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The analysis of glycoproteins in body fluids represents a central task in the study of vital processes. Herein, we assessed the combined use of Concanavalin A and Wheat Germ Agglutinin as ligands to fractionate and enrich glycoproteins from oviductal fluid (OF), which is a source of molecules involved in fertilization. First, the selectivity was corroborated by a gel‐based approach using glycoprotein staining and enzymatic deglycosylation. Nanoliquid chromatography‐tandem mass spectrometry (nLC‐ESI‐MS/MS) further allowed the reliable identification of 134 nonbound as well as 130 lectin‐bound OF proteins. Enrichment analysis revealed that 77% of the annotated proteins in the lectin‐bound fraction were known glycoproteins (p‐value [FDR] = 1.45E‐31). The low variance of the number of peptide spectrum matches for each protein within replicates indicated a consistent reproducibility of the whole workflow (median CV 17.3% for technical replicates and 20.7% for biological replicates). Taken together, this study highlights the applicability of a lectin‐based workflow for the comprehensive analysis of OF proteins and gives for the first time an insight into the broad glycoprotein content of OF.  相似文献   

This work was devoted to probe, at the entire population level, interactions between mucins and Lactococcus lactis, using QCM-D. Real-time monitoring of adsorption on polystyrene of PGM (Pig Gastric Mucin) and subsequent adhesion of L. lactis was performed for IBB477 and MG1820 strains. Measuring simultaneously shifts in resonance frequency and dissipation on the polystyrene-coated crystal demonstrated a two-phase process for PGM adsorption. XPS analysis confirmed the presence of adsorbed mucin. The Voigt-based model was used to describe the QCM-D outputs. The predicted thickness of the PGM layer was consistent with the AFM experimental value. Adhesion of L. lactis to bare or PGM-coated polystyrene was then monitored, in combination with DAPI cell counting. Positive frequency shifts were caused by adhering bacteria. The presence of adsorbed PGM strongly reduced bacterial adhesion. However, adhesion of IBB477 to the PGM coating was greatly increased in comparison with that of MG1820. Muco-adhesion may be a highly variable and valuable phenotypic trait among L. lactis strains.  相似文献   

This work was devoted to probe, at the entire population level, interactions between mucins and Lactococcus lactis, using QCM-D. Real-time monitoring of adsorption on polystyrene of PGM (Pig Gastric Mucin) and subsequent adhesion of L. lactis was performed for IBB477 and MG1820 strains. Measuring simultaneously shifts in resonance frequency and dissipation on the polystyrene-coated crystal demonstrated a two-phase process for PGM adsorption. XPS analysis confirmed the presence of adsorbed mucin. The Voigt-based model was used to describe the QCM-D outputs. The predicted thickness of the PGM layer was consistent with the AFM experimental value. Adhesion of L. lactis to bare or PGM-coated polystyrene was then monitored, in combination with DAPI cell counting. Positive frequency shifts were caused by adhering bacteria. The presence of adsorbed PGM strongly reduced bacterial adhesion. However, adhesion of IBB477 to the PGM coating was greatly increased in comparison with that of MG1820. Muco-adhesion may be a highly variable and valuable phenotypic trait among L. lactis strains.  相似文献   

Abstract: Nerve growth factor (NGF) initiates a pleiotypic response in numerous tissues derived from the neural crest by binding to specific plasma membrane receptors. In sympathetic ganglia this receptor has been characterized as a highly asymmetric, minimally hydrophobic, intrinsic membrane protein with a molecular weight of 135,000 (Costrini et al., 1979b). To further characterize this moiety we assessed the effects of lectins on 125I-NGF specific binding to preparations of particulate and nonionic detergent-extracted micro-somal receptors of rabbit superior cervical ganglia (SCG). Concanavalin A (Con A) and wheat germ agglutinin (WGA), but not soybean agglutinin or Ulex europaeus I, induced a concentration-related, carbohydrate-specific decrease in 125T-NGF binding. Following Con A exposure, 125I-NGF specific binding to particulate SCG receptors was maximally reduced to 23% of control values. WGA similarly reduced NGF binding to particulate microsomal receptors to 37% of control values. Scatchard analysis of growth factor binding following Con A exposure indicated that this lectin effect was principally due to a sixfold reduction in maximum receptor affinity. Lectin-associated impairment of NGF binding was also demonstrated by using a Triton X-100 solubilized receptor preparation. These results provide evidence that the high-affinity-state NGF receptor of SCG is a glycoprotein containing N -acetylglucosamine and α-D-mannopyranoside residues. These residues are probably located in close proximity to the growth factor binding region of the NGF receptor.  相似文献   

