protists and, thus, an inflated volume.It also has a density slightly less than that of the ambientwater and therefore ascends at high velocities (-1 m h–1).In stagnant water, clearance rates of latex spheres (5–80µm) increased approximately with prey particle size squared.This scaling is consistent with N.scintillans being an interceptionfeeder. However, absolute clearance rates were substantiallylower than those predicted by modeling N.scintillans both asa spherical and as a cylindrical collector. The latter modelassumes that prey particles are collected on the string of mucusthat may form at the tip of the tentacle. Feeding, growth andprey selection experiments all demonstrated that diatoms arecleared at substantially higher rates than latex beads and otherphytoplankters, particularly dinoflagellates. We propose thatdiatoms stick more efficiently than latex beads to the mucusof N.scintillans and that dinoflagellates reduce fatal contactbehaviorally. We conclude that N.scintillans is an interceptionfeeder and that the high ascent velocity accounts for encounterswith prey. However, the flow field around the cell-mucus complexis too complicated to be described accurately by simple geometricmodels. Fluid shear (0.7–1.8 s–1 had a negativeimpact on feeding rates, which were much less than predictedby models. Noctiluca scintillans can survive starvation forlong periods (>3 weeks), it can grow at low concentrationsof prey (-15 µg C l–1), but growth saturates onlyat very high prey concentrations of 500–1000 µgC l–1 or more. We demonstrate how the functional biologyof N.scintillans is consistent with its spatial and seasonaldistribution, which is characterized by persistence in the plankton,blooms in association with high concentrations of diatoms, andsurface accumulation during quiescent periods or exponentialdecline in abundance with depth during periods of turbulentmixing.  相似文献   

Our goal was to test our understanding of ingestion, assimilationefficiency and metabolism for Mnemiopsis mccradyi by formulatingand validating a simulation model of growth under differentconditions of food availability. The model was based on a carbonbudget approach using formulations derived from empirical results,including how each process was affected by food availabilityand ctenophore size. An experimentally measured carbon budgetfor pulsed food availability indicated that, relative to totalingestion, growth was high (17–48%), respiration plusorganic release was relatively low (24–48%) and little(<10%) of the ingested carbon was unaccounted for. New laboratoryinvestigations of feeding and assimilation efficiency were necessaryto refine the formulations so that model predictions comparedfavorably with a variety of laboratory measurements of growth,and growth efficiency, as well as the complete experimentallymeasured carbon budget. The refined model predicted a high ratioof growth to metabolism (>2) and a high gross growth efficiency(>30%) for smaller ctenophores at high food concentrations(>20 prey l–1). Both growth rates and growth efficiencieswere predicted to decrease for larger ctenophores. Model predictionswere generally consistent with experimental results, includinginvestigations using pulsed food availability to simulate environmentalpatchiness. Although the model underpredicted ctenophore growthin some experiments at low food densities, the model predictionof a minimum prey concentration of about 8 l–1 (24 µgC l–1) for sustaining a ctenophore population of reproductivesize agreed with field observations.  相似文献   

A procedure was developed to estimate the direct grazing impacton free-living heterotrophic nanoflagellates (HNF). Culturedflagellates were labelled by feeding on brightly fluorescingbacteria (FLB) and then offered as indirectly fluorescentlylabelled flagellates (IFLF) to potential predators of HNF. Thenumber of FLB in the predators' food vacuoles could be convertedinto IFLF uptake and consumption of HNF. This new techniquewas used to study the HNF-ciliate relationship in the pelagiczone of Lake Constance. Three groups of ciliates were detectedas HNF grazers: small representatives of the genus Strobilidium.a small Haltena-like ciliate (probably Halteria grandinella)and a Codonella sp. Tintinnidium sp. group The ingestion ofHNF by these groups of ciliates ranged between 3 and 15, 3 and39, and 3 and 7 HNF ciliate–1 h–1; respectively.The IFLF method allows the direct determination of ingestedflagellate prey in the food vacuoles of their predators. Becauseindigenous living prey organisms were used, tracer discriminationcan be reduced.  相似文献   

