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Evolution of echinoderm development from a feeding to a non-feeding mode can be examined by studying non-feeding larvae with structures that appear to be vestiges derived from a feeding ancestral state. The lecithotrophic larvae of the Australian brittle star Ophionereis schayeri possess such features, and the early development of this species was documented by light and scanning electron microscopy. The embryos undergo irregular cleavage, resulting in the formation of different sized blastomeres, with subsequent development through a wrinkled blastula stage. The lecithotrophic larva of O. schayeri possesses several vestigial ophiopluteal structures, including a continuous ciliated band, a larval gut, and a larval skeleton. The ciliated band is a reduced expression of the continuous ciliated band typical of ophioplutei. The larval gut is a transiently complete system, but an esophageal plug and rapid closure of the blastopore renders it nonfunctional. The larval skeleton, though reduced, consists of four rods corresponding to the body, posterolateral, anterolateral, and postoral rods characteristic of an ophiopluteus. Due to a heterochrony in larval skeletogenesis, the postoral rods develop early and simultaneously with the other rods. Compared with the larvae of other lecithotrophic ophiuroids, the larva of O. schayeri is one of the most reduced ophiopluteal forms reported to date.  相似文献   

Development of the larval serotonergic nervous system is examined by indirect immunofluorescence in two congeneric species of sea urchins that exhibit divergent embryonic and larval development. Heliocidar is tuberculata undergoes indirect planktotrophic development via a pluteus larva, whereas Heliocidaris erythrogramma develops directly, passing through a brief, highly derived lecithotrophic larval stage. We have cleared the opaque embryos of H. erythrogramma and discuss internal features of its development. The serotonergic nervous system of H. tuberculata arises in the apical plate at the end of gastrulation and develops into a bilaterally symmetric ganglion lying between the anterolateral arms in the preoral hood. Putatively homologous neurons appear at the apical end of the modified larva of H. erythrogramma well after the completion of gastrulation, coincident with development of the primary podia of the adult rudiment. The neurons form a bilaterally symmetric ganglion whose orientation relative to the vestibule is conserved with respect to that found in planktotrophic larvae. This allows us to define a left and right side for this larva which lacks external points of asymmetry such as a larval mouth. The alteration in the time of nervous system development in H. erythrogramma relative to that of H. tuberculata , and other indirect developers, implicates heterochronies in cellular differentiation as an important component of the evolution of direct development.  相似文献   

Developmental expression of the hemichordate otx ortholog   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The phylogenetic location of hemichordates is unique because they seem to fill an evolutionary gap between echinoderms and chordates. We report here characterization of Pf-otx, a hemichordate ortholog of otx, with its embryonic and larval expression pattern. Pf-otx is initially expressed in the vegetal plate of the blastula. Expression remains evident in the archenteron through gastrulation and then disappears. A new expression domain appears near the mouth along the preoral and postoral ciliated bands in the early tornaria larva.  相似文献   

The larval arms of echinoid plutei are used for locomotion and feeding. They are composed of internal calcite skeletal rods covered by an ectoderm layer bearing a ciliary band. Skeletogenesis includes an autonomous molecular differentiation program in primary mesenchyme cells (PMCs), initiated when PMCs leave the vegetal plate for the blastocoel, and a patterning of the differentiated skeletal units that requires molecular cues from the overlaying ectoderm. The arms represent a larval feature that arose in the echinoid lineage during the Paleozoic and offers a subject for the study of gene co-option in the evolution of novel larval features. We isolated new molecular markers in two closely related but differently developing species, Heliocidaris tuberculata and Heliocidaris erythrogramma. We report the expression of a larval arm-associated ectoderm gene tetraspanin, as well as two new PMC markers, advillin and carbonic anhydrase. Tetraspanin localizes to the animal half of blastula stage H. tuberculata and then undergoes a restriction into the putative oral ectoderm and future location of the postoral arms, where it continues to be expressed at the leading edge of both the postoral and anterolateral arms. In H. erythrogramma, its expression initiates in the animal half of blastulae and expands over the entire ectoderm from gastrulation onward. Advillin and carbonic anhydrase are upregulated in the PMCs postgastrulation and localized to the leading edge of the growing larval arms of H. tuberculata but do not exhibit coordinated expression in H. erythrogramma larvae. The tight spatiotemporal regulation of these genes in H. tuberculata along with other ontogenetic and phylogenetic evidence suggest that pluteus arms are novel larval organs, distinguishable from the processes of skeletogenesis per se. The dissociation of expression control in H. erythrogramma suggest that coordinate gene expression in H. tuberculata evolved as part of the evolution of pluteus arms, and is not required for larval or adult development.  相似文献   

