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Palaearctic migrant passerines and near-passerines which visit eastern Africa can be divided into six groups based on the latitude of their final wintering area. Species wintering further north in Africa tend (a) to breed in more southern parts of the Palaearctic, (b) to prefer drier habitats and (c) to feed more from the ground than those wintering further south. Many species use quite narrow passage routes through eastern Africa and, for some species, passage is centred further east in spring than in autumn. Southward migration can take more than 4 months from the Palaearctic breeding grounds and many birds stopover in the northern tropics from September to November. By contrast, the return migration takes only about 6 weeks. The timing and strategy of migration within Africa can be broadly related to seasonal patterns of rainfall and vegetation.  相似文献   

We investigated the habitat selected by two Palaearctic migrants (Pied Flycatcher, Ficedula hypoleuca, Willow Warbler, Phylloscopus trochilus) in a patchy landscape in Ivory Coast and compared it with the habitat selection of Afrotropical species in the same foraging guilds. Transect counts were used to test the hypothesis that migrants use more open and more seasonal habitats and have a broader use of habitats compared with resident species. Habitats compared were, in order of decreasing tree density, gallery forest, an isolated forest and bush/tree savanna. The isolated forest had the most pronounced seasonal changes (deciduous trees) and was the one with the most diverse vegetation structure. The habitat where both migrants were most frequent was the isolated forest, and thus occurred in the habitat with the most pronounced seasonal change. Diversity of habitats selected was highest in migrants but in the Pied Flycatcher this was possibly an artefact due to subdominant individuals being excluded from the preferred habitat by territorial birds. Potential competition for habitat with Afrotropical species was found to be low.  相似文献   

Birds are known to be a group rich in pairs of closely related species that have parapatric or allopatric distributions with relatively narrow contact zones. Here we analyse the geographical distribution of these contact zones for parapatric species pairs of passerine birds of the Palaearctic region. Their contact zones are located mainly in southwestern, northern and central-southern Asia, and in northwestern Africa, with a hotspot in the Middle East. A mid-domain effect null model, where contact zone hotspots are a neutral correlate of continental geometry, had a low explanatory power of 3.8%; the observed distribution of contact zones was not sufficiently predicted. Hypotheses involving range contractions and secondary contact in areas of high topographic and habitat diversity may offer more convincing explanations and offer promising perspectives for future studies.  相似文献   

Habitat use by seed-eating birds: a scale-dependent approach   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The seedbank in arable farmland represents an important foraging resource for birds, particularly in grassland landscapes where alternative foraging opportunities may be scarce. We used a stepwise approach to examine the importance of seed food resources for farmland birds in winter. First, results from a large-scale experiment in which seed resources were manipulated to test the notion that birds aggregate at food resources, subject to a minimum threshold level. Secondly, a multiscale approach was used to characterize habitat use at a landscape scale and how this may inform agri-environment implementation. Overall seed resources declined sharply over the winter and were relatively low in most arable fields. Large-scale declines in the arable seedbank mean that much habitat may not be of sufficient quality to support foraging bird populations through a winter. At a landscape scale, extensive analyses of breeding season abundance show that bird abundance is most influenced by arable (i.e. seed-rich) habitat in grassland landscapes. The scale at which birds respond to habitat differs between species, and is related to the extent of between-season movements. Implementation of agri-environment schemes will need to consider both the quality of habitat and the context in which it is provided if recent declines in farmland bird populations are to be reversed.  相似文献   

In some birds, males defend two spatially separated territories and attract females to each one in turn. it has been proposed that this behaviour, referred to as polyterritoriality, allows males to conceal their marital status, thereby deceiving females into accepting polygyny against their best interests. The deception hypothesis has gained general acceptance as an explanation for polyterritoriality in birds, but until recently the empirical basis for the hypothesis rested almost entirely on studies of Swedish populations of the pied flycatcher (Ficedula hypoleuca). New findings, emerging from further studies of the pied flycatcher and of other species, suggest several alternative selection pressures that may have favoured polyterritoriality.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT To ensure adequate protection of nonbreeding habitats used by Neotropical migratory landbirds, we must first address questions about habitat use and quality. On the Yucatan peninsula, migrants use many habitats, several of which remain unstudied, and methodological differences preclude interhabitat comparisons based on studies to date. We used distance sampling along line transects in six habitats in northeast Belize to examine use of previously unstudied habitats (e.g., salt marsh) by Neotropical migrants and to permit comparison across habitats. We calculated unadjusted and adjusted (for detectability) density estimates for individual migrant species and for all species combined to generate hypotheses about habitat quality based on the assumption that density and quality are positively correlated. Adjusted density estimates for all migrants were highest in black mangrove habitat (1799 ± 110 ind/km2), intermediate in three forest types and milpa (range 598–802 ind/km2), and lowest in salt marsh (207 ± 32.3 ind/km2). By combining density estimates with habitat availability in our study region, we estimated that evergreen forest and black mangrove supported 70% and 9% of the region's migrant population, respectively. At the species level, five of the 10 most common species had habitat preferences (>50% detections in one habitat). Given the diversity of habitat preferences among species and apparent seasonal movements, our results indicate that Neotropical migrants in northeast Belize are dependent on a matrix of interconnected habitats.  相似文献   

