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Diplodus puntazzo is a species characterized by a rudimentary hermaphroditism, with a low level of protandry. The study found that the overall sex ratio was one male to 2.03 females, diverging significantly from 1 : 1, and that there was a ratio of one male to 0.11 transitional fish. The sex ratio varied with season: during the reproductive period the ratio was 1 : 1.86 (male : female), significantly lower than in the non‐reproductive period in which the sex ratio was approximately 1 : 2.26. Both sexes had similar size distributions; however, females were predominant in all size intervals, especially in the larger ones. No significant difference in mean total length (TL) between females (330 mm), males (319 mm) or transitionals (321 mm) was found. The smallest functional female and male analysed were 159 and 157 mm TL, and the largest were 520 and 510 mm TL, respectively. No significant difference in length at first level of maturity, attained at the second year of life, was found between males (281 mm) and females (292 mm), respectively. A protracted spawning season was identified for the species: from September to February, with a peak in November. GSI values followed the same pattern for males and females, with values of females being similar to those of males; the highest values occurred between September and December, with a maximum in November. Occurrence of transitional fish was significantly higher during the month with highest values of GSI than in the resting period. The study found that vitellogenesis did not begin synchronously for all females, and the simultaneous presence of oocytes in all stages of development indicated an asynchronous mode of ovarian development. The presence of postovulatory, together with tertiary yolk vesicle oocytes, indicated that the species is a multiple spawner.  相似文献   

Distribution of Micropogonias furnieri in the Sepetiba Bay, an ecosystem highly important as rearing ground for this species that represents 5.8% of the numerical catches by otter trawling, was analyzed based in monthly and bi-monthly samplings from two programmes (beach seines = continental margin; and otter trawl = inside of the Bay), over three annual cycles, between 1993 and 1997. Spatial comparisons were assessed by dividing the Bay in two zones for the beach seines (inner and outer Bay) and three zones for the otter trawl (inner, central and outer Bay), following depth, salinity and transparency gradient, as well as for the influence of the sea. Beach seines (30 m extension, a 10 m length x 2.5 m of height x 7 mm mesh) and otter trawls were used. Trawls covered 1.5 km and the boat (net mouth 8 m, mesh size 12 mm between opposites knots in the cod). Temperature (degree C) and salinity (p.s.u.) were taken in each sampling; depth (m) and transparency (m) were measured during the trawl. Fish from beach seine were basically young-of-the-year; in the trawl they were individuals of larger size with total length varying from 70 mm to 300 mm. Spatially, highest CPUEs were found for the continental margin in the inner Bay, and for the inside Bay, in the inner and central zones. Highly significant correlations were detected among M. furnieri abundance and low salinity, transparency and depth in the inner Bay, with no defined pattern for the continental margin. Temporally, differences in fish abundance were shown only for the second annual cycle (1996) for the continental margin, with peaks in September/October.  相似文献   

Synopsis Diel and spatial differences in distribution were determined for the larvae, juveniles, and adults of Galaxias gracilis (Galaxiidae) in a New Zealand dune lake during summer months. Larvae (mostly 10–25 mm TL) and juveniles (25–40 mm TL) inhabited shallow (0–3 m) waters of the limnetic zone and fed predominantly on two limnetic zooplankton species; Bosmina meridionalis and a calanoid copepod. At about 40 mm TL, fish moved from the limnetic to the littoral zone and expanded dietary breadth from two to over seven main prey species, including five species of littoral invertebrates. After reaching a size of about 60 mm TL, most fish moved back offshore to the deeper waters (5–15 m) of the limnetic zone during the day, moving back to the littoral zone at night to feed on invertebrates. The selection of different intra-lacustrine habitats by the various size groups of G. gracilis, and the movements between them, are interpreted as adaptive responses to the interaction between ontogenetic changes in feeding requirements and predation risk.  相似文献   