A short exposure of human skin fibroblasts to Concanavallin A and wheat germ agglutinin led to an intra- and extracellular accumulation of sulfated glycosaminoglycans. The intracellular accumulation was caused by an impaired degradation of sulfated glycosaminoglycans. The increase of extracellular and cell surface associated 35S-labeled proteoglycans could be ascribed to a lectin-mediated inhibition of endocytosis of these polysaccharides. Results obtained with mono- and divalent Concanavalin A derivatives were in aggreement with the view that lectins inhibit endocytosis of sulfated proteoglycans by binding to the cell surface receptors specific for these polysaccharides. Proteoglycans secreted by fibroblasts formed predipitable complexes with Concanavalin A. Complex formation reduced markedly the uptake of the proteoglycan. All effects on glycosaminoglycan metabolism mediated by Concanavalin A and wheat germ agglutin could be prevented by methyl α-D-mannoside and N-acetylglucosamine, respectively.  相似文献   

Quartz crystal microbalance with dissipation monitoring (QCM-D) was used for continuous in-situ monitoring of cell attachment and growth of Streptococcus mutans as biofilms. Cell attachment and proliferation were monitored within an overnight period of 20 h. Biofilms generated using a 'continuous flow' method had a greater mass and were more dissipative (more viscoelastic) than those established using an 'attach and flow' strategy. Cell numbers (as colony forming units, c.f.u.) in biofilms formed inside the QCM-D device after a 2-h attachment phase and during a 20-h growth period could be related to frequency (f) changes. The percentage surface coverage on the QCM-D crystals by bacteria was estimated using the surface analysis features of the atomic force microscope and image analysis software. Both mean percentage coverage and c.f.u increased after growth of S. mutans. The energy losses displayed by the increases in the dissipative factor (D) indicated an increase in 'softness' of the attached cells. The ratio of D/f was used to provide information of the way in which viscoelasticity changed per unit mass. Flow conditions over the cells on the surface appeared to be important in creating biofilms of a greater complexity and stability and the QCM-D enabled properties of cells during attachment and binding, proliferation and removal to be monitored continuously.  相似文献   

Proteoliposomes encapsulating [14C]glucose have been prepared from a mixture of dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine and phosphatidylinositol by sonication (SUV) and reverse phase evaporation (REV) and conjugated with wheat germ agglutinin (WGA). The proteoliposomes were characterised in terms of size and composition and covered a range of size (weight-average diameter) from approximately 60–330 nm and surface-bound WGA (weight-average number of protein molecules per liposome) from approximately 70 to 3000. Methods have been developed for assessing the extent of adsorption and integrity of the proteoliposomes when targeted to glycophorin A-coated microtitre wells. From the amount of [14C]glucose released by detergent disruption from the adsorbed proteoliposomes it is found that the extent of adsorption increases with proteoliposome size and WGA conjugation and that the integrity of the proteoliposomes remains intact on adsorption. The results can be explained in terms of monolayer coverage of the surface with preferential adsorption of larger proteoliposomes from the size distribution.  相似文献   

