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Many factors influence which plant species are found in a particular wetland. The species pool is composed of the species present in the seed bank and species able to disperse into the wetland, and many abiotic and biotic factors interact to influence a species performance and abundance in the plant community. Anthropogenic activities produce specific stressors on wetland systems that alter these abiotic and biotic interactions, potentially altering species composition. We simulated three common wetland hydrogeomorphic (HGM) subclasses in a greenhouse to examine the effects of two stressors-sedimentation and nitrogen (N) enrichment-on the performance of 8 species grown in artificial communities. Species establishment, height, biomass, and foliar N and P concentrations were measured to explore species responses to stressors and competition, as well as the potential impacts of changes in species composition on ecosystem processes. Species were affected differently by sedimentation and N enrichment, and there were differences in overall community sensitivity to stressors between wetland subclasses. Sedimentation generally reduced seedling establishment, while N enrichment produced variable effects on height and biomass. Interspecific competition had little effect on establishment but significantly reduced most species biomass. Sedimentation generally lowered community biomass, diversity, and richness, while enrichment increased community biomass. Establishment, biomass, and foliar nutrient concentrations significantly differed between many species, suggesting that shifts in species composition may impact ecosystem processes such as nutrient cycling and carbon storage. Phalaris arundinacea, an aggressive clonal graminoid, universally dominated all wetland subclasses. This dominance across a range of environmental conditions (sedimentation, fertility, and hydrology) has important implications for both restoration and predicting the impacts of human activities on species composition. Our results suggest that, in regions where P. arundinacea is common, restoration projects that establish communities from seeds and human activities that cause vegetation removal are likely to become dominated by P. arundinacea.  相似文献   

Common reed (Phragmites australis) and reed canarygrass (Phalaris arundinacea) are two most commonly used plant species in constructed wetlands for wastewater treatment in the Czech Republic. Growth characteristics of both plants (biomass, stem count, and length) have been measured in 13 horizontal sub-surface flow constructed wetlands since 1992. The results revealed that while Phalaris usually reaches its maximum biomass as early as during the second growing season, Phragmites usually reaches its maximum only after three to four growing seasons. The maximum biomass of both species varies widely among systems and the highest measured values (5070 g m−2 for Phragmites and 1900 g m−2 for Phalaris) are similar to those found in eutrophic natural stands. The shoot count of Phragmites decreases after the second growing season while length and weight of individual shoots increases over time due to self-thinning process. Number of Phalaris shoots is the highest during the second season and then the shoot count remains about the same. Also the shoot length remains steady over years of constructed wetland operation.  相似文献   