Growth rates, ingestion rates and grazer yields (grazer volumeproduced/prey volume consumed) were measured for six protozoanspecies (ciliates: Favella sp., Strombidinopsis acuminatum,Uronema sp.; heterotrophic dinoflagellates: Amphidinium sp.,Gymnodinium sp., Noctiluca scintillans) in laboratory batchculture experiments. Comparative growth data indicate that theprymnesiophyte Isochrysis galbana, the prasinophyte Mantoniellasquamata, two cryptophyte species and several autotrophic dinoflagellatespecies were suitable foods for these grazers. When grown onoptimized diets at 13C, maximum ciliate growth rates (range0.77–1.01 day–1 uniformly exceeded maximum heterotrophicdioflagellate growth rates (range 0.41–0.48 day–1).A compilation of published data demonstrates that this growthrate difference persists across a range of ciliate and dinoflagellatetaxa and cell sizes. Comparison of volume-specific ingestionrates and yields for the six species studied here showed thatthere was no single explanation for this growth rate disparity.Heterotrophic dinoflagellates exhibited both low ingestion ratesand, in one case, low yields; ciliates were able to achievehigher growth rates via either higher ingestion rates or higheryields, depending on ciliate species. Volume yield increasedover time throughout the exponential growth phase in nearlyall experiments, suggesting variation in response to changingfood concentrations or long-term acclimation to culture conditions.Higher maximum ciliate growth rates mean that these grazershave the potential to exercise tighter control over incipientblooms of their prey than do heterotrophic dinoflagellates.  相似文献   

Feeding experiments were conducted with the ambush-feeding copepodAcartia tonsa and the feeding-current-generating copepod Temoralongicornis. The copepods were offered a mixed diet of the dinoflagellateHeterocapsa triquetra and the ciliate Balanion comatum of similarcell size. The dinoflagellate was offered at a constant concentrationof 10–15 cells mL–1, whereas the ciliate was offeredat a variety of concentrations, ranging from 7 to 57 cells mL–1.Copepods with different feeding modes possess different mechanismsfor prey detection, suggesting that the two copepods would responddifferently to the two prey types. Both copepods had significantlyhigher clearance rates on the highly motile ciliate than onthe less motile dinoflagellate. In encounters between A. tonsaand its prey, we argue that this is due to the higher hydromechanicalsignal generated by the ciliate. The advection feeding copepodT. longicornis fed on the two prey according to their relativeconcentrations; in this case, we suggest that although B. comatumis capable of detecting feeding-current-generating predators,the feeding current velocity generated by T. longicornis isgreater than the escape velocity of this ciliate.  相似文献   

The ingestion rates of the copepod, Diacyclops thomasi, on thesoft-bodied rotifer, Synchaeta pectinata, increased 10-fold(0.07–0.77 Synchaeta h–1) over the range 50–250prey l–1. The saturating functional response curve appearedsigmoid but was statistically indistinguishable from a parabola.The response curve was more linear and 10 times lower over thesame range of density when Diacyclops was offered Kerarellacochleans, a species having a stiffened lorica. Diacyclops maximizedits ingestion rate on Synchaeta as a function of the availablegut space. Predation effort, measured as clearance rates, waslinked tentatively to changes in swimming speed of Diacyclopsand was a function of hunger level. Diacyclops, which were starvedfor varying periods of time, increased their ingestion rateson Synchaeta up to a maximum (-3.0 h–1) after 7–10h of food deprivation. The gut passage time of Diacyclops wasestimated to be 7–8 h. Therefore, ingestion rates (andclearance rates) appeared to be strongly correlated to the volumeof food in the gut.  相似文献   

In a series of batch experiments in the dark the heterotrophicdinoflagellate Oxyrrhis marina grazed three phytoplankton prey(Phaeodactylun tricornutum, Isochrysis galbana and Dunaliellateriolecta) with equal efficiency. Growth rates of the dinoflagellateranged between 0.8 and 1.3 day–1 Maximum observed ingestionrates on a cell basis varied according to the size of the preyfrom about 50 cells flagellate–1 day–1 when D.tertiolectawas the prey to 250–350 cells fiagellate–1 day–1when the other species were eaten. However, when compared ona nitrogen basis, ingestion rates were independent of prey type.Both ingestion and growth ceased when prey cell concentrationsfell below a threshold concentration of about 105 cells ml–1.Maximum specific clearance rates were 0.8x1040ndash;5.7x104it day which is considerably lower than that found for heterotrophicdinoflagellates in oceanic waters and may explain why O.marinagenerally thrives only in productive waters. The timing of NHregeneration was linked to the C:N ratio of the prey at thestart of grazing. Regeneration efficiencies for NH4. never exceeded7%; during the exponential phase and were 45% well into thestationary phase. These results are comparable to those obtainedwith heterotrophic flagellates and demonstrate that the bioenergeticpatterns of grazing and nutrient cycling by different protozoaare very similar. Moreover, they support the notion that toachieve 90+% nutrient regeneration in the open ocean, as iscurrently believed, the microbial food loop must consist ofmultiple feeding steps. Alternatively, nutrient regenerationefficiencies may be considerably lower than 90%.  相似文献   