A cluster analysis of the distribution patterns of forest passerine birds in tropical Africa showed that they could be divided into three main distribution types: those of restricted distribution (144 species), those of disjunct distributions across West, Central and rarely to East Africa (65 species) and those of very wide distribution (81 species). Centres of species richness, endemism and disjunction coincide spatially, and are identified as forest refugia, where forest persisted throughout Quaternary climatic vicissitudes. These distribution patterns agree with modern interpretations of Quaternary palaeoclimatic changes, which show that glacial periods were arid and interglacials humid. Glacial periods were therefore too dry for montane forest to have spread into areas at present occupied by lowland forest, as advocated by Moreau and other supporters of ihe "pluvial" theory; montane forest is probably as extensive now as at any time during the Quaternary and there is no evidence of past connections between currently isolated montane forests. Bird distribution can be explained largely by slow dispersal outwards from refugia as climatic conditions allowed forest to spread, combined with a relaxing of the distinction between "montane" and "lowland" species under conditions of reduced interspecific competition.  相似文献   

Body frontal area in passerine birds   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Projected body frontal area is used when estimating the parasite drag of bird flight. We investigated the relationship between projected frontal area and body mass among passerine birds, and compared it with an equation based on waterfowl and raptors, which is used as default procedure in a widespread software package for flight performance calculations. The allometric equation based on waterfowl/raptors underestimates the frontal area compared to the passerine equation presented here. Consequently, revising the actual frontal areas of small birds will concomitantly change the values of the parasite drag coefficient. We suggest that the new equation     (m2) where m B is body mass (kg) should be used when a value of frontal area is needed for passerines.  相似文献   

This study investigated the postexercise metabolism of six species of free-living, night-migrating passerine birds (European robin, pied flycatcher, wheatear, redstart, blackcap, and garden warbler). The birds were caught during autumn migration out of their nocturnal flight, and their metabolism changed from a fasting, highly active state to a fasting, resting state. Concentrations of six plasma metabolites of the fat, carbohydrate, and protein metabolism were measured during up to 10 h of recovery time. The metabolic changes indicated a biphasic pattern: (a) a quick first response to the reduced energy demands during the first 20 min of recovery, suggested by an increase and subsequent decrease of free fatty acid levels, and (b) subsequently, a postexercise ketosis and a reduction of lipolysis and proteolysis, suggested by high beta-hydroxy-butyrate and low free fatty acid, glycerol, triglyceride, and uric acid levels. This metabolic pattern differs from that of humans and rats, in which ketosis starts immediately postexercise or is absent in trained subjects. Since migrating birds are naturally adapted to endurance exercise, it is hypothesized that the high and long-lasting postexercise ketosis does not evoke physiological problems (such as hypoglycemia) but, by contrast, increases the ability of birds to rely on lipids, to a very high extent, during and after flight and decreases the dependence on glucose and glucogenic amino acids. Differences between species in fat stores and metabolic pattern support this hypothesis.  相似文献   

Wetlands Ecology and Management - To date, there have been few comprehensive studies on habitat preferences of wetland bird communities focusing on European reed bed avifauna. During the years...  相似文献   

Survival rates of tropical birds in Nigeria, West Africa   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

To test the hypothesis that migrants infected with blood parasites arrive on the northern coast of the Gulf of Mexico in poorer condition than uninfected birds, we examined 1705 migrant passerine birds representing 54 species of 11 families from 2 Gulf Coast sites for blood parasites. Three hundred and sixty (21.1%) were infected with 1 or more species of 4 genera of blood parasites. The prevalence of parasites was as follows: Haemoproteus spp. (11.7%), Plasmodium spp. (6.7%), Leucocytozoon spp. (1.3%), and Trypanosoma spp. (1.2%). Both prevalence and density of Haemoproteus spp. infection varied among species. We found no relationship of gender or age with the prevalence of Haemoproteus spp. infection or Plasmodium spp. infection, with the exception of the orchard oriole (Icterus spurius) for which older birds were more likely to be infected with Haemoproteus spp. than younger birds. We also found that scarlet tanagers and summer tanagers infected with species of Haemoproteus have lower fat scores than uninfected individuals and that rose-breasted grosbeaks and Baltimore orioles infected with Haemoproteus spp. have a smaller mean body mass than uninfected individuals. Blood parasites do seem to pose a physiological cost for Neotropical migrant passerines and may be important components of the ecology of these species.  相似文献   

Differences in single-copy nuclear-DNA sequences among 13 species of passerine birds were measured using DNA-DNA hybridization. A matrix of pairwise dissimilarity values (delta mode distances) was constructed from analysis of fitted thermal dissociation curves. A least-squares method of phylogenetic estimation was used to construct two topologies from the distance matrix, one constraining branch lengths of sister taxa to be equal and the other permitting such lengths to vary. These topologies were identical in the pattern of branching of taxa, and the difference in their sums of squares was not statistically significant, suggesting that rates of DNA evolution in sister groups of nine- primaried oscines are equal. A nonparametric test for nonrandom variation in distances of sister groups to outgroup taxa revealed no statistically significant deviation from random variation that would be expected as a result of measurement error. However, the level of measurement error was such that rates of DNA evolution in sister taxa could vary by as much as 10% without being detected with the statistical methods used here.   相似文献   

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