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The appropriate sorting of vesicular cargo, including cell-surface proteins, is critical for many cellular functions. Ubiquitinated cargo is targeted to endosomes and digested by lysosomal enzymes. We previously identified AMSH, a deubiquitination enzyme (DUB), to be involved in vesicular transport. Here, we purified an AMSH-binding protein, CHMP3, which is an ESCRT-III subunit. ESCRT-III functions on maturing endosomes, indicating AMSH might also play a role in MVB/late endosomes. Expression of an AMSH mutant lacking CHMP3-binding ability resulted in aberrant endosomes with accumulations of ubiquitinated cargo. Nevertheless, CHMP3-binding capability was not essential for AMSH's in vitro DUB activity or its endosomal localization, suggesting that, in vivo, the deubiquitination of endosomal cargo is CHMP3-dependent. Ubiquitinated cargo also accumulated on endosomes when catalytically inactive AMSH was expressed or AMSH was depleted. These results suggest that both the DUB activity of AMSH and its CHMP3-binding ability are required to clear ubiquitinated cargo from endosomes.  相似文献   

Endosomal sorting complexes required for transport (ESCRT) recognize ubiquitinated cargo and catalyze diverse budding processes including multivesicular body biogenesis, enveloped virus egress, and cytokinesis. We present the crystal structure of an N-terminal fragment of the deubiquitinating enzyme AMSH (AMSHΔC) in complex with the C-terminal region of ESCRT-III CHMP3 (CHMP3ΔN). AMSHΔC folds into an elongated 90?? long helical assembly that includes an unusual MIT domain. CHMP3ΔN is unstructured in solution and helical in complex with AMSHΔC, revealing a novel MIT domain interacting motif (MIM) that does not overlap with the CHMP1-AMSH binding site. ITC and SPR measurements demonstrate an unusual high-affinity MIM-MIT interaction. Structural analysis suggests a regulatory role for the N-terminal helical segment of AMSHΔC and its destabilization leads to a loss of function during HIV-1 budding. Our results indicate a tight coupling of ESCRT-III CHMP3 and AMSH functions and provide insight into the regulation of ESCRT-III.  相似文献   

Signal transducing adaptor molecule (STAM) complexed with hepatocyte growth factor regulated tyrosine kinase substrate (Hrs) works on sorting of cargo proteins in multivesicular body (MVB) pathway. Associated molecule with SH3 domain of STAM (AMSH), a zinc-containing ubiquitin isopeptidase, is thought to play a role in regulation of ubiquitin-mediated degradation by binding to STAM. We have found that AMSH requires the conformation of Px(V/I)(D/N)RxxKP sequence to bind SH3 domain of STAM with approximately 7 microM affinity, and that the isolated C-terminal domain of AMSH contains the isopeptidase activity. Deubiquitination by AMSH was assisted when ubiquitins were bound to STAM which can bind to AMSH simultaneously. With the specificity toward K63-linked ubiquitins, this facilitated ubiquitin processing activity of AMSH may imply a distinct regulatory mechanism for sorting and degradation through STAM binding.  相似文献   

Ubiquitination and deubiquitination regulate various cellular processes. We have recently shown that the deubiquitinating enzyme Associated Molecule with the SH3 domain of STAM3 (AMSH3) is involved in vacuole biogenesis and intracellular trafficking in Arabidopsis thaliana. However, little is known about the identity of its interaction partners and deubiquitination substrates. Here, we provide evidence that AMSH3 interacts with ESCRT-III subunits VPS2.1 and VPS24.1. The interaction of ESCRT-III subunits with AMSH3 is mediated by the MIM1 domain and depends on the MIT domain of AMSH3. We further show that AMSH3, VPS2.1, and VPS24.1 localize to class E compartments when ESCRT-III disassembly is inhibited by coexpression of inactive Suppressor of K+ transport Defect 1 (SKD1), an AAA-ATPase involved in the disassembly of ESCRT-III. We also provide evidence that AMSH3 and SKD1 compete for binding to VPS2.1. Furthermore, we show that the loss of AMSH3 enzymatic activity leads to the formation of cellular compartments that contain AMSH3, VPS2.1, and VPS24.1. Taken together, our study presents evidence that AMSH3 interacts with classical core ESCRT-III components and thereby provides a molecular framework for the function of AMSH3 in plants.  相似文献   

