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The volumes from which 3H-labelled dextrans are excluded by dermal collagenous fibres were calculated by dilution of dextran probes. Five dextrans, of average Stokes' radii 1.72, 2.53, 3.92, 4.54 and 14.24nm, were investigated at concentrations between 0.1 and 3% (w/w). The excluded volume was dependent on dextran concentration only for the two smaller probes. The largest dextran was shown not to bind to the fibres. A plot of the square root of excluded volume against Stokes' radius was linear for the four smallest dextrans, corresponding to the predictions of Ogston's [(1958) Trans. Faraday Soc. 54, 1754--1757] rod-and-sphere model of fibrous exclusion, and suggesting that dextrans of Stokes' radius between 1.72 and 4.54 nm were excluded by a cylindrical solid fibre of radius 2.90 +/- 0.72 nm. Larger molecules were excluded by a structure of much greater size, since the volume exclusion for the largest dextran was only slightly greater than that of the dextran less than one-third its radius. The excluded volume of 3H2O fell slightly below the line describing the dextran data, indicating that water had access to most of the volume not occupied by the collagenous fibres.  相似文献   

Collagen synthesis has been studied in preserved autologous and homologous tendon grafts, applied in dogs. The stages of collagen morphogenesis observed in the synthetizing fibroblasts appearing in the decomposing original structure of the transplants as well as in the extracellular ground substance are described. The results suggest that autologous tendon grafts and homologous ones preserved by irradiation, stored in cold physiological saline and beta-propiolactone, are rebuilt within eight weeks; meanwhile the original collagenous fibre structure is decomposed. When other preserving procedures such as deep-freezing or gamma irradiation are applied recomposition of the graft is retarded or fails to occur; the result is a cicatrizing adhesion.  相似文献   

Preparations of dermal collagenous fibres and slices of human dermis have been equilibrated with 125I-labelled monomeric human serum albumin. The space inaccessible to the albumin in the fibres and in the dermis was determined by subtraction of the accessible space, calculated from the radioactivity of the specimen, from its total fluid. For a fibre preparation examined in detail, the fluid exclusion was independent of the concentration of either albumin or collagen. Binding of albumin to the fibres was not demonstrable. Three fibre preparations excluded albumin from 3.75 +/- 0.96, 3.55 +/- 0.67, and 2.05 +/- 0.39 g of fluid/g of collagen (+/-S.D.). Slices from three specimens of dermis excluded albumin from 1.45 +/- 0.08 g of fluid/g of insoluble solids or 1.57 +/- 0.11 g of fluid/g of collagen (+/-S.D.). Thus the exclusion of albumin by dermis was much less than expected from its content of collagenous fibres. On the basis of these data and the published composition of dermis, the concentration of albumin in the accessible interstitial space was estimated to be close to that in the plasma.  相似文献   

K A Santarius 《Cryobiology》1982,19(2):200-210
The cryoprotective properties of dextrans have been investigated in freezing experiments with isolated spinach thylakoids (Spinacia oleracea L.). The activity of cyclic photophosphorylation was used as an assay for membrane integrity.Dextrans of average molecular weights between 10,000 and 70,000 daltons proved to be fairly nontoxic to chloroplast membranes. On a molar basis, cryoprotective action increased with increasing molecular weight; on a unit weight basis, the cryoprotective effectiveness of different dextrans was comparable. In the presence of low dextran concentrations which are not sufficient for complete membrane preservation, the effectiveness of the polymers could be considerably increased by the addition of electrolytes. This is in contrast to cryoprotection exerted by sugars. At a given dextran concentration, membrane activity is a function of the electrolyte concentration and follows an optimum curve. If membrane-toxic action of the electrolytes and salt crystallization during freezing which complicate the situation, are not taken into consideration, the increase in membrane protection during freezing by salts was dependent on the concentration of the salts and was not much influenced by the nature of the cations and anions. At 0 °C, dextrans delayed the inactivation of thylakoids suspended in NaCl solutions.From the results it is concluded that cryoprotection produced by dextrans is caused in part by specific membrane stabilization.  相似文献   

The water-soluble (dextran S) and less water-soluble (dextran L) dextrans elaborated by Leuconostoc mesenteroides NRRL B-1299 contain α-d-glucopyranose residues linked through positions 1 and 6, 1 and 3, as well as 1, 2, and 6. The approximate number of terminal non-reducing d-glucose residues and those linked through positions 1 and 6, 1 and 3, as well as 1, 2, and 6 in the average repeating-unit of dextran S are 5, 4, 1, and 5. The corresponding figures for dextran L are 5, 4, 3, and 5.  相似文献   