While contaminants are predicted to have measurable impacts on fish assemblages, studies have rarely assessed this potential in the context of natural variability in physico-chemical conditions within and between estuaries. We investigated links between the distribution of sediment contamination (metals and PAHs), physico-chemical variables (pH, salinity, temperature, turbidity) and beach fish assemblages in estuarine environments. Fish communities were sampled using a beach seine within the inner and outer zones of six estuaries that were either heavily modified or relatively unmodified by urbanization and industrial activity. All sampling was replicated over two years with two periods sampled each year. Shannon diversity, biomass and abundance were all significantly higher in the inner zone of estuaries while fish were larger on average in the outer zone. Strong differences in community composition were also detected between the inner and outer zones. Few differences were detected between fish assemblages in heavily modified versus relatively unmodified estuaries despite high concentrations of sediment contaminants in the inner zones of modified estuaries that exceeded recognized sediment quality guidelines. Trends in species distributions, community composition, abundance, Shannon diversity, and average fish weight were strongly correlated to physico-chemical variables and showed a weaker relationship to sediment metal contamination. Sediment PAH concentrations were not significantly related to the fish assemblage. These findings suggest that variation in some physico-chemical factors (salinity, temperature, pH) or variables that co-vary with these factors (e.g., wave activity or grain size) have a much greater influence on this fish assemblage than anthropogenic stressors such as contamination.  相似文献   

Some aspects of the biology and ecology of the gobyKnipowitschia caucasica were studied over a period of 13 months in a poly-to euhaline area in the Evros Delta (North Aegean Sea). This fish grows rapidly in the summer and autumn after hatching, matures after its first winter, breeds from the end of April to the end of July, and grows rapidly again in July–September. The older males perish after their second February, whereas some females have a second breeding season at the end of April/beginning of May, shortly before their death. The fish grows to about 40 mm in total length. There is a positive correlation between the total length (TL) and the standard length (SL) or the cleaned body weight (CW). SL increases slower than TL, whereas CW increases slower than TL in immature individuals and faster in males and females. There is no difference between immature individuals, males and females, in the growth rate of SL, TL and CW, TL. The mean monthly values of the condition factor varies from 0.289 to 0.576 in females and from 0.313 to 0.548 in males. The overall sex ratio of females to males is 1: 1.46. Fecundity ranges from 60 to 217 eggs with a mean value of 109.8 and depends upon size, whereas relative fecundity varies between 968 and 2170 with a mean of 1558. The fish feeds predominantly on benthic amphipods and polychaetes.  相似文献   

There is much information on oogenesis from the resumption of the first meiotic division to oocyte maturation in many vertebrates; however, there have been very few studies on early oogenesis from oogonial proliferation to the initiation of meiosis. In the present study, we investigated the histological changes during early oogenesis in barfin flounder (Verasper moseri). In fish with a total length (TL) of 50mm (TL 50mm fish), active oogonial proliferation was observed. In TL 60mm fish, oocytes with synaptonemal complexes were observed. Before the initiation of active oogonial proliferation, somatic cells which surrounded a few oogonial germ cells, started to proliferate to form the oogonial cysts that accompanied oogonial proliferation. In TL 70mm fish, however, the cyst structure of the oocyte was gradually broken by the invagination of somatic cells, and finally the oocyte became a single cell surrounded by follicle cells. Upon comparison of nuclear size, DNA-synthesizing germ cells could be divided into two types: small nuclear cells and large nuclear cells. Based on histological observation, we propose that the small nuclear cells were in the mitotic prophase of oogonia and the large nuclear cells were in the meiotic prophase of oocytes, and that the nuclear size increases upon the initiation of meiosis.  相似文献   

