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M. Kazda  L. Zvacek 《Plant and Soil》1989,114(2):257-267
Soil solution and needles of three mature spruce stands in Upper Austria were analysed in order to investigate the uptake and possible toxic effects of Mn and Al, as these two elements become highly mobilised in the soil due to increasing acidity. The Ca/Al molar ratio in the soil solution was below 0.2 in the most damaged stand during almost the whole vegetation period. Despite different dynamics, Al reaches almost identical values in all stands at the end of the vegetation period in both 1-year (current) and 2-year-old needles, respectively. Therefore, needle analysis is not a useful tool for estimation of free Al in the soil. Needle contents of other elements could provide a better information for understanding the forest decline. Mn in the needles correlates significantly with Mn concentrations in the soil solution. As soil Mn will be mobilised by acidic input, Mn needle content can increase to very high levels. Manganese distribution, its interaction with calcium, and possible toxic effects are discussed.  相似文献   

Bundt  Maya  Kretzschmar  Sigrid  Zech  Wolfgang  Wilcke  Wolfgang 《Plant and Soil》1997,197(1):157-166
The northwestern province of Costa Rica is a marginal coffee growing area. At the onset of the rainy season low redox potentials probably induce the mobilization of soil Mn resulting in enhanced plant uptake of Mn. To test this hypothesis we monitored from April to the end of June 1995 the mobile Mn in the soil and nutrient and Mn concentrations in leaves and xylem sap of coffee plants. Every 2 weeks we took aggregate and bulk soil samples. The aggregates were mechanically separated into interior and exterior, air-dried and all soil samples were extracted with 1 M NH4NO3. We also extracted the field moist soil with distilled water. In addition, the 3rd and the youngest pair of coffee leaves and xylem sap were sampled and analyzed. According to the results of leaf analyses the nutrient supply of the coffee plants in general seemed to be balanced. However, Mn concentrations of 223 mg kg-1 in the 3rd leaf pair at 18 April were above the optimum and the youngest leaves indicated Fe deficiency, but senescent leaves accumulated Fe and overcame the deficiency. Manganese concentrations in the xylem sap showed a pronounced maximum 2 weeks prior to a similar maximum of mobile Mn in the aggregate exterior. But in general the temporal variation of nutrient concentrations (especially Ca and Mg) in the plants are well correlated with the easily extractable nutrient concentrations in bulk soil. Probably due to its specific absorption and high rates of redistribution within the plant, K in the soil extracts did not correlate with plant concentrations. Element concentrations of youngest leaves could not be correlated with soil concentrations and are not considered to be an adequate tool for monitoring current nutrient uptake. Since plant element concentrations did not correlate with the aggregate interior, plants probably cannot use that nutrient source efficiently.  相似文献   

Dieffenbach  A.  Göttlein  A.  Matzner  E. 《Plant and Soil》1997,192(1):57-61
A new approach for non-destructive monitoring of soil solution chemistry in high spatial and temporal resolution for rhizosphere studies is presented. In a 5×10 mm grid, 30 micro suction cups (1mm) were installed in a rhizotron with Norway spruce (Picea abies [L.] Karst.) growing in low pH B-horizon soil. Roots grew through the grid, closely passing the suction cups. Soil solution composition before, during and after root passage was determined. For K+ and Mg2+ a significant decrease of soil solution concentration near root tips and elongation zones was observed, indicating a marked uptake of these elements. Mg2+ concentration was also significantly lowered when the root system aged, suggesting that this ion might also be taken up in older parts of the root system. No influence of growing roots was found on Na+-concentrations.  相似文献   