ErbB receptors play an important role in normal cellular growth, differentiation and development, but overexpression or poor downregulation can result in enhanced signaling and cancerous growth. ErbB signaling is terminated by clathrin-dependent receptor-mediated endocytosis, followed by incorporation in multi-vesicular bodies and subsequent degradation in lysosomes. In contrast to EGFR, ErbB2 displays poor ligand-induced downregulation and enhanced recycling, but the molecular mechanisms underlying this difference are poorly understood. Given our previous observation that both EGFR and an EGFR-ErbB2 chimera undergo Cbl-mediated K63-polyubiquitination, we investigated in the present study whether activation of the EGFR and the EGFR-ErbB2 chimera is associated with tyrosine phosphorylation of the ESCRT-0 complex subunit Hrs and AMSH-mediated deubiquitination. EGF stimulation of the EGFR resulted in efficient Hrs tyrosine phosphorylation and deubiquitination by the K63-polyubiquitin chain-specific deubiquitinating enzyme AMSH. In contrast, EGF activation of EGFR-ErbB2 showed significantly decreased Hrs tyrosine phosphorylation and deubiquitination by AMSH. To test whether this phenotype is the result of endosomal recycling, we induced recycling of the EGFR by stimulation with TGFα. Indeed, even though TGFα-stimulation of EGFR is associated with efficient ligand-stimulated K63-polyubiquitination, we observed that Hrs tyrosine phosphorylation as well as AMSH-mediated deubiquitination is significantly reduced under these conditions. Using various EGFR-ErbB2 chimeras, we demonstrate that enhanced recycling, decreased Hrs tyrosine phosphorylation and decreased AMSH mediated deubiquitination of EGFR-ErbB2 chimeras is primarily due to the presence of ErbB2 sequences or the absence of EGFR sequences C-terminal to the Cbl binding site. We conclude that endosomal recycling of the EGFR and ErbB2 receptors is associated with significantly impaired tyrosine phosphorylation of the ESCRT-0 subunit Hrs as well as decreased deubiquitination by AMSH, which is consistent with the finding that recycling receptors are not efficiently incorporated in the MVB pathway.  相似文献   

The scission of membranes necessary for vesicle biogenesis and cytokinesis is mediated by cytoplasmic proteins, which include members of the ESCRT (endosomal sorting complex required for transport) machinery. During the formation of intralumenal vesicles that bud into multivesicular endosomes, the ESCRT-II complex initiates polymerization of ESCRT-III subunits essential for membrane fission. However, mechanisms underlying the spatial and temporal regulation of this process remain unclear. Here, we show that purified ESCRT-II binds to the ESCRT-III subunit Vps20 on chemically defined membranes in a curvature-dependent manner. Using a combination of liposome co-flotation assays, fluorescence-based liposome interaction studies, and high-resolution atomic force microscopy, we found that the interaction between ESCRT-II and Vps20 decreases the affinity of ESCRT-II for flat lipid bilayers. We additionally demonstrate that ESCRT-II and Vps20 nucleate flexible filaments of Vps32 that polymerize specifically along highly curved membranes as a single string of monomers. Strikingly, Vps32 filaments are shown to modulate membrane dynamics in vitro, a prerequisite for membrane scission events in cells. We propose that a curvature-dependent assembly pathway provides the spatial regulation of ESCRT-III to fuse juxtaposed bilayers of elevated curvature.  相似文献   

In eukaryotes, posttranslational modification by ubiquitin regulates the activity and stability of many proteins and thus influences a variety of developmental processes as well as environmental responses. Ubiquitination also plays a critical role in intracellular trafficking by serving as a signal for endocytosis. We have previously shown that the Arabidopsis thaliana ASSOCIATED MOLECULE WITH THE SH3 DOMAIN OF STAM3 (AMSH3) is a deubiquitinating enzyme (DUB) that interacts with ENDOSOMAL COMPLEX REQUIRED FOR TRANSPORT-III (ESCRT-III) and is essential for intracellular transport and vacuole biogenesis. However, physiological functions of AMSH3 in the context of its ESCRT-III interaction are not well understood due to the severe seedling lethal phenotype of its null mutant. In this article, we show that Arabidopsis AMSH1, an AMSH3-related DUB, interacts with the ESCRT-III subunit VACUOLAR PROTEIN SORTING2.1 (VPS2.1) and that impairment of both AMSH1 and VPS2.1 causes early senescence and hypersensitivity to artificial carbon starvation in the dark similar to previously reported autophagy mutants. Consistent with this, both mutants accumulate autophagosome markers and accumulate less autophagic bodies in the vacuole. Taken together, our results demonstrate that AMSH1 and the ESCRT-III-subunit VPS2.1 are important for autophagic degradation and autophagy-mediated physiological processes.  相似文献   