The diet and predator‐prey size relationships of mandarin fish Siniperca chuatsi (Basilewsky) in Lake Xiaosihai along the middle reach of the Yangtze River were studied through stomach content analysis. A total of 401 specimens (91–539 mm total length) were collected in 2007. The diet was dominated by topmouth gudgeon Pseudorasbora parva, sharpbelly Hemiculter leucisculus, redfin culter Cultrichthys erythropterus, and crucian carp Carassius auratus, with significant seasonal and ontogenetic differences. Ontogenetic variation in diet was apparent that larger prey items such as crucian carp and redfin culter became more common, while smaller prey such as topmouth gudgeon, bitterlings and shrimps gradually declined in the larger fish. Mandarin fish total length (TL) was strongly related to mouth gape width (GW) and gape height (GH). Mandarin fish TL and prey fish TL as well as mandarin fish GW and prey fish body depth (BD) were positively and linearly related for sharpbelly, redfin culter and crucian carp. Strong size selectivity for topmouth gudgeon, sharpbelly and redfin culter as prey indicated that the piscivorous mandarin fish can have potential impact on the population size structure of the three prey fish.  相似文献   

Ontogenetic shifts in habitat use and activity in a stream-dwelling isopod   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We examined ontogenetic changes in diel patterns of habitat use and activity of the lotic isopod Lirceus fontinalis in relation to differences in predation risk from green sunfish, Lepomis cyanellus. Juveniles are ≤5 mm total length (TL), individuals 6-9 mm TL are mature females (c. 90%) and immature males, and mature males are ≥10 mm TL. Isopods of all sizes were far more dense in Cladophora , a filamentous green algae, than in open silt/sand substrates in fish pools. Densities of each size did not increase in open areas at night in fish pools when risk of predation presumably decreases. Few individuals of any size class occurred in open silt/sand areas in fish pools. However, habitat use did not depend on fish presence. Densities and relative abundances of all sizes were similar between algal and open habitats in fishless pools both day and night, except for mature males which were more abundant in open areas during daylight. All sizes of isopods were significantly more dense in fishless versus fish pools, and density of a size class was influenced by fish presence. Densities of size classes were typically juveniles > individuals 6-9 mm TL > mature males. Green sunfish are size selective feeders on isopods, thus demography of isopods within pools may be partially influenced by the size structure of the fish population.
Isopods reduced their activity, as measured by captures in benthic traps, in the presence of caged green sunfish only at night. This behavior coupled with relatively high activity levels during daylight regardless of fish presence suggests other predators or factors may influence diel activity. Mature males were overrepresented in traps relative to their occurrence in fish runs, indicating high activity levels. Mature males were also more active than gravid and nongravid females and juveniles in the presence of fish in laboratory aquaria. Number of male encounters with nongravid females depended on activity level.  相似文献   

Guppies Poecilia reticulata (Peters) were subjected to repeated measures of 5 min duration, on an open field test. The major measures were the number of times a fish changed sections, the number of different sections entered regardless of how many times they entered a section and the ratio of inner to outer sections entered. The activity scores were on a continuous distribution from fish to fish and for the males correlated highly with the ratio of inner to outer movements, but not so for the females. All fish showed a preference for the outer rings compared to the inner rings. There was a non–significant tendency for the male activity to increase during each test, but to wane as the number of tests increased. The females showed a variation of activity which may be associated with their ovarian cycle, but the various activity measures tended not to correlate with each other during the cycle and also failed to correlate with various published cycles of physiological ovarian activity.  相似文献   

The distribution and population structure of the shortnose green eye, Chlorophthalmus agassizi, were studied in the Greek Ionian Sea using data collected during experimental trawl surveys carried out from December 1996 to November 1997. The length–frequency distribution ranged between 45 and 201 mm total length (TL). The significant increase in average size linked with depth has been observed, supporting the general ‘bigger‐deeper’ phenomenon. Specifically, 1528 individuals were measured in the 300–400 m depth zone with a mean TL = 101 mm, 2351 individuals in the 400–500 m depth zone with a mean TL = 132 mm and 1889 individuals in the 500–600 depth zone with a mean TL = 145 mm. Age and growth of the population were determined by otolith readings. Twelve age groups were identified. The von Bertalanffy growth function (VBGF) parameters were L=202.22 mm, K=0.20 and to=?1.6 years. Natural mortality was estimated at 0.285 per year, while total mortality was estimated at 0.65. The reproductive period of C. agassizi extends from spring to autumn, with greater activity in the summer.  相似文献   

