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The palisade endings (PEs), a particular type of nerve ending found only in extraocular muscles of mammals, have been studied using both silver-stained teased preparations and electron microscope techniques. They have been found, in act, in both the proximal and distal muscle insertions of the four recti and the two oblique mucles. PEs are exclusively associated with some of the mitochondria-poor, multiply-innervated muscle fibres present in the globar layer os these muscles, and consist of a multitude of terminal branches embracing the extremity of the muscle fibre and penetrating the infoldings formed by the muscle fibre at its tendinous attachment. The whole formation is surrounded by a thin capsule. These nerve endings present striking similarities to the developing Golgi tendon organ; the terminal branches lying among the collagen fibrils and occasionally making 'sensory-like' close contacts with the muscle fibre are disposed in such a way that they could easily have a sensory role. It was concluded that PEs present sufficient morphological evidence to be considered as sensory, encapsulated, myotendinous receptors, each related to a single multiply-innervated muscle fibre.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present works was to clarify whether the cranial nerves III, IV and VI carry proprioceptive afferent fibres from the extrinsic ocular muscles. In sheep the picture is now clear. The cranial nerves III, IV and VI carry many large proprioceptive fibres (12-16 micrometer) to the central nervous system. These nerves also contain many small fibres of the y-range (2-6 micrometer) which innervate the intrafusal muscle fibres in the spindles. In man the picture is still vague: most of the spindles are not typical, the large proprioceptive fibres (12-16 micrometer) and the small y-fibres (2-6 micrometer) are very few in the cranial nerves III, IV and VI. It is to be concluded that in sheep the cranial nerves III, IV and VI are not purely motor nerves to the extrinsic ocular muscles, but they also carry many of the large fibres of the proprioceptive function. In man, such large fibres are not found and the pathway of proprioceptive afferents from the orbital muscles is still not certain.  相似文献   

This review examines the evidence that skeletal muscles can sense the status of the peripheral vascular network through group III and IV muscle afferent fibers. The anatomic and neurophysiological basis for such a mechanism is the following: 1) a significant portion of group III and IV afferent fibers have been found in the vicinity and the adventitia of the arterioles and the venules; 2) both of these groups of afferent fibers can respond to mechanical stimuli; 3) a population of group III and IV fibers stimulated during muscle contraction has been found to be inhibited to various degrees by arterial occlusion; and 4) more recently, direct evidence has been obtained showing that a part of the group IV muscle afferent fibers is stimulated by venous occlusion and by injection of vasodilatory agents. The physiological relevance of sensing local distension of the vascular network at venular level in the muscles is clearly different from that of the large veins, since the former can directly monitor the degree of tissue perfusion. The possible involvement of this sensing mechanism in respiratory control is discussed mainly in the light of the ventilatory effects of peripheral vascular occlusions during and after muscular exercise. It is proposed that this regulatory system anticipates the chemical changes that would occur in the arterial blood during increased metabolic load and attempts to minimize them by adjusting the level of ventilation to the level of muscle perfusion, thus matching the magnitudes of the peripheral and pulmonary gas exchange.  相似文献   

The reflex pressor response evoked by static muscular contraction is widely believed to be caused by the stimulation of group III and IV afferents. Although the specific nature of the contraction-induced stimulus to these thin-fiber afferents is unknown, they are thought to be stimulated in part by a condition arising from a mismatch between blood supply and demand in the exercising muscle. Hypoxia, a condition found in skeletal muscle during such a mismatch, may stimulate these afferents. We have therefore tested the hypothesis that perfusion of the triceps surae muscles with hypoxic blood stimulates group III and IV afferents in barbiturate-anesthetized cats. We found that 3-3.5 min of hypoxia with the triceps surae muscles at rest significantly (P < 0.05) increased the average discharge rate of contraction-sensitive group IV afferents but had no effect on the average discharge rate of contraction-sensitive group III afferents. Hypoxia had only trivial effects on the discharge of contraction-insensitive group III and IV afferents. Hypoxia stimulated 4 of 11 contraction-sensitive group IV afferents and 2 of 13 contraction-sensitive group III afferents. The responses of the afferents stimulated by hypoxia were small in magnitude. Hypoxia with the muscles at rest appeared to have no effect on either hydrogen or lactate ion concentrations in the femoral venous blood. In addition, hypoxia increased the responses to contraction in only 3 of 22 group III and 4 of 21 group IV afferents tested. We conclude that muscle tissue hypoxia is a minor stimulus to afferents that sense a mismatch between blood supply and demand during static contraction.  相似文献   