The loss of Carex dominated meadows due to agricultural drainage in the previously glaciated midcontinent of North America has been extensive. The lack of natural Carex recruitment in wetland restorations and the failures of revegetation attempts underscore the need for information on the establishment requirements of wetland sedges. In this study, seedlings of Carex stricta Lam. were planted in three experimental wetlands in east-central Minnesota, USA to investigate the biotic and abiotic environmental limitations to establishment. Seedlings were planted along an elevational water depth gradient to assess the effects of water depth and water level fluctuation on seedling survival and growth. A different water level fluctuation regime was assigned to each of the experimental wetlands to assess seedling tolerance for seasonal water level changes. The effects of seedling planting density and the presence or absence of non-sedge colonizers on seedling survival and growth were also studied. The experiment was followed for three growing seasons. The results of this study indicate that C. stricta seedlings were sensitive to the timing and duration of inundation during the first growing season. Once established, plants tolerated a broad range of seasonal drying and flooding conditions. Seedling and juvenile growth was slowed by non-sedge colonizers during the first two growing seasons, but by the third growing season, C. stricta was able to out-grow all annual and perennial weeds, except the aggressive perennial, Phalaris arundinacea L. The rapid growth of C. stricta plants, once established, indicates that the use of seedlings is a successful method for (re) introducing this tussock sedge into wetland restorations under a variety of environmental conditions. Comparison with other studies performed under similar conditions suggests that planting of seedlings is a more appropriate method of establishing this species than the use of transplanted rhizomes. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Five three- to four-year old created palustrine/emergent wetland sites were compared with five nearby natural wetlands of comparable size and type. Hydrologic, soil and vegetation data were compiled over a nearly two-year period (1988-90). Created sites, which were located along major highways, exhibited more open water, greater water depth, and greater fluctuation in water depth than natural wetlands. Typical wetland soils exhibiting mottling and organic accumulation were wanting in created sites as compared with natural sites. Typha latifolia (common cattail) was the characteristic emergent vegetation at created sites, whereas a more diverse mosaic of emergent wetland species was often associated with Typha at the natural sites. Species richness was slightly higher in created (22–45) vs. natural (20–39) wetlands, but the mean difference (33 vs. 30) was not significant. Nearly half (44%) of the 54 wetland taxa found at the various study sites were more frequently recorded at created than natural wetlands. The presence of mycorrhizae in roots of Typha angustifolia (narrow-leaved cattail) and Phragmites australis (common reed) was greater at created than natural wetlands, which may be related to differential nutrient availability. Wildlife use at all sites ranged from occasional to rare, with more sightings of different species in the natural (39) than created (29) wetlands. The presence of P. australis and introduced Lythrum salicaria (purple loosestrife) may pose a threat to future species richness at the created sites. One created site has permanent flow-through hydrology, and its vegetation and wildlife somewhat mimic a natural wetland; however, the presence of P. australis and its potential spread pose an uncertain future for this site. This study suggests the possibility of creating small palustrine/emergent wetlands having certain functions associated with natural wetlands, such as flood water storage, sediment accretion and wildlife habitat. It is premature to evaluate fully the outcome of these wetland creation efforts. A decade or more is needed, emphasizing the importance of long term monitoring and the need to establish demonstration areas.  相似文献   

Despite the dramatic changes invasive plants cause to ecosystems and communities, factors that control dominance of invasive species after establishment in a community are poorly understood. Most active management relies on catastrophic disturbances of invasive-dominated communities to increase richness and diversity of plant communities. This study examines the importance of propagule dispersal and deer herbivory on continued dominance of Phalaris arundinacea after a non-catastrophic, short-term disturbance to monotypic stands of this invasive grass. The disturbance caused no change in P. arundinacea cover among treatments during any year of the study and, thus, simulates disturbance intensity more likely to be encountered in unmanaged settings. Despite the small disturbance, the combinations of disturbance + seeding and disturbance + seeding + deer exclusion caused greater species richness than controls even three years after disturbance. Increased invasion of P. arundinacea stands caused few effects on the dominant, as P. arundinacea biomass was unaffected after the first year. Selective herbivory by deer of species other than P. arundinacea increased the effects of disturbance and seeding, and aided in continued dominance of the grass. The tolerance of P. arundinacea for direct anthropogenic effects, including poor water quality and hydroperiod fluctuations, and indirect effects, such as increased herbivory by historically high deer populations, indicates the complexity of determining persistence of invasive species.  相似文献   

Synopsis The fish community of a small (2.7 ha) Ontario beaver pond was analyzed relative to predictions based on its small size, shallow depth, brief existence and isolation from more permanent water bodies. The predictions were: (1) species richness will be lower than that of more permanent water bodies in the area, (2) fish will be mainly of small body size, (3) species will be randomly distributed across habitats, and (4) there will be a high degree of diet overlap between species and age classes. The first and second predictions were supported. The pond consisted of 10 resident species in 1985, and at least seven in 1988. Species richness was below the average of 13.2 found in four lakes in the vicinity, but greater than the 3.1 predicted by a species-area curve for non-acidified lakes in Ontario. All species except pumpkinseed, yellow perch and brown bullheads were small-bodied with short life spans and high population turnover rates, and few fish above 100 mm were present. Predictions 3 and 4 were not supported. Habitat occupation was nonrandom, and high diet separation occurred, particularly in August when food limitation was evident. While beaver ponds lack the range of habitats and the diversity of species of lake environments, low prey density and high fish density nevertheless appear to foster resource partitioning.  相似文献   