Nile tilapia Oreochromis niloticus is now the most abundant and commercially important tilapiine in Lake Victoria. From the total of 1 512 fish sampled from commercial gill net fisheries during 2014 and 2015, 809 (54%) were males and 672 (44%) were females, giving an overall sex ratio of 1.20 males: 1.00 females. The mean (± SE) length and weight for all fish were 28.7 (±0.1) cm TL and 506.6 (±7.1) g, respectively. The slope b of the length-weight relationship was 2.98, 3.01 3.01, for males, females, and combined sexes, respectively. The relative condition factor was 1.02 for males and 1.04 for females with little variation across the months of sampling. The length at 50% maturity was estimated as 31.0 cm TL for male Nile tilapia and 26.0 cm TL for females. Sixty percent of the fish in the commercial catches surveyed were below 30 cm TL. Comparisons with earlier studies in this system suggest an overall decline in size at maturity over the past 30 years, which may reflect intense fishing pressure.  相似文献   

The life history tactics of the small endemic freshwater goby Economidichhtys pygmaeus were examined in a Mediterranean shallow lake located in the northwestern part of Greece (Lake Pamvotis). The purpose of the study was to define the population structure, growth, length at sexual maturity, sex ratio, annual cycle of gonad development, spawning characteristics and fecundity. Fish samples were collected using a hand net from October 2006 to September 2007. The fish grew rapidly in summer after hatching, matured after their first winter, and bred from February to June. The length frequency distribution indicated the appearance of two cohorts per year. Juveniles occurred in samples from April to September. Maturity length (ML50) of males and females were estimated to be 23.54 and 23.28 mm TL, respectively. Sexual dimorphism related to the male caudal fin was observed and males grew to greater lengths than females. The overall ratio of males to females was 1:1.35. Spawning was from February to June. Ripe females appeared to be multiple spawners, with oocytes at different stages of development. Size of oocytes changed during maturation and increased in diameter from about 0.125 to more than 0.9 mm. Absolute fecundity was positively related to TL and TW and varied between 59 and 309 eggs. After reproduction, the number of parental individuals decreased.  相似文献   

The reproductive biology of Psammobatis bergi was investigated based on 92 males and 136 females skates taken from the coastal bottom trawl fishery at Puerto Quequén, Argentina. The relationship between total body mass and total length (TL) was not significantly different between sexes, but females were heavier than males. Minimum length at maturity in males was 451 mm TL with a length ratio of 74%, whereas females were 415 mm TL with a length ratio of 74%. TL at which 50% of males were mature was 457.6 mm (75.6% of the largest male) and for females was 441.6 mm (79.1% of the largest female). The results indicate a continuous reproductive cycle during the year, with a maximum number of females carrying egg cases in warmer seasons.  相似文献   

Stomach contents of 283 anglerfish (Lophius budegassa), collected in the Adriatic Sea (north‐eastern Mediterranean) from experimental trawl surveys in 2005 and 2006, were examined to assess their diet as influenced by fish size, sex and water depth. Changes in food quantities in the stomach were observed, the percentage of empty stomachs decreasing with increasing body size and depth. No differences were found between male and female diets. The anglerfish is essentially an ‘opportunistic feeder’ that consumes mainly fishes, crustaceans and molluscs. Fishes were the primary food consumed by all size classes; the favourite prey was Merluccius merluccius (TL >150 mm for medium and large anglerfish) and Gaidropsarus biscayensis (TL <150 mm for smaller anglerfish). However, the proportion of fish species and molluscs changed with the body size of the anglerfish. The trophic level of L. budegassa estimated in the study area reached a mean value of 4.38, confirming that the species was a carnivore with a preference for large decapodes, cephalopods and fish.  相似文献   