Purinergic receptors are present in most tissues and thought to be involved in various signalling pathways, including neural signalling, cell metabolism and local regulation of the microcirculation in skeletal muscles. The present study aims to determine the distribution and intracellular content of purinergic receptors in skeletal muscle fibres in patients with type 2 diabetes and age-matched controls. Muscle biopsies from vastus lateralis were obtained from six type 2 diabetic patients and seven age-matched controls. Purinergic receptors were analysed using light and confocal microscopy in immunolabelled transverse sections of muscle biopsies. The receptors P2Y(4), P2Y(11) and likely P2X(1) were present intracellularly or in the plasma membrane of muscle fibres and were thus selected for further detailed morphological analysis. P2X(1) receptors were expressed in intracellular vesicles and sarcolemma. P2Y(4) receptors were present in sarcolemma. P2Y(11) receptors were abundantly and diffusely expressed intracellularly and were more explicitly expressed in type I than in type II fibres, whereas P2X(1) and P2Y(4) showed no fibre-type specificity. Both diabetic patients and healthy controls showed similar distribution of receptors. The current study demonstrates that purinergic receptors are located intracellularly in human skeletal muscle fibres. The similar cellular localization of receptors in healthy and diabetic subjects suggests that diabetes is not associated with an altered distribution of purinergic receptors in skeletal muscle fibres. We speculate that the intracellular localization of purinergic receptors may reflect a role in regulation of muscle metabolism; further studies are nevertheless needed to determine the function of the purinergic system in skeletal muscle cells.  相似文献   

Golgi tendon organs are encapsulated mechanoreceptors present at the myo-tendinous and myo-aponeurotic junctions of mammalian skeletal muscles. Within the tendon organ capsule, the terminal branches of a large diameter afferent fibre, called Ib fibre, are intertwined with collagen bundles in continuity with tendon or aponeurosis at one end. The other end is connected with a fascicle of 5-25 muscle fibres, contributed by several motor units. The contraction of these fibres, exerting strain on the collagenous bundle and causing deformation of sensory terminals, is the adequate stimulus of the tendon organ. For this stimulus, the tendon organ has a very low threshold, so that a single fibre twitch can elicit a discharge from the receptor. A tendon organ can thus signal the contraction of a single one of the 10-15 motor units which contribute fibres to the fascicle connected with the receptor. The number of tendon organs present in a muscle, taken together with the fact that a given motor unit can activate several tendon organs, strongly suggests that the contraction of every motor unit in this muscle is monitored by at least one tendon organ. The exact nature of the information provided by tendon organs to the central nervous system remains an open question because no simple relation could be established between the discharge frequency of a receptor and the contractile forces of its activating motor units. It is known, however, that, due to their dynamic sensitivity, tendon organs are efficient in signaling rapid variations of contractile force. The dynamic parameters of muscle contraction prevail in the information carried by afferent discharges from tendons organs.  相似文献   