Conifer needles are highly effective in screening ultraviolet-B radiation (280–320 nm). This ability is mainly attributed to the presence of flavonoids and hydroxycinnamic acids in the epidermal tissue. In two field cabinet experiments with two different clones of Norway spruce we assessed the seasonal accumulation of UV-B screening pigments under near-ambient, and close-to-zero UV-B irradiation. At the beginning of needle development, i.e. in June, kaempferol 3- O -glucoside was the dominant UV-B screening pigment. It was replaced during needle differentiation by the more effective diacylated flavonol glucosides, particulary kaempferol 3- O -(3",6"- O -di- p -coumaroyl)-glucoside, which reached highest concentrations in July. In addition to the soluble pool of diacylated flavonol glucoside derivatives, a cell wall-bound UV-B screen in the epidermal cell walls was formed during needle differentiation, consisting mainly of p -coumaric acid and kaempferol 3- O -glucoside. An effect of UV-B radiation on the accumulation of diacylated flavonol glucosides was only observed in 1996 with clone 2, when the concentrations of kaempferol 3- O -(3",6"- O -di- p -coumaroyl)-glucoside were significantly higher in July and August under field, and near-ambient than under close-to-zero UV-B irradiance. For wall-bound p -coumaric acid and kaempferol 3- O -glucoside UV-B radiation enhanced the concentrations of these compounds by approximately 20% in relation to the concentrations in close-to-zero UV-B-treated plants in both field cabinet experiments.  相似文献   

Mehne-Jakobs  Beate 《Plant and Soil》1995,168(1):255-261
In order to investigate the influence of different magnesium nutrition on photosynthesis, one hundred 6-year-old spruce trees derived from one clone were planted in October 1990 into a special out-door experimental construction, where they were cultivated in sand culture with an optimal supply of nutrients, except magnesium, via circulating nutrient solutions. Magnesium was added to the nutrient solutions in three different concentrations, varying from optimal to severe deficient supplies. During the first vegetative period in 1991, photosynthetic performance and carboxylation efficiency were measured under saturating light, controlled CO2 conditions, optimal temperature and humidity, using a minicuvette system.During summer, the trees under moderate magnesium deficiency developed tip yellowing symptoms on older needles, while the youngest needles remained green with unchanged chlorophyll contents. Trees under severe magnesium deficiency showed yellowing symptoms on all needle age classes combined with decreased chlorophyll contents in the youngest needles as well. In comparison with the controls, the photosynthetic performance of the 1-year-old needles was significantly lower in both deficiency treatments. The same was observed in the youngest needles of the trees under severe deficiency. Trees under moderate deficiency treatment decreased in photosynthetic performance during the summer without reduction of chlorophyll contents. The reduction of photosynthetic rates corresponded to a decrease in carboxylation efficiency, which is taken as a measure of the activity of the enzyme ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase. This reduction, together with the observed increase of carbohydrate contents in needles of trees growing under magnesium deficiency, led to the assumption that the photosynthetic carbonfixation is reduced as a consequence of the accumulation of carbohydrates.  相似文献   

Severely yellowed ten-year-old spruce trees growing in the Vosges Mountains on an acidic soil were fertilised with Magnesium lime during the spring of 1990. The effects of this treatment were assessed 18 months later. A very significant improvement of the mineral status of the trees was detected, with increasing Mg contents in the needles, and as a consequence, reduced yellowing and improved chlorophyll content. Only slight differences with control trees were observed for height increase. Effects of this improved nutrition on photosynthesis were tested measuring net CO2 assimilation rates and chlorophyll a fluorescence. Light-saturated net assimilation rates of current-year needles were high, reaching 5.3 mol m–2 s–1 on a total needle area basis. The improvement in chlorophyll and Mg content had no significant effect on net assimilation rates or on any parameter describing photochemical functions of both current-and previous-year needles. Despite the strong inter-individual variability in needle chlorophyll and Mg contents (ranging from 0.2 to 0.8 mg g–1 fresh weight, and 0.05 to 0.5 mg g-1 dry weight respectively), photochemical efficiency of PS II under limiting irradiance only decreased significantly on older needles displaying Mg contents below 0.1 mg g–1. It is concluded from these results that spruce trees exhibit a high degree of plasticity with regard to Mg deficiency on acidic soils, and that improved Mg nutrition and increased chlorophyll content do not necessarily improve photosynthesis and height growth.Abbreviations A light-saturated net CO2 assimilation rate (mol m–2 s–1) - gw light-saturated needle conductance to water vapour (mmol m–2 s–1) - wp and wm pre-dawn and mid-day needle water potential (MPa) - osmotic potential of sap expressed from needles (MPa) - PFD photosynthetic photon flux density (mol m–2 s–1) - Fv/Fm photochemical efficiency of PS II after 20 min dark adaptation - F/Fm ' photochemical efficiency of PS II reaction centres after 10 min at a PFD of 220 mol m–2 s–1  相似文献   