Quartz crystal microbalances (QCMB) have been constructed using 10 MHz AT cut quartz crystals coated with heptakis(2,3,6-tri-O-methyl)-β-cyclodextrin, heptakis(6-O-methyl-2,3-di-O-pentyl)-β-cyclodextrin, and octakis(6-O-methyl-2,3-di-O-pentyl)-γ-cyclodextrin as 50% and 20% (w/w) solutions in OV1701. The reduction in frequency seen on exposure of each coated QCMB to pure enantiomeric forms of α- and β-pinene and cis- and trans-pinane show that statistically significant (P = 0.05, n = 7) differences are observed between the enantiomeric pairs. The apparent preferential binding shown by the QCMB for enanciomers of α- and β-pinene and cis- and trans-pinane have been compared with the elution order observed on the corresponding gas chromatographic stationary phase. The magnitude of the observed separation factor (calculated as the ratio of the OV1701 normalised frequency shift) is seen to be dependent upon the chiral stationary phase concentration. These results indicate that on-line determination of enantiomeric excess and concentration of certain monoterpenes is possible at room temperature using QCMB in conjunction with chiral gas chromatographic stationary phases. Chirality 9:225–232, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The quartz crystal microbalance (QCM) has been widely accepted as a sensitive technique to follow adsorption processes in gas as well as in liquid environments. However, there are only a few reports about the use of this technique to monitor the attachment and spreading of mammalian cells onto a solid support in culture. Using a QCM-setup we investigated the time course of cell attachment and spreading as a function of seeding density for three widespread and frequently used cell lines (MDCK strains I and II and Swiss 3T3-fibroblasts). Results were found to be in good agreement with the geometrical properties of the individual cell types. The shifts of the resonance frequency associated with confluent cell layers on top of the quartz resonators were found to be dependent on the cell species [MDCK-I: (320±20) Hz; MDCK-II: (530±25) Hz; 3T3: (240±15) Hz] reflecting their individual influence on the shear oscillation of the resonator. These findings are discussed with respect to the basic models of materials in contact with an oscillating quartz resonator. We furthermore showed by inhibition-assays using soluble RGD-related peptides, that only specific, integrin mediated cell adhesion is detected using this QCM approach, whereas the sole presence of the cellular body in close vicinity to the resonator surface is barely detectable.  相似文献   

Summary Using the label-fracture technique, an ultrastructural comparison was made of the number and distribution of wheat germ agglutinin (WGA)-binding sites between human normal and sickle red blood cells. The WGA was adsorbed to colloidal gold, and quantitative analysis of the electron micrographs revealed that more binding sites were present on the sickle erythrocytes than on the normal erythrocytes. Moreover, the sites were more clustered on the sickle red cells than on the normal red cells. Use of another lectin, Bandieraea simplicifolia-II, revealed that it did not bind to normal or sickle red cells. Because of the affinity of the WGA for sialic acid residues, it is probable that the WGA is binding to a transmembrane sialoglycoprotein, glycophorin A. The conformation and/or distribution of the glycophorin A molecules may be altered by the sickle hemoglobin that binds to the red cell membrane. Hence, as detected by WGA, new surface receptors, which could play a role in the adhesion of sickle cells to endothelium may be exposed.  相似文献   

The quartz crystal microbalance (QCM) was used to monitor endothelial cell (EC) adhesion on the gold surface of an oscillating quartz crystal contained in a QCM device. A number of parameters were investigated. First, we observed differential QCM O-ring toxicities for ECs. Second, appropriate conditions for cell culture and QCM cell environment were identified that can eliminate large-scale frequency oscillations in the measurements. These artifacts are not due to added cells but originate in the time-dependent evaporation of water. Having eliminated these artifacts, we then demonstrated that the measured steady-state crystal frequency shift, Delta f, and motional resistance shift, DeltaR, were determined by the number of firmly attached ECs requiring trypsinization from the crystal surface. Last, following steady-state attachment of ECs, the EC growth stimulation by fibroblast growth factor was monitored in a continuous fashion by measuring f and R values over a 72 h. period. We observed the Delta f values to increase in a way that reflected the increase in EC number bound to the QCM surface. Following addition of ECs to the QCM, the time-dependent increase in DeltaR can be interpreted in terms of increase by the ECs of the energy dissipation properties of the solution at the solution-gold surface interface. This effect is due to their rapid surface attachment and the elaboration of their cytoskeletal properties. These results indicate that the QCM technique can be used for the study of EC attachment and growth and suggest its potential for the real time study of per unit surface area cell mass distribution dynamics and viscoelastic properties and the cells' responses to stresses or perturbations brought about using biologically active molecules.  相似文献   