Heart rate and blood pressure are elevated at the onset and throughout the duration of dynamic or static exercise. These neurally mediated cardiovascular adjustments to physical activity are regulated, in part, by a peripheral reflex originating in contracting skeletal muscle termed the exercise pressor reflex. Mechanically sensitive and metabolically sensitive receptors activating the exercise pressor reflex are located on the unencapsulated nerve terminals of group III and group IV afferent sensory neurons, respectively. Mechanoreceptors are stimulated by the physical distortion of their receptive fields during muscle contraction and can be sensitized by the production of metabolites generated by working skeletal myocytes. The chemical by-products of muscle contraction also stimulate metaboreceptors. Once activated, group III and IV sensory impulses are transmitted to cardiovascular control centers within the brain stem where they are integrated and processed. Activation of the reflex results in an increase in efferent sympathetic nerve activity and a withdrawal of parasympathetic nerve activity. These actions result in the precise alterations in cardiovascular hemodynamics requisite to meet the metabolic demands of working skeletal muscle. Coordinated activity by this reflex is altered after the development of cardiovascular disease, generating exaggerated increases in sympathetic nerve activity, blood pressure, heart rate, and vascular resistance. The basic components and operational characteristics of the reflex, the techniques used in human and animals to study the reflex, and the emerging evidence describing the dysfunction of the reflex with the advent of cardiovascular disease are highlighted in this review.  相似文献   

EXTENSIVE morphological, histochemical and electrophysiological studies have been made on skeletal muscles at varying stages of motor reinnervation. But in spite of the physiological significance of muscle receptors in controlling skeletal muscle activity, there have been no detailed studies of their reinnervation. We have therefore investigated the functional and structural characteristics of muscle spindles associated with their sensory reinnervation.  相似文献   

The skeletal isoform of Ca2+ release channel, RyR1, plays a central role in activation of skeletal muscle contraction. Another isoform, RyR3, has been observed recently in some mammalian skeletal muscles, but whether it participates in regulating skeletal muscle contraction is not known. The expression of RyR3 in skeletal muscles was studied in mice from late fetal stages to adult life. RyR3 was found to be expressed widely in murine skeletal muscles during the post-natal phase of muscle development, but was not detectable in muscles of adult mice, with the exception of the diaphragm and soleus muscles. RyR3 knockout mice were generated, and it was shown that skeletal muscle contraction in these mice was impaired during the first weeks after birth. In skeletal muscles isolated from newborn RyR3(-/- )mice, but not in those from adult mice, the twitch elicited by electrical stimulation and the contracture induced by caffeine were strongly depressed. These results provide the first evidence that RyR3 has a physiological role in excitation-contraction coupling of neonatal skeletal muscles. The disproportion between the low amount of RyR3 and the large impact of the RyR3 knockout suggests that this isoform contributes to the amplification of Ca2+ released by the existing population of ryanodine receptors (RyR1).  相似文献   

Airway smooth muscle tone is reinforced during the inspiratory phase of the breathing cycle and depends largely from neurogenic motor drive carried by the vagus nerve. This muscle tone seems to be produced mostly by a vago-vagal reflex loop initiated by the tonic discharge of tracheo-bronchial and/or alveolar receptors connected to thin sensory vagal fibres (non-myelinated or C-fibres). Inhibitory influences carried by large myelinated vagal fibres connected to tracheobronchial stretch receptors and also numerous afferents from the upper airways, systemic and pulmonary circulation, digestive tract and skeletal and respiratory muscles participate to the modulation of airway tone. The identification of neurotransmitters specific of the motor or sensory pathways helps to understand the peripheral modulation of airway motor drive and also the central integration of some peripheral informations.  相似文献   