We studied the embryonic development of the phoronid Phoronis ijimai Oka, 1897. The egg cleavage is radial. The fourth and fifth cleavage furrows extend along the meridian of the egg. The blastula is flattened. Gastrulation occurs by a combination of epiboly, bending, and invagination. The mesoderm originates from two sources. The anterior mesoderm arises through immigration and gives rise to the first and second coeloms. The third coelomic mesoderm originates enterocoelically from the hindgut. The newly hatched larva has preoral and postoral ciliary bands, which can be compared with the corresponding ciliary bands of dipleurula and with the prototroch and metatroch of trochophore larvae.  相似文献   

The nervous system organization is considered a phylogenetically important character among metazoans. The phylum Phoronida is included in a supraphyletic taxon known as Lophotrochozoa. Many lophotrochozoans possess a metameric ventral nerve cord as adults or larvae. Phoronids do not exhibit external metamery either as larvae or as adults. The current study describes the ventral nerve cord in the young larva of Phoronopsis harmeri. This structure is apparent both in the serotonergic and FMRF-amidergic nervous system in young larvae. The ventral nerve cord extends from the mouth to the tentacular ridge. Both serotonergic and FMRF-amidergic components consist of two ventrolateral nerves, each with several unipolar neurons. The ventrolateral nerves connect to each other by means of thin repetitive transversal nerves ("commissures"). The abundance of neurons and nerves in the epidermis of the oral field of actinotrocha larva likely reflects the importance of this area in collection of food particles. The ventral nerve cords of the actinotrocha and the metatrochophore differ in their positions with respect to ciliated bands: the cord is located between the preoral and postoral ciliated bands in the actinotrocha but between the postoral ciliated band and telotroch in the metatrochophore. The presence of the ventral nerve cord, which contains repetitive elements (neurons and "commissures"), in the early development of P. harmeri may recapitulate some stages of nervous system development during phoronid phylogeny. The larval nervous system does not contain nervous centers under the tentacular ridge that can correlate with the catastrophic metamorphosis and unique body plan of phoronids.  相似文献   

Nemerteans have been alleged to belong to a protostome clade called the Trochozoa that includes mollusks, annelids, sipunculids, echiurids, and kamptozoans and is characterized by, among other things, the trochophore larva. The trochophore possesses a prototroch, a preoral belt of specialized ciliary cells, derived from the trochoblast cells. Nemertea is the only trochozoan phylum for which presence of the trochophore larva possessing a prototroch had never been shown. However, so little is known about nemertean larval development that comparing it with development of other trochozoans is difficult. Development in the nemertean clade Pilidiophora is via a highly specialized planktonic larva, the pilidium, and most of the larval body is lost during a drastic metamorphosis. Other nemerteans (hoplonemerteans and palaeonemerteans) lack a pilidium, and their development is direct, forming either an encapsulated or planktonic "planuliform" larva, producing a juvenile without a dramatic change in body plan. We show that early in the development of a member of a basal nemertean assemblage, the palaeonemertean Carinoma tremaphoros, large squamous cells cover the entire larval surface except for the apical and posterior regions. Although apical and posterior cells continue to divide, the large surface cells cleavage arrest and form a contorted preoral belt. Based on its position, cell lineage, and fate, we suggest that this belt corresponds to the prototroch of other trochozoans. Lack of differential ciliation obscures the presence of the prototroch in Carinoma, but differentiation of the trochoblasts is clearly manifested in their permanent cleavage arrest and ultimate degenerative fate. Our results allow a meaningful comparison between the development of nemerteans and other trochozoans. We review previous hypotheses of the evolution of nemertean development and suggest that a trochophore-like larva is plesiomorphic for nemerteans while a pilidium type of development with drastic metamorphosis is derived.  相似文献   