Proteoglycan (heparan sulfate-protein conjugate) was solubilized with 8 M urea from rat liver plasma membranes after enzymic (RNAase, neuraminidase) treatments and extensively purified by chromatography and gel filtration. The final products gave an average ratio of hexuronate to protein (weight) of approx. 1.5, contained hexosamine equimolar to hexuronate and were sensitive to β-elimination (the molecular weight being reduced from 20 · 104 to 3 · 104 (gel filtration)).The proteoglycan fraction, when added to trypsinized and untrypsinized ascites hepatoma (AH-130F(N)) cells, inhibited the concanavalin A-mediated agglutination of the cells. However, the alkali-treated proteoglycan (β-elimination) or acid mucopolysaccharide fraction prepared from liver plasma membranes by papain digestion were less effective, and a reference preparation of heparan sulfate was almost ineffective. It was confirmed that significant amounts of proteoglycan labelled with 35SO42? were firmly bound to or taken up by the trypsinized ascites hepatoma cells.These results together with the sensitization of lectin-mediated agglutination by mild protease treatment of cells suggest that cell surface proteoglycans may act as a negative modulator in the lectin-mediated agglutination of cells.  相似文献   

Kodama Y  Fujishima M 《Protoplasma》2007,231(1-2):55-63
Summary. Paramecium bursaria cells harbor several hundred symbiotic algae in their cytoplasm. Algae-free cells can be reinfected with algae isolated from algae-bearing cells or cultivated Chlorella species through the digestive vacuoles. To determine the relationship between the infectivity of various Chlorella species and the nature of their cell wall components, algae-free P. bursaria cells were mixed with 15 strains of cultivated Chlorella species and observed for the establishment of endosymbiosis at 1 h and 3 weeks after mixing. Only 2 free-living algal strains, C. sorokiniana C-212 and C. kessleri C-531, were maintained in the host cells, whereas free-living C. sorokiniana C-43, C. kessleri C-208, C. vulgaris C-27, C. ellipsoidea C-87 and C-542, C. saccharophila C-183 and C-169, C. fusca var. vacuolata C-104 and C-28, C. zofingiensis C-111, and C. protothecoides C-150 and C-206 and the cultivated symbiotic Chlorella sp. strain C-201 derived from Spongilla fluviatilis could not be maintained. These infection-incapable strains could escape from the host digestive vacuole but failed to localize beneath the host cell membrane and were eventually digested. Labeling of their cell walls with Alexa Fluor 488-conjugated wheat germ agglutinin, GS-II, or concanavalin A, with or without pretreatment with 0.4 N NaOH, showed no relationship between their infectivity and the stainability with these lectins. Our results indicate that the infectivity of Chlorella species for P. bursaria is not based on the sugar residues on their cell wall and on the alkali-insoluble part of the cell wall components, but on their ability to localize just beneath the host cell membrane after escaping from the host digestive vacuole. Correspondence and reprints: Environmental Science and Engineering, Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Yamaguchi University, Yoshida 1677-1, Yamaguchi 753-8512, Japan.  相似文献   

Summary The binding and uptake of fluorescence labeled wheat germ agglutinin into cytotoxic T-cells was measured by single cell cytophotometric analysis. The intensity of fluorescence in these cells increased continuously over 24 hrs, indicating a permanent turnover of the ligands for WGA. Although the labeling of the cells was intense, no change in the proliferation rate of this interleukin-2 dependent cell line was observed. Therefore no interaction between the interleukin-2 receptor and other receptors regulating the cellular proliferation with the lectin is likely.Abbreviations au arbitary units - CTLL-1 murine cytotoxic interleukin-2 dependent cell line - FCS fetal calf serum - FITC fluoresceinisothiocyanate - HEPES hydroxyethylpiperazine-ethanesulfonic acid - MHC major histocompatibility complex - WGA wheat germ agglutinin  相似文献   

Journal of Biological Physics - The characteristics of cultured cell attachment onto poly-l-lysine (PLL), collagen, and the thermoresponsive polymer poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) (PNIPAM) were...  相似文献   