Chaenocephalus aceratus (Family Channicthyidae) is one of the dominant species of demersal fish living on the South Georgia shelf where it is caught in low numbers as by-catch in the mackerel icefish and Antarctic krill commercial fisheries. Data collected during 14 demersal fish surveys, from 1986 to 2006, are analysed to investigate biomass, distribution, growth and diet. Biomass estimates from a swept area method ranged from 4,462 to 28,740 tonnes on the South Georgia and Shag Rock shelves although few fish were caught at Shag Rocks. Analysis of length frequency data indicated that growth was fast in the first five years with males and females attaining lengths at first spawning of 440 mm TL and 520 mm TL. The diet was comprised of fish and crustaceans, with an ontogenetic shift in diet from Euphausia superba and mysids to benthic fish and decapods observed to begin at 250 mm TL. In larger fish (>500 mm TL) the diet was dominated by fish. C. aceratus diet is sufficiently different from the other species of channichthyids around South Georgia to suggest that these species have undergone resource partitioning.  相似文献   

To aid in species' conservation, the aim of this study was to provide initial findings on age, growth and reproduction of an endemic species, Aegean chub Squalius fellowesii (Günther, 1868) populations from streams in the Aegean region of Mu?la Province, Turkey. The species is relatively short‐lived (maximum 6 years), attaining a size of about 200 mm total length with a rapid growth to first maturity (≈60 mm TL), and relatively little growth thereafter. The male:female ratio was 1.0 : 0.6, males significantly outnumbering females in the majority of the streams. General condition values of individual fish varied between 2.9 and 3.4. Sexual maturity was usually achieved later and at larger sizes in females than in males. Sexual maturation in most populations was at the age of 2 years in females and 1 year in males. The species spawns between early April and late May. Mean absolute and relative fecundity were about 4440 eggs and 57 eggs·g?1, respectively. Mean egg diameter was 1.00 ± 0.03 mm, ranging from 0.70 to 1.20 mm. Suggestions for the conservation of Aegean chub are discussed.  相似文献   

Temporal and spatial occurrence of limnetic larval fish in Lake Banyoles in the spring and summer of 1993 and 1994 indicated that pumpkinseed spawned over 15 weeks (from mid-May to mid-August) and freshwater blenny over 14 weeks (from mid-May until early August). We noted that the spawning period of pumpkinseed commenced earlier in Lake Banyoles than in more northern lakes. Pumpkinseed and freshwater blenny larvae were collected by tow net in both the limnetic (at 4–4.5 m) and littoral zones (at 0–0.5 m), during daylight (no samples were taken during night). Freshwater blenny larvae were more abundant than pumpkinseed larvae. Both of them were more abundant in 1993 than in 1994 (pumpkinseed: 1.61 ind. 100 m−3 vs. 0.70 ind. 100 m−3; freshwater blenny: 3.95 ind. 100 m−3 vs. 1.90 ind. 100 m−3) and in both years they were uniformly distributed in the lake, without differences between the areas considered. The pumpkinseed larvae migrated at 3.5 mm TL into the limnetic zone, and returned to the vegetation of the littoral zone as juveniles. The freshwater blenny larvae were also planktonic (3.5–14 mm TL) but were distributed in both the littoral and limnetic zone before benthic settlement. The larval distribution is discussed on the basis of a trade-off between foraging and predation risk. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