Phase-modulated rotating-frame imaging (p.m.r.f.i.), a localization technique for 31P-n.m.r. spectroscopy, has been applied to obtain information on the heterogeneity of phosphorus-containing metabolites and pH in the skeletal muscle of control and streptozotocin-diabetic rats. Using this method, the metabolic changes in four spatially resolved longitudinal slices (where slice I is superficial and slice IV is deep muscle) through the ankle flexor muscles have been investigated at rest and during steady-state isometric twitch-contraction at 2 Hz. At rest, intracellular pH was lower, and phosphocreatine (PCr)/ATP was higher, throughout the muscle mass in diabetic compared with control animals. The change in PCr/ATP in diabetic muscle correlated with a decrease in the chemically determined ATP concentration. During the muscle stimulation period, the decrease in pH observed in diabetic muscle at rest was maintained, but not exacerbated, by the contractile stimulus. Stimulation of muscle contraction caused more marked changes in PCr/(PCr + Pi), PCr/ATP and Pi/ATP in the diabetic group. These changes were most evident in slice III, which contains the greatest proportion of fast glycolytic-oxidative (type IIa) fibres, in which statistically significant differences were observed for all metabolite ratios. The results presented suggest that some degree of heterogeneity occurs in diabetic skeletal muscle in vivo with respect to the extent of metabolic dysfunction caused by the diabetic insult and that regions of the muscle containing high proportions of type IIa fibres appear to be most severely affected.  相似文献   

Oestrogen receptor β (ERβ) is expressed in human skeletal muscle tissue. In the present study, we have developed an immunohistochemical method to reveal if ERβ is located within the muscle fibres as well as within capillaries. Skeletal muscle biopsies were obtained from m. quadriceps femoris vastus lateralis in four healthy young subjects. Immunohistochemical triple staining was applied to transverse sections of paraffin-wax-embedded tissue. The basement membrane of muscle fibres and capillaries was identified by using an antibody to collagen IV, endothelial cells using an antibody to CD34 and ERβ using a corresponding antibody. The ERβ-positive (ERβ+) nuclei were located within the muscle fibre defined by the localisation of collagen IV. ERβ+ nuclei were also, for the first time, found in endothelial cells of capillaries in skeletal muscle tissue. Quantification was performed on transverse cryostat sections after performing a double staining (collagen IV and ERβ). It was shown that 24% of the ERβ+ nuclei were located within capillaries, and 76% were located within muscle fibres. In conclusion, ERβ in human skeletal muscle tissue is expressed not only in the muscle fibres themselves, but also within the capillary endothelial cells. This observation might improve understanding of the physiological role of oestrogen and its receptor.  相似文献   

Summary A double labelling technique has been developed which permits the concomitant localization of basal lamina constituents together with acetylcholinesterase in mouse skeletal muscles. First, using the protein A-gold technique, type IV collagen and laminin were revealed on basal laminae ensheathing skeletal muscle fibres. The immunolabelling for both proteins was higher in synaptic than extrasynaptic regions. At synaptic sites the anti-type IV collagen immunolabelling exhibited an asymmetry; it was more intense on the portion of basal lamina closest to the postsynaptic membrane, whereas the anti-laminin immunolabelling was more uniformly distributed. It was also observed that the laminin immunoreactivity associated with Schwann and perineural cells was higher than that of skeletal muscle fibres. Secondly, the two basal lamina antigens were revealed simultaneously with another synaptic protein, acetylcholinesterase, using a refined cytochemical technique prior to the immunolabelling. The cytochemical reaction, which facilitates the location of endplates, did not alter the immunolabelling pattern. This double labelling procedure permits ready comparison of the distributions of type IV collagen and laminin with that of acetylcholinesterase, and may prove to be a useful approach in studies on synaptic components in developing and diseased muscle.  相似文献   

Skeletal muscle functions regulated by NO are now firmly established. However, the knowledge about the NO synthase (NOS) expression related to a defined fibre type in human skeletal muscles necessitates further clarification. To address this issue, we examined localization of NOS isoforms I, II and III, in human skeletal muscles employing immunocytochemical labeling with tyramide signal amplification complemented with enzyme histochemistry and Western blotting. The NOS immunoreactivity was related to fibre types of different classification systems: physiological classification into slow and fast, ATPase classification into I, IIA, IIAX, IIX, and physiological-metabolic classification into slow-oxidative (SO), fast-oxidative glycolytic (FOG) and fast-glycolytic (FG). We found a correlation of NOS I–III immunoreactivity to metabolic defined fibre types with strong expression in FOG fibres. This implies that NO as modulator of muscle function is involved in oxidative metabolism in connection with fast force development, which only occurs in FOG fibres. The NOS expression showed no correlation to ATPase fibre subtypes due to the metabolic heterogeneity of ATPase fibre types. Healthy and affected vastus medialis muscles after anterior cruciate ligament rupture revealed similar NOS expression level as shown by Western blotting with, however, different expression patterns related to the fibre types in affected muscles. This suggests an altered modulation of force development in the fibres of diseased muscles.  相似文献   