A procedure commonly used to transform native adult human hemoglobin (Hb) into a physiological oxygen carrier consists of a pyridoxylation of the protein to lower its oxygen affinity, followed by its polymerization in the presence of glutaraldehyde, with or without further reduction, to increase its circulating half-life. This series of reactions yields derivatives presenting a great molecular heterogeneity that have to be fractionated for use in vivo. Hemoglobin derivatives with low oxygen affinity and a narrow distribution of molecular weights were obtained by linking a dextran polyaldehydic derivative to deoxyhemoglobin at pH 8. From oxygen-binding measurements carried out in the presence of inositolhexaphosphate, a strong effector of hemoglobin, it appeared that the allosteric site of hemoglobin was blocked, probably by crosslinking bonds, which stabilizes its deoxy structure. On the other hand, when the reaction was performed in the presence of inositolhexaphosphate, the resulting conjugates exhibited an oxygen affinity identical to that of unmodified hemoglobin. After treatment with NaBH4, the polymer-hemoglobin derivatives were stable and possessed a reversible oxygen-carrying capacity similar to that of blood. The conjugates prepared from oxyhemoglobin all possessed a lower P50 than native hemoglobin whatever the reaction conditions.  相似文献   

Predentine obtained from bovine teeth by microdissection was solubilized by cyanogen bromide cleavage. The electrophoretic mobility of the resultant peptides was established on polyacrylamide gel and the amino acid composition of several peptides was determined. The data clearly indicated that this collagen is entirely of the Type I genetic species. No differences were detected between the predentine and dentine collagens except that the mature tissue was more highly crosslinked. Nevertheless the amount of stable cross-link formed in the predentine was higher than expected for an immature tissue.  相似文献   

Sonicated dispersions (liposomes) of natural and synthetic phospholipids are aggregated reversibly by Dextrans 40, 110 and 500. The dextran concentration required for aggregation is dependent on chain length, lipid composition of the liposome and, for ionically-charged phospholipids, the ionic strength of the medium. The results indicate that adsorption of dextrans to the erythrocyte surface can occur by interaction with surface phospholipid substituents.  相似文献   

Schistosomula of Schistosoma mansoni develop the ability to ingest and digest red blood cells after the fourth day post-transformation. Here, we have used fluorescently-labeled dextrans and two plasma proteins, albumin and IgG, to test whether day-old schistosomula can ingest and process macromolecules prior to the time that they eat red cells. Worms ingested dextrans of molecular weights 4,000, 70,000 and 2 x 10(6) in a time- and concentration-dependent manner. The dextran remained in the cecal lumen for up to 2 days after feeding. Parasites ingested both fluorescein-conjugated bovine serum albumin and rabbit IgG, but neither of these proteins remained confined to the cecum over time. Instead, fluorescence redistributed to the acetabular glands within a few hours. Thin-layer chromatography indicated that schistosomula degraded fluorescein-conjugated albumin to fluorescein-conjugated peptides approximately 10-15 amino acids long. The volume of the cecum was estimated to be 2431 microns 3 and the surface area 299 microns 2. These results demonstrate that larval schistosomes can ingest both proteins and complex carbohydrates shortly after transformation, before they can ingest red cells. Further, the gut apparently releases proteases that cleave plasma proteins, but not saccharidases that cleave dextran.  相似文献   

Summary Derivatized dextrans exert a stimulatory effect on the in vitro growth of human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVEC). Measurements of growth were monitored by [3H]thymidine uptake and cell numbers. Our results show that some derivatized dextrans at 4 μg/ml (88 nM) increase the [3H]thymidine incorporation, whereas starting dextran (40 000 Da), dextran sulfate, and carboxymethyl dextran have no effect. In addition, heparin under similar experimental conditions shows a slight inhibitory effect on the HUVEC growth. The stimulatory effect of derivatized dextrans was also found when HUVEC grew during 7 days in medium containing 2% fetal bovine serum. We also observed that derivatized dextrans had no effect on the mitogenic activity of acidic fibroblast growth factor, a mitogenic factor for several cell types including HUVEC. By assessment of [3H]thymidine uptake at 48 h without serum, we concluded that the exogenous growth factors were not involved in the proliferative activity of these components. The stimulatory effects are related to the chemical nature and the proportion of substituents on the synthetic polysaccharides. The data indicate that benzylamide sulfonated groups play a key role in the stimulation of HUVEC growth. Neither carboxyl nor sulfate groups alone exhibit this effect. Thus, the stimulatory capacity of dextran derivatives depends strongly on the respective ratios of the functional groups.  相似文献   

