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Summary A Mean Correlation Response (MCR) model was developed to estimate the relative effectiveness of direct selection when other traits also respond to the selection. A measure of the relative effects of mean correlated response and direct response (R) and a measure of the relative efficiency of direct selection (IE) were applied to a genetic correlation matrix of 38 traits. These were measurements of inflorescence, receptacle and involucre, scape, disk florets, ray florets, and trans florets in the Davis population of Gerbera hybrida, Compositae. Generally, traits with high heritability had high direct and mean correlated response; these were often traits measuring disk and trans florets. Traits with low heritability had low direct and mean correlated response; these were often traits measuring the inflorescence. Traits of the inflorescence had the lowest efficiency of direct to mean correlated response.  相似文献   

The evolution of dioecy in plants is expected to be followed by sex-specific selection, leading to sexual dimorphism. The extent of the response to selection depends on the genetic covariance structure between traits both within and between the sexes. Here I describe an investigation to determine phenotypic and genetic correlations between reproductive traits within cryptically dioecious Thalictrum pubescens and within morphologically dioecious T. dioicum. Females of T. pubescens produce flowers having stamens and pistils, appearing hermaphroditic. Genetic correlations were estimated as family-mean correlations among paternal half-sib families. Positive phenotypic and genetic correlations between parts of the same reproductive organs, as the anther and filament of the stamen, indicate developmental associations between these traits in both species. Negative genetic correlations were detected between pistil number and size of reproductive organs in T. dioicum and showed the same direction, but not significance, in T. pubescens. There was a negative phenotypic correlation between the number of stamens and the number of pistils within female flowers of T. pubescens. Within T. pubescens, there was a positive genetic correlation between the number of stamens in males and the number of pistils in females, indicating that floral evolution in males and females may not be independent in this species.  相似文献   

Shared polygenic effects (i.e., pleiotropy) are assumed to exist for such obesity-related phenotypes as blood pressure and adiposity. It is possible to identify these shared genetic effects through bivariate genetic analyses. This analysis of 1,342 adult Samoans, across 801 pedigrees, indicates that significant heritable components (P < 0.05) ranging from 29-58% exist for weight, height, systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure, triceps skinfold, subscapular skinfold, body mass index, and sum of skinfolds. In general, the anthropometric measurements share additive genetic effects, as do the anthropometric measures, with blood pressure. Heritabilities for central fat distribution are not significant in this population, which could be due to a lack of power. On the other hand, heritabilities have been found in Hispanics; hence the genes responsible for central fat distribution may not be evenly distributed among populations.  相似文献   

Stability analysis of multilocation trials is often based on a mixed two-way model. Two stability measures in frequent use are the environmental variance (S i 2 )and the ecovalence (W i). Under the two-way model the rank orders of the expected values of these two statistics are identical for a given set of genotypes. By contrast, empirical rank correlations among these measures are consistently low. This suggests that the two-way mixed model may not be appropriate for describing real data. To check this hypothesis, a Monte Carlo simulation was conducted. It revealed that the low empirical rank correlation amongS i 2 and W i is most likely due to sampling errors. It is concluded that the observed low rank correlation does not invalidate the two-way model. The paper also discusses tests for homogeneity of S i 2 as well as implications of the two-way model for the classification of stability statistics.  相似文献   

Stochastic matrix models are used to predict population viability and the risk of extinction. Different stochastic methods require different amounts of estimation effort and may lead to divergent estimates. We used 16 transition matrices collected from ten populations of the perennial herb Primula veris to compare population estimates produced by different stochastic methods, such as selection of matrices, selection of vital rates, selection of matrix elements, and Tuljapurkar's approximation. Specifically, we tested the reliability of the methods using different numbers of transition matrices, and examined the importance of correlations among matrix entries. When correlations among matrix entries were included in the models, selection of vital rates produced the lowest and Tuljapurkar's approximation produced the highest estimates of mean population growth rates. Selection of matrices and matrix elements often produced nearly similar population estimates. Simulations based on incompletely estimated correlations among matrix entries considerably differed from those based on all correlations estimated, particularly when correlations were strong. The magnitude of correlations among matrix entries depended on the number of matrices, which made it difficult to generalize correlations within a species. Given that selection of vital rates or matrix elements is used, correlations among matrix entries should usually be included in the model, and they should preferably be estimated from the present data rather than according to other information of the species.  相似文献   