Cyclooxygenase products accumulate in statically contracting muscles to stimulate group III and IV afferents. The role played by these products in stimulating thin fiber muscle afferents during dynamic exercise is unknown. Therefore, in decerebrated cats, we recorded the responses of 17 group III and 12 group IV triceps surae muscle afferents to dynamic exercise, evoked by stimulation of the mesencephalic locomotor region. Each afferent was tested while the muscles were freely perfused and while the circulation to the muscles was occluded. The increases in group III and IV afferent activity during dynamic exercise while the circulation to the muscles was occluded were greater than those during exercise while the muscles were freely perfused (P < 0.01). Indomethacin (5 mg/kg iv), a cyclooxygenase blocker, reduced the responses to dynamic exercise of the group III afferents by 42% when the circulation to the triceps surae muscles was occluded (P < 0.001) and by 29% when the circulation was not occluded (P = 0.004). Likewise, indomethacin reduced the responses to dynamic exercise of group IV afferents by 34% when the circulation was occluded (P < 0.001) and by 18% when the circulation was not occluded (P = 0.026). Before indomethacin, the activity of the group IV, but not group III, afferents was significantly higher during postexercise circulatory occlusion than during rest (P < 0.05). After indomethacin, however, group IV activity during postexercise circulatory occlusion was not significantly different from group IV activity during rest. Our data suggest that cyclooxygenase products play a role both in sensitizing group III and IV afferents during exercise and in stimulating group IV afferents during postexercise circulatory occlusion.  相似文献   

Transplantation of muscle precursor cells (mpc) has been suggested as a treatment for myopathies, such as Duchenne muscular dystrophy. Irradiation of skeletal muscle with 16-20 Gy prevents muscle regeneration and also augments muscle formation from implanted muscle precursor cells (mpc). However, when mdx nu/nu mouse muscles are preirradiated at 0.73 Gy/min rather than at 1.29 Gy/min prior to their injection with normal mpc, significantly more muscle fibres of donor origin are formed. This suggests that the rate at which irradiation is delivered has a physiological effect on the muscle. Although it would not be feasible to irradiate a patient's muscles prior to mpc implantation, once the factor(s) which are altered in irradiated muscle have been identified, it might be possible to use these to increase the success of myoblast transplantation.  相似文献   

Autonomic innervation of receptors and muscle fibres in cat skeletal muscle   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Cat hindlimb muscles, deprived of their somatic innervation, have been examined with fluorescence and electron microscopy and in teased, silver preparations; normal diaphragm muscles have been examined with electron microscopy only. An autonomic innervation was found to be supplied to both intra- and extrafusal muscle fibres. It is not present in all muscle spindles and is not supplied at all to tendon organs. Fluorescence microscopy revealed a noradrenergic innervation distributed to extrafusal muscle fibres and some spindles. On the basis of the vesicle content of varicosities the extrafusal innervation was identified as noradrenergic (32 axons traced), and the spindle innervation as involving noradrenergic, cholinergic and non-adrenergic axons (14 traced). Some of the noradrenergic axons that innervate spindles and extrafusal muscle fibres are branches of axons that also innervate blood vessels. We cannot say whether there are any noradrenergic axons that are exclusively distributed to intra- or extrafusal muscle fibres. The varicosities themselves may be in neuroeffective association with striated muscle fibres only, or with both striated fibres and the smooth muscle cells in the walls of blood vessels. The functional implications of this direct autonomic innervation of muscle spindles and skeletal muscle fibres are discussed and past work on the subject is evaluated.  相似文献   