A study into the photophysiology, growth and migration of Ceratiumhirundinella in Chaffey Reservoir in subtropical northern NewSouth Wales, Australia, revealed that a proportion of cellsformed subsurface accumulations at depths that optimized lightintensity (212–552 µmol photons m–2 s–1)for photosynthesis and cell growth. At high incident irradiance,Ceratium migrated downwards from the near-surface waters, avoidinghigh-light-induced, slow-recovering non-photochemical quenchingof photosystem II. Overnight deepening of the surface mixedlayer by convective cooling produced homogeneous distributionsof Ceratium with a significant proportion of the populationbelow the depth where light saturation of photosynthesis occurred.Ceratium migrated towards the surface from suboptimal lightintensities, at a velocity of 1.6–2.7 x 10–4 m s–1.Subsurface accumulations occurred under a variety of turbulenceintensities; however, accumulation was significantly reducedwhen the turbulent velocity scale in the mixed layer was >5x 10–3 m s–1, beyond which turbulent diffusion dominatedadvection by swimming. The formation of subsurface accumulationswith increased computed water column integral photosynthesisby 35% compared to a uniform cell distribution.  相似文献   

The growth of heterotrophic nanoflagellates (HNF) in mesotrophicLake Constance was measured in situ during a 13 month period.Experiments were conducted with 10 µm pre-filtered lakewater incubated in diffusion chambers at 3 m water depth atthe sampling location for 24 h. Growth rates were calculatedfrom changes in cell numbers occurring during the period ofincubation. Growth rates of all dominant taxa showed pronouncedseasonal variation (–0.13 to 1.76 day–1 and weregenerally highest in summer at high water temperatures. In situgrowth rates were well below maximum growth rates known forthe respective and similar species from laboratory experiments.While water temperature was a key parameter positively relatedto the growth of all HNF species, the effect of various potentialfood items was taxon specific and less clear. Bacterial abundancewas equally important as temperature for growth in the smallbactenvorous Spumella sp., but was insignificant for growthrates of the larger omnivorous Kathablepharis sp. In Spuniellasp., 84% of the observed seasonal variation of its growth ratecould be explained by temperature and bacterial food supply.Based on these results, a multiple linear regression equationwith temperature and bacterial concentration as dependent variableswas calculated for the growth rate of Spumella. Taxon-specificproduction rates were derived from growth rates and averagebiomass of these two species, and compared to total HNF productionestimated from previously measured community growth rates andbiomass in Lake Constance. Production peaks of Spumella sp.and Kathablepharis sp. alternated seasonally. Total HINF productionranged from –0.01 to 10 mg C m–3 day–1. Theaverage seasonal production varied between 1.4 and 33 mg C m–3day–1 over 6 consecutive years. These small protozoa thuscontribute a substantial amount to total zooplankton productionin Lake Constance.  相似文献   

Feeding and metabolism of the siphonophore Sphaeronectes gracilis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The in situ predation rate of the siphonophore Sphaeronectesgracilis was estimated from gut content analysis of hand-collectedsiphonophores and from laboratory data on digestion rates ofprey organisms. At daytime prey densities of 0.25 copepods 1–1,S. gracilis was estimated to consume 8.1 – 15.4 prey day–1siphonophore–1. From data on abundances of siphonophoresand copepods, S. gracilis was estimated to consume 2–4%of the copepods daily. In laboratory experiments, ingestionrates averaged 13.8 prey day–1 siphonophore–1 atprey densities of 5 copepods 1–1 and 36.9 at 20 copeods1–1. This was equivalent to a specific ingestion rate(for both carbon and nitrogen) of –17% day–1 and45% day–1, respectively, while specific ingestion in situwas only 2% day–1. Ammonium excretion averaged 0.095 µg-atsiphonophore–1 day–1 at 5 prey 1–1, and 0.162at 20 prey 1–1. The specific respiration (carbon) andspecific excretion (nitrogen as ammonium) were calculated tobe 3% day–1 at the lower experimental food level, and5% day–1 at the higher food level. 1Contribution from the Catalina Marine Science Center No. 66. 2Present address: Dept. of Biology, University of Victoria,Victoria, B.C., Canada V8W 2Y2.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to quantify the functional responsein feeding rate in the various developmental stages of Calanusfinmarchicus to different concentrations of the diatoms Thalassiosiranordenskioeldii and Porosira glacialis, and the haptophyseanPhaeocystis pouchetii. Grazing of copepodite stage I–VC.finmarchicus was measured using two different approaches.Feeding rates were obtained from either incubation experiments,estimating the rate of removal of particles from suspension,or by quantifying the turnover rate of the plant pigments inthe gut. Clearance as a function of algal concentration (1–30µg plant pigment 1–1) was described in juvenilestages of C.finmarchicus fed the diatoms T.nordenskioeldii [20µm equivalent spherical diameter (ESD)], P.glacialis (40µm ESD), and two size categories (30–100 µmand >100 µm ESD) of the gelatinous alga P.pouchetii.When the copepodite stages were fed T.nordenskioeldii, the gutcontent of plant pigments was in general higher than when fedP.glacialis. Rates obtained were variable when the same copepoditestages were offered the two size categories of P.pouchetii,but within the same order of magnitude as those obtained forthe larger diatom. At unialgal diets, diatoms were more readilyconsumed than the larger size fraction among colonies of P.pouchetiiby copepodite stage I–III C.finmarchicus. But given anappropriate prey size, C.finmarchicus grazed both diatoms andcolonies of gelatinous algae at equal rates. A linear relationshipbetween gut content and food concentrations <10 µgchlorophyll 1–1 was found. This indicates that the ingestionrate in C.finmarchicus is directly proportional to the ambientfood concentration during the most productive period in Mayand June in high latitudes irrespective of algal species present. 1Present address: Marine Biological Laboratory, University ofCopenhagen, Strandpromenaden 5, DK-3000 Helsingør, Denmark 2Present address: Greater Copenhagen Council, Gl. KøgeLandevej 1–3, DK-2550 Valby, Denmark  相似文献   