The difficulties and costs of measuring individual feed intake in dairy cattle are the primary factors limiting the genetic study of feed intake and utilisation, and hence the potential of their subsequent industry-wide applications. However, indirect selection based on heritable, easily measurable, and genetically correlated traits, such as conformation traits, may be an alternative approach to improve feed efficiency. The aim of this study was to estimate genetic and phenotypic correlations among feed intake, production, and feed efficiency traits (particularly residual feed intake; RFI) with routinely recorded conformation traits. A total of 496 repeated records from 260 Holstein dairy cows in different lactations (260, 159 and 77 from first, second and third lactation, respectively) were considered in this study. Individual daily feed intake and monthly BW and body condition scores of these animals were recorded from 5 to 305 days in milk within each lactation from June 2007 to July 2013. Milk yield and composition data of all animals within each lactation were retrieved, and the first lactation conformation traits for primiparous animals were extracted from databases. Individual RFI over 301 days was estimated using linear regression of total 301 days actual energy intake on a total of 301 days estimated traits of metabolic BW, milk production energy requirement, and empty BW change. Pair-wise bivariate animal models were used to estimate genetic and phenotypic parameters among the studied traits. Estimated heritabilities of total intake and production traits ranged from 0.27±0.07 for lactation actual energy intake to 0.45±0.08 for average body condition score over 301 days of the lactation period. RFI showed a moderate heritability estimate (0.20±0.03) and non-significant phenotypic and genetic correlations with lactation 3.5 % fat-corrected milk and average BW over lactation. Among the conformation traits, dairy strength, stature, rear attachment width, chest width and pin width had significant (P<0.05) moderate to strong genetic correlations with RFI. Combinations of these conformation traits could be used as RFI indicators in the dairy genetic improvement programmes to increase the accuracy of the genetic evaluation of feed intake and utilisation included in the index.  相似文献   

Life-history theory is based on the assumption that evolution is constrained by trade-offs among different traits that contribute to fitness. Such trade-offs should be evident from negative genetic correlations among major life-history traits. However, this expectation is not always met. Here I report the results of a life-table experiment designed to measure the broad-sense heritabilities of life-history traits and their genetic correlations in 19 different clones of the aphid Myzus persicae from Victoria, Australia. Most individual traits, as well as fitness calculated as the finite rate of increase from the life table, exhibited highly significant heritabilities. The pattern of genetic correlations revealed absolutely no evidence for life-history trade-offs. Rather, life histories were arranged along an axis from better to worse. Clones with shorter development times tended to have larger body sizes, higher fecundities, and larger offspring. The fitness of clones estimated from the life table in the laboratory tended to be positively associated with their abundance in the field. Fitness also increased significantly with heterozygosity at the seven microsatellite loci that were used to distinguish clones and estimate their frequencies in the field. I discuss these findings in light of a recent proposition that positive genetic correlations among life-history traits for which trade-offs are expected can be explained by genetic variation for resource acquisition ability that is maintained in populations by a cost of acquisition, and I propose ways to test for such a cost in M. persicae.  相似文献   

The covariances among the populations of distinct compartments are studied for the multi-compartmental birthless death-migration-immigration process. The important role played by the transition matrix of the deterministic process is underlined. Several examples are discussed. Work performed under the auspices of the GNFM-CNR.  相似文献   

B I Kochube? 《Genetika》1986,22(10):2519-2525
Twin data analysis provides the estimates of genetic and environmental components of correlations within groups of skin potential reactions (SPR) and the evoked responses (ER) characters. Two-thirds of the total SPR correlations are significant, 74% of them being based on the strong genetic relationships. So, the genetic mechanisms of the SPR seem to be very general and independent of ecological quality of the stimulus (its neutrality/aversiveness). There are few significant ER correlations (25.4%) and only 35.7% of these developed from the high genetic correlations. Some ER correlations (i. e. correlations of the amplitude of P3 wave) are determined by common between-family ("cultural") environmental factors.  相似文献   

 A sample of 36 flower traits consisting of six morphological categories in the Davis population of gerbera was restructured into phenotypic and genetic principal component traits. The first 5 phenotypic principal component traits accounted for 62% of the total phenotypic variance of the 36 traits and have moderate to high heritablities. The first 5 genetic principal component traits account for 97% of total genetic variance and all have high heritability. Morphological structure of these component traits suggest an underlying process identified by the first genetic principal component involving largely trans and disk floret traits. The results of this study indicate that the quantitative genetic structure of the gerbera flower is controlled by a few independent components and that principal component analysis is a useful tool to reveal variation in this structure. These composite traits are heritable and are expected to respond to selection. Received: 20 September 1997 / Accepted: 19 January 1998  相似文献   