In order to test the effects of drought on the occurrence of spruce yellowing, in the Vosges Mountains (northeastern France), the soil of a plot of a 30-year-old spruce stand was protected from throughfall input by a roof for two months during the summer. The degree of yellowing of the trees from the dry and control plots was measured before and after the experiment. Sap flow and sap concentrations were measured in the control plot during the whole of the growing season, and in the dry plot during the drought period. Drought brought about an increase of needle yellowing linked to a reduction in Mg uptake. A decrease in sap concentration of concentration of Ca, Mg and K occurred in the dry plot as compared with the control plot at the end of the drought period. It is concluded that climatic stress could have been the triggering factor of spruce yellowing in the Vosges during the eighties.  相似文献   

Alriksson  A.  Olsson  M. T. 《Plant and Soil》1995,(1):103-110
The aim of this study was to test the hypothesis that afforestation changes the content and distribution of soil organic carbon, nutrients and pH in the A-horizon of land previously used in agriculture, and that such soil changes depend on stand development. The investigation was evaluated as a completely randomised design with three treatments representing different age classes of trees: 20 years (Y20), 40 years (Y40) and 55 years (Y55). Eighteen trial plots, six per treatment, were established in plantations of Picea abies (L.) Karst. on soils of similar texture and mineralogy. Tree volume was 220 m3 ha-1 in Y20, 400 in Y40 and 440 m3 ha-1 in Y55.Concentrations of carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) were significantly higher in the uppermost part of the soil in the older stands Y40 and Y55 than in Y20. The total amount of organic C in the litter layer plus the top 15 cm of the soil differed between age classes, with Y40 and Y55 having the largest amounts. A reference layer (15–20 cm) was used in calculating the amount of soil C that had accumulated in the horizon since afforestation, being about 10 tonnes ha-1 of C in Y20 and 19 tonnes ha-1 in Y40 and Y55.Cation exchange capacity (CEC) and base saturation (BS) was higher in the older stands. Carbon contents and CEC were strongly correlated. In Y40 and Y55, pH was significantly lower than in Y20 in the lower part of the soil horizon. There was a general decrease with depth of C, N, CEC, K+ and Mg2+ in the soil horizon. BS, Ca2+, Na+ and pH showed a somewhat different pattern of distribution, with deceasing values in the upper part of the soil horizon and increasing values in the lower part of the soil horizon.Abbreviations BD Bulk density - CEC cation exchange capacity - BS base saturation - Ca2+ calcium ion - Mg2+ magnesium ion - K+ potassium ion - Na+ sodium ion - C carbon - Ca a accumulated carbon content - C t total carbon content - N nitrogen - Y20 age class 20 years - Y40 age class 40 years - Y55 age class 55 years  相似文献   