A. W. Burr  G. W. Beakes 《Protoplasma》1994,181(1-4):142-163
Summary The importance of the surface structure and chemistry in zoospores and cysts of oomycetes is briefly reviewed and the organelle systems associated with encystment described. The surface structure and chemistry of primary and secondary zoospores and cysts ofSaprolegnia diclina (a representative saprophytic species) andS. parasitica (a representative salmonid fish pathogen) were explored using the lectins concanavilin A (Con A) and wheat germ agglutinin (WGA) and monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) raised against a mixed zoospore and cyst suspension ofS. parasitica. The binding of lectins and antibodies to spores was determined using immunofluorescence microscopy with fluorescein isothiocyanate-labelled probes and with electron microscopy with gold-conjugated probes applied to spore suspensions post-fixation. In both species Con A, which is specific for glucose and mannose sugars, bound to both the surface of primary and secondary zoospores (the surface glycocalyx) and their cyst coats and readily induced zoospore encystment. The binding to the cysts appeared to be mainly associated with the matrix material released from the primary and secondary encystment vesicles and which appeared to diminish with time. No binding to germ tube walls was observed with this lectin. The MAb labelling showed a generally similar binding pattern to the primary and secondary cysts to that observed with Con A, although the binding to zoospores was more variable. Primary zoospores bound the antibodies but secondary zoospores appeared less reactive. It is suggested that the MAbs share a common epitope with one or more of the Con A-binding components. In both species WGA, which is specific for amongst other things the sugar N-acetyl glucosamine, bound to localised apical patches on the primary zoospores. This lectin also binds to the ventral groove region of secondary zoospores ofS. diclina, which were induced to encyst by this lectin. In contrast secondary zoospores ofS. parasitica were not induced to encyst by the addition of WGA and showed a patchy dorsal binding with this lectin. WGA also binds to both the inner wall of discharged primary cysts and the young germ tube walls of both species. These observations are discussed both in relation to other oomycete spores and to their possible functional and ecological significance.Abbreviations BSA bovine serum albumin - Con A Concanavalin A - DBA Dolichos biflorus agglutinin - ELISA enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay - EM electron microscope - EV encystment vesicles - FCS foetal calf serum - FITC Fluorescein isothiocyanate - FV peripheral fibrillar vesicles - G+F 0.2% glutaraldehyde and 2.0% formaldehyde primary fixative solution - 2G 2% glutaraldehyde primary fixative - LM light microscopy - MAbs monoclonal antibodies - LPV large peripheral vesicles - PBS phosphate buffered saline - PCV flattened peripheral cisternae - PEV primary encystment vesicle - PIPES piperazine-N,N1-bis(2-ethane sulfonic acid) - PNA Ricinus communis agglutinin - RAM-FITC/Au10–20 Fluorescein isothiocyanate/gold (10 or 20 nm) labelled rabbit anti-mouse immunoglobulin - RCA Ricinus communis agglutinin - SEM scanning electron micrograph - SBA soybean agglutinin - SEV secondary encystment vesicles - TEM transmission electron micrograph - UEA I Ulex europaeus agglutinin - WGA wheat germ agglutinin  相似文献   

The development of multilayered thin film assemblies containing (bio)molecules is driven by the need to miniaturize sensors, reactors, and biochips. Viral nanoparticles (VNPs) have become popular nanobuilding blocks for material fabrication, and our research has focused on the well-characterized plant virus Cowpea mosaic virus (CPMV). In a previous study, we have reported the construction of multilayer VNP assemblies. Here we extend these studies by providing further details on the formation and properties of arrays that are made by the alternating deposition of biotinylated CPMV particles and streptavidin molecules. Array formation was followed in real time by a quartz crystal microbalance with dissipation monitoring. Our data provide indications that multiple interactions between biotin and streptavidin not only promote the assembly of a multilayered structure but also generate cross-links within each layer of CPMV particles. The degree of intralayer and interlayer cross-linking and hence the mechanical properties and order of the array can be modulated by the grafting density and spacer length of the biotin moieties on the CPMV particles.  相似文献   