北方沼泽湿地在水源供给、缓解水土流失、遏制草地沙化等方面具有重要作用,明确其植物群落物种组成和多样性特征对提升其生态系统服务功能具有重要意义。目前,在北方地区开展大尺度湿地植被调查的研究仍相对较少。土壤水分是驱动植物群落发展的主导环境因素之一,为了解高低土壤水分背景下湿地植物群落特征差异及关键驱动要素,对我国7个北方典型沼泽湿地的植物群落物种组成及多样性特征进行了调查,分析了植物群落物种组成及多样性特征与环境因子的关系,以及沼泽湿地植物群落内克隆植物的分布特征。研究结果发现不同沼泽湿地的植物群落物种组成和多样性差异显著,但无明显的地带性分布规律,物种分布呈现区域性。群落物种多样性受降水、温度、土壤养分等多种环境因素的共同影响。沼泽湿地高低土壤水分背景下植物群落的物种组成和多样性差异显著,低土壤水分下植物群落物种多样性指数显著高于高土壤水分下植物群落。低土壤水分下物种多样性主要受降水和总氮影响,而高土壤水分下物种多样性主要受温度和总磷的影响。高土壤水分下克隆植物物种数和盖度在沼泽湿地植物中占有较高的比例,表明克隆植物比非克隆植物更适应高土壤水分环境。研究结果表明了7个沼泽湿地植被的区域性...  相似文献   

In the Florida Everglades, nutrient enrichment from agricultural outflow and the change in hydrology have collectively contributed to the expansion of cattails (Typha spp.). To assess the effectiveness of prescribed fire in controlling cattails and to predict vegetation dynamics after the fire, it is important to understand the seasonal variation of the soil seed bank and how the seed bank is affected by nutrient enrichment and fire. This paper investigates the effects of season, nutrient enrichment, and fire on soil seed bank species composition, richness, and density along a nutrient gradient in Water Conservation Area 2A (WCA 2A) of the Florida Everglades. Species richness was significantly affected by nutrient enrichment and season but not their interaction. Total seed density, however, was significantly affected by the interaction between nutrient enrichment and season. Yet, at species level, the relationship between seed density, nutrient enrichment and season varied. The highest seed density of cattail occurred in summer at highly enriched sites, but that of sawgrass occurred in fall regardless of enrichment; the seed density of water lily was very low regardless of season and nutrient enrichment, and the highest Amarathus seed density occurred at highly enriched sites year round. Moreover, germination timing differed greatly among species. While cattail seeds had a short incubation period and started to germinate 2–3 days after initiation of the germination assay, sawgrass seeds generally started to germinate 4 weeks later. Further, both the prescribed summer fire at the highly enriched site and the natural winter fire at the moderately enriched site reduced the seed density of cattail but not of sawgrass. Our results suggest that fire application for vegetation recovery in WCA 2A would benefit from explicitly considering seasonal dynamics of the seed bank.  相似文献   

李文  王鑫  何亮  刘以珍  葛刚 《生态学报》2018,38(22):8176-8183
水淹时长是影响湿地植物分布的重要因素。在水情不断变化的背景下,鄱阳湖洲滩湿地植物种群和群落的变化规律还不清楚。为了探究淹水时长对鄱阳湖洲滩3种优势植物生长和繁殖的影响,并预测在水文发生剧烈变化后,3种优势植物分布的趋势,采用控制实验模拟了不同水淹时长(0、60、90、120、150 d和180 d)下鄱阳湖湿地3种优势植物(灰化薹草(Carex cinerascens)、南荻(Miscanthus lutarioriparius)和虉草(Phalaris arundinacea))的生长和繁殖情况。研究结果表明:1)南荻在水淹超过120 d后,存活率开始降低,水淹到达180 d完全死亡。而灰化薹草和虉草在淹水180 d后仍全部存活。表明南荻耐淹水的能力弱于其他两种植物。2)水淹显著降低灰化薹草的总生物量,并且总生物量随水淹时长的增加而逐渐降低。而短时间(小于150 d)的水淹没有对虉草总生物量产生显著影响。3)退水初期,灰化薹草的恢复生长趋向于地上部分,而虉草表现为地下和地下部分同步生长。该研究结果可以为预测水文情势变化下鄱阳湖湿地植物种群和群落的动态变化提供依据。  相似文献   