The permeability barrier of nuclear pore complexes (NPCs) controls all exchange of macromolecules between the cytoplasm and the cell nucleus. It consists of phenylalanine-glycine (FG) repeat domains apparently organized as an FG hydrogel. It has previously been demonstrated that an FG hydrogel derived from the yeast nucleoporin Nsp1p reproduces the selectivity of authentic NPCs. Here we combined time-resolved optical spectroscopy and X-ray scattering techniques to characterize such a gel. The data suggest a hierarchy of structures that form during gelation at the expense of unstructured elements. On the largest scale, protein-rich domains with a correlation length of ~16.5 nm are evident. On a smaller length scale, aqueous channels with an average diameter of ~3 nm have been found, which possibly represent the physical structures accounting for the passive sieving effect of nuclear pores. The protein-rich domains contain characteristic β-structures with typical inter-β-strand and inter-β-sheet distances of 1.3 and 0.47 nm, respectively. During gelation, the formation of oligomeric associates is accompanied by the transfer of phenylalanines into a hydrophobic microenvironment, supporting the view that this process is driven by a hydrophobic collapse.  相似文献   



Despite a long history of investigation, considerable debate revolves around whether Neanderthals became extinct because of climate change or competition with anatomically modern humans (AMH).

Methodology/Principal Findings

We apply a new methodology integrating archaeological and chronological data with high-resolution paleoclimatic simulations to define eco-cultural niches associated with Neanderthal and AMH adaptive systems during alternating cold and mild phases of Marine Isotope Stage 3. Our results indicate that Neanderthals and AMH exploited similar niches, and may have continued to do so in the absence of contact.


The southerly contraction of Neanderthal range in southwestern Europe during Greenland Interstadial 8 was not due to climate change or a change in adaptation, but rather concurrent AMH geographic expansion appears to have produced competition that led to Neanderthal extinction.  相似文献   

Sodium Exclusion by Chenopodium Species   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The uptake of sodium, potassium and chloride in Chenopodiumalbum L. and Chenopodium schraderianum Roemer and Schultes wasfollowed over 2 weeks. Ion concentrations and ion fluxes werecompared to those observed in Atriplex prostrata Boucher exDC. and Suaeda maritima (L.) Dum. as halophilic Chenopodiaceae,and to Phaseolus aureus Roxb. and Trifolium alexandrinum L.as sodium-excluding Fabaceae. Seedlings of all species werecultivated in quartz sand at 10 mmol dm–3 of potassium,sodium, and chloride. For Fabaceae low uptake rates of alkali ions and sodium retentionin roots are substantiated in Phaseolus. Results for Atriplexand Suaeda illustrate high uptake rates of alkali ions and preferentialtransport of sodium to the shoots. In contrast to halophilic chenopods, Chenopodium album andC.schraderianum show low sodium concentrations in shoots and ahigh K-Na-selectivity of net ion fluxes. Evidence for sodiumexclusion by their roots is presented. Sodium exclusion by Chenopodiumspecies is not as efficient as in Phaseolus, but is within therange of that found in other Fabaceae. Unlike other glycophytes,the Chenopodium species show the high rates of alkali ion uptakewhich have been found in their halophilic relatives. Key words: Chenopodiaceae, Fabaceae, ion uptake, salt exclusion, K-Na-selectivity  相似文献   

Exclusion in hyaluronate gels.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
Osmotic pressures of solutions of hyaluronate (HA) (mol wt 117,000) and mixtures of HA and bovine serum albumin (BSA) in phosphate-buffered saline, pH 7.2 were measured with a membrane osmometer. The data were fit with a virial expansion in integral powers of total nondiffusible solute concentration. Values of number average molecular weight were calculated for HA and the mixtures from the first virial coefficients. The excluded volume of HA in the single nondiffusible solute solution was calculated from the second virial coefficient extracted from the data on the HA solution. The excluded volume of HA with respect to BSA was estimated from the "osmotic parameters" of HA and BSA by an approach developed in 1976 by Shaw. The resulting excluded volume of HA with respect to BSA was compared with those obtained from a lightly cross-linked HA gel and from solutions of HA (mol wt 1.5 x 10(6)) studied in 1964 by Laurent. The development of this cross-linked HA gel and its subsequent calibration are described.  相似文献   

We have previously shown that G8-1, a murine clonal skeletal-muscle cell line, produces a substrate-attached extracellular matrix [Beach, Burton, Hendricks & Festoff (1982) J. Biol. Chem. 257, 11437-11442]. To examine further the expression of extracellular-matrix proteins by muscle cells, we have analysed the collagenous proteins secreted by G8-1 myoblasts. We have found that collagens and/or procollagens, corresponding to genetic types I, III and IV (and possibly V), are produced and secreted by G8-1 myoblasts. The major secreted collagenous polypeptides were identified as alpha 1 type I and its precursors by using pulse-chase studies, pepsin and collagenase digestions and CNBr fragmentation. The presence of lesser amounts of the other collagens was determined by immunoprecipitation. These results demonstrate that clonal skeletal-muscle cells, in the absence of fibroblasts and an exogenous collagen substrate, are able to synthesize and secrete several extracellular-matrix collagenous proteins in proportions similar to those which are commonly found in muscle tissue and mixed cultures of muscle cells and fibroblasts.  相似文献   

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