Recruitment of the K63-linkage specific deubiquitinating enzyme AMSH is an important step in ESCRT-dependent membrane protein sorting. In this issue of Structure, Solomons et?al. now reveal an extraordinarily high affinity complex between the "MIM4" region of one ESCRT-III subunit, CHMP3, and the MIT domain of AMSH.  相似文献   

Endosomal cargo recycling lies at the heart of subcellular trafficking processes under the management of several Ras-related GTP-binding proteins (Rabs) which are coordinated by their upstream regulators and require their downstream effectors to display their functions. In this regard, several Rabs have been well-reviewed except Rab22a. Rab22a is a crucial regulator of vesicle trafficking, early endosome and recycling endosome formation. Notably, recent studies demonstrated the immunological roles of Rab22a, which are closely associated with cancers, infection and autoimmune disorders. This review provides an overview of the regulators and effectors of Rab22a. Also, we highlight the current knowledge of the role of Rab22a in endosomal cargo recycling, including the biogenesis of recycling tubules with the help of a complex with Rab22a at its core, and how different internalized cargo chooses different recycling routes thanks to the cooperation of Rab22a, its effectors and its regulators. Of note, contradictions and speculation related to endosomal cargo recycling that Rab22a brings impacts on are also discussed. Finally, this review endeavors to briefly introduce the various events impacted by Rab22a, particularly focusing on the commandeered Rab22a-associated endosomal maturation and endosomal cargo recycling, in addition to the extensively investigated oncogenic role of Rab22a.  相似文献   

Hermansky–Pudlak syndrome (HPS) is a group of disorders characterized by the malformation of lysosome-related organelles, such as pigment cell melanosomes. Three of nine characterized HPS subtypes result from mutations in subunits of BLOC-2, a protein complex with no known molecular function. In this paper, we exploit melanocytes from mouse HPS models to place BLOC-2 within a cargo transport pathway from recycling endosomal domains to maturing melanosomes. In BLOC-2–deficient melanocytes, the melanosomal protein TYRP1 was largely depleted from pigment granules and underwent accelerated recycling from endosomes to the plasma membrane and to the Golgi. By live-cell imaging, recycling endosomal tubules of wild-type melanocytes made frequent and prolonged contacts with maturing melanosomes; in contrast, tubules from BLOC-2–deficient cells were shorter in length and made fewer, more transient contacts with melanosomes. These results support a model in which BLOC-2 functions to direct recycling endosomal tubular transport intermediates to maturing melanosomes and thereby promote cargo delivery and optimal pigmentation.  相似文献   

The Saccharomyces cerevisiae ESCRT-III protein Snf7 is part of an intricate interaction network at the endosomal membrane. Interaction maps of Snf7 were established by measuring the degree of binding of individual binding partners to putative binding motifs along the Snf7 sequence by glutathione S-transferase (GST) pulldown. For each interaction partner, distinct binding profiles were obtained. The following observations were made. The ESCRT-III subunits Vps20 and Vps24 showed a complementary binding pattern, suggesting a model for the series of events in the ESCRT-III functional cycle. Vps4 bound to individual Snf7 motifs but not to full-length Snf7. This suggests that Vps4 does not bind to the closed conformation of Snf7. We also demonstrate for the first time that the ALIX/Bro1 homologue Rim20 binds to the α6 helix of Snf7. Analysis of a Snf7 α6 deletion mutant showed that the α6 helix is crucial for binding of Bro1 and Rim20 in vivo and is indispensable for the multivesicular body (MVB)-sorting and Rim-signaling functions of Snf7. The Snf7Δα6 protein still appeared to be incorporated into ESCRT-III complexes at the endosomal membrane, but disassembly of the complex seemed to be defective. In summary, our study argues against the view that the ESCRT cycle is governed by single one-to-one interactions between individual components and emphasizes the network character of the ESCRT interactions.  相似文献   