Zygaenid moths are capable of releasing hydrogen cyanide in their defense by enzymatic break-down of cyanoglucosides, but only larvae of chalcosiine and zygaenine moths store cyanogenic compounds in cuticular cavities and thus are able to discharge defense droplets, which effectively deter potential predators. A previously proposed phylogeny of Zygaenidae hypothesized a sister group relationship of chalcosiine and zygaenine moths because of their similar larval defense system. Not all chalcosiine taxa possess cuticular cavities, however, and a comparable defense mechanism has been reported in larvae of the zygaenoid family Heterogynidae. Considering sequence data of seven molecular loci, the present study estimates the posterior probability of phylogenetic hypotheses explaining the occurrence of larval cuticular cavities. The molecular data confirm the previous exclusion of Himantopteridae from Zygaenidae and suggest their close affinity to Somabrachyidae. The sequence data also corroborate the recently proposed exclusion of the Phaudinae from the Zygaenidae, because this subfamily is recovered in a reasonably well supported species cluster consisting of members of the families Lacturidae, Limacodidae, Himantopteridae, and Somabrachyidae. We consequently agree to raise Phaudinae to family rank. Within Zygaenidae, the subfamilies Callizygaeninae, Chalcosiinae, and Procridinae most likely constitute a monophyletic group, which is sister to the Zygaeninae. Our results imply that cuticular cavities were probably present in the larvae of the most recent common ancestor of Zygaenidae. Heterogynidae cannot be confirmed as sister taxon to this family, but appear at the very first split of the Zygaenoidea, although with poor support. The specific pattern of taxa in the molecular phylogeny showing larval cuticular cavities opens the possibility that these structures could have been already present in the most recent common ancestor of the Zygaenoidea.  相似文献   

We describe the expression of the homeobox genes orthodenticle (Otx) and distal-less (Dlx) during the larval development of seven species representing three classes of echinoderms: Holothuroidea, Asteroidea, and Echinoidea. Several expression domains are conserved between species within a single class, including Dlx expression within the brachiolar arms of asteroid larvae and Otx expression within the ciliated bands of holothuroid larvae. Some expression domains are apparently conserved between classes, such as the expression of Dlx within the hydrocoel (left mesocoel) in all three classes. However, several substantial differences in expression domains among taxa were also evident for both genes. Some autapomorphic (unique derived) features of gene expression are phylogenetically associated with autapomorphic structures, such as Dlx expression within the invaginating rudiment of euechinoids. Other autapomorphic gene expression domains are associated with evolutionary shifts in life history from feeding to nonfeeding larval development, such as Otx expression within the ciliated bands of a nonfeeding holothuroid larva. Similar associations between evolutionary changes in morphology and life history mode with changes in regulatory gene expression have also been observed in arthropods, urochordates, and chordates. We predict that recruitment of regulatory genes to a new developmental role is commonly associated with evolutionary changes in morphology and may be particularly common in clades with complex life cycles and diversity of life history modes. Caution should be used when making generalizations about gene expression and function based on a single species, which may not accurately reflect developmental processes and life histories of the phyla to which it belongs.  相似文献   

Presence of a Ciliary Patch in Preoral Epithelium of Sea Urchin Plutei   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
Removal of the hyaline layer from sea urchin embryos at the pluteus stage discloses a densely ciliated region in the preoral area of the ectodermal epithelium. In four-armed plutei, this ciliary path is located between the anterolateral arms and in eight-armed plutei it becomes surrounded by preoral and anterolateral arms. The area of the patch and the number of cilia increase with age. This patch is covered by cilia of unusual morphology and orientation. There are more than two cilia per cell which are coiled together several times around a small cone at the apical end of the cell. These coiled cilia run parallel to the surface of the cell but do not extend beyond the hyaline layer. The ciliary axoneme consists of a "9+2" microtubular structure, but no outer or inner dynein arms are observed. Although the cells with coiled cilia are present in a cluster constituting a part of the epithelium, they have axons that project from their basal (inner) ends. The structural characteistics of the ciliary patch suggest that it possesses a sensory function.  相似文献   

Shell-less Discinisca larvae of 2–3 p.c. (pairs of cirri)and small shelled larvae of 4 p.c. stages, hitherto undescribed,form a growth series with those previously described. The shellfirst formed during early 3 p.c. or early 4 p.c. stage. In swimmingthese young larvae did not rotate about their longitudinal bodyaxis, unlike larger larvae. In some larvae pigment granulesaggregated in the anterolateral stomach wall, forming "eye spots,"which are not comparable to the sensory eye spots of articulatelarvae. The order of appearance of embryonic setae and larvalsetae was described. The role of the former in floatation andin protective response was suggested. In recent brachiopod ontogeny there is an evolutionary simplificationfrom the presumably primitive condition in lingulids with shelledembryo, shelled larva with statocysts, long planktotrophic existenceand well developed trocholophe with continuous budding of cirrito 8-20 pairs; to the discinids with setiferous, shell-lessembryo, shelled larva with statocysts, shorter planktotrophicexistence and larval trocholophe with a maximum of 4 cirruspairs; and finally to the articulates with setiferous, shell–lessembryo and larva with no statocysts, no differentiated cirriand short free-swimming existence.  相似文献   