Kölling  C.  Pauli  B.  Häberle  K.-H.  Rehfuess  K.E. 《Plant and Soil》1997,195(2):283-291
Young Norway spruce trees were grown in 94 pots (2 per pot) on soil substrate derived from granite with low Mg saturation and were fertilized with different amounts of NH4NO3 (in total 25, 61, and 97 kmol N ha-1) over a period of four years, partly at an experimental station, partly at a high-elevation site in the Bavarian Forest. A fourth set of trees received 9.4 kmol Mg ha-1 in addition to 25 kmol N. Depending on the treatment, needle chlorosis developed in the course of the experiment. Improved light conditions after three years accelerated the yellowing process. The chlorotic Norway spruce trees showed a severe Mg deficiency and an imbalanced N:Mg ratio. The shoot length increment, the stem diameter, and the needle weights however were not influenced by the fertilization. Excessive applications of NH4NO3caused the substrate to become depleted of Mg. The successful experimental induction of the characteristic tip yellowing of older needles of Norway spruce growing on acidic soils at higher altitudes allowed hypotheses on the causes and processes of this type of forest decline to be tested.  相似文献   

Lõhmus  Krista  Ivask  Mari 《Plant and Soil》1995,168(1):89-94
Long-term decomposition and nitrogen dynamics of Norway spruce finest (<1 mm in diameter) and fine (<2 mm in diameter) roots were estimated using the root litter-bag techniques. The seasonal decomposition of the finest roots was investigated in a 40-year-old high site quality stand grown on brown lessive soil at different depths as part of productivity studies. The fine root decomposition studies were conducted on 8 permanent plots in the Estonia with the aim to describe the site variation. The initial material was collected from one of stands (high quality site) and incubated at the depth of 10 cm in 1989 (at one site 1990). The bags were collected once or twice a year except for one site, where the seasonal dynamics was investigated. In all initial and decomposing root samples oven-dry weight, ash and energy content and nitrogen concentration was determined. After five years the finest roots had lost 40% of their initial dry weight, half of it during the first year. The initial concentration of nitrogen was 1.29%, the mean concentrations varied during the incubation from 1.47 to 1.78%. After the first year fine roots had lost 21.0 to 32.7% of their initial dry weight, after two years the weight loss was 22.5 to 43.2%. The initial N concentration in fine roots was 0.73% and in the first years it varied from 0.97 to 1.40% at different sites.  相似文献   

Zhang  Junling  George  Eckhard 《Plant and Soil》2002,243(2):209-217
Nutrient concentrations in the rhizosphere soil can be higher, lower or remain unchanged compared to the bulk soil, but relatively little is known about such changes for basic cations in the rhizosphere of tree roots. A modified root container technique of studying rhizosphere processes was employed. Plexiglas cylinders were horizontally split by a membrane with 30 M mesh size into an upper compartment for root growth and a root-free lower compartment, each with an inner diameter of 5 cm and a height of 10 cm. One 2-year-old Norway spruce (Picea abies) seedling was transplanted from a nursery into each cylinder. Plants were not specifically inoculated, but roots were colonised by a mix of ectomycorrhizal fungi originating from the nursery. The nutrient poor mineral soil used in the experiment was taken from a forest site in Bayerischer Wald, southern Germany. The soil was either supplied with a mix of Ca, Mg and K, or not supplied with these cations. Plants were harvested 30 weeks after transplanting. The nylon membrane between the root compartments restricted root growth to the upper compartment, so that by the end of the experiment a root mat was formed at the top side of the membrane. In the lower compartment, soil nearest to the root mat was regarded as rhizosphere soil while soil in a distance from the root mat was regarded as bulk soil. In the upper compartment, rhizosphere soil was obtained at the end of the experiment by gently shaking the roots. The soils were analysed for Ca, Mg and K contents following two different soil extraction methods. In the fertilised treatment, H2O-extractable Ca and Mg were accumulated in the rhizosphere. In contrast, K (NH4Cl-extraction) was depleted in the rhizosphere. In the bottom tube, the depletion of K (NH4Cl-extraction) was restricted to 1 cm distance from the root mat. In unfertilised soil, Ca, Mg and K concentrations did not differ clearly between rhizosphere and bulk soils. The results indicated that the occurrence of cation gradients in the rhizosphere depended on the level of soil nutrient supply. Distinct rhizosphere effects were measured by conventional soil extraction methods only when the soil was freshly fertilised with mineral elements prior to the experiment. In this case, K depletion in the rhizosphere reflected higher K uptake by the fertilised Norway spruce plants. For low-nutrient soils, novel techniques are required to follow subtle changes in the rhizosphere.  相似文献   