Teguments from spargana of Spirometra mansonoides were disrupted and removed using 0.2% Triton ×-100. Tegumental fractions were obtained by differential centrifugation and the proteins and glycoproteins of this surface layer were partially characterized in 9 to 20% linear gradient sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide slab gels. Electrophoretic analysis of the microtriches (brush border) and vesicular fractions revealed nine polypeptides that were common to these tegumental fractions. The polypeptide composition of the microtriches and vesicular fractions differed qualitatively and with respect to the relative concentrations of certain polypeptides. Glycopeptides of the microtriches and vesicular fractions were identified by the direct application of the following fluorescein isothiocyanate-conjugated lectins to slab gels: concanavalin A, wheat germ agglutinin, Ricinus communis agglutinin-120, soybean agglutinin, and Ulex europaeus agglutinin-1. The major polypeptides associated with the tegument were found to be glycopeptides. U. europaeus agglutinin-1 failed to label any tegumental glycopeptides. Based on the different sugar specificities of the lectins tested, the oligosaccharide chains of tegumental glycoproteins of S. mansonoides may contain the following carbohydrates: d-mannose, d-glucose, N-acetyl-d-glucosamine, N-acetylneuraminic acid, d-galactose, and N-acetyl-d-galactosamine.  相似文献   

Summary The effect of Con A on the surface morphology of cultured cells of Drosophilia melanogaster growing on coverglasses was examined by scanning electron microscopy. With low lectin concentrations (5–10g/ml) surface filaments disappeared and the cells flattened and spread against the glass surface. Cytoplasmic fusion bridges were observed in areas where cells made contact. Concentrations of Con A ranging between 50–500 g/ml caused cell shrinkage and surface distortions without cell flattening and filament loss. These morphologic effects were not apparent if Con A binding sites were blocked by preincubation with -methyl-D-mannopyranoside before application to the cell cultures. However, once the Con A-mediated changes were in effect, the cells failed to show recovery when they were returned to growth medium and a majority of the cells on the coverglasses degenerated. Presumably the cells whose morphology appears unaffected by Con A treatment are the survivors that repopulate cultures returned to growth medium.Supported by Grants CA-12600 and CA 16619 awarded by the National Cancer Institute, DREW and in part by NIH Biomedical Sciences Grant No. RR-07050. CAA's participation in this project was supported by Training Grant No. 5T01-GM-71-17We wish to thank Dr. Imogene Schneider for providing the cell lines  相似文献   

The quartz crystal microbalance (QCM) was used to create a piezoelectric biosensor utilizing living endothelial cells (ECs) as the biological signal transduction element. ECs adhere to the hydrophilically treated gold QCM surface under growth media containing serum. At 24 h following cell addition, calibration curves were constructed relating the steady state Δf and ΔR shift values observed to the numbers of electronically counted cells requiring trypsinization to be removed from the surface. We then utilized this EC QCM biosensor for the detection of the effect of [nocodazole] on the steady state Δf and ΔR shift values. Nocodazole, a known microtubule binding drug, alters the cytoskeletal properties of living cells. At the doses used in these studies (0.11–15 μM), nocodazole, in a dose dependent fashion, causes the depolymerization of microtubules in living cells. This leads a monolayer of well spread ECs to gradually occupy a smaller area, lose cell to cell contact, exhibit actin stress fibers at the cell periphery and acquire a rounded cell shape. We observed the negative Δf shift values and the positive ΔR shift values to increase significantly in magnitude over a 4-h incubation period following nocodazole addition, in a dose dependent fashion, with a transition midpoint of 900 nM. Fluorescence microscopy of the ECs, fixed on the gold QCM surface and stained for actin, demonstrated that the shape and cytoskeleton of ECs were affected by as little as 330 nM nocodazole. These results indicate that the EC QCM biosensor can be used for the study of EC attachment and to detect EC cytoskeletal alterations. We suggest the potential of this cellular biosensor for the real time identification or screening of all classes of biologically active drugs or biological macromolecules that affect cellular attachment, regardless of their molecular mechanism of action.  相似文献   

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