Among echinoderms, nonfeeding larvae usually are simplified in body shape, have uniform ciliation, and have lost the larval gut. A few species have nonfeeding larvae that express some remnant features of feeding larvae like ciliated bands and larval skeleton or larval arms, but typically their larval mouth never opens and their gut does not function. Still other species have retained the feeding larval form, a functional gut, and can feed, but they do not require food to metamorphose. The present note describes the development of a tropical holothurian, Holothuria mexicana, which hatches as a gastrula that is already generating coelomic structures. A translucent auricularia forms with a mouth that opens but becomes reduced soon thereafter. In form and ciliation this auricularia resembles a feeding larva, but it does not respond to food. A doliolaria forms on day 4 and the pentactula on day 6 post‐fertilization. Further study of this larva and that of its closely related congener, Holothuria floridana, is warranted.  相似文献   

The first instar larva of Promecognathus laevissimus (Dejean) is described, representing the first species of Promecognathus known in the larval stage. The larva is autapomorphic in having: (1) additional setae, often in great number, on many sclerites of the body, (2) a transverse, not bulbous, sensory area located ventrally and laterally at the apex of antennomere III, and (3) the marginal area of the mesonotum, metanotum and abdominal tergites I-VI more expanded than usual in carabid larvae. No evidence was found from the larval morphology of P.laevissimus to indicate the sister group of the Promecognathini.  相似文献   

The anatomy and cellular organization of serotonergic neurons in the echinoderm apical organ exhibits class-specific features in dipleurula-type (auricularia, bipinnaria) and pluteus-type (ophiopluteus, echinopluteus) larvae. The apical organ forms in association with anterior ciliary structures. Apical organs in dipleurula-type larvae are more similar to each other than to those in either of the pluteus forms. In asteroid bipinnaria and holothuroid auricularia the apical organ spans ciliary band sectors that traverse the anterior-most end of the larvae. The asteroid apical organ also has prominent bilateral ganglia that connect with an apical network of neurites. The simple apical organ of the auricularia is similar to that in the hemichordate tornaria larva. Apical organs in pluteus forms differ markedly. The echinopluteus apical organ is a single structure on the oral hood between the larval arms comprised of two groups of cells joined by a commissure and its cell bodies do not reside in the ciliary band. Ophioplutei have a pair of lateral ganglia associated with the ciliary band of larval arms that may be the ophiuroid apical organ. Comparative anatomy of the serotonergic nervous systems in the dipleurula-type larvae of the Ambulacraria (Echinodermata+Hemichordata) suggests that the apical organ of this deuterostome clade originated as a simple bilaterally symmetric nerve plexus spanning ciliary band sectors at the anterior end of the larva. From this structure, the apical organ has been independently modified in association with the evolution of class-specific larval forms.  相似文献   