The sequential action of the Vps27/HRS complex, ESCRT-I, -II, and -III is required to sort ubiquitinated transmembrane proteins to the lumen of lysosomes via the multivesicular body (MVB) pathway. While Vps27/HRS, ESCRT-I, and -II are recruited to endosomes as preformed complexes, the ESCRT-III subunits Vps20, Snf7, Vps24, and Vps2 only assemble into a complex on endosomes. We have addressed the pathway and the regulation for ESCRT-III assembly. Our findings indicate the ordered assembly of a transient 450 kDa ESCRT-III complex on endosomes. Despite biochemical and structural similarity, each subunit contributes a specific function. Vps20 nucleates transient oligomerization of Snf7, which appears to sequester MVB cargo. Vps24 terminates Snf7 oligomerization by recruiting Vps2, which subsequently engages the AAA-ATPase Vps4 to dissociate ESCRT-III. We propose that the ordered assembly and disassembly of ESCRT-III delineates an MVB sorting domain to sequester cargo and complete the last steps of MVB sorting.  相似文献   

Epithelial polarity is based on intracellular sorting machinery that maintains the asymmetric distribution of lipids and proteins to the cell surface. Dependent on their lipid raft affinity, newly synthesized apical polypeptides are segregated into distinct vesicle populations subsequent to the passage through the Golgi apparatus. Using a combined fluorescence microscopic and biochemical approach, we found that lipid raft-associated sucrase-isomaltase (SI) as well as non-raft-associated lactase-phlorizin hydrolase (LPH) traverse endosomal compartments before entering the apical membrane. Fluorescent fusion proteins of both hydrolases were co-stained with Rab4-, Rab8- and Rab11-positive endosomes in polarized Madin-Darby canine kidney and non-polarized COS-1 cells. Immunoisolation of post-Golgi vesicles subsequent to different times of TGN release revealed that LPH and SI navigate in chronological order through Rab4-, Rab8- and Rab11-positive endosomes. Thereafter, the two hydrolases are segregated into distinct vesicle populations. In addition, apical membrane traffic could be significantly inhibited by RNA interference-mediated depletion of these guanosine triphosphatases. These results suggest that in epithelial cells, lipid raft-dependent and -independent apical cargo follow a transendosomal route.  相似文献   

Mammarenaviruses include many significant worldwide-widespread human pathogens, among them Lassa virus (LASV), having a dramatic morbidity and mortality rate. They are a potential high-risk menace to the worldwide public health since there are no treatments and there is a high possibility of animal-to-human and human-to-human viral transmission. These viruses enter into the cells by endocytosis fusing its membrane envelope with the late endosomal membrane thanks to the glycoprotein GP2, a membrane fusion protein of class I. This protein contains different domains, among them the N-terminal fusion peptide (NFP), the internal fusion loop (IFL), the membrane proximal external region (MPER) and the transmembrane domain (TMD). All these domains are implicated in the membrane fusion process. In this work, we have used an all-atom molecular dynamics study to know the binding of these protein domains with a complex membrane mimicking the late endosome one. We show that the NFP/IFL domain is capable of spontaneously inserting into the membrane without a significant change of secondary structure, the MPER domain locates at the bilayer interface with an orientation parallel to the membrane surface and tends to interact with other MPER domains, and the TMD domain tilts inside the bilayer. Moreover, they predominantly interact with negatively charged phospholipids. Overall, these membrane-interacting domains would characterise a target that would make possible to find effective antiviral molecules against LASV in particular and Mammarenaviruses in general.  相似文献   

The AAA+ ATPase VPS4 plays an essential role in multivesicular body biogenesis and is thought to act by disassembling ESCRT-III complexes. VPS4 oligomerization and ATPase activity are promoted by binding to LIP5. LIP5 also binds to the ESCRT-III like protein CHMP5/hVps60, but how this affects its function remains unclear. Here we confirm that LIP5 binds tightly to CHMP5, but also find that it binds well to additional ESCRT-III proteins including CHMP1B, CHMP2A/hVps2-1, and CHMP3/hVps24 but not CHMP4A/hSnf7-1 or CHMP6/hVps20. LIP5 binds to a different region within CHMP5 than within the other ESCRT-III proteins. In CHMP1B and CHMP2A, its binding site encompasses sequences at the proteins' extreme C-termini that overlap with "MIT interacting motifs" (MIMs) known to bind to VPS4. We find unexpected evidence of a second conserved binding site for VPS4 in CHMP2A and CHMP1B, suggesting that LIP5 and VPS4 may bind simultaneously to these proteins despite the overlap in their primary binding sites. Finally, LIP5 binds preferentially to soluble CHMP5 but instead to polymerized CHMP2A, suggesting that the newly defined interactions between LIP5 and ESCRT-III proteins may be regulated by ESCRT-III conformation. These studies point to a role for direct binding between LIP5 and ESCRT-III proteins that is likely to complement LIP5's previously described ability to regulate VPS4 activity.  相似文献   