Recent studies have shown that body size is a heritable trait phenotypically correlated with several fitness components in wild populations of the cactophilic fly Drosophila buzzatii. To obtain further information on size-related variation, heritabilities as well as genetic and phenotypic correlations among size-related traits of several body parts (head, thorax and wings) were estimated. The study was carried out on an Argentinean natural population in which size-related selection was previously detected. The genetic parameters were estimated using offspring-parent regressions (105 families) in the laboratory G2 generation of a sample of wild flies. The traits were also scored in Wild-Caught Flies (WCF). Laboratory-Reared Flies (LRF) were larger and less variable than WCF. Although heritability estimates were significant for all traits, heritabilities were higher for thorax-wing traits than for head traits. Phenotypic and genetic correlations were all positive. The highest genetic correlations were found between traits which are both functionally and developmentally related. Genetic and phenotypic correlations estimated in the lab show similar correlation patterns (r = 0.49; TP = 0.02, Mantel's test). However, phenotypic correlations were found to be typically larger in WCF than in LRF. The genetic correlation matrix estimated in the relatively homogeneous lab environment is not simply a constant multiplicative factor of the phenotypic correlation matrix estimated in WCF. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

A random reactivity function involving a correlation between "refusal" probabilities in cells irradiated with various doses was estimated. The dose-effect curves were obtained for this reactivity function and their behaviour in the simplest correlation functions was analyzed.  相似文献   

Multivariate analysis of associations among seven cranial characteristics originally presented by Hertzog ('68) suggests that the appearance of the circumparietal accessory ossicles, parietal foramina, and form of the fronto-temporal suture are largely independent of each other both within and across geographical races.  相似文献   

Genetic correlations between production traits (average daily gain from birth till the end of the field test and ultrasonically predicted lean meat content at the end of the field test) and semen traits (semen volume, sperm concentration, motility, percentage of abnormal spermatozoa, total number of spermatozoa and number of functional spermatozoa) were estimated from a large dataset (44 500 observations for production traits and more than 150 000 ejaculates from 2077 boars). The boars belonged to the breeds Duroc, Piétrain and Large White or were crossbreds between them. All estimated genetic correlations were low (maximal absolute value 0.13). Therefore, selection on production traits is expected to have only low effects on semen traits.  相似文献   

Selection in native local breeds needs great carefulness due to the small population size and the risk of inbreeding. Furthermore, most breeds are dual-purpose, and milk and beef attitudes are antagonistic. For preservation purposes functional traits need to be considered. Focusing on the small local Rendena cattle, this study aimed to analyse the genetic correlations among milk, beef and udder health traits and the response to selection predicted under different scenarios. The study considered milk, fat and protein yields (MY), factor scores for udder volume (UV), conformation (UC) and muscularity obtained from type traits scored on primiparous cows, and performance test traits (PT) measured on young bulls at test station: average daily gain, in vivo SEUROP fleshiness, in vivo dressing percentage. Somatic cell score (SCS) was considered as a functional trait, with a possibility of restricting its genetic gain to zero. The study considered 281 497 MY test-day data collected on 16 974 cows, and data from linear type evaluation on 11 992 primiparous cows for factor scores. The PT data were recorded on 1428 young bulls, and SCS obtained from cell counts at milk recording. Bi-trait restricted maximum likelihood animal model analyses were performed to assess genetic parameters. Heritability varied from 0.157 (fat) to 0.442 (dressing percentage). Udder volume and MY resulted positively genetically correlated (average correlation 0.427), whereas the low-negative genetic correlation between MY and UC (−0.141) suggested a negative impact of milk gain on udder form. Beef traits of factor muscularity and PT showed medium-high favourable genetic correlations (from 0.357 to 0.984), excluding a null correlation between daily gain and muscularity. The genetic correlation MY v. muscularity was unfavourable (−0.328 on average), whereas null correlations were found in MY v. PT, apart from fat v. dressing percentage (−0.151). Somatic cell score showed low unfavourable correlations with protein (0.111) and UV (0.092), and favourable correlations with UC (−0.193). Response to selection in different scenarios indicated a good balanced gain for milk and beef when standardized economic weights of 0.66 and 0.34 are given to the two attitudes, and SCS genetic gain is restricted. Current genetic trends (MY and PT increasing, but muscularity lessening) reflect a stronger selection for milk, suggesting a slight progressive change towards a milk conformation. Aiming to preserve the dual-purpose characteristics of a breed, proper breeding policies taking into account the genetic relationships among traits and including functional traits should be applied in local dual-purpose populations.  相似文献   