The structure of the olfactory organ in larvae and adults of the basal anuran Ascaphus truei was examined using light micrography, electron micrography, and resin casts of the nasal cavity. The larval olfactory organ consists of nonsensory anterior and posterior nasal tubes connected to a large, main olfactory cavity containing olfactory epithelium; the vomeronasal organ is a ventrolateral diverticulum of this cavity. A small patch of olfactory epithelium (the “epithelial band”) also is present in the preoral buccal cavity, anterolateral to the choana. The main olfactory epithelium and epithelial band have both microvillar and ciliated receptor cells, and both microvillar and ciliated supporting cells. The epithelial band also contains secretory ciliated supporting cells. The vomeronasal epithelium contains only microvillar receptor cells. After metamorphosis, the adult olfactory organ is divided into the three typical anuran olfactory chambers: the principal, middle, and inferior cavities. The anterior part of the principal cavity contains a “larval type” epithelium that has both microvillar and ciliated receptor cells and both microvillar and ciliated supporting cells, whereas the posterior part is lined with an “adult‐type” epithelium that has only ciliated receptor cells and microvillar supporting cells. The middle cavity is nonsensory. The vomeronasal epithelium of the inferior cavity resembles that of larvae but is distinguished by a novel type of microvillar cell. The presence of two distinct types of olfactory epithelium in the principal cavity of adult A. truei is unique among previously described anuran olfactory organs. A comparative review suggests that the anterior olfactory epithelium is homologous with the “recessus olfactorius” of other anurans and with the accessory nasal cavity of pipids and functions to detect water‐borne odorants. J. Morphol. 2011. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Echinoderm larvae share numerous features of neuroanatomy. However, there are substantial differences in specific aspects of neural structure and ontogeny between the dipleurula-like larvae of asteroids and the pluteus larvae of echinoids. To help identify apomorphic features, we have examined the ontogeny of the dipleurula-like auricularia larva of the sea cucumber, Holothuria atra. Neural precursors arise in the apical ectoderm of gastrulae and appear to originate in bilateral clusters of cells. The cells differentiate without extensive migration, and they align with the developing ciliary bands and begin neurogenesis. Neurites project along the ciliary bands and do not appear to extend beneath either the oral or aboral epidermis. Apical serotonergic cells are associated with the preoral loops of the ciliary bands and do not form a substantial commissure. Paired, tripartite connectives form on either side of the larval mouth that connect the pre-oral, post-oral, and lateral ciliary bands. Holothurian larvae share with hemichordates and bipinnariae a similar organization of the apical organ, suggesting that the more highly structured apical organ of the pluteus is a derived feature. However, the auricularia larva shares with the pluteus larva of echinoids several features of neural ontogeny. Both have a bilateral origin of neural precursors in ectoderm adjacent to presumptive ciliary bands, and the presumptive neurons move only a few cell diameters before undergoing neurogenesis. The development of the holothurian nervous systems suggests that the extensive migration of neural precursors in asteroids is a derived feature. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

The distribution of embryonic and larval mantles is documented in linguliform and craniiform brachiopods. Criteria are presented for identifying these mantle types. The mantle type is related to planktotrophic and lecithotrophic larval life history patterns. In the Linguliformea and Craniiformea, all Lower Palaeozoic families with adequate preservation had larval mantles, indicating the presence of a planktotrophic larva. Heterochronic changes in the time of mantle origin, from the larval to the embryonic stage of development, has occurred several times. In the Lingulidae this change appears to have taken place at about the time the family originated in the Devonian and has been retained in extant genera. The family Discinidae has also retained a planktotrophic larval stage from the Lower Palaeozic to the present. The extant genus Crania in the Craniidae has a short-lived lecithotrophic larva that lacks a mantle. Through the Lower Jurassic, this family had planktotrophic larvae with a larval shell. During the Upper Jurassic, genera with a lecithotrophic larva that lacked a larval shell began to appear; however, the last genera in this family with a planktotrophic larva and a larval shell did not become extinct until the Tertiary.  相似文献   

孔海龙  吕敏  祝树德 《昆虫知识》2012,49(6):1572-1576
为了阐明斜纹夜蛾Spodoptera litura Fabricius幼虫密度对其抗病能力的影响,在室内条件下(温度23℃±1℃,相对湿度75%)对不同幼虫密度(1、2、5、10、15头/皿(直径为12cm))饲养的斜纹夜蛾幼虫抵抗斜纹夜蛾核型多角体病毒侵染的能力及其免疫指标进行了研究。结果表明:幼虫密度对斜纹夜蛾幼虫接种核型多角体病毒后的存活率、存活时间及血淋巴酚氧化酶活性影响显著。随着幼虫密度的增加,接种核型多角体病毒后幼虫的存活率降低,存活时间缩短。当幼虫密度达到15头/皿时,幼虫存活率显著低于其它幼虫密度。不同幼虫密度幼虫的存活时间以1头/皿的最高,15头/皿的最低,且二者之间差异显著。幼虫血淋巴中酚氧化酶活性随幼虫密度的增加而明显降低,当幼虫密度达到5头/皿时,幼虫酚氧化酶活性显著低于1头/皿的。另外,幼虫溶菌酶活性和血细胞总数受幼虫密度影响不显著。不同密度幼虫抗病性的变化与其血淋巴中酚氧化酶活性的变化趋势较为一致。所以斜纹夜蛾幼虫抗病能力的降低可能与幼虫酚氧化酶活性的下降有关。因此,幼虫密度是影响斜纹夜蛾幼虫抗病性变化的重要因子。  相似文献   

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