The differentiation of both original muscle fibres and the regenerated muscle fibres following necrosis in mdx muscles was investigated using immunoblotting and immunocytochemical procedures. Before the onset of necrosis, postnatal skeletal muscles in mdx mouse differentiated well with only a slight delay in differentiation indicated by the level of developmental isoforms of troponin T. Prior to the onset of apparent myopathic change, both fast and slow skeletal muscle fibre types in mdx leg muscles also differentiated well when investigated by analysis of specific myosin heavy chain expression pattern. While the original muscle fibres in mdx leg muscles developed well, the differentiation of regenerated myotubes into both slow and distinct fast muscle fibre types, however, was markedly delayed or inhibited as indicated by several clusters of homogeneously staining fibres even at 14 weeks of age. The number of slow myosin heavy chain-positive myotubes amongst the regenerated muscle clusters was quite small even in soleus. This study thus established that while muscle fibres initially develop normally with only a slight delay in the differentiation process, the differentiation of regenerated myotubes in mdx muscles is markedly compromised and consequently delayed.  相似文献   

In this study we have shown that the skeletal muscle fibres from adult (older than 26 weeks) mdx mice have gross structural deformities. We have characterized the onset and age dependence of this feature in mdx mice. The three dimensional structure of these deformities has been visualized in isolated fibres and the orientation of these deformities was determined within the muscle by confocal laser scanning microscopy. We have also shown that the occurrence of morphologically abnormal fibres is greater in muscles with longer fibres (extensor digitorum longus (EDL) and soleus, 6-7.3 mm long), than in muscles with shorter fibres (flexor digitorum brevis (FDB), 0.3-0.4 mm long). A population of post-degenerative fibres, with both central and peripheral nuclei coexistent along the length of the fibre, has also been identified in the muscles studied. We showed that a mild protocol of lengthening (eccentric) contractions (the muscle was stretched by 12% during a tetanic contraction) caused a major reduction in the maximal tetanic force subsequently produced by mdx EDL muscle. In contrast, maximal tetanic force production in normal soleus, normal EDL and mdx soleus muscles was not altered by this protocol. We suggest that the deformed fast glycolytic fibres which are found in adult mdx EDL but not in adult mdx soleus muscles are the population of fibres damaged by the lengthening protocol.  相似文献   

Three monoclonal antibodies, LM5, F2 and F39 raised to chicken fast skeletal muscle myosin, specific for myosin heavy chain (MHC) subunit, were used to study the composition and distribution of this protein in some vertebrate skeletal muscles. These antibodies in immunohistochemical investigations did not react with the majority of the type I fibres in most muscles. Antibodies LM5 and F39 stained all the type II fibres in all the adult chicken skeletal muscles studied. Antibody F2 also stained all the type II fibres in most chicken skeletal muscles tested except in gastrocnemius in which a proportion of both the type IIA and IIB fibres either did not stain or stained only weakly. Antibody F2 unlike LM5 and F39 stained most of the type IIIB fibres in anterior latissimus dorsi (ALD) and IB fibres in red strip of chicken Pectoralis muscle. Antibodies LM5 and F2 in the rat diaphragm reacted with all the type IIA and IIB fibres, while antibody F39 stained only the type IIB fibres darkly with most IIA fibres being either not stained or only weakly stained. In the rat extensor digitorum longus (EDL) and tibialis anterior (TA) muscles, antibody LM5 stained all the IIA and IIB fibres. Antibody F2 in these muscles stained all the type IIA fibres but only a proportion of the IIB fibres. The remaining IIB fibres were either unstained or only weakly positive. Antibody F39 in rat EDL and TA muscles did not only distinguish subgroups of IIB fibres (dark, intermediate and negative or very weak) but also of the IIA fibres. These three antibodies used together therefore detected a great deal of heterogeneity in the myosin heavy chain composition and muscle fibre types of several skeletal muscles.  相似文献   

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