In this study it was sought to quantify post‐stocking growth, survival, and contribution of advanced size (178 mm total length [TL]) channel catfish Ictalurus punctatus fingerlings, something rarely done. Channel catfish populations were evaluated before (May 2010) and after (May to August 2011 and 2012) stocking. Relative abundance, stocking contribution, and growth were different (< 0.05) in the two study impoundments (lakes Lone Chimney and Greenleaf, Oklahoma). For fish stocked in Lake Lone Chimney, stocking contribution was lower (3–35%), and average length and weight of stocked fish by age‐2 reached 230 mm TL and 85 g, whereas the stocking contribution (84–98%) and growth in length (340 mm TL) and weight (280 g) were higher by age‐2 in Lake Greenleaf. Given these unambiguous differences of post‐stocking performance, benchmark metrics that represent population‐level information such as relative abundance and average length and weight of the sample masked these significant differences, highlighting the importance of marking hatchery‐fish and then following them through time to determine the effectiveness of stocking. These results suggest that stock enhancement programmes would benefit from studies that quantify post‐stocking performance of hatchery fish.  相似文献   

The tub gurnard Chelidonichthys lucerna has been identified by ICES as a potential commercial species in the northeast Atlantic with recommendations made to monitor landings and discards and to derive information on population biology for stock assessment purposes, however, data are lacking for the species in the northeast Atlantic. Therefore, aims of this study were to provide data on the size/age‐structure and patterns of growth, maturity and mortality of C. lucerna in Northwest Wales, UK, and in doing so to provide data on the biological characteristics of the most northerly population studied to date for comparison with the existing data for southerly Mediterranean populations. Data on the age, growth and maturity of C. lucerna were collected by otter trawling (73 mm cod‐end stretched mesh size) in the coastal waters of Northwest Wales, UK in October (2000–2011, excluding 2006). Total length (TL) of fish sampled ranged between 10.5–41.0 cm (males) and 10.4–57.5 cm (females). The majority of the female fish were between 20–30 cm TL (60.2%) and the majority of the male fish between 20–30 cm TL (58.3%) respectively. TL/weight (W) relations for male and female fish were similar and the combined data was described by W = 0.0067 TL3.10. Age of fish ranged between 1–7 years old for female fish and 1–5 years old for male fish respectively with the majority of female fish 3 years old (40%) and the majority of male fish 3 years old (37%). The age structures of female and male tub gurnards were not significantly different with the older age classes consisting predominantly of female fish. Both males and females exhibited similar asymptotic growth patterns and the combined von Bertalanffy growth function was TLt = 51.6 (1 ? e [?0.25(t + 0.41)]). Instantaneous rates of total mortality were calculated as 1.04 year?1 for males and 1.11 year?1 for females. The size (L50) and age at first maturity (A50) were estimated to be 29.1 cm TL and 2.8 years for males, 27.7 cm TL and 2.7 years for females and 28.0 cm TL and 2.8 years for both sexes combined. The results of this study provide the first information on the biology and population dynamics of C. lucerna in the Irish Sea, the first data collected in the northeast Atlantic since 1985 and the most northerly population studied to date.  相似文献   

The structure of the thumus in adult specimens of a marine teleost, the cling fish Sicyases sanguineus, has been studied by light and transmission electron microscopy. Most cling fishes have an outer thymus located beneath the opercular epithelium. A few of them, however, have a large inner thymus besides a poorly developed outer thymus. In the well-developed outer thymus of cling fish there are three different zones: outer cortex, inner cortex, and medulla. The inner cortex is similar to the cortical region of the thumus in other vertebrates, whereas the outer cortex is a specialized lympho-epithelial zone containing cystic cells (also present in medullary region) and true Hassall's corpuscles. In accordance with the development of the thymic parenchyma, the medullary or basal region may appear either like a true thymic medulla or like a subcapsular region. In the inner thymus, a subcapsular or peripheral "medullary" region and a central area (inverted cortex) show structural features like those of the medullary (basal) and deep cortical regions of the outer thymus, respectively. In addition to the above regions, sometimes there is a lymphomyeloid perithymic infiltration that often extends along connective tissue septa into the perivascular spaces of the gland. Reticuloepithelial, mesenchymal, and unidentified types of stromal cells within the thymus are described. Some erythrocytes, granulocytes, and monocytoid cells are found, but no plasma cells nor erythropoietic foci are evident. The probable significance of these findings is discussed.  相似文献   

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