This study tests the hypotheses that (1) the above-ground structure of Norway spruce (Picea abies [L] Karst.) is derivable from the functional balance theory, and that (2) crown ratio is a key source of structural variation in trees of different age and social position. Twenty-nine trees were measured in three stands (young, middle-aged, and mature), with three thinning treatments (unthinned, normal, and intensive) in the two older stands. There was a strong linear relationship between the total cross-sectional area of branches and that of stem at crown base. Foliage mass was linearly related with stem basal area at crown base. Also an allometric relationship was found between foliage mass and crown length. The mean length (weighted by basal area) of branches obeyed an exponential function of crown length. The parameters of most of these relationships were independent of slenderness (tree height/breast height diameter) and tree age However, total branch cross-sectional area per stem cross-sectional area in the young trees was greater than in the older trees. The young trees also had slightly shorter branches than predicted by the mean branch length equation. This was probably caused by branch senescence which had not yet started in the young stand. The older trees had a relatively long lower crown segment which was growing slowly and senescing. It was proposed that a segmented crown structure is characteristic of shade tolerant tree species, and that the structural model could be further developed by making the two segments explicit.  相似文献   

On a heavily karstified site in the Northern Limestone Alps (Austria), nutrient budgets and leaching in Norway spruce stands were investigated along a chronosequence (clearcut, 10-year-old plantation (25% cover of planted and naturally regenerated spruce and larch, 75% weed cover) and mature stand). The soils were Lithic Leptosols on very pure limestone. Nutrient fluxes were studied during three growth periods (4–5 months each). Despite of inorganic nitrogen inputs from precipitation between 5 and 10 kg ha–1, inorganic nitrogen output with seepage water from the mature stand and the regeneration plot was only 0.5–1.2 kg ha–1 during these periods. In the first and second growth periods after clearcut, inorganic N fluxes with seepage increased to 20 and 30 kg ha–1, respectively, declining in the third growth period to 8 kg ha–1. DON output during the growth period was between 3 and 6 kg ha–1 in the mature stand and 7 and 11 kg ha–1 in the clearcut as well as in the regeneration plot. K output rates achieved 30 kg ha–1 in the first, 20 kg ha–1 in the second and 9 kg ha–1 in the third growth period after clear-cutting while output rates during the growth periods were less than 2 kg ha–1 in the mature stand and in the regeneration plot. K pools in the humus layer were only 150–210 kg ha–1, total K pools including above and below ground biomass in the mature stand were 360 kg ha–1. Thus, post-harvest hydrological losses comprise a substantial depletion of K for this specific ecosystem. Since precipitation is high in this area (1400 mm a–1), forest growth is limited by nutrient rather than by water supply. Needle analyses already indicate a deficient potassium supply. Harvesting and post-harvesting losses of K in combination with elevated nitrogen deposition may have negative influences on the stability of forest stands on the studied sites.  相似文献   

Preconditions of phloem transport in conifers are relatively unknown. We studied the variation of needle and inner bark axial osmotic gradients and xylem water potential in Scots pine and Norway spruce by measuring needle and inner bark osmolality in saplings and mature trees over several periods within a growing season. The needle and inner bark osmolality was strongly related to xylem water potential in all studied trees. Sugar concentrations were measured in Scots pine, and they had similar dynamics to inner bark osmolality. The sucrose quantity remained fairly constant over time and position, whereas the other sugars exhibited a larger change with time and position. A small osmotic gradient existed from branch to stem base under pre‐dawn conditions, and the osmotic gradient between upper stem and stem base was close to zero. The turgor in branches was significantly driven by xylem water potential, and the turgor loss point in branches was relatively close to daily minimum needle water potentials typically reported for Scots pine. Our results imply that xylem water potential considerably impacts the turgor pressure gradient driving phloem transport and that gravitation has a relatively large role in phloem transport in the stems of mature Scots pine trees.  相似文献   