Interspecific hybridization is widespread in plants and is an important evolutionary process. Hybrids may be fitter than their parental species, at least under some environmental conditions, and this may lead to partitioning of taxa by habitat. In eastern Canada, two cattail species (Typha latifolia and Typha angustifolia) and their hybrid (Typha x glauca) are known to have become increasingly widespread in recent decades, although their habitat preferences and patterns of co-existence at the local scale are not well known. We quantified the occurrence of these three taxa in three different habitat types (high traffic, low traffic, and ‘natural’) at 40 different sites along a sampling route of approximately 2000 km in eastern Canada. There were no significant overall associations between habitat type and taxon, although intraspecific comparisons among sites showed that the hybrid was most likely to grow in high traffic (highly disturbed) sites. In addition, pairwise comparisons revealed significant independence of T. latifolia and T. angustifolia, although the hybrid was equally likely to co-exist with either of its parental species. The presence of the three taxa in several habitats, including highly disturbed roadside areas, is consistent with their increasingly invasive tendencies.  相似文献   

李文  王鑫  潘艺雯  刘以珍  何亮  张欢  应智霞  刘颖  葛刚 《生态学报》2018,38(9):3014-3021
水淹深度是影响湿地植物生长和繁殖的关键因子,不同湿地植物对淹水深度存在着不同响应。然而,在水情不断变化的背景下,鄱阳湖洲滩湿地植物种群和群落如何变化还不清楚。为了探究淹水深度对湿地植物生长的影响,并预测鄱阳湖洲滩湿地植被分布的趋势,采用控制实验模拟了不同水淹深度(0、0.5、1 m和2 m)下鄱阳湖湿地3种优势植物(灰化薹草(Carex cinerascens)、南荻(Miscanthus lutarioriparius)和虉草(Phalaris arundinacea))的生长和繁殖情况。实验结果表明:1)水淹对灰化薹草总生物量的影响最显著。遭受水淹时,灰化薹草把大部分的生物量集中在地下部分;随着水淹深度逐渐增加,南荻的生物量逐渐减少;不同深度水淹对虉草生物量没有产生显著影响(P0.05)。就生物量而言,虉草对水淹的适应性强于其他两种植物。2)不同水淹深度下,灰化薹草的株高都显著降低;而南荻只在2 m水淹梯度下株高才显著降低。在枯水年时,下降的水位有利于南荻向较低高程迁移。3)不同深度水淹对灰化薹草的分株没有产生显著影响(P0.05);而虉草在经过2 m水淹后分株数显著高于其他水淹深度。在丰水年时,相比于灰化薹草和南荻,升高的水位对虉草的繁殖影响较小。在一个水位周期性变化的湿地生态系统中,不同深度的水淹对植物的生长及退水后的繁殖产生了严重影响,研究结果为预测水文变化对湿地植被的生存和分布提供了重要的依据。  相似文献   