The number, size (mm3 pellet –1) and total volume of fecalpellets produced (mm3 h–1) by Boeckella titicacae increasedwith concentration of Chlorella and natural seston in threedifferent lakewaters from Bahia de Puno and Lago Grande of LakeTiticaca and nearby Laguna Arapa. The three lakewaters differedin the size and number of fecal pellets produced at seston concentrations>0.5 mg dry wt l–1. However, the total volume of fecalpellets egested varied little. Large-sized food (>10 µg)resulted in larger pellets but smaller total fecal production.Food concentration had parallel effects on the production offeces and on feeding rates. Both fecal production and feedingincreased linearly with food concentration with saturation between5 and 7.5 x 105 Chlorella ml–1 (3.7–5.6 mg dry wtl–1). Varied responses in fecal production when fed differentsize fractions of lake seston suggest Boeckella has a complexand flexible feeding behavior. Feeding preferences of B.titicacaeand B.occidentalis (Ivlev index) for two seston size fractionsare generally reflected by fecal production.  相似文献   

Experimental studies into the feeding biology of rotifers in brackish water   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Mass developments of rotifers of the genus Brachionus, and especiallyof B.quadridentatus, occur regularly in the largely hypertrophicchain of shallow waters (‘boddens’) south of theDarss-Zingst peninsula (Southern Baltic). Interest in the autecologyof the species is, therefore, considerable. Various food sourceswere used in laboratory experiments to ascertain the food requirementsof B.quadridentatus, determine its filtration and ingestionrates, and assess its food particle size-selection ability.Growth experiments showed that the chlorophyceans Nannochlorissp. and Chlorella vulgaris possess considerable nutritionalvalue for the species, whereas abundances declined when Microcystisfirma, detritus from Enteromorpha sp. and only bacteria (Pseudomonas),respectively, were provided as food sources. Filtration ratesvaried between 0.02 and 1.73 µl ind.–1 h–1,and ingestion rates between 121 and 5560 cells ind.–1h–1, depending on the filtration rate and algal concentration.Investigations into food particle size selection using fluorescentlatex particles revealed that particle size influences foodparticle intake. When particles of different sizes were mixed,the animals showed a preference for the larger particles andingested the smaller ones with a diameter of 1–2 µmless efficiently. The brackish water species Brachionus plicatiliswas studied besides B.quadridentatus in all experiments. Theformer species proved to be superior both in its range of utilizableparticle sizes and its growth rate. The experiments with laboratorycultures were backed up by studies performed with various rotiferspecies taken from natural populations.  相似文献   

The daytime vertical distribution of Sagiita crassa in TokyoBay was examined from February 13, 1988 to February 20, 1989.High densities of larger-size chaetognaths were found near thesea bottom, whereas the smaller animals tended to inhabit theupper layers. This feature of distribution is discussed in relationto the distribution of their main food organisms, e g. Pseudodiaptomusmarinus, Acartia omoru, Centropages abdomialis and Oithona davisae.The two periods of replacement of two morphs were confirmedby the variation only in mean body length of this chaetognath,unlike the previous authors who made additional morphologicalobservations. It was hypothesized that S.crassa has at leastfive generations Two generations, including mostly the largerforms, had higher growth rates than the generation consistingmainly of the small form. Yearly respiration of S.crassa was8.2 g C mAbstract. Yearly production of this animal wasestimated to be 3.8 g C m. A feeding estimate revealedthat chaetognaths require a prey production of 13.1 g C myear1. The impact of this chaetognath on the prey populationin Tokyo Bay and the propriety of an estimated value of annualproduction of S crassa is discussed.  相似文献   

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