In this study we investigated the spatial and temporal variation in soil solution chemistry and of water and ion fluxes through the soil in a forest ecosystem. Our aim was to evaluate the relevance of these variations for the accuracy of average areal soil solution concentrations and ion fluxes with seepage at 90 cm depth.Twenty spatially distinct subcompartments of approximately 1 m2 were established within a mature stand of Norway spruce and ceramic suction lysimeters were installed at depths of 20, 35 and 90 cm. A tensiometer was placed close to each suction lysimeter, and one throughfall sampler was established for each subcompartment.Soil solution samples were analysed for major ions (H+, Na+, K+, Ca2+, Mg2+, Mn2+, Fe3+, Al3+, Cl-, NO 3 - , SO 4 2- . We calculated water fluxes for each subcompartment separately by a numeric simulation of the soil water flux close to the lysimeters. The ion fluxes at each lysimeter were calculated by multiplying the simulated water fluxes with the ion concentrations on a fortnightly base. Averaging these 20 independent ion fluxes gave the areal average flux and an estimate of its statistical accuracy. The spatial variation of ion concentrations in the soil solution was high with coefficients of variance ranging from 5% to 128%. Part of the spatial variation was related to stem distance. Temporal variation of the concentrations was less than spatial for most ions. The spatial variation of water and ion fluxes with seepage was also substantial; for example the fluxes of SO 4 2- -S calculated for each subcompartment ranged from 21 to 119 kg ha-1 yr-1, with an arithmetic average of 47 kg ha-1 yr-1. For H2O, Mg2+, Cl-, and SO 4 2- , the spatial heterogeneity of seepage fluxes was largely explained by the heterogeneity of throughfall fluxes. No such relationship was found for nitrogen.Despite using 20 replicates, the 95% confidence intervals of the average annual areal fluxes with seepage were found to be 20–30% for most ions.  相似文献   

Külla  Tiit  Lõhmus  Krista 《Plant and Soil》1999,217(1-2):91-100
Root grafting is the process by which a functional union of two or more roots subsequent to their formation is formed. The above- and below-ground parts of three Norway spruce stands (natural stand, Umbric Luvisol; row-culture and group-culture, Planosol; stand ages 40, 43 and 43, respectively) of high site quality (I) were investigated. Stand densities were 1550, 1783 and 1722 stems ha-1, respectively. In all investigated stands, root grafting was most sensitive to tree spacing. Grafts were observed in case the distance between the trees was 0.7–1.2 m. Grafts occurred always in areas of higher rooting density, in a row of the row-culture and within a tree group in the group-culture. Root grafting was enhanced in case of a narrower humus horizon in the group culture compared with the row-culture, 16.5 and 30 cm, respectively; the humus horizon contained 99% and 95% of conducting roots with d ≥ 5 mm, respectively. Root graftings occurred in 75% of excavated trees in the group-culture, in 37.5% of excavated trees in the row-culture and in 33.3% of excavated trees in the natural stand. Stand age was 24 years in the row-culture and 22 years in the group-culture at the beginning of root grafting. No grafts occurred between two suppressed trees, whereas in 86–100% of all cases, at least one tree was dominant or codominant. In row- and group-cultivated Norway spruce stands, the initial minimum diameter of the grafted root without bark was from 1 to 3 cm in 63% of cases. Grafting of roots with d < 1 cm or d > 10 cm was rare or absent. Root grafting had usually begun at the root age of 10–20 years (46% of cases). This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