A recent increase in the abundance of cattails (Typha spp.) in North American wetlands has been anecdotally linked with hybridization between Typha latifolia and Typha angustifolia. In this study, we used molecular genetic markers (microsatellites) to investigate whether the hybrid lineage (Typha × glauca) is restricted to The Great Lakes region, or exists across a much broader spatial scale. We also investigated the possibility of backcrossing and genetic introgression in natural populations. Parental species could be distinguished from one another based on the distribution of alleles at six microsatellite loci. Species identification based on genetic data corresponded well with species identifications based on leaf width, a key morphological trait that can distinguish the two parental species. We found that hybrids occur in Ontario, Quebec, New Brunswick, and Nova Scotia, but we did not detect hybrids in Maine. F1s are more abundant than backcrossed or intercrossed hybrids, although we also found evidence of backcrossing, particularly in Ontario. This indicates that hybrids are fertile, and are therefore potential conduits of gene flow between the parental species. Further work is needed to determine whether T. × glauca is particularly successful in the Great Lakes region relative to other areas in which the two parental species co-exist, and to assess whether introgression may lead to increased invasiveness in the species complex.  相似文献   

This paper compares the available North Americanliterature and data concerning several ecologicalfactors affecting Phragmites australisin inlandfreshwater, tidal fresh, and tidal brackish marshsystems. We compare aboveground productivity, plantspecies diversity, and sediment biogeochemistry; andwe summarize Phragmiteseffects on faunalpopulations in these habitats. These data suggest thatPhragmitesaboveground biomass is higher thanthat of other plant species occurring in the samemarsh system. Available data do not indicate anysignificant difference in the aboveground Phragmitesbiomass between marsh types, nor doesthere appear to be an effect of salinity on height.However, Phragmitesstem density wassignificantly lower in inland non-tidal freshwatermarshes than in tidal marshes, whether fresh orbrackish. Studies of the effects of Phragmiteson plant species richness suggest that Phragmitesdominated sites have lower diversity.Furthermore, Phragmiteseradication infreshwater sites increased plant diversity in allcases. Phragmitesdominated communities appearto have different patterns of nitrogen cyclingcompared to adjacent plant communities. Abovegroundstanding stocks of nitrogen (N) were found to behigher in Phragmitessites compared to thosewithout Phragmites. Porewater ammonium(NH4 +) did not differ among plant covertypes in the freshwater tidal wetlands, but inbrackish marshes NH4 +was much higher inSpartinaspp. than in neighboring Phragmitesstands. Faunal uses of Phragmitesdominated sites in North America were found to vary bytaxa and in some cases equaled or exceeded use ofother robust emergent plant communities. In light ofthese findings, we make recommendations for futureresearch.  相似文献   

Growth of a floating-leaved plant,Hydrocharis dubia L., was examined under varying nutrient conditions between 0.3 and 30 mgN l−1 total inorganic nitrogen.H. dubia plants cultured under the most nutrient-rich condition showed the highest maximum ramet density (736 m−2), the highest maximum biomass (80.4 g dry weight m−2), and the highest total net production (185 g dry weight m−2 in 82 days). Plants under nutrient-poor conditions had a relatively large proportion of root biomass and a small proportion of leaves with a long life span. Compared with other floating-leaved and terrestrial plants, the maximum biomass ofH. dubia was relatively small. This, and the rapid biomass turnover, was related to the short life span of leaves (13.2–18.7 days) and large biomass distribution to leaves.  相似文献   

Constructed wetlands that mimic natural marshes have been used as low-cost alternatives to conventional secondary or tertiary wastewater treatment in the U.S. for at least 30 years. However, the general level of understanding of internal treatment processes and their relation to vegetation and habitat quality has not grown in proportion to the popularity of these systems. We have studied internal processes in surface-flow constructed wastewater-treatment wetlands throughout the southwestern U.S. since 1990. At any given time, the water quality, hydraulics, water temperature, soil chemistry, available oxygen, microbial communities, macroinvertebrates, and vegetation each greatly affect the treatment capabilities of the wetland. Inside the wetland, each of these components plays a functional role and the treatment outcome depends upon how the various components interact. Vegetation plays a uniquely important role in water treatment due to the large number of functions it supports, particularly with regard to nitrogen transformations. However, it has been our experience that vegetation management is critical for achieving and sustaining optimal treatment function. Effective water treatment function and good wildlife quality within a surface-flow constructed wetland depend upon the health and sustainability of the vegetation. We suggest that an effective tool to manage and sustain healthy vegetation is the use of hummocks, which are shallow emergent plant beds within the wetland, positioned perpendicular to the water flow path and surrounded by water sufficiently deep to limit further emergent vegetation expansion. In this paper, we describe the use of a hummock configuration, in conjunction with seasonal water level fluctuations, to manage the vegetation and maintain the treatment function of wastewater-treatment wetlands on a sustainable basis.  相似文献   