We examined patterns of genetic variance and covariance in two traits (i) carbon stable isotope ratio delta13C (dehydration avoidance) and (ii) time to flowering (drought escape), both of which are putative adaptations to local water availability. Greenhouse screening of 39 genotypes of Arabidopsis thaliana native to habitats spanning a wide range of climatic conditions, revealed a highly significant positive genetic correlation between delta13C and flowering time. Studies in a range of C3 annuals have also reported large positive correlations, suggesting the presence of a genetically based trade-off between mechanisms of dehydration avoidance (delta13C) and drought escape (early flowering). We examined the contribution of pleiotropy by using a combination of mutant and near-isogenic lines to test for positive mutational covariance between delta13C and flowering time. Ecophysiological mutants generally showed variation in delta13C but not flowering time. However, flowering time mutants generally demonstrated pleiotropic effects consistent with natural variation. Mutations that caused later flowering also typically resulted in less negative delta13C and thus probably higher water use efficiency. We found strong evidence for pleiotropy using near-isogenic lines of Frigida and Flowering locus C, cloned loci known to be responsible for natural variation in flowering time. These data suggest the correlated evolution of delta13C and flowering time is explained in part by the fixation of pleiotropic alleles that alter both delta13C and time to flowering.  相似文献   

We study some linear stochastic differential equations in Hilbert spaces.  相似文献   

Heritabilities and genetic correlations among growth‐related traits of two cultured strains (Rainbow Springs and Spring Valley) of rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss were estimated using restricted maximum likelihood methods with a three‐generation pedigree. Heritability was high (>0·50 ± 0·03) for body mass and condition factor but moderate (0·35 ± 0·04) for age at sexual maturity in males. Body mass and age at sexual maturation were phenotypically correlated in the families of one experimental strain, Rainbow Springs, and had a positive genetic correlation (0·26 ± 0·03) across families from both test strains (Rainbow Springs and Spring Valley). This indicates that faster growing individuals were more likely to mature at 2 years of age than slower growing individuals in the two hatchery strains investigated. Microsatellite markers of body mass quantitative tract loci (QTL) were reconfirmed as being located on linkage groups B, G, N, 5 and new markers on Oi were detected. Some QTL effects were restricted to specific sampling dates suggesting temporal expression of QTL. QTL for condition factor were limited to linkage group G in both strains. Three suggestive QTL for precocious maturation mapped to similar regions as those for body mass in the Rainbow Springs families while no associations were evident in the Spring Valley families. The results suggest that these regions may play a role in the basis for genetic and phenotypic correlations between body mass and precocious maturation in this species.  相似文献   

热带雨林林冠层具有丰富的物种、功能和系统发育(谱系)多样性,能够显著影响生态系统生物地球化学循环,调节大气水热平衡,缓解气候变化与人为干扰的负面作用。因此热带雨林林冠层功能和谱系生态学研究是目前群落生态学研究的热点之一。选取海南尖峰岭热带山地雨林3个1 hm2样地的林冠层为研究对象,利用样地林冠树种清查数据基于APG III系统发育结构重建样地林冠层系统发育树。利用Blomber's K对和Pagel'sλ指标结合系统发育独立性比较法对组成林冠层乔木树种的结构、化学计量和水力学功能性状(11个性状)的系统发育信号、关联性和演化模式进行研究,以探讨物种亲缘关系对尖峰岭热带山地雨林林冠层多维功能性状关联性及其动态演化的影响。结果表明,有8个功能性状(叶面积、叶厚度和潜在最大高度除外)具有显著的系统发育信号(通过P0.05的显著性检验),Blomber's K值和Pagel'sλ值分别介于0.202—0.392和0.277—0.847之间,表明尖峰岭热带山地雨林林冠层功能性状普遍存在系统发育保守性。在系统发育背景下,林冠层乔木树种结构、化学和水力学功能性状在物种水平普遍存在显著关联性(P0.05),表现出趋同或趋异进化;而且林冠层乔木随物种分化其功能性状分化模式大致呈水平"漏斗"状,姐妹类群功能性状间差异性在物种分化早期(大约1亿2千万年前至6000万年前)明显小于其在中后期(大约6000万年前至今)的差异性,导致了林冠层性状空间在中后期迅速膨大。然而林冠层主要功能性状在系统发育树内部每一节点上姊妹类群分化产生的系统发育独立性比较值绝大部分与零模型随机模拟值并无显著性差异。了解系统发育背景下林冠层功能性状的权衡关系及其随物种演化的分化模式与时间动态为进一步探究热带雨林林冠生态系统功能发挥奠定基础。  相似文献   

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