The endosomal sorting complex required for transport (ESCRT) is highly conserved in eukaryotic cells and plays an essential role in the biogenesis of multivesicular bodies and cargo degradation to the plant vacuole or lysosomes. Although ESCRT components affect a variety of plant growth and development processes, their impact on leaf development is rarely reported. Here, we found that OsSNF7.2, an ESCRT-III component, controls leaf rolling in rice (Oryza sativa). The Ossnf7.2 mutant rolled leaf 17 (rl17) has adaxially rolled leaves due to the decreased number and size of the bulliform cells. OsSNF7.2 is expressed ubiquitously in all tissues, and its protein is localized in the endosomal compartments. OsSNF7.2 homologs, including OsSNF7, OsSNF7.3, and OsSNF7.4, can physically interact with OsSNF7.2, but their single mutation did not result in leaf rolling. Other ESCRT complex subunits, namely OsVPS20, OsVPS24, and OsBRO1, also interact with OsSNF7.2. Further assays revealed that OsSNF7.2 interacts with OsYUC8 and aids its vacuolar degradation. Both Osyuc8 and rl17 Osyuc8 showed rolled leaves, indicating that OsYUC8 and OsSNF7.2 function in the same pathway, conferring leaf development. This study reveals a new biological function for the ESCRT-III components, and provides new insights into the molecular mechanisms underlying leaf rolling.  相似文献   

We present the first functional analysis of the small GTPase, TbRab7, in Trypanosoma brucei. TbRab7 defines discrete late endosomes closely juxtaposed to the terminal p67(+) lysosome. RNAi indicates that TbRab7 is essential in bloodstream trypanosomes. Initial rates of endocytosis were unaffected, but lysosomal delivery of cargo, including tomato lectin (TL) and trypanolytic factor (TLF) were blocked. These accumulate in a dispersed internal compartment of elevated pH, likely derived from the late endosome. Surface binding of TL but not TLF was reduced, suggesting that cellular distribution of flagellar pocket receptors is differentially regulated by TbRab7. TLF activity was reduced approximately threefold confirming that lysosomal delivery is critical for trypanotoxicity. Unexpectedly, delivery of endogenous proteins, p67 and TbCatL, were unaffected indicating that TbRab7 does not regulate biosynthetic lysosomal trafficking. Thus, unlike mammalian cells and yeast, lysosomal trafficking of endocytosed and endogenous proteins occur via different routes and/or are regulated differentially. TbRab7 silencing had no effect on a cryptic default pathway to the lysosome, suggesting that the default lysosomal reporters p67ΔTM, p67ΔCD and VSGΔGPI do not utilize the endocytic pathway as previously proposed. Surprisingly, conditional knockout indicates that TbRab7 may be non-essential in procyclic insect form trypanosomes.  相似文献   

Ubiquitin ligases of the Nedd4 family regulate membrane protein trafficking by modifying both cargo proteins and the transport machinery with ubiquitin. Here, we investigate the role of the yeast Nedd4 homologue, Rsp5, in protein sorting into vesicles that bud into the multivesicular endosome (MVE) en route to the vacuole. A mutant lacking the Rsp5 C2 domain is unable to ubiquitinate or sort biosynthetic cargo into MVE vesicles, whereas endocytic cargo is ubiquitinated and sorted efficiently. The C2 domain binds specifically to phosphoinositides in vitro and is sufficient for localization to membranes in intact cells. Mutation of a lysine-rich patch on the surface of the C2 domain abolishes membrane interaction and disrupts sorting of biosynthetic cargo. Translational fusion of ubiquitin to a biosynthetic cargo protein alleviates the requirement for the C2 domain in its MVE sorting. These results demonstrate that the C2 domain specifies Rsp5-dependent ubiquitination of endosomal cargo and suggest that Rsp5 function is regulated by membrane phosphoinositides.  相似文献   

Ubiquitination and deubiquitination regulate several essential cellular processes such as protein degradation, cell-cycle progression, signaling, and DNA repair. Given the importance of these processes, it is not surprising that many microbes have developed the means to interfere with different stages of ubiquitin pathways to promote their survival and replication. This review focuses on virulence proteins of bacterial pathogens that mediate these effects and summarizes our current understanding of their actions.  相似文献   

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