Seasonal changes in aboveground and belowground tissues ofPhalaris arundinacea L. were studied in a population colonizing an ancient meander of the Garonne river (France) submitted to important fluctuations of the permanent water table. Waterlogged conditions in spring stopped the growth of rhizomes and promoted the translocation of nutrient to the shoots. The early senescence of plants after flowering could be related to the withdrawal of the water table. It was characterized by a distribution of nutrients in belowground tissues and a release in litter and soil. Aerated conditions in late summer permitted the growth of belowground tissues. At this time a partition of resources between aboveground and belowground biomass of a new generation of plants was observed. Rising water and decreasing temperatures in winter induced the death of aboveground parts. Reconstitution of nutrient stocks in rhizomes and losses by leaching then occured. Beside a very high primary production this strategy confers toPhalaris arundinacea a great interest in different uses, especially in the removal of nutrients from water in riparian zones as in artificial sites.  相似文献   

Ludwigia hexapetala and L. grandiflora are recent, aggressive invaders of freshwater wetlands in California. To assess the relative role of sexual versus clonal reproduction in invasive spread, we used AFLP markers to genotype 794 ramets of L. hexapetala sampled from 27 populations in three watersheds of California, and 150 ramets of L. grandiflora from five populations in a fourth watershed. We then used two analytical methods, similarity thresholds and character incompatibilities, to distinguish genotypic variation within genets (clones) from variation between genets. Our analyses revealed extremely limited genotypic and genet variation in invasive L. hexapetala and L. grandiflora within California. Within L. hexapetala, 95% of the ramets analyzed represented a single genet. The genet was the only one detected in 20 populations. The remaining seven populations contained two to nine genets. Within L. grandiflora, all ramets were of only one genotype. Thus, invasive spread within and between populations, and across watersheds, appears to be almost exclusively clonal and brought about by the dispersal of vegetative propagules. The extremely low seedling recruitment indicates that management should target vegetative dispersal and growth.  相似文献   

周云凯  白秀玲  宁立新 《生态学报》2018,38(14):4953-4963
淡水湖泊湿地中,水文条件是影响湿地植物分布和生长发育的关键因素,研究特定湿地植物种群与水文变化之间关系,对于认识湿地植被格局形成及进行湿地生态调控与恢复具有重要意义。选取鄱阳湖湿地洲滩优势植物——灰化苔草(Carex cinerascens)种群作为研究对象,基于野外实地观测数据,研究不同高程带灰化苔草春草种群生产力特征及其对水文变化的响应。结果表明:春草生长季内各高程带灰化苔草种群变化规律基本一致,但其生长发育过程对水文条件产生差异性反应,长期连续水淹和半水淹条件抑制灰化苔草的生长,而间歇性半水淹和未水淹条件则促进灰化苔草伸长生长和生物量积累;生长初期灰化苔草通过储水策略应对水分缺乏形成的干旱胁迫,而生长末期则通过增加干物质含量来应对淹水胁迫;灰化苔草定植与生长发育需要一定的水文条件,淹没期平均水深3.70—2.78 m、淹没频率42.08%—43.17%、平均距湖水面高度-0.23—0.77 m的水文环境更有利于灰化苔草的生长发育。研究结果可为未来鄱阳湖湿地植被保护和湖泊水位调控提供重要参考依据。  相似文献   

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