1. Three permanent plots (100×0 m) were established in the subalpine Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) forest of Paneveggio in the spring of 1993, to begin a long-term forest ecosystem research project. The main purpose of these plots was to provide information about subalpine Norway spruce stand dynamics and to provide suggestions for close-to-nature silviculture. 2. The three stands were selected to represent the most common forest structures in the Paneveggio forest. The first stand is close to forestry roads, has a relatively regular and continuous canopy, and thinning and cutting operations only ended in the 1980s; the second stand is far from forest roads and has developed without anthropogenic influence for several decades; the third one is located at the present upper limit of the pure spruce forest and, apparently, was heavily used in the past as a pasture. 3. The first step in the investigation was to describe the structure and to study the history of the three stands using both written evidence from manage- ment plans and biological archives from tree rings. 4. The stands in plots 1 and 2 began to establish after a disturbance that removed part of the previous stands according to dendroecological studies, which are partially supported by written evidence. The remaining parts of these stands were eliminated by two major disturbances that occurred during the following decades. Written records about the use of the forest lead us to assume that the initial disturbances that occurred in the two stands were logging activities as a part of a group shelterwood system. The stand in plot 2 has developed without significant human interference for about half a century as confirmed by the presence of many dead trees. The stand in plot 3 consists of old trees that were part of an open stand and a secondary population that established after cessation of grazing. 5. The study has confirmed that dendroecological techniques can be used to identify occurrence and intensity of previous disturbance in forests stands, although at Paneveggio it is difficult to distinguish between natural and anthropogenic disturbances in the tree ring record. The presence of human activity necessitates investigation of multiple lines of evidence. 6. Paneveggio's forest management plans were useful in the interpretation of the data obtained through dendroecological analysis, although events did not always correspond because data from the management plans (yearly thinning, felling, wind-throw damage) never gave stand-level details, but applied to areas of several hectares. Despite these limitations, the information included in the management plans is of crucial importance in studying stand history and only by using all these sources of information is it possible to delineate the most important features of the history and disturbance that affected the origin and subsequent growth of the forest stands.  相似文献   

The photosynthetic performance of developing spruce (Picea abies L. Karst.) needles was investigated. As revealed by previous reports, the biosynthesis of chlorophylls and carotenoids was not following the characteristic chloroplast ultrastructure building up during needle elongation process. The aim of our study was to investigate photosynthetic capability (evaluated by oxygen evolution and chlorophyll a fluorescence kinetics measurements), the dynamics of chloroplast pigments biosynthesis and the expression of major photosynthetic proteins as well as to find out possible correlation between components of issue. Low amounts of chlorophylls and carotenoids, LHC II and Rubisco LSU were detected in the embryonic shoot of vegetative buds. Although PS II was functional, oxygen production was not sufficient to compensate for respiration in the same developmental stage. The light compensation point of respiration was successively lowered during the needle elongation. Nevertheless the significant increase in photosynthetic pigments as well as the high level of expression of LHC II and Rubisco LSU proteins was observed in the later stages of needle development. Our results suggest that, besides light, some other environmental factors could be critical for producing fully functional chloroplasts in rapidly growing young needles.  相似文献   

In situ water relations of a large subalpine Norway spruce (Picea abies) were analyzed by simultaneous measurements of sap flow at different crown positions. In the diurnal scale, transpiration varied greatly, both spatially and temporally. Over longer periods, however, different parts of the crown transpired in fairly constant proportions. The average estimated transpiration was about 3.5 times greater in the upper than in the lower half and decreased 1.6-fold from south to north. Water intercepted from rain, fog and dew buffered and significantly decreased the transpiration. The effect was strongest in those parts which were least coupled to the free atmosphere. The top of the crown seemed to experience a regular shortage of water shortly after starting transpiration, when it was forced to switch from internal reserves to sources in the soil. Further, lower branches then started transpiring, which may have led them to compete for the water. An enhanced nocturnal sap flow during warm and dry winds (Foehn) indicated that the tree also transpired at night. Shaded twigs had more capacity to intercept water externally than twigs in the sun. The significance of the crown structure for interaction with water in both liquid and vapour phases is discussed.  相似文献   

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